Ethralia - A New World

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Filler stuff, waiting for Gahleon.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:17 pm

Calynpen winced, touching her forehead. There was a dull, throbbing pain there; and she knew from experience that it meant that more people were injured in the tournament.

"The one near the arena is the largest for the city," she said hesitantly to Gahleon. If she took him there, then it would be a shorter way for her to go to reach the wounded. She kept her kit under one arm.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/26/02 4:14:21 am

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Don't need no healer. Need calm.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:27 pm

Nathan procured a bench for himself and lay down, closing his eyes and trying to get as comfortable as possible. Anyone looking really closely might see a slight glow from underneath his eyelids. Anyone looking closer still might see his wounds beginning to knit slowly back together....


Re: Don't need no healer. Need calm.

Unread postby ChaosSteelskull » Tue Jun 25, 2002 4:30 pm

*Tayd jumped to the side of the onrushing beetle, grimacing as its horn landed a glancing blow on his leg*

"Damn bug....."

*He wiped some of the sweat off his brow and truned around just in time to see the beetle preparing for anthoer charge. Thinking quickly he ran at it, volgue held low, as if he was going to gore it, bull style. He knew it would, at the last second, lean down so his spear would instead glance off its horn, and thats what he was counting on. Right as it leaned down he jumped, and landed with quite a stir in the dust, behind it. He then, before the thing could turn around or even defend, plunged his volgue into its back and watched as it faded away*


*He flung his spear up just in time to parry the Giant Falcons talons*

"In the name of the Blue moon, this thing's vicious(sp?)!!!"

*Finally planning a strategy, he skidded to one side and shoved his volgue in the ground, waiting for it to come down again. It screeched and dived, talons sharp enough to cut through skin and leather alike. when it was in range he jumped trying to grasp some of the feathers on its back. Swiping out his hand he grapped a clump of feathers and began to try to pull himself onto its back, all the while trying hold on as it shook and turned and flipped in a desparate effort to get him off its back. Suddenly he felt a sharp and stabbing pain in the back of his left leg. Crusing to all three of the gods, he ralized it was the birds beak furiously try to kill him. Finally getting on it back he fumbled around with one of his hands for his dagger, while the other held on for dear life. Finally findind his good 'ol dagger he shoved it into the back of the falcons head, when its flailing took it nearer to the ground, so he wouldn't fall to his death. Before the next monster was called in, he held up his hand*


tiny harddrive

Re: Don't need no healer. Need calm.

Unread postby tiny harddrive » Tue Jun 25, 2002 4:43 pm

IM: Finally! A job! Now, down to business.

Joke calmly made his way down into the street.

IM: The tournament hey? That should be...this way!

Seldom practiced was the art of strolling, and Joke just had to supress the urge, he was on a job after all.



Unread postby Lupin » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:20 pm

(ooc: erg.. I've been really busy for the last few days... would it still be alright if I somehow tried to weave my way back into the plot, or am I done for?)


Re: *grumble*

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:29 pm

(OOC: Prob'ly be OK to be woven back in.)

tiny harddrive

Re: *grumble*

Unread postby tiny harddrive » Tue Jun 25, 2002 6:22 pm

(Yo, I won't be able to post till late tomorrow. Just thought I'd tell you)


To the temple

Unread postby Gahleon » Tue Jun 25, 2002 7:14 pm

((Sorry been busy last few days.))

Gahleon stood up, feeling suprisingly better. The wounds small pain subsided.

"Heh, will it scar?"

Gahleon was always good about his looks. As anyone could see, he had no scathes on his body. Either someone who has never fought, or never have been touched.

Gahleon but the shadowy cloak back on.

"I do hope you don't mind Calynpen, but i'm going to put my mantle back on. Some people take offence to this... think that I dont want to be seen with them."

Gahleon chuckes and bit and puts the mantel over his head so now his face cannot be seen.

"When you are ready Calynpen, take me to this temple please."

Time was becoming of the essence, Gahleon needed to make this delivery soon. He has always been a laid back type of person, so he would never express the serverity of what he needed to do. Nonetheless, he will follow where Calynpen takes him.


