To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.
Uncle Pervy

To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:26 pm

It is a fine day in Doma City. The sky is partly cloudy, whilst the newly-risen sun is setting itself to the task of absorbing the dampness left behind by the prior night's drizzle. Things have been mostly peaceful as of late. People have been able to live their lives with mostly normal trials and tribulations, thankfully able to escape the more unusual and deadly sort.

It is this day when a few people recieve a fairly official looking letter via the messangers employed by the crown. Those more familiar with the various emblems of the nation may recognize that it bears the seal of the Doman Navy upon it.

Jeridan Arrowfist and Jak Snide recieve similiar letters, different only in their addressee. You're probably wondering why you're getting a letter from this branch of the government. I want to ask you to do me a favor, one that is likely to take you from home for some time. I want you to aid me in helping my little girl, and exploring some unseen parts of Gaera in the process. Don't worry, I've already cleared it with the Captain, you'll have your leaves, as well as pay for your time. Meet me at the Jade Dragon around 3 in the afternoon, and I'll tell you more.

Kelne, whose letter bears no surname, reads: Kelne, you've proven yourself to be a capable and intelligent man in the past. So, I want to you to help me find a cure for my daughter. This'll involve leaving the continent, but I get the feeling that wouldn't bother you as much as most people. I'll make it worth your time, of course. Meet me at the Jade Dragon around 3 in afternoon. I'll at least get you a round or two for your time.

Paige Bookipper gets a somewhat different letter. Paige, I need you at the Jade Dragon at three this afternoon. We're putting the Royal Fortune to use soon, and I need you to meet some folks.

All are signed Admiral Aliester J. Purvis, but those familiar with his handwriting will note the script is too crisp to be his own.

For Dia Rai, she recieves no letter. Rather, sometime in the afternoon after the lunch crowd has left, she'll see a familiar and long-absent face of an old regular walking into the front room. A tall and heavily man in his late thirties, his hair and beard unkempt and fiery red, glances about. Some might note the robes of a white mage that he wears, cut to look a bit more like a uniform than the usual loose garments that they wear. A pair of feline ears stand out from his hair, bespeaking mixed racial heritage.

Even if she isn't there to see him, she may well hear him bellow "Oy! Gobs! Get me a rum, quicksmart!"

(Alternate Title: Fun with Franking Priveleges)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 2/25/05 23:27

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:50 pm

It's good to have the old robes back on.

Life in the guard had been just what Jak had hoped for. Crime seemed to be at an all time low (by Doman standards), which meant his duties consisted mainly of walking around and getting free meals from overpaid superiors. It was what he'd wanted.

As it turned out, though, it wasn't what he needed. Despite that fact he was getting older, being in his mid-twenties now, he found himself unable to settle down into a less outgoing lifestyle. Ever since the war he'd sworn off getting involved in things bigger than he was, but as the months had ticked by he found life unfulfilling. Which was why, upon receiving the letter, he'd begun preparations immediately.

Thus, when he'd walked into the Jade Dragon a few minutes ago, he'd been garbed in his old dark green robes, face shadowed by the large, grey pointed hat that rested on his head. He'd even allowed himself a pint, having been running dry ever since he joined the guard.

He looked up as the Admiral entered, chuckling to himself.

I swear, no matter how high in the ranks that man rises, he'll never change.

Edited by: Jak Snide  Image at: 2/25/05 23:51

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:10 am

"Aye, I'll git you yer a fuchsadraakne!" came the reply to Pervy's request from a squinty-eyed goblin. With the uniqueness of the gobling subculture contained within the Jade Dragon inn, there was no telling whether Sven--for so read the nametag--was attempting to be funny, snide, smarmy, or absolutely serious. Perhaps it would help to know what, exactly, a fuchsadraakne was. However, if Pervy were so inclined to ask, his opportunity was gone as soon as the words were slipping out of the little man's mouth, for Sven was as speedy as any of his efficiency-worshipping brethren.

Further, it was not even a matter of moments before a pair of unremarkably brown bunny ears perked up from behind the bar counter as the sound of a familiar voice registered. Following after the ears came the rest of Dia Rai--just your typical Doman resident; brown hair, blue eyes, medium height, with a penchant for cute animals.

