Untitled (Freestyle)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Untitled (Freestyle)

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:54 am

"The dictionary defines Narcolepsy as a sleep disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep.

The people that have it however, describe it very differently. They say it is a disorder in which they fall asleep in one place and wake up in a totally different one.

Narcolepsy became my obsession. I got drunk on accounts by actual people that had it. I used to fantasize about having it, falling asleep in my bed and waking up in a fantasic dreamscape of wonderous proportions.

Once I thought to myself 'If you can fall asleep in one place and then wake up in another, then could you also perhaps wake up as a totally different person?'

My mistake was wondering this in a world where the gods have a very sick sense of humor... and the walls of reality are very weak indeed...

My name is Faustus. Faust for short.

...I am your typical angst filled teenager.

...With a twist.


Re: Untitled (IS, Freestyle)

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:11 am

"I missed you..."

The teenage boy opened his eyes and then closed them again as he felt the soft gentle caress of the womans hand over his cheek. The woman walked around him slowly, pressing her body gently against his.

"I wish we could see each other more often..."

The sounds of water trickling from the mouths of infantile cherubs, frozen in gold on a fountain, gave a relaxing atmosphere in which the youth was fully free to let go of his stresses and anxiety, to simply float on emotions.

"I wish I could stay here..."

The woman reached the front of him again. She was much older than he was, although remarkably beautiful. The only true place you could see the age on her, was in her dark sorrowful eyes that held knowledge of countless ages past.

"Why won't you let me stay?"

Her black hair hid both their faces as their lips pressed forward in a kiss.

Music enveloped them both, the sounds of small bells and gentle brass percussion music resounding throughout their ears. The music sped up slowly. You could tell that there would be a great climax. It was just like the theme from jaws. You know something was coming. You just didn't know when the beat would stop.


The music stopped. There was nothing but silence. Absolute silence. The absense of all sound altogether.

All sound except the dying drips of water from the fountain, the trickle slowing to nothing but droplets.













...Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

A hand quickly shot out from under a large bed cover, accidentaly knocking a small electronic clock from a bedside table. A muffled curse could be heard coming from a lump underneath it.

After a while the lump stirred and sat up, revealing a monster of which the likes of men would be driven insane just seeing it.

The monster turned its head to the right and looked at the two full length mirrors that covered the closets doors. It cringed and then collapsed back down onto the soft surface of the matress.


The monster known as Faustus got up out of bed reluctantly, slipping on a bathrobe that lay on the floor. It looked in the mirror again and sighed.

"...That's a face for radio." Faustus yawned. If there was someone else in the room, they wouldn't be able to tell if Faustus was joking or being deadly serious. His tone could have passed for either.

He sighed and walked out of the rooms open door, heading down the narrow staircase that was the only entry point to his room above. He could smell the aluring scent of bacon frying nicely on a frying pan.
It was probably his mother cooking breakfast. She was always good to him. Even if she was a little too naive to think that he was still the bouncing baby boy that cried for his mommy every time he skinned his knee.

Faustus got to the bottom of the staircase just in time to look through a window at his father's car back out of the driveway. The old man was probably going to work early.

He shrugged and walked over to the breakfast table, taking a seat infront of a carefully laid place for him.
His mother walked over, pushing a few strips of bacon, from the frying pan, next to a boiled egg and toast soldiers.

"Morning, sweety. Eat fast, you have to be out of here in fifteen minutes. It's school today again, remember? You had that big test in Rune Theory today didn't you?" His mother spoke quickly, as she removed the aprove and checked her work uniform for small specks of food that may have been spat on her from cooking.

"Yeah..." Faustus replied.

"Alright, I have to go to work. I'll see you tonight at half past six tonight. I have a very important meeting with the council about cleaning up the mess around the Agress commemorative statue in main square, so I might be a little bit late, alright hon?"

"Alright..." Faustus replied.

"I'll see you tonight then!" His mother yelled out as she blinked out of sight from the kitchen before him.

Faustus grinned and stood up, carrying his plate to the bin. He pushed his right foot on the opener and watched as the lid popped open.

Suddenly the head of his mother appeared from out of thin air infront of him.

"NO WASTING FOOD! There are starving people in different dimensions that would kill for that food!" She yelled before disappearing into nothing again.

Faustus sighed and quickly scoffed down the meal where he stood. He remarked slightly on how strange this life may have seemed to many of the people he met. Not here, of course.

Still... They would have found it weird to have private and city funded schools teach Magic and Technomancy... They would have found it weird to have one teleporting mother that was deputy mayor of the city, and a father working as a policeman that was a fully blown Telepath.

Still... Not all places where like this one. Not all places where like the temporily disoassociated dimension of the sprawling city-state Lacancia.

Eons, legends told of a great man named Agress who fought against the forces of fate, drawing from power from reality itself. He was the man that changed the city forever. It was once a city in which travellers from many different dimensions used to frequent to relax and satisfy their sinful desires. He changed it from the festering heap of corruption and crime that it once was and transformed it into the seed that eventually gave birth to what it was now.

It was not unusual to get travellers that knew Agress personally or once knew him. Or maybe have even seen him on the street. The city was like a giant clock that spun in every direction of time, forwards, backwards, and occasionly even sideways.

By this time, Faustus had walked out of the door was heading down the narrow cement path that led to the White Spire on the outskirts of the city. This was were his school was. A fancy private school that didn't require its students to wear a standard uniform. A school that boasted generations of great mages of various arts, scholars, philosophers and engineers.

A voice made him slow down from his walk and eventually stop, turning around to meet the speaker that was casually walking up to him.

"Hey Faust! Another restless nights sleep?" The girl standing infront of him giggled. The started walking together towards the White Spire in the distance.