Yay! You're BACK! *huggles*

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 25, 2002 7:52 pm

"No offense taken. And it shouldn't scar." Calynpen led the man back through the slums, taking them to the crowded area near the arena, then to the temple itself. After that, she gave him a light touch on the arm to show she was leaving, then faded into the crowd in the stands, trying to find her way downwards towards the area where the challengers who weren't fighting were being held. The conspicuous green hair was covered by her hood once more.


The cost of healing

Unread postby slayer1070 » Tue Jun 25, 2002 9:47 pm

"You gotta be kidding me!!"

Taysir stood, rather leaned, against his staff as he bargned with the cleric before him. "That's right. What? you think healing is that cheep around here?"

Taysir hoped away with his good leg. Cursing the expensive healing process of this tourny. "Well, i supposed i could just go on fighting....." Taysir set his bloodied leg down as he pondered. A great shock of pain shot though it. "....or not..."

He walked onward. Maybe there would be some Varagant healer who would take late payment after he got his winnings...


And (surprise surprise!) he meets Calynpen again

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 25, 2002 10:30 pm

The young healer finally found an open ('open' meaning slightly less densely packed) area where she could regain her bearings and look around her. Then Calynpen noticed Taysir, and his injury.

I think he just found the price of a real healer... she thought, judging from the look on his face.

Muttering apologies, she tried not to shove too many people on her way to the man's side. Then she gave his free arm a light touch.

"Taysir? I might be able to help you with that leg," she said shyly. The earlier wariness, where she had made sure to stay out of arms reach, was gone; apparently when tending to people, most of her natural precautions disappeared.


Re: And (surprise surprise!) he meets Calynpen again

Unread postby slayer1070 » Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:15 pm

"Ahhh, a dight for sore eyes and wounded leg!" Taysir smiled and looked around. He spotted a small bench and motioned for Calynpen to follow him.

As he sat, he spoke to her. "I was wondering were you had gone. I diden't see you in the audiance, but i suppose that you've been keeping busy out here..."


Re: And (surprise surprise!) he meets Calynpen again

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 26, 2002 12:21 am

"I was helping another man with an injured arm, and then taking him to a temple," replied Calynpen, sitting as well. She propped his leg up on the bench, rolling up his leggings to examine the wound. She bit her lower lip, then reached into her bag for a small jug which had an alcoholic reek to it. Calynpen dabbed a jot of it onto a clean rag from her kit, warning Taysir "This will sting," before applying it to his leg, rubbing gently.

With the disinfection done, she smeared another ointment onto the rag, rubbing that on as well. Finally, she took a bandage out and wrapped it around the damage on Taysir's leg.

"You might want to keep weight off of it for a little bit, but it should stop the pain and help it heal more quickly."


Re: And (surprise surprise!) he meets Calynpen again

Unread postby slayer1070 » Wed Jun 26, 2002 1:19 am

taysir bit into his lower lip as the pain flowed though him. "Times like this i wished i had learned a few healing spells." He said as she finished. "Maybe you could teach me that trick you used on the girl last night....."


The temple gates *long*

Unread postby Gahleon » Wed Jun 26, 2002 1:53 am

"Ahh finally the temple... thank you calynpen"

As soon as he finished his sentence she was gone.

"heh crafty woman... very resourceful to."

Anyways, on to business he thought to himself.

He approached the gothic looking temple. It was colored crimson red to signify the moon that it represented.

With a heavy sigh, Gahleon whispered to himself,

"Well, this is it..."

He walked up the staircase to the 18ft doors that laid before him. The wood was beginning to chip, but you could still see the strength that was put into building this temple. He walked through the door as two robed men watched him pass through. The temple was empty today... Gahleon began to get suspicious. Time is always of the essence, perhaps to the point of even this.

A tall male in crimson robes approached Gahleon and spoke in low monotonous voice.

"Gahleon. Come with me, the master awaits your arrival."

With that Gahleon followed this robed man. They approach a closed door -- normal door this time.

"Enter." Says the robe man as he opens the door.

"Ahh Gahleon young lad! Come in, take a seat!"

These words came from a rather hefty man sitting behind a desk. He was dressed in a very intricate robe. They were crimson like the rest, but had small symbols that were trimmed in gold.

Gahleon strides in,

"Hello Demetri, how are you."

"Not to bad lad. Master Avious told me you had business, what might that be?"

Gahleon reached into his cloak, walked over to the desk and sat down in one of the small chairs by Demetri's desk. Out of his cloak came a small box, and he set it on the desk.

