Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

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Re: Shackles, Traps, and Draggwockies Oh My!!!

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:58 am

Bunnies hear began to beat very fast. She was finding it difficulty to hold back her instinct to run and as a result began to move backwards her whole body shaking from the effort to keep from running.

She put her flute back into the leather holder on her small belt.

Her eyes were wide, she dare not take them off the beast ahead of them for even though she felt fear the deep part of her that found Gabbagi so interesting.

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Re: Shackles, Traps, and Draggwockies Oh My!!!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:05 pm

The mage couldn't give less of a shit about the shapeshifting minotaur fleeing. He wasn't surprised in the least, really.

He was, however, somewhat surprised and annoyed by the arrival of an even deadlier monster than before. No matter...

"Ah, fun. Another horrible monster." The mage growled and took a ready position. "Let's deal with it and move on, already!"

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Re: Shackles, Traps, and Draggwockies Oh My!!!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:41 am

(wow... feels like old times almost :P)

Gabbagi could only feel the all consuming emotion of fear, it gripped at his very core and chilled his blood. Emotionally shaken to the brink of hysteria, he gave into his legs' desire to flee, disappearing into the misty fog, leaving the others behind to face the terror that was the Draggawocky.

No sooner had he gotten into the clear, significantly far from the Draggawocky, when something BIG and HARD collided with his face... knocking the hapless shapeshifter off his already weak legs. He hit the ground with a sickening thud, reverting Gabbagi back to his true, crimson skinned form.

IM: Bouregard...

"Well well well... look who it is. Our little buddy... Gabbagi." came a deep baritone of a voice as it's source kicked against the shifter's arm. The towering demonic ogre-ish thug leaned over and grabbed Gabbagi by the throat, effortlessly lifting his former compatriot into the air.

Suddenly, darkness swept over them, and seemed to move and shift... collecting in one spot till only the two of them were shrouded in it's menacing embrace. Then came those eyes... those dark red eyes... penetrating his very being with their merciless glare.

"I see you've earned some new friends Gabbagi... though I'm sure they don't think too highly of you now." came his taunting and sharpy voice, the eyes narrowing into slits.

"Yeah... like ow sum of us dun think too highly of those who FAIL ther missions!" growled Bouregard, punching the helpless shapeshifter in the stomach with his free hand. Gabbagi felt the wind flee from his lungs as his body wanted to vomit his intestines right then and there... but couldn't.

Drakhurn wrapped his shadowy tendrils around his former minion's body. His face shot right up into Gabbagi's own, till they were eye-to-eye.

"Weak and cowardly... as always. I'm surprised you didn't flee from those three sooner. I think the rabbit creature has taken a liking to you. Course... probably not now... if ever again." came Drakhurn, the sneering almost visible.

"Whattawe gonna do boss? Leave 'im ere or feed 'im to the 'Wocky? Course... after it's done wit' 'is friends." came Bouregard.

"I think we'll be... merciful... just this once. I mean... while he DID fail to lead the half-elf's friends into that trap... he DID manage to, unwittingly, divert their course. So I think... that little Gabbagi here... should be left to ponder on how he'll survive after the ceremony. That and knowing the fact that he pretty much sealed his new friends doom." said Drakhurn, relinquishing his hold on Gabbagi.

"Yeah... e practly fed em to da 'Wocky." chuckled Bouregard, as he threw the weakened and numb Gabbagi onto the ground.

"Seems you're nothing but a dismall failure Gabbagi. I... worry... about your future after this day. So should you." said Drakhurn as he motioned for his personal goon to follow, leaving the wounded shifter lying there... a quivering heap.

(Thanks you guys... means alot to me that you're still willing to stick by me even after all of this. I'll post the draggawocky battle beginning later on.)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 2/6/06 3:28

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:58 am

The Draggawocky hissed and let loose with a piercing scream down at the smaller creatures that dared to stand in defiance of it. (Standing at about 10 or 12 feet)

"Well... let's see if this thing's all it's cracked up to be." said Duile, still shirtless, as he pressed the button on his spear, releasing the scythe from it's hiding place.