"Yeah... Those sleeping pills aren't doing me any good, Easter. I mean... It's fixing my problems, but I constantly feel tired." He explained to the girl named Easter. He purposefully kept silent about the dreams.

"Hey... It's the best I can do unless you want to go up to the head magi up at the Uni. I don't think they'd look too kindly on your little predicament."

"Easy for you to say, Easter. You didn't... Well. You didn't have to wake up in the middle of a war three nights ago, is all. I still can't stop hearing those screams from those goddam goblins and elves."

"HEY! Don't be dissing on my bretheren!"

"Sorry... I didn't mean any offense. I know your a half Elf. I just forget from time to time, you know how it is."

"Yeah. Well you didn't have to talk to a stupid bush last night for two hours did you? I swear to god my parents are driving me insane..."

"Not thrilling conversation, eh?"

"Try not a conversation at all. No matter how much they say I am supposed to be hearing plants speak to me, I can't hear them. Last weekend, I actually got caught out faking a conversation with moms prize fern. It was apparently asleep."

"Bad luck. Maybe you'll have better luck with the daisy I have on my windowsill."

"Was that supposed to be a joke?"

"Yeah... Give me a break. My sense of humors broken."

"It's been broken ever since you were diagnosed with Narcolepsy, Faust."

"At least its not as bad as the demon summoning Tourettes sydrome that Angelique in sixth level Necro-Biology has."

"True.' Easter laughed.

They stopped at the large metallic gates of the White Spire University and paused for a second, both whispering silent incantations under their breath.

After a minute they both stepped through the gates, the black metal shimmering as their bodies completely passed through them, as if the gates were never even there.

Faust looked around slowly. That's when he saw her...

His greatest weakness...


Re: Untitled (IS, Freestyle)

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Sat Mar 22, 2003 8:31 am

His feet felt pinned to the ground, his breathing slowing down until it seemed to drag the rest of time along with it. His heart thumped in his chest like a herd of elephants trampling the savanna. It felt as if he was staring a medusa directly in the face, and was slowly turning into stone.

He saw he walking through the lushly landscaped cafeteria courtyards that surrounded the white spire, towards the Observatory. Her strawberry blonde hair glinting in the artificial sunlight provided by a Solar Orb hovering in the air above her head, as well as catching the light from the fresh morning sun.

She walked through the gardens as gracefully as a forest nymph. Her perfectly formed features hypnotised the boys as she walked past them, although she seemingly didn't notice. The girls turned silent and put on fake friendly faces as they waved to her and smiled, before turning around after she had walked by and then tried to tear her perfect appearance apart with malicious lies and rumors.

Her name was Fate Montgomery.

She had been Faustus' crush since kindergarten.

She bested every student in every test. She won all the boys affection without trying or noticing. She was the student body president, the head cheerleader, Captain of the school, the Dux, she held all the sporting acheivement awards that the school held, she was exceedingly rich, her family was the model that all other families in the city tried to emulate, she was smart, funny, witty, kind, considerate, pure, innocent, and good at everything.

She also didn't know that Faust existed.
Even though they had been in the same class since the first grade...
Even though Faust sweat his brains out studying for exams to beat her, in the hopes that it would get her attention...

His attempts at getting recognised by her never worked. It was hopeless for him.
In class she always concentrated on the work being taught. She never even gave him a second glance.
In tests, she always managed to get the top score in the entire grade, most of the time even beating previous years records. Even when Faust managed to get the rare perfect grade, she did something that gained her extra credit.

"LeCancia Dimensional Travel Control to Faustus Abadon! Repeat, LeCancia Dimensional Travel Control to Faustus Abadon!" Easter yelled, rapping her knuckles on his skull as if she was checking to see if it was hollow.

"Mwah... Huh? Oh, What? Did you say something?" Faust spoke dreamily as he watched Fate disappear into the thick circle of tree's that surrounded the observatory.

"Only for the last five minutes, Time and Space cadet! The last warning light for class went off half a second ago! Do you really want to be stuck cleaning out the beakers from the Applied Bioforgery class!" Easter chided him, yanking on his ear and dragging him towards the spire's one entrance.

Class was about to begin...

Unfortunately for Faustus, it was Geara History - His worst subject. It was filled with mindless lectures about the great people of its past, its present and its future.

Sleep always managed to catch up with him there. No matter how hard he tried to stay awake...


Re: Untitled (IS, Freestyle)

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Sat Mar 22, 2003 11:47 am

"And that is why-Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah..."

Faustus flipped the page of his textbook to find the reference to the historical figure that the lecturer was talking about. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Yadda Yadda Yadda Yadda-Economic Crisis in the-Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah"

Maybe it was the unique frequencies of the lecturers voice that set him off. He couldn't help it. Whenever the Professor of Theoretical Future History started talking, it made him want to sleep. It was better than a glass of warm milk and a couple of Benzodiazepine tablets.
Or maybe perhaps it was the subject matter that was talked about. It was really meant for students three years above them, but it was theorized that if a younger student was to successfully absorb the knowledge then they could concentrate on more important theory when they reached its proper grade level.

"Blah Yadda Blah Yadda Yadda Blah Blah-Mitigating circumstances in the Xyphrexian intelligence group caused the rapid tumble of naturalistic phenomenon-Yadda..."

Either way, Faust succumbed to his natural urges. The textbook and notepad infront of him felt as luxurious as a fine feather pillow, and stiff metal chair that his back was jammed up against to correct his posture was like a kings throne.

He slowly laid his head down on the text book and closed his eyes. A blurred figure nudged him from his left and whispered urgently.