"Yes Demetri, I am on business. Here..."

Gahleon took out a folded piece of paper and handed over to Demetri. Demetri unfolded it and read it

Demetri, as you know Gahleon has been pondering about leaving the followers of the red moon. He has personally asked me to remove him. Gahleon, is our greatest assassin, he has never failed. Along with his deft quickness and his knowledge of poisons of an unknown origin he is an asset we cannot afford to lose. I know I trained him, and I can say, he has surpassed his master. With that said, he is too much of a liability to us. It pains me to say this but... kill him. Burn this letter when you are done, he still respects me enough not to actually read the items I give him."



Demetri's face turned a little flush, he then smiled and tossed the paper into a near by fireplace.

"Well Gahleon, that was information from Avious on how things are going in the East. Now boy... is there anything you have left to say? I'm quite busy today."

Gahleon removed himself from the seat and stood in front of Demetri.

"Yes sir. I wish to disband."

Demetri laughed, "Disband? are you crazy Gahleon. You are THE best."

Doubtfully Gahleon replied, "No sir, Master Avious is the best, but I just cannot do this anymore. I kill for money and sake of the order. My hands are dirtied in too much blood. I've always made it an account to only kill my target. IF others got involved I would never try to hurt them, only subdue them. Please Demetri, as a friend... let me go."

Demetri's face turned a bit sour, he too stood up. His face turned solemn.

"Gahleon... Gahleon... Gahleon... what am I to do with you? I really don't want to let you go. How about a raise? perhaps you would like to become 'equals' with Me and Avious? You know partners?"

Gahleon was taken back a bit. Demetri playing on the situation saw his emotion waver and decided to keep going with it.

"Yes Gahleon, a partner. Someone who will lead us, you and Avious side by side doing the righteous things we so often do."

Gahleons face turned twisted as he interjected

"What kill innocent people! No, I cannot anymore. I just can't... not after the last hit you sent me on... NO NO MORE! She was an innocent little girl Demetri, why did I have to kill her?"

Demetri retorted

"That is not your business!"

Gahleon laughed

"Ironic, someone I kill is not my business. I don't care Demetri, I'm leaving. Do not ever call on my assistance again!"

Gahleon turns his back and begins to march towards the door, he opens it and takes on last look at Demetri

"Good bye Demetri!"

Demetri puts his hands in his face and replies

"I really wish things could have been different Gahleon..."

Gahleon already in full walk speed towards the door, thinking to himself

"That little wretch... none of MY business... he can go to hell. They never cared about me anyw --"

His thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of the front door. He was in too much thought and was not aware of his surroundings. Stopping dead in his tracks, he looks up and observes his surroundings. Up the grand stair way that leads to the monk chambers was Demetri, at the doors were 2 monks one dawning a broad sword the other a sickle. In a loud booming voice that echoed through the room Demetri said

"Gahleon, I gave you a chance, but you know the rules kid. Once you're in, you're in till your dead."

The monks began to approach Gahleon, he looked at the monks.

"No... you won't do this to me..."

Gahleon thrusted out his right arm and started to murmur something, slowly the shadows from the walls began to materialize a black claw around his hand that gave off a dark mist, in his left hand he pulled out a small stiletto dagger that dripped with some type of dark blue ooze.

Closing his eyes and grinding his teeth he said

"Stay away from me! I do not want you to die."

The monks laughed, and the one with the sickle said

"What makes you think we will die."

They closed in and both leapt at Gahleon, the cold steel from their weapons came crashing down but in a blink of an eye Gahleon had vanished. With blinding speed he had already bolted into the air several feet, doing a flip in mid air he twisted his body so he was facing the monks' back and tossed the dagger right into broad sword equipped one's arm. He fell to the ground instantly.

The monk remaining dashed after Gahleon when he landed. The landing left Gahleon open for an attack. The monk swung his sickle at Gahleon's chest, swiftly he dodge but he moved slightly too slow. The sickle ate through the flesh in his upper left arm, rending his flesh. The wound gaped open spraying blood. Gahleon wailed in agony.

"Bastard... ugh... too slow... must... go."

"Heh, your not going anywhere!"

