To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

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Shinigori V2
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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:00 am

Paige could be found walking into the galley a bit after the others, scrubbing her face with a wet cloth. Some may know that she had run the daily maintenance on the engines to ensure beyond the shadow of a doubt that they'd work correctly, and thusly ended up covered in coal. Quickly grabbing a bowl and sitting down, she looked around, then asked openly, her confidance returning now that they were in her domain- Or so she thought. "So...Is everyone enjoying themselves?"

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Re: Your Rhythm is deranged!

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:29 am

Kelne, for his part, had spent most of the trip so far on deck, watching the world go by. He found it quite relaxing, really. In fact, those familiar with him would find themselves surprised at just how cheerful he seemed. Cruises, he had decided, agreed with him.

Hopefully, those who weren't quite so comfortable would get over it in time. If not, it was going to be a truly miserable month of travel for them.

Well, he was likely the worst person to attempt to cheer anyone up. They'd never believe the attempt coming from him. Still, he made a note to try to at least distract anyone who seemed to need it.

Having helped himself to a bowl of stew, Kelne found himself a seat among the crew. Like Jak, he found his attention wandering over to the card game. He'd never really gotten into them in the past, but it might be a good way to while away the evenings.



Unread postby JasonAB17 » Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:12 am

Jeridan breifly petted behind where Fluffy's ears are... or where he believes they are, and then sits back in his chair, looking aorund the room. He was undecided as of yet whether he wanted to return to his quarters, or find something to do in here while people remained present.

At Paige's question he just smiled and nodded.

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Re: Your Rhythm is deranged!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:29 pm

Infernal game! I'll figure you out yet.

And so Jak continued to sit and watch, determined that he would comprehend this simple game of cards.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:47 am

Kelne watches them deal, mystified as to what order they're going in. Jak, however, thinks he gets it. They're dealing five cards now. Either the number of draws goes up every round, or the five that was laid down affects everything. The man with the face card and the joker gets first pick, and then it goes to those with the fewest cards.

Then the cards are looked at, frowned over, arranged in hands. The crewman with the five down adds a seven of clubs, whilst chuckling. The man with the face cards grumbles, and discards everything he has. The seven of clubs is then handed over to the crewman who discarded. Neither of them can sense the logic behind that exchange.

Then more drawing happens, this time the crewman with the five going first...

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:42 am

Kelne shook his head, mystified by it. Still, there was bound to be an underlying logic to it somewhere. It was just a matter of waiting for enough pieces of the puzzle to emerge.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:02 pm

While the not-crew were finding ways to entertain themselves away from the edges of the deck, Hawkins found plenty for Valentia to do. It seemed that having an experienced sailor on board was helpful, even if she didn't have much experience with airships. No doubt she would be more helpful in the event that they were on water.

Now that they had landed, the others found that she was mingling quite easily with the rest of the crew. As it was, she was near one end of the table, amongst several others. The younger of those that were gathered around her looked bewildered. The older simply looked amused.

"...and that's when they fired the chainshot!" those that got close enough could hear. "Their ship was damaged as it was, such is the fate of those that go willingly against a better armed ship. Luckily for us, they were terrible shots. Unluckily for them...the one mast they did manage to hit fell back towards them!"

She continued on with her stew for a moment, then resumed her story. "The pirates were rightly surprised when they found that the mast hit them under the waterline! Never seen anyone that looked so humiliated as I did when we picked up their rafts full of survivors."

Uncle Pervy

I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:37 pm

Jak and Kelne watch the proceedings of the card game, whilst Valentia storytells to the crew and the others dine in relative piece.

The two watch the game procede trying to pick up patterns. For a time, Kelne things he almost has something, until he sees a series of events that blantantly contradict what he observed to that point. Jak, however, simply cannot get a real grasp of it, it seems all but random. Finally, the Dealer, who has no cards whatsoever, places a jack of diamonds on the table and calmly says, "Hoomply." By the fact everyone tosses their cards down and begin to shuffle them into the deck, it appears he has won.

Jak and Kelne come away from this with a mild headache.

(OOC: Because it amuses me: Jak got a 6 on his Int roll, and Kelne got a 4.)

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Re: Yarr.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:18 pm

Jak aborted his attempts to understand the game. The few lessons he'd had about magical theory all those years back had been less painful than this.

He went back to his meal, feeling rather sullen about being defeated by a game of cards.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:30 pm

Well, so much for the game. Even if he did figure it out, the odds were good that he'd just be fleeced by the more experienced players.

