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Dark Xia

Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:53 pm

I may of practiced some of the accents... but I really should try to learn some of the languages I suppose... damn drow and their... drow language.

Deciding quickly that a summoned creature would probably have a blank stare, stand rather like a soldier who followed its master's orders, with little mind of its own, Saen had taken on these characteristics. She made eye contact with no one, her face devoid of her usual whimsical smile. She simply waited for new orders from her "master."


Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:21 pm

Ree shoved Calhoun in the back, leaning forward and whispering, "We didn't hear him, we keep walking," and praying Saen would hear him too.

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Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:10 am

"Well, lads, we're up," Larak said, stepping out of the tunnel entrance. The sight of the campfire had given him rather a nasty idea, and he quickly headed for it. Another stick of dynamite emerged from his pouch, and was lobbed into the flames.

When Larak was asked to create a distraction, he didn't go for half measures.

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Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:40 am

Drow, being the fairly observant sort, managed to note the stick of dynamite dropping right into the fire in front of them. Larak heard one of them exclaim "Vith!" at the top of his voice a moment before he was flung right across the cavern, along with four of his comrades. If they were dead or not was irrelevant; they wouldn't be getting up after that.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Down to 3 sticks now.)</span>

Towards his right, he could see the remaining pointy-ears had been startled wide awake, and were quickly realising what was up.


Ree watched the inquisitive drow spin around, muttering something in his own tongue, and snatching a hand crossbow from his side. His fellow mercenaries were right on time.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Everyone gets a single free action before combat starts aproper. Everyone is in the initiative order, even those who won't be fighting. As a reference, you can get a sentence or three off in a turn, if all you're going to do is talk.)</span>

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Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:56 pm

Ratch trusted that those with him would take out any of the Drow that got close enough, and as such, he was going to do what he deemed most useful, taking out any ranged support that the drow had. Noting that the one who was about to stop Ree had such a weapon, Ratch fired off both his weapons at him.


Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:18 pm

Letting sweat trickle off his brow, he moved faster, and acted as if he was talking to Calhoun. "Keep moving! Pick it up!" Inbetween exhortations for speed, Ree whispered in his ear, "Try to find a way to take down the barrier, or whatever that is. Saen and I will cover you."

Which meant he'd probably have to fight with any guards. Heaving a mental sigh, Ree just focused on looking like he wanted to get Calhoun off his hands and back to the action as soon as was possible.

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Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:09 pm

Picking out one of the closer drow, Larak charged him, using the momentem to bring the axe around in a powerful chopping blow. Funny how the prospect of killing drow distracts one from the vast amounts of rock poised overhead...

(Bullrush, incidentally)

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Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:14 pm

About time!

Brandon let out a cheerful sound, quite glad for a spot of action he could appreciate. Sneaking and snooping around, all while trying to be absolutely quiet, pushed his limited patience to the limit. He was very pleased, then, to make his way to the nearest drow and cleave downward with a mighty swing of his sword.

Dark Xia

Re: But he'll be seen unless he's standing still!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:14 am

Mhhh.. I don't trust using magic on these people.. time to get PHYSICAL ^___^

Grabbing her whip from side, Saen lashed out at the poor inquisitive drow. He should of known that curiousity killed the cat... and the drow.

.. you know I hope we're not horribly outnumbered... oh well, there's always switching sides... maybe.

(Tech: Disarm, targeted at : the inquisitive drow, more specifically at the hand that's aiming that damn crossbow.)

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Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy. ;_;

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:26 am

The sounds of two pistols firing indicated the beginning of hostilities nicely, with one bullet finding it's way into the important looking drow's shoulder. He seemed to take the blow better than most, though, and proved successful in struggling free of the barbed whip that wrapped around his arm a split second later, but not without cloth and flesh being torn up a bit by the sadistic weapon.

On the other side of the cavern, the intimidating sight of Brandon and Larak charged straight into the group of awakening raiders, capitalizing on their unprepared state.

One of them, reaching for a crossbow, soon found himself split asunder, as the mighty blade Alexander passed through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Critical for 98 bloody damage)</span>

Another drow, readying his sword, suddenly found himself pitched to the side by a ferocious dwarvern attack, and while still alive, it was clear that the wound would almost certainly take the dark elf's life unless he managed to find some form of healing.

