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Re: Blargle- short post

Unread postby WillBaseton » Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:10 pm

Will, however, had chosen not to leave, instead simply going upstairs to rest. Apparently, the news of Amana resuming her evil activities had caused him great confusion.

This could be bigger than some routine missing persons case...

When the time came for the group to meet up the next morning, Will was several minutes early, but said nothing, even after the others arrived.

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Re: Blargle- short post

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 30, 2003 3:57 pm

Migi, having already been carrying everything she owned on her person, happily kept her place near Elan. As Derek approached she took a keen interest in the inujin, turning her eyes to watch him closely.

"Hi!" she greeted Derek. "Are you from Inustan? Maybe you know my brother Hikari, he's an inujin too!"

Edited by: pd Rydia  Image at: 11/1/03 11:56 pm

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Re: Blargle- short post

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:02 pm

All was going as well as could be expected, as it seemed that Elan was actually going to let Kumiko come along. The priestess didn't think the young drow would let her anywhere near his sister, but she wasn't complaining. After all, that was one step closer to her current goal, which was making sure Amana stayed good and dead.

For now, however, Kumiko simply retired to one of the inn's rooms, and waited for morning, conent that her chance for victory over one of Igala's worst dangers was close at hand.

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DAHG. sorry for not posting. >.<;

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:54 pm

Derek turned, and was abotu to reply to Migi...
When she claimed her brother was inujin. He blinked at her. Three times. And in thick, disbelieving BAronain accent, he said:
"... No, I am not from Inustan. ... And did you just say your -brother- is inujin?"
He looked like someone not getting a joke and disliking it greatly.

Edited by: [url=>Besyanteo</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/1/03 11:58 pm

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Re: DAHG. sorry for not posting. >.<;

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:57 pm

"Yup, he is," Migi replied simply, not elaborating any further. "Do you know him? His name is Hikari Kuro. He's got black fur and green eyes like me, but he doesn't have any tail. He's got a sword a lot like my katana!"

Vampire Jester Jinx

*elan breakdances*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Nov 02, 2003 4:44 pm

Her brother is an INUJIN? Probably best not to ask. So many multiracial families nowadays.

Elan rubbed his forehead, feeling all the more tired, and looking it. He was highly considering drinking himself into a stupor tonight so he wouldn't have to face taking all these people with him tomorrow.

He merely sighed and peered out towards a window with a forlorn expression.

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=n_n= Everyone needs a bracelet

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:35 pm

Forgetting about Derek for the time being, Migi eyed Elan keenly for a few moments. "You know what you need?" she asked suddenly. "You need...a bracelet." She nodded sagely and then eyed the collection of bracelets on her left forearm. Finally, she pulled off a bracelet made of many golden beads strung together, and handed it over to Elan.

"There, it matches your hair thingies," she announced happily, very obviously pleased with herself in tone and expression.

Vampire Jester Jinx

I feel pretty! *n.n*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Nov 02, 2003 6:51 pm

Elan looked at the bracelet held out out to him in a fuzzy black paw that was being dangled in front of his face. He turned a dark shade once more, but for a different reason, he was making people worry about him. That wouldn't do at all. So he put on a wide grin and accepted the little present with a bow of his head, and put it on his wrist.

"Thank you Miss Migi. It is very lovely."

He held up his hand and pushed back the sleeves of his robes for her to inspect.

It just doesn't do to mope about. This whole thing seems bound for disaster, but, I may be able to turn this around. No sense in worrying other people.

Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 11/2/03 6:54 pm

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Re: I feel pretty! *n.n*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Nov 02, 2003 6:59 pm

Migi nodded her approval of Elan's new jewelery and turned back to Derek, patiently awaiting his answer to her question.

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: I feel pretty! *n.n*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:15 pm

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(OOC: *taps foot and waits for Besyanteo* I want to get this rolling tonight where everyone is ready to make their last post in the bar. IE, JASON POST SOON. o.o ok. *awards pie and huggles to everyone*)</span>

Trom Kehra

Re: I feel pretty! *n.n*

Unread postby Trom Kehra » Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:42 pm

(PEople should keep in mind I can't post any earlier than like 7 ever, and usually not before 9. >.> ... just look at tonight. Whee. Aside from that...)

