Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

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Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:35 pm

In Argovia, on the island of Alahana, dawn was breaking. The sun was a flaming orange jewel in the sky, truly a sight to behold. The many people awake, however, weren't all paying attention to this sight. After all, the merchants saw it almost every day.

Despite the early hour, these merchants were bustling, hurrying to set up their stalls and booths for the day's business. Black-skinned Alahanan drow, dark-skinned humans, a few brown-skinned bastets from Tristes, and even the odd Long* from Terumahilana all were readying their wares, placing them along shelves and on open clothes to their best advantage.

Marana was a tourist town on Alahana's west coast. It was known for its daily market, which attracted merchants from all over Argovia and and buyers from all over Argovia and Igala. And today, as the sun peeked above the horizon to throw its first rays on the expansive marketplace, the market had just opened up.

"Fish! Fresh fish for sale! Shrimp, scallops, squid! All the scrumptious treasures of the sea for cheap cheap cheap!"

"'And carved figurines of de finest craftsmanship! Great souvenirs and fine gifts, all for an affordable price!"

"Fresh fruit! Sweet, tangy, and perfectly ripe!"

"Marispolan artifacts! Beautiful pieces of art, fine sculptures and constructs to decorate your home or business! Great conversation starters...!"

"Furniture! 'And-crafted, intricate, beautiful and sturdy furniture! We will ship to your 'ome country for a minimal fee--"


<small>(OOC: Long are Argovian dragons. For information about Argovia, look at pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/3/03 9:50 pm

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:51 pm

(OOC:I've been planning this for a while...don't mind me)

All of a sudden, a dark blue vortex opens up, vomiting a human with blue hair and a trenchcoat out onto the ground inside the market. Before he could get up, the gate disappeared, barring the way back for Kamos. As the man pulled his face up from the ground, he looked around....this didn't feel like Valthi weather, nor did this look like Valth....

Where the fuck IS this place?! This is obviously not Valth....But at least it's somewhere where I can buy something....maybe I could find something of use here...or perhaps a fucking JOB....Doma's been too peaceful lately anyway...

The confused Valthi/Chimera looked around some more, examining the shops...

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:55 pm

Kamos's sharp eye caught a delicate-looking booth constructed of sheets tossed over a thin wooden frame. It looked like a gust of wind might knock it over, yet it stood well enough on its own. The merchant taking care of it was a Peli bastet, with deep chocolate skin covered in bright, angular green runes.

But what really caught Kamos's eyes were the technological-looking "trinkets" he had spread out over shelves and sheets.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:05 pm

And as for these "trinkets"...Kamos was indeed intrigued. He HAD to get a closer look at them...He dragged himself toward the booth, tired and exhausted from the gate, but he just HAD to get a closer look....

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:09 pm

"Hello there!" the vendor greeted Kamos cheerfully. "Interested in any of these works of art? Genuine Marispolan creations, they are! Straight from the sea! These make great centerpieces for tables, or knickknacks for an office or home shelf."

The "trinkets" themselves looked like a mismatched assorted bunch. Amongst others, there was a dull silver cube with various pictures carved on each side, a circular gear-like item on a leather string, and a rather strangely-shaped contraption with a lever that moved some cylinders, and appeared to do nothing else.

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/3/03 10:17 pm

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:23 pm

Kamos motioned to the cube, and said groggily, "I'd like to examine that, if you don't mind..."

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:26 pm

The merchant handed the cube to Kamos. It appeared to be a simple, metal cube, with pictures of local-looking flora and fauna on 5 of its 6 sides. Yet...

"Do you like that, ah? I have something else to show you, then...something very special..."

The merchant reached back and unlocked a safe. He pulled out another cube, slightly smaller than the last one, and shinier. He set it on the table in front of Kamos, smooth side down.

"Try setting it on one of the pictured sides, the leettle one," the merchant suggested with a twinkle in his eye.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:49 am

Mazu Ulu walked in the marked a brown kirin trailing him. Everyone knew his as Blue though, and the runic markings on his body that faintly glowed blue were a good indication as to why.

