Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revived)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revived)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed May 08, 2002 10:40 pm

(OOC: OK... it was Kadina, Greywolf, scyla, and me. I can't provide a summary of EVERYTHING, but we're all charging along to try and find Gamma 8, Kadina's travelling in a pipe, and... I'm very bad at summarizing even small things. Katyana is in lioness form, Sekor is ticked off at Wulfric, Pearl is wearing Greywolf's shirt, Bane has a crush on Hime, Hime is being rude in return, Jackal's angry at 'em, and... um... I liked that RP a lot. Can we try to continue it again? Please?)

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pd Rydia
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Re: Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revi

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed May 08, 2002 10:47 pm

(For reference, I just finished saving JS from the old board.
change the #01 to anything between 01 and 38, I think. There might be another page or two past that.)

Edited by: pd Rydia  Image at: 5/9/02 2:53:59 am



Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu May 09, 2002 8:50 am

(OOC: OK... if nobody else comes here, I won't be able to go to the old board, despite the new posts there. It's almost impossible for my computer to get there quickly, and I need the computer for other less time-consuming things. So if it comes to that, I don't know if any of you guys are reading this, but... count me out. I dunno... maybe a freak whirlwind carries them back, they find some magical catnip/wolfnip and use it to stop the feud and THEN teleport back... or something... Prefer them not to be killed, since I like them.)


Sorry about not replying sooner...

Unread postby Kadina » Thu May 16, 2002 1:19 am

(Ooc: Sorry for not replying sooner. I was on a little "vaction" with my family and they only let me have one minute of internet access a day. Well I kept trying to get to the original, or old forum if you would, with out success. I want to continue with all of us, but I don't know Greywolf's email address to tell him. Scyla I might be able to catch on AIM if I'm lucky though.
I'm sorry you had to wait so long to hear a response from me Lysa, Gomen.)


the old forum ain't gud

Unread postby scyla » Thu May 16, 2002 4:46 am

(Ooc: I think I maybe able to contact greywolf. I got his email address when I started playing JS. Do you want me to tell him were continuing it here or else where?)



Unread postby scyla » Fri May 17, 2002 5:26 am

Well it looks like keenspace is working again, I just posted there and It looks ok Image .


Here's the posts you might have missed Lysa...

