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Postby SheenAlkaline » Fri May 31, 2002 9:29 pm

((YEEP! >.< the whole thing was erased! >.< agh! The Rp is more or less dead But I wouldn't want it to look bad too..))

{It was a warm, sunny afternoon in the country of Zoheltena. The air was humming with activity as Kalifa garden's students were on their 'free time'. Though most were studying for the SeeD written exam..some were studying the more difficult things in the SeeD exam}

Reium leveled his gunblade to the side as the large, grey wolf reappeard before him. The Dire Wolf was the name of this species, and they populated the majority of this section of the garden. He smirked as he knew he was going to deal the final blow to the wolf..He crossed his wielding arm over his left shoulder (his wielding hand being his right ususually) and while he darted forward. He then spun before reaching the wolf, his wielding hand quickly going low and making an upwards slice at the wolf's muzzle. The blade made a direct hit, and the gunblade cut the bottom part of the muzzle in half, and got stuck in the top half. He smirked as he took note of the result of the attack..he pulled the bloodsoaked gunblade from the beast and holstered it. He observed it while it died..The wolf making an odd, gurgling whimper before falling onto its side..dead.

Edited by: [url=>SheenAlkaline</A] at: 6/1/02 4:11:05 pm


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SALSAlys » Fri May 31, 2002 9:36 pm

Anjelai came through. "Whoa, hold on there," she said good-naturedly. "I'm not one of the training critters." She was a centaur, with a black horse body and white speckles on her rump, and white socks. Her upper body was just as muscular as her lower, and was also dark. Her hair was tied into a myriad of tiny braids, which were wrapped into a ponytail at the back of her head. Over her shoulder was a rifle of good quality, affectionately nicknamed "Ol' Betsy" by its owner.

"Finished part of my studying already, so decided to unwind with a few bouts here."


Re: SeeD RP

Postby ikozaedro » Fri May 31, 2002 9:37 pm

(ooc:....look at me, im a mess....well i decide that playing brothers would .... make my chars unoriginal....the thing started already and i havent gime my bg story or a you think i can still join?)

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Deeum » Fri May 31, 2002 9:39 pm

(( for ezboard italics you do textor for html you fo <*i*>text<*/i*> er.. course take out the stars in the HTML code))

Sitting around the same area sat a young lady with short golden blonde hair, sapphire colored eyes, issue student clothing and a grey metallic headband. Paying no attention to the few people who are sparring off, she is one of the few ACTUALLY studying for her written exam, though the other wouldn't be half bad.

(woo first entry and a poor discription~!)


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Fri May 31, 2002 9:59 pm

((Sure gluglu..though you should put your stats in the topic in the OOC rpg disc.. So we know who you are and such. before entering that is..))

Reium sighed and made a quick swing at the ground near jelai's feet, the gunblade missing of course, though a messy line of blood spraying across the floor in front of her, some of the blood splattering on her socks. He spun the gunblade on one finger and slid it back into his holster (the spinning around thing is just a force of habit). He had his hand on his OTHER gunblade an in instant. He had an angry look on his face. He looked visably tense.

"If your one of those animal rights protecters then you can leave me the hell alone and talk to the headmaster.." he said calmly, though he had his feet planted, ready to pull the gunblade from its holster and attack.

Red Seph

Re: SeeD RP

Postby Red Seph » Fri May 31, 2002 10:03 pm

Approaching the area from the opposite direction came the sound of soft clapping, followed by another student ducking under a tree and walking towards them. As he rose Jelai and Reuim could see his short black hair, blue eyes, and charming smile.

"Great hit there, buddy, even if it was with that gunblade of yours." Rudolf drew the sword hanging from his belt and spun it in the air. "As for me, I'll be doing my hunting with a real blade."


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SALSAlys » Fri May 31, 2002 10:17 pm

"What gave you that idea?" asked Jelai. "I have no qualms about killing these things." She shook her forelegs absently, switching legs side to side.

Pain to wash out my legs, she thought, but her thought were hid behind the benign smile on her face. But I can do that later.

"I'm going to go find something to shoot at now. See both of you later." Anjelai broke into an easy canter away, looking for more animals to fight against. Her gun was ready for firing.


Re: SeeD RP

Postby ikozaedro » Fri May 31, 2002 10:20 pm

(ok sheen, its done, go, check it and tell me if its ok)


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Fri May 31, 2002 10:25 pm

He angles his neck behind him, looking the newcomer. he unplants his feet and jerks the clean gunblade from the holster. He turns and faces the newcomer, and was the kind he made before killing that Dire Wolf. he made his voice stayed oddly calm as the sarcasim is still obvious though

"Who let you in here? Don't you know that kids could get hurt in here? And that knife wouldn't help you a bit.." the white chunk of hair swayed to one side with the artifcal wind.

