The Price of Knowledge

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The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:56 am

The nation of Doma. Generally regarded as a focal point of strangeness, it had been said that half the trouble on Gaera and a good deal from other worlds passed through here.

Most recently, that trouble had consisted of all-out war. Speak to anyone across the country, and you would be hard-pressed to find a single person whose life had not been impacted.

Husar, a small town near the southern border of Doma, was no exception to this rule. Though never reached by any of Malachias's armies, many refugees had passed through here on their way to Nekonia, bringing tales of battles and atrocities, perhaps exaggerated, perhaps not.

In the weeks following the war, other concerns came to the forefront. There were crops to be harvested, and lives to be rebuilt. Still, many of the people went about their work with only half their attention, wondering what new disaster would disrupt their lives.

It was this environment in which several travelers found themselves. A small border town with only one inn and a few small stores, regarded by most as simply a stopping point along their travels. And certainly little had ever occurred to disabuse people of that notion.

Thus far, anyway.

Teal Musing

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Teal Musing » Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:09 pm

Aleanna as approached the unassuming town of Husar on the back of the brown mare, she considered her trip from Doma City thus far.

She had found a number of inn in a variety of towns in which to ply her trade. She was an accomplished lutist, with an enchanting voice, and she had found establishments that would allow her to work for tips easily enough. And despite the chaos that remained in the wake of the war, she had even earned enough to buy the mount she now rode in a small village a few days prior. True, Rye was an older mare, and the tack was probably equally as old, but it was certainly better than walking.

The ravages of the war were still clear scars on the landscape of Doma, but that was not what clouded Aleanna's generally good mood as she entered Husar. It was the complete lack of news about her father that dampened her spirits. When her journey began, she had entered each new town and village with renewed hope of even a hint of Niles Johansson's whereabouts, only to leave disappointed. Now, as she entered yet another town, she did not allow the hope to rise. The disappointment she would feel if she found nothing here would have been too great.

Perhaps I shall find something of interest in this little place, she thought, all the while believing this to be highly unlikely. A distraction would be good, for a time.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Raishilliah » Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:52 pm

Another traveler on the roads leading to Husar was Junira Korre. It so happened that she had decided to leave Doma City, and she was quietly plodding along, using her staff for a walking stick- something it could be easily mistaken for.

She wished she hadn't left so abruptly, but the whole mess of the war and the people around her was weighing heavily on her young mind.
Maybe I should have stayed a little longer... I could have at least gotten to say thank you to... Dan, I think it was, she mused.

In Doma City, she had found something she had never discovered before. Friends. There was someone who was willing to help her, several people that didn't leave when they felt her prescence... It was a completely new experience.

Given a new hope by their charity, she continued down the road toward where she could be of help to people- like the man who helped her.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:49 pm

Tinuviel yawned as she walked down the road, scratching behind her left ear as she did so.

"I have no idea what possessed me-" she began out loud, and finished in her thoughts, to leave Doma City. She looked around at the landscape and a brush of a smile touched her lips. The scenery here is much better than the slums, at least.

She wasn't out in the middle of nowhere for a particular reason; she just felt like walking. She had hugged and kissed Nana goodbye and went for a stroll that hadn't stopped yet.

"Well, this is-" a bit of a change, she said and thought as she saw the little town for the first time. Let's see what there's to do in a place like this! With that she broke out into a sprint, as she often does when excited, and shot towards the town.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Hawknfox » Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:44 pm

A trade caravan heading out of Doma City was currently passing through the town of Husar. Sydney quickly jumped off the caravan, slipping slightly in the travel worn mud. Grumbling as he smooths out his travelling coat, he took a few steps toward the nearby buildings.

Sydney had become a bit too well known for Doma. So well known, the only reason he was able to get even this far without incident with the authorities was the recent confusion due to the war.

"I should've left a month ago... Before this god damn war..." Sydney was thinking out loud as he walked into the doors to Husar's only inn. He should have done a lot of things. But thunking like that wasn't gonna help the trouble he was in.

