Collector's Item (Freestyle serious rp - ask before joining)

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Justice Augustus
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Collector's Item (Freestyle serious rp - ask before joining)

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:07 pm

He watched Castle Doma through his binoculars, watching the exit he knew that she used for her little ambles through the countryside. He waited, because he had a purpose. He is known only as The Huntsman, while he may only look like a dwarf there is far more to him than meets the eye. Access to vastly superior technology allows him to become the perfect predator, none can escape him. None, until now...

"Three times....

Nobody has ever escaped from me three times before...

A couple managed it once, one even managed it twice...but three times? Oh you're good girl, you're good...but now you will be mine, for am I not the Huntsman, and are you not my prey?"

The door creaked open, and a little fuzzy head poked out, looked both way to make sure there were no guards about to report her to the Queen, and then Ayra popped out, and ran across the grounds to the woodland beyond. The Huntsman smiled, here among the trees he was at his prime, with all the vantage points in the foliage he would not fail. And this time she didn't have any friends around to stop him from grabbing her. He loaded the tranquiliser dart into his rifle, and set up his sights, watching Ayra slowly walk through the beautiful forest, admiring all the trees. He aimed, and aimed, and made sure that there was no margin for error, and then he fired.

There was no bang, no crack of gunfire, just a quiet thwip as the dart sped toward her neck, finding its mark and burrowing into her flesh, realising its venom into her body, sending her into a sleep to last an hour. He dropped from the low branch he was perched on and ran towards her. He pulled out what appeared to be a little black disk, only a palm's breath in diameter. Yet when he pulled at its edges it stretched out to two feet at least. He grabbed the sleeping child and pushed her into the disk. Despite it appearing to be only a millimeter thick she disappeared inside it. The Huntsman smiled, his task was complete, but it was a long walk back to his employer, his master.

(OOc - Indeed...first rp...but it has a strong plot! Woot!)
<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>

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Asking for a place.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:20 pm

(OOC: Is it alright if I join in with Kilra. That is, asuming this is a freestyle RP.)

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Asking for a place.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:26 pm

(OOC - Actually I don't think anyone can join yet, because I need DC to post first. Also it might be best if your char actually knows Ayra, or something...)
<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:29 pm

(OOC: Okay, I'll wait. And Kilra does know Ayra. ^_^)


Re: Asking for a place.

Unread postby KraKeN » Sun Apr 28, 2002 4:33 pm

(Occ: I'd like to join with Kraken if possible he has met the Queen of Doma once and adventured with her, though not completely willingly) <p><center><table border=1><tr><td>Image</td><td><center><a>*Take it or leave it*</a></center></td></tr></table></center>

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Totally unaware?

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Apr 28, 2002 5:35 pm

(Same event posted in the first post, just through a slightly different point of view)

As far as things went, Ayra had it easy. Hardly a care or responsibility in the world, Ayra enjoyed seeminly countless days of frolicking in the forest, talking to her friends, playing wild games of tag in the castle with the many other children that somehow seemed to slip their way in past the many guards.

However, over the past two weeks or so, Ayra had fallen victim to three different accounts of being shot with knock out darts. At first Aya berated Taiar for hitting her younger sister with tranquilizers but as Janice and a few other witnesses could attest, Taiar was not the culprit. Either way, since the incidents, Aya had warned her younger sister to be more careful when out playing and as a precaution, helped Ayra learn how to use the telepathic link she shared with her sisters to communicate.

Like any other day, Ayra slipped out the door, easily evading the guards (some of which had been warned to report to Aya if her little sister had left) and skittering off into the woods. She grinned, shouting a hello out to Old, a tree friend of hers, as she ran past, zooming through the place, hoping to find her rabbit friend Finde or one of the many other people she had made friends with.