Unread postby Kadina » Mon May 20, 2002 4:18 pm

(Ooc: If you want Lysa I could post your posts for the others and post their post here for you, so you can still rp if they don't come here.)
"Step aside," Jackal smirked. He walked up to the security cnsole and pulled a small metal pad with several wires sticking from the side from one of his belt pouches. He place it over the keypad and pressed a tiny button on the surface. The machine gave a small whirring as Jackal smirked, waiting for something. "A little device of my own invention," he boasted.
Greywolf set Pearl down and arched a brow. "What the hell does it do?"
Meanwhile, Bane looked behind them at Hime, his face as unreadable as his brother's had been. He stood still as a statue with his arms folded over his chest. He was a very unnerving sight to behold, standing tall and intimidating with his jet hair, red eyes, and black clothes.
"How does it feel to be on the recieving end for once," he asked in a monotone voice. "Well?"
As this went on, Jackal smirked proudly. "It scans the fingerprints on a keypad left behind as far back as a year. The keys with the heaviest layer of fingerprints on them are often the ones most frequently pressed and there's a good likelihood that they are the numbers in the entrance code." The scarred twin puffed out his chest proudly as the device gave a small beep and displayed several illuminated squares on its surface.
"Perhaps not all machines are as useless as I thought," Greywolf said under his breath.
"Ok, now we're getting somewhere!" stated Yun and started typing a code, which blinked wrong, and a number poped up displaying attempted tries, "Let's try that again..." after eight more tries he got acess to the files needed, "Now the problem is how to shut it off, I assume you might be the expert on that, Jackal?" he asked stepping aside, "It will take some hacking into the defense system, but they will put on a defense in a matter of minutes, if we don't get it done quickly!"
Meanwhile Hime didn't even bother to lift her head, she knew who was speaking, and she cursed under her breath, "Why don't you leave me alone?!" she move to a corner facing the wall, "Why don't you do what you're brother told you to for once? Infact, yell at me if you want, hit me if you want, but don't just stand there like that!" she told him glaring at the wall, "...If you really want to know though Bane...I've been on the recieving end since I was born, I'll never rule since everyone has left Jiya, nobody really knew about my brother and me for 'safety' reasons, but we were 'accepted' for being better then most of the other bastard children he had! You will never know how much pain that hurts to live in a place where you watched helplessly, so many people who you knew and loved died!" she whispered angerily hitting the wall with her fist until they felt numb, "All that and that's just a part of the hell I live in, so don't think I don't know how it feels to hurt! 'Giving' sometimes eases the pain, everyone knows that...it's just the way life is, why should anyone always be mostly on the 'recieving' side? Must I be cursed by my bloodlines karma forever?!" with that all said she closed her eyes, laid on her back, and started playing with her hair lazily while humming a song she heard often as a child, just to block out the tears that came with the pain.
Jackal cracked his knuckles and grinned. His fingers flew over the keyboard, keeping the contents of the monitor in front of himin constant motion. "Clever system they've got here. But nothing I haven't seen before. The basic structure and organization is pretty standard. Just a few alterations and safeguards."
With a triumphant grin, Jackal laid the final strokes on the keyboard and gained access to half of Jiya's computers on this lone terminal. "59 seconds! I'm on a roll."
Bane rolled his eyes at Hime. "Oh spare me! Do you think just because you had a bad childhood you can take it out on the rest of us?" The long-haired twin sighed and hung his head.
"For your information, I know exactlywhat it feels like losing loved ones. Did you know Jackal and I were once two of three? Triplets? Our brother, Shadow, was killed three years ago, torn to shreds by ghouls. And all Jackal and I could do was watch him die.
"Do you see me taking that out on everyone else? I offered you my help because I felt sorry for you. I saw someonewho felt like I did when Shadow died. Now all I see is a child who refuses to think of anything beyond her own misfortune."
Bane pursed his lips and slowly walked over to Hime. "I'm not going to help you up again, because I know you won't take it. All I want is to see you think of something other than yourself. What do you think Gamma 8 would say seeing you lying there like a baby? I ask myself what Shadow would say to me if he saw me depressed and moping over the tragedies of my past."
He looked down at her in silence for a moment. "Tell you what, I'll make you an offer you'll undoubtedly find appealing. If you can stand up on your own, I'll let you kick me in the crotch. If you can, I'll stop bothering you. If not...." Bane simply shrugged. "Then I guess you just have to grow up."
Greywolf twitched his ears this way and that, straining to hear as far down the corridors as possible, hearing Bane and Hime's conversation and thinking both of them to be completely insane.
"And there goes the anti-magic field," Jackal boasted as the screen displayed the shut down of the field.
"Wow....that was beautiful...." whispered Yun in awe at how fast Jackal got the system down, "Where did you learn your skills?!" he asked Jackal.
"Beautiful?" Pearl whispered giggling, "I wonder was Yun really talking about his skills with the computer or Jackal himself?"
"Maybe both!" Jerec whispered back, they both glanced between Yun and Jackal then covered their mouths to surpress their laughter.
"Huh?..." Yun looked up at the two confused, "What are you guys laughing at?"
"Nothing...." they both said quickly, Yun looked at them strangely before turning his attention back to Jackal.
"Um Katyana..." Jerec coughed to get her attention, "What were you guys talking about back there, if you don't mind me asking..." he asked taking a seat down next to her, "I heard...a name and was wondering why you seem so mad at Sekor and Wuflric, they care about you a great deal."
Hime sat up and looked up at him with her eyes wide, almost in awe, mixed with shock and respect for Bane, "You would let me hurt you, why would you do that for me?" she asked him, wondering what in the world was going through his mind, she crossed her arms still looking at him, smirking in her mind, but had a blank face shown to him, thinking of how he would answer her questions.
"Who's up there? Show yourself or I'll...use a spell on you!" she threatened now slowly feeling the rush of magic returning, and took stance, waiting while in fear was nerve wrecking.
Suddenly a beeping sound came from the screen, Kadina turned to look at it, "What?..." words scroll down until a window pops up showing the others on camra, "...the others!..Where's Gam?!..."
Greywolf smirked at Pearl as he looked at his hands, which now had dark energy arcs dancing over them. He lowered his hands and let the power dissipate. He now had his magic back and was ready to payback the Slayer for what it did to his friends.
Jackal grinned proudly. "Self-taught, my friend. Self-taught. Everything my brother and I know we learned on our own." The scarred twin hooked his thumbs on his belt and puffed out his chest to show off the various gadgets and weapons he had designed himself. Perhaps this group wasn't so bad after all. Bane wasn't the only one who appreciated genius.
Bane himself was still looking down at Hime. "I'll explain later. Suffice to say, I have my reasons. Now I'm going to make the offer one more time. You can stand up, kick me in the crotch and I'll leave you alone to be as childish as this whole thing sounds... Or you can stand up and grow up. Which is it going to be?" The long-haired brother stood perfectly still, like statue clad in black. He looked dark and intimidating, but at the same time he seemed to almost be silently daring Hime to strike him. "I'm only going to give you another ten seconds to make your decision, because we can't wait around much longer. We need to find the others. Your brother. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2..."
"1." Hime huffed and got up facing him for a moment eye to eye not moving, "....I don't hate you, you know." she half scoffed half whispered, her arms still crossed as she walked pass him to Yun, who had a silent staring contest before acting like nothing had happened between them.
Yun was mentally drooling over Jackal, but was composed enough not to show it much...when Hime arived they did what they always did through the years, pretend the fight never occured and go on being the strange sort of friends they were.
"Our powers are back!" praised Pearl doing a sort of dance like before, "The others will be easier to find if they use they're powers!" letting some magic heal what little wounds she had, "I feel so....alive..." she sighed.
Slowly gamma 8 (hereafter known as bowie) emerged from the vent shaft.
"Evening!" he said calmly, droping down on to the floor from a short hight. his hair was tied back now, leaving two strainds hanging down either side of his face. He looked different from the last time she saw him, and his eyes, a much deeper gray.
"Damn i've missed you." he said grabing hold of her and tightly.
Kadina stood there in utter shock, she didn't realize it was him until he spoke, then again she wasn't expecting him to just drop down out of nowhere, ok so the vent wasn't nowhere, but still.
For a second she thought she was going crazy, "Wha...what are you doing here...and how did you find me, weren't you with the others?" she asked barly a whisper, she didn't know what to make of this, he acted like he hadn't seen her in...well forever. It even confused her more that she felt the same way, the hug was a warm welcome even if he did squeeze some of the air out of her lungs, but she gladly took it being so close to him.
She blushed dark crimson red that made her pale skin looked sun-burned, at the thought that he missed her, the tone of his voice when he said it made her smile, "Gam...did you follow me?" she hoped not, it was embarassing enough to know she was afraid of and ran (or crawled quickly) away from a small spider that seemed to chase her for fun half the trip in the vent.
"No, nothing like that. I followed your sent up this shaft." He said, while moving his left hand up her back, towards her head, runing his fingers though her hair as he went. His other hand sliping within kadinas front pocket (Don't get any dodgy ideas!). "look, I can't stay here long, I have to get moving again soon!"
"Oh." sighed Kadina thankful he didn't see the embarassing momment, and looked shocked at him saying he had to go.
"What....but you just got here." she stated to him giving him a hurt look, "Where are you going?" she asked, even though she didn't know much about the place.
Meanwhile a beeping noise is heard from the computer.
"Hey someone's on." Yun said looking back at the screen just as it displayed the scroll of words then showed Kadina and Gamma 8 on camra, "Ooooo...there they are..." he told the others.
Hime's eyes widen seeing her bother on the screen, "Gamma's alive!" she said happily then added dully, "...oh and her too....."
"Yes well..." Yun said bringing attention back to him, "We'll still have to find them, even if we can see them on screen now, doesn't mean we know what floor they're on."
"Please with all these peoples tracking skills it won't be long." Hime pointed out.
Gamma looked at kadina. She could tell by his eyes he didn't want to go. "I have to go finsih something." He said reluctently. He step bak and kadina felt a voice in her head. 'Don't follow me, this is our last good bye, I'm sorry.' With that he waved to her, reviling the disk and jumped into the vent.
"Goodbye...." whispered Kadina looking up where he had so suddenly appeared form and disappeared to.
Her vision blurred with tears, and she leaned against the wall, "I'll never forget you..." she said feeling like a dagger had shot through her heart, but she knew they would heal with time.
The whole room was silent except for the sound of her breathing and the echos of her steps to the pod that she planned to go in and find the others with, "No one will even know about him, except us...how sad is it to live alone for most of your life then when you start to actually live you have to go?..." she thought as she steped in.
(Remember the begining intro? I know if your a fan of Jhonen Vasquez's works, you'll know that I got the creature idea from "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac".)
Meanwhile out side the safety of the floating city, the winds seemed to roar while thunder and lightening ripped through the sky above the city and only the city.
The surrounding area seemed not to be effected by anything, it was like it wasn't happening at all.
Somewhere in the city there is a building with dead bodies on the ground, and a wall covered in a thick layers of blood that went down to a small hole in the floor, the door was now open, but it was suppose to always be locked to hide the shamful secret of Jiya's powers.
When the last ruler chose to ignore it, it desided to kill all the people, some had gotten away, but two children were left inside, forgotten in the rush.
So instead of killing them it took the boy to be it's feeder, the girl to keep it's feeder from feeling lonely, and created one to keep it safe, though that seemed to had back fired since it took a life all it's own.
Raven was it's feeder, he brought people to it and in secret try and distroy it, though many would die his way it was the only way he knew to without arrising alert to the monster, but he was now dead.
It had enough power from the previous feeder to roam around though it was still hungry for more power, and it's senses told it there were many victums near by.


