A Job in Riva

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The Dark Gun
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Hmm... Traps... Where have I heard of those before...

Postby The Dark Gun » Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:02 am

*Khoray found that it was a trap, about the same time Max and Zail did, as in front of him, and shortly behind them, the narrow path filled in with heavily armored soldiers, sprouting from, apparently, most uneven portions in the terrain and from behind any decent foliage at all...*

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Re: Now I'm REALLY worried.

Postby Kelne » Thu Jul 17, 2003 7:49 am

Zorek turned at the sound of the whistling, looking back down the trail. The situation, to put it mildly, did not look good for his associates. Idiots. What part of "Don't follow me" did they not understand? Of course the trail had been watched. It was obvious.

Well, they'd gotten themselves into this mess. They could damned well get themselves out of it. Turning his back on the scene, Zorek entered the cave, slipping noiselessly past the guards still on station.

Selene Starblade

Oh, for the love of Mike...

Postby Selene Starblade » Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:07 pm

One of Zail's eyebrows twitches.


Not bothering to think anything particularly nasty about anyone (honestly! No cursing voluminously about not even attempting to communicate, overbearing pride and general failure to not trip each other up. Nope, not here.) Zail slides down the rock face to level ground, where she will have less advantage from height, but will have better leverage for combat.

"Well, thith looksss like loadth of fun."Image

Her right hand goes over her left shoulder to the hilt of one of her scimtars, and her left hand remains free, held out slightly to the side.

"I don't thuppothe you'd be inclined to let ussss go, would you?"


Re: Oh, for the love of Mike...

Postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Jul 19, 2003 11:05 am

Khoray was pissed off. VERY pissed off. He was certain that their friend had fallen into this as well, and he was not going to let the same thing happen to them.

But he was very brash about how he approached the situation. Looking toward the guards that were now in front of him, he said, "Okay, I'm gonna be up front with you. Let us through and no one gets hurt."

The Dark Gun
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Re: Oh, for the love of Mike...

Postby The Dark Gun » Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:47 pm

*The gaurds didn't seem like they had any particular desire to allow the group through. They each pointed spears at the group, and came forwards.*

(Combat! Zail goes first)

*As Zorek slipped inside the cave, he noticed that it forked in two directions, to his left, and his right.*

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Re: Oh, for the love of Mike...

Postby Kelne » Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:07 am

Shrugging to himself, Zorek headed left, taking his time. No point in rushing into a trap of some kind.

Selene Starblade

This does NOT promise to be a good day.

Postby Selene Starblade » Wed Jul 23, 2003 1:51 pm

OOC: How many of these guys are there?


Zail's left hand whips up over her right shoulder to the scimtar hilt there, even as her long tail slides in to coil about her, reducing the area she occupies. Within moments, she is 'compacted', and then she draws both scimtar, crossing them in front of her for an instant. Only an instant, though, as the weapons continue to move, humming slightly as they move through the air.


Her arms blur ever-so-slightly as she swings the blades across each other again, and this time, each scimtar emanates a faint wave of energy, both of them sliding through the air to circle her defensively. When her arms come to a halt, she holds her crossed scimtar at diagonals in front of her, eyes wary for motion, tongue tasting the air rapidly with flickers of motion.

The Dark Gun
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Postby The Dark Gun » Wed Jul 23, 2003 11:36 pm

*Zail raised her defenses, as Zorek wandered deeper into the cave. He found that the tunnel curved back to meet its opposite, and they straighten out into a single tunnel. He could see light from further on down this passage.*

(6 of them, Khoray's turn)

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Re: Mwhehehe

Postby Kelne » Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:05 am

Zorek continued on his way deeper into the cave, making for the source of light.


THIS is why you hire a vampire.

Postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Jul 26, 2003 8:10 pm

Khoray remained undaunted by the fact that the guards weren't going to let him through. He figured it was going to happen. But now was not the time to sit around thinking about what he knew. He had to do something about it.

Khoray did, however, think back to what he had heard from someone he had met. He could imagine the words again, as if they were just being said to him.

Basically, it's a vampiric defense mechanism. A kind of mental control. You tell them to do something, and they do it.

Khoray figured now was the time for that. He looked directly toward the soldier closest to him, narrowing his eyes, pointed in the direction of the next closest soldier and said sternly, "Kill him. He is your enemy."

(Vampiric Suggestion, targeting the guard closest to Khoray.)