A slight frown crossed her face as an odd scent filled her nostrils, a familiar scent, one she had experenced before...three times before. Before she could connect the incidents to the smell, a sharp pain was felt in her neck as a knockout dart embeded itself into her skin. Ayra emitted a starteled yelp of surprise, her body becomming slugish, her eyelids heavy. Whimpering, she tried to turn back, but only managed to make it no less than five feet before her body slumped to the ground. By now, Ayra had fully come to terms with what was going on. As she began to drift off to sleep she shot out with one last, loud, telepathic cry to both of her sisters.....



Smiling, Aya gently set Elle down in her crib, making a funny face at her child, a proud grin accross her face for the life she had brought into the world. "What a cute little princess you're going to grow up as big as anyone who's half inherited my height will be... and rule Doma like a pro---"

Aya's eyes suddenly widened in horror.



Meanwhile in Ayenee, Ara sat upon the couch in her living room, lazily reading over her copy of the [i[ Historea Dracorum [/i], frowning with disgust, "Hmph, the PURPOSEFULLY omitted the slaughter of the ancient many generations of ryuuzoku have they been feeding this propagan---"


O.O "AYRA!!!" Snarling, Ara leapt from her couch, grabbing ahold of the dragon king sword leaning against her coffee table, her free hand pointed at the air in front of her, chanting and gesturing her hand about, a blue light appearing in front of her. The blue light grew, splitting open the air in front of her into an interdimensional tear, her own body glowing a bright golden color, pulsating along with the light of the gate. Saying no more, she dashed into the tear.

Mere seconds later, the blue light split open directly besides the shocked Aya, bathing her bedroom in a shining illuminescence. " heard right?!" she shot at her sister quickly, her features curling into anger, ears pinned down.

Aya nodded slowly, "I heard...someone....someone took Ayra...." anger began to show upon her as well, fists balled at her side, trembling.

"Someone's gotta death wish sis..." Ara said solemly, resting her sword on her shoulder.

"Damned straight they do..." OVO#

"Let's go make that guy's wishes come true..."

Aya replied with a curt nod, calling for one of her handmaids, "Make sure Elle is taken care of while I'm gone and put all the guards in the castle on alert. If any unidentified beings so much as look at Elle, I want their asses tossed into Dungeon block H before they can say "ryuuzoku" you got that?"

The handmaid gave a slow nod.

"Good, let's go sis..." she stormed from her room, brushing back her royal robes, revealing her own dragon king sword at her side. Ara followed close behind, both angry dragons heading for the castle exit.
<img src = ""> Subliminal mEssasges? please eXplain...</p>Edited by: [url=>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/28/02 9:36:36 pm

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Present at the scene of the crime.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Apr 28, 2002 6:02 pm

(OOC: I'll just let myself in here. ^_^ )

Kilraianjja was happily wandering around the countryside again, occupying herself with the sights and sounds of the forest which still remained a novelty to her. After most of her life living underground the open air was a refreshing change.

Even if that blasted light stung like hell.

She pulled the hood of her cloak further down over her eyes, suddenly wishing it was night again.

IM: "Why does the day have to be so bright? How can people go about with the light glaring in their eyes all the time?" 9_9

Her ears pricked up as she heard a gentle thud. She considered her pointed ears a blessing, and they rarely missed a single sound. Crouching low instinctively, she froze for a moment, peering around as best as she could for any danger.

IM: " one around...." >.>

The soft sound of feet running reached her ears, and she snuck towards where the sound was coming from. She arrived just in time to see the Huntsman walking away, although she could only make out a blurry image in the daylight.

Kilra waited a moment, then tip toed out of the tree she had been hiding behind, and walked over to where he had been, looking around for any sign of what had happened.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

There IS no escape from RPGWW. There is no blue pill. o.o

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Apr 28, 2002 7:51 pm

(OOC: ha hum... once again I am sucked in. There is no escape. *looks around* Um, hi. o.o I'd quite like to join with Blaze. While he doesn't actually know Ayra (at least, not through RP, he can be worked in easily, as he works as a guardsman at the castle now.) <p>
" with the doom fetish already!"
"One suggests to one that one ought not to feed one's own kitten with a most splendid meal of burger, chips, fish fingers, and sausages, including a liberal amount of salt, pepper, and vinegar, or any of the forementioned's component parts." </p>

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Justice Augustus
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Brave brave sir Roger ran away....