The monk began to swing manically at Gahleon, but this was his downfall. Calculating his movement Gahleon saw all he was doing was repeating the same three types of strikes in a row -- continuously. While staggering back, he finally saw his chance to strike. As the sickle rose into the air Gahleon drove his claw deep into the mans right arm then twisted it separating the flesh from the bone. The monk fell into shock and passed out on the ground bleeding.

Gahleon starting to get blurred vision from the loss of blood staggered to the door. Clapping could be heard like echoes, and Demetri's voice was heard.

"Congratulations Gahleon, I didn't expect you to die. I would have been disappointed... but this will incapacitate you for a while. I tried reason, but it just did not work..."

Gahleon struggling to open the door turned and glanced at Demetri and cried,

"I will... not forget this Demetri... your men are not dead, but I will make it appoint to make sure you are."

The door swung open, and Gahleon rushed out to the arena. He knew he could possibly find a healer... he knew his wound was critical, but while he was running he had managed to use part of his shirt as an tunicate to stop the blood from flowing. Into the arena stadium he ran trying to look for a healer. Unfortunately he had lost too much blood and passed out on the floor.

Edited by: [url=>Gahleon</A] at: 6/26/02 6:03:24 am


Re: And (surprise surprise!) he meets Calynpen again

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 26, 2002 1:54 am

Calynpen's hands tightened suddenly on her bag.

He saw...?

"I— I'm sorry, but... I can't control it. It comes and goes. And... and..."

The gangs all know that I can't control it, so they don't try to control ME, but...

Calynpen hated her own akward silence. "If I could control it, I'd probably be dead by now," she finished quietly.

But oh, my head my head my head... it hurts it hurts it HURTS somebody's close and they're... they're out now. But it's still sore...

She could see people gathering, and stood up, so earnest to find the cause that her knees banged against the bench.

Gahleon! She barely remembered her kit.

Calynpen shoved through again, still murmuring apologies but moving too rapidly for the people she had shoved to hear. The power that she had felt the other night, with Faya and the gang fight, was lacking... much to Calynpen's chagrin.

He's too big for me to move! And I want everyone away away away AWAY... Her thoughts were chasing eachother again as she tried to shoo away the crowd of onlookers.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/26/02 7:44:03 am

Rin Saverin


Unread postby Rin Saverin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 5:00 am

(ooc: Sorry i've been gone so long (again), my internet service is giving me hell)

The dire wolf was becoming a problem. Faint pings of pain bounced off the wall of the void. Rebin knew he was wounded, but he didnt notice. The wolf turned around and began another charge. "Time for a new approach..."

Rebin concentrated on the void, strengthening(sp?) it's walls and expanding it's area. His mind openeded up and filled the space, allowing his awareness more room to focus on the situation. The wolf's charge slowed down, everthing around him went into slow motion. The wolf slowly jumped, preparing to end the last 10 feet of it's charge in mid air. Rebin watched and concentrated, spending a full 10 seconds of the first second to understand the creatures movement. He lowered his center of gravity down, and behind him. During another situation it would have put him dangerously off balance, but that was just what he wanted. The wolf was 3' feet away now, and Rebin was ready. He shifted the void away from his senses to his arms, increasing his control. The wolf suddenly spead up and flew into his chest. His's hands clamped down around its jaw and forced it's mouth shut. Pings of pain bounced against the bubble of the void as Rebin began to tumble backwards. As his back slammed on the ground, he forced his foot up and slammed his knee into the wolfs chest. Using the remaining momentum of the leap, Rebin rolled off his back and landed square on top of the wolf. Then, with all his strength, he smashed the flat of his palm straight into the chest of the wolf, stopping its heart.

Rebin rolled off the wolf and released the void. A wave of pain swept over him as his chest ached with agony. Rebin strained to look down, and almost passed out from the sight. the skin had all but been torn off his chest from the wolf's jaw, and the bone was clearly exposed.

Rebin slowly stood up, and caught the guards attention


Edited by: Rin Saverin at: 6/26/02 9:06:20 am



Unread postby Lupin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 12:46 pm

(OOC: right.. I'm gonna at least try to get back into the plot ^_^;;Image

Lue weaved in and out of the crowds, once again visiting the arena which he had been studying too much to realize was going on the first day. So in resault, Lue missed all the fun of honing his skills, so he decided to at least use some of his less than superior magic skills to help some injured person a bit. Checking to make sure his dagger was with him, he walked off towards the arena

(ooc: erg, I have school for a coupla hours, will finish after

Rin Saverin


Unread postby Rin Saverin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 2:16 pm

I know i left it hear somewhere....
It had been 30 minutes since Rebin had called for the break, and the pain in his chest was begining to better his mental block.