"... No, I've never heard of him."
He was looking at Migi oddly, like she's just sprouted another head maybe.

He then looked at Elan, and tried to change the subject, like so!
"That looks very nice on you by the way."

(edit: ... Kristen should learn to log out. on our computers. :{)

Edited by: Trom Kehra at: 11/2/03 11:48 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Just to save time.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:11 am

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(GM: Just to save time Jason and I chat rped out getting Derek into the plot. Dia was already in bed, and I hope she is not mad. She needs to make her post for migi, and we can all start the morning rping, and get this thing rolling. for your amusement here is the log of Elan and Derek's chat.)</span>

OMG Dirty: Oh, er, thank you. It is a very nice gift. IM: Never really worn jewelry before. But I don't want to hurt Miss Migi's feelings, so I'll keep it on.
Besyanteo: ::sips some more of his random, obligatory drink::
Besyanteo: >.> ... Anything interesting going on? I noticed you had yourself a little gathering earlier.
OMG Dirty: Oh, planning a little... trip. *wrinkles his nose as he tries to think of a word, sounds upbeat, but there is an undertone of annoyance*
Besyanteo: ::and he catches it all!:: ... sensitive subject?
OMG Dirty: *eyes dart to the friendly catgirl* Somewhat.
OMG Dirty: Have siblings?
Besyanteo: None. >.>
OMG Dirty: Ah. My appologies, and congratulations. Their a pain.
OMG Dirty: *They're
Besyanteo: Ah. o.o;
Besyanteo: I take it you can't elaborate?
OMG Dirty: *sighs slightly* Going to go deal with my sister.
OMG Dirty: All those people from earlier... all for different reasons, decided they are going as well. *shrugs*
Besyanteo: Hm..
Besyanteo: ::sips some more from his drink::
OMG Dirty: I'm allowing it because I really don't know what she's up to. Or if I'll be able to keep her in line.
Besyanteo: ::and lays a good, strong gripping hand on Elan's shoulder:: think you could use one more, guy?
OMG Dirty: *stares at the hand in a mildly disturbed manner* ER.......
OMG Dirty: IM: What's the use?
OMG Dirty: Sure...
OMG Dirty: You can join as well.
OMG Dirty: I do hope you can take care of yourself.
Besyanteo: ::the liquor is starting to show juust a little in Derek's personaliuty, ono?::
Besyanteo: Great. ::wink, back pat, saynumore, syanumore?::
Besyanteo: ::and goes back to his meal for a moment::
OMG Dirty: *stares straight back at Derek like he's utterly nuts, not catching what the heck is going on* I er...I a fight, you can handle yourself right?
Besyanteo: >.>
Besyanteo: ::debates show by example vs simply reply::
Besyanteo: ::little motes of fire and ice dance around and between them. not enough to damage anything, but it makes an excelent show::
Besyanteo: I am... capable. ^_^
OMG Dirty: *nods* Good.
OMG Dirty: She can be a handful. Although, really we'll only have to deal with getting inside I think, then I can reason with her.
Besyanteo: ::sips have turned into pulls from the mug:: Mhm.
OMG Dirty: *Flicks an ear and rubs his chin thoughtfully* Although with as many people going along, and I do believe everyone is going to be pretty capable, getting inside shouldn't be too hard.
Besyanteo: ::nods:: How many then?
OMG Dirty: Well......
OMG Dirty: Let's see...
OMG Dirty: Mr. Baseton.
OMG Dirty: Miss Migi, that damned crazy killer elf woman, Mister Baseton's nekojin friend, the blind holy man... *thinks a moment* Ah yes, and.....oh dear, what was his name? Idran, yes, I think that's it.
Besyanteo: ::nod::
Besyanteo: IM: Then I suppose I won't get a cahnce to do much more than flirt... oh well. Still fun.
OMG Dirty: Then of course myself and now you.....
OMG Dirty: My goodness that makes.....
OMG Dirty: Eight of us going....
OMG Dirty: *Sighs*
Besyanteo: Defintely sounds like enough to get in anywhere one would need to enter.
OMG Dirty: I do hope so.
Besyanteo: ::el sandwich has been decimated, and Derek is just finishing the drink now::
OMG Dirty: We should be ok, unless her lover interferes.
OMG Dirty: But he's usually too consumed with working on his projects downstairs.
Besyanteo: >.>
Besyanteo: Oh?
Besyanteo: ::stops drinking for a moment::
OMG Dirty: Yes, he seems quite mad.