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Mon Apr 29, 2002 8:54 am

Damn, there's somebody about, nobody must know where I head. I'll have to lead them along. North it is then.

He sped through the forest, his minorly enchanted boots carrying across the distance at a super-human speed. Heading north and slightly east, towards Riva.

I must remeber, many of the child's allies can use a scent of smell to track me, I'll have to deal with that when I arrive at Riva. I'm fresh out of crushed mandrake petals.

The Hunstamn didn't falter in his step, but pulled out a small earring from one of his three bags around his watse. He attached it to his ear and appeared to talk to himself.

"Master I have her...No, no hitches, though there may be a pursuit, the girl is certainly loved...Yes I am I coming straight away, yes she's in the portable hole...Have you procured the transport?...Excellent, I will not fail you."

He unclipped the earring, place it back in the bagf, and continued to flee from Doma.


A Reluctant Theif Awakes

Unread postby KraKeN » Mon Apr 29, 2002 9:09 am

Kraken opened his eyes, white light filtered through leaves and eyelashes to burn into his retina, he closed them again.

"Crap" he mumbled, pulling himself to his feet before quickly losing his balance and falling over again. It was not wise in retrospect to drink away all your money and then not have enough to pay for a room he thought lazily. This time he sat up, "It is", he said "a beautiful day". His voice thumped into his brain as the birds in the trees took a hammer and chisel to his frontal lobes.

He got up again steadying himself against a tree, SUCCESS, he set his blurry vision in the direction of where he thought the town should be and started to stumble through the bushes.

WHAM, Kraken hit someone in a dark cloak and fell on his arse grumbling he looked up. <p><center><table border=1><tr><td>Image</td><td><center><a>*Take it or leave it*</a></center></td></tr></table></center>

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Angry dragons aren't that fun...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Apr 29, 2002 9:10 am

"Out of my way!" the disgruntled queen shoved a guard that had fallen asleep at his post aside, "And wake up and do your goddamn job! I thought I told you to warn me if Ayra went out to play!" she snarled, seething with anger.

Her sister's equally furious gaze made the guard shrink back, trembling, "Y-yes Queen Aya...sorry Queen Aye..."

"Quit stammering an get back to work! Wha do we pay you for anyways!" she drew her sword, resting it on her own shoulder, "In you and're all coming with me...NOW!" she pointed at a few guards, who immediately stood at attention, "And you, go get the knights and the black mages from their respected divisions, I want them all out combing the forest within the next five minutes!"

(Blaze, feel free to write yourself in as one of the guards I pointed at.) <p>
<img src = ""> Subliminal mEssasges? please eXplain...</p>

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O_O Waaah! *thump*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Apr 29, 2002 9:17 am

Kraken looked up, and saw nothing.

This was because Kilra was now face down in the dirt, having been too busy searching around to notice the hungover rogue.


Muttering something under her breath, she rolled over, and sat up to look at the oaf that had knocked her over. He looked awfully familiar though.

"Do I know you?" o.o


Re: Life in the woods...

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Mon Apr 29, 2002 10:14 am

(*provides a permission slip given to him by DC* Oh i am sooo in this RP.)

A large and Majestic wolf bounded through the woodlands, lacking any exact purpose or aim for doing so.

"Wheeeeee!!!" she yelled as she happily bounced along the undergrowth and the bushes, giving most of the smaller critters anything short of a heart attack with the sudden appearance of the large "predator." (I wonder if you all know who this is by now?)