The Dark Gun
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And so forth

Postby The Dark Gun » Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:00 pm

*As the man falls under the Vampire's hypnotic powers, Zorek continues into the cave. He can just barely hear voices up ahead, but he also notices that there are two torches directly ahead of him in the hall way on opposite sides. If he were to approach them any closer his Shadow Meld would wear off.*

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Re: And so forth

Postby Kelne » Mon Jul 28, 2003 12:19 am

It was inconvenient, of course, but hardly an unfamiliar situation for Zorek. After all, many places he'd infiltrated had been quite well lit. Zorek felt the shadows slide away as he stepped past the torches. He might be visible now, but for the moment, it wasn't an issue, as there was no one to see him.

Still moving noiselessly, Zorek approached the source of the voices.

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Postby The Dark Gun » Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:34 am

*Max opened fire on one of the gaurds who had begun to charge forwards, blasting a hole through the man's chest. As the man falls dead, the other two advance, their spears at the ready. The two gaurds by Khoray who he had not effected did so as well.*

*Upon continuing down the tunnel, Zorek saw a large, well light room, where he could tell the people talking were in, although he could not see them. If he tried very hard he could make out what they were saying.*

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Re: *BANG!*

Postby Kelne » Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:48 am

Leaning himself calmly against a wall, Zorek settled in to listen to what these people had to say. With luck, they would reveal something of importance.

Selene Starblade

Hang on a moment here....

Postby Selene Starblade » Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:22 pm

OOC: Wait, does this mean it's our turns again? The guards moved in, that's it?

The Dark Gun
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Re: Hang on a moment here....

Postby The Dark Gun » Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:52 am

*The gaurds, having moved in, attacked, but only one one suceeded in hitting his target, slightly cutting Khoray (6). The dazed one attacked one of his comrades, but failed to strike his startled compatriot.*

(Round 1 of combat ends. Zail's turn)

*Zorek, listening intently, catches some interesting tidbits indeed. The loudest speaker, apparently the leader, and one of his subordinates could be clearly heard.*

"So, you think they've been taken care of yet?"

"I bet. The trainees should come in with those beasts head soon enough. He was right about what kind of riff-raff would show up to take that job. Almost all non-humans, I heard. If it was not so important to the plan already, I'd kill them all just to get that sort of scum off the planet."

"Yeah, you sure this is gonna work?"

"Oh, yeah. The minute them in charge here about the band of adventurers got chewed up here, they'll come charging in with an army, and then we'll have 'em. Plain and simple."

Edited by: The Dark Gun at: 8/3/03 12:09 am

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Paranoia unleashed

Postby Kelne » Sun Aug 03, 2003 5:54 am

Zorek's first thought was simple - betrayal. It was quite depressing, really. No matter how many of these idiots he killed for it, there was always some fool who thought he could be used as a mere pawn in some greater scheme. Invariably, this included attempting to default on payment.

The idea that their employer might not be up to his neck in the scheme never even occurred to Zorek. Obviously, the time had come to find a loophole which would enable him to collect his fee while not playing into these peoples' plans. Such as killing them all.

So. They'd made the mistake of sending a bunch of trainees to finish the others, had they? It would be interesting to see if any of the trainees survived the experience. In the meantime...

Zorek edged closer to the room, trying to get a look inside whilst remaining unseen. A quick head count was what he was after. Some idea of how may people were in the room, and how nearby the guards were.

Selene Starblade

Cannon Fodder? Why does it have to be cannon fodder!

Postby Selene Starblade » Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:36 pm

Zail quickly takes in the scene, noticing the one of the guards attacking another. Avoiding those two, she strikes out at the guard nearest her.

Lashing out with her left scimtar, she hooks it at the guard's head, aiming to slide the blade around his own. Her right blade remains close in, ready to parry or block incoming attacks.

(One attack, one weapon, other scimtar ready for defense.)

The Dark Gun
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Re: Cannon Fodder? Why does it have to be cannon fodder!

Postby The Dark Gun » Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:25 pm

(OOC: Oh, Selene? For rolling purposes I need to know what kind of attack that was Thrust, a Slash, or a Chop)

*As Khoray scans the room, he sees that there are about five people, wearing very stylized armor, sitting around a very small fire, in what looked like a carefully constructed hearth. They all had spears sitting nearby them, but he calculated that, because of the armor, it would take them a while to get out of the chairs and retrieve their weapons. He also could catch the faint sound of a large number of people snoring down a hall to his right*

Selene Starblade

Oh yeah....