OMG Dirty: And quite possibly one of the least charming people ever born.
Besyanteo: I see...
OMG Dirty: *looks about then leans foreward as if to whisper something*
Besyanteo: >.>?
OMG Dirty: My sister once told me she summoned him from somewhere else.
Besyanteo: ...
Besyanteo: ::shrug:: I've heard more absurd things.
OMG Dirty: *Shrugs* My sister is a more bizzare thing.
OMG Dirty: *looks slightly mad at himself for that*
Besyanteo: ...
Besyanteo: ::decides not to ask for now::
OMG Dirty: Oh my, I haven't even asked your name. How impolite.
Besyanteo: Derek Smith, very pleased to meet you. ::amourous glance. Somewhere along the like that mug got finished.::
OMG Dirty: *holds out a hand to shake*
Besyanteo: IM: ... taking advantage of that might be going to far. ... ..
Besyanteo: IM:definitely going to have to do it later though.
Besyanteo: ::he shakes Elan's hand with a firm grip::
OMG Dirty: *smiles politely*
OMG Dirty: Thought introductions might be best before we all take off on a trip. A little silly otherwise.
OMG Dirty: We're leaving tomorrow by the way, since the hour is so late, and it isn't showing any signs of letting up.
Besyanteo: alright. I suppose I'll get a room here. >.>
Besyanteo: IM: ... must... resist... but opportunity for eivl... so great...
Besyanteo: Which room are you stayying in by the way? ::not quite innocent tone!::
OMG Dirty: I er...
OMG Dirty: Well, I was staying with a friend on the other side of town, however I don't feel like going through the rain, so I'm probably just going to get one for the night here. Although I haven't yet.
Besyanteo: IM: ...oh fuck it. I'm doing it.
Besyanteo: ::LIES!:: I'm a little low on gil at this point, to be honest. >.> Maybe we could share a room?
OMG Dirty: *eyes him for a moment, the idea that he might have tinges of no good to him beginning to surface in his mind*
Besyanteo: ::notes the eye:: IM: whoops, too far.
OMG Dirty: Alright. *nods* You'll need to conserve money then for the trip. I hope you have enough money to purchase some food in the morning to take with you?
Besyanteo: Yes. ::nod:: IM: ... if they only had singles open, that would be... far too amusing.
OMG Dirty: Alright then, you seem a little tipsy, are you ready to sleep for the evening?
Besyanteo: Oh yes. And yourself?
OMG Dirty: I might as well. *looks slightly grumpy again* Tomorrow promises to be a long day.
OMG Dirty: I'll go talk to the man about getting a room.
Besyanteo: IM: maybe preceded by a much longer night.
OMG Dirty: *stands, leaves his holy tome on the table and shuffles off to see about the fee*
OMG Dirty: *talks quietly about a room*
OMG Dirty: *pulls out a money sack and pays the fee, and comes back with a key*
OMG Dirty: Alright Mister Smith. We've got a room now.
OMG Dirty: Goodnight Miss Migi. I'll see you in the morning. *he gives her a smile and bows his head to her before collecting his book*
OMG Dirty: *Turns to Derek* One last thing, I think I can fix something for you......
Besyanteo: Hm?
OMG Dirty: *Reaches out and touches Derek's face*
OMG Dirty: *mutters something in another language*
Besyanteo: o.o;
OMG Dirty: *he is most decidedly undrunkified*
Besyanteo: >.o
OMG Dirty: Don't need a nasty hangover in the morning.
OMG Dirty: *smiles and walks towards the stairs*
Besyanteo: ... Ah. IM: ... I'll have to remember that. Means I can get plastered and get away with it. >.>
Besyanteo: ::follow!::
OMG Dirty: *strolls to a room and pulls the key out of his robes and unlocks the door*
OMG Dirty: *wanders into the room leaving the door open for Derek*
Besyanteo: ::enters, looking around the room casually::
OMG Dirty: *the room is your basic inn room, barren save for two small beds, and a wash table and mirror*
Besyanteo: IM: ... :-\
OMG Dirty: *closes and locks the door, then lays his book carefully down on the floor next to the nearest bed and begins to unbutton his robes* I'm giving you fair warning, I'm an early riser.
Besyanteo: ::heads over to a bed, while removing his cloak:: I see.
Besyanteo: <.< ... IM: ... should I warn him sometimes my top cover is missing when I wake up? ... Nah.
OMG Dirty: IM: I also talk in my sleep, but let's hope you don't find that out. *pulls his robes over his head*
Besyanteo: IM: he can find out at the same time he finds out I sleep in the buff. ^-^


