The Kingdom [join in the ooc]

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:13 pm

[ooc:Someone please delete that chicken post, and kick his ass.]

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:47 pm

(what the hell was that? I hate spamers. )

Bunny took another quick glance aroudn the room. There had to be something, a leaver or something she could pull to open a path.

(Im not sure what the small area looks like other than its more or less a box. Are there any windows? Because Bunny dosen't realy have any magic.)


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:08 pm

The small area was more like a rectangle there was a carpet that seemed to be stuck under the fall wall because it had not fallen with the rest of the floor. On the left wall hung a picture, this in its self is not unusal what was unusal was that it was a painting of a donkey.


Re: The Kingdom [join in the ooc]

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:24 pm

((The rapier is more of a ceremonial one, not ment to be used in combat. It's not visible to most people, as it's under the cloak. If Ensifer were to open or remove his cloak, it would be very visible. It's as much part of his formal attire as his coat of arms would have been. I was going to bring all this up if the guards tried to confescate it.))

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:38 pm

Bunny ran to the painting and pushed it. "Its difrent, normaly you would see fine horses on palce walls." She looked at it thinking prehaps it was the key to her escape.


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:16 pm

[OOC: Then continue on.]

To her surprise there was a wall behind the painting and nothing more or less. Even more of the floor fell away only about one third of the floor was left.

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:20 pm

Bunny droped the painting and ran back to the wall where the rug disapeared under. She grabed the rug and tuged on it, not realy sure if it would do any good but at least she could hold on if the floor were to completly give way.


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:26 pm

And it did. The floor left and Bunny dangeled holding onto the rug. She faintly herd some ripping noise, but Bunny had other things on her mind.

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:38 pm

Bunny held on tightly.

"Ahhh!" She screamed. It was times like this she wished she knew some magic. "ANYONE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME! HELP!"

(I didn't give her magic because I thought you said not to. I realy am stuck as to how to get out.)


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:45 pm

[OOC:No you have magic you just don't know about it.]

Once again nothing happened, wait no that's not true something did happen, one end of the rug ripped out from under the wall. The good thing is that even after the rug, with Bunny hanging on it, colided with the wall Bunny still held on.

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:56 pm

"Off," Bunny said as she hit the wall. "Well at least I held on." She said as she clung to the rug. "Now what?" She said looking down.

"I just got free, And now I'm going to die?" She held on tight. Not sure what else to try or do.


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:03 pm

Bunny fell...

[OOC:Last chance, (mayhaps your latent magical abilities, like praying, or thinking...]

Posts: 1245
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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:13 pm

Bunny let out a scream and crossed her arms infront of her. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew around her lifting her up. She opened her eyes to see herself hovering about an inch above the spikes.

"Aiiee," she screamed and closed her eyes. "Someplace else someplace else someplace else." She said. Her body began to tingle and she felt herself fall flat onto solid ground.

She sat up to see that she was on the other side of the wall.

She fell back on her back and sighed.

"What the hell was that?" She said closing her eyes and laying there. She stood up, breathing heavy. "It sure took a lot out of me. ..what ever it was."

(hope that this was ok)

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Basement time

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:12 pm

Marissa looked around in shock, she had thought that she heard a voice of a young woman screaming.

This can't be too good. I'm in the basement, or al least I think I'm in the basement, and I'm hearing screams. What in the world is going on around here...?


Re: Basement time

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:37 pm

Bunny got up and started again for the end of the hallway. The really sad sad thing about all of this is that Bunn fell, again. This time she happened to land on non-spiked ground. In fact it seemed to be a basement. Three strange people were there.

[OOC: Only one interectiong post allowed between Kuro and Bunny, we need to give time for the two others to catch up. where are they?]

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Re: Basement time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:49 pm

Bunny looked up wiht a graon.

"Ouch. . that hurt." She said rubing her head and her backside. "What the. . ." she said standing and looking at the others. "Uh. . .hi?"


Re: More walking...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:28 pm

As Ensifer entered the Palace many decorative things could be seen. After asking many people and getting a lot of run around Ensifer was directed towards three hallways, he was given no clues onto which hallway to choose. All three halways looked almost exactly alike.


