Conflict - Isle 526

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:00 pm

Having responded to the company's call for help, and having passed a number of tests, you now find yourself inside the heavily guarded office of Dorian Mirghann.

It is a big room. In the center of the room is Mirghann's desk. Behind him, you can see various screens, showing all kinds of information. There are guards in every corner. Mirghann himself is standing in front of his desk.

Mirghann has a reputation of being a ruthless leader, showing no mercy to those who oppose him. But now that he is standing before you, he seems harmless. He looks young, short, and slightly overweight. He walks around, wildly waving his arms around as he tells you about the greatness of his nation. Past victories and recent discoveries seem to be one huge wave of success, the way he tells it. But when you pay more attention, it is clear he is tired. Tired, and maybe even desperate. Obviously, things aren't all good.

"...but of course, I did not call you here just to tell you this." Mirghann continued, as he sat down behind his desk. "The reason I have told you about all of this, is that you realize just how much I need your help. You might already know this, but some time ago, an island was discovered, very far from the coast. As far as we know, it is the farthest anyone has ever went. This island was full of natural resources. Of course, we immediately started working on a small colony, and within a few years, the colony grew to a small city, where the people working on the island live with their families.
Lately, people have been disappearing, and strange creatures have been seen wandering around. We sent an expedition to the island to investigate this, but they were ambushed, and the only surviving member returned a few days ago. Before you accept this assignment, I feel it is my duty to inform you that it may be very dangerous, and that the reason you are being sent there is that I simply cannot afford to lose many more of my own people. This does mean that your reward, if you return, will be quite large. Of course the total amount will depend on your accomplishments, but if you manage to eliminate the threat, I can tell you that the minimum reward will be 40.000 Tarons*. You will realize this price demonstrates how serious the situation is."

Mirghann stopped talking for a moment, looking at the four mercenaries. Then he continued. "Should you accept this mission, you will be taken to Isle 526 in two days. You will get a chance to speak to the survivor of the previous mission tomorrow. Three people, who are already on the island will join you when you arrive. They will be able to give more detailed information, and they will be your guide on the island. All three of them are experienced explorers and warriors, so it may be in your best interest to listen to what they have to say."

Mirghann stood up, and looked each of the mercenaries in the eyes. "Will you take the job?"

* This would be approximately the amount of money an average person has to work two years for. It's a LOT of money.
the Taron is a currency that is accepted almost everywhere, because of international trade. It is called the Taron, because it has the sign of Taron the Reborn, a hero from the First Conflict.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:09 pm

Duranja stood, with the other three mercenaries, impatiently waiting for this rambling guy to get to the point.

When he brought up the mission objectives and breifing, Duranja became very imaptient, wanting to get thrown into battle as soon as possible. He fingered his safty on one of his pistols constantly between off and on.

IM: 40,000 taron...

"Make it 45,000," Duranja said when the man finished his speech, "Think of it as hazard pay."


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:28 pm

Mirghann looked at the mercenary. He smiled, as if he was amused.

"Listen, mercenary. Do do you truly believe the sort of person you can haggle with? There are plenty of people who would risk their lives for a fraction of what I have just offered you. You are not in a position to negotiate here. For 40,000 Taron I can buy almost any man's loyalty. But I chose you. That goes for the rest of you as well. Take it or leave it. If you think 40,000 is not enough, then leave. I'll call someone to escort you out." he stood up and turned around to look at the screens.

"Of course, if you find something that interests me, the reward goes up... But until you do, the price is set."


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:48 pm

Hikari thought for a second, 'What's this guys game? Hmm...'.

"What exactly would 'interest' you?"

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:32 am

She had listened quietly untill Duranja stood and got ignorant. She clicked her tongue and smiled.

"I got nothing to lose. I'm in. Besides..." She ganced over towards Hikari. "Might be fun."


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:43 pm

Mirghann looked at Hikari, examining him for a moment.

"What would interest me? I'm afraid I can't be very specific. Most of the island is never explored, and anything might be concealed by the dense jungle. You might find some kind of treasures, or raw ore deposits, maybe even some magical objects. I'll pay extra for any information or valuables you might find. Of course, keeping anything you find on the island for yourself is out of the question. Everything will be paid for."

Mirghann shrugged, and waved his hand, indicating there was nothing more to talk about.

"All other questions will be answered by the survivor of the last mission, and by the people you will meet on the island. For now, only one question matters: Are you all in?"

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:47 pm

She looks at him with a bit of a pout.

