The Baron Breakdown: Den of Thieves.

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The Great Nevareh

Carim's tea.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:23 pm

Noah comes back with what might be the entire contents of the tea chest on a tray, with a porcelain cup, a tea-kettle, a small tin containing milk, another tin containing sugar, small spoons, and a box of different teas. Selecting one of the teas, he then expertly prepares it as though it were the thing he were brought into this world to do. He does it expertly, deftly, meticulously, and well.
"I hope Earl Grey is all right, sir."
He then hands Carim the tea on a saucer in the porcelain cup.

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Re: Carim's tea.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:56 pm

<span style="color:blue;">Dae just sort of laughed, half amusedly, half nervously, putting his hands up more to calm them than to imply surrender.

"Ladies, ladies... no need t'tie me up... unless that's what you really want..." Another sly smirk. "Anyways, I promise, all the money I get in the next little while will be one hundred percent (sigh) legitimate."

He bowed. "An' the name's Dae Tymisonn. Pleased to meet you both..."</span>

Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 9/2/04 7:32 pm

The Great Nevareh

Nevareh has had enough.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:32 pm

"Can it." Nevareh seems to be... erm... annoyed and angry about Dae's intrusion. She probably doesn't like being surprised.
"Well, Mae? What do you think? I still think we oughta tie him up before discussing his fate. You! Get in the room." She gestures to Dae with her other hand, still keeping the gun level and straight.

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Re: Nevareh has had enough.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:36 pm

<span style="color:blue;">"OK, OK... I see ya have to think my offer over first..." Dae calmly said as he went into the next room.

These chicks are CRAZY... o.O</span>

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Moving along.

Unread postby GC130A » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:02 pm

Winfred led to the more affluent parts of town. "Affluent" meaning "filthy dirty rich", that is. Sprawling mansions with acres of grounds, tastefully cared for by generations, loomed before them. Hedges a dozen feet high, immense gardens full of pretty (but useless) flowers, not to mention the buildings themselves. These were the homes of the stuffy old fogies that were richer than everyone else and knew it.

Their destination was a little on the small side, considering the surroundings, but no less tastefully arranged. There was a certain wholeness about it which gave the impression that it was older than the world itself. A couple of armed guards stood outside the gate to the grounds, looking extremely bored but no less alert for it.

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Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Sep 03, 2004 4:59 pm

(OOC: Minor character control of Chuck! Feel free to pester me if it's out of line.)

Mae peered into the hall behind Dae as well as she could from her sitting position, trying to find a sufficiently heavy object. In this case, the heavy object took the form of an old (but sturdily built) wooden chair, probably weighing in at twenty-five pounds or so.

"You know, I think we should tie him up." she said, begining to grasp at the physical aura of the chair with her mind. "Which will, of course, be easier when he's inside."

With that, the chair lifted off the ground and hurtled at Daenj'r. After Dae and the chair were sufficiently in the room, Mae did the same to the door, pushing it shut by it's aura behind him. She hoped that this would make it easier to make sure the little snoop didn't go anywhere.

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Re: Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:54 pm

<span style="color:blue;">"HEY!" Dae said as he was tossed in the room. He was on his feet in a second, and pissed as hell.

"That little...!" He raised his foot to bust the door down.... and then reneged.

Nah... this will be my chance to get in good with them... then I'll get in on this action... </span>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:08 pm

Carim stared at the tea set.

I didn't even know we HAD one of those.

'...It will do fine, thankyou, Balbanes.'

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Re: Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:07 am

Nezetta glanced around a bit, skeptically. This man did well for himself, no doubt- It was much nicer than the house she shared with her mother so long ago. Though growing up in a castle after being found by a king, Nezetta was quite tempted to say "I've seen better."