He was meeting a man, an associate of sorts, whose job was to get him out of trouble such as this. That was why he was here, in the middle of nowhere. Damn, he hated this job.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:58 am

Meekly walking through the streets of just another small town, Zen thought fondly of her home town. She knew she couldn't go back. Her pack was light enough with her staff holding it shut and locked between her shoulder blades. This was her life. Her feet took her where they were needed and left with her attached when they felt it was right. She had now ended up in front of the only inn of the town called Husar. "Simple enough." She said as she entered the inn.

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby The Dark Gun » Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:45 am

Sonac sat in a corner of the front area of the inn, brooding over the large, and generally incomprehensible text before him. He flipped page after page, attempting to decipher the ancient text, and sighed. So much of it still was beyond his comprehension. He sighed, scanning the room. In a few days he would be moving on, but he wanted to be sure he had his supplies together.

He removed his monocle for a second, whiping it fastidiously clean, and then closing his book. He stood and stretched for a moment, and then turned, stepping carefully, heading towards the stairs back up to his room.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Raishilliah » Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:04 pm

Junira stumbled into the town, done with the journey. Her mind filled with the happy thought that she could soon stop and rest, probably at an inn.

Then it hit her. She didn't have any money. Utterly dissappointed, she trudged into the town. Perhaps she could sleep next to the inn or something.

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:14 pm

The inn was quite well maintained, really. There might not be any competition, but it was clear that the owner hadn't taken that as an excuse to rest on his laurels.

A soft murmer of conversation filled the common room, people discussing the day's events over a round of beer. Two people, however, seemed a bit out of place. One was recognisable by Sydney as his associate, a somewhat weedy man in an outfit of faded grey. He sat alone at a table in the corner, nursing his ale and giving the impression of being a down on his luck drifter.

Appearances were deceiving. Jules was, to Sydney's knowledge, a comfortably off smuggler who made his living arranging the transfer of goods and people between Doma and Nekonia. He wasn't entirely morally bankrupt, steering well clear of such enterprises as the drug trade, but he didn't tend to do anything unless there was money involved.

Spotting Sydney, Jules waved him over.

The other man who stood out was dressed in the clothes of a scholar, a far cry from the typical homespun of the locals. He was engaged in conversation with a table of old men near the fireplace. Every village, no matter how small, has at least one old man who knows everything about the place going back for decades. In this case, there were three.

Of course, their ability to keep to the subject at hand was directly proportional to the amount of drink a questioner was willing to ply them with. This seemed to provide no problem to the scholar, who kept up a steady stream of drinks from the bar.


Junira's perusal of the area of the inn revealed stables annexed to it. Though small, with space for only three horses or chocobos, there was plenty of room, with only one occupant at the moment - a rather placid looking blue chocobo. It seemed possible that the innkeep would let her sleep there, perhaps in exchange for helping out about the place. Well, maybe not. But it couldn't hurt to ask.

As far as excitement went, Tinuviel didn't really see much. Just a typical sleepy backwater town in the throes of a quiet afternoon. In accordance with certain universal laws, there were a few youths loitering on the town's one and only street corner, not really doing much. Aside from the inn and a general store, there weren't really many places of interest.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Hawknfox » Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:22 pm

Sydney was quick to pick out his man, Jules, from the crowd, and slowly walked over to the table next to Jules, sitting with his back to the somewhat seedy character. After ordering a drink from a passing bar maid and waiting till she was well out of earshot, he began speaking, still not looking to Jules.

"Ya know, I'm a wanted man... You shouldn't act like you know me."

Jules turned around, putting his hand on Sydney's shoulder.

"Syd, there's not a Doman guard for ten miles. No one here has even heard of Sydney Cartwright, much less knows what he looks like. Relax..."

A grumbling Sydney turned around, looking a bit miffed, and still quite a bit wary of everyone else in the tavern.

