Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

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Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 5:58 pm

The dark gray sky cracked open with a bolt of lightning searing across the horizon. The sound of pouring rain was almost deafening to those who weren't used to it. Though in this city, it was a lullabye for the children to fall asleep to, and a blessing for the adults- The sound of the pouring rain and booming thunder would drown out the screams eminating from atop the notorious Spire of Squall Castle, the residence of the Barian King.

He looked out a window at the city below. Even through the pouring rain, his orange eyes could see people making their way through the soaked streets. Brushing a bit of pure white hair away from his face, he continued his vigilant stare out the window. Finally, his concentration on the scene below was broken, as a voice chimed behind him- A sweet, yet cold as ice voice, belonging to a brown haired girl, about 17 years old or so, in a black trenchcoat, decorated with red triangles, like a white-mages robes.

"Sir. Preparations for the tournament are complete, and the proper information has been dispersed throughout the country. Are there any further orders?"

The man tucked his hands behind his back and chuckled.

"Ah, Lady Corridino...Ever so eager to please. No, I've got no further orders for you, other then to prepare yourself for the competition. You will be competing, won't you?"

The girl hessitated for a moment, then nodded. The white haired man turned to face her.

"Good. I'd feel best if you and a couple others participated. We've worked too hard to let them simply scurry away like the rats they are..."

The girl nodded again, saluted, and began to head out.

"By your leave, Lord Vaniyakna."


Elsewhere, in Doma, three men sat around a table in the Jade Dragon. The oldest looking of the three, an aged man with white hair and a beard, was speaking rather loudly at the other two.

"I've had men on this for months! Some of my men have risked their lives just for this information! This is the perfect time, you dolts! With all the commotion from the tournament, we could easily slip in and take him out!"

The second man, a very large young man wearing red, and sporting a rather dangerous looking black claw rather then a right hand, interupted-

"And what if we can't get close enough, Dad? What are we going to do then? Ask him to come to a spot where we can stab him in the back more easily?"

The third and final man, dressed almost entirely in black, chuckled at the conversation between the other two, then commented himself.

"You know what the best way to do this is, guys? Enter the competition, win it, and demand he step down. The winner is going to be granted anything within Vaniyaknas power, right? Well, stepping down is certainly within that power of his."

The second man looked at the third, giving him close to a glare.

"Well, either way, we could probably use a bit of help, wouldn't you say, Jaeko?"

Jaeko rolled his eyes, though impossible as it was to tell with his mirrored sunglasses covering his face, it was a pointless act.

"Alright, fine. You win, Griff. I'll go see if I can find anyone who owes me a favor or anything."

And with that, Jaeko stood, exiting the bar to wander the streets, as Griff and his father, Frederick, remained behind to continue formulating a plan.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:03 pm

Moving at a brisk pace, an elven woman made her way down the street. Her brown hair was mostly tied back into a pony tail, though a tuft of it hung over one of her green eyes. The majority of her face, however, was concealed by the rather tall and wide collar of her purple robes.

It was Kumiko Misaharu, wandering priestess of Falis, on her way to the Jade Dragon. While she didn't go there as often as some, it wasn't by any means unusual to see her there. On this particular occasion, she brushed past Jaeko on her way in, for the most part ignoring him. She took a seat, as usual, at corner booth, and once again, as usual, somehow ended up with a cup of tea, despite not saying a word to any of the staff. She kept an eye on Fred and Griff, though...her previous dealings with them had shown that when Barians got together in groups, they were usually planning something which would likely get them killed.

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IC stupidity. The best kind.

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:22 pm

Jaeko managed to get a good distance from the Jade Dragon before skimming his mind for a better tactic to use. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he began shouting at the top of his lungs-

"Dueling tournament starting soon in Barius! Winner gets whatever they want! C'mon, people, you know you want in on this!"

He then stopped shouting, taking a look around for anyone who seemed interested.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Jak Snide » Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:26 pm

Not shortly after the priestess had, a certain green garbed black mage entered the building, making his was over to the bar and ordering himself a drink. While he could always get a drink at his normal place of employment, he enjoyed not being in the same building for an entire day. And the Jade Dragon was run by an old mercenary friend of his, so he'd decided that he'd spend his coin there.

