Children of Shadaloo (Serious Furry-RP, Freestyle)

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Sep 23, 2002 2:26 am

(OOC: Bumpity bump.)

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Re: Murder.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Sep 23, 2002 5:29 am



Re: Murder.

Unread postby ikozaedro » Mon Sep 23, 2002 5:35 pm

(ooc:waaa! sorry sorry sorry! i had problems with my pc, then i thought this was dead...sorry)

lunch time, again....all the days are the same, train, eat sleep, train, eat, sleep....well it is not that bad at all, its entretainig in some way,but there is something that makes me feel uncomfortable....but what....whatever it is it, it doesnt matters now, its lunch time and iam hungry....

Edited by: [url=>ikozaedro</A] at: 9/23/02 9:39:59 pm

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Re: Murder.

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Sep 25, 2002 6:12 am

((OOC: Whew, finally... Hope the others are still here though))

As you sit in the messhall you notice that everyone have gone quiet. Curiously you look around, and notice that M.Bison have entered the messhall, looking out over the tables. Like one man the entire group of soldiers and workers rise to a stiff stand.
"My soldiers, my friends, my family." Bison begins. "I am glad to see so many of you are gathered here. As you might have known, I've been away for a while, in business. Now, I don't know how much words have been spreading. But I'm sure you have noticed the increase of drill training and exercises. A very reliable source have just informed me that there is a war breaking out in north Africa between two states, Galombia and Zimeban. Zimeban states supports our cause, Galombia don't. As of yet no information have spread to any other countries except it's neighbours, and we want it to stay that way." Bison is now pacing back and forth. "You are to be sent in, eliminate the Galombia forces and make sure no one escapes to inform the rest of the world... Zimeban are vital to the continue of Shadaloo, and we want it to stay that way. That is all." With that the entire room began chanting "Bison, Bison" until Bison himself had left the room, a grin on his face.

((OOC: You will be sent out on war, so it'll be a perfect time to realize what Bison really does, and Shadaloo for that matter too.))


Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby Kyton » Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:36 pm

Shadaloo genome experiment--file 1136

CodeName: Lloth
Age: 22
Subject Origin: Canada
Form: Lupine
Technique: raw savagery
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 215 pounds
Eyes: black Hair/fur: indian-red

Project status: Gene therapy and conditioning complete.

Subject history:

Subject Lloth was sucessfully attained, unfortunately in the process a second was taken. A little research has revealed the woman to be a fiancee. She is now being retained as leverage, and considered for genome compatability (referr to file 3313)

Upon completion of gene therapy it was found the usual procedures could not be followed. The subject was nearly 100% feral, resulting in three injuries and one death. However over time his self control slowly returned and conditioning was able to proceed. Thanks to his fiancee's captivity training proceeded quickly, and Project Lloth is declared complete as of 18:00 hours wednesday june third. This subject is the oldest on record to survive the process.

Psionic potential was discovered, though despite stacked combat and severe injury it has yet to be awakened. It is noted that an un-simulated scenario may be required, thus it is my reccomendation to send him into Galombia with the special force.

Bison closed the small file he had been reading after leaving the canteena, and turned at the next intersection.

It was dark. It had been for longer than he had a sense of time for. Chains shifted every time he moved, his bonds tight and heavy. He sat hunched in what must have been the middle of the room, trying to maintain what little sanity he had left with memories of Shala. He remembered camping with her after his graduation. The course was short, only a three year program, but it's end marked the beginning of his life with her. He remembered her dazzling smile when she opened the little velvet box, and how it had so suddenly turned to shock. The images of his tent being torn wide by the unmistakeable shape of a combat knife had burned itself into his mind. He had felt a sudden jolt of excrutiating pain... then the world blacked out. He remembered draming of drowning, of being slowly torn apart, of being surrounded by the sound of his own beating heart. Then he woke up in chains, with blood on hands that weren't his. That was days ago. How many he didn't know. But in that time he was randomly dragged from his cell, and thrown into another to fight for the amusement of others.

An echoing clank snapped Lloth's head up, canine brows furrowing as he focused on the source of the sound. He soon found that a mistake as the light from halogen bulbs poured into the room from the far side of the door. He half-turned away from the light, his chains not even permitting him to hide his newly sensitive eyes. The pain was lost in a wave of anger as an all too familiar voice sounded from just inside the doorway.

"Ah... good you're awake."

Lloth wasted no time in his lunge, which was immediately cut short by chains snapping tight. The sum total of his rage led him into being able to stand quickly. Behind and to his sides, the chains vibrated like a strummed guitar chord.

"And I see you still have that fiery temperament of yours. Need I remind you... yet again... what precious posession I have?"

Lloth growled and snarled, canine teeth gleaming in the dim light. The flash of anger subsided a little slowly for Bison's liking. "Damn you!" Lloth's voice was a low, threatening, gutteral growl. "What do you want with me! Why did you do his!... What am I!"

Bison flashed a friendly smile, the sort a car salesman used when he just met another sucker. "You are a soldier now, in my army. Or at least yo were supposed to be. But you are still much too hot around that pretty collar of yours. That is most disappointing. Perhaps we should simply dispose of you." The man tapped his chin in thought... "Though... then we'd need a replacement. And it is so hard to find a candidate these days. There's secreting a blood sample, analysing the most compatable genes... orchestrating the subject's 'volunteering'. Though why go to all that bother?"

Lloth shivered as he clued into Bison's train of thought, the fur across his neck rising. "You bastard... leave her out of this... I'll-*"

"Do exactly what I say. Or else she becomes the next sideshow attraction. Personally I think she'd look ravishing in spots."

Lloth slumped in defeat, the rage that once burned through his eyes quenched with the sadness of knowing he had no choice. A few minutes led to Bison issuing what Lloth was to do, and what not to do. Then the once human was let from his chains once he assured he would 'behave'. He was led to a room, and told to clean himself up before meeting the others (The first he heard that there even -were- others). The instant he was alone he buried his face in his hands. They felt alien to him, even that simple action stripped of it's humanity.

OOC: I hope you don't mind my using Bison a bit... but I couldn't think of an easier way to introduce my character and his backstory. Basically once Lloth is cleaned up he'll be told one of the people he is going with is completely loyal, and will kill him if he reveals anything about his being coerced into going, and have his fiancee undergo the same experiment he did. But naturally he isn't saying which one so Lloth can trust none of them.


Re: Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby Kyton » Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:34 pm

OOC: Damn! I was hoping this one still lived! *Whines* ... c'mon... pleeease still be alive? (Oh... and bumpalooie too)

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Re: Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:23 am

Sorry, but there's so few people left playing there's no real point in keeping this alive anymore. Sorry. If more people would sign up, maybe, but I dunno.Image


Re: Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby Kyton » Wed Jan 22, 2003 3:56 pm

*shrug* ah well it was worth a shot. sometimes snivelling and grovelling actually works


Re: Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby ikozaedro » Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:26 pm

(ooc:ok...i want to still be in this, so if other players decide to continue just call me)


Re: Introduction... maybe revival?

Unread postby Kyton » Sat Jan 25, 2003 12:47 am

OOC: heh my answer is obvious... but I'll say it anyways. I'm willing to see if this one can keep going. ^_^


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