Grand Reopening!

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I'm dissapointed! There's no where near enough Choas!

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:09 am

It started off as only a small feeling, a shift in the mood of the people nearest the window. Perhaps those attuned to danger payed notice to there hairs as they stood on end or perhaps they were all still entranced with the music that had filled the air and had decided to look outside to see the sky.

Maybe Dae's "bad feeling" was getting crossed mix with this one?

One or two of the less colourful people decided that now was the time to go, while the day was still nice and the drink still tasted as good as they came. For there was danger outside the Inn.

Outside the danger looked at the Inn, its gaze fixed, unmoving, like a hunter watching its prey.

"OOOOOOOH" Gasped Choark long and loud as he stood before a very familar place. He hadn't moved for sometime and already some children were using him as a running post, going around and around him, back and forward. "OOOOOOOOOH!"

The Jade Dragon Inn the sign read. Choark couldn't read it himself being a man who had been raised by a wild Wolf-Pig he didn't get much in the way of a "normal" education, though all who had ever met him knew the odds of him actually learning anything in a school was pratically nil anyway. No Choark just reconised it like one would a familar picture that was gazed at everyday until it went missing, only to be found by accident.

"OH! OH! OH!" The shocked blank gaze finally shifted into a big happy smile. The danger had now increased tenfold, for Choark was now in a Good Mood. The barbarian was almost always in a good mood anyway, stupidty and a happy dispostion helped to that, but when he shifted into a Good Mood he became dangerous. All care he may take flies out the window, all restriction he ever has on hold are gone.

Bang! The door is the first to feel the explosive power of the Happy Barbarian Ninja as he opens it full force with excitment.

"Hello everyone!!"

If there had been a writer present and they wanted to put this moment down on paper, they would have considered putting Choarks entrance "speech" in full capitals to try and get the effect of how loud it was. But then, they would of probably had to make it a bold type as well, just so it stood out that little bit extra. Then they, considerng how loud it truly was, would of probably had to make the words bigger, to show there power and force behind them... but who would want to waste 18 pages on that?

So, believe you me, the entrance was loud espically when, as soon as everyone's ears had adjusted to the first cry, Choark followed up with...



( OOC: Just my way of saying "welcome back to the game" >=) BWA HA HAHA AH. And don't worry, if I've over exceeded the RP peeps allowed limit it can easily be dealt with *nods* )

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/23/04 7:11 am


Re: Div needs to not forget about this as well.

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:55 am

"Hey Hey Everyone!" It began and those who knew Choark, or at least been a viticm of him more often then they would wish, knew what followed and mouthed it with him. "I'm Choark! Barbarian Ninja! Expert Mouse Catcher and number one spaz!"

Hearing Dae's question Choark paused for thought, giving a few more people a chance to get into a place of safety. Thankfully thinking was one thing Choark could never do quickly. Choark's thoughts, after being speeded up and ignoring all the repeats, went along the lines of 'I like Ale. I like eating dragons, they're tasty. I've never tasted what regular is.' If you looked you could see his lips move with his thoughts.

"Dragon!" he shouted, walking forward with his typical enuthasim, slapping his hands together and rubbing them.

Bang! Crash! The second victim of Choark's wake was knocked from his seat by the booffoon as he walked past, the Warhammer on his back smacking the poor sod on the head. Choark carried on reguardless, the young man being so strong and so intent on getting to Dae he hadn't even felt the hit.

It was probably only luck so far that Choark had not yet reconsied Dia, and it was only that which was saving her from the barbarians dreaded Glomp Attack. For now, at least, she was safe. He could never pay attention to more then one person at a time.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/23/04 11:57 am


A Reply A reply! Wheeeee!!

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:33 pm

Choark froze. While it was true that Dia may fear Choark, it was also true to an extent the other way around. Dia, if she knew it or not, was .. glaring.

It was often mused by a few who would spare the time to think about it why Choark, a man who would happily storm an entire army on his own, even if he knew he would die, a man who has basically seemed to have no fear, could be shaken by a simple glare.

What they didn't know was Choark lacked the upbringing of a Mother, which meant he had never been a victim to a womans dreaded glare before, so had no defence against it. The barbarian was also as simple as a child and that glare spoke volumes. It said "Naughty", "You're a bad boy" and so on.

"... sorry" Came a voice similar to a meek frightened little boy who fears his favorite toy would be taken from him. Then the moment passed and Choark's scared expression slowly faded to one of pure joy.