Bunny ears that are actually from a reoccurring curse, horns and wings from partial dragon heritage, and a notoriously unpredictable mood.

Just your typical Doman.

"Ca--? Admiral?" A couple of blinks, a twitch of the ear, and then, Pervy was treated to the dirtiest scowl that had graced Dia's face for the last handful of days.* "So you show your face again, eh? And where in the unbelievable number of hells belonging to Gaera have you been the last however the jhodinz long?"



Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby JasonAB17 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:34 am

Entering the Jade Dragon's door, neither early or late, came a chocolate furred Garoujin. He stood about six feet and four inches tall, and looked to be well muscled beneath his blue long coat. Seated below a long black spiraled horn, itself nested among a sort of wild growth of messy auburn hair, his green cat's eyes surveyed the room, before settling on the captain.

Jeridan removed his hands from the pockets of his baggy red pants and headed on over to the man he'd been inn in the service just long enough to know as Captain before Admiral, and stopped short. He managed not to flinch when Dia replied to the Admiral, but you could see his reaction in the flick of his ears. Deciding that maybe this could wait long enough for him to finish talking to the good innkeep, Jeridan found Jak and sat by him. Not much of a conversationalist, all he could really think of to start off with was:

"Nice robe."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:41 am

"An old favourite. Pervis invited you along to this little meeting too? Or are you simply here to tell me that my leave hasn't been granted?"

The man clearly didn't expect the latter to be the case, smirking a touch before taking another sip of his drink.


Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby JasonAB17 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:45 am

Jeridan managed a grin at that.

"Yeah, at the Admiral's request. I honestly didn't know he thought well of me. ... So Griff probably had something to do with it. Do you have history with him?"

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:47 am

"Hired on as a freelancer a few times under his command. Snuck onto an airship once. Caught a shovel to the head, took part in an aerial duel with that Loake guy and then went down with the ship."

It almost sounded like he missed those days.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Kelne » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:54 am

Kelne, for his part, had mixed feelings about the enterprise. He valued his peace and quiet. Still, he also rather enjoyed seeing interesting new places, provided interesting new people weren't trying to kill him.

He'd decided to give Pervy a fair hearing. If nothing else, curiosity compelled him to find out just what the old pirate was offering and who else he'd rounded up for the trip.

Thus it was that Kelne once again entered his old haunt, sweeping a practiced gaze about the room in search of potential trouble. Not that he expected anyone with half a brain cell to violate the no fighting edict, but you never could tell with some people.

It didn't take much thought to figure out where the action would be. He pulled himself up a chair at Jak's table, greeting him and Jeridan with a nod and a murmured, "Gentlemen."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:59 am

"You too? Quite the crowd the old man's gathered today."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby FlamingDeth » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:16 am

A mere table away, a woman sat alone with her drink. Slightly on the short side, this fair red haired maiden, looking to be in her late twenties or early thirties, appeared to be as normal as one could get in the Jade Dragon. Which is to say, she appeared to be armed with a rather expensive looking rapier and dagger set, and had atop one of her eyes a very stylish eyepatch. Well, as stylish as an eyepatch can get.

On this day, Valentia Simona Elena Marietta di Mosca was depressed. She had been here for years, searching practically non-stop for one person. A higher profile person, at that. There was absolutely no reason that she shouldn't be able to find him. It was as if Admiral Pedro Alvarres Martinique de Castillione had dropped off the face of the planet. She heard a rumour, somewhere, that he had ventured to the west, but she had not the resources to continue searching in that direction.

She sighed, and took another drink.

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 2/26/05 4:56

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:17 am

The doors of the inn opened once again, this time allowing a young woman of just over twenty years to step in. She walked slowly, as to not attract too much attention to herself. She wore forest green overalls, over a sky blue shirt, with a light green jacket to cover her arms. She pushed glasses up her nose, and headed for Pervy, her braided brown hair flopping as she turned twards her employer.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Pervy?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:38 am

"Been makin' sure them Barians ain't stealin' yer children, that's what!" The Admiral says to Dia, meeting her glare with his own. "Even if that Admiral o' there's ain't up to it, it'll be a cold day in th' blaze a'fore ye get me thinkin' Vani ain't up t' it!"

A grin cracks his face. "How th' hells ye been, Dia?" He then looks over and notes that the four he called had arrived during the exchange. "Oy, a moment."