After what seemed like another 30 minutes, Rebin finally found some clean cloth. He wrapped the cloth around his chest and tied it off behind him. Then, after quickly grabbing a fresh shirt, Rebin walked back to the waiting pit.

After walking around for a while Rebin found himself a bench to himself. Many of the other contenders had allready lost and most of those remaining didnt look like they would be fighting any time soon. As such, the waiting pit had all but emptied out. Rebin looked around one last time, the folded his legs together on the bench, and closed his eye. In his mind he concentrated on his chest and worked on making a stronger mental wall to hold out the pain.

Devin SwordMage

Warning Bells

Unread postby Devin SwordMage » Wed Jun 26, 2002 3:37 pm

The warning bells in the towers of the arena start blaring, people in the arena start to flood out quickly as suddenly all the shielded areas with the fighters in them flicker and the monsters and fighters are free to move around the arena or the city. Obviously confusion fills the monsters at the sudden freedom, as well as the fighters before a few different types of monsters a couple of the dire wolves jump up into the stands and start attacking people. A huge roar is heard and someone yells “DRAGON!” as a huge red dragon flies over the arena and circles a bit before It lands there roaring outwards and diving down at one of the fighters and ripping it in half. A few fighters run for the exits screaming, “Forget the dragon, we have to protect the city, the bells mean a full monster attack!” From outside the arena, fighting can be heard as frantic guards try to protect unarmed people from the monsters that are flooding the Lower levels of the city. The sizzle of magic and the inhuman screams of monsters fill the air as well. The Dragon lifts into the air and fires a random blast of fire down at the fighters that seem to be challenging him. Suddenly a loud Whistle is hear and a few hunters look at each other, “The guild is calling us, we have to go!” they burst from the arena and fight their war towards the Hunters guild. In the air to the east a Floating battleship can be seen, it bears the mark of the Rathlorin Army, a people who call themselves a kingdom but are really worthless mercenaries and money and power hungry thieves.


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby Lupin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 6:07 pm

At the sound of the bells, Lue instantly forgot about his little plan of doing a good deed or two, he unsheathed his knife annd held it ready under his cloak. The airship(for lack of a better word) slowly lumbered over him and, it's brownish underbelly temporarily blocking out his view of the sun. From his view he could see hoards of mercenaries ready to strike.

Suddenly, a large horn grazed Lue's side, making him grimace in pain, he colapsed to the ground, the shinign black grotesque monster of a bettle brushed a foot on the ground, and charged, mandibles glistening with saliva. Lue groggilly got to his feet, just barely noticing the gigantic beetle charging at him. HE pulled his dagger out and muttered a small lighting cantrip, feeling the energy in his hand, he concentrated the power into his blade and tried as hard as he could to manuver out of the way of the hulking beetle. Limping slightly as the blood started to clot onto his robe, he tried to ready the blade as best as he could, positioning it to land between two plates in the beetles armour.
The beetle barely had time to move his huge body and change direction. Lue jumped with the last of his current stregnth and slammed the dagger into the beetle, frying it from the outside it, it colaped in a smoking heap, dust flying all around him.
Lue came back to reality, the adrenaline dying down finally. He noticed the people fleeing from the fuming red dragon, the fighters going at it being smashed like o many bugs under a flyswatter, thier collective parts being strwen about. Lue ran about in the streets, trying to follow others to reletive safety for a moment, long enough to heal his wound, which was now getting quite nasty, the coppery smell reaching his nostrils again. He ducked into a small house and barred any opening he saw, hoping to keep monsters out long enough to recover.
Lue concentrated on the small golden ball that was his magic source and willed it to come to his hands, forming a healing spell. He lighty grazed his hands over the wound and watched it very slowly heal from the outside in. THe skin finally grew back into place and Lue rested for a few minutes, trying to regain some strength to fight in the battle to come.

Rin Saverin

Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby Rin Saverin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 7:29 pm

Suddenly, a loud bell clanged in the distance. Rebin looked up and wondered what it ment. Suddenly a loud roar raged from the arena, and Rebin realised something was very, very, bad.

