The Shroud of Dark Mist

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The Dark Gun
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The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:34 pm

*It was a foggy day in Britian, just like so many other days, but today was different. Today things would change once more. After the recent ravagings of the undead, the Hellsing orginization was still recovering... The damage done by the trickery of Incognito and the traitor in their midst had killed most of their best men, but they had been re-recruiting... This, however, has left them lagging in the war against the undead, and outer forces are now begining to rear their heads. The Vatican and the Belmonts, one a bitter foe, and the other a barely known rival... Numerous agents from both of these forces had been found in Britain... But perhaps it was for the better, for none would be quite prepared for what was about to come to pass... Many were the outsiders who had come, some from the dark country, some from elsewhere... Some had plans for wealth, and others had more, sinister ideas.*

*In a recently ruined building, four men stood about a circle.*

"It lies here?"

"It's fragments sleep within this realm."

"So let it be known."

"So let it be said."

"So let it be recalled."

"So let it be done!"

*They each spoke, one at a time, with the last 4 statements they eached raised a staff to a pinacle point. Then each began to chant, dark words, words that would call spirits.*

"Many have died in this place!"

"Many souls have been laid to rest!"

"Many need to be awakened!"

"Many are those that will join them!"

*They walked about the spot, counterclockwise, and a slow, howling moan slowly began together.*

"One is it which shall lead them."

"One is it which has been defeated."

"One which shall be ever stronger."

"One which shall call them forth."

*They continued their slow walk around the spot, one white dot growing in the center.*

"He was the first to die in this realm."

"He was one unbanished."

"He was a spirit and a force."

"He will bring them all up!"

*A pentagram appeared and grew, a ever growing design, glowing dark orange, sickly green, and dark blue.*





*A long stream of white light shot upwards from the center spot, a huge stream of energy. A beast, a monster who had been destroyed in the real world, not banished as had all before... And as it rose, other, smaller white whisps rose with it...*

*The first sign anyone got of this event was a sight of the Demon Shed, appearing only as a ray of bright light, ascending into the sky, and vanishing from sight, leaving naught but a sparkling trail in the fog. What followed, however, was more disturbing yet. An army of what appeared to be ghouls marched slowly out of the tower, moving into the surrounding town. Unlike ghouls, however, they were not equipped with weapons, instead they attacked with spectral white tenticles that transfixed those they struck and, after only a few moments, added them to their ranks... And also unlike ghouls, they glowed eerily in the fog...*

*Meanwhile, at the Hellsing Mansion*

"All squads, move out!"

*The commands of Lady Integral echoed over the PA system all across the compound.*

"Dammit, Alucard, every single man, woman, and child who died in the Incognito affair has been ressurected as a ghoul... Go! Help the men, take her with you as well."

*They both knew which her she was reffering to, and Alucard nodded, backing off and vanishing into the wall. Before long, the full might of Hellsing moved on the ghoul ranks, but the outcome was far less than certain.*

Edited by: The Dark Gun  Image at: 3/14/03 4:24:08 pm


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:15 pm

There is no such thing as a 'normal' mission when working for the Belmonts. This much established, it's still true that Benjamin Hereti was feeling a sense of deja vu while tracking down this shaman, who had been attempting to resurrect the demon the Belmonts kept sealed. Obviously, he had failed, but Hereti had been assigend to track him down, and prevent him from causing further harm.

He had followed the shaman to London, where he had been hiding out, hoping to avoid detection. Unfortunately for him, the Belmonts' resources had unearthed his location in only a week, and Hereti now stood in the appartment he called home, the shattered door behind him testifying to the fury of his entrance. A heavy spear was imbedded three inches into the floor, surrounded by the remains of the table the man had been at when Hereti entered, and he was now cowering against the far wall, staring up at the barrel of a 9mm pistol that was aimed directly between his eyes.

"L-l-listen, I don't know who you are, but you can't afford to kill me like this. Since you're here, and your weapon has the Belmont family crest on it," the man nodded to the spear standing in the midst of his ruined table, "I'll assume you know who I am, and what I tried to do. But you don't have time to worry about that. Since I got here, I've sensed growing powers collecting in this city. I don't know what they're doing, or where they are, but if you didn't like what I was trying to do, you'll hate this even more. Now-"

"Enough," Hereti ground out. "All I care about right now is the people you tried to hurt. I'm not letting you walk out of here alive to try something like that. I couldn't face them if I did."

There was a click as the safety on the pistol was released, followed by a bang. Then the man's body slumped against the wall, and Hereti reholstered his weapon. "May God have mercy on your soul."

With that, he walked over to his spear and, after a moment, ripped it out of the ground and began rewrapping it in it's carrying cloth. A moment later, he closed walked out of the appartment, leaving the carnage behind him.

New worries plauged him, however, as he walked out of the building. To what had the shaman refered? His hands deep in his pockets, and his collar pulled high up around his neck, the fallen priest walked into the mists of London, wondering what darkness would come next, and what steps he should take to protect those around him.

His thoughts were interupted when he looked up and saw a beam of light rocket through the sky. Exactly what the shaman had been refering to, he suspected, he could discover at the source of that light ray. Looking at it warily, the regenerator set off at a fast run in the general direction of the light's source. It might be necessary to commondeer a vehicle of some sort, but he doubted that would be much of a problem. His first concern was reaching that light source...

Edited by: [url=>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 3/14/03 4:32:02 pm

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:12 pm

Lady Integral's announcement reverberated through the seemingly-empty quarters of one Danté Asrylius. The dwelling appeared to be fairly organized and clean. Towards the back of the room, there was an elaborately carved oak desk. Atop the desk lay several books, one of them being Bram Stoker's Dracula and another dealing with Vlad the Impaler. Novelty reading items, of course. The inhabitant of this dwelling knew these books almost word for word, as he had plenty of time to read them, to say the least.

There was suddenly a harsh knock at the door. A voice resounded through the room from behind the closed door.

"Sir! Sir! We're moving out! Sir? Sir!", a feminine voice cried out. Her frantic pounding continued until a low, ominous voice answered her.

"I heard the announcement... I'll be there momentarilly.", the voice responded. The knocking ceased and footsteps were heard as the informant ran off.

