A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

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A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Dec 30, 2002 3:19 pm


It was raining outside, that night in Doma. A light fog had settled in, making the night's chill set in just that much more. And, as always, it seemed that the Ivory Horn inn and tavern, near the northern outskirts of Doma City, was a popular place for those weary with the road, or just with daily life, to settle in for a drink, and possibly some merriment.

In the building itself, the tables were packed. The bar itself had only a couple stool open, and people even went so far, instead of sitting at actual chairs, as to sit on the roots and branches of the large tree that was inexplicably lodged in the center of the room. It was quite apparent that the place was even more full than usual, especially to the small staff on hand, who were at that moment feeling dreadfully overworked.

It is here that our story begins.

Fredrick Osbourne, owner of this establishment, tended the bar. He looked over the patrons, almost wondering if he was going to run out of ale at this pace. It was an extraordinary night, but he did not suspect the extent of its significance...

To those familiar with the function of the Doman Royal Guard, it would be known that above all else, prevention is thought to be the best form of protection. As such, it is not uncommon for it's agents to be out for days, weeks, or even months investigating noteworthy threats to the royal family. This was one of those times, as both the commander and a new recruit to said guard had been away for just over a month, investigating ties to a man who had attempted to smuggle a firearm into an audience with the king.

But most were not familiar with said guard, and thusly, were quite surprised with the events that soon followed.

A lone cloaked figure, drenched from the rain, stumbled into the inn. Most suspected he was drunk; he would have preferred that, but it was far from the truth. He stumbled towards the bar, and carefully braced himself on the countertop. At this point, a few of the patrons had noticed the small trail of blood he left on the floor behind him.

“…they….they got him…” he uttered, before collapsing unconscious over a stool.

(OOC: ONO! I started the RP!

...and stuff. Took me long enough, I know. Intro characters, and react to the situation, I guess.)

Dark Xia

Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Mon Dec 30, 2002 6:58 pm

Xia was having a nice peaceful evening drinking quietly to herself in the inn. THen the stranger had barged in, it hadn't beeen the first that eve, come to think of it there was always at least one or two of them everyday. She put her drink down and got up to take a look at the man who had fallen over the stool. She was a healer, so part of her was empathetic. Her othr half felt like throwing the stupid drunk out on the streets.

Stupid humans.

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Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Dec 30, 2002 10:23 pm

Although there had been many well detained threats against the royal family in Doma, the greatest threat was most likely the queen herself. On multiple occassions the ryuuzoku had slipped away from the castle, only to show up in a random bar in Doma city, sitting around getting drunk of her ass. Yet other times she'd wind up wandering off and involving herself in some sort of dangerous life-threatening matter.

Now, apparently, was to be one of those times.

Concealed in colorful robes that at times seemed to flicker through the spectrum at their own will, large black mage style steeple hat pushed down over her head, Aya sat in the corner of the bar, quietly sipping on a mug of dragonale. She had chosen tonight to try to be on good behavior, since it had been a while since she had gone to the Horn, lately having made the Jade Dragon her latest hangout since Dia owned the place. With the Jade Dragon closed for renovations, Aya had decided to return to her roots.

She lifted her head slightly, making sure to keep her face concealed within the shadows of the hat, gazing at the man who had just collapsed in the bar.

Funny, people don't go INTO a bar drunk... It was at that point she noticed the faint smell of blood in the air, taking notice of the small trail on the floor. Sure as hell isn't drunk... She remained motionless for a moment, gaging the reactions of the other members of the bar before doing anything.


Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Dec 30, 2002 10:57 pm

Ayri was nursing a drink of her own when the mysterios figure staggered in. She almost didn't notice. Bards almost never have trouble finding work. They are fabled for bringing song and mirth with them wherever they travel, and are almost universally welcomed with open arms by owners of bars, castles, keeps, or any other place where many people could gather. And in Doma, a city of surprising size, one would think that an entertainer would have no trouble finding work.
But Doma, aside from being unusually large, was equally unusually supplied with excellent entertainers. While Ayri herself was a competent bard, and her rod, crafted by some of the best spellsong bards in the world, was capable of creating music unmatched by any other insturment in existence, people seemed to be unwilling to give a strange entertainer with no references a try.
Ayri wasn't sure she blamed them. After all, a spellcaster who cast by singing was probably not something people would want to listen to willingly.
Such were the nature of her musings when the stranger wandered in. She watched him cautiously, wondering if he was just another down-on-their-luck wanderer like herself, or if there was something more to all this. But, as Shrike, supposedly the first spellsong bard, had once said, "No hero ever got anywhere without risk."
She left her drink on the bar, walked over to the man, reaching one arm out to steady him. It was then that the petiet girl noticed the blood he was trailing behind him. She immidiately changed the question she was going to ask to, "Are you all right, sir?"
To her surprise, the man passed out there on the stool. She stood still for a second, absolutely stunned, and then glanced about the bar to gauge the other's reactions.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 12/31/02 12:36:55 am


Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Tue Dec 31, 2002 1:09 am

        A Bald man made his way to Doma across the main northern road, and into eventually into the city itself. This night there is a thick rain, so much so that his feet sunk into the mud beneath him. This night, he followed a few other travelers to a local tavern. The thick damp rain blotted out all of his senses, and he was eager to rest his feet.

        However, he saw the moon through a strange break in the dense clouds. Its light seemed to rain down on him through the rain and he stopped to gaze back. A second later, he smelled a feint and familiar scent of blood. His eyes raced, and found a diluted drop in a puddle on the ground before him. He spotted another drop, and then another, thicker in concentration, and leading to the tavern.

        He suddenly sprung into action, dashing forward, one hand on his sheath, holding it to his waste and the other gripping the handle of his sword. He knocked aside several large travelers as he came to the Tavern door. He slowed to a fast walk upon reaching the door, opening by pressing his body into it. He entered to find that he was not the center of attention. Rather, the man who’s blood he smelled earlier, who was now laying unconscious. He stayed ready until he heard the man speak: “… They … They got him.”

        He relaxed his guard, and returned to a normal walk, ignoring the now unconscious man on the floor as he took a spot by the bar, calling over the tender silently and subtly with one hand.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=movieman123321>MovieMan123321</A] at: 12/31/02 12:15:16 am


Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Jan 01, 2003 1:36 pm

Richard had been visiting the Ivory Horn a lot more frequently than usual. He couldn't understand why he had been doing it so much, either, although today he was getting out of the rain by staying inside. He was also trying to stay out of the moonlight, knowing all too well what it would do to him.

Before he could really enjoy himself here, however, someone unfamiliar to him stumbled inside. Richard would not have paid the stranger much attention - that is, if he hadn't noticed the small blood trail. He suspected something was up - after all, most people don't stumble into a bar while bleeding. Most people that Richard had seen, anyhow.

Sighing, and doing his best to keep his 'other half' under control, Richard stood up and walked over to the man, trying to figure out as much as he could from simple observation. In particular, he wanted to know what was causing the man to bleed. Sure, he had some skill with healing, but he was uneasy about trying to heal this man just yet. Then again, he was uneasy about most things.

Dark Xia

Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Jan 01, 2003 1:38 pm

Xia filcked her eyes at the others who had come over for a moment then turned them back to the collapsed man "Excuse me sir, can you hear me? Jsut nod your head if you can..." Xia started looking over the man's body for a wound.


Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:19 pm

The large bald man straightend his trenchcoat as he took his drink, sipping it inconspicuously. He kept the wounded man and several 'good samaritans' in the corner of his eye. He then blocked out all other sounds then theirs.

Keep a low profile, let others do menial and high profile tasks. These were guidelines that he's following.