The morning finds itself to be bright and fresh, sun streaming down on the moist streets, making for a slightly muggy atmosphere.

Elan twitches in his sleep, and rolls over, something horrible was shining in his eyes. After about two minutes of effort, he pops one eye open and peers about blearily. A few more seconds and the other eye joins the first, and Elan gets a faceful of cheery sunshine that is making it's way across the barren room. He also gets an eyeful of his current room mate. Who for some reason is completely nude, and had kicked the sheets off. Elan's eyes decided a strategic retreat was in order and clamped themselves tightly shut.

Avoid looking at that area of the room, the drow man quickly slipped back into his robes, washed his face, and gathered his possessions, leaving the key to the room next to Derek's bedside table. He made his way downstairs, to see if any of his traveling companions had arrived. He spotted Will, and gave him a sleepy wave.

Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 11/3/03 1:20 am

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Re: Just to save time.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:37 am

Likely to Elan's disappointment, the next person to arrive was Kumiko. The priestess wandered down the stairs of the inn, quite awake, wearing her normal attire, with an added traveling cloak and bag. At least it seemed that she was quite accustomed to living on the go, and thus wouldn't slow them down any...

Vampire Jester Jinx

Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:42 am

Elan frowned rather obviously at the sight of Kumiko's return, and his familiar sentiment towards women rose up. So, in keeping with that, he moved to the opposite end of the Inn from her and took a seat, flipping open his holy tome.


Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:55 am

Old man Durron was the next to decend from the upper reaches of the room, making enough noise tapping his way down the stairs with his staff that anyone who was not deaf could hear it. He finally descended to the point where Elan and the others could see him. He was dressed in simple white robes, with a grey traveler's cloak and backpack. His amulet, a line running through a spiral and covered in green transparent enamel, was now worn outside his robes. Since he heard no activity around the inn just yet, he decided to take a seat near the stairs and wait for others to arrive.

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Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:13 am

Kristoph soon entered the Inn, looking much better than he did the night before- It seems a good rest was all he needed. He dressed similarly to how he had the day before- Baggy green pants, a gray shirt, a brown cape, and shoes held up by belts- Except he added some things to the enamble. First was a knife at his side, hidden within it's sheith, laced into the multiple belts at his waist. He also wore a pair of brown gloves, also held on by belts, that where a bit red in the palm- those who knew him recognised them as his 'casting gloves', to protect his hands from the dangerous Chaos magicks that the man expertly (Or not so) threw with little discrimination. Also, the head of a small stuffed panda poked out from an oversized pocket on the opposite side of the knife.

Flicking his tail absentmindedly, he simply crossed his arms and waited. "So, when does this party start?"

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Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:28 am

Kumiko merely returned light grin to Elan in exchange for his obvious distaste, content with the opportunity he was providing. After all, with the presence of all these people, his sister was obviously going to have a hard time 'behaing herself', and little provoation would be necessary...

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Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:57 am

Will nodded to Elan, then to Kristoph as the kittymage showed up. He folded his arms at his chest and looked down at the floor, tapping his foot while thinking.

She said something about something like this before, didn't she...? What WAS it...?

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Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:51 pm

Migi was the last to appear, although her face was bright and cheery in spite of the early hour. She came bounding down the inn's steps, bracelets jangling merrily with each leaping step.

"Hiiii!" she greeted everyone enthusiastically. "Wow-everyone's-here-already-Are-we-ready-to-go-then?"