One might begin to notice that one particular corner of the room seemed to be growing darker than the others. It was almost as if the darkness was converging into one single point. As a matter of fact, it was. Seemingly appearing out of the shadows, a head appeared. The head seemed to float in midair, it's wolf-like topaz eyes glittering. Shortly after, the rest of the vampire's body appeared.

"Ghouls, eh?", Danté thought to himself. He stroked a hand through his mid-length brown hair. The hair seemed to cascade as it fell back into place. Danté strode over to a nearby closet, covering the distance in several great strides. He was fairly tall, perhaps slightly more so than six feet. He was also strikingly handsome, as most vampires were.

The vampire swung the closet open, looking inside. Upon the wall, two holsters and a scabbard hung. All three were occupied with a weapon. Danté took the holsters down, strapping one to each side of his belt. He also took the scabbard down and slid it into the straps on the back of his deep-blue trenchcoat. After quickly patting his trenchcoat in certain areas to make sure he had some ammunition, he stepped out of the closet... and melded away into nothing.

A fog hung in the air where he had been standing. The fog wavered slightly before floating over to an open window. Without a trace, the fog vanished out the window, seeming to follow the congregation of Hellsing troops...


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:30 pm

"My first mission for Hellsing... I've learned about these ghouls. The undead remains of humans, drained of their blood by FREAKS or Vampires... To kill them, destroy their heart or head completely. Silver bullets will kill them instantly. Their weakness is their reduced speed and agility."

Daniel was constantly reminding him of what he had been told the short time he was with Hellsing. He was not nervous, for he did not fear these ghouls. They were no match for the Hellsing knights, he believed. He was not nervous, but he wanted to make sure he proved his worth this mission. As a SAS agent he had proved his skill over and over again, but this wasn't the SAS. He checked his pistol once more. They were ok. He had checked them three times already...

"Silver bullets... Standard issue at Hellsing. I guess the silver they were made from would be blessed, or something like that. It's quite a religious fight, actually. God's knights, fighting the creatures of Hell..."

Daniel looked around the armored transport. They'd be arriving at their destination soon. The small space in the back of the transport was filled with men like him. A lot of them were new to Hellsing as well. He didn't know then, and had no desire of getting to know them. They were soldiers, like him. Merely tools in the war against darkness. He should not care too much about the soldiers. It was war. Some of them, or maybe a lot, were going to die in this war. Though they did not speak about it, everyone knew this. Daniel wasn't afraid. He wasn't going to die that easily. The only thing that bothered him, was what would follow after his death. Those killed by vampires would either become a vampire themselves, or become the mindless slaves of a vampire. He feared that the most. If he had to die, so be it. But being turned into a walking mess of rotting flesh, mindlessly following the vampire that created him... He didn't even want to think about it.

"I wonder if I'll encounter anything other that ghouls. Vampires and FREAKS are higher priority targets than those ghouls. I wonder how easy those will go down with these weapons... Maybe they'll turn to ashes just as easily. But I've heard that some vampires are far more possible than anyone can imagine. They're supposed to have powers beyond imagination..."

Daniel turned his thoughts back to the present. In Hellsing, he was nothing more than a soldier. He would be given his orders, and he would follow them. His duty was to stop the ghouls at all costs. He closed his eyes. They'd be arriving at their destination soon. He was not nervous. He would survive...

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:50 pm

Father Moren looked up as he heard the familiar *chick* of a man entering confession. He put down the book he had been reading and walked over to the two small booths. As soon as he'd entered his booth, the man at the other side began with a deep, troubled voice.

"<span style="color:gray;">Forgive me father, for I have sinned.</span>"

"Tell me your sins, my son." Moren replied reactively. He was used to this.

"<span style="color:gray;">Father, I...</span>" The man started, but went silent.

"It is alright, my son. Tell me what you have done, and God shall shine upon you with his mercy and his love."

"<span style="color:gray;">Father, I am... sorry. I have slaughtered and murdered... all in the name of the Lord.</span>" Morens eyes grew wider as he heard this. "<span style="color:gray;">I have fought as a holy beacon against evil, but I fear that innocent lives, may have been lost...</span>"

"We-Well, my son..." Moren began, not knowing what to say. He could feel cold sweat trickle down his back. "Whatever is done is done, and that can not be changed. You have sinned by killing in the name of the Lord, and you have committed griveous crimes. Yet... God will forgive you..." He could feel the beat of his heart now, fast and heavy, beating against his ribs as if it was trying to break free from a cage. "If you pray for salvation, He will come for you."

"<span style="color:gray;">Father, what must I do?</span>" The man nearly shouted.

"Fear not, my son. If you go to the police..."

"<span style="color:gray;">THE POLICE?</span>" The man shrieked. "<span style="color:gray;">WHY SHOULD I? I... I DID IT TO SURVIVE! The police have no way of understanding what I'm going through!</span>" Moren realized the danger he was in, and pressed a small red button close to his knees. He'd had it installed in cases just like this. London wasn't a safe city anymore.

However, as soon as the father had pressed the button the man felt silent. Moren looked at the small barrier hiding both's features and wondered what was happening to this obviously insane person. The man was still there, crying it seemed as he shook slightly.

"My son. I know that you fear going to prison, but you will be helped there. There are specialists that can- ACK!" Moren was broken off as the man smashed his hand through the thin wall and grabbed at the priest's collar.

"<span style="color:gray;">Old fool... I know I shouldn't have come here!</span>" Two red glowing dots appeared in the darkness behind the screen. The man jerked his arm, and father Moren was thrown out on the floor of the church. He lost his glasses, and he fumbled around on the floor, unable to find them.

Meanwhile, the man continued his mad banter.
"<span style="color:gray;">I have been granted a power by God himself! It is my duty to kill, to take the lives of heathens!</span>"

The man had walked out of the small booth now, but Moren was unable to see anything except that the man was white with dark blond, almost ashen hair. The man held something pointing towards the priest, and Moren realized with shock that he was holding a gun.

