Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

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Postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:28 pm

Vince stood for a minute, awaiting Giovanni's answer before speaking again. "So, do we have a deal?"

Giovanni narrowed his glare further at Vince, then grabbed him by the collar and spun him around, slamming him into the stone side of the building.

"No, we have no deal. I'll give you another deal. So, you open your ears and listen, ja?'

Vinces respond was short-"...Like I have a choice?"

Giovanni's glare intensified again, and his voice became incredibly harsh. "No choice, no...You show readyness, even seem to have plans for the downfall of Lord Vaniyakna, ja?Around here, that's punishable by death. Good day, comrad."Giovanni spun again, and gave Vince a good shove twards the dark end of the alley, where the masked man from earlier emerged, a pair of katars in his hands, slashing at V's back. Giovanni was taking the opportunity to fix a pair of brass knuckles onto his hands, while Vince took a chance of his own, slashing the masked man with his Glaive. Giovanni rushed forward, delivering a strong punch to V's head with the knuckles, and the masked man went low, stabbing Vince in the stomach with one of his katars.

Being the persistant chancellor he is, V mummbled a couple of words to his attackers, then began chanting- Soon the watery dounpour gave way to a few rocks, making both men stagger back a bit. In response, Giovanni strongly wrapped one of his muscled arms around Vinces neck, as the masked man charged forward, cutting several times into Vinces frontside. It was then Vince decided to implement his momento from his last trip to Barius- he quickly made a snide remark, and used the Angels Soul stone to heal himself. However, it didn't do much, as Giovanni simply grabbed him again, throwing him into the wall, and the masked man once again rushed forward, delivering almost identical blows to the ones Vince just healed. Trying one more desperate time, Vince used his Angels Soul stone again, and the wounds once again closed.

By this time, Giovanni was looking rather irritated. He was going to make sure he finished NOW. Grabbing Vince by the arm, and spinning his shoulder under it, he used the chancellors arm as leverage to slam him into the ground. He then pulled him up forcefully, and slammed him into the walls at either side of the alley, then gave him a good spin around, tossing him twards the masked mans waiting katars, giving Vince a pair of incredibly deep cuts, one no doubt peircing his heart. They let him remain for a minute, then Giovanni came and pried him off, throwing him to the ground. Giving it another minute, Giovanni kneeled to confirm death, then pulled a black handkercheif out of his pocket, placing it over V's face and turning to the masked man. "You should get those wounds healed, ja? In the meantime, I'll go make the report to Lord Vaniyakna."

The masked man simply nodded, and slunk back into the shadows. Giovanni shoved his hands into his pockets and began off to the castle, leaving V's corpse in alone in the alleyway.


Inverse got the worst feeling something had happened. Be it from the stone he saw fly out of the alley, or the fact that Vince went in, then Giovanni came out alone a moment later was anyones guess.

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 9/24/03 12:39 am

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Postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:03 am

Jak approached the pair he'd spotted earlier before, hearing Inverse cry out something about "Shade" as he did.

"What's going on?" he asked, having a slight feeling that something bad was about to happen. Of course, this feeling was about two minutes late.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:00 am

"Shade's not going to slow us down anymore, that's what." Inverse says quietly.

Inwardly, he was swearing. Inverse knew they shouldn't have brought him along. Now it was too late. And the worst part was that he migh well have exposed them all before dying!

Who's going to tell Lyssandra, he pondered. Gods, this will break her heart in half. Poor thing.

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:33 am

'Oh, really?' Said Blaze, standing and smiling in Kelne's direction. 'I must admit I wasn't paying too much attention to the architecture. Lead the way, friend.'

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Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:36 am

The woman in the bar simply followed the pair out with her eyes, before shouting after Blaze- "Good luck in the competition, Mr. Schwartzstrum!"

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Postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:40 am

Jak raised an eyebrow, then grimaced a split second later as he realised what the slime half meant. He hadn't expected the consequences of Smartz' idiocy to rear it's head so soon, but now that it had, he was instantly more concerned for his own well being, seeing as he'd arrived with the man, and thus could be linked to him.

"So, what do we do now?"

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Postby Kelne » Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:09 am

Kelne led the way, heading back to where Inverse and Kumiko had been. As soon as he was a fair distance from the inn and sure they weren't being followed, he spoke, "You'll have to find somewhere else to stay. Ivan says that Vaniyakna's got a mind-reader stationed there to pick the brains of the guests. We can only hope she didn't have time to get much out of you." Still, between this and Vince's earlier indiscretion, they'd no doubt be watched very closely indeed.

The pair, he noted, had already managed to track down Jak. That just left Reako, Kyle, and Vince, who hopefully wasn't doing anything too stupid.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:16 am

"Be the best damned not-conspiritors we can be." Inverse answers. "Make it look like he was alone."