He walks toward the group, meeting Paige halfway along her trek with a nod. "Good t' see ye lot got 'ere faster'n a coin leaves a drunk's hand," he says, giving them all a grin, "Get t' know each other if ye dun already. I'll introduce ye lot t' Paige 'ere, she's been workin' wit' me for nigh on two years now. All ye, get a meal an' a drink. Tis on me. Then we'll get down t' business."

He looks back. "Dia! Make sure these folks get th' best, aye? dun worry 'bout no tab neither. I got enough gil onhand t' take th' lot o' em."

Kelne, with his general wariness, may note a familiar coffee-and-cream-furred cabbit watching things from under a table along the far end of the Jade Dragon.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:06 am

"Erm," Paige started, quietly. "If that's the case, a sandwich would be nice, with..." She began looking at those whom Pervy meant to introduce her to. "Some..." Her eyes fell on Jak. "...Juice..." Then on Kelne. "..P..Please..." Finally, on Jeridan. "...Th..These are who you wanted to introduce me to?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:22 am

"That they are, Paige," the Admirals says with a nod. "A fine lot, all o' 'em. I'd trust me life t' any o' 'em. If things go like I'm wantin', we'll be havin' 'em on th' Fortune by this time t'morrow."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:01 am

Jak cast a quick look at the overalled newcomer and then went back to his drink, assuming Dia would choose something delicious and non-lethal from the kitchen for them all. Paige seemed very out of place here, seeing how she looked even less capable than that insipid Kyra did. He quickly reminded himself that appearances could be deceiving. If it wasn't for his stubborn refusal to put aside his hat along with his robes on guard duty nobody would have recognised him on patrol.

So he shut his eyes for a second, reaching out with astral senses to check if this girl had a magical leaning. And found none whatsoever, Paige being as magically dead as a Valthi commoner.

"Care to tell us what we're gathered here for, Admiral," he asked Pervy, "or we still waiting for someone?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:39 pm

"Heh, ye wanna see?" Pervy asks.

He produces a rolled-up paper from inside his robes, and spreads it across the table to reveal it is a rather good map of Gaera. Igala itself is protrayed very well, withthings fairly accurate looking. Argovia seems to be decently done, whilst an indescript blob is labelled Prandia. Those with good eyes also note the island nation of Tarania is listed as well.

The Admiral places a finger over Doma city on the map, and begins to trace it west. Over Doma, over Baron, out into the sea, then off the edge of the map. Soon, his finger comes t a rest, some thousands of miles out to sea, and some inches from the edge of the map. "About here, near as I can tell."

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/1/05 14:45

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:13 pm

"We've got the lot," Pervy says, as he makes his way for the table. "An' none o' that Admiral, aye? Get enough of that from me men as it is. Make yerselves comfortable, get some food in ye. We'll get t' matter soon enough. But since yer curious, Jak, ye recall when I vanished, right before that great idjit o' a demon invaded? Well, if ye don't, I did."

Settling into his seat, he continues, "Twas onna that few hundred or so folks what vanished'n their beds about three days a'fore it all happened. Dun worry if ye don't recall it, most folks forgot 'bout it after what happened next. Lotta them people ended up in Argovia somewhere; I ended up a bit further out. That's where we're goin'."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:30 pm

"Further than Argovia? You're not talking about that Prandia place, are you?"

There was distaste in his voice, but it was forced. He'd heard strange things about that far off land, but at this point he'd be glad to go there. It was outside of Doma City, after all.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:34 pm

"Wait, what is that?" Dia, who had been carrying drinks over to the table, quickly distributed her burden and jabbed a finger at Tarania. Her eyebrows were raised slightly in either surprise or interest--or both--as she scanned the map intently from top to bottom, side to side, extracting any details out of it that she may not have previously known.

The tiny goblin waitress, Gihin, gave the halfdragon a sideways glance as she approached the table with baskets of fresh bread rolls and butter. With a hop-skip-plunk, Gihin dropped the bread on the table, winking to Kelne before disappearing into the back room once more with a jingle of jewellery.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:04 pm

Paige thought silently for a moment, before looking over the map. "We're going overseas? In the Royal Fortune? If that's the case, I'd like to make sure everything's working like it should be, if you don't mind. It would be bad if the engine stalled on a trip that long. I don't think it'll have any problems, but it would be better to be safe than sorry, right?"

