The Next Crisis

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Re: Rebirth

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:28 pm

Seryntas hauled himself to his feet and moved to regain his sword and pull it out of the creature's face.

(OOC: You know, I do have AIM. You could have reminded me.)


Re: Rebirth

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:11 am

(OOC: In hindsight, probably so.)

Xiao Long's efforts left more open wounds on the creature as she made her way to the top. Meanwhile, the removal of Seryntas' sword from its face left yet another bloody opening.

With the large bounty hunter back in its field of vision, the giant spider lunged at him again with a bite aimed at his midsection. However, the creature was starting to slow down from its injuries and blood-loss.

Reaching back to her quiver for yet another arrow, Kilisha realized that she was running low. Still, she nocked one anyway and shot it at one of the approaching spiders. Unfortunately, the creature she had targetted was agile enough to dodge out of the way.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:22 am

Xiao Long finally made her way to the top of the spider, and she unsteadily stood up. She made her way to the front of the spider's body and stood over the head. She then plunged her swords into the soft spot between the head and the body, where the neck would be.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:18 pm

Seryntas squared up to drive the hilt of his greatsword into the spider's eye as it prepared to lunge at him.

"Is this thing going to die any time soon?" he yelled to his companions.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:40 am

Seryntas' sword went through the monster's eye at the same time as Xiao Long's sword went through its neck analogue, yellow blood spraying out of both wounds. Though it was held back by the large human's sword so that it couldn't reach its target, the creature snapped its jaws together viciously a few times.

Hearing Seryntas' voice, Kilisha glanced at the large creature to take stock of its condition. A great volume of spider blood was pouring or spraying out from quite a few points on the creature's body and a large yellow pool had formed beneath it.

"Can't see it lasting too much longer," the succubus reported quickly before returning the main portion of her attention back to the approaching smaller spiders.

As soon as her next arrow was ready, Kilisha dashed toward the spider demons before releasing, closing the distance somewhat and making the shot significantly easier. This one struck and pinned a spider to the ground to squirm for a moment before expiring. The other two lept at Kilisha at exactly the same time, but she knocked them both aside with a swing of her bow.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 8/26/06 4:40

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:12 pm

Xiao Long flipped over the head of the spider, pulling th swords out of the spider. When she landed next to Seryntas, she looked at the snapping jaws.

"I guess it's not dead yet..." she said. She wondered if this woudld work, then swung her swords at one of the spider's mandibles, hoping to break it.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:29 pm

Just as the mandible broke, the blood stopped welling out of the wounds, as if it had suddenly run dry. Then, all at once, the creature collapsed to the ground completely motionless like a machine that had run out of fuel. It was a strange way for a biological creature to expire, considering that animals usually die from blood loss well before they actually run out of blood. But on the other hand, this creature was a demon.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 9/3/06 21:33

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:31 am

Seryntas blinked in silence at the way the creature died, then shrugged, rolled his shoulders, and looked around for his next enemy.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:16 pm

As the two spiders she had hit fell away, Kilisha pursued one and ran over it as it hit the ground, crushing it with her foot. The other was back on its feet quickly, though, and charging along the ground at the succubus again. Before she could react, it had its jaws around her boot. Kilisha winced as the mandibles poked through the leather and she felt another sting on her leg.

The spider attacking Kilisha was the last remaining one in the immediate area. Back closer to the fallen trees, a number of spiders still contended with the orcs, but the orcs had already gained the upper hand and were now close to wiping them out.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:05 pm

Xiao Long dashed Over next to Kilisha and stuck her sword through the spider that was latched to her foot, making sure not to hit her foot.

She then looked over to the tree line, or what was left of it.

"Are we all right?" she asked out loud.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:35 pm

Kilisha kicked the dead spider off her foot.

"I... think so..." she replied, but changed her mind a moment later. "No. My foot's going numb."

It was the same leg that had been stung earlier. Quickly pulling her boot off and looking at it, she could see two marks from where the stingers had pierced her skin. Wriggling her toes, she found that she could still move the foot, but she couldn't feel it.

"Huh," she grunted dismissively as she put her boot back on. Hopefully the feeling would return to the appendage sooner or later.


It didn't take the orcs long to finish off what was left of the spiders. If one walked to the edge of the cliffside and looked out across the battlefield, though, they could see quite a few areas where trees had been blasted out of the ground. The catapult attacks had slowed tremendously, though, as the catapult crews had come under attack by the spiders.