((the hair..think anime spiked up, with the one in the upper front being white o.o, and I'm right on it Gluglu))


Re: SeeD RP

Postby ikozaedro » Fri May 31, 2002 10:30 pm

(ooc: yay! thanks!)

"huh, that was rude, i think that he can take it"-said a voice, the voice of another newcomer

"but maybe thats not my business"


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Fri May 31, 2002 10:52 pm

Reium spun around and faced the other newcomer "who let kindergarden out early.." he said, his smirk still on his face. He turned and faced Rudulf

"hmm...I know who you are..your rudulf...Don't you have some studying to do?" he said this, his voice still calm, though his smirk left his face

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Banjooie » Fri May 31, 2002 11:20 pm

Navin sat in his dorm, studying. He'd been studying for several hours now, desperate to get a near-perfect mark on the written test. The Garden administration had been very good about his monster phobia, and allowed him to skip the GF test. However, it required that he get a significantly higher score on his written test, and that he almost flawlessly pass his field test.

He did weight train and spar on occasion, but he would not touch the training area. He'd been faced with a T-Rexaur, and promptly curled up into a little ball. He'd only survived thanks to an instructor who'd saved him. Noone really considered him a coward for it, because of what had happened to his sister. But he still felt guilty about it, and was trying to make up for it. He was capable of using a GF, but only junctioned a GF so he could use magic and increase his strength. He very rarely summoned it, and had forgotten what it did.

Anyway, he studied with a passion, and hoped he would make it to be a SeeD. He could still fight human targets, after all.

Red Seph

Re: SeeD RP

Postby Red Seph » Fri May 31, 2002 11:20 pm

Rudolf continued smiling at Reium, although his eyes narrowed a bit. "Oh, don't worry, Reium, my studies are well underway. Yes, that toy of yours does real well against the puppies." His grip tightened around Morgana as he brought forward in a fighting stance. "But how about a real wolf? You're not the only predator here, you know."


Re: SeeD RP

Postby ikozaedro » Fri May 31, 2002 11:27 pm

jojo stared at the wolf, "looks like you're angry or something..." he said, then stared at the gunblade, "or that thing is just too powerful"

Edited by: [url=>ikozaedro</A] at: 6/1/02 3:33:52 am


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Fri May 31, 2002 11:31 pm

Reium's left eyebrow twitched at Rudulf's comment. He narrowed his dark blue eyes as they began to shimmer. "I'd put the pig-sticker away Rudulf.... or you might find youself waking up in the infirmiry.." He spun the gunblade around once and gripped the hilt/grip tightly. He held the gunblade in front of him with two steady hands..though he does better using one.


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SALSAlys » Fri May 31, 2002 11:55 pm

Jelai found a few monsters to fight, the clean crack! of Ol' Betsy comforting to her. She didn't miss her mark at any time, even if she didn't deal a killing blow.

Think I'm doing good, she thought with satisfaction.

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:00 am

"NOW THAT'S ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!!!" roared a voice behind them.

It was the Instructor, Ash Fanrico. he was leaning up against a tree, watching the quarrel. His long Brownish-Grey was tied behind his head. He walked up to his students, stroking his facial hair as he approached them all.

He had his GunBlade, The Fallen One in his left hand. He shoved it into the ground, and stood before the students.

"Quarreling... not the sign of teamwork. To be a good member of SeeD... you must learn not to quarrel amongst each other. You never know... we might decide to put you two together in a group. GOT IT?" he said as he glared into the younger men's eyes.

He pulled The Fallen One out of the ground, "Besides... there are dangerous creatures about... not paying attention could lead to injury, or maybe even death. So pay attention to your surroundings." he added as he walked off...

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:16 am

((ok posted my bio.. so yeah.. not much on BG, i didn't want to have a sob story of sorts Xp. its Deeum, but used Tenchi style with a slightly different story and such.))

Deeum closed her book and twirled it at the end of her ring and middle fingers. Being rather amused at the instructor getting onto the mini session thats going on slightly behind her.
She wasn't the most popular person in the academy, but pretty didn't give a flying flip about it.
So she snickered and let the book drop on her lap.
"Well, i hope i don't get paired with them...Don't want to loose points for their foolishness."

((if anyone who has rped with me.. they know i typo.. so i'll fix any later Xp.. damn fast posters!))