"OH! OH! OH!" With each 'Oh' his hand went up and down as he pointed to Dia, he repeated it again and again, like that was all he could remember how to say because of his excitement. "DIA!!!"

Any lesson he might of learned from her anger had been forgotten as the barbarian ran, arrow line, right to her, and put his arms around her and squeezed out of joy as he lifted her off the ground. "You're alive! WOOOO!". Before he embraced her the last thing she saw was a chair being knocked to the side and smacking into a wall. Its fate remains unknown for now.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/23/04 12:38 pm

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Re: I'm dissapointed! There's no where near enough Choas!

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:34 pm

"FINALLY. Someone who wants a drink and isn't drunk. Regular or dragon, my man?"

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Re: Div needs to not forget about this as well.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:37 pm

"Already done, Dae," Dia said, a trifle irritated. How long did he think she'd been barkeeping, anyway? Well, she DID let someone unfamiliar with dragonale drink himself unconscious...but she would forever maintain that was his fault for not listening to his body. Yeah, that's the ticket...

Dia's musings trailed off as she seemed to catch on to Daenj'r's "bad feeling." Dia froze, scanning the inn sharply. "That's funny..." she mumbled, forcing herself to relax a bit. "I could swear that there was..."

She never got to finish this sentence, however. It died in a strangled cry of fear and surprise as the door to the inn burst open to reveal none other than of the few people in Doma that Dia genuinely and unabashedly feared. Choark had, alone, caused untold damage to the inn by running into walls, chasing mice, and starting fights...all while obliviously stupid to the trouble he was causing. Choark had all but destroyed the inn himself...

"Please tell me that's not who I think it is, Dae," Dia mumbled, grabbing the white mage's arm. "Please? Please?"

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Re: Div needs to not forget about this as well.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:42 pm

"... oh yeah... uh... got any riot helmets?"


hwee hwee XD

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:58 pm

(OOC: Oops, when replying happens too fast)

An eternity passed by, or at least a good half a minute, though when you can't breath and have a happy barbarian ninja squeezing the life out of you its hard to tell the difference. Finally Choark released his grip and took a step back, hands as fists on his side, grinning.

He looked Dia over, taking in as much as he cared to. She was alive, her hair wasn't exactly the same as he last saw her and he was sure she wore different clothes too, but other then that, it was Dia. A friend. Choark threw the word around more casually then most people but its meaning always held true. A person who you were happy to see, a life to be held over others.

Even while Dia was still trying to catch her breath he ruffled her hair with his right hand. "It's great to see you again."

Carlos seemed to all but be ignored. Perhaps louder voice and something bigger to hit him with might get the big dumb mans attention? At least he had let go of Dia now...

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/23/04 1:01 pm

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Re: Div needs to not forget about this as well.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:18 pm

"Ryuugami!" Dia cursed, hurrying over to the victim of Choark's warhammer. "Choark, you idiot, you just smacked some guy with that stupid hammer of yours!" she chastised, reaching into her pants' pocket.

Daenj'r, if he remembered that Dia couldn't cast holy spells, might have been surprised that the shadow dragonhalf didn't pull out any of the potions she used to carry around. Instead, she pulled out a small razor, which she used to promptly nick her arm. She shoved the razor back into its case and into her pocket with her left hand while holding her right hand over the injured patron's head, chanting. The light around his head seemed to flicker and fade a bit, while his injury healed.

Dia muttered something under her breath quietly to the patron, but that wasn't apparently enough as he stormed out of the inn, leaving one angry Dia to round on the barbarian ninja. "Be more careful, would you, Choark?" she said through gritted teeth.


Re: hwee hwee XD

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:40 pm

Scratching the back of his head, either out of slight embarressment or because of an inch, the large mucsled man grin faded to his natural smile.

"Oh I got to fight that Mally demon guy!" He said, his stance suddenly changing to where his fists were up and ready to hit something. "I might of beat him as well but we got taken away before it ended!" He punched the air in front of him as he spoke, obviusly lost in the moment again.

"After that I just fought loads of other demons while stuff was happening, none of them were that tough though." He shrugged obviously not caring to go into further detail. "Then stuff happened and..."

He paused as he honestly struggled to remember what it was that had happened. He ran each day he rememberde through his mind until...