"Why can't we keep what we find? What if I find a piece of blue string, can I keep that?" Her question was genuine. She wasn't kidding about the blue string.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:56 pm

Mirghann seemed a bit confused, not knowing wether he should be amused or angry. He sighed. "If I say 'anything', I mean anything. Everything on that island belongs to me. I do not care how many pieces of blue string you buy with the reward, but if it is from that island, you cannot keep it." he said, perfectly calm.

Mirghann looked at the girl again. "Ok, who let her through the tests?" he wondered. "Oh well, I guess it's ok..."

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:03 pm

She sighes and nodds.

"Alright..." She shruggs, "It was worth a try I guess."


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:05 pm

Duranja gave a long sarcasic look towards the man whos name he still can't pronounce right.

"I'm in, under one condition, If i die, my family gets taken care of, i don't care how, It could be the bare minimum of what you thing 'taking care of' is, but it's better then what they're going through now," Duranja said still keeping an itchy finger on his safty...


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:24 pm

Beginning to lose his patience, Mirghann was still trying to remain calm.

"Listen, this is no charity institution. I do not like people who don't work for their money. If you tell me where your family lives, I might be able to get them a job. I can't promise anything. So the best thing for you to do, is to take this job, get back alive, and give your family the reward, if you're that concerned about them. Now, I've got other business to attend to. I'll call someone to escort you out. If you are interested in taking the job, come back here tomorrow. If you don't like it, stay away."

Mirghann pressed a small button, and a woman appeared.

"Please follow me. I will show you to the exit. If you need, I will give you directions to the nearest inn, where you can sleep at our cost tonight."

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:55 pm

A quiet, middle-aged man of oriental origins had been sitting slightly away from the rest of the mercenaries. His cold, battle-hardened blue eyes had been watching his soon-to-be-employer during his whole briefing, catching on ever word that flowed out of his mouth. He hadn't really paid much attention to the other mercenaries. They would only get in his way.

As the man asked them to accept the job, he nodded his head once. Those cold, icey blue eyes of his gleamed somewhat as he stood up; the result of the light passing over them. Non-chalantly, he dusted the seat of his black, loosely-fitting pants off. He habitually ran a hand through his silky silver hair, his hair falling back to its natural place afterwards.

Eventually, he began to grow annoyed with the other mercenaries' bickering.

Hrmph.. ungrateful people. And they call themselves mercenaries? They should accept the job just for the adventure alone...


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:20 pm

"yeah sure..." Duranja said as he walked out the door, guided by the woman, "I guess I'm still in, money is money..."

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:48 am

She followed quietly. She felt that if she said another word she might get "fired". She needed the money more than any of them could guess.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:21 pm

Hikari stood up and bowed.

"Thank you. I shall return with what ever information I gather."

Hikari started for the door not looking at the boss, or even waiting for a reply. He did how ever scan over the other mercenaries. They seemed able bodied enough, this might just be another easy job, despite what the man had told them.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:20 pm

The next day.

Once again, the four mercenaries stood before Mirghann. He smiled. They all agreed to take the job. Mirghann was confident they would be able to take care of themselves.

The only thing he was a bit worried about, was that they might not be as trustworthy as they seemed to be. Sure, everyone has a price, and the amount of money he had offered them was enough to get almost any mercenary. Then again, if they discovered what he suspected they would discover, how would they react? His eyes drifted over the four, standing before him. Sure, they had passed the tests. They should follow his orders. But what did he really know about them?

He first thought about Masaki. He had heard rumors about this man, but rumors are often exaggerated. He also realized fame can make a man careless and self-centered.
Then he glanced at the Kodomo girl. He still couldn't believe she was a mercenary. There was no doubt she could handle herself in a battle, but did she have any experience? What if she found a certain shiny something, and didn't tell anyone about it. He did know she was from one of the magic kingdoms. She didn't have any control over any magical powers, and he could only hope she would recognize magic if she felt it.
Next was the one called Duranja. This guy was obviously talented, but he said himself that he was after money and fame. Types like this could prove to be difficult to deal with, especially in this kind of situations.
Finally, he turned his thoughts to Gobima. "BlackCat". He didn't trust him at all. These independent types may appear loyal, but they could suddenly switch sides without any obvious reason. He found it hard to predict how this one would act.

"I realize I cannot fully trust any of them. But they might be the only ones who can help with this. And after all, I've got my own team on the island, incase one of them might go wrong..."

Mirghann suddenly realized the mercenaries were still waiting. He coughed, and straightened his back.

"Well now. I am most pleased to see you all decided to take the job. The good news is I have just received news from the island. It appears that a few days after the first team was taken out, a sudden increase in magical activity was detected deep within the forest. This is confirmed by my own people, who you will meet at the island.