He took a small sip of his drink once it arrived, wondering when the next mercenary job would present itself. He'd been in the city for over a month now, and it was driving him crazy.

"Was that foreign lunatic yelling something about Barius? No matter, probably nothing I'd be interested in."

Edited by: Jak Snide  Image at: 8/29/03 8:28 pm

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Re: IC stupidity. The best kind.

Postby Kelne » Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:33 pm

In all of Doma, there was one name which had become almost synonymous with cynicism and paranoia. That of Kelne, former dark lord and somewhat reluctant defender of Gaera. When asked, Kelne would firmly maintain that he only did it because the end of the world would put a crimp in his lifestyle. Those who knew him might know better, but they didn't argue with him about it.

Right now, Kelne's familiar sense of Impending Doom had gone into overdrive. Lunatics bellowing in the street about duelling tournaments and great rewards never boded well in his book.

"You must be joking," Kelne remarked to Jaeko in passing as he continued on his way towards the Jade Dragon. It'd take more than that to get him involved in whatever madness the man was planning.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kelne>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/29/03 8:36 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: IC stupidity. The best kind.

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:34 pm

A slender young man in Black mage's robes makes his way into the Jade Dragon, after receiving a notice from Griff earlier. It was time that someone did something to deal with Vaniyakna. He was certain Frederick's plan was doomed to fail, but he might have another. Sadly, it seemed they didn't care for his plan to try and poison Vaniyakna. But, perhaps it was possible to stir up a revolution. The powers that be know he had been formenting for awhile there, in his own subtle ways.

Walking into the Jade Dragon, he approaches Frederick and Griff, having a seat. "Sorry I'm late, Wstryaste," he says, using the Barian term for Gentlemen, "What have we planned?"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Reako Somner » Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:38 pm

Meanwhile, in the Jade Dragon, Reako was sitting at his usual table with Enlil describing his most recent activities and travels, happy to have someone who would listen. This being done, Enlil got up to leave, waving as she went. Reako also stood, and saw Griff, and decided it'd be ok to talk to him.

"Hey Griff. What's up today?"

(use of Enlil confirmed by Pervy)

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:15 pm

Griff nodded to Inverse, then looked over to Reako, giving him as nice a look as Griff could manage-

"Oh, nothing much, kiddo. Just talking about some stuff thats going to be going on back where I came from."

Frederick took Griffs distraction as his chance to talk with Inverse, thinking about just what had been discussed so far.

"Well, I figure that with the tournament and all, we could sneak in and take Vani out with all the confusion, although Jaeko seems to want to enter the tournament itself...Although that might not be a bad idea, as the winner could simply demand Vaniyakna step down, I guess.."


Back with Jaeko, the darkly dressed gunman simply watched Kelne pass, then shouted after him-

"Yeah?! Don't come crying to be when the Barian army invades your house, while I'm safe and sound in mine!"

Jaeko then slapped his own forehead for being a moron.


Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby ChancellorSmartz » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:29 pm

There was a guard running his hardest down the hall. He was huffing and puffing and apparantly out of breath. But to the observer...why?


He finally made it to the door of Vinent Smartz, the chancellor of Doma. He knocked on the door, and Smartz answered. There the soldier was panting. "....Smartz...Word...has it...Barius...is holding...tournament...uuuggh...." And he fainted on the spot.

Vincent pondered over this and it stuck him. "Barius! ...Could it be?! ...Vaniyakna....I must participate in this tournament incognito to make sure that bastard is not up to no good!...Then again...he is always up to no good. Guards! Get me a disguise! ...And take this man to the showers. He smells of sweat. Geez."

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Capntastic » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:33 pm

Kyle ambled about the City, heading slowly towards the Jade Dragon. He had recently finished visiting a particular tailor, who insisted on speaking endlessly of "Reaching the Key Demographic!!" and other business type lingo. Kyle did little but smile and nod as Ned waved his arms, frantically trying to convey the meaning of various charts. He had nothing to do with Ned's business at all, but being his friend, Ned enjoyed showing things off to him. Really, really boring things.

