Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revived)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.


Unread postby Kadina » Fri Nov 08, 2002 7:39 am

(Ooc: Hi everyone. Sorry about not replying. Computer crashed. *kicks "dead" computer* Some how it got a virus...but that's okay [notice the sarcasic tone] cause it will get fixed "soon" [meaning: in a few months] so right now I'm at the libary [my savior!] writing this. Hopefully I'll get to borrow my friends' scanner next week when I vist his to put up the pictures. [Now all I have to do is figure out how to work his Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1!] I hope we get a new computer...)
Great shieks emitted from the creature as it looked to visablely twist and turn in the violent magic, making odd ripples through it.
Fine little strings of light swung around it.
It tried to escape, but more strings wrapped around until it looked like a silk worms cacoon.
A struggle seemed to still be going on as little treads started to break.
Anyone near would have needed to squint their eyes as a bright flash filtered through the room almost blindingly.
Instantly an painful burning sensation coursed through the groups hands while going to close the gap.
A new flim of sweat ran down each persons brow from trying to concenrate on the task.
Like they had magents attached to their backs with tuggish push away from one another.


Re: Capture...

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Nov 11, 2002 8:58 pm

The electric activity between the creature and Bowie ceased, his eyes fluttered for a fleeting moment and then he dropped to the floor.

The time leading up to now seemed far too much for him. He had been metally strained after never conducting a feat like this before in his life.

He slid to the ground against the wall to the back of him before flopping to the side. He lay in a small pool of the blood from his nose, his mind open, yet, inactive and unconcious.

(Ooc: Lets just build up that tension. Also Kadina can read his mind now because of their teleptathic link, as can katayanna, so they will know who he is.)

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=scyla001>Scyla001</A] at: 11/13/02 12:19:46 pm


Re: Capture...

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Thu Nov 14, 2002 7:04 am

Bowie dropped out of the circle and the magic started to waver. For a moment, a chill ran through the group. They were so close. Fighting as hard as he could, Bane joined in to take Bowie's place with renewed fervor.

Greywolf and Jackal meanwhile fought with every ounce of strength they had to hold their ground. Jackal was practically screaming out the chant, trying to make it work. Greywolf was starting to give off an aura of heat. He let go of Pearl's hand as his sweat visibly turned to steam. Never before had he tried to act as a vessel to so much potent magic. If this didn't work, it might very well destroy him.



Unread postby Kadina » Sun Nov 17, 2002 1:21 pm

(Ooc: Auhahahahaha! I have two pictures up thanks to my generous beautiful friend! I could just kiss him!....*looks at friend* But I won't. *grins* I'll try and put two more pictures up when he lets me borrow the scanner again....*sigh* I miss my computer....but check out these two [the best his scanner can do, which is saying alot]. "Greywolf and Pearl" & "Katyana")

Pearl felt the loss of the magical connection from their hands when Greywolf let go.
She was almost glad he let go though since the flow from eachother was becoming rather painful eachtime the chant got stronger.
Shaking visablely on his feet, Yun, kept a tight almost unbarable grip on the others hands causing them to flinch slightly.
Hime winced and bit back a cry of pain every time Yun's hold got tighter, by now red spots were forming around the outlined areas of her hands, but it did nothing to stop the free flow tears from it all.
Kadina made strangled sounds deep in her throut trying to hold on, digging her nails through Jerec's outer hand, nicking the skin to bleed.
At this point though she didn't know weather to throw off the others hands to stop the pain or to keep hold to numb the increased pain.
The blood comming out of his hand was causing Jerec to have slippage with Kadina's hand and had to every so often grab her wrist instead.
It was half way down and shinking down, the creature fought more with each bit that sunk through, multiplying the force.


Re: Pains...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 17, 2002 2:54 pm

Katyana's eyes widened with shock as she realized Bowie's identity, then narrowed again as she glared at the shadow creature.

"<Sekor? Wulfric?>"

Both were by her side, each holding her hands and acting as willing donors of energy as she rejoined her efforts with the others.


Re: Pains

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Nov 19, 2002 4:26 pm

OOC: For some reason I can't view the pictures. It just keeps telling me the page is unavailable. That's why I don't liuke Yahoo and geocities. Too unreliable


Re: Pains

Unread postby Scyla001 » Tue Nov 19, 2002 8:22 pm

(Ooc: I can't view them either graywolf. Thought I might have been able to get at them via your link in your info type page thingy, but thats just bazzar!! Not bad pickys on those strips though kadina.)