"Ey, now dere." He asked a random merchant. "Where can I get me some food rations?"

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:10 am

Bunny walked slowly into the town, glancing around. She wore a short skirt and some armor over Her shoulder and chest. A pair of long black boats reached to her knee.

It was a welcome change to Her other cloths, witch had concealed Her true appearance for a long time.

She had never been in a place like this befor, and everything seemed so new. She stopped at a small booth and looked over some small charms, as she leaned on her walking stick.

She turned and walked on, Her ears twitching as she walked. She smiled as she saw a fruit stand and walked over.

"Oh, wow." She said looking it over. "How much?" She said pointing to a random piece off of fruit.


Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:20 am

(OOC: Time for stupid big intro to new characters Time!! =O Gasp! )


"MONKEY! Get Back here!!" A very angry mother cried out as her son ran off, backpack over his shoulder down towards the market with an eager expression on his face.

The Father put his hand on his wives shoulder and shook his head. "The boy will be the ruin of us all..." The mother said sighing and patting the reassuring hand. The Father, though saying nothing, agreed. He could see he was going to have to get this child out of the family officially as soon as he possibly or could risk all of there reputations.

He has had a bad feeling about the boy ever since the circumstances around his birth, and leaving the naming of the child to some old barbarian from another land.

Monkey knew not what his family was thinking though as he ran off to the market, eager to finally make some sort of profit. The dark skinned drow was still but a young "teenager" for a drow, his bright white smile almost glowed as he ran happily. His eyes were orange, his hair is silver, he weights a good 8 Stone, he isn't tall and isn't small, his favorite food is Roasted Meat with Lettuce, Tomatoes, melted cheese and lots of herbs. He likes seemly everything, though especially likes relaxing on really hot days and he hates freezing cold nights.

Today was the day, he thought, as he jumped over a small cart left on the floor as the nearby merchant was haggerling over some price. Today was the day he would actually sell something.

"Monkey! We're over here, and you're late!" Another young Drow shouted out, leaning on a cart and waving out.
"Tch, you expected anything less from this idiot gorilla?" Said another drow, with droopy eyes and blond hair. His expression was a mean one.

"Sorry!" Monkey said, without looking sorry at all as he plunked his backpack onto the cart. "Argh! What's the druppy doing here?" He said, referring to the drow who had spoken last.

In retaliation the drow smacked Monkey over the head with a loud shout of "Idiot!".
"I'm here to cover your ass when they try and move your baboon ass outta here again!" The droopy eyed drow was named Dark Moon, a rather boorish name, but one Dark seemed to enjoy. He was a tall well built drow and was wrapped in priests robes, though his manner more screamed out Young Punk.

"Come on you two, now's not the time, not the time at all. We must set up shop and try and sell our goods to the lovely people out there." This was Promise, a tall, skinny drow, with a friendly expression. His manner was that of the nice elder brother you always wished you had.

"Right!" Monkey said with an overly dramatic punch the sky jump.

It didn't take much time to set up shop, what was in the backpack was all they had. An assortment of trinkets, like a dead eel wrapped in red string, or a lizard with yellow dyed feet and a strange ruin on it, and other odd things, were laid out on the cart.

"Urrgh" Dark said, looking over the disgusting display. "Good luck there." And sat down to the side of the cart and lit a small pipe and started to smoke.

Promise shook his head and looked to Monkey. "If you will, Monkey, it's time." And bowed a small polite bow. Monkey nodded and walked out in front of the cart and breathed in.

"Come one, come all! We have the greatest treatments for all your needs!!" Monkeys voice boomed over everyone's. Even for a teenager, he was loud and was starting to attract everyone's attention just by that alone.