Shaking all of those nonsense numbers out of his head, he turns a corner and hears someone shouting. The first words, and their tone, caught his ear rather quickly, being an ex-duelist. The location tugged at Kyle's attention even more. He turned his head to listen. The prize seemed a bit unclear in Kyle's mind. Nobody in their right mind would offer something so...potentially stupid. Jaeko's assumption of "You know you want in on this!" caused Kyle to fully turn and step towards the speaker, and speak with a slight grin..

"I do, do I?"

Of course Kyle was merely making conversation to learn more of this event. He wasn't going to travel all the way to Barius just to enter some tournament. He was an ex-duelist.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:40 pm

Jaeko turned to Kyle, smirking at him a bit.

"Yeah, of course you do. This things too good to pass up! Hell, even Griffs going! C'mon, man! You know you want in on it!"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:45 pm

The elven priestess's ears perked up as she tried to listen to multiple conversations at once. Griff's didn't look like it was going to be particularly interesting. Frederick's, on the other hand...from what she could pick out, there was talk of this "Vaniyakna". If what she had gathered was correct, this was one of those responsible for Foenix, and anyone willing to to help bring something like that into the world was worthy of her spite...and she sure did have a lot of that. She listened further, prepared to interject in her own special way should the need arise...

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Capntastic » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:56 pm

"I don't know, its really not my thing anymore.."
It wasn't.

"Griff is going? He hasn't mentioned it at all..."

Kyle thought about this for a moment, scratching the back of his neck a bit.

"Even if I did want to go to just watch...It would require stuff. Like, travel, and some money for an entrance fee, I'm sure...and.....I don't know. When exactly is this taking place?"

This seemed like it would be an interesting event to watch. He wouldn't be participating, he was an ex-duelist...he had no desire to fight needlessly...Besides, he could not think of one real thing that he needed that much...

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Kelne » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:05 pm

By the time Kyle began talking to Jaeko, Kelne was out of earshot. The approximate odds of him 'coming crying' to some random idiot when the Barian army invaded were slim to non-existent. The odds of the Barian army successfully invading were somewhat less slim, but not something he lost any sleep over.

Still, the situation bore watching. Although how entering some random tournament was going to help was anybody's guess. Still pondering, Kelne entered the Jade Dragon and found himself a seat at Kyle's usual table. The fencer would hardly mind, and it commanded a good view of the room, including the door. You could never be too careful.

It seemed like there was a Barian convention of sorts at one of the other tables. Doubtless trouble would come of that. After all, Griff was involved.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:08 pm

Jaeko shrugged.

"Pretty soon, I guess. As far as entrance fees and stuff go, it's open admission, or so we hear. If not, Fred'll take care of things. And why not compete? Even if you won, you could just ask for more money or something. C'mon, it'll be fun!"

Jaeko figured he probably wasn't very convincing. Expecially scince he almost had to force the word "Fun".

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Reako Somner » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:14 pm

"Oh, back in Barius? You looked like you were having such a large debate before."

Then Reako turned to Fredrick

"and, who's this guy? Another friend of yours?"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:17 pm

Frederick turned his attention to Reako, then went incredibly wide-eyed.

"Wh...What th....Another type of wannabe human? Gah! More half-breeds!! Who the hell is mating with these animals, damnit!?"

Griff turned to his father and muttered something in disgust.

"Dad...You're a moron. Reako, this is my dad, Frederick. Sorry about him, he's a bit...Senile."

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Capntastic » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:28 pm

Thinking again. This time scratching at his wrist a bit nervously.

"I don't know...I would have to ask some of my friends about it, and stuff...But even then, I would just be going to watch..."

I seriously hope he doesn't get all upset at me for not wanting to fight...

"But yeah, it would be an interesting sort of thing to watch. Especially with Griff competing."

Kyle smiled a bit and nodded.


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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Kelne » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:38 pm

Kelne sighed. Why was it that he was perpetually surrounded by idiots? What was even scarier was that Griff seemed to be acting as the voice of reason. If that wasn't a violation of the grand order of things, he didn't know what was.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Reako Somner » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:40 pm

Reako's ears go back, a bit startled at Fredricks reaction.

"Uhm, maybe you should tell him I'm not even from Gaera? I wonder how he'd react if we went to Loracia?"

Reako starts to grin at the thought a bit, then asks Griff another question.