Inwardly, she glanced at the others at the table, Kelne and Jak specificly, and fretted about having men like that aboard the ship she put so much effort into.


Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby JasonAB17 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:54 pm

Jeridan looked over the captain's map silently, having gone quiet as soon as he'd begun speaking. When he traced his hand from Doma to Baron, Jeridan looked fairly calm. When he went further, into the sea, he looked with interest. And when he firmly left the map entirely, he looked decidedly confused. Not a whiz at Geography, this looked to Jeridan like a contradiction, or else a joke. There was nothing there. How could they visit a point not listed on the map?

"... There's nothing there."

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:38 pm

"Tis a work I got made. Navy's gotta have good charts. And only reason we even know there's a Prandia at all is cuz some o' 'em 'ave popped up in Doma. That's where we think it is. But aye, Dia has the right o' it. This place I'm talkin' 'bout, tain't nothin' more'n an old name if ye look in th' right books. Books that are mostly Faerie tales, mind ye."

He has a drink of his rum. "But this place, tis called Savatra. Ended up there when people vanished that night; wouldn't've believed it was there otherwise. Hell, thought it twas another world at first, til I looked east an' saw stars that oughta be in th' west. Did a bit o' figuring, and that's where it oughta be." He jabs his finger at that part of the table again for emphasis.

"And th' way I'm thinkin', that's where we're gonna find a cure for me little girl."

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/1/05 14:47

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:05 pm

Dia gave Jeridan a brief look. "It's not a complete map, then, it would seem. The last, most detailed map that I've seen has never had Prandia on it...but it had some small islands around here--" she pointed to the northeast of Argovia, off to the east of Inustan. "Igala, and Argovia. That's all."

Dia looked up at the Admiral. "So, Pervy, did you dig this map out of the Doman archives, or collect it up on your own?"


Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby JasonAB17 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:58 pm

Jeridan honestly looked like the concept Dia mentioned hadn't occured to him. Then he looked very aparently sheepish, and kept quiet for a bit. Even now, he simply waited for others to talk to Pervy, or else mention something he was a bit more knowledgable about.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:17 pm

"Care to elaborate on that? I wouldn't want to travel across and beyond the known world just on a hunch."

Being skeptical wasn't something that came easily to Jak. He'd seen alot in his time, more than enough to make him believe in even the most outlandish rumours. But he was going to have to hear more before agreeing to this.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:30 pm

"Eh?" Dia gave a sidelong glance to Pervy. "Err...maybe you should talk to Hak sometime about opening more reliable communications with Gunnir Academy. From what I understand, they've had an exchange program with Prandia for a bit. Might be able to hook you up with an internal map of the place, for what good it'll do you...

"Of course," she continued more briskly, with a touch of irritation that took on an almost friendly tone, "if you had stopped in the inn anytime the last few months, or bothered with any sort of communication whatsoever on the subject, you might've heard this from me already. Where else does all the gossip of Doma City congregate but where travellers and natives alike come to sleep, eat, fight, and waste themselves?"

Waving a hand at the map, Dia asked almost off-handedly, "Want a fire-proofing rune on that map? Shouldn't take too long to cast, and it should last at least a full month."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:07 am

Kelne had been listening quietly for his part, studying the map and considering. Even by airship, this was liable to be quite a long trip, even before they reached the area they were going to be searching.

"Question," he said, "What is it that makes you think we'll find a cure for your kid in Savatra?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:49 am

"Where do ye think they popped up at, Dia?" Pervy says. "We got a few, aye, but we dun have much on 'em. And I needed the map quick, so I told th' guy t' fudge what wasnae important."

He has another drink and shifts in his seat. His voice slips into a tone more suited for storytelling. "As fer Savatra and why I'm thinkin' it's there... Thing is, I know that thing, that Limiter, didnae come from Igala. And it didnae come from Argovia near as I can tell. When I was in this Savatra place, I spent a good deal o' time wandering, aye? See, they dun speak common there. Took me weeks t' find a mage that knew mindspeakin'.