"It's easy for you to say. You don't have to sneak out of the country."

Jules laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, well I have to get your sorry ass out... You need anything besides transportation?"

Sydney dug into the pocket of his coat, pulling 5 200 Doman gil coins, opening the hand to let Jules see. He then closed his hand, putting the money back in his pocket.

"I need a box of .45 cartridges, and the methods to get across the border. I'll take care of the transportation."

Sydney waited patiently for Jules response.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:51 pm

Zen slowly waded her way about the room. She was used to the beer and the stupidity caused by the men due to its consumption. It was life for her traveling all the time. But the one thing she always loved to do was watch the people of the town. See their mannerisms and habits. She sat down at a little table alone and began to watch those in the tavern. Making the visual rounds she saw the workers who were tired form the days work and those who lived in the room just for the beer, the old men telling their stories for the scholar, the one who abandoned his drink for the seclusion of his rented room, then the oddballs. Two men seated about three tables over from her seemed out of place. One seemed eerily familiar.

A woman brought her bread to eat and as Zen slowly ate her gaze turned back to the man at the table. She wasn't trying to be rude but couldn't quite place where she had seen him before.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Raishilliah » Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:22 pm

Junira's eyes sparked with an idea as she saw the stables. Perhaps... perhaps she could stay there, she realized. Of course, she would ask, for she didn't want to frighten them. Who knows what they would think if she was found lying in a stable...

She cautiously snuck into the inn, keeping her head down the whole time. If people wanted to stare at her, she'd let them.

"Excuse me..." she said to the inkeep, almost in a whisper. "I don't have the money to stay... well, here..., but... could I stay in the stables, maybe? I could... well, pay you back sometime... or help out around here... or... or something!" She ended on a bit of a desperate note. After all, who would want to sleep in the streets? Even a stable would be better than that.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:00 pm

Tinuviel slowed down once she had reached the town. Wow, kind of a pit compared to some other places I've been she thought, looking around. She spotted the inn and smiled once more, not noticing some of the odd stares she was receiving.

"An inn means people-" she said out loud, and that means fun! she finished in her mind, and began walking towards the inn door.

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:20 pm

"Not many people wanting to be smuggled across the border these days," Jules said, "But I know a few people. They'll get you across the border, once they've got some business done."

The innkeep, upon seeing Junira, got that shivery look about him that she was so familiar with. Still, he seemed to be dealing with the feeling of inexplicable dread fairly well. "I'm alright for help, but you're welcome to stay in the stables. Just make sure to leave the place as you found it."

As Tinuviel entered, a voice cut through the general hubbub of the inn. It was one of the old men who'd been talking to the scholar. "Ye dun' want t' mess with them ruins, lad. More than yer life's worth. And ye'll not be findin' any locals to join ye in such insanity."


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:24 pm

Tinuviel smiled, and thought (completely in her head for once), Ruins eh? Sounds like a business oppurtunity to me!

She approached the older man, smiling sweetly and exposing her teeth. "Excuse me, sire, but did you just mention something about ruins?" She batted her eyelashes a few times and took a deep breath as she asked him.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Raishilliah » Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:41 pm

Junira's eyes lit up, though they dimmed a bit at his obvious uncomfort. Ah well. She had become used to that. Before she left, she turned with a smile.
"Thank you." And she meant it with her heart.

The Dark Gun
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The Price of Knowledge

Postby The Dark Gun » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:31 pm

Having poked about a bit in his room, and realizing he still had a good deal of supplies to purchase before he could set off he was just exiting his room when the word "ruins" was first said, and coming down the stairs again when it was repeated. He adjusted his monocle with his left hand, and looked over towards the old man and Tinuviel. He approached them at a stately pace, instantly interestead, but not meaning to intrude. He would find out what the nature of these ruins were, and what sort of people were going to enter them. If there was no chance of him coming away with more of the information he needed, he saw little reason to go into a ruin.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Hawknfox » Sat Dec 13, 2003 8:22 pm

Once they've got their business done? Great. That meant that he might be in Doma for a few more weeks, something he definitely didn't want to happen. He shook his head as his ale was finally delivered.