The wolf stopped as she picked up someone's scent. =o.o= "Is that...?" she sniffed. "Is that Ara?" Since she was keen on meeting people who she knew, she padded towards the scent for a slight moment, back the way she came, then sped up to a steady, rapid pace, sending the same little animals fleeing for safety. One of the rabbits grumbled; "Lousy predators... Don't even know where they want to go any more..." A nearby Cabbit commented rather vulgarly; "Damn bitch..." (Ain't it soo true)

She ran out from the forest, and up towards the door of the castle, probably not even noticed by the lazy guards as she zoomed past. She finally caught sight of Aya and Ara and sat down behind her silently. =^_^= she thought to herself; "I'll surprise Ara..." She bent down to the ground, her tail constantly wagging, and barked at Ara playfully. =^_^= "HI ARA!" <p>
<font size="1">
<center>Don't fight the system... Just bite it on the kneecaps and run like hell!

People who who shout out any of the words; "wai," "kitty," "puppy," "cute," "bunny," "fuzzy," "cabbit," (and many others related to these) in an insanely loud voice, on a regular basis, are respectable people and you should love them. *nods*</center></p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Life in the woods...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Apr 29, 2002 11:42 am

Blaze followed somewhat meekly after the Queen and her sister, berating himself fo letting Ayra past. The problem was, that she was do damn good at not being noticed. And he was only human, after all.

He looked around. He couldn't go back now that the Queen had ordered him to come with her. And in the mood she was in she would be unlikely to listen to his plea that he was without half of his equipment. Including his rifle.

Still, he still had the BLaze custom. And his blade, should it come to that. This was small comfort.

He became awae of the new presence just as the wolf barked. He span round, pistol in hand, and removed the catch. He did not fire however - he had been around long enough to know that things were never quite as they seemed at the castle.

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Justice Augustus
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I think...therefor I GM...

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:26 pm

(OOC - Methinks I'll let you guys get organised before I start really posting, just remember he is travelling at quite some speed...)
<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: I think...therefore I GM...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:42 pm


I'm waiting for Jean to post. He's waiting for DC to post. And she ain't online to post. o.o <p>
" with the doom fetish already!"
"One suggests to one that one ought not to feed one's own kitten with a most splendid meal of burger, chips, fish fingers, and sausages, including a liberal amount of salt, pepper, and vinegar, or any of the forementioned's component parts." </p>


Re: O_O Waaah! *thump*

Unread postby KraKeN » Mon Apr 29, 2002 5:11 pm

"I think you do", said Kraken rubbing the back of his head, "I can't remember why though." He gazed intently into the black hood in front him trying to see whom he was talking to.
No luck, "Anyway what brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?"

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Apr 29, 2002 5:28 pm

"Adventure and stuff" she said plainly, shrugging off the the fact that Kraken looked familiar for the moment.

"I actually heard a little commotion here a while ago. Didn't get a good look at the guy who ran out of here, and I was looking around for clues to what had happened."

IM: "Then you staggered into me. Ugh, he stinks of ale!"

"Anyway, why are you out here?" she inquired, although she had made a pretty good guess why he wasn't sleeping at an inn.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Apr 30, 2002 1:36 am

Ara whirled around with a start, her dragon king sword out, plunging it into the floor right in front of Janice, mere inches from ending her life. "YOU.....DON'T....SCARE...ME LIKE THAT!!!" OVO#

"Ara calm down!!!" Aya shouted at her enraged sister.

"Grrrrr......Janice?? Is that you??" She took a step back, looking the wolf over for a second.

"Janice?! Oh good, I'm glad you're here, something awful has happened...Ayra...she's been taken by that guy..." she growled again balling a fist, "And he's not gonna get away with it either! Grrr!" <p>
<img src = ""> Subliminal mEssasges? please eXplain...</p>



Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:12 am

"umm, I fell asleep....where is here anyway?" said Kraken condused, "and whats all this about a "commotion"?"

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 5:09 am

"Here is just outside of Doma." she replied plainly, picking herself up and dusting her cloak off.

"As for the commotion, I heard a thud, then someone running lightly across the grass. Didn't get a good look at who it was though, although I did see which way he went."



Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 8:48 am

"Huh" said Kraken looking around, "I don't see anyone and whoever they were they're definitely not here. What made you think its so important." <p><center><table border=1><tr><td>Image</td><td><center><a>"Take it or leave it"</a></center></td></tr></table></center>

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Uhh.... >.>

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 9:00 am

"I dunno if it's important or not..." she muttered, a little miffed that the random drunkard was questioning her activities.