"Hey, this is about that Vaniyakna guy you've told me about isn't it? Are you going after him?"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:09 pm

Jaeko smiled back and nodded-

"You should go see Griff at the Jade Dragon. He and his dad know more about it then I do."

He then cupped his hands around his mouth once more, and began shouting again.


Back in the Jade Dragon, Griff smiled at Reako and ruffled his hair a bit.

"Thats pretty damned smart of you, kiddo! Yeah, it's about Vaniyakna. Apparently, he's getting ready to attack Doma, but he wants to hold some fighting tournament first to celebrate. Winner supposedly gets whatever they want, as long as it's within Vaniyaknas power to give it to them."

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Jak Snide » Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:27 pm

Much like the purple robed elf, Jak was listening in on the Barian conversation, piecing together what was going on as they talked. However, he also gave a regular cautionary glance to the priestess herself. It'd been a long time since he's seen someone in such a flamboyantly coloured robe, and he always made a point of keeping an eye on strange looking elves. After all, they weren't that far removed from their accursed cave dwelling kin in his eyes.


Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby ChancellorSmartz » Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:35 pm

There was Vincent in the crowds amongst the people, in his disguise. His hair was pushed back to make room for a red bandana on his brow. A thin scarf of the same color covered everything below his nose. The rest were clothes as light as his normal garb, but he wore a black, sleeveless shirt for extra mobility.

"Hmmm...from the guards reports, the gossip of the tournament was centered around the Jade Dragon Inn. I will start my search there."

So he made his way on to the Jade Dragon when he recognized Frederick...and interestingly enough Griff, with a different looking arm.

"Well, well. Sorry to miss the family reunion, but I, Vincent Smartz have come to aid you once more. But this time, I'm going undercover so Vaniyakna won't recognize me...so PLEASE...do NOT blow my cover."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=chancellorsmartz>ChancellorSmartz</A] at: 8/29/03 11:37 pm

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Kelne » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:01 am

The words 'Vaniyakna' and 'attack Doma' concentrated Kelne's attention wonderfully. It seemed that the random idiot had had some idea what he was talking about after all. Sighing at the prospect of a complete loss of free time, Kelne wandered over to Griff to get more details.

"Evening, Griff. What's this I hear about the impending fall of civilisation as we know it?"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:02 am

Griff and Frederick gave Vince a quick glance, then looked at eachother, both trying to hold back laughter. It was then that both men failed, and laughter could probably be heard from clear outside the bar. The laughter continued for a few minutes, before dying down with Griff giving a response.

"So, you're going to compete, too?" Griff couldn't hold back another snicker. "It'll be good to have more people there, then. The longer the fights go on, and the more interesting they are, the better chance we have at getting a clean shot at Vani."

Griff then turned and nodded to Kelne in greeting.

"Nothing much. Just that a certain dictator is planning on attacking Doma, and probably causing quite a bit of trouble in the process. He's throwing a tournament of sorts to celebrate, so Dad and I figured we'd get a group together and take him out before he got the chance to actually start the attack."

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 8/30/03 12:07 am

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:04 am

The entrance of the chancellor dragged Jak's attention fully to the Barian table. One of the thing's he'd learnt was that the royals, and those in their service, had an astonishing knack for wandering unusual situations into greater than ordinary danger. Of course, a fair bit of coin and other valuables tended to crop up as well, but sometimes that wasn't worth the consequences of following the band of deluded fools into the abyss. Which he had done before.

Then again, there was one detail that caught his ear. The reward for winning this competition was anything within this Vaniyakna's power. And being the ruler of an entire country, Jak imagined that he'd have quite a sum of money, perhaps along with some useful trinkets. And the idea of mass material gain did apeal to him.

He listened more closely to the Barians. They intended to try and have this man step down, which, of course, was idiocy. Nobody would be so stupid as to allow themselves to be deposed in such a fashion. Regardless, if they did undertake the journy to Barius, he'd have a group to travel with.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Kelne » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:12 am

"Ah, so that's what this is about," Kelne said, "You know there's some maniac out in the street raving about the tournament and trying to recruit people." Smartz received a sidelong glance. Anybody who went about saying 'It is I, Chancellor Smartz undercover' lost a fair bit in his mental estimates of intelligence.

Then again, the man did set a mean trap from what Kelne remembered.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:20 am

Griff simply nodded.