-Order of Inititiative-
-Duile Coppermirth-

The disgusting abomination reared it's head back and let loose with another scream as it lunged towards Bunny, mouth agape, teeth bared... apparently fixing to make a quick snack before further engaging itself in battle.

-GM Dice Roll: 14

The Draggawocky's teeth snapped shut with a sickening wet crunch of it's gums... it had barely missed chomping down onto Bunny... BUT it did manage to catch ahold of some of her clothes in it's mouth, she was now caught... dangling a few feet above the ground, suspended only by parts of her clothing... which this merciless behemoth had clenched within its disgusting brownish-yellow teeth.

Seeing this, the half-elf threw down his shirt and launched himself at the long neck of this... THING... hoping to force this unnatural bastard to let go of his teammate!

He raised the scythe part of his spear...

-GM Dice Roll: 19-

bringing it down with a wet stabbing sound... right into the creature's neck, managing to drive the curved blade deep into the monster's flesh.

The Draggawocky raised it's head upm howling in pain, and then thrashed it's head around, tearing off the portion of Bunny's clothes it had within it's mouth... sending her falling towards the ground. Duile though was still clinging onto this enraged beast, holding on to his spear-scythe with all the strength that he still had in himself.

But he was still pretty weak from Tileesha's "fun session" and soon felt this strength fading... and so was his grip...


(OOC: Draggawocky vs. Astrynax - GO!!!)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 1/31/06 1:59

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:34 pm

Astrynax hissed between his teeth ever so slightly and gathered together a burst of magic between his palms before letting it fly, attempting to aim for an eye, a mouth, or any other, obvious weak spots.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:45 pm

Bunny landed on the ground hard. Her whole body ached as she stood, her hood falling on the ground exposing her glowing horn.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=bunnygirle78>bunnygirle78</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/6/06 19:13

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:27 am


-GM Dice Roll: 7

The burst of magic energies flew passed the Draggawocky, and barely missed hitting Duile in the process. The half-elf was not amused. "A 12 foot monster standing here and you MISS?!?" he snapped back sarcasticly as he held onto his spear-scythe.


While Astrynax's attack did indeed miss it's target... he did succeed in getting the monster's undivided attention. It could sense his power, almost taste it, and it knew... somehow, in that primitive mind, that this human-creature was indeed an immediate threat.

The Draggawocky now set about to try and eliminate the mage first.

It's tail whipped and cracked against the ground behind it, sending up a cloud of dirt, rock and mud. In blinding speed, that betrayed it's massive size, the tail swung forward, the bones within it rattling and clacking about, as it attempted to slash at Astrynax.

-GM Dice Roll: 20 (o_o)

The tail collided as intended, hitting the mage with a tremendous force, ripping his clothing and leaving a rather large wound across his chest, not to mention cracking a few of the mage's ribs. The impact of the attack sent Astrynax flying backwards, about 5 or 6 feet before finally meeting the ground's harsh embrace.

Miraculously, he wasn't paralyzed, but the intense pain from his injuries wasn't helping the situation any.

Duile couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the whole thing take place, wasn't hard... he had the best seat in the house... from atop the Draggawocky.

But the half-elf figured that either the Draggawocky did the most intelligent manuever EVER, or just pissed off the most absolute wrong person.

The Draggawocky chuckled, it actually chuckled, at what it had done.


(Sorry Bunnygirl, but your Gabbagi is in another section of the city. o_o;;; Would you like to try again?)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 2/6/06 3:34

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:23 pm

Astrynax had a moment to curse before he was sent flying back into the ground, landing with a very painful crash. It took a moment for him to pull himself up slightly, but he did so with a noticeable amount of quaking and shivering. For the second or third time that day, he vomited. However, the stuff that came out was a stream of blood.

The mage struggled to bring himself to stand, still shaking, and a bit of blood still dripping from his mouth. Although he attempted to hold a pissed expression on his face, his wobbly and pained stance didn't help.