He then looked at Kumiko's note. "I'll answer that later," he says. He was feeling far too exposed out here now. "But, we have two options. Find an abandoned house, or work with a friend of mine. In both cases, he have to worry about guards coming."

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Postby Reako Somner » Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:17 am

"That sounds like a good idea. Though I still think it's odd no non-Barians are here for it..."

Reako looked back at the big man with the axe. He hoped he wouldn't have to fight him any time soon..

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Postby FlamingDeth » Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:01 am

Kumiko rubbed her temple with one hand, and put her notepad away with the other. Of all the...well, it certainly wasn't the first time and likely wouldn't be the last that she'd seena single act of foolishness kill someone. No matter what he meant by it, though, she knew that Inverse was right; at the very least, it would be easier to organize any plans they may have. She held out two fingers, hoping that Inverse would be able to figure out that the second of his options was more desirable. After all, an abandoned house lacked a certain...finesse, and Shade was giving her too much of a headache to be bothered making herself more clear.

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Postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:20 am

Quickly realising that they wouldn't be staying in an inn, Jak sized up the options. Help from someone who knew the city, and probably was used to evading the law, or holing up in an abandoned house.

"Who is this friend of yours?"

Uncle Pervy

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:44 am

Inverse's voice got really quiet now.

"One of the Children of the Storm. Closest thing Barius ever had to a real religion. General concensus is that they're nuts. Used to think it myself, but I've learned some things since coming to the mainland."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

But that doesn't mean that we'll soon all be dead!

Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:46 pm

Blaze nodded slowly, as they came closer to the others.

'That explains a lot.' He replied finally, voice quiet and troubled. 'I'm pretty sure I didn't think too hard about anything particularly incriminating, but that really depends on how good a mindreader she is...'

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Re: But that doesn't mean that we'll soon all be dead!

Postby Kelne » Wed Sep 24, 2003 4:12 pm

"I suppose the fact that we got out alive is a good sign," Kelne said, nodding. By this time, they'd reached the group.

"Well, I've gotten Blaze out of the inn," he said, "and it doesn't sound like any of the others have been in there. At any rate, we should get to rounding them up."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: But that doesn't mean that we'll soon all be dead!

Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:45 pm

'How come noone mentioned that Vaniyakna's pet mindreader might be wandering around if you knew he had one?' Asked Blaze, quietly enough that noone further away than the rest of the group would hear over the rain.

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Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:53 pm

By this time, the two sparring men that Kyle and Reako where watching had finished and gone their seperate ways. Not having much else to do, the pair walked back in the direction of the Storms Eye, and now where reunited with the main group.

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Postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:29 pm

Lowering his voice accordingly, Jak replied.

"So what can he do for us?"

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Postby Capntastic » Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:09 pm

Kyle waved politely as he approached the group.

"Hiya-" He started, before noting the general feeling of 'danger' amongst everyone. He decided to shut up and get filled in. Things often worked best that way. And so, he listened!

I have the feeling that I missed something...

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:06 pm

"Decently safe enough place to stay." Inverse says. "I trust him. Anyways, let's get over there before you all get any more wet."

Thus did Inverse make his way towards the Stormie's place, being sure to give a discreetly wide berth to any places that he had been warned about.

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Postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:27 pm

Jak followed after him, the prospect of going to a safe place he could dry out being quite appealing.

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Postby Kelne » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:32 pm

Kelne followed along, reflecting on the fact that no effort seemed to have been made to find the chancellor. That in itself got his sense of impending doom going. Although it might not be impending anymore.

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Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 24, 2003 11:42 pm

In roughly fifteen minutes time, the group had navigated its way through the cramped streets to what appeared to be a small inn. The inside was virtually deserted, except for a young woman with common Barian dress and long blue hair seeming to doze off behind a counter. Her head was held up by her palms, her elbows rested against the table, and Reako could hear a slight snore from her. The entire group heard footsteps from above, as if someone was stomping around upstairs, but it didn't seem to upset the girls sleep in the slightest.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:17 am

"The rain falls eternal, my sister Anett," Inverse says, as he approaches the desk, making sure there were no apparent agents of Vaniyakna about. "I believe you were informed to expect us."

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:32 am

Blaze followed into the inn and moved to a corner where he could sit out of way, yet watch the ritual Inverse had just begun and be aware of any other movements in the inn, too.

He's brought us to an inn? Not only is this dangerous for us, but it's dangerous for the owners, too, if Vaniyakna has instructed all the innkeepers to tell foreigners they are booked up as I suspect... I'd almost rather risk the Storm's Eye.