You're so nice... *feels guilty*

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon May 20, 2002 7:43 pm

Katyana turned to Jerec, dark eyes solemn as her tail slowly curled behind her. Still in lioness form, she melded their two scents.

This is why I'm mad at them, she sent to his mind. It was not so much words as a feeling, or emotion, as memories were poured into Jerec's head.

Coddled, babied, always treated like she'd break if she was allowed to stand on her own...

A prize for any warrior. A valuable prize which should be treated well, but still a prize.

Sekor's first akward attempts to court her, as all three— Kat, Wulfric, and Sekor— went through puberty.

Wulfric's almost spineless willingness to give her her way all the time, and Sekor's later talent for aggravating her even as he continued to protect her...


Kat stepped back, her face bland. She growled something in Ilenthurii, a language which apparently she could speak even in cat form.

Sekor translated. "'Let's go. We can sniff them out.'"


The end is nigh!

Unread postby scyla » Tue May 21, 2002 4:27 am

Gamma 8 droped down to the corridor below. Then he ran. He had to get to daughter as soon as.
When he reached the bridge he slowed to a walk. He had to do this, even if it ment killing himself. He could never see kadina or the others again, though this would not be the end. He looked at his watch, he hadn't long left. He entered the contol centre that he had entered all that time ago. He found the main disk dirve, inserted the disk and let it run it's function.
'system desrtuct in 10, 9, 8,7...

