Under the Night Sky (Closed Freestyle RP)

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Uncle Pervy

HAW HAW Lorr got his dwarves mixed up! Let's mock him :(

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:05 pm

For a brief bit of time, Finn finds himself alone in the dark. Being unable to see in a cave is a very bad thing, and his bumps his nose rather painfully on the wall before Kaname catches up with him.

The corridor is a natural one, going straight then gently arcing to the right a bit. Soon, it opens up to a wide chamber, the cavern roof reaching up to at least twenty feet above them. Stalactites and stalagmites reach toward each other, forming columns that grow thin near the middle.

Some of these columns have been carved, some into statues of people and some into more abstract things. However, time and erosion have taken their toll on the artwork, wearing them away. There may be a saint or two recognizable at a glance among them. The walls have been smoothed, and carved with murals. These seem to depict various peoples going about their lives. There is writing under them, but it seems to be in the same dialect as before.

The sound of a slow dripping can be heard. Most of of place, though, is the faint smell of blood in the air.


But mocking takes effort ={

Unread postby Choark » Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:42 pm

As he was holding it, Andy held the symbol in hand they had picked up in the altar and went to read the writing, though he would have to walk over closer so he could see it... Least his planned to until his nostrils finally told him something was wrong. Quickly forgetting about the writings Andy's hand shot to the hilt of his Axe and rested there as it hung by his side.

Following his nose, he smelled around, trying to find the source of this smell, while at the same time, if they seemed to go together, made his slow way towards the dripping noise.

'Is my old mind playing tricks on me?'

Uncle Pervy

Mock I say! >:

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:35 pm

It does not take Andrew long to trace the odor, as it quickly gets stronger as he moves in. He is taken to the edge of the light's radius before he finds the source.

A splash of red can be seen flowing around a carved stalagmite column. What is there, though, is hidden by the darkness, for the light does not extend far enough.


There. I fixed it. Happy? >:

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:19 pm

Kaname followed the old man farther into the room, hoping the others would keep up. "Something's not right here... I don't like it..."

There was a soft chink as Kaname returned her shuriken to their holster, and dropped one hand into her bag, reaching past the disguise in there and clenching at the handle of the weapon in it.

This could get very ugly, very fast. Keep sharp, old man! You're the second-best one we got here.

Uncle Pervy

I am, but you still have the Wrath of Kelne to consider. :(

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:31 pm

Drawing the light closer, those viewing could see the source of this blood.

It is hard to identify what the corpse is. It seems to have been some kind of animal, likely a biped and about the size of a sheep. The claws on it look to be adapted to burrowing, while the fangs in it's muzzle are clearly those of a carnivore.

This carnivore has also been torn to pieces by something else, something clearly larger and stronger than it. Deep tears have been ripped into it's flesh, while many of its bones have been broken. Many of its internal organs have been exposed to the air, and they are mostly damaged by that process. Clearly, this creature got into a fight and lost.

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Re: I am, but you still have the Wrath of Kelne to consider.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:47 pm

<span style="font-family:century gothic; color:maroon;">After Finn restraightened his nose, he observed the slaughtered animal, and readied his axe. "Yarr... if that's not a reason t'pull yer weapon, I don't know what is..."</span>

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Re: I am, but you still have the Wrath of Kelne to consider.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:07 am

"What is this beast? And what could have done this?' Jifael didn't need to act as much as usual to get fear into his voice. Sure he could fight, though he prefered stealth and trickery to direct competition, but this was beyond him.

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*raises fists, dramatically* KEEEEELNE!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:26 am

"I don't know," said Mina, biting her lip nervously. "I...I haven't seen anything like it, before..."

Maybe it's part of a trap?, she thought, nervously.


Hmph. I'm sure he'd have been honored.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:30 am

Kaname shrugged. "It was probably a bigger one of the same. Whatever it was, it probably wasn't the Sister. I suggest we head back and try the other route. Unless those writings say something useful?"