"<span style="color:gray;">I serve the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I am the striking hand of The Rising Sun, and-</span>" The man was cut off as something gleamed and flew straight through the hand holding the gun. For a few moments there didn't seem to happen anything, but then the hand burst into flames, and the man shrieked with anger and pain.

"<span style="color:green;">But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear.</span>" A cold man's voice echoed slowly in the empty church, sending shrills down the spine of the priest. "<span style="color:green;">Fear him, which after he hath killed you hath power to cast into hell.</span>" Moren suddenly found his glasses and put them on. A tall man, dressed in what looked like a combination of a priest's robe and a trenchcoat completely in white had appeared in the doorway. On his back was what looked like a sword from the old crusade, and his ruffed dustblond hair went deep down his brow and hid his eyes from view. The only sound in the church was the echoing clinks of the man's boots. The man that had assaulted Moren was now silent, staring intensely at the stranger. He held his right arm close to his chest, the stump of it still giving of trails of smoke. "<span style="color:green;">Yea, I say unto you, Fear him.</span>" The man, now standing in front of the two gave no hint of emotion in his face.

"<span style="color:gray;">Get the hell away from me!</span>" The confessant shouted suddenly, and he took a step backwards. Before the priest could react he had pulled him up with his good arm and held him in a choking hold with the right stump. "<span style="color:gray;">I know your kind...</span>" He hissed nearly inaudible. "<span style="color:gray;">You believe that you are the protectors of humanity... But you are wrong!</span>" A foul smell emerged from the man's mouth and Moren reeked.

"<span style="color:green;">Put the priest down, heretic.</span>" The stranger said calmly, looking straight into the mad mans eyes.

"<span style="color:gray;">And if I don't? Are you going to kill him too?</span>" The man smiled, revealing two sharp canines. "<span style="color:gray;">What if I decide to drain him? You know what will happen, but you can't stop ME!</span>" Suddenly the mad man pulled up another handgun and fired it with his left hand at the stranger. The bullet nearly connected, but it was avoided in the last second. However, this was time enough for the mad man to run into the quarters of Moren, barricading the door into it.

The stranger simply looked at the door, and then shimmered.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Father Moren stared with wide eyes at the maniac that had used him as a hostage.

"Please!" He pleaded. "I am a rightful man, let me live for I have never done anyth..." He was smacked across the face by the madman.

"<span style="color:gray;">Shut up!</span>" He growled. "<span style="color:gray;">Shut up or I'll...</span>" Before he could finish the glass-window was smashed in and the stranger jumped in through it, wielding the giant blade with both hands. However, before he could do anything, the madman fired at him, and the bullet hit him straight in the shoulder, sending him sprawling to the floor.

The priest stared in horror as the man fired two more bullets into the stranger on the floor, making sure that he was dead. When he decided it was so, he turned again to the frightened priest.

"<span style="color:gray;">Now... I've decided what to do with you.</span>" He said with a big grin. "<span style="color:gray;">I will drain your blood, and you will become my slave. Doesn't that sound fun?</span>" The man laughed madly and Moren felt darkness envelope him as the man sank his fangs into his neck.

When finally the deed was done, the man stepped back and laughed. "<span style="color:gray;">There, I'm all finished... Rise now my servant, rise and we shall crush those imbeciles who dare stand up against the power of God!</span>" Before he could say anything else, the Stranger was behind him, brushing away blood splattered on his face.

"<span style="color:green;">For the wicked, there shalt be no judgement.</span>" He said coldly and with a single sweep of his blade, he severed the upper part of the man's body and with a final shriek of pain he dissolved. The man kept looking forward as the priest rose slowly, a deep moan escaping his lips.

"<span style="color:green;">The sacrifice of the shepherd is sometimes required, for the wolf is always close by.</span>"

The head of the priest had disintegrated before it hit the ground.

((OOC - Just wondering, if I remember correctly, if the vampire who did the ghoul dies, the ghoul dies too... Is that right? If so, then just ignore the final part... This got a bit long, and maybe a bit overkill... But you know how I like it! :3))

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:08 pm

The mist that had been following the troops continued onward, floating several feet above the ground. Several of the Hellsing soldiers glanced uneasilly from one to another. Some of them had heard rumor that a vampire had recently joined the ranks of Hellsing, an old one. The rumors also said he was quite powerful... but these were all rumors. The fog flitted away from the group, scouting ahead.

"I wonder what's going through their minds right now.." Danté thought to himself. He had noticed several of the soldiers moving out in an infantry unit alongside the armored transports. A few of them looked very nervous. Danté guessed it was probably their first time facing the undead.

After pausing briefly to reflect on this, the mist swept onwards, ahead of the congregation.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:25 pm

As soon as the door to the small appartment was opened, Ezekiah staggered inside, tearing off the trench-coat and throwing his sword against the wall, making it bang loudly. He made his way unstabely to the bathroom where he began coughing severely. It continued like this for a time, until three small "plops" were heard, as the bullets that had entered his body left it.

Whily wiping blood from around his mouth, he stood up to face himself in the mirror.

He was unshaven, unkept and red-eyed. The lack of sleep he'd had lately had been affecting him, even with his powers. Even so, nothing would stop him from his mission, but perhaps a period of rest was required.

The T-Shirt he had been wearing under the coat(given to him by the pope himself, although Ezekiah hardly believed what he'd said about handmade) had the words PetHead written on them in coarse orange letters on black cloth. He'd found a carton full of them, and wearing them was as good as anything else. His khaki jeans were stained with blood and sweat, and he finally decided that perhaps he should care a little more about his outside appearance, even though it didn't bother him.

He looked at the unused shower in the tiny room. It was an ancient thing, although he had been assured by the landlord that it would suffice. Taking off his clothing painfully slow, he hissed every time he touched one of the healing wounds. They could have been fatal. Or in all honesty, they were fatal, for about half a minute. When finally he stepped into the shower, he nearly screamed in pain as first the ice-cold, then hot, water hit him. Finally the pain subsided into a throbbing ache, and he began to relax.

It wasn't so bad, really. Not bad at all...

Then the phone rang.

(OOC - Should I leave this to the GM or should I make something up myself?)