Red Seph

Re: SeeD RP

Postby Red Seph » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:36 am

"Yes, sorry Instructor." Rudolf said as Ash left. He lowered his sword slowly, not taking his eyes off Reium. Too bad, he'd been wondering what it would have been like to fight a gunblade. In the back of his mind he knew that Instructor Ash had been right, though. To pass the test and graduate a SeeD would require flawless performance on his part, especially given his recent test scores. He turned away from Reium. "Later, buddy. Then I'll show you just what a 'pig-sticker' like this can do."

He crossed his arms and looked around him, nodding at Jojo. Continuing his scan of the area, his eyes finally rested on the girl studying nearby. He was sure he'd seen her before, but he couldn't quite place her name... "Hey there," he said as he approached where she was sitting. "Sorry I couldn't give you a show back there, but you know Instuctor Fanrico. Anyway, what's a pretty student like you doing out here? Not exactly the best place to study."

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Banjooie » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:39 am

Navin slammed his book shut.
I'm going to go nuts if I do this all day...
He left his dormatory and started to walk around the garden to clear his head.


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:41 am

Reium turns his head to the instructer (teachers are called matter what they teach o.o) and smirks when he sees 'The fallen one' "nice blade...what design?" he asked, not even paying attention to Rudulf anymore

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:43 am

((Red, who are you talking to?))

Red Seph

Re: SeeD RP

Postby Red Seph » Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:48 am

((You. Lucky, eh? Image ))

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:12 am

Ash turned back towards Reium, "It's one of the older designs... I'd say the Lionhart Design." Ash replied as he stood there.

Ash smirked, "What's your's?"


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:17 am

He grabs the top of the blade of the clean gunblade, pointing the hilt to Ash "see for youself"

(Lionheart is the newest Ash o.O, it is the best in FF8 remember? though I'll just bend that around..)

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:30 am

Ash inspected the blade. "Nice... very nice. It's a good design kid. You'll go far with it." said Ash as he handed Reium back his blade.

Ash then got serious, "Now pay attention to what your doing!" he ordered as he walked off.


Re: SeeD RP

Postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:30 am

Anjelai proceeded to kill a few more wolves, then went into a steady trot outside the combat training center, intending to go through a light run for a mile or two once she reached the track. She passed by a little girl in SeeD uniform, who couldn't have been more than nine or ten.

"Hi Jelai! Are you going to run?" she asked.

"Yes. Want a ride, Rina?" the centaur replied, smiling at the little one.


Laughing, Anjelai bent her upper body, swinging the girl over onto her back. "All right, I won't go very fast though... I just finished studying and fighting, so I'll only be running for a mile or so."

"'Sokay." Rina gripped the older girl's shoulders.


Re: SeEd Rp

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:54 am

((not this one too! >.< GAWD!))

Reium accepted his Gunblade and shrugged, mumbling "whatever" under his breath before sheathing the gunblade and venturing further into the rain-forest/forest section of the training area, his mind set on finding something more challenging

Edited by: [url=>SheenAlkaline</A] at: 6/1/02 4:38:15 pm

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Re: SeeD RP

Postby Banjooie » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:00 am

Navin wandered around the Garden aimlessly. It was free time still, after all. One of the SeeD's pointed at him.
"Oh, look, it's the trainee who's scared of monsters! Hey! Is that a bite bug behind you?"
Navin glared.
"What say you don't talk about that, and my trident doesn't find itself embedded in your intestines."
The SeeD laughed.
"You've got a trident. I have a gunblade. You honestly think you have a chance?"
Navin had an evil grin.
"Hologram. NOW."
The hologram room was one designed to have full contact spars without the infirmary problems. It was a black room with a white grid. Navin and the SeeD took their places in the monitors and put on the gloves and other equipment.

Two images appeared in the room. One looked exactly like Navin, but had a weapon. The other one looked like the SeeD, with his gunblade. The SeeD rushed, hoping to get a quick kill. Navin dodged to the left, and stabbed with the trident. The SeeD turned and swung. Navin held the trident staff up to absorb the blow. This continued for a couple minutes, with neither one able to deliver a blow.

"You're pretty good, scaredy-cat. However, it's not that good a defense weapon, the trident. Allow me to show you."
The SeeD rushed and swung overhead. Navin brought the end of the trident straight up, catching the gunblade in the space between the tines. He twisted the trident, ripping the blade out of the SeeD's hands. Then he stabbed, killing the hologram.

The simulation ended. The SeeD said nothing, and walked away.

I do believe I win.


Seed RP

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:14 am

((Banjooie, SeeDs don't walk around the garden, they're dispatched all over the world..being a SeeD is more or less being a gradute o.O, and at any rate you could win easily because that person prolly just picked up some gunblade and twirled it around..and who said anything about a holograph room/system O.o))

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Re: Seed RP

Postby Banjooie » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:17 am

(Who said it wasn't there? And SeeD's aren't always dispatched. I to the stands, in which there were constantly undispatched SeeD's. I thought it would be a reasonable excuse for me not to have killed the SeeD.)


