End of the World (serious RP)

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Re: Time to leave

Unread postby Koneko » Wed Sep 18, 2002 8:56 pm

Pelm picked up three of the books and tossed them at Vorit. "Catch!"

Vorit caught the books but was driven to the floor by the weight of them. As Culat picked up the fallen books, Koneko sighed and strode out the door, and Vorit proceeded to do a high-speed-bite-leg-attack to Pelm.

Koneko called inside, "Come on, we haven't got all day!"

Still squabbling with the dragon as well as Culat defending his pet, Pelm backed out the door.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Time to leave

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Wed Sep 18, 2002 9:15 pm

Gathering his bag from the innkeeper Auras slings his bow over his shoulders tightens his quiver and slips his falcatas into his belt. Walking out the door with the rest of the people. As he walks through the doors Auras wonders what will happen to the party as they travel in search of this unknown evil....

Legend of 8

Re: Time to leave

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:56 am

The village was silent. So, these guys were actually going to try and stop the evil. Fools, some called them, others merely shook their heads and continued on. Some were inspired by the courage.

Leaving the village, the grassland opened up unto them, and in the distance, the mountains loomed. Pointing at them as they walked, Ed spoke.

"Those are our goal. We need to get over them. It shouldn't be too hard, due to the time of year. The only thing worrying me is the monster population... However, by taking certain paths, we can hopefully avoid a great deal of suffering. And I know these paths."

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Time to leave

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:12 am

"I dunno, said Auras, The paths may have changed due to this newfound evil."

Legend of 8

On the first leg of the Journey.

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:08 am

"That is true. However, it's the best thing we can go by right now...."

Oz 200

Re: On the first leg of the Journey.

Unread postby Oz 200 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:17 am

Selin:” Hey Auras how is your leg to day?” she smiled.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: On the first leg of the Journey.

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:33 pm

"It is just fine. Thanks to you i havent felt any pain since it was damaged."


Re: On the first leg of the Journey.

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:37 pm

Koneko, highly perceptive as always, said to Selin, "Indeed. It didn't look like you used white magic... what did you do?"

Oz 200

Re: On the first leg of the Journey.

Unread postby Oz 200 » Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:17 am

” It is a natural ability I have it sins my mother were a priestess. I can cure the sick heal the wounded, once I even brought back a child from the dead but that is something I wont try again.” The last words were field with so much sorrow that it cod make even the strongest warrior cry

Legend of 8

Re: On the first leg of the Journey

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:58 am

Indeed, Ed tried to keep back his feelings of sorrow.

"Let us hope, then, that you do not have to revive any of us."


Re: On the first leg of the Journey

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Sep 20, 2002 3:48 pm

Koneko did not speak. His own griefs had burned him for many years. He still felt them, and his dedication to his own quest was as zealous as ever, but his expression remained unchanged, save for a single tear that dripped off his face and burst into flame. "It may prove to be inevitable; but I hope similarly," he said simply.

Culat simply gave a low whistle. " Take upon thyself the pain and anguish of others, and thus take from them that which caused them. I've heard of this ability, but never seen it."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showLocalUserPublicProfile?login=koneko>Koneko</A] at: 9/23/02 9:59:36 pm

Oz 200

Re: On the first leg of the Journey

Unread postby Oz 200 » Thu Sep 26, 2002 12:48 am

(ooc:its alive)

"Not many have its weary pain full” she looked around “hmmm i think its time to leave son?”

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: On the first leg of the Journey

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:18 am

"Yes, Auras said quickly, Lets get moving."

Legend of 8

Re: On the journey.

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:15 am

The terrain went by, slowly. Trees began to become more sparse, the grass shortened. As they approached the mountains, the air grew colder, the terrain more rocky. It was sudden, though. In only a day, they had already covered much terrain. Strange, though, that even though the mountains were still days off, this area would be so desolate....

Keeping a keen watch, Ed looked for trouble. He began to get that feeling that soon, something would be upon them.

"Be careful," he warned. "Something could jump out at us at any time. And it will more than likely want to kill us."


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