"OH! OH! OH! My sister found me! Apprently I was dead but I wasn't really and so we have to go back to her as she was looking for Wind-Fang who's really name is Pig and is my Father though not my real father, as I'm not a Wolf-Pig!"

The sentance was said without pause or breath as he tried to sum up all he had been through in one sentance. Dia could at least thank the stars Choark didn't use the magical And word that children use in there stories. And then they. And this. And then that. And. And. And.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/23/04 1:42 pm

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Re: A Reply A reply! Wheeeee!!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:42 pm

A brief scream could be heard from Dia, before all the wind was knocked out of her completely. With all the force she could muster she smacked Choark with her hands, trying to get him to release her from her undignified position. However, the only sounds she could muster to back up her actions were, "hwee, hwee."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: A Reply A reply! Wheeeee!!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:57 pm

'Sweet holy mother of an apple pie, is he real?' Carlos exclaimed, blinking at Cho's antics. The big man had single handedly caused more damage to property and customers in a minute than the gnome had seen in a long time. Bouncer/Doorman mode kicked in, and he grabbed his nearly-all-purpose tool from the bartop and slid off of his chair.

Cho soon felt something prod his leg, and were he to look down he would see Carlos, pointing an object that has been previously described as looking like some kind of horrifying torture device at him.

'Why not let go of the lady, hm?'

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Re: hwee hwee XD

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:22 pm

" that...again," Dia said between gasps of air. "Please..." She closed her eyes and took a deep, unsteady breath, expelling it slowly. At the end of this, she reopened them and looked Choark in the eyes.

"It' see you too," she replied politely, only wincing a little bit as she said this. "Glad you survived the war alright," she continued more sincerely.

Dia finally noticed Carlos and his implement of pain. "Err...I'm alright! Really. He does this sometimes," she explained, grimacing at past remembrances.

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Re: hwee hwee XD

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:49 pm

"Sis...ter...?" Dia echoed in disbelief, staring at Choark but not him. Instead she was seeing a copy of Choark...with breasts and long hair.

It was a teriffying spectre.

"You have a sister? Where...?" Dia's face blanched. The idea of TWO Choarks running amok in her inn...

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:54 pm

Stephan's hands were shaking slightly, terror running rampant in his mind. This was it, there was no avoiding it anymore, he would finally have to confront one of his biggest fears today.

...then he happened to look over during all the noise, and spotted a familiar blue haired barbarian being the source.

Said fear nearly tripled.

" goodness, Mr. Choark certainly found this place rather quic..." Midoku started to say, before he felt something heavy leaning into his shoulder. He glanced over, to see Stephan glomping him tight, hiding his face into the mage's shoulder.

"Dontseeusdontseeusforf#$kssakedontseeus" Stephan mumbled, as if he hoped the phrase would magically keep the barbarian from seeing the two of them. Midoku could only sigh, and decided to keep an eye on the familiar man while they waited.

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Re: Grand Reopening!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:00 pm

Hilda choose that moment to return with the couple's food.

"Oh my!" she gasped, dropping the plates to the floor with a loud CRASH and hands flying to her mouth. "Oh my, oh my!" she repeated, hands obscuring part of her expression. "Is...everything alright...sirs?" she asked...timidly?

She must have been very concerned, because she could not take her eyes off the two.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Ohnoes

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:11 pm

Carlos shrugged and nodded.

'Alright, then. Sorry, I used to work as a doorman not so long ago. Old habits die hard and all.' The gnome returned to his stool and his drink.

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Poor Max

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:12 pm

Rick's eyes fluttered open...

"Itsss so not f--king six a.m. yet."

A light slap turned his head one side. His hand immediatelly came up to stop the second.

"Don't tell me...I actually passed out after ONE of those bottles."

Max's silver eyes gleamed with mischief, "Actually, it was only half."

Rick quickly shot up and grabbed for the was empty.


Max shrugged, "My lineage is well documented actually, but I'll take what I can get."

Rick viewed the exchange between Choark, Dia and the others with vague interest.

"You know Max, we need to come around here more often. Things actually HAPPEN here."

Max nodded, "I've known that for some time. It was just a matter of waiting for you to realize it."

Rick's expresssion didn't change, "Do you always need to feel superior to everyone else?"

Max shrugged, "I don't know, Lord of Wind and Saber, Last Barfighter, Sir Richard the Dire, I just don't know."