Postby Selene Starblade » Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:51 pm

OOC: That would be a Slash.

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Postby Kelne » Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:44 pm

Surprise, as ever, would be his greatest ally. By the time any of his foes could react, at least one of them would be dead, and it would take time for those snoring in the other room to awaken. The most important thing to remember was to keep a clear path to the exit behind him. Certainly, none of them would be able to catch him in that cumbersome armour if he decided to withdraw.

Drawing his katana, Zorek covered the distance to the closest of the figures in several long strides and swept his blade out for the man's neck.

(OOC: Chopping Deathblow)

The Dark Gun
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Postby The Dark Gun » Thu Aug 07, 2003 11:17 pm

(OOC: Sorry to say it, but I was just informed I have a 5-6 day camping trip to go on starting tomorrow. I won't have internet access and I don't have time to make a good post now. Very sorry, but I'll get back to this first thing when I get home)


May as well do this now....

Postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:01 pm

Khoray snarled slightly, glancing to the injury he had just received for a moment before returning his gaze to the one that had attacked him.

"So you wanna play rough?" Khoray spit out the words with a slight degree of anger. "Fine, but don't expect me to treat your remains nicely."

As quickly as he could, he traced his hands in front of his head, eventually tracing out a five-pointed star in front of him. With a slight mutter, this star he had traced became flooded with dark energy, as he pointed at the guard that had attacked him.

This pointing forced the star in the guard's direction.

(Dark Star, aimed at the guard that damaged Khoray.)

The Dark Gun
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>_> <_<

Postby The Dark Gun » Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:01 pm

*Selene's sabre slash bit deep into the soldier's upper shoulder, causing him to bleed profusely, while the soldier who had attacked Khoray found his life suddenly snuffed out with the power of his dark counterattack. Max opened fire as well, but his shot goes arwy. The gaurds move forwards to attack once more, but their inept spear thrusts are easily fended off, and even the possessed one strikes the dirt instead of his comrade.*

(I've been having some of the worst rolls ever... >_<)

*Zorek's powerful attack cleaved the man in twain, ripping open his armor, and the others, startled, began to push themselves to their feet, as one of them called out "We're under attack!" and Zorek could hear sudden starts from the other room as a large number of people woke up.*

Edited by: The Dark Gun&nbsp; Image at: 8/15/03 1:08 am

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Re: >_> <_<

Postby Kelne » Thu Aug 14, 2003 8:45 pm

(OOC: I'm pretty sure you mean Zorek.)

Picking out a new target, Zorek slashed at his throat. Armour might well be useful in a battle, but in this situation, it made his opponents sitting ducks.

The Dark Gun
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Re: >_> <_<

Postby The Dark Gun » Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:11 am

(OOC: You can't prove anything... >_> Heh)

The man tried to shift aside, but hampered by his heavy armor, Zorek was easily able to cut him down, crimson blood spilling forth down his front. In his peripheral, Zorek saw the shadows of people, lightly armored, or not at all, wielding spears, coming down the hall towards the room he currently faught in.

Selene Starblade

Ummm.... damn my lousy memory.

Postby Selene Starblade » Sat Sep 13, 2003 8:16 pm

OOC: How many of these guards are left?

Selene Starblade

Oh never mind, we can just keep killin em till they're dead.

Postby Selene Starblade » Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:22 pm

Keeping her guard up, Zail lashes out at the nearest soldier not (a) attacking his friend, (b) being attacked by his friend, or (c) in mid-combat with her erstwhile ally.

Thus, she hopes to avoid risk of disrupting her ally's offense or accidentally striking him.

Her scimtar whishes in a glittering arc, coursing towards the side of her chosen.... prey. There's really no other way for her to look at it, at this point. She is, after all, larger than them by a considerable bit.

The Dark Gun
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Re: Oh never mind, we can just keep killin em till they're d

Postby The Dark Gun » Thu Nov 06, 2003 12:05 am

OOC: Holy crud... I didn't think this would still be around. Sorry for my umm... Errenousity. I'm looking up the notes I took when desigining this thing and I'll get it moving again if you're all willing. I've had a lot of, er, issues of late but I'm back and ready to deal with this ^_^... If you'll forgive me, that is...

This post will contain content tomorrow. Be aware.