"Faust! Don't! You're not on any medication!" Easter hastily whispered, nudging Faust's head with her hand.

It was too late.

A soft snore was all that was left...

"FAUST! OPEN YOUR EYES MAN!" A voice came from out of the black Void.

"Hmm... Huh?"

Faust opened his eyes. He was staring up into the face of a teenager about his age, brown hair, brown eyes, blood trickling down his temple.

"C'mon man! We gotta get outa here!"

"Huh? Why? What's wrong?" Faust asked the young man staring at him. The boy was apparently upside-down. Faust didn't question this. Surprisingly enough, it didn't surprise him. He could feel the hard surface of the gravel and bitumen on his back.

Faust felt the young man grab his newly donned black leather jacket and pull him up. Faust grabbed his head and held it. He was in pain. It felt like someone had hit him with a club, which wasn't far from the truth.

"Jesus man, you gave me a fright... You got knocked out cold! C'mon! We gotta get outa here before they regroup!" The youth yelled again, pulling faust towards a pair of motor bikes just a few meters away.

"Who's they?" Faust asked muzzily.

"What the hell? They break your brain or something? The Blue Flames! They're after us for what our gang did to their bikes in the last race!" The youth yelled again, dropping Faust on the ground to get on the blue motor bike of the pair.

"Where'd they go?" Faust asked, starting to catch up with the situation at hand. He had learned to do this a lot these days.

"Darry and Tyler took on the ringleaders and drew them into the parklands to buy me some time to get you back on your feet. You think you're right to ride?"

Faustus stood up and managed to stumble his way to the red bike besides the youth's blue one. He looked at how the youth was laying in it. It wasn't much different to some of the models back home, the models that were bought by the young merchant big-shots. You had to kind of lay forward on the bike and place your hands into two holes in the front where the steering controls were located, while your feet slipped onto two pedals on the back - One for acceleration and one for the brakes. These types of bikes were the ones that propelled you so fast, that if you hit a brick wall on first gear, you were as good as pancake.

"Yeah... It's all coming back to me now." Faust said as he slipped onto the bike.

Both bikes started as the pair placed their hands in the sockets. The blue bike was the first to go. Faust was surprised by the speed at which it went. It was much fast than he expected. He pushed his foot down onto the accelerator. Everything became a blur from speed. It took him a few seconds to realise that he was headed straight for the traffic guard rail to the right of the road.

By that time... it was too late.

The bike hit the guard rail, flipping Faust right off the bike and into the air. Faust yelled in a mixture of pain and horror as he looked down. He was at least fifty levels up on a superhighway.

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Faust ran out of breath and quickly took another gulp "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

He started to fall down from the highway above. The wind ripped at his clothes and body, spinning him around to face the highway again. He was just in time to see the youth from before lean over the guard rail and scream his name before he fell inbetween two buildings. Electrical cords connecting the buildings ripped away from their walls as his body hit them.

Faust swallowed dryly.

"So this is how it ends..." He sighed.

He outflung his left arm and spun around. He could see the ground below him. It would be less than a minute before he hit the ground. The hard ground that would ultimately splatter his grey matter all over the pavement.

He closed his eyes...

...and then opened them.


Enter the Cat-sith

Unread postby KyleKat » Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:46 pm

Panting, sweating, KyleKat awoke.

It was the middle of the night, roughly 3:00 in the morning, when he awoke from his dream...nay, not a dream, but a nightmare.

For the past 14 days, KyleKat had been having horrible dreams of death and blood. Always it was the same.
First he started hovering over plains, almost bodyless. Then he would stop over a city: his home.
KyleKat would then be whizzed to his own life.
Always the same, his dad would send him on a errand. He would go to the square and then.....


KyleKat cursed himself for forgeting. For a boy of 15, he HAD to be the most forgetful. 'Of course, anyone could have forgotten,' he tried to justify in his thinking.

"No one would forget that dream but me," he muttered to himself.

He lay down to go back to sleep, to endure another fear-filled night.

KyleKat walked up to the Black Cat Inn. He was packed up and ready to go. With a hope in his heart, he walked up to his mother, the accountant of the inn. Today his mother promised to give him his allowance so he could buy provisions for adventuring.

Sure, it was just 5 fields away, and weak monsters, but it was better than nothing.

He wanted to show his mother he was quite capable of advenuring, like his father. Finally she got up and saw to him.

His mother worried as much as KyleKat forgot.

"Now KK,"-his nickname-"you be careful. If I see so much as one fatal would on your body, I`ll-"

She was cut off by KyleKat."`Bye!" was all he said and ran off, avoiding his mother`s lecture about using his spells(the few he knew)wisely.

After he he bought his provisions, he started off, to do something at least kinda fun.


The purpose of Fate in LeCancia?

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:24 am

Birds sang in the tree's as Faust awoke for the second time. He immediately covered his eyes to stop the blinding light of the sun from damaging his corneas. He let out a slow and heavy breath, taking a second to feel out his surroundings.

His body was resting on something that was mostly wooden, except for the fact that his head was strangely laid on something soft and warm. He was obviously in the university couryard, the singing of birds confirmed that... Along with the quick glimpses of tree's that he got before he covered his eyes.

He sighed.

"How long have I been out, Easter?" Faustus asked the open air generally. Funnily enough, it replied.

"About three and a half hours... You missed the Rune Theory test."

"Easter? I was wondering who's lap I was lying in. I did tell you that I can't feel anything when I'm... gone... didn't I?"

"Yeah..." Easter said awkwardly.

"So why do you keep doing this?"

"I don't know... You just look really uncomfortable."

Faust didn't say a word. He just layed there, listening to the ambient birdsong. He let out another deep breath of air.

"...Faustus?" Easter asked him nervously.