Thankfully, she kept it to herself.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:43 am

As Nezetta was walking along the incredibly affluent section of the town, she heard a familiar though only somewhat welcome voice cry out at her over the strange quiet of the manor district.
"Mistress Nezetta! Mistress Nezetta!"
Out of street comes ru-... well, running isn't what you can call a tall, broad woman coming in a heavily plated foreign army uniform at you. Striding might be a better word.
"Mistress Nezetta!"
The woman is clearly tall, broad, and muscular. She's... a monolith of a woman. Not very feminine. Her voice is clear and clean, though. It lacks the harshness one usually finds in military types. And her face is pale and clear enough to imply that she cares for her physical appearance at least somewhat. Her pips mark her as a captain.
"Mistress Nezetta!"
She seems very clearly intent on being recognized as having spoken before she goes on as to prevent a breach in etiquette. Then again, Mariah Senontovich has always been polite.

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Re: Mae might have too! You never know.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:59 pm

Nezetta's face twisted a bit as she heard the voice of one of her guards- She didn't like when they followed her constantly. Though something about that one in particular...Zealous and eager to do too good a job- At least, that's what Nezetta could gather. Slipping Winfred in between herself and Mariah, she hoped she hadn't been spotted.

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Unread postby GC130A » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:36 pm

Winfred wasn't that great of a person to hide behind, being terribly thin and all. Also, Nezetta was hauling a large sack, which would've stood out terribly.

As for the man himself, he simply threw his head back, ran a hand through his hair and remarked quietly, "One of your entourage, princess? Guess I'll take my shipment from here. If you would...?"

He began checking the pockets of his apprentice's robes for the promised zante and lollipops.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: :o

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:04 am

Carim picked up the report on Mae and handed it to Noah.

'Could you find out if we have any kind of a profile on this woman? Oh, and wait a second.'

He browsed through until he found the other wanted notices.

'Tell the guard to let up on their current investigation a little, that the CI will deal with it. Lawbreakers are going free while they arse about.'

Handing these reports to Balbanes as well, he continued.

'These men need apprehending. Ask them to try and keep them locked away this time. Oh, and get me an applicaton form to join their ranks, would you?'

This, of course, made no sense. Why would Carim want to switch between the two groups when it would mean a pay cut, even if he remained an officer?

The truth was that it was a threat, of sorts. Carim had a reputation around here which is more or less summed up by the word "trouble", and noone wanted to have to deal with him, so when he started getting involved in their work they would do an awful lot to get him to go away again. It would be difficult to just get rid of him altogether - he was also good at what he did, and his unorthodox methods had a frustrating tendency to work.

The Great Nevareh


Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:45 pm

"Sir! Stay right there and do not move! How DARE you abduct a person of such great virtue as my mistress, then FORCE her to do hard labor in the view of other, lesser nobles, and then stall the progress of her esteemed guard!"

Mariah, of course, isn't saying anything to Nezetta, since Nezetta hasn't recognized her yet. Since she hasn't, then Mariah will continue to wait to be recognized, and thus granted permission to speak, until Nezetta says something to her. Therefore she continues to speak hurriedly and sternly to Winfred, since any louder would be a serious break of decorum.
At least she isn't armed.
Unless you count ceremonial weapons.
That probably are in perfect working order, despite being ceremonial.

The Great Nevareh


Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:47 pm

"Sir, yes sir! Right away, sir!"
Noah takes the stack of papers and bustles off without a second thought. He doesn't go close to even thinking about questioning a single thing that Carim asked him to do. Of course, Noah would be able to make perfect sense of it all in that he was being asked to do something by the man he was supposed to serve. That was the only explanation needed.

The Great Nevareh

And the ladies...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:59 pm

(Character control! If you don't want me to do this again, find me and shoot me full of holes.)

After having tied Daenj'r up and questioning him thoroughly about any number of subjects easily lied about (taking more than an hour), Nevareh's countenance suddenly changed.
"You know what? I give up. This is going absolutely nowhere, and to be honest, I kind of like you. Not sexually. So, here are my terms. Mae, feel free to say what qualms you have about this."