It's well past tomorrow, sorry -_-;;

2 gaurds left after this post...

IC: *The poor gaurd feebly attempts to fend of the blow, but finds himself simply and suddenly dead.*

(Khoray, you're go. You're the only one left with gaurds by you, the one you possessed and one other).

Edited by: The Dark Gun at: 11/13/03 11:51 pm


Re: Oh never mind, we can just keep killin em till they're d

Postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Nov 14, 2003 12:06 am

Khoray took the time to re-evaluate his situation. Only two guards had left, and one of them he had already used his vampiric abilities on.

Then Khoray suddenly felt it. The weakness coming with hunger. Without thinking, off came his face mask as Khoray rushed to the hitherto unaffected guard.....

....and tried to bite him, which would give him a chance to feed.

(Blood Drain.)

The Dark Gun
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Re: Oh never mind, we can just keep killin em till they're d

Postby The Dark Gun » Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:06 am

*Khoray chomed into the ufortunate gaurd, draining away half a pint of blood. Maxwell and the charmed gaurd held their attacks, unsure as to what the best course of action would be, while the gaurd himself flailed about, but in his manic desperation he failed to land a single blow.*

(Round ends, Zail's turn)

Selene Starblade

Lunch? I'm not hungry yet. Can I have one guard to go?

Postby Selene Starblade » Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:40 pm

Moving swiftly, Zail darts towards the charmed guard, and attempts to bind him in her coils. Should she succeed, she will put continuing pressure on him. With his lungs compressed, he should pass out fairly quickly from lack of oxygen. Unless that armor is tougher than it looks, in which case it will still keep him indisposed.

OOC: Not sure what the rules would be regarding this... ah, well. Worth a shot anyways.

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Re: >_> <_<

Postby Kelne » Sun Nov 23, 2003 4:58 am

Not bad. It seemed that somebody would actually be trying to stop him from eliminating the leaders. Now that he thought about it, he really should have identified the leader before beginning the bloodshed. It was impossible to tell if he was one of those dead on the floor or those still standing.

Well, no matter. He still had a few tricks to buy himself a little time to complete the job. Concentrating briefly, he pointed one hand in the direction of the hall. Given the close confines of the corridor, even if the blast only hit one person, the rest should become tangled up by his fall.

(Dark hammer at the people in the hall)

The Dark Gun
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Re: >_> <_<

Postby The Dark Gun » Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:32 pm

*Zail fails in her attack, as although under the vampire's control, he still dodges away from the naga. Meanwhile, Zorek blasts the oncoming foe smartly, flinging him backwards into the hallyway behind him, liberally pasting those behind him with blood (Critical hit, 64 damage), however, in this interrim, one of the men had gotten fully to his feet and grabbed his spear, and was slowly advancing on the assassin.*


Re: >_> <_<

Postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:18 pm

Khoray was not done with his feed. Oh no. What he'd already gotten out of the guard he'd bitten wasn't enough.

He continued his feed on the poor guard.

(More Blood Drain, same guard he's already got.)

Selene Starblade

C'mere, you li'l bugger.....

Postby Selene Starblade » Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:22 pm

Not to be easily deterred, Zail would make another try at the guard, but he doesn't seem to be dropping out from under mind control. That was her main concern anyways.

Therefore, given that there seems to be pretty much nothing left for her to do here, she takes this opportunity to wipe off her scimtar and return them to their places across her back as she waits for the vampire to finish his meal.

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Re: >_> <_<

Postby Kelne » Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:52 am

Zorek turned his attention towards the spearwielder, slashing at his chest. With the messy demise of the front runner, those in the hall ought to be deterred, at least.

The Dark Gun
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Sorry for the wait

Postby The Dark Gun » Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:33 pm

(OOC: Ugh, getting kicked off the compy for a week sucks... But back to business.)

*Khoray drains a little more blood (1 point of Stamina) from the gaurd.*

*Zorek and the Dragoon face off, but each parries the others blow.* "Filthy creature, staining this earth with your presance... We do not need your kind here!"


Re: Sorry for the wait

Postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:14 pm

Khoray let his thirst for blood continue to take over. He continued to drain the blood out of his hapless victim....

(MORE Blood Drain. You know the target - same as before.)

The Dark Gun
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Mmm... Tasty

Postby The Dark Gun » Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:28 pm

*Khoray drains 2 more points of blood from his victim, who seems seriously weakened by this point.*


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