Seconds later Jiya shook, but on the higer levels, in a tube maked bowie a human featus opened it's eyes.


Scyla can you contact Greywolf to tell him to rp here?

Unread postby Kadina » Thu May 23, 2002 8:48 am

Jerec took a moment thinking about what Katyana had just 'told' him before quickly following, it was ture that in the early ages of history women were more or less treated like prizes and dress almost doll like, but not this day and age though men sometimes did slip to reallize this.
It might be like that there where Katyana, Wulfric, and Sekor came from, but he didn't see the use to treat her so fragilly, after all she was stronger then she looked...and she looked strong.
Though he had to addmit that he could sometimes tended to be more or less as protective as any male about the people he cared about, and that had earned him with a dispute or two, but he always worked things out with the said person or people.
He just hope that Katyana, Sekor, and Wulfric would patch things up between themselves, the tension was thick enough to cut with a butter knife or choke on the atmosphere around them trying to.
Accross the room Pearl silently watch the activity aound the room, most were ready to quickly regroup as she was and she was eager to follow the trail they lead.
Yun couldn't help, but worry if Hime would ever get along with any of the group, so far was not so good as he saw it, then again that's what you get if anyone lived here for long, gentleness or friendliness wasn't given to one's ownself. He almost slapped his head in frustration when he saw her roll her eyes and followed the rest, he could of sworn he saw a chuckle escape too, but knew she would deny it if asked.
Just then the ground shook, Hime tried to keep steady, "What in h-" "How are we having an earthquake when we're not even on ground anymore?!" yelled Pearl mostly to herself.
The sudden lash caused a small crack to form on the bloody body scattered floor which slowly, but violently grew until part of the ground gave into it's self with much crashing down with it.
It was silent for a whole minute, almost as if nothing had existed there, but suddenly raspy breaths were heard which grew until they seemed fairly normal.
"How long has it been since I've actually been out of my prision? It must be grand to roam free..." a growl is heard and echos through the room, "So many lives near yet so far...it's like they're taunting me. Something I have to have, but not suppose to...well not really." the creature let's out a deep crackle of laughter.



Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu May 23, 2002 9:13 am

Wulfric went into a crouch near the floor, keeping his center of balance low so that he wouldn't fall over. Kat imitated him, and Sekor tried slinging an arm over her back to help stabilize her, but she snapped at his hand and he withdrew.

"Maybe something is happening to the magic which is holding us up?" asked Wulfric.


I sent him an email, we just gotta wait.

Unread postby scyla » Thu May 23, 2002 11:38 am

The fetus sudenly started to grow at an alarming rate, approximatly a year every 2 minuets. When this process started bowie blinked, his eyes changing from the vivid gray they had been, to an almost molten silver that shone like 2 small furnices. A metal sheild rasied up sheltering the tank, allowing Bowie to grow behind it.


I'm back!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Thu May 23, 2002 5:34 pm

The twins grabbed hold of a nearby wall for support. "What the hell is wrong with this place," Jackal shouted indignantly.
Greywolf swept up Pearl in his arms, his natural grace and agility allowing him to maintain his balance almost effortlessly. "We better get moving soon! I have a very bad feeling about this!"


Re: I'm back!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun May 26, 2002 1:50 pm

The Computer screen next to where jackel had been typing now displayed te message, as do all montiors in Jiya.
'Warning. Vital computer component Daughter Missing. Flight Mantained though system fuctions now under Mother. Thankyou.'


Re: I'm back!

Unread postby Kadina » Sun May 26, 2002 5:07 pm

"I wish I knew..." thought Yun steadying himself and replied to Jackal, "Who knows..."
"With everything else that's happened we shouldn't really be surprised..." Hime pointed out, "Just adds to the weirdness of our situation."
"For once I regretably agree with Hime..." Pearl said in a disbelieving mutter, "Strange things have been happening since we got here.."
"That's a good theroy Wulfric, but the place was floating when the magic field was up though magic did work outside..." Jerec said trying to make sense of the situation, "Maybe when we took out the field it made a shift of balance?"
"What's happening?" thought Kadina as she fell to the ground off balanced by the sudden 'earthquake'.
The pod emitted a squeek from under her and shifted slightly and before she could reallize what was happening the pod came crashing down.
The thing crept slowly in the shadows to the inner working of the city, hearing a sound that seemed to be comming closer to where he was near creeping, he choose to ignore it until he heard the crashing that followed it, ".....Errrrrrrrr......." it growled in annoyence and scrambled over to the wreck.
"This place is falling to pieces! Damn slaves can't even take care of the place....." it sneered flicking some rubbage frusterated by the lack of care given to the city, but stoped spotting a hand. "...I wonder if it's dead?..." a strange smile played on it's face thinking about it, "..Or maybe it's alive..." it added seeing a finger slightly twitch, in what he could only guess was pain.