"Yeah?" Faust replied, a touch of exhaustion hinting in his voice.

"Do you think that there is a special reason why you... go away... when you sleep?"

"Other than the weak nature of reality in LeCancia?"


"Please tell me your not talking about Fate."


"Fate's not a friend to LeCancia, Easter. I thought you would have known that."

"I know... It's the first thing they teach us."

"So you know that the assumption that Fate is responsible for my... waking up as different me's... would be deemed a threat to LeCancia, and I would be expelled from this place."

"I know... I know..." She sad, touching on an previously unexperienced emotion to Faust when it came to talking to Easter.

Faustus sat up quickly, wedging his arms behind the wooden benches back. Easter looked at him with surprise.

"Don't be like that..." Faust said without looking. "You know I'm so much more more awake after that stuff happens, than I ever am."

"You're also so much more not yourself than you ever are."

"You sound like that's a bad thing."

"...Sometimes Faust, you scare me. I'm going to go to class now."

Easter stood up and walked away quietly, not even giving him a glance over her shoulder as she walked away. Faust didn't bother to stand up and follow her. He had an excuse to be away from class. All his teachers, tutors and mentors knew of his Narcolepsy condition. It was more than an excuse to be away from class. He could always tell them later that he was still asleep, or was just waking up. Usually when this sort of thing happened, he liked to spend some time alone to reflect on things. Currently two things were weighing heavily on his mind.

Fate... And Easter's comment on him not being himself.

Fate was a Godly personification that was not discussed at great length in LeCancia, if at all. The only time it was really discussed, was when the scholars were recounting the tales of Agress, the founding father of LeCancia, and his battles against it. It was common knowledge that Fate had death and destruction planned for LeCancia. None were supposed to escape. It was only because of their founding father, that any of them were alive at all.

Fate hated LeCancia. All of its inhabitants included.

As for Easters comment... He was scared as well. He often wondered what happened with his mind when he was... Away.

What if the person who he was taking control of, looped back around the line and screwed up his life as badly as he screwed up theirs?

He didn't know the answer to this. Fortunately it hadn't come up yet.

Faustus stood up and regarded the immediate world in general, in all its glory. Sadly, this only happened for a few seconds before he lost patience with it.

"...Bugger this. I'm off." He said testily. And started off on the walk home.

Meanwhile... At the LeCancian Dimensional Travel Control...

Faustus' father scried over a three dimensional visage of a small town. Several green markers were placed on the map with various holographic notes attatched to them. He stared at it for a moment and turned to look at the Head Controller above.

"Sir... There is a... child... wandering close to one of our transportation portals on the east side. Shall we Time lock the portal?" He asked.

The older man sitting high in the chair above him regarded this for a second and then replied.

"No... It's been slow lately. Commerce has been down. If he finds the entrance to the portal, slap him with a two-day pass and monitor his movements inside the city."


Re: The purpose of Fate in LeCancia?

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:39 am

You didn't need to be a psychic to figure out where, and for what reason, Faust was going. You just needed to follow the telltale clues that betrayed him.

The slight shake in his hands. The increasingly morbid attitude, coupled with a deep seeded bitterness towards the world.

Like most teenagers his age, he had sucuumbed to the evils of nicotene, found readily in cigarettes.

Technically, they were outlawed in LeCancia because of the health risks. But that wasn't to say that you couldn't smuggle them in from off-world travels. It was hard, but the end results was worth it. If you didn't smoke them, you could sell them to other teens at a hefty price.

Faust didn't sell them though. He felt he needed each and every one. If he didn't smoke every single one down to the end, he felt as if he was doing himself a personal crime.

So... There he sat... On the backdoorstep... Puffing gently from a cigarette and contemplating the world in general. He had two real concerns in the world, which was not bad for a teen of his age. They were Easter, and his life.

"What's her problem..." He wondered, in a mood mixed with both depression and smugness.

He could feel the teen angst gently drain out of him with every smoke filled breath that he took.

It seemed like she was constantly trying to be what she would never really be to him. A girlfriend. She was just a... friend. A good friend, but nothing more. It didn't help that she was in a constant state of either hot or cold towards him. One minute she'd be his best friend and talk about things that only best friends could, and the next minute she would be cradling up to him. He couldn't understand her. Yet, he had a knack for not understanding females. Sometimes it almost seemed to him that it was bred in his genetics.

He sighed and ashed the stub on the doorstep, before hiding it discreetly in the bushes next to him.

Another thing that was annoying him through thought was the fact that there was nothing uniquely normal about him. He was born in LeCancia, by a mother who was a seemingly naturally talented Mage, and by a father who had almost unprecidented telepathic powers. Yet... There was nothing special about him, other than what he made himself.

All the other kids, even the younger ones, had developed some type of uniqueness that had made them normal in LeCancia. Even if it was merely just a knack for electronics or charasmatic conversation. The only thing special about him was the Narcolepsy. That was only even because he brought it upon himself.

His parents told him that he was a "late bloomer"... and that he would find his place... But he couldn't feel it anywhere inside him. All the other kids described the welling up of potential inside them as a type of... burning feeling... inside their chest. He never felt it. To hide this from all the others, when asked about it he would generally hint at something powerful. This made it worse because he could never live up to what he pretended to be. He dreaded the thought in which he considered that his special thing might be normality.

Something vibrated in his pocket. He reached in and took out a small device. It was a small Telecommunicater that his parents had given him for his seventeenth birthday.

"Hello?" Fautus spoke into the communicator.

"Faust?! Where the hell are you?!" Easter yelled from the other end.

"I'm at home, why?"

"Did you totally forget that we are going on an excursion this afternoon to see the core?!"