Nevareh points at Daenj'r and proceeds to enumerate her conditions, keeping a straight and amiable face forward.
"One- You have skills. I acknowledge this. However, even though I like you, I don't trust you. You have to earn my trust, and I honestly doubt you will. Not because I'm skeptical or anything, but let's be honest here, eh?
"Two- I am the planner. If I say something has to be done, you do it. If I give you leeway, which I probably will, that's one thing. If I don't give you leeway, don't give yourself any, either. I've got this thought out and if you screw it up I'll expect you to make it up to me later. Checks and balances, sir, checks and balances. There is, in fact, an honor system amongst thieves.
"Three- If you turn me or anyone else who's part of this in to the police WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO, I'll hunt you down and make you pay. How, I'm not saying. Spoils the surprise.
"Four- If you EVER think that I'm doing something wrong and the situation warrants it, feel free to tell me. I like hearing ideas. Though you might have to tell me WHY.
"Five- If you don't turn us in but do try to screw us over, then I won't be as merciful as with three. There are times when you HAVE to turn your buddies in to the authorities. But there's almost never a time when you have to screw everyone else over just so you can get some extra gain.
"Those are my terms. Mae, have anything to add? I'd like to get this over with so we can toast our new partnership until we run out of booze or run out of sobriety, whichever happens first."

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Re: And the ladies...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:25 am

Nezetta lowered her bag to the ground, and stepped out from behind Winfred- She had been seen, and she wasn't going to hope that Mariah was stupid enough to be tricked into leaving. Glancing at Mariah, she bowed ever so slightly. "Good day, Lady Senontovich. Forgive my disappearing, I simply felt I needed to help this gentleman with his bags- It was the least I could do, after he went out of his way to assist me with directions."

She hoped that Mariah wouldn't see the obvious hole in her story, though part of her hoped that she did and chalked it up to Winfred playing tricks on her- She was, after all, but a child- Or at least, that's how she assumed she was seen by most of her guardians.

The Great Nevareh


Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:42 am

"Oh, mistress, I am not worthy of the honor!" Mariah then proceeds to bow as deeply as her frame can allow, her full bow still leaving her taller than Nezetta. Though she would see the hole in Nezetta's story, she is someone who was educated to believe what her superiors tell her, so wouldn't bring it up. Only a command from King Lezone would make her do otherwise.

"You needn't ask my forgiveness, mistress. It is enough to know that you are well. If I may ask a favor of you, mistress, it is only that you tell us how long you plan on being out next time you leave. What would you have me do with this... man?"

Mariah isn't trying to imply an insult- she just is at a loss as to how to describe Winfred. Then again, she isn't great with words and her outrage from just moments ago couldn't have disappeared to nowhere.

"Even at your leisure, asking one such as yourself to carry such a large bag is certainly more than he had any right to ask, mistress."
She levels out of her bow and stands at her full, impressive stature. Her clothes clank slightly as she straightens out.

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Re: Groveling...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:16 am

Nezetta's eyes took on a sudden not-so-nice look to them as she glanced at Mariah. "Are you trying to imply something, Lady Mariah? I'm well aware that I'm not the strongest of people, but I believe I know what I can and cannot handle on my own!"

With that, she picked up the bag again, and glanced at Winfred. "Shall we?"

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I post?! ABSURD.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:06 pm

"Actually, I think that about covers it." responded the demoness, bottle of brandy still in hand. "'sides, there's been too much talking and not nearly enough drinking going on."

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Re: I post?! ABSURD.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:28 pm

<span style="color:blue;">Dae smiled wide. "That's the smartest thing I've heard all day. How do shots sound? On me!"</span>

The Great Nevareh

Re: I post?! ABSURD.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:29 pm

"If my "On Me" you mean you'll pay for it, we'll see how we feel after we've depleted our current supply." Nevareh wiggles the bottle. "However, seeing as how there's a terrible shortage of glassware in this flat, we're going to have to drink straight from the bottles. Not that I mind." She then takes another swig of the amber liquid. "'Burgundy Sachsen Fine Brandy.'" she says in a mockingly sophisticated voice, artificially deepened to a pretty good likeness of one of those rich old men who sits around all day in a parlor wearing a smoking jacket. "I felt like celebrating. And the shopkeeper wasn't looking, anyway. No harm done, eh? Besides, no one drinks this stuff. Well, no one I care about, anyway. It's rather good. I trust you don't have any oral diseases, sir?" Nevareh offers the bottle to Daenj'r.