Rick acknowledged this, "Point taken. But while I'm an egotistical bastard, you just like keeping everybody else off balance. Never let the other guy think. Ever wonder if this has anything to do with your status as a twenty-two year old vir..."

Max cut in, "Drop it."

Rick didn't, "Okay then. When was the last time you knew a girl who was willing to hug you. Who was willing to talk to you like you were a friend?"

Max's eyes flashed, ""

Rick knew exactly what he could say right now, but it wasn't worth it. Besides, Max had friends now and Rick wasn't the sort to open up old scars without a very good reason. A silence punctuated the moment...

Rick said, "I apologize. I should not have said that, it was likely the remnants of that excellent poison talking. Forgive me."

Max shook his head, "Sure, fine."

And the two silently sat at the bar.


Re: Poor Max

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:31 pm

" Actually I think Pia's with Pi -" Then he heard a crash and instantly Choark turned around. Two things happened when there were crashes in an Inn, Choark learned. He was either told off for something or someone was starting a fight, the latter Choark was hoping to be true.

The sight of two of Choarks most cloest friends only did wonders to improve his mood. Surely this was a good day of all good days of all the good days there had ever been.

"M-man!" He called out loudly to Midoku, his given nickname. "Stephan!" Who had somehow mysteryouly lost his nickname after Choark helped sort out a small 'problem' in his mind. This didn't make why he gave out nicknames any clearer.

It was a jump and a pounce. Onto and from a table. Thankfully the glasses were in the occupants hands at the time overwise a huge spillage would have taken place. Midoku found himself not only held by the man he called lover but by the big arms of Choark as he lfited both of them from there seats and squeezed them together.

"Great to see ya dudes!" Nobody either bothered asking where he picked up 'dudes' from. Dia was left to worry by herself suddenly.

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Re: Poor Max

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:54 pm

Dia opened her mouth and held up a finger, for all the world looking like she was prepared to say something. However, no words came out of her mouth, while she blinked and watched Choark talking to Midoku and Stephan. Shaking her head, Dia walked to the doors that gave way to the back room, calling for someone to help Hilda clean up her mess. Looking at the heavens through the skylight in the ceiling, Dia prayed to any god that would listen that Choark wouldn't break anything else, and returned to her post behind the bar.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:14 am

Midoku glanced down at the person currently bear hugging the two of them, his face immediately going a deep purple as he started blushing from the sudden attention they had drawn from Ms. Hilda and the rest of the bar.

That, and the tight squeeze was making it very hard to breath.

"Mr....Ch..oa..rk...I...can...t..." Midoku started to gasp, until a suddenly irate Stephan chose that moment to interject.

"LETGOOFUSYOUF#$KINGIGNORAMUS!" he yelled at the barbarian, face red as a beet from both the yelling and the massive attention as well.


Ya in my sights punk!

Unread postby Choark » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:37 am

Just before he released them he squeezed them in that little bit tighter for a second, then they were left to drop down back to there seats, lungs happy to be filled with that life giving air. Then Stephan's had to momentarily say goodbye to the air again as he got a slap on the back from the ignoramus.

"Yo man!" Almost everything the young man said was a shout, filling the air with his voice. He turned to Midoku, who was thankfully spared a slap on the back, though his hat was crushed as the barbarian put his hand down on the mans head and done a sort of ruffling motion. "Yo M-man! Good to see ya still looking after Stephan!"

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Re: Ya in my sights punk!

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:05 pm

Rick and Max looked on.

"So...should we do something about it?" Rick asked.

Max shook his head, "Nah, as long as we're over HERE, and he stays over THERE, we'll all be much happier."

Rick conceeded the point. "So...should we attempt to sneak out while he's hugging them to death?"

Max motioned for a bar-person to get him a drink, "I prefer to live dangerously."

Rick remained silent, watching carefully in case the giant "Person" came their way.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:38 pm

Midoku tried to catch his breath, trying hard not to smirk at Choark's comment about 'protecting' Stephan. Though, he supposed in a way it was somewhat true. While the hot headed swordmage tended to be his physical protector, the blue skinned mage often found himself the social protector of his counterpart. When someone tried to harm him, Midoku knew he could count on Stephan. He hoped, in some small way, the swordmage felt the same way.

"I suppose I do, Mr. Choark." Midoku told him, glancing at Stephan with a slight smile. "Though, to be fair, he takes care of me as well. Just as I am sure Pig and your sister watch out for you."