Find Kadina!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun May 26, 2002 10:07 pm

Greywolf's sharp senses were able to pick up the scent of the wandering a creature, and the sound of the pod Kadina was in crashing. Once Kadina's scent reached his nostrils, his eyes widened, various theories popping into his head. "Shut up and follow me! Kadina's in trouble!!"
Setting Pearl down, Greywolf took off at top speed, following his senses through the chaos and leaping off the walls as he rounded the corners. He knew that the others, except maybe Katyana and crew, wouldn't be able to keep up with him, but he charged onward anyway. As he entered the room where Kadina climbed through the vents, he roared in frustration.
Rather than facing his claustrophobia again, the werewolf transformed into his hybrid form and encased his hands in dark energy. Thrusting his hands out, blasts of shadow magic rushed forward and blew a whole in the wall. He followed the scent on all fours, blasting or crashing through any obstacle in his way as the sense of urgency increased. Finally, he knocked down the last wall into the room where Kadina was.
Meanwhile, Jackal and Bane ran behind, trying to keep up with hte determined Greywolf. "Is he always this impulsive?" Jackal asked, used to running long distances, and therefore at no shortage of breath.
Bane on the other hand, was tough, but he didn't have his brother's endurance and growled in frustration. "Damn wolf! What the hell does he think he's doing?!"



Unread postby Kadina » Tue May 28, 2002 6:05 am

Hime ran as fast as he could to keep up, "Impulsive you could say that." she said.
"Never as impulsive as you....." snickered Yun, but not high enough for her to hear.
"He sensed danger of a friend, wouldn't your reaction be like his? To find them quickly Hime?..." said Jerec hurriedly.
"Friends? She's lucky to even have one with the kind of attitude she has!" Pearl pointed out.
"Why you little-" Hime started.
"Please save it Hime, if we stop we'll lose sight of the others." interrupted Yun, to wich the two girls growled at eachother and continued in silence.
***Kadina's POV(Point Of View)***
"Darkness.....Where am I now? Why is it so hard to breath, and why can't I move?" Kadina thought silently trying to move.
The weight on her lightened and light engulf her vision making her eyes hurt, "Err..my eyes, now everything seems blurry and-huh?! Hey w-what's happening now?!" she felt like she was being lifted up then placed down, and heared what sounded like a growl, ".....I really hope that's one of the guys...." she trembled a little by the feeling of being examined.
***The creature's POV***
"Let's just take a peek at lunch shall we?" the creature said lifting the rubble away careful not to drop it and kill the person under after all he wanted their soul not to actually kill them, that was for the 'feeder' to do...that is when it found a new one.
"...uh......wow..a human, haven't seen one of these things in a long time...I wonder how her soul tastes?" it said looking at her curiously, then picked her up to get a better look, but quickly set her down when he heard a faint crash somewhere.
"Rrrrrrrrrrr!" it growled in annoyence and quickly slipped away into the shadows and in the mean time find any wandering souls that he couldn't reach until now some had mistaken to not pass over.


The Hunt is On

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue May 28, 2002 6:57 am

Greywolf rounded burstthrough the last wall and saw Kadina laying on the floor, badly hurt. But he could also smell the creature somewhere in the room. "Whatever you are," he snarled, "I know you're here! There are more coming this way, not just me," the werewolf warned.
"Hey," he called back into the trail he had left behind without takinghis eyes from the room. "Move it! Kadina's in trouble and there's something nasty lurking around in here!"
Jackal ran in first, still at no shortage of breath. With a flick of the wrist, a long, thin, blade with a needle-like point sprang from his gauntlet. "Bane! Get over here!"
The six-fingered twin finally ran up, panting heavily. "Dammit, wolf! Could you have possibly gone any faster? Not all of us have your endurance!"
"Shut up," Greywolf snapped. "Bane, you and the others help Kadina immediately. Jackal, you and I are going hunting." The werewolf crouched down on all fours and started slinking slowly into the room, straining all of his senses to find the creature .
Jackal donned a silver visor and switched it on, causing the screen on it ot glow green. The darkness of the room vanished in Jackal's eyes. He turned onhis sound and motion sensors and took a foot-long silver rod from his belt, following Greywolf as he did so.
Bane slowly approached Kadina, propping her against a wall and checking for cuts and bruises. Once he assessed that damage, he checked to see if she had a concussion, growing impatient for the others to arrive.


Sorry couldna post earlier.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue May 28, 2002 9:35 am

Sekor nodded. "Wulfric and I will go hunting as well."

Kat, meanwhile, was crouching next to Kadina, sniffing at her carefully. Finally, she rubbed one cheek against Kadina, purring "Are you all right?"


Grow my little seed

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed May 29, 2002 11:32 am

Bowie continued to grow rapidly, he had aged the equivelent of 10 years in as many minuets. Mother had had the AI's conduct repairs to her system now that she now had control over them again. she had also produce a selection of Clothing for Bowie when his production was comleat, time sped on, only 5 minuets to go.


It's like some evilly doomering ghostnessy creaturey thingy!