Squintz Altec
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Re: A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:15 pm

A growl was emitted by one of the bar patrons, obviously annoyed at the man entering and ruining his evening. This man, who upon closer inspection appeared to be less "man" and more like "drow" had his cloak up upon him to beat out the chill of the night, and more importantly, by the mass amounts of alcohol he had drunk. He was saavy enough to know that drinking cooled you down, rather than warming one up. He promptly ignored the person, and went back to his drinking.

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Stuff = being done.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Jan 02, 2003 6:03 pm

Assailed by questions from multiple people, the man, being unconcious, did nothing. However, to those that were inspecting him, two things were clear. First off, his wounds were beneath the cloak, out of plain sight. The second, that without immediate healing, his chances of living were quite slim.

However, it also became quickly obvious that he was of a hardy breed, from the fact that he was even still living after all the blood loss, and the next event. The man's eyes flickered slightly open, his view of the world blurred by his injuries. However, even with this, he thought he saw a familiar face...that of the queen, one of those of whom it was his mission to protect. He managed, before falling back into unconciousness, to look directly at Aya, hopefully allowing her to recognize one of her guards...

Dark Xia

Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Jan 02, 2003 6:26 pm

Xia sighed and held out her hands.

... I hope this guy is worth saving.

Her hands began to emit a white glow. "Dreams of life, come to me now, and make this dream come true for this man."

(Casts cure!)

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Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Jan 02, 2003 7:41 pm

Aya stood quickly, narrowing her eyes. "Back away from this man people, can't you see he's injured?" She concentrated to lower her voice, make it sound more gruff sounding so no one would recognize her. "Back away and let him be healed..." she practically shoved people aside as she made her way to the man, adding her own recovery spell.


Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:37 pm

Richard, upon noticing how bad the man's condition was, looked downward slightly, as if in a degree of sorrow. He'd known few instances where someone was so badly injured that healing would need to be immediate. He also didn't take into account the fact that others were healing the man as well.

His mind eventually shoved his initial reluctance and sorrow out, as Richard brought his left hand closer to the man. As he was doing this, he chanted quietly under his breath, and the left hand started to emit a soft white glow....

(So Richard's the third person to try and heal the man. ....Oh, and the spell used is Cure, by the way.)


Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Thu Jan 02, 2003 11:35 pm

The bald man kept his seat near the fallen man. He was spending a very inconspicious amount of attention, which was at this point a good deal. He then spoke silently and inderectly to the healers, "Perhaps you should check the wound..." He then took another sip, and resumed his somewhat manufactured interest.


Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Jan 03, 2003 1:18 am

Ayri, observing that there were a number of healers already working on the man, and herself having no skill in healing magic or first aid, simply let them have at it. After a few moments, she asked the logical question. "Does anyone recognize him?"

Squintz Altec
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Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:51 pm

The drow once again decided that the "ambient noise" had become a bit too much for him. He half walked/half-stumbled over, letting out a small growl. When he spoke, his voice was rough and unyielding, like a piece of splinted wood. "Listen, if yer gonna heal thish man, take it outside. And if he dies, I can bring him back. As a zombie... Dhargun didn't add.

Dark Xia

Re: Stuff = being done.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Jan 03, 2003 2:04 pm

Xia paid no attention to the man's comment, she was only concerned with healing the wounded one.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 1/3/03 1:04:25 pm

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Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Jan 04, 2003 9:46 am

Onlookers mused curiously, as three different sets of hands began to glow. Though Richard's seemed to fade prematurely, but even then, it seemed to have little effect on the final consequences. As the glow from the other two died down, the cloaked man began to stir once more.

(A grand total of 50 hp healed, though Div got a really crappy roll, so his failed, and stuff.)

He slowly sat up. While it was clear that the healing most likely saved his life, it was equally clear that he was still far from perfect health. He proceeded to stand as slowly as he had sat up, wincing while doing so, and turned to his benefactors.