Sydney reflected on his current situation. This was a stop over town, so anyone who stayed longer then a night or two was likely to come under suspicion. Meaning he had to find somewhere to lay low, yet remain close enough to the town so Jules could contact him when need be...

Now to find somewhere to bide his time...

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:11 am

Finishing off her small meal, Zen caught hold of the elders conversation about runes. She stood and walked to the inn keeper and asked softly "Could I have a room for the night, sir? " After a moment she added politely "Are those elder's information reliable?"

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:23 am

"Wouldn't ye just know it," the old man muttered, upon hearing Tinuviel, "Speak o' the ruins and up pops a crazy person to investigate 'em. Take my advice, lass - there's noone ever got anythin' out o' them ruins but an early grave."

At this point the scholar interjected, "Be that as it may, my fellows were investigating reports of an ancient library here, and I fear they may have come to grief within the ruins. It is my duty to ascertain their fates."

"'Tis yer funeral lad. I've been givin' ye fair warnin'."


"It's ten gil for a room," the innkeep said, after nodding in parting to Junira, "As for the elders, they're pretty reliable plovided you're not asking about property boundaries or the weather. They always disagree there."

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:09 pm

Smiling innocently at the inn keeper, Zen reached deep into her one bag and pulled out some coins. Peering at them hard she laid down a few saying "Thank you."

Zen walked over to the table with the old men and asked "What causes you to say those who go there only find an early grave? What curses lay over the ruins?"


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:36 pm

Tinuviel continued grinning as she followed the conversation. This is gonna be great! she thought. Tinuviel looked at the old man and winked.

"Thanks fer the warning, old timer, but I think I can handle myself fairly well." She turned to look at the scholar, cracking her knuckles as she did so. "If you need some back up going to these ruins, then I wouldn't accompanying you. I would require a cut of any treasure found, of course."

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Fri Dec 19, 2003 1:42 am

"They say that the spirits of the restless dead haunt that place, ever ready to entrap the living. And there's the traps, of course." The old men nodded sagely. Every ancient ruin had traps. It was a well-known fact.

"I would welcome aid," the scholar said, nodding to Tinuviel, "Though I fear the treasures will be mostly treasures of the mind. Still, I am certain that if nothing to your liking is forthcoming, compensation can be arranged."


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:42 pm

Tinuviel nodded, muttering to herself, "Traps can be dealt-" with. And usually easily. She looked back up at the scholar.

"Alrighty then, bucko. When do we leave? And what kind of supplies should I get? And should we look for more help?" She let loose a barrage of questions as she stood there, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby The Dark Gun » Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:13 pm

After watching passively for a period, he decided that he liked this proposition, and stepped forwards to join in the talk.

"I too would be interestead in such an endevour. Perhaps some of these 'treasures of the mind' will help me in my quest to descipher this."

With those words he hefted the large tome, carrying it, as usual, under his right arm.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Dec 20, 2003 7:24 pm

"Thank you sir for the information." Zen said with a kind smile to the old men. Turning to the two adventurers she meekly looked from one to the other, then asked "Could I possibly join you in the little quest for knowledge?"


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:16 am

Tinuviel grinned as she looked to the two new people.

"Sure ya can join in!" she yelled, immediately taking over the role as head of the party. "We can use all the help we can get." She then looked them over more carefully, scanning up and down. "My name's Tinuviel. How will the two of ya be able to help us out?"

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:26 pm

Zen leaned her head to the side as Tinuviel jumped into the role of leader. She couln't help but smile slightly. "You can call me Zen, please. As for help in this adventure, I can hold my own in a fight, and have gone threw a few interesting situations over my years."