He winced as he brought his hands together and began generating a field of energy around himself. He didn't want to do this, but with that single blow, he had been reduced to... this. He did not want to take any chances.

A quick telepathic message was fed into the minds of the others. "Keep it busy..."

(Astrynax is beginning to generate his strongest spell, Sacrifical Explosion. See his sheet here.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:25 pm

Bunny raised her hands above her head and inhaled deeply as she brought them down. She began to focus her chi into her legs.

"BEAST!" She shouted as she leaned forward. "Try to catch me," she said with a grin and dashed towards the beast.

"Come on now," she said doing a side leap and landing in front of it and puting her hands beind her back. "How about a merry game of catch!" She said leaping backwards and dashing to the side.

(attempting a dodge provoke, Bunnies not good with defense but her speed is pretty good. Plus bright orange kind is distracting. he he let me know if this is better.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:08 am


-GM Dice Roll: 17

Her attempts to provoke the Draggawocky had indeed worked... she now had it's undivided attention, which could end up to be counter productive... Astrynax's situation proved that.


The beastily abomination recognized the small usagijin, or "The Snack" as it's mind recalled. It grunted and growled as it's eyes followed her movements, the neck swaying slightly. Like a snake getting ready to strike.

And strike it did, with as much speed as one would have excepted. Well Duile at least wasn't expecting it, as it sent him (and his spear-scythe) flying forward.

-GM Dice Roll: 5

It's mouth crunched down on the dirt and gravel next to Bunny, as she obviously leaped out of it's way (to which I'll let BG articulate :P). Hissing it lifted it's head back up and began to crunch down on the mud and stone it currently had within it's jaws.

Duile on the other hand fell almost face first onto the ground... the sharp rocks and gravel cutting into his skin, as his spear-scythe spun in mid-air before planting itself, blade-first, into the mossy and muddy surface right next to him.

"That's one way to get down..." he muttered as he slowly got to his feet, blood already running from his deep scratches.

The Draggawocky hissed and bellowed at the Usagijin, sizing up for another go.



Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 2/7/06 10:09


Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:00 pm

While the abomination had its attention fully on Bunny, Kilisha ran around behind it and readied her bow. Taking aim for whatever looked like a soft spot on the back of its head or neck, she pulled the arrow as far back as she could and then released.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:35 pm

Bunny leapt to the side as the beast hit the ground and slid backwards laughing.

"Best your slow! Come now, you impressed me so much before!" She shouted as she did a back hand spring and landed with grace a few yards away from the others. She forced a laugh. “Oh my ha ha my brothers a dragon and he can move more nimbly than you!”

Bunnies sides ached as she waited to once again dodge.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:35 pm


-GM Dice Roll: 11

The arrow soared high and soared true, as it connected at the back of the Draggawocky's head, piercing it's skin.

The creature yipped in surprise, and craned it's neck towards Kilisha, it's eyelids narrowing in anger as it focused on her.


Growling, it took it's attention off the "Snack," and concentrated on the succubus instead.

Hissing it started to strain and contort it's impossible body, a gurgling noise coming from within it's stomach... or at least where a possible stomach be. The more forceful it pushed itself the louder the gurgling became...

Steam soon rose from it's mouth and nostrils as it arched it's head back then snapped it forward, mouth agape... letting loose a large surge of bodily fluids from within.

-GM Dice Roll: 8

The wave of gut fluids splashed down relatively close to Kilisha, immediately burning and corroding the ground upon contact... the fluid seemingly being composed of an acidic substance. (maybe a few drops splashing onto Kilisha in the process? Up to Seethe.)


"Shit." muttered Duile, having watched the entire event transpire. He knew that this unnatural abortion of exsistence would undoubtedly try to melt Kilisha again. He had to take it's attention off her.

IM: Great... now I gotta have it try and spew all over me instead.

The spear-scythe obviously wasn't doing too well against this monstrosity. Duile lunged towards his bag, which he hadn't used too much of lately... and produced his crossbow from it, already loaded.