"...I thank you for your kindness." said he. "But I have news which I must get to the queen immediately...I must get to the castle..."

With that he turned, and began walking to the door. He hadn't traversed more than two steps, however, before he came to a painful stop and began coughing up blood. He leaned against the bartop.

"...though I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a small rest here...."

Dark Xia

Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:23 am

Xia sighed. Looks like she isn't going to get any money out of this one. Asking for payment from someone on their way to the Queen with urgent news... was the most intelligent thing to do. "Perhaps you can ell someone else the message and they can deliever it to the Queen? You appearently aren't going to make it there alive." Xia took a towel from her bag and offered it to the man.


Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Sat Jan 04, 2003 7:35 pm

The bald man sat forward, and took a somewhat large drink.

"This could be a heroic deed. But is this queen a heroic cause?"

He sat back, and interrupted everyone, asking firmly, "Who is this Queen?"

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Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:57 pm

Aya laughed heartily in her still disguised voice, "Queen Aya of Doma of course! You didn't know this? You must not be from around here..." She slipped over to the man, "I'm a personal friend of the queen..." she muttered to him, "When you are finished resting I can easily take you to her."

Dark Xia

Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:05 pm

Xia reacted blandly to this woman's boast (or so she thought it was), not really caring. "Perhaps we should try to heal him a bit more? So he is able to deliver this message? Anyting that must be immediately reported to the Queen..." Xia found herself not truly caring in the end, but if there was any chance of a reward, part of her said oh what the hell. "... must be very important, shall we?"


Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:16 pm

"A friend?" He replied to Aya, keeping his monotone voice, merely raising one eyebrow slightly. "So I suppose I couldn't trust you for an unbais opinion..."

He then looked over Aya's shoulder, and at the still injured man. "I still believe that you should inspect his wounds..."

He took another sip from his drink, and then continued with, "I would, but he might be stricken with something contageous."


Re: Like a rabbi! Only not.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 2:08 am

Richard, after finding that the man was sufficiently healed, wondered if he should ask him something.

Before he could make his decision, however, the man was preparing to leave. When he decided to stay and rest, Richard thought that was a good idea. Listening to what the others were saying, he made up his mind about what he was doing.

Looking at the man's face, Richard then said to him, "Resting's probably a good idea. You don't seem to me like you'd make it to the castle in your current state."

And I'm going to come with you when you're ready, Richard thought. I want to know what's going on too.

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Lookit this! You too could change the subject line! =D!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Jan 05, 2003 8:54 am

The man sighed, as he knew that without further assistance, he wasn't going to make it. While healing spells did wonders as a temporary measure against injury, those as extensive as his own would need far more...

He looked around at the bar patrons, and noticed that there were far fewer now than there was earlier...his commotion, it seemed, had frightened them off. As such, he would have to depend on what was available. Looking around at his present company, he reached into his cloak, and slowly proceeded to remove a small, tightly wrapped package.

"If someone wouldn't mind summoning a city guard..." he said, sounding dissappointed in himself. "If I cannot get to the queen soon, then at the very least, one of the guards can deliver this to her..."

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:17 pm

"I'll take it." Aya interjected before anyone else could, "If you cannot make it through the night, I assure you that this package will make it to the Queen..." she took the package from the man quickly.

In fact it already has... Aya thought smugly to herself.


But what of the topic's feelings!?

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:41 pm

"This could be somewhat dangerous, couldn't it?" The bald man asked the injured man. "You must have been attacked within the walls of Doma, or you would have sought refuge with the guards at the city gate..."

He got up from his seat, and walked over to the injured man. "I suppose you couldn't tell us who, or what attacked you?"


....just been too lazy to change it. Till now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 12:48 pm

Richard seemed alarmed that the man had a package, rather than a message, to deliver. He was even more surprised when one of the other patrons he didn't know took the package rather quickly.

So there's a friend of the queen here, Richard thought. I always thought the queen's friends didn't travel. Strange....