The bad news is, that the surviving member of the first team died tonight. The cause is unknown, especially since he regained consciousness yesterday, and seemed to be fine. The doctors suspect some kind of slow poison, but they cannot confirm this suspicion. This cuts back on the amount of info we would be able to get on the island, and what attacked the first team. You will have to wait until you arrive at the island to find out anything more about the situation.

I suggest you get your equipment together, because the ship leaves this evening. The trip to the island will take a few days, so you will have some time to get to know each other. Once you get on the island, you will be contacted by the team already there. As I have said before, they are experienced and have been loyal to this nation for a long time, so they can be trusted.

That'll be all. The ship leaves at ten PM exactly. Make sure you're on time."

Mirghann sat down, and watched the four mercenaries as the walked out of his office.

"The more I think about this, the less I like the idea... It might be wise to take some extra safety measures, just in case..."

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:21 pm

Finally... let's get this show on the road.

Ryouten quietly followed the woman, keeping his distance from the rest of the mercenaries. To the casual onlooker, he would appear completely unarmed. In this case, looks were deceiving. His combat knife was resting in it's hidden sheath inside his boot, while his two customized handguns were concealed inside his trenchcoat. Several extra clips of ammunition laced the inside of his coat in addition to two boxes of 9mm Parabellum rounds stored on his belt. In addition to all of this, he had his wits, his hands, and his feet.

Needless to say, he was more than "well-armed" for the assignment...


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:19 pm

Duranja walked out of the room without a word, he figured over-stepping his boundries today would be a bad idea.

He found a seat in the lobby before continuing outside, He pulled of his small green pack, which was ripped and torn. Bullet traces and holes were also in the bag, he used it as a decoy alot.

Inside the pack was an attachable silencer for his 9mm, it wasn't universal though, so it couldn't fit on his Eagle. He toke out the silencer and placed it on his belt, which already held his pistols and knife. Looking back into his bag, he found his "avenger" one shot pistol, taking that out, he placed it in the back of his pants, under his shirt.

All that was left in the bag was basic survival items: Ducktape(a man's tool!), rope, basic first aid kit including morphine, rations, and a utility knife.

After checking his equipment, he made his way outside, into the busy atmosphere outside, of people commuting to or from work.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:23 am

She left the building quickly so she had time enough to gather the things that she would need for the "Trip".

She sholdered her pack an waundered in and out of the local stores, buying what she needed with what little money she had left. It was just enough to get the neccities; A few bottles of fresh water, journey rations, rope, a small first aid kit, and a small tin box containing a bit of flint and steel. With that done, she headed towards the harbor and waited.

She passed idle time by polishing and sharpening her Twin Chakrams. The only present from her family, ever, and she treasured them, they were her babies s to speak.

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:20 pm

After the woman had shown him to the inn, he decided to make sure he was completely set up for this mission. A shopping trip was in order. With that, Ryouten walked out of the inn, his trench coat flaring up behind him slightly as he walked out the door.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, he found a general store. After perusing the shelves a bit, he picked out several items and brought them to the register. These items were as follows: a small backpack, a two books of matches, an insulated, re-usable rubber water bottle as well as several smaller bottles of water to keep it filled with, several packages of beef jerky, rubber gloves, a small, portable cooking kit for campers, and last but most importantly... several packages of spiced rice. After all, a man had to have his rice.

The clerk gave him an odd look as he checked out the items, but Ryouten didn't pay him any attention to it. Instead, he was paying attention to the ever-mounting number on the register. There was a loud "ding" as the register computed the taxes and displayed the final cost. Ryouten grimaced slightly as he shifted about through his coat. His fingers caught on the plastic edge of his credit card and he removed it from the coat. After handing it to the man, he deposited the things he had bought into the backpack and walked back to the inn.

Guess Ace was right... nothin' comes for free anymore.

He muttered to himself on the way back.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:21 pm

Hikari stood up. He slung his Daikatana over his back. He got up and started for the door. He stoped just before he had left. He turned around and looked at the employer.

"How will you know that we have acomplished the job?"

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/12/03 6:47:46 pm


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:44 pm

Mirghann looked surprised. "I thought that was clear? Oh well. The mission ends when you have found out who or what is responsible for the missing people, and you have put a stop to it. The mission also ends when you decide it is not possible to accomplish these goals. Of course, I cannot reward failure..."

OOC: Shouldn't it be Daikatana in stead of Dikatana?


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:47 pm

"Yes but how will you know?"

Hikari leaned against the wall making it all to clear that he wasn't leaving till he got his answer.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:55 pm

Mirghann was starting to get irritated again. These mercenaries were asking all the questions he didn't want to hear.