"Which is why I'm going to follow him and see who he was!" he suddenly exclaimed, happy she had found a reason to suspend her boredom.



Unread postby RebelKitsune » Tue Apr 30, 2002 9:55 am

Janice bent down, cowering from Ara's intense rage. "Nonopleasedonthurtme!!!" She quickly said, with her paws over her eyes.

For a short while after she heard what had happened to Ayra, Janice just stared blankly, not taking in what she had just heard. After a few seconds of disturbing silence, she closed her eyes and began to change. When her transition ended, you could see that she was now a garoujin. Her fur, however, was not sleek and soft, it was now black and rugged, bunched up in spiked locks her back fur sticking straight out ,as if she were a porcupine, her tail was very bushy and rough, her hands were more like paws, and her eyes were red as blood.

She extended a long claw, about 3 inches in length, which caught a ray and gleamed briefly. You could hardly recognise her as a female any longer. She finally spoke, in a raspy, warped voice; "I swear on my very own life... I shall have his blood." No doubt about it, she was ready to kill anything that stood in her way from saving poor little Ayra. <p>
<font size="1">
<center>Don't fight the system... Just bite it on the kneecaps and run like hell!

People who who shout out any of the words; "wai," "kitty," "puppy," "cute," "bunny," "fuzzy," "cabbit," (and many others related to these) in an insanely loud voice, on a regular basis, are respectable people and you should love them. *nods*</center></p>


Re: Uhh.... >.>

Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 2:48 pm

"Ahhh, well I might as well come with. I've got nothing better to do.", croaked Kraken dragging himself to his feet. "I don't think I should go back into town", he gazed towards Doma, "for a while at least".

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 2:53 pm

>.> IM: "Probably started a fight and got hauled out by the guards."

"Okies then... just don't move around too much...I'm still trying to see what happened here."

Kilra then began looking at the ground, trying to figure out the recent events that took place here. Of course, she had no training whatsoever in tracking or woodland study, and thus couldn't spot anything useful.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Uhh.... >.>

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:03 pm

'Your highness, I must stress haste. We don't have the time to stand around swearing oaths. Ayra is in danger!'

Blaze was anxious for some action. Sure this castle had weir @#%$ going down a LOT of the time, but the moments in between were the dullest imagineable.

EDIT: Damned thing censored me! *grumble* <p>
" with the doom fetish already!"
"One suggests to one that one ought not to feed one's own kitten with a most splendid meal of burger, chips, fish fingers, and sausages, including a liberal amount of salt, pepper, and vinegar, or any of the forementioned's component parts." </p>Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 4/30/02 8:19:45 pm



Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:08 pm

Minutes went by, Kraken's head thumped, he stood with his arms folded tapping a finger impatiently.

More minutes passed......Kraken looked down "do you actually know what your doing?"

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:31 pm

"Uh...not really. I was hoping there would be some blindingly obvious evidence that could tell us what happened."

v_v "But there doesn't appear to be any." she muttered.

(OOC: Aya, Ara, Blaze and Janice best hurry up...)

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Justice Augustus
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Hmm, looks like I'm going to have to use GM's plot device #2

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:26 pm

(OOc - Failing magic items)

Curse these boots. The damn mage that sold them to me might have mentioned that they lost their enchantments when they come into contact with water. Have to run the rest of the way, luckily I stocked up on refreshers

As Kilranja searched the foliage she found an area where the ground seemed to have been pressed down upon, and there was a small cylinder, with a needle poking through one end and a couple of flight grooves on the other.
<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>


@.@Dazed and Confused@.@

Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:39 pm

Kraken peered over Kilranja's shoulder "It appears you have found something", said Kraken skeptically, "it's probably a dart or something from the looks of it, although it's pretty big. If it is a dart I'd hate to be on the wrong end of the gun which fired that."

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Eh? <_>

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:44 pm

"A gun which fires darts? I though you threw darts, and guns fired little metal thingies."