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:52 am

Daniel pulled his hand trough his hair before putting on his helmet. Once the transport stopped, it was expected that everyone was ready. He checked his gun one last time, and then put it back in his holster. He tightened his bulletproof vest, and as the transport came to a stop, he was ready to go. When the door opened, everyone rushed out. Daniel took his rifle, and followed the rest of the soldiers.

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:04 am

*The Hellsing troops moved in, and almost instantly the fight began. These new ghouls died just as easily as all the others they had faught before, but there was one thing different... Unlike usual, when after a ghoul killed someone it took a while for them to ressurect, anyone they hit was instantly transformed.*

*Crackle... A call went out over the radios...*

"Crap, I don't know if we can handle this... Lady Hellsing? What do we do?"

*One of the commanders worried, his troops were rapidly being assimilated into the opposing forces.*

"We cannot give ground! Others will be there soon!"

IM: But I hope they will be enough...

*The circle of the fighting had expanded. The Hellsing troops had originally tried to surround this foe, and drive them back inwards, but they were slowly being pushed outwards, into an ever-widening and ever-thinning circle. At this point the last reinforcements arrived. More Hellsing operatives joined the fight, but it seemed almost hopeless. News and other media helecoptors flew over the site, taking illegal videos and sound recordings that were being brodcast over radio, internet, and television. Everyone would know what was happening... Perhaps it was for the best, though. It would give them time to escape if it came to that.*


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:05 pm

Hereti arrived to find a scene from hell. Some sort of running battle was already taking place at the location of the origin of the light he had seen, and it seemed that an enourmus number of ghouls had arisen, and were engaged with a force of humans armed with silver weapons. The humans seemed to be losing badly.

Cursing, Hereti reached up to his back and readied his spear, tying it's carrying cloth around the handlebars of the motorcycle he had 'commondeered' (ie, stolen) earlier, in order to reach this location as soon as possible. Using the cloth as a set of impromptu reigns, he kicked the cycle back into gear and rode the motorcycle through the nearest group of ghouls with his lance at ready, looking for all the world like some bizzare, modern day knight charging the ranks of the enemy.

He didn't bother to check and see what kind of damage he had done while going through the ghoul's ranks, instead he continued to head towards the nearest group of humans, trying to ascertain a better idea of exactly what was happening at the moment.

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:24 pm

"Get away from me, you freak!" A shrill voice screamed into the night. The voice belonged to a girl who looked as if she was in her mid-teens. She was yelling at the twisted, dementing corpse walking her way. The monster seemed like it had come out of a movie or some sort of a videogame.

"Uughhhr...", the ghoul groaned. It craned its left "arm" back, preparing to strike the girl with its tentacle. The girl clenched her eyes shut and raised her hands in front of her face, her life beginning to flash before her eyes. She steeled herself... for a blow that would never come. Wondering why nothing had happened, she peeked at what was going on.

It appeared that a young man, perhaps in his late twenties or so, had stepped between her and the ghoul. She sat there on the ground, trembling in fear. The man appeared to have some sort of an antique sword strapped to his back.

"May your soul find rest.", Danté spoke, his face devoid of expression. There was a click as one of his handguns was drawn from its holster. There was another series of clicks as he brought his other hand up, firmly grasped the slide of the handgun, and cocked it.

"..Hurgh... ...urghhh!", The ghoul groaned. The sight of a man materializing out of the fog had brought it into a state of confusion. The confusion didn't last long, however. There was another click as Danté flipped the safety off of his handgun, followed by a deafening roar of gunpowder. A molten round of silver erupted from the muzzle of the gun, flying towards the ghoul's left eye.

"Hide, now." Danté spoke once more as he squeezed the trigger again. Another silver round careened towards the ghoul's right eye.


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:11 pm

'Damn it!'

His first battle, and they were losing. This certainly was not a good start. The amount of ghouls was simply overwhelming, and every time one of the Hellsing troops died, another enemy was created. Daniel fired a few times at the approaching army of ghouls, and decided to fall back to a more defensive position. He looked up, and saw the media helicopters flying overhead.

'Damned media sharks, treating this like it's some kind of soccer match!' he thought as he ran into an abandoned building. He ran up to the first floor, and took off his helmet.

He picked a window, and readied his sniper rifle. 'Now for some serious work.' he thought, while picking out his first target. Suddenly, he noticed something happening in the mass of ghouls. A man on a bike was crashing trough the ghoul ranks, killing every undead that got in his way.

'What the hell is that?'

Daniel decided not to pay any attention to it for now, as it was obvious the man was on the same side he was. Instead he brought his eye to his scope, and picked out a target.

The target had hardly hit the ground, or another one had been selected. Daniel continued thinning out the ghoul ranks, but it was pretty obvious that his actions were nothing compared to the losses Hellsing was recieving. 'As long as there are still people alive, there's hope.' he thought, killing another ghoul. He had been given an order to stop these ghouls, and he intended to do so.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 15, 2003 3:08 pm

Ezekiah picked up the phone and grunted an answer.

"<span style="color:green;">Yes?</span>" He said coldly. The other side of the line was silent for a moment, but when the voice began speaking Ezekiah found himself, to his annoyance, gasping slightly. When finally the voice was finished, he nodded despite communicating with someone he couldn't see. "<span style="color:green;">I see... I will be there soon.</span>"

The line went dead and he dropped it, not even bothering putting it on the machine. He grabbed the clothing he'd taken off when he'd entered the shower and put them on quickly. When he was done with that he focused for an instance, and both he, his trench-coat and the large sword shimmered and then dissolved into several small golden crosses. For a moment they hovered in the air, and then they zoomed away, spreading out so as to not raise much attention.

The hunt was in action, and the wolf would know just how hard the shepherd would fight for his herd.

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 3:10 pm

The ghoul whom he had shot let out a final death wail before it disintigrated. All that remained of it was a pile of ashes.

"Dust to dust... ashes to ashes.", Dante thought quietly. The girl who he had saved had fled the area, like he had commanded. Now he was left alone in the alleyway. The sounds of strife and death filtered through the city to the alleyway where he was residing, reminding him of his purpose here.