"Yeah, we figured it might be a good idea to get some help with this, so we sent Jaeko to see if he could get anyone to come along."

Griff appeared to be about to say more, when Fred gave him a sharp nudge, then glowered at him. Sighing, Griff continued-

"By the way, Kelne. This is my dad, Frederick. Dad, this is Kelne."

Griff rolled his eyes, as Frederick extended a hand.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Kelne » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:33 am

"We've met, I believe," Kelne said, shaking Frederick's hand. The memory of him and Pervy competing to see who was the older and, perhaps, crazier, was firmly engaved upon his mind.

At least, that was what had come through to him from the conversation...

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:35 am

Having departed from Jaeko with a polite wave, Kyle made his way towards the Jade Dragon. Within minutes he had reached his destination, and entered. Looking about he saw several familiar faces. Kyle waved to them all, and headed towards Griff's table...

"Hiya" He said, in his usual smiling polite way.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=capntastic>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/30/03 12:38 am

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:45 am

Griff looked up at Kyle, and returned the smile with another look thats about as friendly as Griff goes.

"I was wondering when you'd show up. I take it you've heard about the tournament?"

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:52 am

Kyle nodded.

"Yeah, I was wondering when it is, and how long it is expected to be....I might be able to slip out of Doma for a few days and watch."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=capntastic>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/30/03 2:01 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:30 am

The whole time, Inverse had been watching quietly. Scheming, as it were. He didn't like this. At all.

"Why is that fool throwing this tournament? He ordered the deaths of children! He isn't going to honor anything the winner wants. I still say we poison him."

With that, the slimehalf fell into silence

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:42 am

Frederick turned to his slimey countryman and gave him a look.

"Well, how would you suggest we get close enough to him to poison him? That would require getting past those Black Soul Knights of his, and if they're anything like Jaeko, thats alot easier said then done."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:51 am

"Get a man in his kitchens, just like a said before," Inverse retorts. "Find out what meal is going to him, add a little something special. It'd take time, yeah. The guy we get in would need a few weeks to get some trust, yeah. But that's nothing when Vani keels over from a piece of tainted fish."

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby FlamingDeth » Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:15 am

If Kumiko could hear Jak Snide's thoughts, she would be furious. After all, comparing a high elf to those...things...that could barely ever be designated as people? Just plain madness. But as it was, the black mage remained safe from her wrath.

At the moment, though, she had heard enough about this tournament and vaguely impossible assassination plans. While she hadn't quite thought of a more plausible solution herself, it was only a matter of time. And speaking of time, she felt it time to let the mass of people know she was here.

Casually removing a piece of paper from the notebook she kept with her at all times, she wrote a short message on it, and folded it into a nice looking paper airplane. She sent it sailing towards Inverse, and then stood and began the short journay from her own table to theirs. Opening the paper, Inverse would find that it merely says, "Hello there, Slimehalf!", in the priestess's abnormally perfect handwriting.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:22 am

Inverse took it, read it, and grinned. His feelers had found him a couple of things about Kumiko since their last meeting. Looking toward her, he nods politely. Then he says, "My name is Inverse. And, it seems you have a habit of showing up when Frederick, Griff, and I get together.

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby FlamingDeth » Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:09 am

Kumiko shrugged. She certainly didn't intend for things to work out that way, but the will of Falis was sometimes complicated and unclear...if she was here, now, it was for a purpose. That aside, she sat down with her pad of paper, wrote a message once again, and handed it to Inverse.

"Has it yet occured to the lot of you that he may be using this tournament merely to get the likes of you to show your faces in the open?"

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Jak Snide
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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Jak Snide » Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:26 am

The paper airplain to the Barians brought Jak's attention back to the elf, and Inverse's reaction made him slightly less cautious, and a little more curious. Especially when another airplane made it's way across, the black mage spotting her writting on it first this time, now having turned to watch the group openly.

"She's a mute? Either that, or she's got some sort of complex about speaking in public. Perhaps her 'sweet elven voice' isn't worthy of us humans."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:33 am

"Of course it has," Inverse answered. "But this is also the first time the bastard's shown his face outside of Squall Castle for months. We gotta take this change before he destroys my homeland anymore."


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