Re: Pains

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Nov 24, 2002 11:24 am

Greywolf tried as hard as he could to supress the pain running through his body. He felt like he was on fire. He saw no need to join hands any longer. Arcs of magical energy danced over his body, leaping to those closest to him. The sweat evaporated as soon as it was released from his pores. The elf had no idea how much longer he could stay conscious.

Jackal was practically screaming the chant to try and take his mind off the pain. He normally had a very high pain threshold, but this was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Bane seemed to be better off than most, though he was obviously in agony. His eyes turned to a strange blue-black color, seeming to absorb the light around them. With his connection to the circle, it became obvious he was trying to channel some of their pain into the creature. He hoped that this would speed things up, but it might just end up making the binding take even longer.


Re: Pains

Unread postby Kadina » Sat Nov 30, 2002 10:40 am

(Ooc: ^_^; Thanks for pointing that out you guys. Here use this link to see them: Jiya's Secret Pictures!
Hope that work's! Now it's off to Christmas...*grabs decorations*)

Kadina stumbled back breaking Jerec's grip and head snapped in Bowie's direction.
Her eyes grew wide with confusion not knowing about link between their minds.
She looked around what little she could see of the others for a answer like they could hear her question. "Am I going insane? Gam's alive?!"
Pearl tried to protect herself from the elements currently at work by clasping her hands to her ears and ducking her head.
She muttered the cant and what prays she could remember hearing as a child to help along.
Yun fell hard on one knee when Hime collasped on hers feeling the strain of everything so he was forced to let her hand go.
Jerec brifely wondered why Kadina suddenly let go, but winced once the feeling started to return to his hand.
The creature grew slightly lighter and smaller almost looking like a blimish as it started to turn a ting of a pink shade.


Re: Pains

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Mon Dec 09, 2002 6:16 pm

OOC: bump


Re: Pains

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Dec 11, 2002 10:59 pm

Katyana smiled slightly, rubbing some sweat off her forehead with her shoulder. Heartened by the results they were having so far, she pushed further with her abilities, augmented with both Sekor and Wulfric's strength.


Sleepin |I

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Dec 16, 2002 1:05 pm

Thousands of thoughts rushed through His head as he lay motionless on the floor. All his knowledge, the texts he read, what had happened in his short life, but mainly, he thought of kadina.

She was the first real person he had ever seen, the first girl even. He would compare every woman he now saw to her, and in his view, they would only ever be a slight shade of Kadina. That momment when they met, he forged a link with their minds subconciously, and now he was unconcious, all his deepest feelings and thoughts had surfaced.

Somthing within now made him stir. The blood from his nose now stoped flowing, as he curled up into the featal possition.


Re: Sleepin

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:42 am

Greywolf was chanting through gritted teeth. Every time he felt that he had discovered every form of pain there was, he found himself corrected most unpleasantly. This was one of the most agonizing moments he had ever gone throug, a feeling as if his blood was boiling, a fire erupting inside of him from his very core.

Jackal, still entirely foreign to magic was trying to cope with the alien feeling of it. He pressed on anyway, feeling it was better than the alternative.

Bane was looking paler than usual. He felt exhausted. Every passing second was a struggle to remain standing. The creature was almost finished. They just had to hold on a little longer.


Monster Sealed!

Unread postby Kadina » Thu Dec 19, 2002 7:18 am

(Ooc: Sorry that I've been off so long. Does the link work? The characters might not look the same in other pictures, an example of that is Katyana's other picture. Then again I'm drawing on what ever anime style I currently view at the momment. Oh I'll have to add some guy pictures soon to even the pictures.)

When it seemed that the thing could not get a brighter shade of deep red-pink it quickly sunk down into the stone along with the heavy magic that floated around.
As if on que everyone either fell back on over extertion or triped before they relaized there wasn't anything to push.
"I'm...NEVER....comming....back....HERE...again!" Pearl voiced out in between gasping for breath on the ground.
Here Kadina almost replied that she did come back when she said not to before and would probably have to come back to check on the stone from time to time, but right when she closed her eyes images flashed before her painfully fast, cutting her off from any train of thought.
"You...can...say...THAT...again!" grouned Jerec lying flat on his back.
"That was fun!" croaked out Yun sarcasticly. "Who's up for another ride? How about 'The Nightmare You Can't Get Out Of' ride?"
"Shut-up!...We're...WERE...already...on..that...RIDE!" screeched Hime part of which was muffled through her hands in frustration.