Said swordmage, meanwhile, was still red in the face, the slap indeed knocking the wind out of him. As he looked up at Choark, Stephan's eyes narrowed in annoyance at the uproar. In the past, he would have fought the smash-happy barbarian on the spot, if anything just to vent his fustration with the man.

But things had changed somewhat between the two. Despite all the aggravation and anger Choark caused him in the past, the blue haired barbarian still came to his aid, during the most dire point of Stephan's life. He had nearly succumbed to his inner demons, but Choark refused to give up and fought to keep him from giving in. For that, even if he never said it aloud, Stephan would always be in dept to the barbarian.

...however, as his brother Daniel was living proof of, this didn't mean Stephan would magically treat Choark completely different.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You almost crushed my f#$king ribcage!" Stephan grumbled, wincing as he checked to see if any of his ribs had cracked or bruised.


Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby Choark » Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:57 pm

Choark gave off a loud natural laugh as Stephan fummed at him, something which Choark has always found amusing for as long as he knew the easily angered man.

"If it only took that to crush you Stephan then ya gotten weaker since last time eh?" Stephan was then giving a "playful" punch to the sholder which from any other man would of been considered a full blown swing.

The barbarian then grabbed a pouch tied to his belt and slammed it on the bar, some of the coins that it held being thrown out by the force an rolling away. "Ale!" He said loudly, for he knew that having these coins meant people were finally willing to give him things when he asked. "And Ale for my friends too, dude! Today is great so we should be singing, laughing and dancing!"

The pounch contained no less then fifty coins, and no more then sixty seven. With area's still being reconstructed from the war and heavy lifting needed, there were those willing to take the risk for hiring the strongest man in Doma. For those who had a bit more common sence they knew for a few coins the barbarian ninja would protect a timber cart for a day with the promise they may be attacked.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/04 9:39 am

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:10 pm

(Can't resist..)

The JD had come back! And all of its delightful chaos had come with it. It was only natural that the two went hand in hand..

And so, onto the scene came what appeared to be some sort of person standing 7" tall in a suit of Dragoon armor! His clan symbol, adorned on said armor, was.. mysterious! No one there had ever seen it.

His armor and his helmet had the sheen of bone on them. The helmet itself covered his entire head, save for a slit for the eyes. A protruding snout of some sort revealed the fact that this patron was less than human.. mysteriously! There was also something apparently on top of his head that was keeping the helmet from being fully level. Also totally mysterious.

And a swishy dragony tail went swish swish behind him as he entered. A pair of wings were folded in on the back. Also mysterious. Totally!

He also had a golden bracelet of some sort on one of his wrists.

He looked nervously from left to right as he entered. The smell was familiar - alcohol, and people. Lots of people. There was someone drunken on the floor. There was Kyle at his table. And there was some kid going into hysterics about walls.

And there was Choark! That big guy! And Stephan! That asshole! And Midoku! That.. person! (Mysterious!)

And then there were some other guys he didn't know.

And then, woah crap, there was Dia at the front! Dia! In Doma! With her Inn! It was a totally 'radicool' moment.

Of course, the <s>mysterious</s> individual did not say anything to reveal this. No, not at all. The fact that he knew all of these people should not have to factor in, in the least! That wasn't why he was here, after all!

No, he was here to.. get some water? Yeah. Water. Water good.

And so, he approached the barcounter warily, making sure not to trip over kids screaming about walls, making his way over to Dia or whichever bartender was available.

.. his voice wavered a bit. As if he was trying to keep it mysterious! "Er.. yeah. Glass of water, please. And.. a sandwich. With meat. Please."

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 2/26/04 2:14 pm

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Re: Choark wears funny pants. I say this because he is not h

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 26, 2004 4:58 pm

The mysterious individual could find any number of things one would normally find in a bar...towels for wiping things down, menus, glasses, and--of course--bottles of all types of alcohol.

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/04 5:03 pm

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Re: :o

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:19 pm

A portly female goblins cheerily fetched Max's drink for him, while Dia herself plunked a water in front of the newest, most mysterious guest. "Sure thing," she agreed with a smile, disappearing into the back room to presumedly relay the order for the sandwich to the kitchen crew.

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Choark wears funny pants. I say this because he is not here!

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:24 pm

The mysterious individual nodded, and would have smiled, were it not for the fact that a helmet was covering his face, thus making the smile nondetectable (unless you had 'Detect Smile' equipped).