Leaving the card game to look after itself, he turned his attention to the rest of the room, listening in on conversations and gaguing the general mood. Valentia seemed to be fitting in pretty well, and she must have satisfied Pervy, or she wouldn't be here. It should have been enough to satisfy him, but it wasn't quite.

He set the problem of Valentia aside as well. Trustworthy or not, it would be some time before he was able to make that call.

Uncle Pervy

Timeskips are timey! Luck rolls are fun.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:25 pm

And thus, mealtime passes without a problem.

For some, sleeping on the ship might well be a problem. Certainly, it's not moving and swaying like a boat would. But, there is precious little privacy to be had within the group's quarters, and sleeping in hammocks does take some getting used to. If nothing else, the night is peaceful, allowing for a quiet rest if not a perfect one.

The next day is much as before, as the Shuman mountains and then the Barren desert pass underneathe. A sort of routine begins to emerge. It is not a very interesting one, as it mostly involves the crew doing their work, having a two-shift lunch, doing more work, then landing and having supper before bed, then breakfast before taking off again the next day. For those not directly involved in the work, things are rather boring. For those that are, it's more tedious and exhausting.

But midway through day three, the monotony is broken by the appearance of a larged, walled city on the edge of what seems to be the ocean. Captain Hawkings, or Ole Hawkin's as he prefers to be called, declares it to be Port Rosalia with some satisfaction, and advises everyone to get their last taste of land for awhile, and lets them know under no uncertain terms that he intends to just that.

For the next day and a half, as the ship gets its final supplies for the push to Savtra, the group is free to pursue their own ends. For some, this involves exploring about and seeing what sights there are to see. thankfully, getting money changed at the harbor is fairly easy in that regard.

Port Rosalia does feature a rather robust marketplace, with imports from all around Igala and other known continents. Some items are fairly cheap, others are rather dear. Magic in particular seems to be pricey to the Doman point of view, likely due to Baron not having nearly the magical resources that Doma does. Much, if not all, of the group will be of the mindset that getting something to help pass the time will be of immense benefit to them all.

Paige oversees the loading of the coal and finds it good, making certain the shipper didn't do anything funny like pad the bins with granite. Eventually, however, she is satisified with the condition of the fuel, extra parts, and the engines themselves.

Jak finds that even though an inn advertises real home cooking, they don't always live up to it.

Dia finds this same lesson much later, in way of an unpleasant case of heartburn.

Fluffy learns that Jak and Dia are awfully damned picky or possess weak and undragonly consistutions.

Jeridan finds a rather friendly basset hound Inujin running a stand that deals in fresh fruit, and gets a couple free oranges for being a "warm familiar sort of face."

Kelne's search for a better chart goes mostly without success. He finds a few that are reasonable more accurate to Igala, but not really what he is looking for. They also have the drawback of being fairly expensive.

Valentia's time spent in the familiar, and some not-so-familiar, turn up a little. Apparently, the Conquistadore was seen off of Port Rosalia some months ago, but she finds a sailor who can confirm that Captain Alvarres was there, and was personally overseeing the taking of supplies.


Eventally, though, all good things come to an end. after a day and a half of mucking about Port Rosalia, the ship is ready to set off again.

Thus does the routine set back into force.

Only this time, without Port Rosalia to brighten things up.

Nor the bright and varied countryside of Igala to stare at.

However, things aren't quite so bad. Those who had the foresight to pick up something to entertain themselves at Port Rosalia are well served by it, at least for a little while. During off time, the crew is happy to deal anyone who wants in into their card games, which happily turn out to far more standard than Hoomply.

After a while, Hawkin's orders the ship to level off at about a hundred feet, given there are few mountains and the like to avoid at sea. This does periodically allow those loitering about the rails to see various ocean creatures. Some of the sailors, after the ship has set down for the day, take to fishing.

Ushyu is seldom seen anymore, spending most of her time asleep in the hold with the coal. Those that know her note she is a bit listless when awake.

The days pass slowly and perhaps torturously, but they do pass. One becomes two, then three...then before they know it, a week has gone by without incident. Then half a week.

It is day ten, not long after the ship has set down upon the ocean and anchored itself that Ole Hawkin's calmly orders. "Weigh anchor. Someone tell Paige, get th' engines ready. There's somethin' out in them waters."

(OOC: Be wherever you think you'll be. The word wll travel fast enough. Also, assume that your character was able to pick up any normal goodie that s/he liked from Port Rosalia. non-normal goodies, ask me.)


Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby JasonAB17 » Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:59 pm

Jeridan, quickly learning to love life both in the air and on the sea, was out on deck when Hawkins gave this order. He looked out over the water breifly, and then made for the last place he'd known Paige to be. That is, with her precious engines.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Timeskips are timey! Luck rolls are fun.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:55 am

Jeridan can see a faint shadow of motion against the water; a very large and sinuous shadow. Something serpant-like, that seems to be heading in the ship's direction.


Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby JasonAB17 » Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:10 am

Jeridan skidded to a halt. He saw the thing in the water, and thought of a very different creature of the water he'd met in the past... And nearly lost his life to. His face took on an odd expression, one Hawkins might recognize from his many days among fighting men... It was clear that Jeridan would not be fetching Paige to start the engines.

While the move was completely irrational, he rushed towards the side of the ship the creature was closest to, and charged up an energy ball. He was going to blast old slimey. And this time he didn't intend to let it touch him.

(Energy Blast)

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Re: Timeskips are timey! Luck rolls are fun.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:35 am

Jak had come above deck when the ship had landed. Sailing was something he was far more comfortable with, and he'd always loved the smell of sea air when he visited Kohlingen.

Thus he saw Jeridan spring into action. Now, he'd often written off other races as prone to oddities and irrational actions, but he'd been working under the man for a good few months now, and he'd never seen him randomly flip out.

He moved to the side of the ship cautiously, tapping into the mana that flowed through him in anticipation of something dreadful.

Uncle Pervy

You stomach explodes!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:36 am

Jak's aim and timing is true, as a significant portion of the water freezes in front of the beast. It tries to dive under the block, but is too slow, as a dull thud echoes through the water, one that can be heard below decks; mingled with a gurgling cry of pain.

The shadow of the thing writhes for a moment, then dives under the water.

In the meantime, the house-sized iceberg begins to drift toward the ship, pushed into motion by the impact.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 3/24/05 1:37

Uncle Pervy

Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:44 am

Jeridan's energy bolt scythes through the water, little of its power burning off. The shape beneath the waves suddenly jolts, its tails and flukes flying outwards, as it suddenly slows, cruising entirely on momentum for a moment. Then it whips its tail powerfully, and surges forward and upwards. Small waves from it all buffet the ship.

"Jeridan!" Hawkin's shouts, among the sudden din of angry cries, "What th' bloody hell are you doin'?!"

Jak comes up to the side of the ship in time to see eruption of water, as a massive repitilian head emerge from the waters. Its scales are a sort of iridescent blue, which matches the azure waters nicely. it's jaws are at least wide enough to swallow a man, or at least do so after some prefunctionary chewing. Its eyes are deep yellow, market by reptilian slits.

"You could have lived!" it cries, its voice high pitched and clearly pained. "Tribute I desssired! Now you are food!" As it pronounces those last words, it dives under the waters once more, swimming toward the ship.

"Get those damned engines goin'!" comes Hawkin's voice over the shouts of confusion and dismay, "Get Jay on those fuckin' cannons!"

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:10 am

Jak stopped dead as he saw the creature, his opinion of Jerridan rapidly changing.

It's not that he'd have paid tribute, nor would he expect anyone else to. But while that thing would be declaring it's demands they could be preparing the ship to take off and blast the thing into oblivion from above.

But the priority now was stopping that thing before it put a hole in the vessel he was standing on. Fire and lightning cried out to be unleashed, but he pushed them back. He had a far better idea.

A few chanted words to ease the channeling, a few gestures to shape and direct the mana towards the water in front of the thing. He'd never had the chance to try out a Freeze spell on an underwater target before, but he knew even with all the liquid around the beast only a truly mighty wizard could halt such a large target directly. So he did the next best thing, trying to form a barrier of ice in front of it. Hopefully the serpent-thing would bounce right off it, but if not it'd at least slow it down.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:57 am

Paige had been sitting in the rear engine room when it all began to go down, completely oblivious while reading a new book she had- Though the information was not new, it was explained in a method she felt was better suited for her assistants to learn. Of course, when she heard the thud, she looked up and around by instinct, then poked her head out the door.

"Hey, what's going on out there?"

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:22 am

"Start the engines!" cries a sailor from abovedeck; Paige can barely hear it over the shouting above. It sounds, however, like Ole Hawkin's is mad. And she has never seen him mad.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:28 am

Paige thinks for a minute. She indeed had never seen him mad- That's what made him one of her favorite people to work with. But now wasn't the time to think about that, there were engines that needed starting. "Hugh! Artus! If you can hear me, make sure the forward engine is good to go, I'm going to start it from here!"

