Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

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Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Feb 12, 2003 4:26 pm

(OOC: Some GM's notes before I start.

This is a serious, plot-driven PhilSys RP. There is to be NO spamming, and any OOC (out of character) dialogue that is posted in this thread is to be put in parentheses (like the ones I'm using to separate these notes from the intro), as is the usual custom around RPGWW.

Remember, those of you that are in this RP, that my decisions as GM are final. If you feel I have made any mistakes, talk to me directly and calmly about it, because there is the chance I've messed up somewhere by accident. No one is perfect, after all.

The RPers participating in this RP are Kelne, Geoc, Xia, and KingOfDoma. The characters in the RP are Jeff, Walter, Elijah, and Layne, respectively.

And so, with this taken care of, let's get to the RP. I understand that I am starting this with one of the RPers on vacation, but he gets back sometime tomorrow, so he will not miss very much, I assure you. Besides, I'm getting anxious to start.)

Very recently, some strange things have been happening around Doma. Some of the cityfolk have been haunted by nightmares about a masked figure 'swearing revenge'. Numerous animals belonging to the city's residents have been reported missing, and even some of the residents themselves have disappeared.

A few of the residents, while unsure of what is causing the problem, are attributing every one of the strange happenings to a small stone tower that has recently appeared within sight of the city limits. The only thing that is certain, however, is that intense emotions are being exposed by the presence of the tower. One of them is fear, another is despair, and a third emotion is panic.

The fourth emotion, which one Doman resident bore a significant amount of, was revenge.

A rather slim humanoid in a green robe walked through Doma's streets, carrying a small, rolled-up sheet of parchment in his arm and a staff on his back. Some of the startling features of this humanoid were his fox-like ears and snout, as well as the fox-like tail poking out of the back of the robe. Even more startling, however, was the presence of a bull horn wrapping around the back of each ear, as well as the kitsune's piercing magenta eyes.

Eventually, the kitsune got to his destination, right in front of the Jade Dragon inn. He unrolled the parchment, leaned it against the wall, taken out an old blowgun dart from within his robes, and affixed the parchment to the wall with the dart. Only a few days before, he had put a sign similar to the one he was putting up now on the outside walls of several other prominent buildings within the city. All of those signs had said that a reward was to be given to those who were willing to investigate the tower and slay whatever was within it.

His work done, Damon entered the Jade Dragon.

(OOC: And there's the beginning. RPers, you may now post your entrances.)

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Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Feb 12, 2003 6:39 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;font-size:x-small;">... and had his path instantly blocked by a tall, gangly kid in a robe.

Who was falling into his path.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH-OOF!" His face landed square on the ground, nearly dislocating his jaw. A pained groan later, he untangled his feet from the chair his robe had gotten caught in, and slowly stood to his feet.

He wobbled for a moment, slowly assessing the kitsunejin who stared back at him. A goofy smile crossed his face, and he extended his hand.

"Hi. I'm Layne. How'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." He would have finished his sentence had he not then fallen backwards like a felled tree, unconscious.</span>

Dark Xia

Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Feb 12, 2003 8:18 pm

A robbed man had got up from his seat when he had noticed the kid falling over. He wondered if some dark sorcery by a vengeful man with a short temper had just caused the boy to collapse or if it was some goofy quirk. Probably the latter.

The man's gentle blue eyes looked on as ifpiting them both. He was thoroughly rwrapped in robes, his first layer seemed a bit ragged because of several holes in it and another layer could be seen through them underneath. Only his face (no hair) and hands showed as well as a small amount of his legs. His skin was a dark brown color and he wore brown sandles of some kind of animal hide.

"Are you two alright?" The man asked, kneeling near the boy who had just collapsed in mid sentence and checking his neck for a pulse with his darkskinned hands.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/12/03 9:33:20 pm


Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 12, 2003 10:24 pm

Walter sat in the corner reading a book when his glass fell over. He looked down and there lay someone, they had tripped aparently.

Walter looked at the person laying on the ground, "Are you okay sir?" He held his hand out to help the little person up.

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Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Feb 12, 2003 11:09 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">Layne's eyes unrolled themselves from the back of his head as he accepted the help from the two kind gentlemen.

"I'm OK... I jus'... " He shook out the cobwebs. "Need to get my bearings..."

With a little effort, he sat himself on a chair. "Uh... what was I doing before... oh yeah!"

A little too quickly, he stood. He re-extended his hand to Damon. "I'm Layne. Glad to meet ya. What's your name?"</span>

Dark Xia

Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:53 am

Elijah stood up a look of disbelief on his face. "You are quite sure? One who falls down onto the ground not under their own will is usually not okay."


Re: Blood Vengeance (full PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:40 am

Damon was quite surprised by Layne falling over. Having stopped when he saw Layne, he had no clue that something like that was going to happen in front of his face.

Shaking Layne's hand, he said, "Nice to meet you. The name's Damon."

Before getting to the business at hand, he felt he had to first answer Elijah's statement. Turning his head to Elijah, Damon said, "He looks okay to me. Could have just been shaken up. Can't forget that." Even though it might not have been clearly known, Damon was also answering Walter.