"While we were havin' tea, and I'm tryin' to get used to just mindspeak an' no words proper, I asked th' mage, Talif 'is name was, about 'em. Said he had heard about something like that, but he couldn't tell me much. Wasnae 'is field o' study, aye? Wanted t' find out more, but 'e said 'e had t' get me home. Twas 'is duty or somesuch. That and I was feelin' a bit homelorn meself, what with bein' stranded in a place where they all speak that damned moon language fer weeks, with no proper send-off home. Vowed I'd go back soon as I twas able. Ain't had th' chance, what wit' the Barians gettin' aggressive on th' seas an' all."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:57 am

"Wait." Paige spoke up, finally. "You want to take the Royal Fortune to this place, but you're not even one-hundred percent sure you know where it is? No offense, Mr. Pervy, but...That's insane!"

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:00 am

"Paige, I sighted th' place meself," Pervy says, giving her an odd look. "I know where it is. Prandia, I dun care where it is. Ye need t' open yer ears, lass."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:10 am

"...Oh." Paige responds, flushing abit. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I needed to think of some way to make sure you'd have sufficient fuel to make it over an entire ocean."

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:26 am

"Right, right," answers the Admiral. "Good thing t' be thinkin' on."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby FlamingDeth » Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:46 am

After idly listening for a few moments' worth of conversation, Valentia heard the rustling of maps. She watched through the Admiral's reflection on her glass as he drew a line with his finger. Further, the map.

It was exactly where she wanted to go. She was certain. The rumors had it that Pedro had gone in that direction. However, she hadn't been hearing any recent rumors of his noble activities near Baron, and he certainly had yet to reappear on this side of the continent. Besides, she had heard that 'Flatbeard' may have been involved in the activity they were speaking of, so of course, she would at least have to try to make it over there. Besides, in all likelyhood, Pedro was trying to stop this 'limiter' from being used in the first place, and may even now be trying to find a cure.

He was noble like that.

Valentia continued to listen in, waiting for the opportune time to present herself.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:04 pm

"Fuel? We're taking an airship? The things that can spontaneously stop working and plummet thousands of feet to their doom?"

Jak had never been at ease with these new, outlandish contraptions that defied mundane nature without the aid of magic. He'd been told it was all perfectly "scientific" before, a word that had too much of a Valthi leaning for his tastes, but he'd be damned if a ship, sailing through the sky without the aid of magic could be natural.


Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby JasonAB17 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:07 pm

Jeridan blinekd a few times after Jak spoke.

"We have such things here? I thought only the Baronians kept those things, and even they don't seem to use them."

Uncle Pervy

Glossing over the truth is fun!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:01 pm

"I've got one," Pervy says to Jeridan, "Seized it off o' a barmy swab thinkin' 'e could take Doma wit' it. Since got it registered proper an' mine nice an' legal."

He then looks to Jak, "Dun worry 'bout that none. Lest ye be gettin' intae fights wit' dragons on th' wing, ye'll be fine. Paige runs a tight ship."

Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 2/27/05 15:02

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Jak Snide » Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:14 pm

Is he talking about Loake?

"Can she get us all the way to this Savatra place, though?"

He paused for a split second, casting a glance at Paige once again. Her appearance made a whole lot more sense now and he suppressed a grimace. Why couldn't these people take up less unsavoury occupations like carpentry?

"I suppose she can." he added, answering his own question. He knew that Pervy seemed crazier than a drow in the desert but the man had a good head on him. And if the girl here had worked under him for two years then he was bound to know her well.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:59 pm

"Oh, I expect she'll get us there," Kelne said, "provided we can solve the fuel problem. I've got a few ideas on that myself. The problem is that, in my experience, things tend to go wrong." He let this sink in for a few moments, "I'd suggest bringing along any spare parts we might concievably need, since I doubt we'll find any where we're going."

Of course, he was sure that the thought had occurred to the others, but it never hurt to be certain everyone was on the same page.

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:02 pm

"Well, I do that anyway." Paige said defensively. "And if I knew how far it was out there, I'd be able to tell for sure if we'd have enough fuel to get there and back...Though it runs on coal, which isn't that rare, I hope."

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Re: To Cure a Cabbit (Closed PS RP)

Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:15 pm

"Coal takes up a lot of space, last I heard. I'm not sure how much an airship burns through in a day, but it's going to be a fair bit, unless I miss my guess."


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