"Ever had the runny shits!? Ever had a crap so big it hurt and keep on getting em!? Your Dick got boils!? Ya pubic hair got Lice!? Well we sell all the treatments for these and more! Can't get the shit out? We have medicines and charms to help YOU!"

Needless to say eevryone adverted there attention from the stall after that. If nothing else no one wanted to be seen buying anything from it.


( OOC: I'll stop there =P for now )

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/4/03 6:26 am

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:41 am

Bunnies head turned away from the fruit and she stared a a boy shouting something about something. She had been preoccupied with the fruit.

She wasn't really interested in the items the boy was selling, but he seemed enthusiastic, something she enjoyed seeing no matter what the case. She walked towards him and his companions her ears pointing forward.

She slung her pack onto her back and smiled at the boy.

"Hi." She said waving. "What kinds of things are you selling?"


Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:16 am

"OH!" Monkey said, smiling someone had come up to him. "Hey there!" With that he grabbed one of her hands with both of his and held it up. "We sell the very best medicine for all of upsetting problems!"

And before Bunnie could even say anything else he started to drag her to the cart, keen to try and sell something.

"We have stuff for sorting out foot maggots, nail diseases, rotten skin and puking! Like this here!" And pointed to a yellow mouldy tooth with a piece of string attached on it. "You wear that around your wrist and Lice will trouble you no longer! And then there's this, that will sort out all your gas problems! and that over there cures eye moss!"

From behind the cart, Promise stood there smiling, watching Monkey work, and Dark was more then a little shocked someone had come up to talk to him freely. Normally Monkey had to basically tackle people before they even spoke to him.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/4/03 10:22 am

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:51 pm

Blue raised an eyebrow at the drow boys. "Oh man, nottanudda bunch o' thieves." He smiled a little and shook his head, content to watch the supposed scamming.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:17 pm

Bunny laughed a bit at the names of all the illnesses the boy had been talking about. She had never had a problem with any of the ones he mentioned but had already decided to buy something off of him, mainly as a reward for his exciting sells technic.

"I suppose I will buy something." She said with a grin. She put her hand on her chin and brushed her short brown hair from her eyes. Her long ears moved back as she thought.

"Hmm, Oh I know. Do you have anything that can cure poison?" She asked with a smile. "All of these things you were talking about sound really great, but I could use a poison cure."


Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:21 pm

Dark's left eye twitched and seemed to suddenly want to get up in a hurry when Promise laid a hand on his shoulder and pushed him down again.

"Oy!" Dark shouted at his friend, angrily turning his attention to him. "You heard that Blue freak too no doubt! I'll fucking rip his lips off and make them kiss my ass!!" Dark made no effort to quieten down either. "Fucking called us a bunch of thieves!!

Promise just put his finger to his mouth and "Shh"'d the angry drow. "Calm down now, we don't need any trouble and he didn't say it that loudly, look..." He pointed to Monkey who was still showing Bunnie an assortment of good. "He didn't even notice so shh. Please."

--*after edit*--

Monkey was frantically searching through the goods, looking for a poison antidote. "Aww man, poison, poison..." With a sudden "AAAA!" the boy picked up a large claw of some animal and held it in front of Bunnie.

"Here! This cures and stops you getting the horrible green skin spleen coloured blood poison, one of the most deadliest of all non-leathful poisons out there! Ask Promise for the price." He said with a jester towards the man.

( OOC: Sorry Bunniegirl. I ended up replying to Amanda's before you posted ^_^;; - So I edited and changed this )

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/4/03 2:33 pm

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:34 pm

Bunnies right ear moved towards the other merchants. She smiled at them and waved. She had herd there conversation, but it didn't matter to her really. She trusted the boy, and he didn't appear to be a thief to her.

She wasn't one to jump at comments of passer byes. She herself had dealt with many side glances because of her rabbit apreance.

Besides, money wasn't anything she really cared about, and she often tried to get rid off of it when she could.


Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:52 pm

Monkey glared at Dark. "Druppy! Shut up, we're making a sale!!" Dark flipped off Monkey with a "Idiot Gorilla!" but sat back down and didn't say anything more. Promise had taken the claw and examined it.

"I'd say, a mere humble $150 wouldn't you?" Promise said finally, and smiled a charming smile all the way through

"Promise!" Monkey said with a huff, "Its out first sale of the day, make it $50!"

"But the magic involved is quite complex Monkey, say $120?" Promise said going into merchant haggle mode.
"115... Monkey..." Promise stopped, rubbing his forehead with his right hand. "I believe its customary for the buyer to haggle the price down, not the merchant right?"

Monkey looked shocked for a second then deeply blushed and bowed his head so you couldn't see his eyes from his hair. "<span style="font-size:x-small;">Yeah.. sorry... but I was just excited at the idea of selling something</span>" He said, meekly.

"Now lady." Promise said turning to Bunnie. "Is $60 a good price?"

(OOC: $ = to whatever currecy they are using)

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/4/03 2:54 pm

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:09 pm

Blue glared at the young boy with disgust. "Ya 'ear dat, Kurse? I outta put a silencer on dat mout'. Where d'cops when you need dem?"

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:44 pm

(OOC: Yuro is the currency of Alahana. You all seem to be doing well, so I'll "GM" again as needed/when the CI wraps up.)

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:59 pm

Bunny laughed at the two and smiled.

"Your funny." She said and paid the sixty. She then reached into her money pouch and took out 20$ and handed it to Monkey.

"This is for you, your very entertaining." She said. "And you don't need to call me Lady. My names Bunny."

She took her item and walked off humming to herself. She then stopped and smiled to herself.

"Wow!" She said taking out her item. "What a wonderful item! I can't believe I got such a great deal over there." She said pointing towards Monkey and the others. "Any one with brains should go there."

She sighed to herself and walked on.

"Gee," she said rubbing her chin. "Maybe that was a bit over the top."


Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:50 pm

Monkey gawked at Bunny as she walked away and looked to Promise. Promise slowly and carefully placed his fingers in his ears, as he had read what was coming.

Monkey gave a huge long cry of "Yeah!!" Not only had they finally sold something, a general first for him, but he had been given a tip, something that was basically unheard of and she had said something nice to try and help.

Monkey pointed to himself and looked very cocky and proud of himself. "And she gave me a tip Promise, ya see? A tip to me! Me a tip! Hurray!"

Promise nodded and bowed and waved to try and calm Monkey down. "Yes, Yes, a wonderful gift Monkey, you deserved it for all your hard work"

The two unforantly hadn't noted that Dark had moved from his sitting postion and was now at the man named Blue glaring at him. "You got something you want to say to me asshole?" and kicked some dust and stones from where his foot lay.

The Drow in his priest robes (Dark) looked the one called Blue over with his icy stare.

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/03 8:23 am

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Jun 05, 2003 6:01 am

Kamos then asked the all-important question when dealing with magical stuff...

"How do I know that this won't blow up in my face or fry me or anything of the such?"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:25 pm

'Tinker, where are you leading me?' Cried the silver-and-spiky-haired ten year old in the crude leather armour as a green-haired girl of a similar age and in similar garb ran through the market ahead of him.

'Just come on, Stab! I've found a really cool stall! There are all sorts of swords and stuff!'

Stab grinned and whooped, and increased his pace. 'Cool! Hurry up, Tinker! Show me where it is!'

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:48 pm

"Because that would be bad for business," the merchant replied to Kamos simply, sounding slightly miffed. "Why would I carry stuff like that and not warn people? I wouldn't stay in business very long!"


The man behind counter at a weapons' shop frowned as he saw two kids headed in his direction. He certainly hoped they weren't headed to HIS shop...

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:27 pm

Fortunately for him, they weren't. Unfortunately for him, they saw his stall before they reached their intended destination.

'Hey, Tinker, look at that shiny axe!'