Meanwhile, Boreas and Calhoun reached the portal, both noting a large number of townsfolk inside, many of whom shot hateful glances at the undeserving drow. The archway itself clearly held some sort of magic wall, the air between the two groups shimmering gold ever so slightly. Whether it was harmful or not was beyond Ree, but he did remember hearing about mages being able to craft magic runes which could erect simple barriers like this. And since he hadn't seen any mages around, it was a safe bet this was one of those.

"Definitely some crude form of magical barrier. If we destroy that rune up there, the magic should dissipate."

Following the red mage's glance, Ree saw that, at the top of the archway, a good 8 feet above the floor, was a single, small rune, seemingly lacking in magic.

"It's unlikely that it'll contain some sort of devilish trap, especially considering the nature of it's aura."

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Round 1 over. Declare your actions for Round 2.)</span>

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:42 am

First opponent down, Larak moved on to the next one, chopping at the unfortunate drow's legs. As he did so, he kept an eye on proceedings in the rest of the cavern. It wouldn't do to be separated and swarmed under by reinforcements.


Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:05 pm

"I don't suppose you could try and fry it magically, could you? Because I see little other way to get rid of that thing. Unless this works." Ree bent down and picked up a rock, then heaved it up in the general direction of the rune.

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:02 pm

Ratch shot a disappointed glance to the drow he had just shot. Not dying just wouldn't do, and with that in mind, the gunman let out two more shots at him.

Dark Xia

Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:52 am

"No way? What're you talking about... isn't that guy's.. gun? Ya that's what it's called, a long r-" Glaring at the not-dead drow she scolwed, and lashed out again, this time taking careful aim for a certain spot on the shoulder of the arm...

(Painful beat, the one that we're attacking again ^_^, because we WANT IT DO DIE.)

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 11/28/03 9:18 am

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:43 pm

"That's the spirit, chaps! Give it your all!" Brandon shouted with enthusiasm, grinning like a fool and taking another slice, diagonally, at the nearest drow to hand.

(Slashy slashy, as our Jak says.)

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:38 am

Before Larak could even ready his axe again, he was pitched off his feet by a forceful blow to the back, a single bolt now protruding out of him. The remaining drow had done a nice job of encircling him and Brandon, and were wicked shots with their crossbows.

However, the party's equivalent proved to be just as skilled, if not more so, planting both shots cleanly in his target. To his amazement, the elf still stood, but he doubted that he could survive a third volley. Back in the main melee, Larak scrambled to his feet just in time to deflect a potentially fatal blow, the result being a minor injury to his right arm. Their swordplay, at least, needed some work.

It was now Brandon's turn to feel the bite of a crossbow bolt, and while the shot itself was not much of a bother, an extreme drowsiness surged in to the Baronian's head, clouding his vision and making every step he took an uphill battle. Ratch, too, got a taste of the dark elven poison, one of the previously sleeping raiders backing away from the melee and planting a shot clean in the gunman's left leg.

Brandon's troubles didn't end there, receiving a slash from the drow he'd moved to engage. However, injury and poison was not enough to stop the man from returning the blow, with significantly greater effects. His assailant was still standing, but his left arm was now firmly out of commission.

Saen proved to be having much better luck than her comrades, however, as she used her knowledge of paingiving to wreak havoc upon her opponents arm, who she could see was in no shape to fight now, even if he remained standing. This was confirmed as he drew a dagger and slashed at her face, an attack easily ducked, although it did come dangerously close to ruining her hair.

Back with Larak, his swing was easily jumped over by his nimble foe.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Larak is on 43, Bradon on 54 HP, and Ratch on 48, with the latter two having a -3 general penalty due to poisoning. Larak has a -1/-1 penalty due to injuries. Saen remains completely untouched.)</span>


Ree's stone went wide, the rune staring defiantly down at him. Until a shard of ice smashed into it, chipping the rock enough to destroy the magical engraving. Before them, the magical barrier faded and died, the townsfolk inside staring out in disbelief that they were being let go by a drow.

Aodhfin simply grinned at Boreas, pleased with himself.

Until he was bowled over by a mass of human bodies, along with Ree, who didn't feel that the two mercs before them were trustworthy, and made for the exit to the cavern.

The escaping prisoners was something which no one failed to notice, including the drow Saen was fighting who, despite three bullet wounds and a mangled arm, shot her a glare of rage and frustration.


Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:56 am

Ree struggled to get himself and Calhoun out of the stream of people. "We got mayhem, we got chaos," the drow yelled to the red mage, "now I think we should get out of here while we still can." The blue skinned elf suited actions to words, turning and running at top speed back towards the exit to the cave, hoping the red mage would have the sense to follow.

(Not sure if this action can be taken this round or next, but I post it anyways.)

As Ree scuttled back along his path, he spotted Saen and that trouble making drow from earlier. He shifted his course just enough to run by him at extreme range and take a swing at the fellow's head with his staff.

(Slashing attack, yo)

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:28 pm

As the drow came back down, he found that Larak had reversed the momentum of his swing, bringing the axe back on target for his descending legs. After that, he swung the axe in a diagonal uppercut, slashing at the drow's chest.

(Backhand, as an extension of the last action, followed by a slashing blow)

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Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:18 pm

Wincing at the sting of the bolt, Ratch was faced with a decision. On one hand, no one hit him with a crossbow bolt and got away with it, but at the same time, he couldn't let the insolance of the other drow not being dead yet go unpunished. As a result, he decided that rather than worrying about it, he'd just shoot the both of them and be done with it.

(Split Shot + Eagle Eye with 5 TP thrown into it. Targets are the heads of the Drow who is probably tired of getting shot, as well as the head of the guy that just shot Ratch, kthx.)

Dark Xia

Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:15 am

Things that aren't me and aren't people I at least temporarily like should die easier...

Backing away from the attempted bad hair cut, she decided to let the others handle that troublesome drow, and instead turned her sights on the other drow Ratch was trying to shoot at.

"Darkness that is, darkness that gives, chain this being that lives."

It might not of been too appearent in the not-so-well-lighted cave, but blackness began to swirl around the drow, formed three chains began forming, one on his legs, the other at his waist, and the other below his shoulders.
(darkness bind on the drow that Ratch is shooting at that Saen has not attacked before)

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Onto round 3!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:57 pm

Pulling himself to his feet, the first drow that had fallen victim to a dwarven axe this eve attempted to avenge himself, only to find his feeble blow dashed aside by Larak's own attack, the dwarf only slightly having to change it's course to defend himself.

One of the crossbow wielding elves, seeing their hard earned slaves running free, turned his attention to them, and fired off a bolt. It hit home, but wasn't enough to down the man, nor affect him with it's poison. The sound of gunfire drowned out his scream, though, as Ratch placed a shot in the gut off the crossbow wielding drow. His other shot went narrowly wide of not only his target's head, but Saen's as well.

Around Larak, the second of his thee assailant attacked, but again, dwarven forged armor proved enough to turn the blow into a mere annoyance. Then, a few feet to his right, he caught a glimpse of Brandon collapsing, crossbow bolt in his leg. He feared the worst, until he heard a loud snore emanate from the human. Another dose of the poison had done it, apparently, not that the dwarf had much time to think about it, as another minor wound was inflicted on him. The culmination of the crossbow wound and all these lesser ones was beginning to take it's toll, though.

Despite almost falling victim to friendly fire, Saen worked her dark magics, the darkness holding the drow in place with the strength of ten men, and leaving him helpless. However, she sighted Brandon's former melee opponent moving over to help his commander. Fortunately, she had a second or two more to prepare for him, as well as a friendly drow moving up to support her as well.

Despite being wounded and surrounded, dwarven stubbornness shone through again. While the backhand swing was parried hurriedly, the following attack dug deep into dark elven flesh, provoking a scream of pain, the drow now being a victim to an axe as well as a bullet. And just as he yanked his weapon free, Larak suddenly felt a warm, soothing energy wash over him, relieving the pain of his injuries, and sealing all the little ones that had built up. He could only guess that the red mage was to thank.

At the entrance to the cave, the townsfolk were beginning to make their escape, clambering up the slope and into the tunnel toward the surface.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Larak is on 63 HP now, Brandon is asleep and down to 33, and Ratch is still feeling a bit sleepy. Also, Brandon will be NPCed until Dia returns to RPing, although it won't make much difference for now.)</span>

Dark Xia

Re: Waking up to a full set of replies yields tears of joy.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sat Dec 06, 2003 1:22 pm

Noticing the drow approching caused Saen to smirk. Her gaze settling onto the drow's eyes. She stood firmly before her opponent, her stare turning deadly.

(Stunning stare!)

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Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:48 am

Catching sight of the escaping townsfolk, Larak nodded to himself. They only needed to keep the drow off their backs a little longer, and they'd be able to make their own escape.