"Uh...No... I didn't forget that..." Faust spoke carefully, slowly getting up and making his way around the back garden towards the front of the house.

"What the hell are you doing then! You know that everyone only gets one chance to see the remaining fragment!" Easter practically screamed.

"Uh... How long till the bus leaves?" Faustus asked.

"I'm on the friggin' bus right now you idiot! We've already left the spire!"


By this stage, Faustus was in a dead run towards the center of the city.

"I knew this would happen! You're always out of it after you fall asleep! You should be glad you have such a good friend! I've already gotten Dwain to make a clone of you from your left over resonence from your old gym robes." Easter fumed.

"Uh... How the hell did you get into my locker?"

"How the heck do I get into your locker any other way? I picked the spell lock you have on it!"

"Damnit, Easter! I only changed that yesterday!"

"I see... Your idea of changing something is altering it in a small but obvious way..."

"Shut up... How long will the clone last?"

"Dwains set it to disappear as soon as you come in twenty yards of it. If not, it'll disappear anyway as soon as we pass through the gates to the core."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

"Make it 5! We are already halfway there!"

"Damn..." Faust grumbled as he hung up and quickened his run.


Re: The purpose of Fate in LeCancia?

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Wed Mar 26, 2003 6:49 am

Faustus turned the last corner and spotted his grade. Several Teachers were struggling to mark the roles in the midst of the excited masses.

He strove forward, his calves straining from the intensive pressure being put on them.


That's when he saw himself. It made him slow down to a reverential step.

"Do I really look like that?" He thought.

It is unnerving sight, seeing yourself through your own eyes. It's like watching your life from the outside. He looked himself up and down from a distance.

"What a sorry sight..." he thought again.

Faustus had never been the most attractive or interesting of boys, but he had adapted a certain image in the hopes to compliment that. There was nothing in LeCancia that resembled something like a "punk" teen as such... but on various travels to off-world cities, he had gone to concerts and picked up the concepts of it. This being so, he knew that the colour black was a big part in punk culture.
He died his hair black, wore plain and almost ragged black shirts, accompanied with a pair of dark blue jeans and sneakers. He also invested in getting a small eyebrow ring, and a small tattoo of a falling angel on his right arm.
Of course, he was no where near the same level of punkicity as other people in the multifaceted universe, but he was to his own level of comfort. Which was fine by him.

As he snapped back to reality, he saw Easter wave at him from the corner of his eye. He looked at her and nodded back.
It was time to get rid of the copy before any of the tutors noticed.

Faust sidled close, using the backs of students as cover as he reached forward.

"Faustus!" A nearby teacher yelled out, consulting the clipboard infront of her. "Faustus? Are you here?"

The copy raised its hand weakly and was about to speak before it was pushed voilently away, disappearing into nothing before it even hit the ground.

"I'm... Here..." Faust gasped, standing in the copy's place while panting heavily from the run.

He needn't have done this. The tutor hardly paid attention to him anyway.

Easter walked over and patted him on the back cheerily.

"Good work, wonder boy! You got here in near record time!" She laughed.

"Shut... Up... Easter... Major... Organs... Giving... Up... Now..." Faustus huffed as he fell over, proving that he was not superhuman.

"What the hell? Are you some type of wuss or something? Get up and take it like a man." Easter teased.

"Respiritory... Functions... Ceasing..." Faustus grinned grimly, completely spreadeagled on the ground.

"Oh get up, wuss. We're going in."

Faustus nodded as he stood up and leant heavily on her, still trying to catch his breath. Easter helped him towards the entrance of the building infront of him.


Re: The purpose of Fate in LeCancia?

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:13 am

The entrance to the building was much more heavily guarded than they expected. The LeCancian system of government was quiet on why. They simply just hinted that it was the centre of all peace in the city. There was also the hard driven fact that it housed the last artifact lest from the Legacy of Agress.

Armed guards stood at the entrance, holding massive weaponry that looked like if it did not deter any miscreants, it would certainly leave a gaping hole in their innards.
Inside the door was a metal and magic threat detector, the sort that went off with load claxons if any magic or metal objects that were perceived to be a threat were brought inside.

Currently, Faust was trying to get through. He was eyeing the small doorframe with deep mistrust.

"No way... You're not getting me in there. The last time I went through one of those things, it went off and my parents were stuck with a major investigation on our property and my intentions!" He yelled ostinately. He was holding up the steadily growing line.

"Oh, Come on Faust. It's not like that's gonna happen this time. That was just an accident in the system. The authorities gave you an apology, what more do you want?" Easter chided from the other side.

"How about a way in apart from this one?" Faustus sneered.

"Yeah right. This is the only way in, Faust." Easter said, rolling her eyes.

She reached out and grabbed the sleeve near his shoulder, pulling him through the detector. Nothing happened.

"See? Safe. Harmless. Like you had anything to hide anyway..." Easter yawned, obviously bored of what had just transpired.

"Yeah... I'll be damned if you get me through one of those things again though. Those things cause cancer anyway..." Faustus replied.

"The only thing here that gives you cancer, is those damn things you suck on."

"Hey! I just use those to calm down! You know what I was like before I got onto them!

"Yeah... Just shut up. We're going into the chamber."

They were led into the last room by the security officials towards after passing through several safety locks. It was a large one, probably larger than the entire building. It didn't seem to matter though. It was more than apparent what was causing the flux in space time.

In the middle of the room was a large tube-like glass case. Inside the tube was a small display with a shard of a gem inside, held up by three small metallic claws. The shard was only about the size of a splinter of wood. It would have been impossible to see if it wasn't for the radient purple glow that it released.