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Re: Phooey. She didn't die.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:52 pm

Not quite the last, actually, as Idran appears slightly late from the inn's front entrance.

"Sorry, all. I was delayed a bit, but I'm ready. I haven't missed anything important yet, have I?"

Vampire Jester Jinx

Elan zooms like batman through the air!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:59 pm

Elan smiled a greeting to both Migi and Idran, and waved them over as he walked towards old Durron's table.

"You've not missed anything, we're only missing Mr. Smith currently. I'll go knock on his door to make sure he's not sleeping in."

With that, Elan made his way upstairs and pounded on the door of the room that they had shared.

"Mister Smith? Wake up!"

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The door opens! *CREAK!!!*

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:20 am

The door opened, and a fully dressed Derek was standing in the doorway. He also looked mildly peeved.
"You know... you really DON'T need to yell at inujin. We hear... JUST fine."

He seemed to calm a bit.
"Head downstairs, shall we?"

Vampire Jester Jinx

Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:16 am

The younger Ill Bast appologized for his yelling, and accompanied the Inu man downstairs.

Gathered around a table were the eccentric group of people that would be traveling with him. Will Baseton, who seemed lost in thought, the exciteable nekojin who seemed to be bubbling with even more energy this morning. Let's not forget the silent but homicidal elven woman who scared all things holy out of Elan. And if that wasn't enough, there was the rather loud cat man, an older blind gentleman, what seemed to be a mage of some sort, and the Inujin at his side.

He took a seat and cleared his throat, explaining in a hushed voice the way they would be taking to Amana's tower.

"It's to the north of here, it's in between Varrock and Middith on the outskirts more towards Varrock. So we'll have a good journey ahead of us. I'd say two and a half days of walking at a decent pace. I do hope you have supplies."

Elan patted his simple bag, within which was a worn blanket, some scraps of parchment, a pen, ink, bandages, a few herbs, a bit of bread and cheese and a canteen filled with water.

The small group discussed points of the trip for another half hour, after having a nice breakfast paid for by the drow. And as the sun lit up the streets and it became a more acceptable hour, they set out. Elan stayed near Durron's side, helping him as was needed, and talking occasionally of religion and moral matters.

The rest either kept to their thoughts or chatted amoungst themselves as they made their way across the fields that lead northward. Around midday they all stopped for lunch and Migi entertained them with a particularly charming sword dance, and they rested their weary feet for a spell.

Soon the march continued, until the warm Doman sun began to set, they all found refuge underneath a cluster of trees and began to set up camp for the evening.

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(GM: Ok everyone, time for a few posts of CI and then we make their posts heading to bed etc...after everyone has made their post with their character either taking watch or going to sleep, i will gm the next day! or be ebil. either way.)</span>

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An excellent description!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:32 am

Said silent but homicidal elven woman had decided, as per her standard method of operation, to allow some of those lower than she the honor of guarding her while she rested. Why, it would likely be the highlight of their lives! She made her intention for such clear, unrolling her bedroll and settling herself on it, pulling her traveling cloak over herself as a blanket.

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Re: An excellent description!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:36 am

The "Noisy cat-man" certainly lived up to his name this first part of the trip, yelling at whatever irked him in the slightest. Although at times, he could be heard saying thanks to the Gods that "his secret didn't come out yet". When they had settled down for the evening, Kristoph took the chance to seemingly meditate, though Will likely knew he was having a mental conversation with his 'other half'. After a bit of time, he stood, walking to Idran, and hessitated a moment before speaking.

"He......Uhhh....Thanks you, y'know. We probably wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for you. If there's anything I can do to...Y'know, repay you....Just let me know."

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:59 am

Migi plopped on the ground near Derek, as if she were exhausted from the trip. However, her tense body and hyperactively moving tail and ears suggested otherwise.

"Hi!" she chirped to him. "So! Where in Inustan do you come from? Oh wait, you said you weren't from there. Where are you from then? Not Nekonia certainly, hai?"

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/4/03 11:29 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:10 am

Elan quietly laid out his blanket near the base of the tree, not far off from the others, and laid down on his stomach, propping his face up on his palms and seems to be praying or meditating in some form. His rather beat up holy tome lying in front of him and his small walking staff beside him.