IM: Gods I hate Belvoken.

Aiming at the creature's head, Duile took his chances.

-GM Dice Roll: 15

The arrow streaked through the air, cutting through the wind as it flew towards it's target.

It collided and achieved maximum penetration near the backpart of it's jawbone.

Once again, the creature jerked back in surprise, flinching and letting loose a whimper from it's throat. The Draggawocky turned now towards Duile, hissing angrily.


(He done charging yet or does he still need more time?)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:12 am

Bunny began waving her arms.

<"Beast I knew you would give up. Weakling ha ha ha."> Bunny said in the same strange language she had used with the wolf.


Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:45 am

Kilisha hastily turned her face away from the acid as it splashed down near her. A second later, she started to feel a burning sensation on a few spots on her back and legs as a few drops of the acid had burned through her tunic and leggings and were now on her skin. She then gasped as the burning quickly intensified.

"Oh God!" she exclaimed after a moment.

Resisting the urge to grab at the burning places, she made herself concentrate on deciding what she needed to do now.

"Just... just ignore it," she finally told herself aloud. "It's just... a few spots."

Unfortunately, she already knew that this was going to leave some scars. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. Turning back to face the creature again, she forced her attention back onto it.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:02 pm

(As stated on the PS sheet, Astrynax has to charge for a full five turns, effectively making it an auto-hit. Unless you'd prefer to shorten that time down in this one case!)

As the others kept the thing busy, Astrynax continued to charge. The energies that kept him alive and the magical energy that flowed throughout his body... they all came together in an orb around him, building shape and gradually gaining strength.

It still wasn't enough, though. He needed to draw out more...

(Unless Ash says otherwise, Astrynax is spending this and his next four turns charging up.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:29 am

(Ok, I understand. Musta overlooked that part. ^^;;)


Growling, the Draggawocky stomped towards Duile, intent on making the half-elf regret it's actions.

Seething as it raised it's right arm, bracing with the other three legs (as this monstrosity was a quadraped) the unnatural abomination brought it's appendage down upon the half-elf... in a swiping motion.

-GM Dice Roll: 15

The beast's hand struck the half-blood across his chest with the force of a charging boar, taking Coppermirth off his feet, and sending him right into the side of a decrepit building, the old rotted wood shattering into splinters upon impact.

The only thing that came to Duile's mind as he laid there, writhing in pain, was the word "SHIT!."

Where the half-elf once stood, only his spear-scythe, bag and crossbow remained... all scattered about on the ground.

The Draggawocky chortled, which was sickening to the ears, sounded as if it were trying to hock up something from it's lungs... and it's bones made wet popping noises as well during this brief fit of chuckling. Then it slowly made it's way towards the downed half-elf.


(Okies, BG, your turn. You can, if you wish to, (entirely up to you) use any of Duile's weapons, as he's currently not using them :P)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:09 pm

Bunny didn't think, she didn't pause she dashed to where Dulie's scythe lay on the ground. She grabbed it, doing a hand flip over it and landing poised for an attack.

She lifted the scythe to the side and raised it above her head.

She leaned forward and sprinted forward, as she ran she focused her chi into the arm holding the scythe. Leaping into the air she threw the scythe as hard as she possibly could at the beast.

"BEAST! I AM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!" She screamed as she landed and quickly took out her flute.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:14 pm

-GM Dice Roll: 15

Spinning, the spear-scythe flew through the air. It made contact, puncturing near what LOOKED like the creature's shoulder blades.

The Draggawocky screamed in pain, and turned it's long disgusting neck towards the Usagijin... hissing it's contempt. Seems the "snack" was particularly devoted in it's want for a shortened exsistence. At that very moment, the creature was more than happy to oblige such wishes.


Turning away from the downed half-elf, the Draggawocky stomped towards Bunny, with purpose in it's cruel stride. Very rarely does it find something that is this adamant about being it's next meal. The twisted abomination didn't want it's desires to go unfufilled.