While the catapults were slowed, the demons inside the castle began to organize. Soon, the gates of the castle opened and a large body of black-armored incubus and succubus warriors charged out, dashing straight into the woods. The sounds of battle rose as warcries were joined by the sound of metal striking metal.

The shaman, who stood watching this scene, turned to his warriors nearby.

"The enemy have broken out of their cage," he called. "Our only choice now is to charge the gate."

As the orcs organized their formation, Jeshua found the three mercenaries.

"Of course, we'll be joining in on this dash," he said. "Go take your places among the orc ranks."

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:53 pm

((By the way, I'll be playing Xiao Long a bit differently. I revamped her character sheet in d20, and will be using that as a guide. If anything doesn't make sense, ask Spleen. He should be able to explain, or give you my screename so I can.))

"Whee," Xiao Long said, giggling. She gathered the things she'd hastily discarded during her fight, namely her bow, and sheathed her two swords. She then nocked two arrows to her bow and drew the string back, testing to make sure it was still working. She looked to Seryntas and smiled, then ran off to the front lines.

Once she got there, She looked to her right and left. All around her were large imposing orcs, busying themselves. She felt quite funny amongst all of the tall humanoids, but she didn't think much else about it. She hastily climbed a nearby tree. When she found her way to the top, she perched herself in a spot where she could rain arrows down on the approaching warriors, but still have enough cover to avoid any attacks coming at her.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:06 pm

As soon as the shaman's unit and Ralik's unit reached the front lines along with the mercenaries and the wizard, they joined battle against the line of demon soldiers. Though the lilim were outnumbered, they were holding their ground obstinately and were aided by spiders.

The shaman raised his staff toward the enemy and a wall of fire sprang up along the front of their line. Seeing this, Jeshua chanted and waved his hand toward the fire, bringing a gust of wind that blew the fire over the demons, forcing them to draw back. But then a succubus in a tight-fitting black robe rode up on the back of a warg wolf and waved her hand at the fire, extinguishing the flames.

As the demons turned and came on again, the succubus grinned and charged with them. At the head of the line, the sorceress crashed into the orcish ranks, the wolf mauling orcish fighters as the rider blasted them with fireballs and lightning from her blazing hands. Several arrows from orcish archers flew at her, but a whirling wind rose up about her and blew them away.

Kilisha and the orc captain Ralik currently stood side-by-side with two incubi and a succubus already dead at their feet. Seeing the threat the sorceress posed, the two broke into a dash straight toward her. But their charge was seen by two incubus captains who lifted their swords and ran to intercept.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 9/20/06 14:11

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:37 pm

Xiao Long saw her two companions rushing at the succubus, but also the two running to intercept her. She quickly nocked an arrow to her bow and shot, trying to impede their progress and let Kilisha and ralik continue. As soon as she loosed her first shot, she shot again, at the other demon.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:52 pm

Seryntas came in as Xiao Long was firing her bow and body-checked the nearest demon, following that up with a wild warding swipe of his sword which he didn't expect would hit anything, but would hopefully keep the demon off-balance as Seryntas aimed a blow at the demon's left temple with his sword hilt.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:51 pm

Not only was the demon Seryntas attacked knocked off balance by the initial ploy, but Xiao Long's arrow then drove into his shoulder just before Seryntas' sword hilt struck him in the temple. Holding his shoulder, the demon staggered back and fell onto his back-end. However, the pain in his shoulder kept him from being dazed for long, and he suddenly sprang forward and came in low with his sword at the bounty hunter.

The second incubus felt Xiao Long's arrow slam into his armor, but the projectile didn't make it to the incubus' flesh as his armor was heavier than that of Seryntas' opponent. Thinking the arrow to have been just a stray random shot, he continued his way toward Kilisha and Ralik. As soon as he came near to the two, though, the noise of his armor caught their attention and they spun around to face him.

Ralik's sword parried the incubus' initial swing, but the demon maintained his balance. Kilisha looked him over hoping to find a place to stab, but the enemy's armor had no chinks that she could see. The incubus even wore a full-helm so that his neck wasn't vulnerable.

"I... handle," Ralik said to Kilisha. "You... attack lightning-thrower."

Kilisha nodded, knowing that her weapons would be more useful against the less well-armored sorceress. Hoping that she was actually a match for the sorceress by herself and that Ralik would be able to deal with the incubus warrior by himself, Kilisha continued on her way.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:09 am

Seryntas lunged to the side to try and take the well-aimed blow in a spot that wouldn't injure him much (rather than at his kneecap, crotch, or the major artery in his leg), and wound up with a seam in his armor and a bloody gash in his lower thigh, almost down to his knee. He grunted with pain but shook it off, regaining his footing (now favoring his left side) and squaring to face the incubus on even terms, greatsword at the ready.