Rebin got up and walked over to the gate, he shot a glance out and instantly made a double take. "ohhhhhhh @%#$."

As if to add volume to his words, A huge land dragon crashed through the side of the waiting room, instantly turning the entire wall to rubble. Rebin spun around just in time to have the beast's tail slam into his stomach. The impact smashed through Rebin and sent him flying into, and through, the gate. 10 feet and a whole lotta pain later Rebin came to a skidding stop on his stomach in the arena. He slowly got up onto his hands, wobbled, then collapsed out cold.

(For all purposes, treat the land dragon as a small (relativly speaking) dragon with no wings and no breath atacks. Have fun escaping(sp?) out of the waiting pit Nathan ^^')


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 26, 2002 7:58 pm

Oh no... Calynpen felt fear rush through her, cold and liquid.

I have to MOVE HIM! And so many other people are going to get hurt... I'll need to hlep them all...

Without her knowing it, her eyes began glowing softly once more.

(OOC: If for some reason or other, any player doesn't want their character to be healed, please say so. Otherwise Calynpen's going berserk with magic.)


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby slayer1070 » Wed Jun 26, 2002 8:45 pm

Taysir charged through the sea of people to reach the waiting pit. The rumors of a trapped people and a land dragon had compelled him to go against the mass rush to escape, and to let Calynpen run off.

As he entered the pit, he saw 2 figures. Rebin and Nathen. Rebin was out cold, face down on the floor not far from the dragon, and Nathen was sitting almost in a trance.

Taysir ran forward and grabbed Rebin by his shirt scruff and dragged him away from the flailing dragon. when they were far enough away, he swatted the man across his head. "Wake up! We got problems!" he said, dropping him and raising his staff as the Dragon took notice him. "Damnit all, I hate dragons!" he said, gathering mana into his staff.

Blue motes of energy flowed out and over Taysir's body. Armor took form as they faded, red an blue, and as hard and light as diamond. Taysir looked down at Rebin before he started gathering more mana to combat the monster....

Rin Saverin

Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby Rin Saverin » Wed Jun 26, 2002 8:47 pm

(sounds good to me)


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 26, 2002 10:01 pm

It hurts... all the panic, the fear, the pain... it hurts it hurts I need to help it HURTS... Calynpen had never felt the assault of so many other peoples emotions on her mind before, and felt like a paper vessel being filled overfull with acid.

Calynpen finally let out a soft, keening wail, barely audible above the crowd. Her face blanked as her eyes began glowing brightly, spilling light from the depths of her hood. In a dream-like state, her hand pressed itself to Gahleon's shoulder, causing flesh to knit together as blood clotted itself, ceasing to pour out. If Gahleon had been concious, he would have felt a peculiar, but not unpleasant, burning sensation in his arteries as any germs which had gotten into his bloodstream were purified. The other injury which Calynpen had bandaged was also healed as she peeled it away gently, laying her palms against it.

With him healed, though, she seemd to forget about him, swaying to her feet and, moving so smoothly she might have been gliding, went into the arena. She seemed unaware of the dragon, instead walking towards Rebin.

(OOC: Gahleon, I can edit if you don't want him healed, or not totally healed.)

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/27/02 2:46:21 am


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby slayer1070 » Wed Jun 26, 2002 10:57 pm

Taysir saw Calynpen enter the area. Her eyes glowed and she almost floated as she moved straight for Rebin. "Right...." he said, turning back the the land dragon. "Ok, you heal him, i'll distract ugly."

There was a minor flash of light as Taysir drove forward, his staff glowing red as he lashed out with it. A fist-size ball of fire erupted and smashed into the dragon's head. The attack did little but irritate the beast, as it swung it's tail out to smash Taysir aside.

He caught the attack with a red-glowing hand. Enchanted with an strength-boosting spell, Taysir pulled back on the tail and unbalanced the dragon. It fell upon it's back and Taysir readied another spell to finish it....

The casting was interrupted. The dragon's clawed foot lashed out at the last second and caught Taysir's legs. it reopened the wound from before, and made it deeper. As Taysir fell, he gripped the blood-flowing wound and backed away.

The dragon took a moment to right itself.....