Taking a different approach this time, instead of plunging it's face straight down, the Draggawocky this time lowered it's head, manuevering, till it was about 2 feet off the ground and pushed forward, mouth agape... as wide as it could possibly go... which in this creature's case... was about almost 8 feet wide.

-GM Dice Roll: 18

It's teeth snapped shut with a sickening thud, the Usagijin was within it's dank and foul-smelling mouth. Slowly raising it's head, the Draggawocky did what was incredibly simple...

It Swallowed her... whole and alive. No chewing... no nothing. Just down she went.

Those who were able to watch this (which would probably only be Kilisha and Astrynax at this momemt, as Duile's currently amidst some rubble in a big hole in a building) could feintly see a small fidgeting lump going, very slowly, down it's long and snakey throat, making the gradual journey towards whatever digestive tract awaited.

A sneer came across the Draggawocky's lips.


(OMG!! Your turn Seethe :o)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 2/17/06 23:23

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:48 pm

(oc damn it. well I guess thats what I get for being so tasty)Image Image

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:09 am

(don't worry BG, you still got a ways to go before becoming a permanent resident. :P)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:38 am

(meeeeep. . .btw that most likely knocked her out. She has low def member?)


Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:45 am

Forgetting all about the burns on her back, Kilisha felt her blood run cold and her skin go numb as she realized what she had just seen. The only reason she didn't panic was because she was in shock. After a moment, she found herself thinking that Gabbagi had been right to run and that her first instinct, to follow the shapeshifter's example, had also been right. The group had been too callous in fighting this creature.

But now, running wasn't an option. She couldn't abandon Bunny. Furthermore, she didn't know if Duile was alright or not. If he wasn't, the succubus couldn't abandon him either. Kilisha had no choice now but to keep fighting this Draggawocky. If she ran and saved her own life now, that life wouldn't be worthy of saving.

With that decided, she knew she had to get the creature's attention again. However, she also knew that it would be a very bad thing if the creature spat up more acid. So, while she fitted and pulled back another arrow, she ran in close hoping to tempt it into seeking retribution by some other means after the attack she was about to give. As she came near, she took aim at one of the Draggawocky's eyes and fired, hoping that, at the very least, the monster could be made to regret this fight ever after even if it should win.

(OOC: If it has eyes. Since we've lost our description of the thing, I wouldn't know.)

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=seethe347>Seethe347</A] at: 2/18/06 1:54

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:13 pm


-GM Dice Roll: 20 (o.o)

Her aim was true, and possibly a little more stronger than she intended, (:P) as the Draggawocky's right eye practically EXLPODED upon contact with the arrow, catching the devlish creature completely by surprise.

It shrieked and howled in pain, pain it's never really felt before... EVER. To make matters worse for the creature, it was now completely blinded on that side, as it looked around for the person who had dared to attack it.

-(Bunny has 10 more feet to go)-


As it looked around for possible suspects, it's eye came upon the hole that had been left in the structure where it had sent the half-blood through.

Hissing and snorting, it stomped towards the opening... fully intent on finishing the job it had done.

The opening was soaked in the half-blood's smell, to which the Draggawocky sneered once more, as it's one eye looked about the rubble.

It spotted something, to which the demonic abomination immediately plunged it's head into the hole, mouth agape, teeth ready to rend and terror.

-GM Dice Roll: 13

It's teeth promptly sank into... a leather trenchcoat. Roaring, it's head crashed out of what remained of the old rotted building, sending rotted splinters into the air... furious at having been tricked.


"Sonuvabitch." came Duile as he barreled towards the Draggawocky's neck, putting all of his weight and strength that he could muster behind himself...

-GM Dice Roll: 18 (getting a lotta double digits here o.o)

Coppermirth collided, HARD, with the bottom of the creature's neck. The manuever seemed to work, as the small lump, which was Bunny, quickly began to move in the opposite direction.

Duile collapsed on the ground, weak now from what he had just done.