Finishing that statement, Damon absent-mindedly pointed outside with his left thumb, his hand over his shoulder, not looking in that direction or even saying what it meant.

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*bounces back*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:27 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"Yeah, I'm fine, guys. When you're me, you learn to have a hard head..."

He turned to the two other guys who helped him. "Y'know, I never got your guy's names! Since ya helped me up and all, I might as well learn 'em..."

Another goofy grin.</span>


Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:11 pm

"I'm George. You may call me G for short."

George sat down at the table his book open infront of him. He had a large coat on. He had gotten it to cover up his wings, they always caused him to get strange looks.

Dark Xia

Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:18 pm

"Elijah, how do you do?" The robed man gave a slight bow. "And my apologies if I do not understand what you are doing with your hand."

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Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:07 am

<span style="color:navy;font-family:comic sans ms;">"OH! Uh... well, it's a form of greeting. Uh, you... how do I describe this... make your palms meet and your thumbs lock! Yeah, that'll do... try it!"

He extended his hand.</span>


Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:10 am

George turned around and started reading his book again. Anyone that would've bothered to look over his shoulder and new how to read would've realized he was reading a book of spells. He seemed to be memorizing it.

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Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:23 am

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"... OK..."

Not to be fazed by adversity, Layne reached for his orange juice. Unfortunately, it had spilled when he had taken his little dive. Oh well, he thought. He then looked to Damon and G.

"Say... do you guys know anyone... famous?"</span>


Re: *bounces back*

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:36 am

G looked up from his book and over to Layne. "Sorry can't say that I do. Why do you ask?"

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Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:43 am

The phrase 'trail of destruction' could be best applied to the arrival of Jeff Kasan in Doma. Well, not so much destruction as mayhem...

Still, there was just no challenge in preying upon the unsuspecting. Hence Jeff's perusal of a poster he'd spotted. Anyone who'd construct a tower of doom so near the city would obviously be a challenge, and would likely have no sense of humour whatsoever.

The perfect victim, in other words. Plus there was the added bonus of treasure...

Jeff grinned, a sight which would have those who knew him checking their beds for gods-knew-what, and headed for the address listed on the poster.

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 14, 2003 12:47 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"Oh, well, it's worth a shot. It's not hard to find someone who knows King Charles or Dia Rai or even Nakibe or Reshtaha! One guy even said he'd help me MEET Reshtaha himself!"

Layne then thought about his words.

"On second thought, he may not have liked me that much..."</span>


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 14, 2003 3:54 pm

"I wouldn't put to much thought into them. More than likely they are normal people who just happened to be in the right spot at the right time. Who knows maybe right now you and I are in such a spot, at such a time."

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Feb 14, 2003 4:10 pm

"I care little for meeting the famous, save to know what they believe, for others usually believe what they believe, or beleive exactly the oposite. Thus it would help me know if I was outnumbered in my thoughts." Elijah gave a little warm smile, partially of amusement. "Why do you even care if you meet the famous? Will it have an effect on the rest of your life or something?"

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:49 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"Well, the thing about celebrities is, they all have these AWESOME adventures! And I want to have awesome adventures too!

"... not that I want to be a celebrity. I can take it or leave it. But adventuring seems REALLY cool..."

Plus I think Dia Rai's hot... ^_^</span>

Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 2/14/03 5:43:22 pm

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Feb 14, 2003 6:34 pm

"I suppose experience is the only way some people learn. Well do you have any idea of where you're going to go on an adventure? How you will survive? Who will come with you?"

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:17 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"Well, it's not like it matters who goes with me. And it's not like I can't handle things on my own. I'm pretty good with black magic, y'know..."</span>

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:01 pm

"Magic is not something to be totally trusted in my opinion. IT has limitations like everything else... and every now and then using it can cause disaster."


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:13 pm

George realized the man had struck up a conversation. Seizing the oprotunity he went back to his book. He didn't like adventures. People bleed when on adventures, then I have to cast spells just so I don't get hurt.


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:18 pm

(At the Jade Dragon...)

Damon realized the outgoingness of Layne. Before he was able to say anything, though, he remembered Elijah commenting on his hand. His next statements seemed to acknowledge what the hand position was all about.

"You say an adventure, huh? Well I've been looking for people who would come with me on some 'business'."

Damon's left ear gave a twitch as he said, "See, there's been a very nasty guy causing a lot of trouble in Doma for some time now. A few days ago, he went too far. He threatened to shut down someone's shop if they didn't give him everything it had. The shop's owner sent for me and asked for my help." He looked down slightly.

"Fact of the matter is, I know for certain I can't fight him alone. That's why I've been putting up posters around the city, looking for some people to help. One of them's right outside this inn, in fact."

(Meanwhile, where Jeff was....)

Among other things, Jeff had noted that the poster said for anyone interested to head to the Jade Dragon. It wasn't very far away, certainly. And the directions on the poster were clear ones.