Richard's thought trailed off, as he thought of what to do. Should he summon the city guard as the man said to? Or should he let the female that had taken the package do it? Either way, he was not letting that package get too far out of his sight if he could help it.

Then again, that made him think against contacting the guards. He didn't trust guards very well for some reason.

Dark Xia


Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Jan 05, 2003 1:12 pm

Xia gave a slight frown to Aya. "... sorry for sounding a tad bit rude, but how do we know you're a friend of the queen? I think we'd all be a bit more... at ease, if we waited for one of the guards to come and take it to the queen..."

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jan 05, 2003 7:04 pm

Aya held onto the package firmly, "Trust me on this one, I am a VERY GOOD FRIEND of the queen..." she inwardly twitched. Damn nosy people...

Dark Xia


Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Jan 05, 2003 7:10 pm

Xia lowered her eyelids a bit, and gave a little sigh. "Fine, if you say so... I apologize for my lack of faith in others." She looked again at the wounded man, frowning slightly. "Are you sure you'll be safe with it? After all... won't those who were after him be after you?"

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Heeeeeeere PC'S! *whistles*

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jan 05, 2003 10:25 pm

The ryuuzoku laughed heartily, "I've been dealing with people after me all my life, though if you're really that interested in this feel free to follow me, I'll be departing for the castle in a few moments..."


oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 10:37 pm

The Bald man merely scoffed, saying, "I'm not too sure. This queen may not be worth the the trouble, or danger..." He walked towards the tree, and leaned against one of the tall roots. "There may be more noble deeds to be done."

Dark Xia

Re: oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:11 pm

Healing people was getting boring and tiresome, if there's a chance to fight and hurt someone legally, well, why not take it?

"I believe I shall follow you, lady... my apologies, I do not know your name. I am merely called 'Xia.'" She said with a bow.

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Re: oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:47 pm

Aya twitched again, shooting a hidden glare at the bald man, "And why do you say that, sir?" she questioned in the sweetest, most innocent voice she could muster at the moment.

Squintz Altec
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Re: oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:52 pm

Dhargun walked over to the guard. "So...you want a drink?"


Re: oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby MovieMan123321 » Mon Jan 06, 2003 12:03 am

The bald man took a long hard look at Aya. "I wonder..."

"Well," he spoke, matter of factly. "I've just heard that she poses as just, and is at her heart evil, bitter because of her horrid decrepid appearance, and jealous of everyone who looks better then her."

He then took another sip, now standing away from the tree, and bending his legs. "Or, at least that's what I've heard."

Dark Xia

Re: oOooooOOooOOhh! Drama!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Mon Jan 06, 2003 12:09 am

Xia sighed in despair once more. "For the most part one should try to discern for themselves the facts of the world. Or is your source very reliable?"

People are so stupid these days, its amazing this place isn't just total anarchy.


Not been online for a while, many appologies.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Jan 06, 2003 12:38 am

Ayri listend to all the banter quietly. Being young, and a tad bit sheltered, she was hesitant to butt in on the discussion, but as things seem to be escalating, she finally decided to take a hand. Putting forth all her charm, she stepped between the speaking people and waited a moment for them to fall silent.
"Look, people, there's a simple solution. Whatever is in that package, someone tried to murder for it. So, I suggest we call the City Guard. They can escort you to the castle, ma'am, and if these people wish to accompany you there and see what there is to see. Everyone wins. In the mean time," here she reached into her money purse and pulled out the last of her ready cash. "Tender! Call a healer for this man. It's on me."

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Re: Not been online for a while, many appologies.

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Jan 06, 2003 7:13 pm

Aya emitted a soft growl at the bald man, another big mental TWITCH crossing her mind.

Oh that's it baldy...

With a flourish she tossed her cloak aside, removing the steeple hat and setting a hard glare upon the bald man.

"Repeat that again, pal. Go on."


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