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Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:01 pm

Xiao Long was rather satisfied with her bowmanship, and continued from where she was, atop the tree. She sniped down towards Seryntas' foe, fully aware that she might hit him. The way she figured, he could take a hit. The other demon, though, obviously couldn't. She aimed for the one she'd already injured.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:16 pm

(OOC: So let me get this straight: You're more or less taking skill shots over my character's shoulder on the premise that "he's a big guy, he can take a couple arrows in his liver"?

I was originally going to say "in his spleen", but then I remembered that I do post as Spleen on this board.)

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:27 am

(OOC: Uum....



Who am I to question a teenager's logic?)


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:19 am

(OOC: I'm using a dice on this one.

Result: 9)

Luckily for both the bounty hunter and the demon, the arrow sailed past, missing both combatants by a few feet.

Facing Seryntas, the demon held its sword at guard in one hand with its injured shoulder away from its opponent. The incubus couldn't dismiss the human's size an obvious strength, but it wanted to end this fight quickly and get to the aid of the sorceress. So it attacked again, rushing straight toward Seryntas with a feint for his head and then another slash at his uninjured leg.

Meanwhile, Ralik faced off with his own opponent. The orc charged the incubus and unleashed a fast slash with his longsword. The incubus, however, was fast enough even with its armor to parry and knock Ralic's sword out wide. The incubus then sent a slash of its own forward. Luckily, the orc knew the slash was coming as soon as its sword had been forced wide, so he was already in the process of throwing himself backwards and was out of range when the attack came. Unfortunately, his forward momentum was lost.

As Kilisha came near the sorceress, she tried to decide how to attack. She had already seen several projectiles blown away by the wind swirling about the mage, so she knew that no ranged attack would work. She would have to get close, but she was afraid that she would get fried by lightning as soon as she was seen.

Watching from further back, Jeshua had similar concerns. Already indignant about the fire attack he had helped carry out being squelched by the warg-riding succubus, he didn't want to lose a mercenary to the witch as well. So, hoping to give Kilisha a little help, he began chanting.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:33 pm

Xiao Long sighed. She watched the arrow miss and realized she shoud probably go down on foot. It seemed to her that Seryntas and the large orc could handle themselves, but the sorceress was a rather pressing matter. She dropped herself out of the tree and stowed her bow away as she ran towards the sorceress. She then dashed as fast as she could towards the succubus, making sure to avoid any large confrontations or skirmishes.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:24 am

Seryntas reacted to the move in the correct manner, recognizing the feint and making a feint out of his defense as well. When the sword came low, Seryntas was ready with a wide low sweep at just the right angle to put his considerable arm strength behind, the idea being that he would take the incubus' sword out high, step in, and headbutt with his thick, reinforced helmet, hoping to break a nose or blacken an eye.


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:54 pm

Since the incubus was in a rush, Seryntas' plan worked. Smashed in the face by the helmet, the demon stumbled back. Keeping his footing this time, though, he caught his balance and held his sword in a guard. Seeing that the human was skilled as well as big and that haste had gotten the demon a black eye, he decided that he was going to have to take his time.

The sorceress was about to come down upon another group of orcs when Jeshua completed his spell. As the succubus was about to call the words for one of her own spells, she suddenly realized that she couldn't find her voice. Letting out a hiss, she began the hand gestures for a spell to remove the silence curse.

Before she could complete them, she saw Kilisha in the corner of her eye charging at her with a raised knife. The sorceress was at first confused about why a succubus would be attacking her, but she quickly realized that this was the succubus said to be travelling with the wizard from the south. Turning to face Kilisha head on, the sorceress urged her warg forward.

The warg's maw opened to snap down on Kilisha, but the mercenary reversed her momentum and jumped back out of range at the last moment. She then came forward again and whipped her knife at the wolf a few times, raking a few bloody cuts across its face.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:00 pm

Xiao Long saw that Kilisha had already engaged the sorceress and found she was stll quite far away. She pulled her bow out once again, strung up and arrow and fired it while running ((Shot on the Run, if you will)) pausing only momentarily. After the arrow left her finger, she poured on the steam and raced forward, still wary of any fighting in her path.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:34 pm

Seryntas tried to press his advantage before the incubus was back on guard, but failed, impressed at how quickly the demon warrior readied his blade again. Still, Seryntas chose to keep him on his toes with a powerful (but badly-aimed) diagonal slash, starting over his right shoulder and ending with the ready sword at his left hip, a good spot to start from if your next move is to skewer your enemy through the gut.