The students of the white spire university stood and watched it, feeling the power welling deep within. It was what they had all hoped of seeing. It was the last legacy of Agress.

...It was the last shard of Realitium, the element infused with the very essence of reality. Including the power to warp it.

"Students, may I have your attention..." A teacher to the back of the room began to call out. "...This is the first and last time you will see this priceless artifact. This is the last remaining shard of Realitium left in LeCancia. This same shard was weilded by Agress in his final battle with Fate. The shard now stands here as a testiment to the protection of LeCancia from the fate that it was decreed. In it, lays the very source of power that holds Fate at bay..."

From the back of the room, Faust nudged Easter.

"Hey... You reckon it could make an everlasting pack of chocolates?" He snickered.

"Dream on... I would have thought you'd be a little more respectful in a time like this, Faust." Easter sighed.

"It's just a rock, Easter. Nothing more, nothing less."

Over their oncoming arguement, the teacher continued to talk about the history of the shard and its importance in LeCancian society.

"...Personally, I'm more surprised that your not falling asleep right now, Faustus. I'm more surprised at that than your theory that the shard infront of you is a fake." Easter whispered, trying to hide their conversation from the eyes of a lurking tutor.

"Yeah..." Faust whispered back. "I'm surprised at that myself. I don't feel tired though. I blame it on the adreniline rush I had when I thought I'd miss this."

"I thought you didn't care about it?"

"Yeah... But I couldn't have you and the rest of them gloat for seeing it, when I haven't."

The teacher at the back of the room spoke again in a louder voice.

"The security officer has informed me that our time has run out. Will every student please get their last look at the shard, and then return to the bus outside..."

All the students started to slowly file out of the room, each and every one catching their last glance that they would ever get of the shard.

Faustus managed to stick at the back of the line until he was the last in the room. Several guards watched him with suspicious looks. He ignored them.

"Wow... I never thought it'd be so beautiful..." He whispered, uncovering the hidden feelings about the shard that he had kept secret from Easter. He didn't want her to think that he was a softy at heart. It would ruin his reputation.

He turned his back on the Shard and took a step through the narrow doorway out of the room. A portcullis slid down behind him.

That's when the tutors first realised that Fate Montgomery had been present for the rolecall, but not for the rolecall for the bus trip home.

All hell broke loose.

Faust spun around and gripped the iron portcullis as alarm claxons resounded throughout the building. Between the poles, he saw the shimmering figure appear next to the glass tube and then quickly turn into the girl he had, had a crush on since as long as he could remember.

"Fate! What the hell are you doing!?" He yelled through the bars. She didn't even give him a second glance as her delicate fist pushed through the glass tube towards the shard, the glass shattering around her hand, covering it with blood.

Her hand reached towards the glass shard and touched it gently.

It snapped in two, the purple glow fading into nothing.

"FATE!" He yelled, trying to find a way through the thinly meshed bars but to no avail.

She turned and smiled at him, seeming to notice him for the first time...

Her expression seemed to look like she was seeing everything for the first time...

...The room exploded.

Outside, both students, tutors, and buses were thrown into the air. Debris rained down upon them like they were in the midst of a hurricane. Perhaps... In some way... Maybe they were.

As soon as everything had settled down, the survivors of the blast managed to get their first view of the scene post tragedy. The building was completely engulfed in flames. The surrounding two blocks looked like they had been mangled through a paper shredder.

...There was no sign of Faust.

...Or Fate.


Re: The purpose of Fate in LeCancia?

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:19 am

"That wasn't part of the deal. I wanted the boy alive..."


"You cannot break our deal, you are bound to it like I am bound to you now."

"...So be it. The girl will also survive."

"What? That was certainly not part of the agreement!"

"Regardless, she has a purpose in which she is still ordained to fulfill..."

Faustus's eyes bolted open suddenly and he bolted upright. He could see the fire all around him, burning everything in its wake. He could even see the fire ravaged bodies of the guards, the fat dripping from their scorched corpses while their digits and limbs were reached out in grotesque poses of begging for the intense torture to stop. Unfortunately for them, it didn't.

He couldn't help but stare as the flames as they covered everything in a blanket of amber. It was only a few moments before he realised that they were over his as well.

The flames didn't seem to burn him when he touched them. They didn't blister his skin or burn it. They just passed over, not doing anything more than lighting his way. He picked a flame from a peice of split wood with his index finger and thumb. It stuck on his index finger and burnt as brightly as ever... just like the flame from a candle...

He smiled... So this was his special talent... An affinity to fire...

He grinned and got up onto his feet. The grin faded as soon as it appeared. His legs felt weak and he had an almost unbearable pain in his side. Not only that, but his back was starting to get hot. Very hot. Scorching hot...

The single flame on his index began to burn. He patted it out and cursed.

So much for the special talent...

Faustus took a step forward. And then another. It was all he could manage. The pain in his side was getting absolutely unbearable. It seemed to suck the strength from his legs and the conscious thought from his head.

He lowered his head and gripped his side tightly in both arms, as if cradling a sore stomach. He began to walk, not anywhere in particular. Just forward. It was better than suffering the intense heat at his back and it was certainly better than concentrating on the smell of burning fat while the bodies of the dead stared at him through blistering eyes.


Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:23 am

"I will always remember what happened to me on that fateful day... The day when everything in my life was destroyed and left in Ruins. The girl I felt I loved was, in all probability, dead. My friends were probably dead or mortally wounded. For a split second I stood on the edge of reality and watched it crumble infront of me, sygnifying nothing but the dark days to come. I can't remember the fire. I can't remember if what I went through really happened, or if it was just all in my head.... All I know is that on that day, I walked a path that I wish I hadn't. I walked towards the darkness on the horizon, turning my back on the burning light.