Re: Monster Sealed

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Fri Dec 20, 2002 8:09 am

Greywolf dropped o his knees then into a crumpled heap beside Pearl. "I'm numb... from the neck... down," he said through heavy breathing. "After all that... mind-blowing... pain... everything seems dulled..."

Jackal was no better. "Now I remember why I don't use magic. It's a whole different kind of pain!" He rubbed muscles that weren't really sore but felt as if they needed it and growled under his breath.

Bane on the other hand was sprawled out on the floor with his eyes glassy. "Can we go away now? I can still remember being linked with that thing the instant before it was sealed. I've never felt fear like that..."


Re: Monster Sealed

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Dec 20, 2002 10:17 am

Katyana shuddered, glancing at the streak of white in her braids, as if to reassure herself it hadn't widened.

Then her eyes lit on something... in shadow, but with a silvery, white glint to it. Wulfric followed her gaze, then opened his mouth in a wolfish smile before going to pick it up, showing it to Katyana, cupped between his hands.

The two cats grinned, despite their sweat and exhaustion.

Then Katyana glanced to the others, the white slits of her eyes seeming to dance with suppressed joy despite the recent events.

"Of course. We— we found what we needed," she said, glancing at Sekor and Wulfric, who stood on either side of her, framing her.

"So we might as well be going... once you all get on your way again."


Wake'n up

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Dec 22, 2002 8:42 pm

He opeaned his eyes, only for a moment, shuting them again as soon as he saw the blood and the pain set in. His brain felt swollen, a kind of numbing pain filled his head.

The Link between himself and Katyana had now dissipated, but he felt compleatly aware of Kadina's pressence, and the lack of the demon that had now sealed. He begain to turn and face kadina, but before he could make eye contact, he could tell what she had found out while he was unconious.

Rising swiftly to bolt upright, he sat with his back against the wall, huging his knees. 'Why didn't I just leave?' he thought to himself. 'Now look what I've got myself into.'

He wiped the blood from his face and lay his head on his knees so that he was looking at kadina, blinking slowly, he thought nothing. He knew he could not take this charade any further. He stood up and adressed the group.

"Everyone listen to me a moment. I have an apology to make. I am not what I am. I am the product of a thousand years of genetic improvements and cyberoptic tests, the last being Gamma 8... But, I am Gam. I used body to destroy the computer daughter who had planned to escape this city, using my body as the vessel of her escape. Moments before the bomb I set detonated I cast a very powerful spell that allowed my soul to move to a new host, that of the Bowidine Project which mother had kept in stasis. Lifeless, a body without a soul, the perfect chance given to me. After then I just wanted to leave this place without persicution. To leave unseen and enter a world that may even have believed I had been concived nautuarlly... But I came back because I knew you were all in danger... I just wanted you all to know that." And he slumped back against the wall, sliding down against it so he was once again seated.

(Ooc: Comon ppl *Major Bumpage*)

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=scyla001>Scyla001</A] at: 1/14/03 9:50:50 pm


Re: Wake'n up

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Jan 19, 2003 12:17 pm

(ooc: does anyone know how to contact Kadina? See why she hasn't been able to post lately?)

Greywolf forced himself into a sitting position, looking straight at Bowie. Or should he call him Gamma? Perhaps he should worry about that a little later. "If that is the case, then I owe an apology as well. I misjudged and blamed you for things that were beyond your control, were not your fault.

"It seems some of the biases of my people rubbed off on me despite my parents' efforts, but that's hardly an excuse." The elf shook his head and adjusted himself into a more comfortable position. "I'm not going to justify my actions. I was too quick to judge and acted foolishly for it, and for that I apologize. You came back to help us, and I thank you for it."

Greywolf felt relieved to have gotten that new burden off his chest before it could gnaw at him like so many others had been doing over the past century. He offered Pearl his hand with a small smile, his eyes holding that familiar softness she seemed to like so much.


Horray, ppl :D

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jan 20, 2003 7:50 pm

(Ooc: I'll try emailing her again)

"You know." Bowidine said after a moments silence. "I could always remove your lycanthropy, either you or pearl, If you wanted." He said softly. Greywolf felt inwardly that Bowie understood, and had already forgiven him.


Track... keeps me busy... better get out...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:58 pm

Meanwhile, Katyana, Wulfric, and Sekor were linking hands, Kat's eyes closing gently as she did the gentle twist of smell that tweaked space...

The harsh, acrid smell of ozone came again, and Katyana's white streak of hair widened slightly, flaring out as Sekor and Wulfric's grips on her hands tightened, linking energy.

Then, with a flash of light, all three were gone, back to their home world.


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