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:02 pm

Since the heavy slash was badly aimed, the incubus was agile enough to avoid it. Seeing that the attack ended with Seryntas' blade in a good position to launch a stab for his stomach, the incubus moved his guard down to a position from which to better parry the attack when it came. Of course, since the incubus captain was an experienced fighter and not a fresh recruit, he knew better than to focus all of his attention on the one possible attack from his opponent...

Just as the warg was about to snap its jaws at Kilisha again, the arrow Xiao Long had shot drove into its side, causing the creature's body to jolt and interrupting its movement. Kilisha was a little chagrined at the sight of the arrow since it meant either that one of the enemy lilim was shooting at her or that one of her allies was being careless enough to shoot into a melee fight.

Sublimating this thought, though, Kilisha set about her own next attack, quickly dashing past the distracted wolf's side and slashing at the sorceress as she went. The sorceress was busy trying again to dispel the silence magic and only reacted quickly enough to catch the slash on her arm instead of her stomach where it had been directed.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:08 pm

Xiao Long finally made it to the sorceress and her mount, jumping up at the sorceress. She hadn't had time to to put away her bow, so she decided to use it as a weapon instead, slamming it down towards the sorceress's shoulder. The bow was made of good wood, and she had done this many times before, so she knew the bow wouldn't snap under the force.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:42 pm

Noticing the flawless change in defense a little too late, Seryntas went through with the thrust anyway, meeting his opponent's blade exactly where his opponent wanted him to meet it.


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:44 am

The incubus delivered his parry. This time, it was his turn to force Seryntas' blade out wide. With this done, the demon used his free hand to punch at the bounty hunter's face.

The bow hit the sorceress' shoulder, leaving a bruise. As she now had two opponents and one of her arms had been cut badly by Kilisha, the sorceress decided to give up on regaining her voice. Though she couldn't cast her strongest spells without being able to chant, a wand on her belt had a few less powerful offensive spells stored in it. Drawing the wand, the sorceress pointed it at Kilisha.

Kilisha was about to rush in for another attack when a glowing red ball shot towards her. She attempted to dodge aside, but it made contact with her shoulder and enveloped her for a moment. A sharp pain began repeatedly surging through her body, causing her to feel like she was about to explode. The succubus tried to fight through the pain, but the first few seconds of the experience were enough to make her give in, let out a scream, and collapse into a quivering heap on the ground.

The warg, meanwhile, turned to face Xiao Long. As soon as its rider had fired the shot from her wand, the wolf opened its jaws wide and lunged at the elf.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:21 am

The punch was solid, and snapped Seryntas' head back, but it was, after all, an offhand blow by a desperate combatant (who was trying to keep Seryntas' blade at bay with his other hand), and failed to cause the bounty hunter to be anything but angry (and probably destined to be a little black and blue in the morning). The forced-out blade was another story, though, as it was a thoroughly well-placed and well-executed move. Seryntas found himself hard-pressed to resist the strength and skill of the demon warrior.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:16 am

"Yikes!" Xiao Long said in surprise and did the first thing that came to mind. She shoved her bow into the warg's mouth. It had worked before when she did the same thing with a crocodile she'd found, but apparantly the warg's mouth was just a bit stonger. The bow held long enough for Xiao Long to pull her hand out and get out of the way. Then it snapped.

"Damn!" she said, landing on the floor and drawing her swords out. She glanced over and Kilisha and saw her in a heap on the floor.

"Double damn!"


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:48 am

With Seryntas' blade still forced out, the demon warrior considered his next move. Reaching down to his belt, he pulled a dagger. Though he doubted the weapon could pierce his opponent's armor, he meant to aim his strike for Seryntas' unprotected neck.

The warg spat out the broken bow, wasting no time chewing sticks when there was flesh to be torn. Charging Xiao Long again, the creature pounced at her with its jaws wide open and its claws extended.

With Kilisha dealt with for the moment, the sorceress turned her full attention to Xiao Long. Taking aim with her wand, she she intended to wait for the wood elf to attempt to escape from the wolf's attack. If the girl managed to avoid the teeth and claws, the sorceress would fire another one of the incapacitating spheres at her.

Kilisha continued to feel the spasms of pain running through her, one after another. She couldn't see or think about what was going on around her. All she could do was focus on curling up into as tight of a ball as possible.