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Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:58 am

The girl's eye suddenly shot open, showing that her 'sleeping on the job' bit had been little more than an act. She sat up straight, smiling a pretty smile at Inverse. "You must be the ones Father was talking about. He's a bit busy at the moment, so he asked me to show you to your...room, if you could call it that. This way, please."

She walked over to the the side of the stairs and opened a door leading under the steps themselves, then started down a stone staircase. It lead directly under the Inn- Under the streets, too, where a bit of a sewer system had been set up, probably to help keep the city from flooding from the constant rain. At the bottom of the stairs sat a stone platform, a wooden door on one side, rushing water on the other. It was likely that anyone to step into the water would get washed away, unless they where very strong, or had some way to hold onto something. Anett oppened the door and lead the group in.

The room itself was fairly large, large enough to hold roughly fifteen cots or so for various visitors who where running from the law to stay in. It seemed to be what once served as a cellar, except prittied up a bit- The stone floor was covered with a carpet in an attempt to make it a bit more welcoming. The stone walls had various propaganda posters, some Inverse recognised seeing once or twice around the city- Below the posters where small peices of paper with writing of some sort on them, clipped to the bottom of the posters. The room also housed numerous bookshelves, with the books divided up by category. Non fiction on one shelf, fiction on another, history on a third, and informational and other random books on a fourth. Anett turned to Inverse once again and smiled. "Make yourselves at home, Dad'll be down in a couple minutes. Now, I've gotta go help mom with dinner, so all you gotta do is remember to stay quiet and keep out of the drainway untill Dad comes down and you'll be fine."

Flashing the group one last smile, Anett left the room, closing the door behind her, and ran back upstairs.

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 9/25/03 3:31 am

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:45 am

Inverse gladly followed. He was fairly certain that the Stormies were trustworthy. But, he wasn't blindly going to trust them.

"Leave the door open," he says as the innkeep's daughter goes out of earshot, "Blaze, keep watch out of it. Just in case. Also...if you find any wardens here, I want them to learn what I'm going to tell you all."

Then he went to make himself comfortable on one of the cots. "Alright, listen very closely. First thing is that Shade's no more. The knights got him, and there wasn't a thing we could do without exposing ourselves and turning the whole city against us." He said this matter of factly. Getting emotional over it would not help now.

"It's a sad thing, but as one of my employees tends to say, 'The living are more important.' Now, if the authorities come, hold your breath and jump in that culvert. Trying to take on the army here is suicide. Presuming you live through the trip, that'll leave us outside of the city.

Next, keep the hell away from The Storm's Eye. Klavdiya Petrovich works it. She gathers information from the people for Vani by hanging out in bars and mindreading the people she starts up conversations with. Watch out for a smallish, purple haired woman with green eyes, and her jacket has silver swirl designs on it. In Blizzardia, avoid the Blizzard's Refuge. In Hailon, the Frozen Rock. In Windor, the Windy Pit.

Also, keep an eye out for that girl we met earlier, Nezetta. I haven't be able to find much on her, from home or here. But, I have reliable word that she once took out an armed man with her own hands bound. So don't make any assumptions on harmlessness.

If you're going to try anything particularly daring at the arenas, keep in mind that there will be at least fifty troops stations stationed in each. Probably with a knight in command.

This reminds me, I think I know who killed Shade. Sergei; masked assassin sort. Fond of tossing rocks to make his victims paranoid, and luring them into alleys. He's the one who silences those who shoot their mouths off."

The other two knights are knot of are Aleksei Loaf and Pavel Romanov. Pavel's a meathead, strong as an ox and twice as stupid. Aleksei's a gunman. Keep moving if you have to fight him, moving targets give him trouble.

Try to keep him alive if possible. If we play our cards right, I wanna get this one home. He thinks his brother died working against Doma. Kumiko and I know better. With luck, I might be able to use that to break him. But that's tertiary, don't blow our cover for it. If we actually are going to do anything with that, I want to wait until we are about to leave unless we get no choice."

Inverse paused for a moment to let that all sink in. "Ask me what you want now," He says.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 9/25/03 3:48 am

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Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Sep 25, 2003 4:43 am

While Inverse began speaking, Kumiko half listened, and idly searched the room for something to hang her cloak on. There seemed to be no hooks on the walls, no racks set up anywhere, nothing hanging from the ceiling...it was a shame, really, as her cloak was soaked. While that was what it was made for, it still didn't change the fact that she'd have to continue using later. As such, she carefully placed it on the floor, exposing as much of the wet surface area as she could, in hopes that it would dry out faster.

The ever noble and important task of laundering set in motion, the elf directed her attention fully to Inverse, catching him just as he started on about the Storm's Eye. It was just as well; all sympathy she had for 'Shade' was forced. She was (relatively) new to the priestess scene, and old habits like apathy and spite were hard to break.