Unread postby Kadina » Fri May 31, 2002 6:00 am

(Ooc: Do you know who the 'protector' is, I mean I left clues everywhere...Sorry, I was helping my brother trying to make his site by making images and stuff. It's a Battle Magica Fanart site, but it's not done yet.)

"..Hi Katyana..Bane...I feel sore all over, but I think I'm going to be okay..." Kadina whispered with opening her eyes slowly fighting off the glare from the light until her vision became clear.
The first ones through the was Jerec, next Pearl, then Yun, and last Hime, they encircled around the others.
"So is she going to be ok or what?" asked Hime startling some and breaking the short slience they had looking at her.
"I believe I'll live..." replied Kadina slowly in shock that Hime would even care to ask about her well-being.
"Pfft. Don't be so surprised, I just asked because these fools were taking too long for the question to reach their mouths." stated Hime waving it off.
"So where's the others?" asked Kadina.
"Don't you know? There was a creature here with you just before we came. So the others went to find it..." said Jerec cleaning some of the soot off her face.
"Yeah Greywolf sensed you were in danger from it and you know the rest." Pearl added in.
"So where'd Gamma 8 go anyway Kadina? We saw you both on camra, but when we looked back he was gone.."
"He's...gone." Kadina said sadly looking at the ground the others fell silent.
"What, excuse me can you say that again?!" Hime asked not believing what she just heard.
"Before he left he told me to say 'goodbye'..." stated Kadina tears now streaming down.
"No! I don't believe it!" shouted Hime in frustration, "I can't believe that! Why didn't you stop him?!"
"..He told me not to...."
"That's no excuse!" Hime accused tears forming in her eye and her whole body shaking in anger, "He was..no I can't think like that, he wouldn't leave like that...." she fell to her knees and sobbed, "Gamma....."
The creature guped another wandering soul, it was a random dead city folk still thinking it was alive it looked paethic to it running around trying to get to where it use to work only to a minute later run to where it's house once was. "What fools these mortals be..." (You know where that quote is from!)
Of course it didn't have long, hearing his own hunters near by, "Errr...the men are the first to go." he stated nodding his head to some how agree with himself.
"I'll just take the protector's body after I have a little fun." it smiled at that and waited.


It's like some evilly doomering ghostnessy creaturey thingy!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:51 am

(Ooc: Everyone Is taking a long time posting here. I remember when I'd come home and there were like 3 new posts to read, lets try getting it back to speed ok.)

The Tank Bowie had been in rapidly opened spilling it's contence over the floor. For a momment Bowie lay there not moving, then he begain to breath.
He slowly stood up and looked around him. Farther/ Dr holt had been right. He had been able to move his conciousness from the gamma 8 body to this new body with relitive ease. Now he was back in the body of an 18 year old. He looked almost the same as he had done before, except of shinny molten silver eyes, and shorter hair.
He looked at an array of clothes that mother had layed out for him. Quickly he changed into a pair of jeans, a blak t-shirt, a pair of boots with steel heels and toe caps and a long black leather full length coat. He also took a dark pair of sunglasses to hide his unusal eyes.
He now watched the Vido sevalence cammras so to escape without beenig seen. He could never see these people again, as much as it hurt him, because they would know where he was from and how he came about.
Though this became an unlikly possibility. Bowie saw the beast walking though the hall ways. This caused hio fear kadina, and once finding her on the screen felt even worse.
"She's injured. I gotta help her. But she can't know who I am. Arrh why dose life have to be so damn complicated!" He turned to the computer and said, "I'm sorry mother, but I gotta do it." He turned round, took an Executioner Pistol from the weapons pad, sliped it into a holster guard on his coat, obsuring it, and left once more in search of this mystery beast.


Re: It's like some evilly doomering ghostnessy creaturey thi

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:20 pm

Katyana kept quiet for a while, not wishing to intrude on their grief, but eventually lilted a purring question.

Then she realized that she had forgotten that Sekor and Wulfric had gone on a hunting expedition of their own, and nobody could understand her.

With a sigh, she shifted back to her normal form. "What about that creature that was holding you? Do you have any idea what it is?" Kat sighed. "I know you want to grieve, but as long as we still have life, we still have to go on... grief can be saved for later," she said softly.

Sekor had assumed that he was the automatic leader of their unofficial two-person hunting team, and Wulfric was in no mood to disagree.

Sekor led the way, tail lashing as he sniffed about, keeping away from Greywolf and Jackal's area. After all, they could sniff it out, but if it escaped, Wulfric and he would be in a position to catch it, he reasoned.