The two youths weaved through the crowd to stand in front of his stall, staring at the weaponry.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:34 pm

The axe they spotted was indeed shiny. So was the cutlass underneath it, the row of daggers to the right, and the broadsword to the left. Some of the daggers featured bastet runes on them, while others featured intricate Common script. Some of the swords and daggers looked imported...

The merchant grunted disapprovingly and made a big show of looking for more promising customers.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:58 pm

'Hey mister, I'm Amstab Riechter and I'm looking for a sword. So's me friend, Tinkerbell.'

'Stab, look at that wavy one!' Squealed Tinker with delight, tugging at Stab's sleeve.

'Cooooool... How much is it, my good man!' Stab barks pompously, puffing out his chest in a vain attempt to look impressive.

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/03 5:19 pm

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:02 pm

The merchant perked up a bit...maybe these kids were serious. After all, lord knows some parents gave their kids way too much money to spend...

"Dat one is a steal...only a 'undred yuros..." he replied, looking over to the sword in question and nodding.

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/03 5:03 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:23 pm

'Yuros, yuros...' Muttered Stab, rummaging in his pack. 'Remind me again, what do they look like again?'

Tinker, meanwhile, was studying a rapier with a wide grin on her face.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:31 pm

"Yuro! You know...metal coins like dis..."

The merchant pulled out a 1 yuro coin from his pocket. The coin was a large gold doubloon, featuring some dead chief on the front and a lucky kirin on the back. "Like dis," he repeated. "They come in ones, fives, tens, twenty-fives, and 'undreds."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:48 pm

'Right, right...' He says, digging around in the pack again.

'Aha!' Exclaims Stab, pulling out a big coin. 'So this one's worth how much, my man?'

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:57 pm

The merchant looks at the coin and appears thoughtful for a moment.

"Why...d'at's worth 50 yuro. Two of d'ose can get you d'at sword over d'ere d'at you want..."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 05, 2003 6:11 pm

'So that means it's worth 100 yuros, thankyou my good man!' Says Stab, handing over the coin and taking the sword off the stall. 'Does it come with a scabbard? And is there anything you want, Tinker?'

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Jun 05, 2003 7:01 pm

Bunny yawned as she stretched her arms. She then swung her walking stick over her shoulder.

She sat down under a tree on a rock and watched as people passed by. She smiled and scratched her head.

"Gee I wonder what I should do now." She said leaning on her knees and glancing around.

She laughed to herself and stood up.

"He he, I know. ." She walked off towards the fruit stands.

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:47 pm

The merchant grunted. "No scabbard, jus' da stand mounted on da wall d'ere...go ahead and take it off now..."

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:09 pm

Kamos unsurely placed the small cube on top of the large one, and then backed away slowly, unsure of potential destructive effects...

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:21 pm

Kamos discovered that nothing happened.

"No, no!" the merchant exclaimed, waving his hands slightly. "Take the leetle one, and place it on one of the pictured sides...the big one is broken, don't worry about that one."

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Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:44 pm

Blue idled over to the boys. "'Ey dere now, how do you expect anyone to believe dese 'ere goods are really magical? Is dere a guaranteeee?" He leaned down and peered at Promise, an eyebrow raised.


Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 06, 2003 4:11 am

Dark was rather annoyed at being swept past and was shaking with rage, his bottom lip was even tremberling. However he was so shook with rage he wasn't moving and was just standing there.

Promise looked to Blue.

"A good question indeed!" He said and patted his forehead with his right hand softly, a rather odd thing he does now and then.


... and that seemed to be that for now, as Promise just stood there smiling politely.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Marana's Market (Argovia CIRP; freestyle, open to all!)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jun 06, 2003 8:40 am

Tinker tugged Stab's sleeve and pointed at the shiny axe they had seen earlier.

'Can I have that, Stab?'

'Sure you can, Tinker!' Grinned Stab, thinking of the small pile of similar coins to the one he had just used in the bottom of his pack. 'How much is it, sir?'


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