The young woman in red tossed an inquiring glance at Andy.

Uncle Pervy

I'll honor YOU >:

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:30 am

Andrew's eyes fall upon a mural that seems to depict the heavens though a clouded sky. It seems the outline of some large flying thing can be seen blotting out some of the stars, but erosion makes it hard to tell.

The writing below it says: Thus did Solyre descend upon St. Cyrene, brin- The test is not translated here, but Andrew will note the letters seem faded -erliy, the light of the moon was all but shadowed in that glen. Taking cour- more untranslated text; aligned with the eroded glyphs above -ene and Adrian of Falis stood firm, as night and day. Tuiron was nowhere to be seen. They were to stand on their own again Solyre.

The name St. Cyrene is familiar to Andrew, but it takes a few moments of thought to shake loose the memory. St. Cyrene is dimly noted as a dragonslayer and a mostly forgotten saint. At least, he thinks she is mostly forgotten by the Faith and not by his own memory. As For Adrain of Falis...that might take a bit more thought.

As he realizes the possiblity of a threat from the thing that killed the beast by the column, Andrew does note the chamber is quiet, save for his companions. The kill looked moderately fresh, but some of the blood had time to congeal a bit.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 2/11/04 4:30 am


Re: Hmph. I'm sure he'd have been honored.

Unread postby Choark » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:31 am

Andy nodded to Kaname and went over to the writings again, and when he had his back turned to everyone gave off a sigh of relief. His worst fear hadn't been relised.

Though now he knew there was animals living in this place and big ones at that. Still not all large animals atack humans on sight ... but it was something to be wary of.

It was until he had the Altar symbol in his hand and was trying to read that his mind begged the question of "How recent was this kill? and is it still around here?"



Unread postby Choark » Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:22 am

He said the words out loud as he read them. He knew this would spark a keen intrest in a few of the younger pubs of this Cathedral, though if it stayed locked up most of them would probably never see it. Such a shame. Were all old things to be kept locked away with whatever they held to be forgotten.

"Hmm. Standing tall against Solyre. A battle of some sort I presume. St Cyrene was a dragonslayer so perhaps this Solyre was a dragon of some note... Dragonslayer, dragon, it makes sence you know... Turion seemed to have run off, coward it seemed. Then again most smart people run from a dragon trying to kill you, wouldn't catch me hanging around, nasty blighters, big teeth, bad breath."

He tapped the wall in thought. Adrain of Falis. Had he heard that before? So any memories in the way, a cold night, a blacket of stars above, watching the sky spin around, could almost close my eyes and picture it perfectly. Adrain of Falis...

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Re: Hail!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:30 pm

As Nieb followed the others into the hall of pillars, he began to eye the surroundings a little more carefully. The age of the sculptures seemed to fluctuate by as much as a hundred years, depending on how the light hit them; but then, Nieb was no archeologist.

is this what the church thinks of their antecendants? He was almost shocked. It reminds me so much of the hall of ancients. Just... emptier.

He began searching the hall with his eyes, seeking out any kind of familiar shape or form amongst the statues. The humanoid looking ones were of no concern; his eyes pursued the more abstract blocks and whorls of stone. He'd memorized each of the four hundred and twenty six statues from his familiar hall of ancients, and he knew their unique forms well; his mind raced to match even a single one of these to a familiar memory.


Re: Hail!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:58 pm

Kaname frowned. "A dragonslayer memorial. Well, something was slain here, but it wasn't a dragon."

Still, best to look around. Kaname took her light source and began a slow patrol of the rest of the cave, looking carefully for anything out of the ordinary.

Uncle Pervy

Dice love irony

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:55 pm

The name had a shadow of familiairity to Andrew, but he couldn't quite place it. Something to do with what little was told of St. Cyrene.

Most of the others had much the same reaction, save for Kaname, who had not heard this name at all. Finn, however, could call it to mind, given his own time spent learning the Faith's history.