Re: Seed RP

Postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:33 am

Jojo was there, just watching everything, instructor Fanrico, Reium...then he noticed how Anjelai was giving a ride to the little girl..."well at least someone around here is still polite" he said to Anjelai


SeeD Rp

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:35 am

((look, I'd guess this isn't really worth arguing over, but to put my point through, the only undispatched SeeDs was that one guy nobody remembered from the seed exam. There was only selphie,zell,squall and that other guy..thats it o.o))

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Re: SeeD Rp

Postby Banjooie » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:40 am

(What the hell are you talking about? There were TONS of SeeD's in the Garden. They were most of the people wandering about.)

Red Seph

Re: SeeD Rp

Postby Red Seph » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:42 am

((Those were still students, not full-fledged SeeDs. Perhaps any further discussion should be in the OOC Forum?))

Edited by: Red Seph at: 6/1/02 6:43:52 am


Seed Rp

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:57 am

((I don't think its worth arguing over, I'd suggest just ignoring the holograph and the 'SeeD' encounter all together))

Reium had walked pretty deep into the rain forest part of the training grounds. He was sure that the real challenge was in the heart of the jungle.


ACK! Way behind! o_O Starting without me! tsk tsk

Postby Choark » Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:14 am

Shasti sat in the hospital ward looking over Dane who was laying on the bed recovering from some "fun" he had had yesterday. The doctor had left them alone, knowing that as soon as Dane woke up another argument was going to spark off.

His clothes were torn where people had tried to grab him and pull him from the fight and all over his body there were sugns of all the punches he had taken.

Dane may be an excellent fighter, but no body could fight off such a big group alone. Except Shasti knew that wasn't his intention to begin with.

He sturred and woke up. He quickly leaned up and noted his surroundings, his movements were awkward as the pain of his bruises made it hard for him to move.

He saw his sister looking over him.

"Well @#%$! What the hell are you doing here?"

Shasti sighed and stood up and pushed him down on the bed, without saying a word.

"What the hell!? Look bitch, I don't need no mothering, get the hell off me!!"

Dane pushed Shasti off him and she collided with the wall of the small room, the blow knocking some air out of her. Dane swung his legs over off the bed and glared at her.

"Just keep the hell away from me!"

As Dane went to leave the ward Shasti shot up and before Dane could react, gut shot him with her twin poles. Now Dane could have normally withstood such a blow, but his injuries made him curl up like a ball.

As she dragged him to the bed there conversation sparked off again, the one the doctor hade heard every single time.

"Haven't you got anything better to do!??"
"Then get the @#%$ away from me and do it, I don't want no mothering from you!"
"Just sleep and get better, I'll go apologise to the head again."
"THE HELL!! Just stay out of my god-damned buisness woman! I ain't no charity case for you! Just leave me the @#%$ alone!"
"SHUT UP! I haven't time to listen to you crying like a child!"

Shasti was feeeling a lot more upset then normal, as she was studying in her room when she was called over. She was still holding one of her books and had been reading it as Dane had slept.

Dane and her continued there heated argument. It ended with Dane being put to sleep by a spell as Shasti dismissed all his comments.

She looked over her brother as he slept.

Of all the burdens in the world, why did mine have to be him? And all he does is bitch about it.

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Re: ACK! Way behind! o_O Starting without me! tsk tsk

Postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:52 am

((DAMN you people post too damned fast x_X))

Scooting to the side Deeum patted the spot next to her as Rudolf made the attempt to flatter her.
"heh, What i'm ding here? Well everywhere else was too quiet, or most kids giggling over the instructor. Honestly.. >_> its embarrassing"
She sat back and tapped abit on the bench.
"Hope the exams will hurry up and start, its really boring during all this studying and prep work.", Deeum leaned forward and smiled. "By the Way, My name is Deeum. Who might you be?"


Sorry Cho and DM T.T *snifflies*

Postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:05 am

Reium sighed both his gunblades were stained with the blood of the few creatures he had encountered. He hadn't bothered cleaning that one either...which proved to be a mistake as a thunderous roar erupted from the bushes besides him.. "oh @#%$..."

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This monster control does have something to do with Kuro...

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:19 am

Sure enough, from the trees behind him, came a T-Rexaur. Easily dwarfing any of the students around, the ancient lizard reared up on its hind legs, looking around at its next meal.

It issued a deafening roar, then lunged towards Reium, jaws open and ready to snap shut around the student.


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