Re: More walking...

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:41 pm

Only taking a minute to consider, Ensifer strode through the center hallway. His cape flowed smoothly behind him, affecting that oh so dashing billow. He contemplated his surroundings. Lavish, certainly. Not as original in decoration as he thought it'd be, but quiet effective in expressing exactly how much authority and wealth the King had.

Kind of like every other Duke and Baron. Only more so. I would have expected more marble.... and silver. Everyone knows the country is rich, a palace really should establish the power of the King...


Re: More walking...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 9:52 pm

Ensifer walked a long way and noted many of the useless high priced sutff that lined the hallway. After what seemed to be forever he came out to what words could barely describe. But I'm goning to give it a shot anyway. What wasn't gold was velvet, and what ever wasn't either of those was marble. There were two stair cases that lead down to the level below. There was a blacony on the level Ensifer is on that circles the whole room. On the far back wall rested a huge throne. A plump man was in a chair, and a slender shapley, and well endoud woman stood next to him, his 'chamber made' Ensifer assumed. Many nobels lined both walls there was light conversations going around. Despite the fact that they were all whispering it created a lot noise. One other man stood in the center infront of the throne talking with the king it seemed. Because of the noise Ensifer couldn't hear what was being said. To the left and right the other halls were visable.

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/20/03 8:53:52 pm


Done walking, I guess.

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Thu Mar 20, 2003 10:33 pm

Damn, that's a lot of crowns. He's a Count... so's he... Duke, Duke, Bishop, Du~

There we go, eight points on the crown. If he's not the King, I'll be the jester in a minute.

Ensifer approached the King, noting the armsmen flanking him.

Well, time to put this rapier to it's purpose.

Ensifer brushed open his cape with a flourish, and knealt before his leige. The sword was drawn in a flash of steel, and held breifly in salute before the highest of the high nobles. It came down, and laid at rest on the floor, pommel facing the King. The message was clear, and a time honored one: This sword was in the service of the king, and Ensifer would bear no blade in the king's presence.

Any other noble in this room hasn't a clue how to use a blade except for what I just did. Not that anyone has been ordered to use a sword in the name of the King for a couple hundred years... of course, I might be changing that right now. Wouldn't Dad smile at that.

The hidden dagger at his breast and the other at his hip were drawn and likewise placed on the unblemished marble floor. Thus free of blades, he arose and approached the King, knealing again.

"My leige, I come regarding your public call for volunteers to investigate the atrocities comitted: I am at your service."

And hopefully, I can get well enough in his good graces to not worry about getting my head chopped off for knowing exactly how to use that blade. And then, I can call the Royal Guard on the bastards that killed my father...

Edited by: [url=>WhiteWerefox</A] at: 3/20/03 9:48:36 pm


Re: Done walking, I guess.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:12 pm

The King nodded, it was a good change from the slave that had came in ealier. The sword had startled him, but it was obvious that he had maners.

"Please enter through that door over there. Thalamus is already helping someone curently so it may take a bit."

A door could be seen off to the side.


Re: Done walking, I guess.

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:24 pm

Ensifer stood, walked backwards till he knealt again and replaced all his weapons, and only then turned his back on the King to leave for the indicated door.

He slipped through the crowd present, not even brushing shoulders with anyone. The Rapier never rattled in it's sheath, and never fumbled around his legs.

He arrived at the door, and slipped through it silently... barring the hinges soft creak.

"Thalamus?" He said. "The king bade me to come here."


Re: Done walking, I guess.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:32 pm

The room was also circular, and four storys high. The bottom floor was one huge closet. The only break in it was made for the door. Hanging in the closet were pants, lots of pants. Pants in every style imanginable. The next floor was the same thing except no break, no door. And on that floor instead of pants hung shirts. The next floor jackets, cloaks, and other realated clothing. The last floor was filled with weapons, think of a weapon and if it's not up there it doesn't exisit.
Thalamus sees Ensifer and says, "First floor first. The other one is almost done."
[OOC:Write your everything until you're done in the room. You can make it several posts if you like.]


Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:38 am

I can't believe he's not escorting me...

On the first floor, Ensifer picked up two pairs of baggy, loose, light white pants, and a heavier black pair just in case. Moving on to the second floor, he nicked a black short sleeve tunic and three light poofy-sleeved shirts.

The frilly sleeves make you look like a pansy, but you gotta hide your arms, boy. If they can't tell where they are, they can't stab them, now can they? Get fluffy cuffs and they won't find your wrist either. Thanks, dad.

Third floor he took two cloaks, a heavy black one and a more elegant white one with cream trimming and cordage. He moved over to another section of the floor, to pick up three black vests and a white jacket with a high collar and snug sleeves.

By the edge, white leather. Good quality too.

He nicked two excellent and very heavy short capes, one white and one black and both with good trimming, before moving up to the fourth floor.

Ensifer took one look at the available weapontry, and tossed both his daggers away. He drunk in the sight for a minute, and then set about meandering through the asiles.

Where choosing his clothes took about as much time as walking from point to point did, perusing the weapons lasted about four hours before he picked a well made knife. It was long, thin, and plain, but the steel was sure and the simple silver handle gave it a quiet dignity.

Two matching daggers, Steel blades replacing what was probably an iron edge, were selected next. the blades weren't nearly the legnth of the silver one, but they were far less lean and the handles were mahogany grips set in an iron hilt. Sometimes, flash and pomp was best left out of sight.

There weren't as many rapiers or foils among the choosings as there were broad swords and other less elegant bretheren, and most of them were unneccessarily gaudy as to be impractical. He was about to give up when he came upon a blade of magnificient qualty. The ballance was near perfect, the blade held it's spring, and the guard would stop a broadsword. Around the bell, birds of prey were etched into the steel surface, and along the hilt "Wehnwindle" was etched across the quillions in flourid caligraphy.

Mi'lady... Shall we dance?

Ensifer took his fencer's stance, and weaved among the weapon racks with a comrad as noble as he. The blade hummed in several flourishes, and Ensifer came to a rest satisfied with his new partner.

He stopped to pick up a plain leather sheath, rigid enough to be used defencivly or as a club, a sap to keep tucked in his tunic, and returned to the third floor.

He grabbed two pairs of good leather boots, again one black and one white, A broad hat, and several pouches to keep on his belt. All he had collected was compactly folded and squirreled away in a well sized backpack, and a Cooking kit was setted atop that. He also scrounged some jewelry, some of which he wore and most of which ended up buried in the pack.

He returned to Thalamus, pack full. "I may need a steed, and tack for it, in the future. Is this available to me?"

(OOC: Ensifer is very gallant, and very noble, and very smooth, and very very mercenary. Not greedy, just mercenary. Hey, not like he's a paragon of virtue.)

Posts: 1245
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Re: Done walking, I guess.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:48 am

Bunny walked towards the others shyly. Not sure what else to do.


Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:54 am

"There may be. I'm not in charge of that."

[OOC: Stay in the room, the other pcs need to do enough to make up for the six hours or so you spent in there.Marissa there are three other people, who technically are there... please reword your post.]

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/21/03 12:18:56 am

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:09 am

Marissa turned as she heard Bunny's footsteps behind her.

"Ah, another one. Well, at least we're not alone. How's your behind?" She asked her as she streached her shoulders.

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Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:25 am

Bunny blushed.

"Uh. .fine thank you Madam." Bunny said lowering her head. She stared up at Marissa. Bunnies grip tightened around her staff as she approached them. She was nervous, something very odd had happened. . .and now she was standing amoung people.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:31 am

"No no no no. Don't call me that. Call me Marissa." She smiled at Bunny. "How on earth did you end up here? I mean, besides the obvious."

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Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:37 am

Bunny sighed.

"Well I found this flyer," Bunny said pulling it out. "I was kinda hoping to work in the Palace stabels." She said. "I went down this hall way. .and . . " Bunny said looking freaked out. "Then the floor began to collapse and then before I know it I am fling, then appear someplace else." Bunny said. "Then I ended up here with you."