The Great Nevareh


Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:31 pm

"N-N-No, mistress! I apologize, mistress! Would you like me to accompany you, mistress? Can I get you anything?"
Mariah is clearly taken aback by being reprimanded, probably internally scolding herself for being reprimanded in the first place more thoroughly than anyone else could. She is standing at attention, with an apologetic look on her unadorned face.

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Re: Ack?!?

Unread postby GC130A » Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:37 pm

Winfred merely kept his hands in his pockets, nodded once to Nezetta and said quietly, "Very well... your majesty."

He then gave a sweeping bow to Mariah, and turned away to go.

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Re: Ack?!?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:28 pm

<span style="color:blue;">He took a belt from the bottle. "Not today... check back tomorrow." He passed the bottle off to Mae.

"So when do we do this thing again?"</span>

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Re: Ack?!?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:09 am

"...I'm not royalty." Nezetta murmered. She didn't like being thought of as such. Had she been a princess, her secret would be that much more important- And it was important enough as it was. Going silent for the moment, she waited for Winfred to take the lead, and didn't speak another word to Mariah.

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Re: Ack?!?

Unread postby GC130A » Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:19 pm

Winfred did just as was expected: moved on and led. Whether or not it was an unacceptable breach of etiquette for Mariah to yell more inanity was her own affair. Arrogant wench.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Ack?!?

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:32 pm

"Here's how it's gotta work- We spend the next few weeks spreading the word, though mostly sitting on our arses, staying out of trouble. Don't want to cross Johnny Law at this point. Maybe pick up someone else for our group- three's not only a crowd, it's unlucky. Ten more and you've got thirteen. One of us (preferably me) will be the main "seller" who never lets on to anything, and someone else will be a "shady" person who hangs around the "seller." Eventually, the "Seller" will get some advances from some dignitary or another, so long as that "seller" is out, around, and looks trustworthy. Those two will be the overts. The others... oh, they definitely will have jobs to do. Like make sure there's plenty of other no-goodery afoot. The guard need'ta keep their hands full. Also, the other person will have to keep in touch with the guy I have drawing up the plans. People can't see "Seller" or "Shady" picking up a convenient scroll of vellum from an engineer." She then sighs and looks around. "Eh, I'm getting ahead of myself. We sort of start tomorrow if we aren't face-deep in a hangover. HQ is my place- I guess I'll have to show you where that is, eh, Daenj'r?" She chuckles.
Though Dae probably doesn't notice, Mae is definitely seeing the signs of Nev being tipsy. Usually she doesn't wander off topic and start talking about things she isn't asked about or doesn't plan on telling at the moment. She also doesn't get unconsciously flirty when fully sober.
Mae, from experience, knows that the stuff that Nev must have drank something else before coming here- she hasn't had enough to be tipsy, yet. She always has to have more to drink... oh well.

The Great Nevareh

Paper shuffle!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sat Sep 18, 2004 5:32 pm

After about two hours, Noah returns to Carim's office carrying a pile of papers that he has separated into a couple of different folders, as well as a few doodads that he didn't have before he left that have guard insignia on it.

"Sir! I've returned with the materials you asked about!"
Noah then proceeds to sort out the materials that he had been sent to acquire in the first place.

One of them is a folder that has a few sheets in it, but nothing major. It appears to be a more in-depth report on the parolees.

Another one of the folders is Mae's folder- it has a series of arrests, charges, convictions, and acquittals, as well as a list of old accomplices, hideaways, and specialties.

The third folder is embossed with the seal of the Guard, and has a very official air about it. Inside is a set of application materials.
The last thing that Noah brought in with him is that set of doodads with the same seal on their cases, none of them large enough to be a weapon, and are probably sized to be equipment. He also has a pot of ink and a pen that he brought with him, despite the fact that Carim doubtlessly has his own set.

"Sir!" Noah stands at attention over his freshly laid-out acquisitions. He is clearly waiting for some kind of repsonse.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:38 am

Carim picked up Mae's file.

'Well done, Balbanes. Remarkably efficient. Tell me, what is in these cases?'