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:27 am

Will paced around, mumbling to himself.

"There's gotta be some sort of explanation for all of this..."


Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:37 am

Durron, for his part, had been seen circling the camp site several times, listening carefully and tapping the ground with his staff. Those who didn't know much about magic might have thought, from the words he was muttering under his breath, that he was setting up some sort of ward or protection spell. However, if anyone got close enough to hear what he was saying, they would be disillusioned.

"Tree root... bed roll... open ground..." and so he continued on, until he had a firm layout of the campsite in his mind. Then he settled down, not far from the fire, but not to close either, and spread out his blanket, drawing his grey cloak over him. Clearly, the old man believed in turning in early.

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:52 pm

Idran, leaning against a tree, can be seen staring into the campfire. He looks up as Kristoph approaches, and responds after Kristoph makes his statement.

"Hmm? Ah...yes. No, think nothing of it. I don't expect to be repayed for something like that. I'm just glad everything worked out."

He then appears distracted for a bit, lost in thought as he considers something.

"...Wait, you can communicate with him? How interesting. I assumed that only one or the other would exist at any one time. Or do you just remember him thinking that fact at some point?"

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:28 pm

Kristoph thought a moment, trying to think of the best way to explain it.

"No, we're both usually...'active', at least in our mind. Whoever's not in control of the body still resides in the mind, and acts as a bit of a presence, I guess. Like a voice."

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:38 pm

Derek was sitting, aparently doing fairly well so far on their trip.
He turned to Migi when she spoke, and replied with a chuckle.
"I am from Baron, Ms. Migi. You have me curious. How precisely did you come to have an inujin brother?"

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:41 pm

"Oh! Well, uh, you see...Hikari was at a bar for a bite to eat, and he got into this argument with a nasty little fellow, a mage..." Migi shook her head sadly. "He...ran away to Inustan, and I had to hunt him down again just to see him...he lives there now, but he might return to Nekonia soon, maybe..."

Migi trailed off and stared into the sky for a bit, but only for a bit.

"What's Baron like? I've never been west of the Shuman mountains. Are there many inujin there?"

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:45 pm

Derek listened ,and then shook his head briefly.
"No, there are about as many Inujin in baron as there are Nekojin in Inustan."
He looked to the sky here, becoming very quiet himself.

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Re: Here we go! *makes the Miss wheel sound effect*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:46 pm

"Oh wow, that's not much," Migi replied. "That's a shame."

Vampire Jester Jinx

*inserts TEH EBIL*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:49 pm

And just as Migi says this, a loud piercing howl rings through the little campsight. What is disturbing as it is answered twice from different directions.

The adventurers get the distinct feeling they are being advanced upon.

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Re: *inserts TEH EBIL*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:52 pm

Migi's eyes opened wide as she leaps to her feet with blinding speed and feline grace. Within seconds, the innocent looking nekojin is holding both her katana at the ready and has dropped into a trained fighting stance.

"What was that," she asked in a voice as innocent as her blades were deadly. "Do you think it'll pass us by?"

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Re: *inserts TEH EBIL*

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:54 pm

Kristophs ear flicked once. Then twice. Then once more for a grand total of three, as he looked around a bit, in the direction of the howels.

"Seems we're about to have company...And I don't know about the rest of you, but I look forward to having a family of wolves hanging around as I sleep!"

Meanwhile, Kristoph was dealing with a bit of annoyance from another source, one a bit more internal-

"Kristoph! What're we going to do! Wolves eat kitties, don't they!?"
"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it. Just be quiet long enough for me to concentrate!"

Being the paranoid kitty he was, he immediatly began channeling chaotic energies into his palms, to be ready for any sort of surprise.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 11/5/03 12:26 am

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Re: *inserts TEH EBIL*

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:05 am

Derek stood, brushing off breifly, and waited for their potential enemy to appear before doing anything dramatic.

"Damn. I was hoping we might get another good night's sleep before we had to fight off a roving band of agressors."

He moved to stand in the middle of the group, watching for aything to come into view.

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Re: *inserts TEH EBIL*

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:12 am

The ryuujin smirked and drew his katana, looking around.

What do wolves have to do with AMANA?


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