(short version) Evil Gloomey Thing

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:10 am

Greywolf used the full extent of his powerful sesnes furthre augmented by his magic and transformed state. "There's a lot going on in here... Lots of movement. Where ever Gamma is, I think he's still alive. Something humanoid is coming toward us, that much is certain. Steel heels in boots, honestly. Doesn't anyone know how to move around quietly anymore?"
The werewolf looked around cautiously, his mucles and sinews like coiled springs. After a moment of fruitless searching, he slowly edged back toward the others, reluctant to leave Pearl for too long in a situation like this. He reached out further with his shadow magic, trying to find the creature that attacked Kadina. His eyes snapped open, a cold metallic purple. "Everyone tighten your guard! I can't be certain, but I'm fairly sure what's lurking around in here can steal the spirit essence from your body."
"Damn," Jackal muttered. He slowly edged back when a small red light started blinking on a device at the side of his head. "Something's moving!"
Bane moved in closer as well, scowling. "I think you're right Greywolf. If it can take souls, it's hell bent on getting Kadina's and possibly yours."
The werewolf turned to look at the scarred twin with a frown. "How the hell do you know that?"
"I'll explain later. Right now, let's just wait to see if the one you heard earlier is Gamma and then we can work on our escape plan." Bane shrugged his shoulders and licked a rdop of sweat from his lip that had run down from his forehead.


The boots.

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jun 03, 2002 5:43 am

(Ooc: The heels may be steel, but the grip is still welt. The steel just basically gives it a look and weight, and it dosn't touch to floor or make any if much noise, just saying.)

Bowie had almost no idea what the reature was, but he wouldn't stop until he made sure all his friends were safe.
He now had short spiky hair, and with this new body was pure human, which was rare in this world. He took out a small computer pad and looked at it. He could view the security camara's from this and would ba able to find the creture much easyer.


Comforting talks and dark thoughts.

Unread postby Kadina » Mon Jun 03, 2002 6:30 am

Kadina nodded, "I didn't really get a good look at it or anything for that matter, my vision was all blurry, but I remember that the 'creature' had a stange kind of feeling coming from it....."
"I think the whole place has a bad feeling to it..." Pearl said, "This is one of the reasons why I don't really like this place..."
"It's just natural to feel a bad feeling towards it..." said Yun while comforting Hime, who is now just sniffling after hearing Katyana's speeh, "You weren't exactly welcomed here..."
"Well that explains why I didn't feel much welcomed..." added Jerec.
"I did." Kadina suddenly said, "It always felt familar to me, almost like home...."
Pearl inwardly winced hearing her say 'home', "Well your mother was from here..."
"Yes, one of the nuns told me of her. You never liked her did you?"
"No it's not like that, it's just that we never got along when she was alive...You sort of look like her."
"Really? I've forgoten certin things about both my parents over the years, it's been a long time."
"Yes it has..." at that silence fell between the two.
(Ooc: The creature can not talk so it thinks alot or growls.)
"I'll have to remember their names so I can taunt them..." it thought slowly slithering out across the wall. "They're quick to catch on, I do want souls, and the more the better. Too bad I couldn't taken over the feeder's body, and start eatting all their souls now before they start warning the other soul filled people around. Damn slave for dying on me! He probablely went with a fight, but now," he thought sadly "all I have is that creation 'Yun' to use..."


<insert clever title>

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 03, 2002 9:33 am

"What was this place, before?" asked Katyana in the silence that ensued. "I certainly hope that no other city would ever find itself haunted with these strange 'machines', or floating above the ground... was this an important place, before? And what happened to it?"


Hime, Pearl, and Kadina inform history...

Unread postby Kadina » Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:54 pm

"It wasn't really important per say..." said Hime, "It use to be a share way kind of community for benifits for the people."
"To put it plainly: the tradional way works and the technological advancedments working to balence out things." Pearl stated.
"Of course now it's more or less combined since we all live in the same place." added Kadina.
"The machines were made to make things run much smoother with all the work our city did, but not all 'people' agreed with what we did, and we also had inner battles as well when some people started disappearing..." Hime said remembering, "that's when most things went bad."
"Then one night the city went in exploding with flames everywhere, some people got away and ran to Ichigo where after they were healed and the flames long put out started to blame some of the residents; who were later killed." Pearl said sadly.
"No one actually knows who started the bombs...and there's a reason why the place floats, I found out that the place has alien technology in the systems and...um nevermind." Kadina said seeing the others give her funny looks.
"You sure you're really alright?" asked Jerec which Kadina made a face at, "Just asking..."
"Well it could be ture...would explain some stuff, like the Slayer." Yun said wearily.


Re: Hime, Pearl, and Kadina inform history...

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:26 am

Bowie was getting close to the creature now. He couldn't smell it, or see it, but he could sence it. He could sence it's twisted mind, it's evil aura and it's unhalloed thirst for souls.
Bowie was scared of facing this creature alone, he had no idea what it was capable of, just that it needed to be stoped.


Re: Hime, Pearl, and Kadina inform history...

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:54 pm

"I suppose its possible," Greywolf muttered. "I've seen stranger things. Just can't think of any right now." The werewolf continued looking around, waiting for a chance to strike.
"Certain legends have spoken of visitors from the heavens," Bane said. "Not to mention the fact that several scholars have debated that there are worlds beyond the stars."
"We can discuss this later," Jackal snarled. "First let's get out of this death trap and get some breathing room."
"Agreed," Greywolf nodded. "Gamma! We're in here! We've got to get out of here," he barked, knowing his booming voice could carry far enough.


Re: Hime, Pearl, and Kadina inform history...