After she calls out, she begins preparing her engine to go, making sure it has enough coal to begin, then setting the ignition off.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:35 am

Kelne had spent the past days quite happily occupied, alternating between reading, writing, and working on a little project of his own.

The commotion found him in his cabin, and sent him instantly into action. Those unfamiliar with Kelne might have wondered why he appeared on deck moments later carrying a carpet of all things.

"What have we got?" He asked shortly, surveying the sea as he unrolled the carpet. Aside from a rather out of place iceberg, they seemed clear for the moment. That would change, he was sure, with great suddenness.

It had been too much to hope, he supposed, that the peace and quiet would have lasted.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:25 pm

Jak silently cursed. How could he forget that ice magic, unlike the other elemental magics he used, often left a very physical presence after the spell had expired? No matter. The ice was less dangerous that what would have hit them, and a good deal slower my his reckoning. Unfortunately the thing was still out there, which prompted his answer to Kelne.

"Some sort of sea monster. Snake-like and intelligent enough to speak common. It's gone deep."

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:37 pm

"Wonderful. I don't suppose it said what prompted its attack?"


Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby JasonAB17 » Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:50 pm

As if on cue, Kelne could see Jeridan, obviously seething, charging up another blast in hopes of killing the creature. Although it wasn't yet visible, he didn't plan to let that stop him from finding it and shooting it.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:18 pm

Much like Jak, Dia found the sea to be much more to her liking than the air. She took advantage of the time the ship spent in the sea, making herself active above deck, occassionally offering to help with various work. Thus, she got a nice full view of the happenings, including the creature as it rushed out of the ocean to hiss its threats.


One might think that Dia had incorporated various curses into her chants! Taking several steps away from the railings, she eased herself into spell-casting with a continuous, subtle string of gestures, hands held closely to her stomach as if to hide her movements. Head tilting down, her eyes took on an unfocused look.

Invisible to anyone else, Dia allowed her consciousness to dip briefly into the shadow plane, searching for one of the younger denizens. Finding an appropriate target, a faint gesture from her body back on the ship began to ring herself and the shadow beast with threads of mana, as she reached out to 'talk' to it... In a flood of images and words, the situation was laid out, and she ordered the creature to remain physically on the shadow plane, distracting and leading the serpent away from the ship with taunts and insults.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:37 pm

"Lack of tribute." he answered simply. Jeridan could be shamed later after the crisis was averted.

Uncle Pervy

I could not resist.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:41 pm

"Aye ma'am!" comes the engineers shouts from down the hall, as Paige sets to work. Still, she knows it will take a few minutes for the heat to reach sufficient levels and the engines to move fast enough to lift off.


A creature materializes into the air, a being whose thin and twisted from resembles a child-sized Gargoyle. It's features are indistinct, whilst its body seems to be composed of misty shadowstuffs.

It looks at Dia, or at least she thinks it is for it does not have eyes. In her mind, a raspy sort of voice speaks. You called me here from my home, and you want me to what...?

There is a moment of uncomfortable silence, Dia can tell it is trying to resist the compulsion behid her magic. Then it gives up. I really hope you are eaten by a flat-toothed herbivore.

With that, it flies off to do its task.

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:55 pm

Lack of tribute. There was no reasoning with that sort of mentality. Still, he was going to give the infernal creature a piece of his mind.

Stretching out with his mind, he attempted to track down the intelligence he knew was lurking somewhere beneath the ship and establish a connection.

You. Explain yourself. His mental tone clearly indicated that he was unimpressed.

Uncle Pervy

Re: I could not resist.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:12 pm

Who is this? rumbles the sepent's thoughts

My name is Kelne. I am a passenger on the ship you seem to be menacing. The Serpent seems to be content with that, prompting Kelne a little more. I am still waiting on an answer.

You attacked me. After coming to my home uninvited.

Kelne can kinda feel the creature is now passing beneath the boat. Really? Says the enchanter, letting skepticism bleed into his mental tone. With no provocation whatsoever?

Apparently it feels this question should answer itself, as it seems to be focuing on things which are not answering

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 3/24/05 19:59

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Re: I love the rolls for this.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:23 pm

Kelne refocused his attention on the deck, taking the scene in with an altered perspective. There was no damage visible whatsoever. Hardly a sign that the serpent had struck first.

"Let's run through that again, Jak," Kelne said, in a flat tone which suggested he wasn't going to put up with evasions, "Who started this?"

Meanwhile, his eyes were following the path of the serpent underwater. He figured he had a few seconds yet before all hell broke loose.

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Re: I could not resist.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:33 pm

Jak pointed a finger at Jeridan briefly before going back to waiting for the beast to emerge.