If I had known that I the darkness was really what it was, and that the light was my only salvation, I would turned around and walked into the burning light to my death.
Or perhaps I would have kept my eyes on the darkness and walked backwards, ignoring the heat as it scorched my back until it enveloped me, giving everyone that I once loved and cared about a little peice before they met their fates.

Alas... I was so young and so foolish... And the darkness looked so comforting." - Faustus upon his deathbed.

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Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Mar 29, 2003 3:14 am

(....Having fun, Ryu?)

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Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:30 am

(This is effectively one giant fic.)


Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:54 am

((Actually, as fics go, it's about average in length...))


Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:18 am

(OOC: I did put a post on the discussion board for this.

You really could have put this there.

...And technically its not a fanfic because anyone can enter whenever they want. It's not my fault they don't want to.
Well... Almost

It's certainly not my fault that a lot of people get intimidated by the IS style of using other peoples characters for rp's.

So please... Use the discussion board?}


Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:53 am

"Each step I took towards the darkness, I started to less in control. I never even noticed as I slowly faded away that day. I lost control of myself and did some terrible things.

I say myself because that is what I believe it was. Some have thought that it may have been an outside force controlling me. I don't know. I still don't know to this very day.

All I know is that when I reached the edge of the flames, it felt like I was looking over another person's shoulder. I looked on as the person infront of me smiled grimly at the destruction around... The bodies... The blood... The burning fires all around... He raised his hand into the air and a scythe appeared. He yelled out to the dead, dying and survivors 'Like the farmer culling the diseased of his crop, so shall I cull the diseased of my crop!' and that is when he started to run through the masses, cutting down both the dead and alive where they stood or laid. The blade passed through the flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter. Screams errupted from the burning field. It lasted for hours.

The towns guard arrived at the scene way too late. They witnessed the slaughter as they arrived and then looked at the man holding the scythe. They charged him altogether...
Many died in the ensuing battle. Their screams could be heard from the very edge of the feild as they were cut down.

It was only when they finally subdued the man that I found out who the man was. It was me... Something shuddered inside of me and I was suddenly in control again. The blade was gone and there was nothing left but the hands of the guards holding me as well as the dead bodies surrounding us.

I was brought to the top of the white spire where the head Magi brought me to trial. They did not witness the events inside the core building. There were no witnesses left alive from the disaster... Apart from one. It was Easter. The only thing they were certain of, at that point, was that I was the only one that walked out alive. Easter gave her colloberation of that fact, even though I watched her fight back her tears. It was assumed that I was the one that broke the shard of Agress that protected the township from the forces of Fate. It was secretly assumed that I was an agent of Fate...

I was sentanced to banishment from my home town, never to return to its once peaceful walls. All dimensional pathways into the city were to be barred, and blocked to stop people from coming in. No one was to leave. The city was in total lockdown.

So I left... Peacefully at least. I never saw my mother and father off. I felt too much shame for what I had done. In some way, I myself believed that everything was my fault..." - Fautus Abadon on his death bed.


Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:04 am

"It's been a few months since my banishment from my home town, LeCancia...

Truthfully, I've never been so happy in my life...

I landed in a nice place, even if it is a little backwards in the time scale. It seems like they dropped me in some dimensions past, in something like the 'Old West' that we studied vaguely back in junior classes. It's been real cool. Nothing dangerous ever seems to happen here.

Talking about danger, the narcolepsy I have had for the last few years in my life has stopped completely. Unfortunately its been replaced by something totally on the opposite ends of the scale. Compared to it, the narcolepsy was a peace of cake. Since there are no reliable doctors around that know anything of modern science, I have had to diagnose myself. I think I have Insomnia.

What tipped me off to this, you ask? Well... Considering that I haven't slept a wink since I got here, has been a bit of a giveaway. It's not too bad though, although I'd rather be experiencing my lives in other dimensions than being awake and trying to find things to occupy myself with.

Since I guess this is my journel, I'm supposed to just write all of the stuff I'm feeling right? Well... I suppose I should do that. Besides... All of what I've written covers this place.

I miss my mom. I miss my dad. I miss LeCancia. I miss the white spire university. I miss technology. I miss magic.

Most of all, I miss Easter. I wonder how she is. It's hard being here without a best friend to laugh with. I mean... I've made some new friends. The girls down at the saloon have taken a great liking to me. The spooky guy that makes the coffins or caskets, whatever he calls them, wants me to come and work for him instead of on the homesteads. I have a couple of the sweeter farm chicks wanting to go to dances with me....
It's just not the same without Easter though.

Last night I was also thinking... What happened to Fate? I mean... Fate Montgomery. I suppose she's dead... Just like all the rest...

I should stop thinking about that right now.

Oh! I forgot to say where I've taken up residence. I'm currently at the Saloon, living up in one of the rooms upstairs. It's not too bad. It's cheap rent.

The dinner tonight was the grossest thing I've ever tasted. They killed a cow right infront of everyone and then carved it up and ate it. I knew that steak came from cows and stuff, but seeing it get killed made me want to turn vege.

Anyway, getting back to the town. It's pretty good considering. It almost seems like the whole towns adopted me. It's really strange. They don't get many strangers here. I've never seen anyone new here, actually. So I guess they want to make me welcome. I've proved that I'm a good worker. They think I'm kind of amazing for that fact. They got worried though when I worked day and night for a while without sleep. So now I kinda just go up to my room until dawn.

Well... Until tomorrow night then. There won't be much of a difference. Just mindless dribble like I always put.

Yes... I will describe everything again. I know I've mentioned it fifty times already but its the only thing I have to write about...

Until tomorrow!" - Extract taken from Faustus' journal, three months after banishment.