There was a loud metallic scraping noise as he drew the Soulfyre from its scabbard. The holy instrument gleamed faintly as a ray of moonlight caught on its magnificent form. Hefting his longsword in one hand and one of his handguns in the other, he set out towards the main battle.

The sounds of his boots against the concrete mingled in with the sounds of chaos created by the bloody bedlam. After a brief walk, he had found a skirmish.

It appeared as if five ghouls had cornered a pair of Hellsing agents, as well as a civilian. Quickly, Danté hurried over and joined the the three.

(OOC: Dark Gun, are you going to moderate the fights or can we just do what we want?)

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:31 pm

OOC: For now, this fight willl remain more or less unmoderated. Depending on what you do I will describe events in the fight on the whole... Things might change after a time, but I'll notify you when it happens.

*The new rush of troops helped push the ranks of the undead back for a short while. A few vampires joining the fray also seemed to help immeasurably, as they seemed, if not immune, very resistant to the undead attack... However, the few that there were could not stop them all, and Hellsing could not afford to allow any of these new menaces to escape...*

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:42 pm

One. Two.

Two shots were fired from Danté's gun, and thus two ghouls were rendered nothing more than ashes. It was now Danté, the civilian, and the two Hellsing soldiers. One of the Hellsing troops raised his MP5 submachine gun and sighted the nearest ghoul with it. He squeezed the trigger and a burst of silver bullets were fired towards the ghoul. The ghoul seemed to spasm as its body was riddled with silver, it's face twisted into an expression of grotesqueness. The ghoul then disintegrated, freeing another tormented soul.

"Good shot, soldier." Danté complimented the soldier that had killed the ghoul. The two remaining ghouls hesitated slightly, their tendrils writhing about. Danté used their momentary hesitation to his advantage. In a flash, he'd covered the distance of roughly twenty feet to the first ghoul. The muscles of his sword-arm rippled like steel cords as he swung the blade around in a vicious upwards diagonal arc. The blade passed clean through the ghoul's rotting body, severing it's heart.

"Urgh.." The ghoul grunted as a line of white light formed on its torso, from its side up to its shoulder. The line was in fact where Danté had cleaved it with his sword. The ghoul slid in half, tumbling to the ground. It didn't get back up.

Another round of firing erupting from one of the Hellsing soldiers. Apparently, the remaining ghoul had tried to lurch behind Danté, but luckily the soldier spotted it and put a silver bullet into the back of its head. The shambling monster disintegrated into ashes, like all its fellow ghouls.

Danté turned, nodding to the two brave soldiers. They saluted him, recognizing him as a member of Hellsing.

"In the name of God... the ones who have been turned into the living dead without a will... eternal night shall be granted." One of the soldiers spoke in a solemn voice.

"Amen" Danté and the two soldiers sounded in unison. With that, the four of them (Danté, the two soldiers, and the civilian) moved out. They sought out other groups of Hellsing soldiers and helped them, then the soldiers they had aided joined their group. Before long, Danté had re-organized his own little squadron of about ten to fifteen soldiers or so that were mowing down ghouls with ruthless efficiency. Danté was relying primarily on his sword, as he didn't want to waste too much of his ammunition. He darted back and forth between enemy ranks, tearing through them with his Soulfyre.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:50 pm

As Danté continued assaulting the approaching ghouls, a strange whizzing noise filled the air. It grew louder and louder until suddenly several small golden objects, no bigger than a palm or so, came soaring through the sky and centered at a single point, roughly forming the shape of a man.

Shocked, the Vampire finally realizes what the objects are.


However, before he can react the crosses shimmer, and in their place stands a tall, dirt-brown haired man with a large two-handed sword rested on his back. Dressed in a strange white trench-coat, the man looks up with dark brown eyes at the Vampire.

"<span style="color:green;">Rulers, land and people change, but through time, all will be judged equally, and the darkness in their souls shall be revealed.</span>" The man said, unsheathing his large weapon. However, before he could attack the vampire a new wave of ghouls assault them, busying the stranger.

He remained silent after his initial saying, cutting through the ghouls with a fierce look in his eyes. Not even flinching whenever his blade tears through undead flesh.


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:16 pm

From his position, Daniel could see a large part of the battle. He noticed the tide was changing, and with the new reinforcements, the ghoul army had almost been slowed down to a halt.

'Well, it looks like we may win after all', he thought, reloading his rifle. He had noticed the arrival of several men who were not dressed in the same combat uniform that all of the normal Hellsing soldiers were wearing. Where they with Hellsing? He didn't recognize them.

'Who cares anyway,' Daniel thought 'as long as they are killing ghouls, I've got nothing to complain.'

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:20 pm

The appearance of the regenerator brought a faint smirk to Danté's lips. He'd heard quite a bit about these beings, but he'd only had the privilege to fight one.

"Quite interesting.. " Danté thought as he raised his Desert Eagle towards an oncoming ghoul. The ghoul raised its tentacle, preparing to strike down one of Danté's comrades. It didn't get the chance, however, as it was slain by a silver bullet that had erupted from the gun's smoking barrel. Mentally, he was keeping track of the bullets left in his current magazine. He had six left, so far.

One of his men cried out in pain as he was asphyxiated by one of the ghoul's tendrils. This caught the vampire's attention immediately. He darted over to the ghoul, covering the distance in several great strides. As he ran, held his longsword back, the tip pointing towards the ghoul. When it looked like Danté was about to collide with the back of the ghoul, he thrust the sword forwards, combining his speed and strength into one powerful attack. The stab skewered the ghoul through the heart, causing it to wriggle and spasm ferociously. Blood oozed out down onto the blessed blade while the gaping wound sizzled and burned.

"The Lord shall be with you now." Danté uttered through clenched teeth as he continued to drive forwards, also impaling the soldier that had been transfixed; saving him from becoming a ghoul. He bore his fangs and snarled before whipping the sword around, tearing it out the sides of the bodies. The soldier and the ghoul disintegrated... just like the others.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:29 pm

Ezekiah scowled as he picked up what Danté had said about the Lord. He had half his mind to assault the vampire, but he had more pressing business. If only his orders had been differently...

Cutting his way through the horde of ghouls, he steadily made his way towards a small group of Hellsing soldiers.