He leafed through the report, paying special attention to the lists of accomplices, potential hideaways, and specialties.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:37 pm

Noah smiles at the compliment in an earnest way, not the smirk of the confident but the smile of the genuinely appreciative of the kind words. "Thank you sir. I did not have much of a chance to read them, but I can review what is in each of those folders for you."

"The first folder is the recent parolees. I don't know if you sent me to get this or not, but I did to cover all the bases. This is from our own hall of records. Thirty-seven convicts, to be exact. Five of them were let out just because Jason Sconner, or Sconner the Conner, was close to them and they had parole coming up anyway. None of those five were major offenders, and they were released four weeks ago."

"The second file is the full file on Mae Odelia, as per your request. A couple of the recent parolees are on the list of her old accomplices, but nothing all that major. The biggest one was when she and a no-name, erm... I'm not sure how to pronounce this... Nevayrah? Milligan tried to hold a heist at a jewelry store. They failed, and Odelia managed to convince the panel that she had nothing to do with the robbery, and was thus set free. Milligan was sent to prison, though this was awhile ago. Milligan's recent exit from prison is for a different offense. Also, Odelia used to work with Sconner, though this is considered a coincidence in that case, and even then there's no solid proof, as Sconner was never caught... ever. Erm... I don't know much else about that file."

"This file is the list of application materials you asked for. They also issued me some of their standard gear, such as their mass-produced magi-glasses as well as some might gloves. All of those are yours for perusal, use, and examination at your leisure, sir. Can I refresh your tea?"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Sep 20, 2004 3:34 am

'The plot thickens.' Carim commented, putting Mae's folder down. 'Yes, I would like another tea, thankyou. Have one yourself, while you're at it.'

The Great Nevareh

Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:30 pm

Noah bustles off. It's... kind of surprising that he knows the amount that he does about the files in the time that he ran the errands, since he must have been on the move the entire time. Maybe he can read and walk?

The Great Nevareh

Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:34 pm

Mariah is clearly torn- It has been told to her that she was not wanted, but it is her duty to see that Nezetta is safe. Oh, whatever shall she do?
Some people are begin to stare at her and she begins to crumble... A little pitiful, really, that such a large woman that throws around such confidence should lose her stride when not only reprimanded, but reprimanded in public for all to see. She has encountered a dilemma that she doesn't appear able to resolve for herself, and psychological pressure is building up on her to resolve it anyway.

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Re: Paper shuffle!

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:27 pm

<span style="color:blue;">"Sounds like a good plan... hand me back the bottle, willya? I still gotta get a little more drunk, thanks..."</span>

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I am a bad person. :(

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:50 pm

"I know which part I'm likely going to end up playing." said the unusually quiet Mae. Well, not unusually quiet. It was quite normal for her to sit back and watch when Nevareh was getting just drunk enough to make a fool of herself.

And thusly, she took another swig of the brandy, contemplating whether or not she should actually pass it off to Daenj'r, as it's contents were already getting daenj'rously low.

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Unread postby GC130A » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:32 am

As was said before, their destination was very close by. Still within Mariah's sight, in fact. Winfred nodded to Nezetta.

"You can just leave it at the gates, they'll come pick it up... now, how much do I owe you again?"

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Re: OW

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:08 am

"Don't worry about it..." Nezetta said quietly, glancing twards Mariah. She couldn't help but feel at least a small pang of guilt; but there were times where she didn't just want to be alone- She needed to be alone. Still, she sighed, distraught, and waited to see what move Mariah made before making one of her own.

The Great Nevareh

Re: OW

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:00 pm

Mariah is standing there, stock-still, having reached a resolution to her internal conflict. It is doubtless that she will follow Nezetta, with or without Nezetta's blessing. She's probably got orders on a higher level than Nezetta telling her to keep Nezetta safe. However, a dismissal and an assurance of care might make her go away. She has previously shown that she has a lot of faith in the word of her higher-ups.

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Re: I am a bad person. :(

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:54 pm

<span style="color:blue;">"I am your empty vessel, ladies. Ask me to do it, and I will. Just dangle a piece of gold on a string..." Daenj'r chuckled.

"... hey, quit being stingy with the sauce..." he piped up, reaching for the bottle.</span>


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