The Draggawocky spat up the Usagijin, who was by now knocked out. The creature shrieked at the Half-Elf, who could could clearly see now with it's one eye. The "snack" didn't matter now... it wanted a piece of that half-blood.


(just need a post/status report on that spell OR Astrynax End. That's all.)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 2/18/06 20:16

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:33 am

Astynax growled, his body trembling as the energy gathered within and around it strengthened. By this point, his cloak was literally being eaten away by the strength of the spell, bit by bit. The color of his skin was fading, and the pupils in his eyes were fading...

Yet he held on, hoping that the remaining two could hold it off just a bit longer...

*Two turns charged. Requires three more charges to be the full attack he wants it to be!*

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:27 am


Hissing, the infernal (and half-blinded) abomination turned it's head down towards the fallen half-elf. Jets of smoke and air, tinged with pure hatred, escaped it's nostrils as the Draggawocky sized up it's prey. This was the one who had deprived it of a meal, one that it was in the process of swallowing too... and that was not going to go unpunished.

The creature raised it's tail high up into air, relishing the moment, milking it for all it was worth... before bringing it down, forcefully, upon Coppermirth...

-GM Dice Roll: 6

The tail crashed down, like an anvil from the heavens, right next to the half-elf, sending up rock and debris upon impact. Apparently the loss of an eye bestowed poor depth perception upon the beast. It hissed once more in frustration, wanting to end this and feast upon their bodies... consuming and swallowing their souls.


(Your turn BG, is she truelly out cold from that ordeal or is it just a flesh wound? :P)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:41 pm

(oc could I do a summons! it only would last for one turn, her eyes would just sorta open for a second and she would say something weird to call something. not like the last time tho. .it would be more like an daemon animal summons. Let me know if thats ok before I post. She can summon when shes out. . .she passes out when she summons Anyway. Basically She has no control over it other than beast summons.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:03 pm

(I guess... i mean it's apart of your character's arsenal of moves, and is there at her disposal... so go ahead. ^^)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:43 pm

Suddenly, Bunnies eyes snapped open, tho her body was still laying limp on the ground. The green glow became oddly terrifying as Bunnies mouth began to moth as if she were speaking.

(beasts will understand her, maybe kisha, not sure about the others tho)

<Shadows fell from long upon the wing. Lost bird of paradise, whose blue wings now are black come to serve me. Allow your blood lust to lead you.>

Thunder sounded as a terrifying screech filled the air, rattling the windows of the broken homes. A large shadow fell across Bunny, and black feathers began to drift down around her as something landed.

A large beast, a huge black bird, was standing over Bunny its wings raised. Its screech once again filled the air. For a moment the bird appeared to be reaching at Bunny with its sharp talons, however it only stepped over her.

Bunny once again spoke.

<See the beast, he is sweat with death. A feast would be but a bite. Go attack and do my bidding.> Once she had said this her eyes closed once again.

The bird appeared to be smiling as it lumbered towards the beast, clicking its beak and screeching loudly and digging its talons deep into the ground.

(Oc. One turn summons. He’s basically going to try and bite out of that monster. )

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:57 pm

-GM Dice Roll: 19

The Bird's beak buried deep in the Draggawocky's oily-black flesh. The Beast, the abomination of nature, screamed in pain, it's cry resonating throughout the streets... shaking the foundations of many a surrounding structure.

-Draggawocky 3-

Draggawocky's long disgusting neck arched towards the Bird. It's jaws prepared to lock down upon this new challenger, one which had severely wounded it.

-GM Dice Roll: 8

The Draggawocky bit down upon the etheral beast, but it wasn't able to get much power behind it. Thus is was pretty much causing "A Harmful Nibble."

Though this creature was facing multiple-opponents, it didn't seem to be tiring. Even with all the wounds it has recieved so far. Including the loss of an eye.



Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:10 am

Kilisha winced slightly at the volume of the creature's scream. She didn't question the arrival of the giant bird since she had understood Bunny's chant, although she didn't know how she understood it. Astrynax, however, was starting to worry her.