Of course, as Brandon was presently taking a little nap, that task would be a bit more difficult...

Well, first things first - get rid of that annoying drow. Larkak slashed at him again, before heading back towards Brandon. Maybe he'd be able to wake him up. Or at least keep the drow from murdering him in his sleep...


Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Dec 12, 2003 4:59 pm

Ree huffed and puffed his way towards Saen and the drow, bring his staff up and holding it out for a clothesline type of hit, hoping he wouldn't have to break stride to hit him. He had had enough trouble getting to the point where he was moving this fast already.

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Poisson = fish?!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:52 pm

The gunman winced at the sting of the crossbow bolt, cursing the drow poison. Even so, it failed to take him down, and until it did, the dark elves were going to continue recieving his high velocity lead poisoning.

As such, Ratch brought his guns to bear on the drow who was foolish enough to try to take him out with a piddly crossbow, and unleashed the remaining amunition from his weapons at him.

(multishot, kthx.)

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Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:13 pm

One of the drow broke away from Larak, moving to help his leader, now obviously imperiled by a combination of wounds and magic. As he ran, a series of gunshots rang out but, much to Ratch's dismay, not a single bullet hit home. The fact that another bolt lodged itself into him a spit second later didn't make matters any better.

Despite only being faced with opponents, Larak's luck took a severe turn for the worse, with both his opponents blades cutting into him, the dwarf unable to react in time. Once again severely injured and feeling the accompanying pain, his survival was now far from certain.

Saen, however, continued to defy injury. A crossbow bolt flew wide of her as she turned her eyes to the drow charging at them. Just as he raised his blade to strike at Boreas, her magic took hold, her stare freezing the assailant where he stood.

Ree, now no longer in danger, took his time to line up a solid swing at the helpless drow's head. A solid hit followed by a loud crack told him that some series damage had been done, and his suspicions were confirmed as the elf went limp, only being held upright by Saen's magic.

Fighting off the pain, Larak swung his axe yet again, but fatigue clouded his eyes and the attack was easily parried. Just as it looked like all hope was lost, the air around him grew almost scolding hot for a second, and then the drow to his left fell, now a charred corpse. Again, the red mage was to thank.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Ratch is now on 36 HP, with a -1/-1 penalty. On the plus side, the effects of the poison have worn off. As for Larak, he's on 13 HP with a -4/-4 penalty.)</span>

Edited by: Jak Snide&nbsp; Image at: 12/16/03 2:16 pm


Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:49 pm

Boreas threw a glance about the cave, took in as much of the situation as was possible, and announced his prognosis to Saen and Calhoun. "We're getting the hell out of here. Fast."

Really, it hadn't changed any. He kept running, now aiming just to get out of the cave as fast as he possibly could.

Dark Xia

Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:55 pm

Leaping forward, she blinked, thus ending the spell, and poked the drow once before his body would fall limply to the floor. With that she quickly ran over to Larak. "Come on you dummy, we're leaving..." With that she pulled one of his arms over her shoulder guessing that the heavily wounded dwarf might need some assistance in getting out of here.

(just helping larak get the hell out of here this round.)

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Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:19 pm

"Never mind about me, lass - give me a hand with yon swordsman." So saying, Larak reached down to shake Brandon, "Wake up, ye idiot. This isn't the time fer beauty sleep."

If no response was forthcoming, the dwarf fully intended to hoist Brandon up like a sack of potatoes and carry him towards the exit. Not too much of a strain under normal circumstances, but in his present condition it might present some difficulty.

Dark Xia

Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:42 pm

"Sword- Oh >.>"

Phhh, why would I care about him? He doesn't owe me any money....wait...

Saen glanced at the charred corpse...


Saen then glanced at the drow that was still standing and poised to attack...

.. two. Shit. O_O

"Darkness of of sorrow, darkness of might, please answer me, and make this drow's day REALLY BITE."

With that dark tentacles began to wrap into chains around this hopefully-soon-to-be-victim drow.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 12/20/03 2:10 pm

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Re: Onto round 3!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:21 pm

In a blink of an eye, the cylinders on Ratch's weapons were open. Another blink, and the spent casings were on their way to the ground. Another blink, and more ammunition had found it's way into the revolvers. And in one last moment, the chambers clicked shut, and the guns were ready for action. It just happened that this action involved another two bullets, headed towards whichever of the drow was unlucky enough to be too close to the slowly retreating gunman.