Mind readers, check. After his initial outburst, she wasn't considering going there. Most mind readers didn't have much luck with anyway, but there was no reason to risk it. It seemed that all Inverse was saying was common sense, that they should stay out of situations that would get them killed. This was something she had no problems with, and while she did have her own concerns, she would wait until the others were done voicing theirs before making her own known. Theirs were far easier expressed, after all.

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Postby Capntastic » Thu Sep 25, 2003 9:35 am

Kyle sighed with more than a tinge of sadness. This whole thing was becoming worse and worse. And 'Shade' was dead. That was terrible. Inverse was right, as always, though; getting sad about things wouldn't help.

So...we're down here. And the military may or may not be after us. I'm fairly sure we have a good chance of surviving if we take caution..

So he leaned against a wall, thinking of the current situation, and what an excellent story it would make someday. It helped him keep hope.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=capntastic>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 9/25/03 9:38 am

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:09 pm

Blaze had moved immediately to the door as Inverse had instructed it, shrugging off his rifle and leaning it against the wall by the door, and putting his hand on his pistol, ready to draw.

Looking around the room before this he had smiled faintly. Reminds me of home...

'That mindreader, Inverse. I met her, and lacking the knowledge I now have I did not guard my thoughts. I'm fairly sure I didn't think too deeply about anything too incriminating though, and if she thought flirting with me would help her she was wrong - I started concentrating on how to persuade her to leave me alone.'

He hadn't turned away from the doorway, so his expressions could not be seen.

'I know for a fact that there are a couple of wardens around here, but I don't know how to locate them. I could contact Warden, but I'm not sure if he could respond in his current state. Do you wish me to try?'

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Postby Jak Snide » Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:06 am

Jak took careful note of what Inverse was saying, the possibility of death now seeming all the more real in his mind. Especially now that he knew the man at the registration desk may well have rigged the ladder so that they would meet, as well as being able to off him and get away with it. Then again, he did have some information on how to beat him now, which reassured him somewhat as he waited for Inverse to reply to the disguised elf.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:47 am

"You know how to be discreet," was Inverse's answer, as he nodded affirmative.

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:26 am

Blaze nodded. The method to contact other wardens or even the Warden himself had always been discreet. He touched the tattoo on his hand.



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Postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:35 pm

As soon as Blaze finished his call to the warden, the wooden ceiling of the room began to creak a bit, and voices came from upstairs. A moment later, the secret door in the staircase squeeked, and the sound of boots coming down the stone stairs could be heard. Blaze saw him emerge from the gloom- A tall man in armored clothing, muscular but not overly so, purple hair with some gray streaks in it. He smiled at Blaze kindly as he passed, walking into the room, and bee-lining for Inverse. "I heard it but I didn't beleive it! I didn't think I'd ever see the day anyone with the name Stanovski would be crazy enough to return to Barius!"

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Postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:38 am

Jak raised an eyebro, noting the man's oddly coloured hair.

"Old friend of yours?" he asked Inverse, although he suspected, from the smile he'd given the elf, that they were connected as well.

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Postby Kelne » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:39 am

Kelne took everything in without comment, thinking. Shade dead was, all things considered, probably to their advantage. The venues would be well-guarded, which was no more than he had expected. The background information on the Knights participating in the tournament would no doubt come in handy as well.

His ruminations were cut short by the arrival of their guest. It seemed he knew Inverse, or at least of him. Indeed, the fact that he'd gotten down here so soon after their arrival suggested that he was on the side of their hosts. Not that that predisposed Kelne to trust him. Opting to let Inverse do the talking, he made sure he was in a position to intercept any sudden dashes for the exit.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:48 pm

"Circumstances call for it," Inverse says simply. "What's the state of things?"

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Postby FlamingDeth » Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:53 pm

Kumiko subtly edged across the room to Kelne, and handed him a note.

"Perhaps, since you seem to be one that is experienced in this field, you should attempt to read what is on the surface of his mind, to see if he is trustworthy."

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Postby Capntastic » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:15 pm

Kyle merely tried to look friendly to the new arrival. Getting involved in conversations pertaining to situations you knew little about was rarely beneficial.

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Postby Kelne » Mon Sep 29, 2003 6:31 pm

Kelne nodded, lowering his mental screens and 'listening' for stray thoughts. It wasn't something he did often these days, since it tended to be a tad indiscriminate. Still, under the circumstances, he'd be able to filter out his allies' thoughts easily enough. Any deeper probes would be noticed, even assuming they were effective.

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:41 pm

Blaze maintained his vigil at the door, understanding clearly what a failure on his part could mean for them all.


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