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Telescope eyes, metal teeth?

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:40 am

Over the past few days, those that payed attention to that sort of thing may have noticed that Valentia seemed to be somewhat...happy. Not that she seemed particularly down or unhappy before, but as it stood Jeridan felt that he would get food poisoning if he spent much more time around her. Others may have noticed that she seemed...more efficient, perhaps. Certainly brighter, more cheery.

Of course, it helped that now she knew that she was going in the right direction. He had been seen at Rosalia more recently than on the other side of the continent. He hadn't been seen for quite some time, either way. It stood to reason that he was headed towards this same find a cure? Obviously, they all just misunderstood his intentions. All of them. He was simply trying to help.

At the moment, however, there were other matters at hand. Valentia had been below decks, getting something to eat. Her nutritious attempts were cut off as someone yelled into the room that they were taking off already. From what she had seen so far, Hawkins wouldn't just give an order like that in a normal situation, so with a sigh, she set her bowl down, and headed towards the cannons. She may not have been the best with them, but she knew enough to help out in a pinch.

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 3/25/05 3:52

Uncle Pervy

Re: I could not resist.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:04 am

Valentia scrambles to her position, whilst the others wait on deck. Dia's shadow creature flies over the water. Jeridan works on gathering another spell, whilst Jak watches the waters.

Below, Paige works to get the flames stoked.

Kelne is still in vague contact with the creature.

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Re: I could not resist.

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:02 pm

"He'll be coming up over there, unless I miss my guess," Kelne remarked to Jak, pointing. He hadn't pitched his voice to carry, not entirely sure he wanted certain blast-happy people knowing just yet. "I'm trying to reason with the thing, but I'm not sure I'm having much impact."

With that, he returned his attention to the mental conversation, Very well, you have my apologies. I was unaware of the full situation. We are sorry to have intruded, and will be leaving momentarily. His mental tone still conveyed considerable irritation, but little of it was now aimed at the serpent.

Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/25/05 19:06

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:07 pm

Jak's watching of the waters will reveal there is a tinge of red to them in the serpent's wake.

Kelne gets no proper answer, but he senses a great deal of fury, should he care to check.

There is a loud impact, as the ship suddenly lurches to port; toward the iceberg. For a moment, there is a feeling that the Royal Fortune will capsize, but it manages to stay properly afloat.

Jak, Kelne, and Dia don't have any trouble keeping their footing, grabbing onto railings for support. Jeridan has more trouble, due to focusing on his blast. Still, he manages to retain his footing.

"Report!" shouts Hawkin's to below decks.

"She's holding, but not through many more of those, Cap'n!" calls a voice from below.


Valentia reaches her station just as the ship shudders from the impact. Luckily, this doesn't send the cannon flying across the way, though she has to grab the wall to keep from falling.

A short, bald, bearded man stands over the cannon deck, havig picked himself off the deck. Valentia knows him as Smokey Jay, the gunner. "I want those cannons loaded and primed doubletime!" he shouts.

A sandy-haired sailor, Alexander, nods to Valentia as he gets the powder ready.


Paige takes a lovely spill, dropping a shovelful of coal across the engine room.


I hate to disturb your musings of carousing with dead relatives, comes the shadow's voice in Dia's mind, But the lizard is not listening to me.

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:29 pm

As you wish, Kelne sent in the wake of the impact, You had your opportunity to be reasonable. His own anger had now crystallised into icy determination. If the serpent wanted a fight, it could have one.

Of course, the sensible thing for it to do would be to just keep hammering at them from below. That way, they'd never even get a shot at him. The trick here was to make it even angrier.

Kelne was already thinking several steps ahead. "Let me know when the cannons are ready," he called to the crew, making for the railing. Bringing out a pistol, he considered whether he could get a decent shot.

He kept the mental link open, allowing carefully selected thoughts and emotions through. Chiefly about the stupidity of all these people who persisted in getting on his bad side. Getting the snake angry at him personally was all part of the plan.

Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/25/05 22:43

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:33 pm

'Do more to get its attention. Move where it'll appear that you're in the water--it's not like you'll get wet. If you have any magic worth having, and it has any inclination worth note, it'll pick up your presence and not care for your trespassing.'

Further, Dia mulls to herself, if it has any dragonlike inclinations, it will likely not care for anything shadowlike in its domain.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:44 pm

I hope you get cursed to have two left hands in a literal sense.

With that, the shadow plunges into the water.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:45 pm

Paige collected herself as quickly as possible, and got to work getting that coal shoveled. "C'mon, hurry! Hurry!"


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