Re: Untitled - Chapter 2: Iniquity

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:27 am

The sun slowly rose over the rolling dusty hills of the prairie.
It illuminated the feilds and the cattle yards, stretching its yellow tendrils out further, and further, and further until it reached the single street that constituted as a town.

The sunlight crept through Faustus' window, sending a bright ray of sun into his eyes. His pupils shrunk. He wasn't moving.
He just layed there in deathly stillness, almost not noticing the bright light. A cock crowed somewhere nearby. In a pavlovian reaction he sat up slowly, shaking his head as he tried to rid himself of the wretched half sleep that went with his new ailment.

'Faust! Breakfasts up!' A female voice came from downstairs. This was the voice that Faustus quietly labeled as "mother".

Faust rubbed his eyes and stood up, beginning to put on his clothes for the day. His wardrobe had changed a lot since his arrival here. The old LeCancian fashion was not appropriate for this setting. When he arrived, the residents just assumed he was a foreigner. Everyone knew foreigners were weird.
The townspeople were kind enough to give him the odd peice of spare clothing that would fit him. Many of them had grown out of old clothes and were saving them for their children that they never had. So, he wasn't exactly badly dressed.

He sat down on the bed as he pulled on a pair of thick brown leather boots. After the last boot slipped onto his foot, he reached over to the bedstand, grabbing a small belt from corner post of the bed. It was a type of gunbelt that had a holster and several slits for extra ammunition to be placed into. He didn't understand why they had given it to him. No one here ever used guns - At least not that he had seen. The men still carried them though and the women were expected to have a least one spare gun around the house.

After he attached the belt around him, he walked towards the door and opened it. He winced at the loud creak from the rusting metal joints in the door.

The voice from downstairs came again, 'Faust! Last call for breakfast, hun!'

'Alright, I'll be there in a second, Del!' He called back.

He started the slow walk down the stairs. Funnily enough, it wasn't as hard as it should have been, being a morning and all.
Since the change of environment and ailment, his body had altered from a state of constant half sleep to a state of eternal alertness and energy. It was only really at nights when he half slowed down.

He spotted the girls crowded around a table in the middle of the saloon, each one was seated at a place and looked expectantly at Faust. He apologised for his lack of timing and sat down at his alloted place at the table. He bowed his head and put his hands together.

'Faust, since your late you can take prayers for this morning.' the lady he labeled as "mother" stated. He didn't bother arguing. He simply did what she said. He just hoped he did a proper one. He was never a religious person.

'Lord, I wish to thank you for this meal which we are about to receive. I pray that you make this day profitable for the wonderful ladies that I am boarding with, and I pray that you keep them in safety throughout the day,' He opened his eyes and snuck a quick look around the table to see if the girls approved of his prayer as it was. 'Amen.'

They all opened their eyes and started to pass around bowls of food. The girls hadn't said anything about his prayer being unacceptable, so it must have been just good enough to pass.
He grabbed a bowl being passed around and helped himself to a generous portion of scrambled eggs.

'So... Faust. You're looking mighty dressed up today. You wouldn't happen to be askin' to marry some young eligible female out would you?' spoke "Mother". All the girls at the table giggled and looked at the youngest of the group, as did Faust.

'Too busy today, Delilah. Jesup over at the ranch promised me three dollars if I went over to help him with the cattle today. I'll see how much time I have for that tonight.' He grinned as he spoke back. It was the only way he could get away from this sort of situation. He had learned it just a few days after he was offered to board with them. If he got stuck on words and tried to take it seriously, they just giggled and laughed. However if he pawned it off as a type of joke, he could get away without much embarrassment. It just also meant that the girls would go disappointed until tomorrow morning when they would ask again. He had the feeling that they really were trying to match him up with the youngest member of their troop. She was only fourteen and even though she was quite cute, she was a little too young for Faust's tastes.
In the world he was currently in, boys were men at the age of sixteen and girls were women at the age of thirteen. That would mean that he was two years into his adulthood, and that she was a year into womanhood.

'Don't forget that its part of the agreement that you come back at lunch and dusk to control some of the more rowdy patrons.' The "mother" women, Delilah, spoke.

'Alright, ma'am. I'll be here like always.' Faustus replied again.

It was funny how only Delilah and Faust seemed to speak at the table. The rest didn't talk at all unless they were addressed directly. Faust put it down to cultural differences. It was possible that they had some sort of heirarchy in which only the most senior could speak freely, as well as their guests.

Breakfast was soon over and, while the girls were left to clean up and get ready to for the days work, Faust was left to ride towards one of the ranches on a surprisingly well kept horse.

Quietly, as he rode down the dusty dirt track out of town and into the hillside, he contemplated at that state of the girls back at the saloon. Obviously, he wasn't the first man to take up residence in the saloon. There were portraits of another man on the inside walls of the building. When he asked about them, the girls just went quiet and refused to talk about it.
Delilah had once taken him aside and told him to stop asking about it. She told him that the man had died. He asked her how and she said it wasn't important.
He put it down to something embarrasing. Possibly a poisonous snake had bit him in a very uncomfortable place and he was too ashamed to ask the local doctor for help.
Lately though, he had seen people whispering things when he past. He had questioned a few of the other townsfolk and they refused to talk about it as well.
He reminded himself to look into it later when some patron was slightly off his head with alcohol.

In the distance came Jesup's Ranch, there was thick black smoke coming from one of the buildings. The black plume towered into the sky.

He looked down at his horse and kicked his spurs gently into its sides.
'Giddyup!' He yelled as his horse started to gallop towards the ranch. "Giddyup" was embarrasing, he knew. But it was the only word he knew to make the horse run...

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