"Lady Hellsing!" A soldier shouted in a hand-held radio device. "Our forces are growing weaker, what are your..." He was cut off as Ezekiah, now in front of him, snatched the radio from the soldier.

"<span style="color:green;">Hellsing, I presume?</span>" He said with a mock voice in the communicator. "<span style="color:green;">Listen, Lady Hellsing, If you wish for your men to live, then you'd better listen to me.</span>" He nearly whispered the last thing. "<span style="color:green;">I have received orders from my commanders to purge this area. However, as of now, that doesn't involve your puppets. However, should anyone of your toy soldiers stand in my way, be it man or fiend, I will give no second thought of killing that person.</span>"

((OOC- Dark Gun, could you play as Lady Hellsing? I'm kind of lost here, really, since I have no idea what to do))

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:38 pm

OOC: Never fear...

IC: "WHAT!? Dammit, who the hell do you think you are?"

*The radio cut out at that point though, as the sky, barely seen above, changed from a dark blue color, to a deep red. A man could be seen, floating over the battlefeild, dressed in a long, red trenchcoat, he watched what was going on, for a second, from beneate a wide brimmed red hat, and through yellow glasses. He drew his gun and pointed downwards towards one edge of the battle's circle. The sound of his gun firing could be heard all across the battlefeild, and the Hellsing fighters cheered, as almost all the undead on that side were desintigrated by the power and aim of Alucard's bullets. From a building on the opposite side of the ring, another loud shot could be heard, and a wave of flame swept over another part of the ghoul forces as Seras Victoria's powerful sniper weapon went to work... The tides of combat rapidly turned.*

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:39 pm

Danté looked around now, standing in the midst of the troops. So far they'd been dispatching ghouls left and right with only one casualty. Danté was inwardly proud of the humans. He was interupted by something he saw, though.

"What's that..?" Danté thought. What he had seen was the moonlight glance off of the lens of the sniper's scope. Squinting slightly, he saw Daniel on top of a building, sniping ghouls with lethal accuracy. Danté decided it would be wise to take his troops to that building and fire down on the unsuspecting ghouls, like Daniel was.

"Come!" Danté's voice boomed. He set off at a brisk run, headed for the building. He wasn't running as fast as he could, however, as none of the humans would be able to keep up with him. He ran at such a pace that all of them would have an easy time staying with him and none would get left behind.

About a half a minute later they arrived at the building Daniel was stationed at. The ghouls that had stood in their way were mowed down by either Danté or the soldiers' guns. The troops then surrounded the building, firing relentlessly at any ghoul that came near. Some of the troops with longer-range weapons, like rifles, took up sniper positions inside the building. One went on top of the building with Daniel and four or five set up perches near the windows.

Danté continued to fight at the new "stronghold" for the Hellsing troops. The broad grin on his face suggested he was enjoying the battle thus far.

(OOC: Anybody close to leveling up, Dark Gun? Just curious :B)

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:42 pm

(OOC - Thanks. And now I'm going to stick to present RPing, past-tense is sucky)

Ezekiah looks up as he hears the gunshot, and he frowns heavily.

"<span style="color:green;">Demon filth.</span>" He mutters to himself as he throws the radio back at the gawking soldier.

"<span style="color:green;">Now to find...</span>" He trails off as he rushes away, paying less attention to the ghouls in his way.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:47 pm

(OOC - Oh, and some notes. I don't think you recognize a regenerator, but I dunno... The crosses are a give-away, but considering that no one realized what Alexander Anderson was(I think) it might be a bit vague. Also, I don't think we're going to level up for a long time, seriously. This isn't that kind of RP I believe.)

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:56 pm

(OOC: Yeah they did... Alucard knew what a regenerator was the first time he fought Andersen. I just watched that episode. He regards regenerators as filth. More evidence that Alucard knows what one is is presented in episode 7 where he talks about how Alex is a dog, imbetween a man and a monster... that stuff. My character's fought one in his past anyhow.)

(EDIT: Integra knew too. She rebuked Alucard for his semi-defeat to "a mere regenerator", or something to that effect.)

Edited by: Home is Nowhere at: 3/15/03 7:21:20 pm


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby KraKeN » Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:11 pm

Atop the roof of the Hellsing mansion far away from where Daniel had set himself up, a lone figure crouched watching the battle. He wore faded jeans and a black hoodie with the hood currently up hiding his face, his feet were bare as he had been in a hurry to find out what all the commotion was about.

He felt no need to affiliate himself with any side at the present time, normally stuff like this didn't affect him....

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:56 pm

Several more Hellsing soldiers managed to make it to the outpost. Danté, satisfied that this particular area was secure, decided it was time to find the F.R.E.A.K. or vampire who was creating all the ghouls and put an end to them. He looked over his shoulder briefly, taking a quick count. He could see roughly thirty men outside the building with submachine guns, handguns, and assault rifles. He also knew there were at least seven, including Daniel, inside.

"Yes, they should be able to hold this area..." Danté thought to himself before darting into the fray of ghouls. He stuck his sword out to the side as he darted this way and that amidst the enemy ranks; tearing through them. He wasn't really worried about the ghouls though, right now he wanted to find whoever was making them. As a ghoul attempted to lash him with its tendril, he quickly raised his handgun and fired a round into it, point-blank, just before it brought the tendril down on him. The ghoul sank to its knees before... you guessed it... it disintegrated.

"Five rounds left in this magazine." He reminded himself, almost robotically. Even though he was looking for a FREAK or a vampire, he kept an eye out for the regenerator he had seen earlier. He didn't want to be taken by surprise.


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:13 pm

Daniel was rather surprised when he heard footsteps inside the building. He was even more surprised, that as he turned around and drew his pistol, he wasn't facing a ghoul, but a human.

"Talking about pleasant surprises... How many people made it here?"

The soldier answered there were several others in the building, as well as more men outside.

"Well, things are beginning to look better all the time! First those strangers appear, then Alucard himself joins the battle, and now we've got a great position to defend ourselves.
Spread out through the building. Make sure no ghoul enters. And keep firing as long as you've got ammo."