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jun 08, 2002 5:27 am

Bowie ignored greywolfs call. He could no longer anwer to that name. He looked like gamma 8, but smell like a human and had different hair and would try to pass himelf off as different peron for a long as posible. He kept moving towards the Creature



Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:08 am



Talk and think

Unread postby Kadina » Mon Jun 10, 2002 8:57 pm

(Ooc: Sorry for being gone so long....I'll spare you all of the long detail why and sum it to one word: People.)
"Greywolf, Gamma 8 is gone..." said Pearl, "There's nothing left that we can do for him now..."
"Except hope he went to a better place..." agreed Jerec.
"So we're going to leave just like that? We're not even going to pay our respects to the deaths of my brothers?" asked Hime.
"We can pay our respects later," whispered Yun to her, "right now there's a monster on the loose."
The Creature watched quietly over the group, moving above, below, and around them.
"There's more people here then I thought...Are thoes cats? No...well what ever thoes three are they have souls too." it thought spotting Katyana, Wulfric, and Sekor.



Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Jun 19, 2002 8:57 am

(Ooc: damn it i can't post yet, but I'll bump it anyways)


Getting Closer

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Fri Jun 21, 2002 12:16 pm

Greywolf decided to remain in elven form. It would be easier to sense the attacer that way. "Perhaps he is. I don't like to believe in a no-win scenario, though. If all else fails, cheat the fates."
Suddenly, the elf's eyes widened and he thrust his hand above them, sending a powerful blast of energy upward. "It's right above us!"


Getting Closer

Unread postby Kadina » Sat Jun 22, 2002 3:48 am

Everyone quickly glanced up in time to see a formless shadow being stuck and speed down across the wall to the floor with what seemed like smoke steaming out of it while it zoomed around.
"What is that thing?!" screeched Pearl who steped aside as it went by her.
"It's not very solid." informed Jerec seeing it pass through chunks of rubble.
"Oh god what's it doing?!" yelled Hime as it split in pieces which expanded and took humanoid shapes.
A whole minute seemed to pass with a stare down from both sides, weather it was fasination, horror, or shock before they attacked.
"What are we fighting excatly?!" asked Yun dodging a hit, his weapon going right through it.
"They look like shadows...." Kadina stated slowly, if not barely sweeping past the hits.


Just in time.

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jun 22, 2002 6:21 am

At almost the exact point at which the shadows charged into the group, Bowie entered the room, holstering his gun when he saw the lack of effect by their weapons. Rasing his fist he walked towards the closest shadow and Punched with a loud crackel of physic energy, knocking the thing backward with the force of his attack.

"Need a hand?" He asked the group, while preparing to follow up his attack on the shadow.


Re: Just in time.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 22, 2002 11:21 am

Wulfric could smell something... odd. He murmured to Sekor, "Don't you think we should go back now? Something doesn't smell right."

Sekor paused, taking a deep draught of scent. Then he coughed, sounding like he was almost hacking up a hairball. "Smells foul."

With that, the two males turned back, rushing into the room again.

Katyana, meanwhile, was set in a crouch where she could dodge anything that the shadows threw at her. She didn't like having to accept help, but she nodded to Bowie, meanwhile rapidly trying to reconfigure the smell of the shadows, trying to see if she could affect them by slowing them down, or making them solid.



Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sat Jun 22, 2002 8:31 pm

Greywolf encased his bladed in gauntlets in an aura of dark blue magical energy, thrusting it deep into a shadow attacking Pearl. The creature writhed for a moment before backing off, acrid smoke rising fromthe place where the gauntlet passed through it.

"We could use some hlep, yeah," the elf said dryly. "All I can do is harm them by over-exposingthem to shadow energy. It's like drowning them, they get too much of a good thing."

Greywolf stood his ground against the shadow he attacked and a new one, putting himself between the creatures and Pearl.

As the creatures stepped back to avoid an attack, Greywolf grabbed Pearls whip, giving it a charge of the same magic as his gauntlets. "Better make the strikes count. Without my constant contact to maintain the energies, the aura on that whip will only be good for a short time."


The Creature's idea of 'fun'...

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Jun 23, 2002 6:57 am

The creature was surprised by Bowie's sudden enterance and then Wulfric's and Sekor's.
Recoiling from the punch, for a mili second there was a dent in the humanoid shape, but it then went back to normal and punched Bowie right back.
Another pair went automaticly to the two catboys, and it had to admitt, Katyana was quick to the momment to move as the shadow tried punching her, but another joined in seeing one wasn't enough.
Only one bothered with Kadina as she moved in a slower state from the fall and, hitting her as she took pauses to catch her breath from swinging her weapon.
It was used to seeing people trying to fight back, but was alittle disappointed by the womens reactions; most would still be screaming bloody murder and either faint or gone mad.
Greywolf devolped his own way of keeping the things back, which it was amused by and made a group to lash out at him at once.
Pearl had her own set to deal with as more seemed to expand and cracked her whip once or twice, hitting many shadows as they went near her.
"There multiplying!" shouted Hime, who kept trying to injure them even with their speed faster.
The ones with Jerec tripping him and scratching at him from different directions, confusing him where to hit.
A shadow attached it's self to Yun head blocking his vision and he was just running into things and frailing his arms wildly.


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