He looked from left to right slowly. When he noted that Dia was gone, he took a slow, cautious glance over the bar counter to see what obvious items were laying out.

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Re: Choark wears funny pants. I say this because he is not h

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:48 pm


He cursed this, for unknown reasons.

He stood back, then, warily looking back and forth for any goblins. Or for Dia returning with drink, or for Kyle, who was doing something involving sitting at a table!

Oh, the tension.

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Re: Choark wears funny pants. I say this because he is not h

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:26 pm

Max looked over at the Mysterious one.

"HOWDY!" He cried, disrupting the tension.

Rick just looked on, impassively.

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Re: Choark wears funny pants. I say this because he is not h

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:29 pm

Oh crap, someone's looking directly at me! Quick, evasive technique!

"Uh, hi."


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Re: Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Feb 27, 2004 2:23 am

"Choark, that was not necessary, Stephan and I already ordered something to eat you see..." Midoku told him, keeping an eye out for small goblin woman's return with their meal... again.

Stephan, meanwhile, seemed to be struggling to keep his self control. It was bad enough his reading material had him on edge, and that his 'dear' friend had made an impromptu appearance, and that the dear friend had squeezed, cracked, slapped, and punched the hell out of him. Now the blue haired cheer factory was ordering ale, and the last thing Stephan needed today was something to make him loose his self control. What little of it remained anyway.

"Just give it to some other bloke, I don't want any damned ale today..." Stephan grunted. He suddenly felt a hard poke against his hit shoulder, wincing and noting a familiar pair of glaring green eyes.

"...what he forgot to mention, however, is that it is very kind of you to do so regardless, Choark." Midoku told him.

The Duelist
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Re: Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:10 pm

Max looked at the Mysterious One, "So...what's with the whole 'nobody can see who I am' getup?"

Reading people was too easily, especially if you had the assets max did...

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Re: Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:50 pm

"So that no one can see who I am. Duh."

His retort was not only clever, but also blunt!

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Re: Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Feb 27, 2004 11:21 pm

Max brought a hand up to his face, and slowly shook his head.

"You're new at this, aren't you?"

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Re: Trust me cause I am cwte! Ignore me ewating your flesh

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 28, 2004 3:43 pm

"New at this? What's so odd about my totally awesome getup? Besides, this form conserves energy and stuff. It's awesome." He checked his bracelet. It was still on. Score!


Hack N Slash -the only store for your killing spree needs

Unread postby Choark » Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:12 am

Choark laughed again, then his eyebrows came down and his grin changed to one baring his teeth. "Don't worry then, I'll have to drink the lot for us." The young barbarian ninja had gotten quite a taste for Ale ever since a certain ex-pirate went drinking with him.

The barbarian ninja then gave the Inn a quick scan to see who was actually in here. He saw the usual mysterious guy in a cloak, who Choark honestly believed was the same guy on all his travels, there were people who seemed to be watching him carefully while holding onto there drinks, though Choark was confused as to why, it wasn't like he was going to steal them.

All in all it was the same as it had ever been, chaotic, fun and all it lacked was a loud song, which Choark was going to mend as soon as he had his Ale.

"What'cha looking at there Stephan?" Choark asked curiously. "Is it one of them pictures of a girl with no clothes on?" Choark asked, remembering some guy in a overly large coat trying to sell him some scrolls with lots of nude pictures of all sorts of different women. When Choark had told him he didn't need the scrolls to see women, and he could see them with clothes on as well, the guy had given up. Though he did for some reason mention having scrolls of small boys.


(OOC: This is assuming he has his "reading material" there of course ^_^; )

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Re: Hack N Slash -the only store for your killing spree need

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Feb 29, 2004 11:28 am

Finally, the goblins brought Choark his ale. They didn't seem nearly as worried about this as Dia, who kept looking over at Choark with a worried expression.

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Re: Hack N Slash -the only store for your killing spree need

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Feb 29, 2004 12:09 pm

Max had a pretty good idea of what this guy was even before he asked the next question.

"A form that conserves energy? How so?"

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Cloak =/= Armor :p

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Feb 29, 2004 1:47 pm

"Well, cause transforming takes a lotta energy. Even transforming DOWN takes a lot out of ya. So I decided to pick this form an stay innit for the time being. Yeah.." He sweatdropped a bit.

His mind was off the sandwich now.. more on the potential suspicion.


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