"I don't know how you will know! I don't even know what is going on on that island, that's your job to find out. Just find out what is happening, solve the problem, and come back to claim your reward. And remember, my men on the island will accompany you to help you, but they will also see to it that you finish your job if possible. So don't try to fool me by coming back and saying you've solved the problem, when you really didn't solve anything."


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:12 pm

Duranja was readier then he would ever be, he made his way towards where the transport was waiting, he'd find something to do there...

(edit and OOCImage ACK! I do that alot latly, need to stop Angel addiction...

Edited by: [url=>PSLoyalist</A] at: 3/12/03 6:34:10 pm


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:22 pm

OOC: PSL forgot that angel was in fact not angel, but Duranja.
The GM kindly requests to use only the name you gave in the OOC topic, to prevent confusion.

An idle dockworker noticed Duranja wandering around.

"Hey, you look like one of those mercs Mirghann's boys were yappin' about! The boat isn't leaving for a couple of hours! We ain't leavin' till tonight!"


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:34 pm

"Just thought you might like proof. I'll bring it's head back on a stick."

Hikari pivoted and walked out. Out in the town he grabbed a bag, and stuffed some food, and water in it. His walking led him close to the harbor where he spotted the lady he had met in the office. He turned and followed her. He came up behind her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a sound of caring in his voice.

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/12/03 7:14:31 pm


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:36 pm

"I know, figured I'd do some fishing," Duranja said walking off to the edge of the dock.

He toke out his handguns and field stripped them, then with several tools, cleaned them of every dirt spek. He put the guns back together then polished and began sharpening his knife.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:58 pm

"There ain't no fish in these waters, boy. All started disappearing when they built them damn factories." the dockworker looked at the sea.

"Not that there was many fish here to start with, mind you. But it's just the idea, y'know. It scares people. There's people saying that it's bad fer me health. And the een-vii-ronn-ment. And stuff. I don't believe none of that crap. Damn nature-lovin' magetalk if ye ask me. It's the noise, y'know. It scares the fish. Yep, that's it!" the man looked at the sea again, proud of his knowledge about fish.

"Still, I'd wish I could throw out me old rod every now and then, and actually catch me own lunch..."

Edited by: [url=>saberlock</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/12/03 6:59:04 pm

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:18 pm

After a quick meal at a local dinner, Ryouten was now waiting near the transport. While he appeared relaxed, on the inside he was tense and alert, like he always was when in the public. After all, one could never be too sure of one's surroundings... he'd learned that through his previous occupation.

He closed his eyes as a sudden image of a shocked, yet terrified victim's face flashed through his mind, shortly followed by several others. His silver hair flew about this way and that as he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the memories.

Had I really been so cold then.. ? Hm.. perhaps I still am cold.

Slowly, his eyes flickered open, like blue, ghostly flames suddenly conjured into existance. He had succeeded in pushing the flood of guilt back.. this time.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:17 am

((OOC:what woman are you talking about? Me or the woman who led you out of the office?))


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:38 am

[OOC: I changed it after I re-read the post. I thought the female merc. had gone to the hotel. Now I'm on the docks.]

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:06 am

((OOc: alrighty...I guess that meant you were talking to me then))

She looks up from her polishing and looked at the man in wonder. "I'm sorry? Did you say something?"


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:28 am

"Just wandered what you were doing here?" He looked down at her with no paticular expresion on his face.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:39 pm

"Oh, I'm waiting here until ten so we can leave. I've got nothing better to do anyways. Why are you here?"

She put the polish back in its pocket in her pack, stood up and streached.

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:00 pm

(OOC: Kind of confused as to where everybody is... could we all kind of congregate to the transport point, please?)

Ryouten was now seated on a nearby bench, waiting patiently for the transport to arrive. His breath came out in cold, nebulous clouds due to the cold. His hands were thrust into the front pockets of his coat in an attempt to keep them warm. All the while, he was still cautious.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby saberlock » Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:39 pm

(OOC: I might just have a better idea. It's time for the boat to leave! OMGHURRY! When everyone gets on, we'll leave and you'll have all the time you need to get to know each other's characters.)

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:33 pm

She smiled up at Hikari and stood up. She slipped her specialy made leather bag over the chakrams and tied it to her belt.

"Looks like it's time to go. I think that's the ship, isn't it?" She pointed to a relativly large ship docked in the harbor.

Home is Nowhere

Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Home is Nowhere » Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:10 pm

Ryouten's eyes shifted slightly. In his prephiral (sp?) vision, he noticed some of the other mercenaries that would be joining him on the assignment. He clicked his tongue once and went back to waiting patiently for the transport to arrive.


Re: Conflict - Isle 526

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:23 pm

"I think you are right. Shall we go?"

Hikari held out his arm for her.


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