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Hawknfox » Mon Dec 22, 2003 1:32 am

Sydney had heard the word 'treasure', and the wheels of thought were put into motion. He looked to the old man and the would be adventurers, then back to Jules.

"Well, let me know when they're ready. I'll keep in touch."

With that, he walked over toward the conversation. As long as the pay was good, he was willing to do just about anything within reason. Including murder them after the job was done. Well, only if they weren't nice people... And they had enough money...

"So, what's this about needing help?"

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:49 pm

The scholar looked about at all the helpful, smiling, and possibly treasure-hungry faces surrounding him and beamed cheerfully. "This is a stroke of luck. I'd expected to have to wait for an expedition from the capital. As it is, we can start out tomorrow. The ruins are no more than half a day's travel south from what I've been able to determine, hardly within the bounds of the so-called 'forbidden' plains at all. Supplies, let's see. Rope, you can never have too much rope. Lamps and oil. Food and water for a week, not that I expect we'll need that much, but you never can tell. And of course the usual archaeological equipment. Don't worry about that, I've got it covered. Am I missing anything?"

Somewhere in that spiel, the man must have paused for breath, but it was impossible to tell where.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:11 pm

Zen looked at the scholar, eyes wide. "And they say women can talk the ears off of anything." She said sarcastically. Then covered her mouth suddenly, embarrassed by what she said.

She turned her gaze from the Scolar to the newest person. She took a step back when she realized it was the man that had been seated at the table across from her. She still had an errie feeling about him.

She squinted her eyes slightly then looked him squarely in the eyes asking "Who are you? We've run into each other somewhere... I'm almost positive of it."


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Hawknfox » Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:54 pm

Sydney blinked... Crap, recognition. That sounded like something someone would say before running to the local guard to collect a bounty. And then things could get pretty messy. Best to diffuse the situation.

"Eh, I get that a lot... I must look like someone important."

His smiling face was the image of convincing honesty.


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Raishilliah » Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:18 pm

Junira had proceeded to the stables as the rest talked. She felt a strange premonition, as if she would soon be leaving... with people that did exist. In her eyes, those were one in a thousand.

Nevertheless, she settled down to rest near the chocobo. It wasn't exactly proper shelter, but at least it was better than being out.

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby The Dark Gun » Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:32 pm

Sonac nodded.

"So, when do we leave? If it's going to be shortly there are a few things I'd like to retrieve from my room."

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:11 am

"If it's not too much to ask, I would like a good night's sleep before we start out on this adventure. I've been hiking through forest for about a week and a warm bed is something I look forward to for at least one night." Zen said as she stared down at the beer stained floor slightly embarrassed. "Plus I already paid for my room for the night, and there is room enough for someone else also."


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:21 am

Tinuviel grinned broadly as she followed everyone's conversations. This is sure to be a fun time! she thought as she looked down at Zen.

"A night of rest seems like a wondeful plan to me! I just got in from a good run, so I feel ya on that one." Tinuviel stretched while standing, flexing her claws and yawning widely. "If ya don't mind, mssy, I'd like to bunk with ya."

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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Kelne » Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:20 am

"Tomorrow will be soon enough, I'm sure," the scholar said, "I may call it a night soon myself. It'll be a busy day tomorrow, after all."

The Dark Gun
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Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby The Dark Gun » Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:23 pm

"Ah, certainly, ceratianly. I will meet with the rest of you tomorrow then."

Nodding smartly, he heads back up the stairs to get his things in order.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby Estrella Y Luna » Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:35 pm

"All right. I guess I will see you all in the morning." Zen said as she began to walk away, then a thought hit her and she turned back to the group. "Um, you think we should get a horse or chocobo to help carry the supplies or anything we find?"


Re: The Price of Knowledge

Postby PopoSujo » Sat Jan 03, 2004 12:17 am

Tinuviel squinted at Zan for a moment. Must not've heard me.

"That sounds lovely. If ya think you can hook us up with one, then by all means, do it." Now, she thought, all I have to do is find somewhere to stay.


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