Re: Warning Bells

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 26, 2002 11:23 pm

Calynpen didn't seem to even have noticed Taysir's words, eyes focussing on Rebin with something that was only akin to sight. Her hands, independent from her mind, began unwrapping his chest. The bone showed starkly, but she held one hand over the injury, breathing deeply as flesh coalesced, growing rapidly as, impossibly, skin and muscle were reconstructed, including the network of veins to carry blood. With that accomplished, the green-haired healer rose to her feet again, sensing Rebin's injury and trying to follow him. Calynpen's arms were outstretched like a sleepwalker, not seeming fully aware of herself.


the red dragon!

Unread postby Gahleon » Thu Jun 27, 2002 12:56 am

((nah your all good ^_^))

After Calynpen had healed Gahleon's severe wounds, he began to wake. Still groggy and unaware of what was going on, he slowly got up. Taking a look in the sky he saw the airship that was above, and with it the sign of the Rathlorin army.

"Ugh... whats this? foul play? a set up?"

He didn't understand what was going on. He knew that Demetri had betrayed him, but the whole army? No this was not happening. He could barely believe what had already happened to him.

Moving along he ran out to the city streets where all the commotion was taking place. Gahleon wondered what happened to all the battlers in the arena. Most importantly who had healed him. Obviously, something supernatural had done it. Still woozy he staggered his way where he saw a swinging red tail. He peered around the corner and saw a land dragon along with 3 other people. One obviously resonating with extreme magical powers. He stood and thought what he could possibly do. In Gahleon's current state, not much could be done. He simple grabbed his cloak and pulled it in close and made his attempt to dodge the dragon and get to the other three to help them.

Rin Saverin

When there's a will there's a way.

Unread postby Rin Saverin » Thu Jun 27, 2002 1:55 am

Rebin floated in a void deep within his mind. He held himself, desperatly trying to keep his body living from within. All around him messages of injury and pain flashed across the bubble of the void. It was clear he was suffering massive internal bleeding, and probably wouldn't live much longer. Just as Rebin was about to give up hope, he noticed a different sensation. Around him he could sence his body repairing. In less then 10 seconds, Rebin's entire body was fully healed. Immediatly Rebin dropped the walls in his mind....

....And opened his eyes. In front of him kneeling was Taysir, and near Rebin was a women with green hair and glowing eyes. But most importantly, straight in front of Rebin was the land dragon. Taysir was trying to back away from the dragon, but most of the lower part of his leg had been torn away. The dragon had managed to roll itself back over and was about to resume his attack.

okay, you got me off guard last time. this time i'll be ready.

Rebin immediatly saught the void, but this time went one step further. He dove deep within his mind, summoning up the pure power of his force of will. Rebin's body began to hum with power, his very bones burned with the amount of raw force he had concentrated. The dragon was bearing down on Taysir, if Rebin was to do anything it would have to be soon. Rebin threw himself forward, he instantly covered the 15 feet between him and the dragon in under a second. The dragon had now lifted up one of it's front paws and was preparing to smash Taysir, when Rebin's fist made contact. His fist smashed into the side of the dragon's head with a loud cracking noise, the creature's head spun to the right and slammed through the wall of the arena, which then colapsed and crushed what remained of the dragon's skull.

Rebin Released the void, and fell over onto his side panting.



Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 27, 2002 2:24 am

Calynpen continued her gliding movement towards Taysir. The aftershock of the dragon's landing made her feet trip slightly, causing her hood to flip itself off. Her face was tranquil and ethereal. When she reached Taysir, she went into a crouch by his feet, untying his bandage and healing his leg. She stood again, then went walking away again, dreamily seeking more injured and wounded.


Re: Yayness!

Unread postby slayer1070 » Thu Jun 27, 2002 2:50 am

Taysir dat in a daz as Calynpen healed his leg. BEfore he could mutter a word of thanks, she was gone. Off to heal more wounded.

"Somthing about that girl..." he said, standing and helping Rebin to his feet. "Nice work my friend!" he said, slapping Rebin's back, but we have bigger fish to fry..." He pointed towards the main arena.

and the Red Dragon


Re: Yayness!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 27, 2002 3:13 am

Calynpen continued through the crowds of panicking people, eyes still glowing as she instinctively headed towards the ones who had been injured. Lightly touching those who were sporting gashes or even bruises, she left a trail of healing in her wake. However, Calynpen didn't seem to notice any of the violence, only the wounded.