Then the surges of pain began to become less frequent. They still hurt too much for her to make any voluntary movements yet, but she could tell that the magic that caused them was apparently already starting to wear off.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:49 am

"And here I liked dogs..." Xiao Long said, seeing the warg coming after her again. She used one sword to block he claws, hoping to harm the paw at the same time, and stuck her hand into the warg's mouth once more. This time, her hope was that the sharp end of her sword would hurt the warg a bit more than her bow did.


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:23 am

(OOC: I've got a long day tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and put in my post right now.)

The incubus launched his strike for Seryntas' neck, but the strength suddenly left his arm as the end of a sword emerged from his stomach. Just before he collapsed, the demon looked over his shoulder to see the large orc that had snuck up behind him.

Ralik pulled his sword from the incubus' back and turned to face the more heavily armored but slower incubus that was pursuing him. He had broken away from his fight with that enemy moments earlier when he had noticed that Seryntas seemed to be having as much trouble with his opponent as the orc captain was with his own. A large slash wound visible across his back was the price the orc had paid for that move.

The warg's paws were cut where the blade hit them, but the worst injury the wolf received was inside its mouth. As soon as it felt the blade piercing the flesh inside its mouth, it quit trying to bite down, but by then the sword was already stuck through its palette. Panicked by this, the creature jumped back and began shaking its head around furiously.

The sorceress concentrated and kept her aim through the wolf's sudden erratic movement. But just before the spell fired, she let out a quick shriek and jerked suddenly, causing the energy sphere to widely miss its mark. Reaching around to her back, she felt the handle of Kilisha's knife, the blade of which was buried between two of her ribs.

Kilisha was still on the ground, the spell still not having quite worn off yet, but she grinned for a moment at having been able to pay the sorceress back and possibly save her comrade from the same torture she was currently going through.

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 am

Xioa Long took that moment to spring into action. She hopped over the warg's head, who was still trying to shake the pain off, and slashed at the sorceress, head on.

(OOC: Yay! Movement!)

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:28 am

"Nice shot!" Seryntas called to his orc ally. "We'll flank the next one, come on. I'll go left and low, you go right and high."


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:26 pm

The orc nodded and took up position, ready to carry out the human's plan as soon as the approaching incubus came near. The armored incubus rushed on, but once it saw that two enemies awaited it, it slowed and took up a defensive stance.

Ready to get this over with before any more demons showed up to join the fight, Ralik went forth with a high attack against the incubus' right flank as planned.

Xiao Long's incoming blades snapped the sorceress' attention back from the knife Kilisha had thrown. The succubus jerked away from the attack and rolled off the back of the wolf, but when she landed she immediately found two deep gashes across her stomach. She tried to push herself back up, but her strength quickly gave out and she fell back to the ground, unconscious and mortally wounded.

The warg still stood, though. Finally putting the distracting pain in its mouth aside, it turned to charge the wood elf again.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 11/1/06 14:29

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Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:34 pm

Xiao Long landed right next to the sorceress and stabbed her sword down into the sorceress's chest, ensuring her death. She had also completely forgotten about the warg. When she head the beat bounding up behind her, she had just enough time to turn around and begin to lift her other sword to block. Chances are, though, she woudln't be fast enough.


Re: Whee Title Change

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:30 am

(OOC: I suppose Seryntas' move has pretty much been declared, so I'll just go ahead and finish up another round.)

Since Seryntas' attack came at the same time as Ralik's, the demon could only move his large sword quickly enough to parry one attack. Since the orc's target was closer to the demon's head, that was the one that was blocked. Seryntas' blade, though, cut into the demon's side near his waist.

Hiding his cry of pain by spitting a profanity, the demon stumbled back a few steps, blood running from the wound. He then regained his balance, though, and crouched to spring forth with a wide slash of his great-sword. But before he actually launched the attack, he suddenly buckled down to one knee, dropped his sword, and collapsed onto his face.

Xiao Long's sword cut the warg's chest as it leapt at her, but the creature still slammed into her and bore her down with its paws on her shoulders. Opening its jaws wide again, it growled loudly, sending its foul breath and quite a bit of saliva into her face. The beast then shot forward to bite.

Fortunately, Kilisha was already up and rushing to Xiao Long's aid even as the last few shots of pain from the sorceress' spell ran through her body. Diving at the wolf from the side, she dug her claws into its meaty neck. Though the claws didn't cause any lethal damage, they did cause the creature to recoil and fail in its attempt to bite off Xiao Long's head.


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