She examined the object carefully as she talked, making a note not to prick her hand on the needle.

"Doesn't look like it'd do much damage. Why would someone use a weapon like this?"

She held the needle up to her eye, examining it with great care.

(OOC: Does she see any secretion or liquid coating on the needle?)


Re: Eh? <_>

Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:54 pm

"I dunno", replied Kraken unhelpfully, "and your right it probably wouldn't have been a gun which fired it. If this thing is even a dart at all. However when I use me darts in me crossbows I normally do it when I don't want to kill someo-thing."

Kraken cursed himself inwardly, it must be the damn alcohol he thought. Even though killing was common it wasn't a good idea to let slip it was one of your primary sources of income.

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Justice Augustus
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Ineffiably my dear Watson.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:54 pm

(OOc - The needle point is pretty much covered in blood. It did go in her.)

(Edit and OOC2 - Just a note. Ayra is in a portable hole, it is not air tight therefor her scent can be picked up, and she can transmit telepathy and shout, and see a bit.)

<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>Edited by: Suicidal Sprite at: 4/30/02 8:56:07 pm

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 5:11 pm

Kilra frowned as she noted the blood on the needle. She was dismayed that someone would go throwing such things around, and also that the blood prevented her from identifying anything else that may have been on it.

Her eyes drifted down again to the grass she was standing on. There was an impression on the ground, not unlike that of a small humanoid.

"Well...something took a fall here." she said, standing up and taking a step back, so that she could take a better look at the impression.

IM: "Well, it's either something like a goblin, or a child."

She bit her lip. The idea of someone attacking a child did not sit well with her. The absence of any bloodstains, dropped weapons or other signs of battle also disturbed her.

IM: "A goblin would most likely have made a bigger mess than this, and there aren't any creatures around here that would take a goblin down and drag it off somewhere. Which means..."

She looked around again, remembering what she had heard.

IM: "No...not slavers. This looks more like a kidnapping than anything else."

"...a kidnapping" she repeated out load.


Re: Hmm...

Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Apr 30, 2002 5:20 pm

Kraken put his hand behind his head and gazed up at the sky.

"Makes sense I suppose"

He took out a small pipe and lit it and watched the smoke blow away in the breeze, but the tobacco was soggy and didn't last long.

"Eugh!" he spat emptying the soggy tobacco onto the grass, "well are we gonna do something or play detective 'cause I ain't got all day...Well, actually I have, but that doesn't mean I want to spend all day lounging around in a forest, I get sunburnt very easily you know."

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Kilra & Kraken: *steal the show and run* >.> >_

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 30, 2002 5:23 pm

"We should go check out what happened...after all, we can't risk leaving a child in the hands of an evil villain, can we?!"

Her voice had grown more excited as she went through her words. The notion of an adventure to rescue a helpless child from a villainous kidnapper appealed to her, and this was plainly obvious to Kraken.

Edited by: Jak Snide&nbsp; Image at: 4/30/02 9:35:18 pm


Re: Kilra & Kraken: *steal the show and run* >.> &

Unread postby KraKeN » Wed May 01, 2002 12:26 pm

"Christ!", murmured Kraken, "well whatever lets just hope their families rich", he said a little louder swaggering off after Kilra.

[Edit: ^^;; I'm not supposed to know Ayra's female am I, oops]

Edited by: [url=>KraKeN</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/1/02 5:11:52 pm

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Jak Snide
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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed May 01, 2002 12:34 pm

(OOC: Kilra and Kraken are heading off now. The rest of you should feel free to show up and tag along. ^_^)

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Riiiiight...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed May 01, 2002 12:51 pm

(ooc: Well, I'm not waiting around any longer.)

Blaze looked around the rest of the group.

'I see... You two', he said pointing to the other wo guards. Stay with the Queen, her sister, and our guest. Let no harm befall either of them or you will answer to me.'

He turned and sped off through the corridors to the castle's main entrance. He'd be damed if he was going to sit by when Ayra was in trouble, even if it did lose him his job.


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