While the Draggawocky's attention was on the bird, Kilisha pulled back another arrow and fired at the creature's outstretched neck.

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:58 am

-GM Dice Roll: 16

The arrow shot straight into the behemoth's neck, another small yip escaping it's jaws as it relinquished it's hold on the Bird, and turned towards Kilisha.


It's tail whip-cracked menacingly, scarring the charred and mossy earth beneath it. The tail then split the skies as it soared towards Kilisha...

-GM Dice Roll: 13

and slammed right into Kilisha, sending the succubus back a few feet. Not causing anywhere NEAR the damage that had been done to Astrynax... but more than likely caused some internal bone damage.

The Draggawocky hissed in a disgusting chuckle as it watched the succubus fly back onto the ground, it's tail slithering near it.


Duile got up off the ground, and had just had the pleasure of seeing the beastly abomination slap Lisha like some unwanted stepchild. It was that that Duile noticed his scythe still embedded near what looked like this thing's shoulderblades.

Though it hurt like all the bowels of hell to get on his feet... Duile knew he had to do SOMETHING...

The half-elf had no choice, he had to TRY... thus... he unbuckled his belt.

Twirling it like a lasso, Coppermirth let it fly...

-GM Dice Roll: 18 (o.o)

Amazingly, the buckle end whipped around the shaft of the spear-scythe. Duile couldn't believe it, but he still cackled in triumph as he forcefully pulled down upon his belt strap.

The blade ripped out of the Draggawocky's body, making a sickening wet noise, (as well as causing the grotesque beast to squeal in pain once more) as the weapon then fell towards the ground.

Duile caught it effortlessly and spun around, turning back towards his opponent... who was now setting it's dark gaze down upon him.

"Astrynax, hate to bother ya... but could you please hurry it up?!?! We're falling apart here!!!" said the half-elf as he didn't take his eyes off the creature.


(Two turns left End.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:22 pm

And so Astrynax continued to charge up! He was essentially begging the planet for energy by now, and he did receive a small feed from the elements themselves... enough to cause his gathered energy to expand just a bit more. It was almost enough... but not yet... he needed a little bit more time...

At that moment, Astrynax had lost much of his physical presence and appeared more as a sort of wraith than any kind of human being.

If you don't want to die, you idiots need to hold up just a bit longer!...

The words were strained, but their message was clear enough...

(Four turns charged! One more turn to go.)

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 3/13/06 15:23

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:37 am


It sensed an immensely powerful presence now, powerful enough to take it's attention off the halfblood. The unnatural abomination turned it's sickening head towards Astrynax.

Something in it's mind must've sensed an imminent threat, for it started to stomp towards the mage. Coppermirth tried to get it's attention again, yelling and screaming at it.

While it didn't turn towards the Half-Elf, it did indeed hear him, and acted accordingly.

Without even paying any heed to the smaller creature at it's feet, the mighty leviathan swung it's immense tail at Duile, almost as if in afterthought.

-GM Dice Roll: 11

Once more, Duile felt himself lifted off the ground, though not as hard as last time. The impact of the attack sent him flying back into a moldy old crate, splintering it upon contact. The Half-Elf fidgeted and squirmed amongst the maggots and other more unmentionable as he slowly rose to his aching feet, brushing the creatures off himself as he did.

"Ah shit. He's spotted Astrynax." said the Half-Elf as he broke off in a sprint towards the creature.


(Your turn BG, that is if Bunny has another more tricks up her sleeve.)

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Re: Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:29 pm

Bunny rolled onto her side and slowly stood, her eyes halfway open. The horn on her head was glowing softly, but it was no longer consistent, instead it was flickering. She took a few steps forward, her body swaying as she did.

Her flute, amazingly, was still in her hand. She lifted it to her lips as she stared at Astrynax. She began to play and a soft, flickering green light appeared in her eyes. (She is playing a song to lure the beast away. This works on animals and monsters. It would most likely catch its attention but since its so big it might annoy it. The song can cause some dizziness in non-animal creatures. It will put Bunny into a trance that takes two turns to snap out of.)