(Quickload, or whatever I called that tech!)

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5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Dec 22, 2003 3:32 pm

By now the former captives had made good their escape, fleeing past Ratch as he slid the another set of bullets into his pistols.

Saen's intervention on Larak's behalf was an unwelcomed one, and she found herself fumbling her spell as two drow blades hit home, leaving her wounded, but still standing.

As Ratch snapped his guns closed again, his eyes were filled with bright, dancing lights, with one of the crossbow wielding drow to blame. This proved to be all for nothing though, as the gunman planted both bullets into the offender with expert marksmanship, leaving the previously untouched elf stone dead. The victory was bitter, though, as another bolt hit home, leaving the Valthi looking rather like a pincushion, and a drowsy one at that.

Ree made good his retreat, flying past Larak as he hoisted Brandon onto his shoulders, defying his numerous injuries. Calhoun dashed past as well, laying a hand on the dwarf as he did, a minor healing spell taking effect.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(There are now 4 drow left active: 2 swordsmen on Saen, a crossbowman and another swordsman who was stunned the previous round. Larak is on 29 HP with -3/-3, Saen is on 27 with -1/-1 and Ratch is on 24 with -5/-5 due to a trio of causes.)</span>

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Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:51 pm

"Let's move, lass," Larak said, suiting actions to words and hurrying for the exit. They'd done what they'd come for, and even if there weren't many drow left, those members of their group still standing weren't in too good a shape.

Dark Xia

Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:25 am

"Ah." Was the only sound that Saen would let herself cry out. She had no time for loud noises.

...feels better to expend them having fun.

She let herself smile faintly, the pain quite evident in the constant twitching of the smile. Turning and running as fast as she felt she could without causing herself to rip open. Saen made her way to the exit, hoping that the enemy wouldn't persue.

"That's what I get... for helping people... should of known."

(... running away... yep.)

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Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:35 pm

These drow were becoming quite the inconvenience, and Ratch didn't want to stick around to find what else they could cook up for him and his companions. He tried to make his way out of the caves, and in the meantime, he figured that he may as well take out the bastards that were trying to cause death to Devilwoman. However, he knew the sad shape he was in, and didn't want to risk hitting one of his comrades...but that hesitation was pushed aside, as he let out two steamy hot rounds of solid death at whichever of the two swordsman seemed easiest to hit.

(Eagle Eye, 4 TP, kthx.)

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Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:57 pm

Ratch felled the weakened swordsman who'd been attacking Saen, causing the healthy one to give pause. This proved enough to give the battered, bruised and partially unconscious team of mercs to make a full stage retreat up the tunnel, and back toward the surface. However, it was possible that the remaining drow were only a few seconds behind them.

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Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:55 pm

The drow were a bit closer than Larak might have liked, but such was life. Taking a match out, he struck it and applied it to the fuse of the stick of dynamite he'd placed along the tunnel as he passed it.

"Keep goin'," he said, redoubling his efforts at running, "We don't want to be too close when that thing goes off."

All things considered, he'd gone through a lot of sticks of dynamite over the course of this job.


Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:40 pm

Ree continued his headlong rush, yelling back to Larak, "If you messed that bomb up, Stonestrike, I'll make sure to drag you down to hell with me!"

Dark Xia

Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Jan 04, 2004 4:17 pm

Bomb? Well that's just great... hope the whole damn place collapses, bastards.... with us safely out.

Saen continued to drag herself along, defying whatever wish her body had to collapse and rest due to the rather large wound that she carried.

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Re: 5 bleedin' rounds.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:33 pm

A second passed, then a few more did. The sound of drow chatter began to echo from down the passage behind them.

This was quickly drowned out by the roar of the explosives detonating, the dynamite sending dust and pebbles flying out of the tunnel, along with the party. They weren't any worse off than they had been before, but the explosion seemed to have been a bit more powerful than Larak had anticipated. Still, the tunnel was most definitely collapsed, and the drow trapped inside.

The five mercenaries who weren't taking a poison induced nap now stood before the bewildered group of townsfolk, one of whom was nursing a crossbow bolt wound. Calahoun moved to help the man, while a woman approached the others.

"You're here to save us, aren't you?" she asked, directing her question primarily toward Ree.

"Sorry for bowling you over back there. You're a drow and, well, we weren't sure if we could trust you." added another one of the ex-prisoners.


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