Meanwhile, monsters were working their way to the upper section. A large winged serpent flew above Calynpen, hissing before it descended upon the girl...

tiny harddrive

Re: Yayness!

Unread postby tiny harddrive » Thu Jun 27, 2002 4:57 am

Having seen the dragon and the airship from down the street, Joke hade made it to the arena in a sprint. Dodging through the screaming masses of people, he frantically searched for Calynpen. His searching was cut short by the sight of a huge serpent heading towards the crowd, and not just anyone, but a strange girl with green hair.....

IM:That must be Calynpen! I can't let her be attacked! Tiger wants her alive!

Joke broke into a run towards Calynpen. Vaulting off of the shoulders of a nearby person, and drawing his sword mid-air, he sent a deep slash across the face of the serpent.

Rin Saverin

Re: Yayness!

Unread postby Rin Saverin » Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:45 am

Rebin looked up and gladly accepted Taysir's help at standing up. "Right, but a land dragon is one thing, how the hell are we going to stop a full grown red dragon? I wonder if any of the other fighters are still alive, they might be able to help us deal with it."

Suddenly Rebin wondered why he wasnt dead. He had felt it happening, but feeling the workings of the healing magic was nothing compared to seeing his skin, and not seeing a mass of broken bones and torn flesh.

Rebin looked around, then noticed Calynpen walking away. "Was she the one that healed me?" he asked Taysir.

why does she look so familiar?


Re: Yayness!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 27, 2002 10:16 am

The serpent hissed angrily, diverting its attention to easier prey as it flew off.

Calynpen, unaware of the danger she had been in, continued walking past Joke.

tiny harddrive

Re: Yayness!

Unread postby tiny harddrive » Thu Jun 27, 2002 11:42 am

"Huh?" Joke watched Calynpen wander away from him.

IM: What's up with her?

However, Joke wasted no time to wonder, approaching Calynpen from behind, he reached out out and grabbed the back of her neck. Using accurate finger placement, he squeezed the correct pressure points on the back of her neck, causing her to crumple in his arms.

IM: Right, now to 'Old Man's Fountain'.

And with the unconcious Calynpen on his back, he quickly set of for the fountain.

(Lysa, if you had other plans, just tell me and I'll edit the post.)

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Ooh, trance-like states...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 27, 2002 11:55 am

Nathan...Nathan...wake up. Nathan. WAKE UP, NATHAN!

Nathan's eyes snapped open with a start. He lay still as the sights, smells, and sounds of the arena invaded the peace which he had had. As he became used to the sheer input, he realised that something was not right. Screams, roars, the sounds of ringing steel...the smell of blood...

He leapt up, sword and mace coming to hand, and scanned the area.

A land dragon? And...back the in the arena, a red dragon!? And there were people fighting it...they would be slaughtered!

He rushed over to Rebin and Taysir, and stood by them, forgetting this time to hide his face with his hood.

'Have you guys got a plan, or are you just intending to get yourselves slaughtered?'


(Missed one dragon, to fight another!)

Unread postby ChaosSteelskull » Thu Jun 27, 2002 12:34 pm

*Tayd was tjust grabbing a strange dagger that glowed softky with a gray glow when the warnong bells rang. He froze and his face went deathly pale. He knew what those bells meant, he knew monsters were attacking. He ran out to the arena wondering what kind if monsters were attacking. When he got outside he saw the fallen corpse of the land dragon first. Then he saw Nathan, Rebin, and Taysir. He ran over to them*

'Nice work on the dragon.Lemme guess: the Red Dragon's next?"


Unconcious Calynpen

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 27, 2002 1:33 pm

Just as Joke had squeezed her neck, Calynpen's eyes flickered, the glow vanishing before she crumpled. Her light body posed no trouble for the man as he carried her towards the fountain.

Tiger was there, along with over half a dozen other street kids, engaged in a fight against a troupe of monstrous rats. Tiger flipped a knife into the throat of one of the rodents, then glanced over to Joke.

"Good! You're quick! Hold on a mo—" More of the rats were quickly killed, but one lunged at Tiger, chittering madly as it bowled the gang leader over. With a quick knee to knock the rat off, then a violent elbow smash, that was disposed of as well.

"Fine. Here's your pay; we'll take her now." Another pouch of coins was flipped to Joke.


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