The dwarf recalled that Adrian and St. Cyrene were often paired in what few stories remained of her. Sometimes, they were allies. Other times, they opposed each other. He dimly recalls that Adrian; St. Adrian to the church of Falis; was an elven monk, one who seems to have eventually followed a very non-monastic path.

Jifael found it hard to pay attention to this, if he even cared to try. Thus, his eyes catch what seems to be a sparkle at the edge of the light's radius, on the opposite side of the room.

As for Nieb, he does recognize two statues. One is of Xenocrates, a priest who was known for casting away material goods and living in the wilderness, so that his influence on the Balance would be lessened.The other is of Hugh Setaire, a man renowned for trying to use a teleport spell to reach a comet passing Gaera. His fate is unknown to Nieb's cloister.

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:58 pm

Jifael saw Kaname move off, and looked at everyone else with their divided attentions. He moved in the rough direction of (though not directly towards) the sparkle, keeping his head inclined so that the others would think he was looking at the statues and the shadows of the roof of the cave, but his eye on his target. As he got closer he moved slower, for who knew what could be lurking in the darkness? His grip on one of his knives tightened, and he turned to the sparkle, hoepfully blocking it from the rest of the group's sight.

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Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:23 pm

<span style="font-family:century gothic; color:maroon;">Finn stroked his beard. "Hmmm... that old story..."</span>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 13, 2004 3:31 am

Jifael, making his way around, noted that the sparkle seems to belong to a discarded gem of some kind. It seemed to be something like a sapphire, judging from the blue tint to it. Futher investigation would be required to determine more.

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Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:38 am

Jifael's curiosity and greed took over. The old itchy fingers were urging him on once more yet he managed to control himself enough. He walked right over to the gem, quickly looked at the ground around him to see if any of the others would be close enough to see what he was about to do (by their shadows) then slowly, his fingers almost trembling at the prize offered in front of them, knelt down to give a quick look at the gem for traps. If he sees none he grabs the gem, examines it breifly, then pockets it.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:45 pm

It looks trap free, and the act of grabbing it seems to reveal no latent enchantments that render the grabber handless or worse.

A quick examination reveals that it is a lovely sapphire, perhaps worth up to five hundred zante. It is oval cut, and quite smooth. His practiced eye does note a few tiny scratches on one side; it seems this sapphire may have been set in something a one time.


Re: Dice love irony

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:29 pm

Kaname shook her head as she finished her patrol. "I don't see anything of note, Andrew. No signs of the Sister, no signs of anything but our friend over there." She nodded towards the dead creature. "It looks like we're going down after all."

Without waiting for that to be debated, she made her way back to the entrance to the cave and began heading back to the juncture they had recently left. As the light source, it would probably be a good idea to keep up with her.

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Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:57 pm

"Wait a second," said Mina, holding up her hand, "There may be something else down here...it could help us find her." Turning around, she looked at Brother Jifael. "What are you looking at?" she asked, curiously.

Maybe he found something useful?

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Re: Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:54 pm

Jifael slipped the gem inside his robe at the same time as clearly running his hand over the ground. "Oh, I know a little about geology, that's the study of rocks in layman's terms, and was wondering whether I could be of help in some way. Unfortunately there's nothing I can really tell...I guess my studies were not extensive enough. Perhaps Brother Finn can tell us something about our surroundings."

Jackpot! Now I need only to hold on to this until we get out of here. Continue your neutral ways, bright lady, and may fortune favour the bold.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:59 am

The smell of blood was growing less noticable now, as the various people in the group become accustomed to it.

Kaname notes that doing a full exploration of the chamber would have taken the light away from the party. Tus, she cannot shake the feeling that she may not have looked through it as thoroughly as she liked.

The rest of the group look at the Mural. They note there are more, and statues as well. And, there is the rest of the chamber, shrouded in darkness.

(OOC: Lorr, don't assume there is nothing there to be seen until I say so. :( If you think you're been overlooked, IM me about it.)