Though Daniel knew he wasn't in charge here, he couldn't help giving orders to these soldiers. 'If no one's going to shout orders, I might as well do it myself...' He thought, returning to his sniping spot. 'Let's see... Who's next?'. Daniel smiled as he selected his next target. This battle was as good as over. No matter how much more ghouls would come, Daniel was sure the good guys were going to win this one.

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:42 pm

(OOC: Alucard? Where?)

After about fifteen minutes of raw carnage, Danté had used up all the silver bullets in his current magazine and was now seeking shelter. He had ventured fairly far away from the Hellsing outpost at the moment and was now deeper in the city. Apparently he was in a business district, as he saw many shops to his left and his right and he dashed down the street.

As he was running, one particular sign caught his attention.

"THOMAS' FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION" The sign read in big, bold black letters. Danté quickly ran past a ghoul, slicing it in half with his sword as he did so. He then swung the heavy glass door open and ducked inside. There was a click of a gun's safety going off.

"Who are ya? Come to loot my store, eh!?" A somewhat aged man with graying hair shouted at Danté. He was pointing what looked like an old Winchester rifle at him. The gun was shaking slightly, a result of the old man's trembling.

"I come not to hurt you. I've just entered here seeking temporary refuge." Danté spoke, his face dispassionate. He eyed the man's gun wearily. The old man glared at him, looking him over. He saw Danté's bloody sword as well as his smoking handgun.

"Well... ye don't look like those freaks out there, 'seems." The old man spoke again, hesitant on lowering his gun. After squinting at Danté a little longer, he lowered the rifle and let out a deep sigh.

"What's goin' on out there?" The old man inquired. Upon further inspection, Danté noticed that the man's face had a haggard look to it and his eyes were bloodshot. Danté shrugged before responding.

"I haven't a clue." He said as he stepped forward, deeper into the shop. Boxes of various ammunition were set up on shelves, as well as different kinds of firearms. Danté looked them over curiously while the elderly man kept a close eye on Danté.

"I assume you're 'Thomas'?" Danté asked as he sheathed his sword for the moment. After this, he thumbed the magazine release button on his handgun and the clip fell out into his waiting hand. Danté placed the clip inside one of the pockets inside his trenchcoat, then withdrew a fresh clip from another pocket. This clip, however, did not contain silver bullets.

"I can't afford to waste any more of those bullets on ghouls if there are F.R.E.A.K.s and vampires around." He concluded. There was a series of clicks as he slid the fresh clip into the bottom of the handgun and it locked into place. There was another click as the slide of the gun slid back into place; chambering a round.

"Well, can I get you anything while you're here?" Thomas asked Danté after he noticed Danté's firearm. Danté thought it over a moment.

"No.. perhaps another time, Thomas. Take care." Danté replied before exiting the shop, roaming the streets once more...

(OOC: From here on is an edit.)

...And then he stopped and looked up to the sky. There he saw him, the legendary Alucard. His jaw slackened slightly as a wave of fear and respect washed over him. Sure, he knew that Alucard worked for Hellsing... but the idea of being on the same battlefield as him never really hit home.

"So this is the legendary Alucard, the immortal one. The one surrounded by rumor and mystery.." Danté thought to himself, still looking up at the ominous figure. He'd heard so many things about Alucard. Some rumored him to be the infamous Vlad the Impaler, better known as "Dracula"... Some rumored him to to be the harbinger of the next age... but all spoke of him with fear.

Seeing Alucard had shown up, he figured the battle was won.

Edited by: Home is Nowhere at: 3/15/03 8:50:54 pm


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby saberlock » Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:44 pm

(OOC: In Dark Gun's post)


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby KraKeN » Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:34 am

(OCC : Firstly Alucard is not Dracula and Alucard is not even how it is spelt, and secondly do you really think there'd be a firearms shop in London???)

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:26 am

(OOC: Why wouldn't there be a firearms shop in London? Second of all, if you'd WATCH the last episode of Hellsing, you'd see there's a clear reference to Alucard being Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula. Anyways, I said they were rumors, so why don't you just shut up? As for the romanization of Alucard's name, who cares? It's Alucard or Arucard. Jesus, stop PMSing. *EDIT*: As for us spelling "Alucard" correctly, you can't even spell "OOC" so... Image )

Edited by: Home is Nowhere at: 3/16/03 8:29:59 am


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby KraKeN » Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:51 am

(OOC : You could be right about Alucard I'll grant you that but living in London I can tell you pretty safely that there would not be a Gun shop just on a high street epecially considering Englands gun laws)

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:21 am

OOC: Ahem... Being as I clearly noted that Dracula was SOMEONE (Lookit into on The Belmonts) and that Dracula has been killed Zed number of times (And Alucard hasn't... Alucard has actually died about once, maybe twice) Alucard != Dracula (Note that Zed is a high number, really)... And as for random gun shops? I'll let it slide. Later I'll be describing the terrain to avoid problems like this, I just wanted to get everybody "Comfortable" and in character... That and set up my story.

IC: *By this point, the ghouls were falling at a tremendous rate, it would not be long before there weren't any left, and, just as suddenly as he had appeared, Alucard (Or Arucard even) vanished, and the radios picked back up.*

"Form up, move in, and take those that are left out. We want minimul casualities, so move!"

*The battle would be over soon, and the troop transports waited, their drivers watching for for the return of the others.*

Home is Nowhere

Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:55 pm

(OOC: Err, Dark Gun... in the series, they practically point out that Alucard IS Vlad the Impaler, who is the man behind the legend of Dracula. Right after Alucard impales Incognito with the silver lance, Incognito asks Alucard who he is. It zooms up on Alucard's face and the left half is showing, but the right side is shadowed. It then slowly switches to the right side of his face, but it's not Alucard. It's Vlad the Impaler, who looks surprisingly like Alucard. It obviously isn't Alucard, as this mysterious person showed has a thin moustache and appears slightly older. Plus after this, the last shot of Incognito is him re-impaled kind of gruesomely and very Vlad-esque.

As for the gunshops in London, I couldn't possibly know that they have strict gun rules as I don't live in London. Back to RP :P)

Danté traveled back to the outpost now, picking off the occasional ghoul with his handgun. He was in no hurry, as he figured the battle was won. Now he was just enjoying himself.