"I. ." Bunny said with a smile. "I will call you Marissa." She said.


Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:25 pm

Jou didn't bother with the top floor he didn't really want a weapon. Jou made his way down and passed a man looking at the pants. 'He picks such extravagent things...' Jou thought. Jou left and went back out into the Kings court area, where he had came from. A quick look in the king's direction told him that the king was not to thrilled with seeing him again. He walked over and stood beside the man who had been talking with the king.

Angel turned around and looked at the new people. "Hello," he said, "This hallway seems to be the only way out. Anythoughts on how we could go down it safely. I'm sure you saw how safe those lovely hallways were."

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Re: Ooh, free stuff.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:27 pm

Bunny steped back a bit.

"Uh . .you mean we have to go threw another one?" She bit her lower lip and then sighed. "This isn't very much fun."


My first post :D

Unread postby sseko » Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:02 pm

A thud on his shabby door and a crabby voice woke him.

"Boy get up!"

It took him a minute to get his bearings, and get dressed. The tattered shirt and rugged pants not really much for clothing. He went through the usual peasant routine of choirs and more choirs.

As he was finishing coming from the local market he spotted a poster and eyed it. It made no sence to him so he found someone who looked educated. He found one who told him its meaning.

"It basically says that the king is looking for warriors, because of the recent incidences."

E-ko smiled, this was his chance to find a way to become a Cleric instead of a stupid farmer. His brother could do that.

Taking off after thanking the man he run up to the castle and walked through. It was kind of strange but the entrance had no guards. But he walked on

OOC: I'm just assuming that the killed guards where carried of ok.

Then he came up to the three corridors and scratched the back of his head.

"which one?" he then proceeded to pick the best way he knew how.

"Iny, mine,mine,moe." it ended up being the right one, and he stepped through.

Kuro Kodomo

Watch Your step...

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:49 pm

Marissa glanced at Bunny and then to Angel.

"Well, I guess there's only one way to find out if it's safe or not." She grinned and cracked her knuckles.

With a laugh, she pushed Angel into the hall and followed after him.


Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:27 am

E-ko started walking down the hallway, he was many many things so fancy he woud've never seen other wise. Even his lord didn't have things this nice. After much walking and gawking he got to the end...

What wasn't gold was velvet, and what ever wasn't either of those was marble. There were two stair cases that lead down to the level below. There was a blacony on the level E-ko is on that circles the whole room. On the far back wall rested a huge throne. A plump man was in a chair, and a slender shapley, and well endoud woman stood next to him, his 'chamber made' E-ko assumed. E-ko had seen his lords 'chamber made', his sister, who could not even begin to compare with her. Many nobels lined both walls there was light conversations going around. Despite the fact that they were all whispering it created a lot noise. Two other men stood in the center infront of the throne talking with the king it seemed. Because of the noise E-ko couldn't hear what was being said. To the left the other halls were visable.

[OOC:Sorry E-ko thought it might be a nice touch, I'll take it out if you want me too.]

Angel kicked and fought but he kinda wanted to go anyway. Marissa kept pushing him down the long, long, very dark and moist hallway.

[OOC:I'm leaving this spot open, in case the other would like to follow. The other person is just gone, so continue on without.

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Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:54 am

Bunny followed quickly behind Marissa, who seemed more confident in what she was doing.

"I wonder why this place has so many traps." She said as she looked around her. "Miss Marissa do you think we'll find any more?"

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:00 am

Marissa glanced over her shoulder at Bunny, "Well, considering that the mins hallways were full of traps, mor likely than not will we find some down here."

as an after thought she added, "Drop the 'Miss'. It's just plain 'Marissa'."

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Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:30 am

"Yes Miss. . .I mean Marissa." Bunny said as she looked nervousy around.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:32 am

"Look, I do believe that that is the end of this POINTLESS basement maze like hallway."


Re: Watch Your step...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:34 am

They continued shoving, being shoved, and walking behind those being shoved, and shoving, for a long time. Eventually they came to another door. It was closed, and it was so dark you couldn't see the handle.


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