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Re: Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:29 pm

Mina waited until Kaname came back with the light (or at least, responded), before going on and exploring her surroundings a bit more. Considering their discovery...well, wandering around in the darkness wasn't a very wise decision.


Re: Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:21 am

Jifael? Hm...

By the time Kaname could get nearer, of course, Jifael had already given his explaination of his examining the floor. However, that didn't help her more paranoid side, which found something about this quiet, thoughtful brother to be phoney. "What exactly were you hoping to find out, Brother?"

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Re: Jinkies, Jifael found a clue!

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:45 pm

Jifael tried to remain calm, but his fingers were begging to close around a knife handle. Outwardly he seemed composed, but inwardly he was planning an escape should things turn against him. "Well I thought I might be able to figure out how deep underground we are, where we would be if we were above ground, and how old this cave might be...but I'm afraid I just don't know. I just wanted to help in some way...I don't have the...er...practical skills that the rest of you do."


Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby Choark » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:30 pm

Adrain of Falis....

Nope it was no good. He had racked his brain through and through and all he could remember about the name was that he should be able to remember it. Blasted memory. Least he knew it wasn't something important, like young David Looper who had a nasty habit of trying to sneak into some of the more.. sacred.. areas the sisters goto by themselves. Foolish boy. Had to watched he did.

Brother Andy came out of the where-ever he had been in, whatever had been said to him since he had gone into deep thought had mostly washed over, so he surveyed the scene a-new. Hopefully his almost blank like state had been overlooked by everyone as they had done whatever it was they were doing. Jifael seemed to be wanting to look around some more.

"Good boy Good boy! We must check all of this place before we leave, if only so we don't regret not doing it later. An air of caution is probably now needed though, so get your mean faces on, but not at each other."

He said, not really listening to what it was Jifael was blurting out for Andy knew you only ever had to listen to a quater of what youths say and most of what comes out of there mouth is better off coming out of there ass.

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Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:54 pm

<span style="font-family:century gothic; color:maroon;">Finn, talking to no one in general, gruffly said, "Hmph. Well, we've seen all we can here... is there a way out of this place, onto perhaps our missing sister?"</span>


Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:40 am

Wonderful. Our number one thinker has rocks in his head. This is promissing.

Kaname looked up to Finn. Really, though, there might be more to see... Kaname sighed quietly. "I agree with Brother Finn," a pause for shock and gasps, which, given the company, probably wouldn't come, then she continued, "If we're done examining this area, perhaps we can move the light around the room a bit more?"


*Gets the old man broom!*

Unread postby Choark » Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:18 pm

"You're the one with the light girl, so get moving, chop chop. We can't search this entire area without you after all." Andy vowed that when the next oppurtunity came he make himself a light and a few moer for some of the others as well. "And yes Brother Finn, we said to check this area so we will. All of it."


Re: *Gets the old man broom!*

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:47 pm

Kaname let an smirk grow unseen under her mask. "Just making sure there was nothing else you were hoping to see..." Letting the statement go just before it became a jibe, Kaname hefted her light up over her head again, and walked along the wall, heading away from the mural and farther into unexplored territory.

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Re: *Gets the old man broom!*

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:09 pm

Jifael followed along at the back of the group. The gem seemed to be burning a hole in his pocket...he wanted to feel it, to touch it, to know it's worth, to gaze at it for hours...but he was denied. So he walked, and tried to keep himself amused by looking at the various murals.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:34 am

As they go further in, the cavern inclines downward, gently. Quickly, the erosion goes from bad to worse. Finn guesses that the Cavern must have had a flooded period for some time.

The murals, when complete, depict several odd things. Every other one shows a nightime sky. There is not too much erosion can do to these to keep them from being recognizable. Judging from the placement of the stars, each one is a few weeks to a month apart, the earliest on the left side of the chamber and circling around to come to the latest on the right. Reading the reliefs, Andrew is able to piece together a couplet that each seems to have: "And above the stars did make their way, unchanged by the passing day."