Bunny began to walk towards Astrynax, her body swaying side to side.

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I disappear for a week. Here's my last post 'till then.

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:13 pm

Astrynax was almost done charging... he could only look to the rabbit with a confused look in his eyes, wondering what she could possibly be planning...

... but not much else, as he was busy charging this final attack. Not even the wraith-like form he had attained was standing up under the force of the attack... his own form seemed to slowly be turning to dust...

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Re: I disappear for a week. Here's my last post 'till then.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:34 pm


-GM Dice Roll: 16

The music caught the creature's attention all right, the music made it's skin crawl with pain, and soon it began to stomp after the small Usagijin.


The monstrous beast was quite irritated irritated with this small thing's continued insistance on annoying it. When the disgusting abomination got within a good distance of Bunny, it raised it's right forearm into the air, and abruptly brought it down...

-GM Dice Roll: 17

The ground cracked and a small crater was formed, as the Draggawocky pinned the smalle creature down under it's clawed hand. The beastly obscenity began to chuckle and hiss in that disgusting manner once more. Which sounded like it was either trying to cough up some flem, or on the verge of sneezing. Whichever it was, this chuckle, this laughter... was quite disgusting indeed.

Not wasting any more time, the abominable creature clenched his hand into a fist, effectively trapping Bunny within it's grasp.


(welcome back End, btw)


Re: I disappear for a week. Here's my last post 'till then.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:19 pm

As Kilisha climbed back to her feet, wincing in pain from the cracked ribs, she saw Bunny become trapped by the creature's claw. Glancing back at Astrynax, Kilisha guessed that the creature's grasp wasn't where the best place to be at the moment. Immediately, the succubus ran for the creature's hand, intent on grabbing Bunny and pulling her free, and hoping that the creature's grip wasn't too tight for the usajin to be slipped out of.

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Re: I disappear for a week. Here's my last post 'till then.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:22 am

Bunny struggled to breath as she squirmed under its grip. She stared up at it.

Bunny glared up at the beast and grinned.

"(You. . .won’t. . .win.)" she said though a gasp. “(I hurt. . .you with a song. . .do you. . .think. . . after that. . .your strong?)”

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Trust Me... ^^

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:37 pm


-GM Dice Roll: 12

The succubus grabbed ahold of the usajin (ooc: sorry about the misspelling earlier ^^;;) and tried to free her teammate from the clutches of the Draggawocky. She guessed right in that the creature's grip wasn't too tight, but as soon as it caught sight of the succubus (since it's right eye was useless), the beast began to tighten it's grip.

So now there Bunny was, dangling between the succubus and Draggawocky... at the mercy of FATE.


This was an easy situation for the creature, as it began to simply lift up on what hold it had on the small usajin.

-GM Dice Roll: 19

The Draggawocky, rather effortlessly, pulled up and took both the females up into the air. He hissed in a laughing manner and brought his nose up to Kilisha, getting a good whiff of the succubus, and nuzzling into her bruised body... relishing the anticipation... the pain and the fear within the two. Kilisha could SWEAR the beastly abomination was smiling at them.


-GM Dice Roll: 16

A sickening THUNK could be heard and the Draggawocky yelped, instantly letting the two girls go, to drop upon the harsh ground. It turned to see the half-elf, Duile, with his Spear-Scythe planted deep within the heel of one of it's backlegs.

"Come and get it you sonuvabitch!" he growled at the creature.

Taking Coppermirth up on his offer, the beast began to lunge after him. Duile immediately began to run... towards Astrynax, with a towering mountain of demonic flesh and muscle following close behind. His intentions were plain to see, he was hoping to drive the beast away from Kilisha and Bunny, get it more out into the open...

"NOW MAGE!!! DO IT NOW!!!!" he yelled as he dove to the side, leaving the ghasty beast, this towering obscenity, wide open to attack...


(You may proceed, Reshiki)


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