Eventually, he arrived back at the outpost. With a brief headcount, Danté found that nobody had died, plus they had gained a few soldiers. Two transports were waiting by the building now. Some soldiers used them as cover; hiding behind them, then popping out and killing a ghoul. The strategy was working well so far.

Now Danté just dealt with the ghouls as they came and made sure none of the soldiers were turned.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:37 pm

A screech of tires and a profanity heralded the arrival of a new player. Arthur looked at his driver's face and watched with amusment as all the colour drained from it. He was not smiling quite so much when the cab started to stink of the man's excretion. "I'll walk the rest of the way, thank you." The driver nodded mutely, his eyes fixed on the carnage in front of him. Arthur climed out of the car and started a quick run towards the fray. Typical, I wait and I wait and it's not until I get sent on a mission that I'm actually needed. Bloody stupid Irish vampires. I f***ing hate the Irish. Bunch of ingrates.

He slid his longsword out from it's hiding place in his backpack and slid his right arm from out of its strap, swinging the bag around and taking out his shield. He swung the sword around so he was holding it with the blade pointed down. Kissing the hilt he whispered "For God, the Queen, and England" to himself, before skidding to a halt. He quickly glanced over the conflict, weighing up the battlefield.

(OOC - this is because I'm a little confused as to what exactly is happening. Who is leading this attack or is it just mass ghouls?)


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:57 pm

((Gah... Sorry for the long absence, also, TO MUCH OOC COMMENTARY. Really, there's no need for so much debate, RPing is partially about letting people bend the rules. Also, it's entirely possible there are many interpritations on legends, so let every character have his own, and the story keep it's mystery.))

Hereti brought his bike to a stop, looking about at the decreasing number of ghouls. It seemed that civilians and the other fighters were about to finish off the others. Perhaps it would be best to fade into the night, and protect the identity of the Belmonts.

Turning his vehicle away from the fighting, he wrapped his spear up and kicked it into gear, driving away as fast as he could.

Only to come to a screeching stop when he spotted a crouched form on the top of a building, weilding some sort of huge weapon. A bit disturbed by this, he got close to the building, and sent a snake slithering up a drainage spout.

Seeing through the reptile's eyes, he determined that the person up there was female. Surprised that a single person, and furthermore a fairly slim looking woman, could weild such a weapon, he sent the snake in to look even closer. As he suspected, her eyes were a peculiar shade of red.

Not doubting for a moment that he had found the source of the ghouls down there, Hereti concentrated and a moment later, his body dissolved into a mass of writhing snakes.

A moment later, that same mass of snakes was knotting itself into a pile on the roof, silently reforming into the black clad shape of Benjamin Hereti, hand gun already in hand. There was a click as the safety was removed, and then a boom as a single silver bullet was fired over her shoulder.

"Alright," Hereti demanded. "I want to know exactly what you did down there to make all these ghouls act up. Then I want to know if it can be stopped."

His weapon did not waver, and it was pointed directly at Celes Victoria's head. Apparently, he did not recognize the Hellsing insignia she wore, nor had he associated the heavy fire from earlier with her weapon. At the moment, all he saw was a troublemaker. And he intended to elliminate it, as soon as he had the information necessary to quell further trouble.

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:07 am

(Yes just mass ghouls)

The wide vampiric eyes looked at him.

"Nothing. In fact, with master gone, I suppose I should go as well. They have it taken care of... So many people died today... Urgh!"

*She tightened her grip on the huge sniper rifle she carried, then, lifting it easily, leapt off the building.*

*Shortly after, a Hellsing chopper overflew the area, as the last few ghouls were put down.*

"We are finished here!"

*Came the megaphone call echoed over the area.*

"Return to the mansion. It has also come to our attention that non-Hellsing members have participated in this battle. A special transport will be set aside from you. We, of the Hellsing Institute, would like to meet you if, for nothing else, to insure no side effects of the events of tonight take hold over you. A special transport will be waiting for you on the northernmost edge of the combat."

Edited by: The Dark Gun&nbsp; Image at: 3/16/03 11:08:10 pm

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Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Mar 17, 2003 3:59 am

Ezekiah had spent the last couple of minutes after his little talk with Integra Hellsing by searching the now empty streets, and when he heard the message from the megaphone he was busy examining a half-dried trail of blood.

Three men from Hellsing, pointing their weapons at the crouching man approached slowly, their leader coughing slightly.

"Errr... Sir? May we ask that you, ahh... Accompany us to the Hellsing Mansion?" He asked nervously. Ezekiah slowly rose with his back still turned to the soldiers. When he spoke, it was with a cold and highly irritated voice.

"<span style="color:green;">But that on the good ground they are, which in an honest and good heart,</span>" He turned to face the soldiers, his eyes burning with untold rage. "<span style="color:green;">Having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit and patience...</span>" He lifted his blade, making the guards take a step back, but sheathed it. "<span style="color:green;">I am highly disturbed by this action from Lady Integral, and my superiors will be informed... However, I have found what I was looking for and I will accompany you to your leader, mostly as to inquire why she chose so unwisely to disobey my, and thus the Vaticans, wishes.</span>"


Re: The Shroud of Dark Mist

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:38 am

Hereti reholstered his pistol, somewhat confused by the words of the vampire he had just confronted. As she had jumped off the roof, he had finally noticed the 'Hellsing' insignia she had, and upon hearing the announcement a few moments later, he surmised she was part of this 'Hellsing' organization, which he was now being called to.

The Belmonts have a fairly impressive information network. However, he had never, in his ten years with them, ever heard of a 'Hellsing' organization. Making a snap decision, one which could potentially get him in a lot of trouble later, he let himself back down the building, again utilizing his snake transformation, and hopped on 'his' bike.

He drove himself over to the rondevu point, and calmly presented himself. His lance was once again in it's carrying position, and his gun was holstered. He kept his arms folded in a non-threatening way. However, he had no intention of surrenduring his weapons, if they were demanded of him. If someone tried to take them, they would have to deal with a litteral brood of vipers...


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