The other murals, apparantly more elaborate works, did not survive the weathering so neatly. Sometimes, it is hard to tell what the carver desired to show; were they people, or were they trees? Is that meant to be a cloud or a winged creature? The reliefs below are less helpful. It seems that the symbol in Andrew's possession cannot translate damaged text.

A few of the reliefs have endured time and tide well enough. One depicts St. Cyrene going through a cavern, but it's relief is too faded to read. Another depicts what the relief identifies as Adrian of Falis, sitting and meditating in a forest. Behind him, a dragon seems to be sleeping. Another shows four dragons gathered around something obscured by their outstretched wings. "And the f- -ahs did gather, the- -might gathered in one."

The mural furthest to the right, not far from the way they came in, nor from where Jifael found the sapphire, depicts an empty beach at night time.. It's relief reads "Exile was the path the ones of Solisia took. To far a- -ent. Only years later, didst the faithful learn of his demise. With the final brick placed upo- -omb, was the peace assured, for the Faithful and for Igala

The statues are swiftly weathered too badly for anyone to really recognize. Some of the poses suggest that many of the statues are of the same person.

Most interesting is at the far end of the chamber where the chamber compacts into a corridor once again. It seems that part of the ceiling gave near here, on the right side. Part of a mural can be seen peeking out from behing the rubble. There seems to be no sign of whatever slew the luckless creature near the front of the chamber.

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Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:15 pm

<span style="font-family:century gothic; color:maroon;">"Huh... interesting erosion patterns..." Finn mumbled. He felt drawn to the writings on the wall, and took a closer look.

Perhaps I'll be able to read these writings, despite what's washed away...</span>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 22, 2004 3:52 am

Finn found that his chances of reading the murals were about the same as Mina suddenly declaring her undying love for one of the feminine-looking statues here.

That is to say, he doesn't recognize the language at all.


Re: Staying in character and having fun =D Gotta love it!

Unread postby Choark » Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:12 am

Andy, seeing Brother Finn's interest in the Murals smiled to himself a warm smile and walked over and gave him the "symbol" he used to read the past set of Murals.

"Here, ya'll find this helps young'un but don't forget our cause here."

Andy half expected to find the missing sister totally absorbed in this place, not even relising she had been called missing, once they caught up with her, and they will soon, he knew. Andy himself decided to just look carefully around for any signs of another person passing through here.

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But Mina loves the sta-er, you know nothing!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Feb 22, 2004 3:36 pm

Curious, Mina went over to the corridor, as far as the light would allow her to see. It would probably be a good idea to see how recent the rubble appears to be.

Uncle Pervy

It's just using her for political purposes.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:22 pm

Mina looks about the rubble. Sadly, she is no master of telling the age of rocks at a glance; especially wet ones. Thus, she is unable to tell how old it is. It doesn't seem to have happened recently, though. It's hard for her to put her finger on it, but it seems old.

Brother Andrew's puttering about for clues to Sister Marissa's passage almost leads him to collide with Mina. But, his eyes catch something in the thin, damp silt that lies around the cave in: the edge of a footprint not belonging to the young musician whom he nearly bowled over.

Finn, with the symbol in hand, notes that he can make some sense of a nearby mural. The picture is particularly eroded, but it seems to show a mountaintop. The relief reads: "The west was domai- -to Sha- -uf. It was his ma-" The majority of it does not seem to fall under the symbol's power. Perhaps they are too damaged?

A drop of water falls on Nieb's head, as he stands around and does little.


Re: It's just using her for political purposes.

Unread postby Choark » Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:16 pm

"Watch yourself when you walk, I wouldn't want to knock you down." Andy said, as this was obviously her fault for not watching her step as she looked around for clues. Young'uns never watch out for others, all head down and thoughts in the clouds.

He walked over to the footprint carefully as not to mess it up. What was the direction and where was it headed? He obviously checked for this first. He also checked for any more nearby. This was too important to overlook. He was also secretly overjoyed as he now had a hope that he wouldn't have to walk down any more stairs.


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