About fifteen minutes later, Jeff came across the place he was looking for. Of course, Damon was standing right outside the door, so it was hard to get inside. Also, Jeff noted that there was another poster of the same kind he had seen earlier.

(OOC: Check the first post if you need a description of Damon, Kelne. Also, I decided not to go into detail with directions for the sake of being brief.)

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:52 pm

"Evening, sir," Jeff said, smiling cheerfully, "Any chance of you moving? Appointment with destiny and so forth." After a moment's consideration, he amended, "Well, tower of doom, actually, but there might be some destiny involved. You never know."

It occurred to him that this was where his cousin was supposed to be staying. Might be worth looking him up at some point. Inject some levity into the kid's far-too-serious world.

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:52 pm

"Ah, and what is this mercenary job paying exactly? Also, can you provide a bit more intelligence?" Elijah smiled a bit more. Money was money. He just hoped he ould have a chance to collect it if he accepted.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/15/03 9:20:31 am


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:22 pm

Damon, wondering what was going on behind him, turned to Jeff first. Stepping back far enough so Jeff could get through the door, he said, "You mean the tower outside Doma? ....I'm the one who put the posters with that information up. I'll get to you in a minute."

Turning back to Elijah, he said, "Well, the shop owner said he'd pay a sum in excess of 2000 gil to the ones who got rid of this threat for him. And as for what I know about him? All I know is rumors. Specifically, one of them says that the inhabitant of the tower is a dracolich with a... death wish. Another claims that he's been raising demons. For what reasons he's raising them is something I don't have a clue about."

Damon remained silent for a few moments as he tried to think of some other rumors he had heard.

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:38 pm

Jeff nodded, making his way to a table. While he waited, he surveyed the room.

Nice place. I wonder how serious they are about the whole 'Dragon Eats You' thing...


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Feb 15, 2003 2:18 am

George's attention perked up at hear about the reward. He needed to fix his house, and he did need some more books.

"The only thing I must know is, when do we leave?" George didn't like having to do all of this just to get some books and fix the wholes in the wall. But those things muxt be fixed.

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sat Feb 15, 2003 10:29 am

Elijah was not toally convinced that the danger was worth it.... but how often did oppurtunities like this come along? "I believe I shall join in this venture too."


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Feb 16, 2003 5:08 pm

(OOC: Sorry I didn't post to this yesterday when I got the chance. Even though I'm still waiting on KoD to RP Layne's response to Damon, I can do a little bit more.)

Damon looked cautiously in Walter's direction. "We can leave as soon as the rest of you are ready. Of course, that depends on whether or not the rest of you need some time to get supplies..."

Damon's thought faded for a few moments. If they needed supplies, he could wait a while, but he knew he wanted to get going as soon as he could. Anyone observing him could see this agitation, as he seemed to become a lot more tense.


Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:48 pm

"I'll just need to get my book some food and my staff. I'll be back here in a shortly."

Walter stood up and walked out of the bar. And shortly he had returned with his quarterstaff, a bag that held some food and his spell book. His coat covered himself and his yet not revealed wings.

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Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 17, 2003 2:06 am

"Hmm... No, I think I'll be alright. I've got all my stuff with me." Jeff stayed seated, waiting for the others to sort themselves out.

Life promised to get interesting soon. Interesting for him, anyway. For some reason, others never liked his definition of interesting.

Dark Xia

Re: Start without me, will you?

Unread postby Dark Xia » Mon Feb 17, 2003 8:33 am

"I will return momentarily, I must fetch some rope from my room." With that Elijah turned his back and with speed strode up the stairs and returned after a minute or two.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/17/03 7:34:05 am

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Sorry. 2-day jaunt at a bud's house.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Feb 17, 2003 11:53 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">Layne raised his hand. "I'll help," he said without the slightest hesitation. "Sounds like a good adventure..."</span>

Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 2/17/03 10:53:36 pm


And our entourage is ready.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:57 am

Damon looked around at the others he was travelling with, noting Layne after a few moments. He felt he had enough people to get this job done. A crucial job it was for him, since the enemy he was facing had threatened an innocent shop owner. Maybe if he did this, others would respect him more.

Damon walked back in front of the door, then turned to the rest of the group. "Well then, since it seems we're all ready... let's go," Damon said moments before walking backwards outside the Jade Dragon, as if he were backing away from something very hostile.

A few feet past the door, he stopped. He was obviously waiting for the rest of his 'entourage' to step outside with him before he would actually get going. Even IF he was anxious, he had patience. How much he had, though, remained a mystery.

(OOC: Quick note. Once your characters step out, I'm going to be doing a bit of time-lapse.)

Dark Xia

Re: And our entourage is ready.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:01 am

Elijah stared at Damon for a moment. Not a cold stare, but one seeming to ask "Why so ready to walk into Death's door?" Elijah's eyes soon turned to the road ahead, and he stepped out, actually walking a bit ahead of Damon, then stopping and turning back, giving a little smile.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/18/03 12:59:20 pm

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Re: And our entourage is ready.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:22 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:navy;">"Oh, we won't get hurt," Layne said, scoffing. "At least, not that bad...


I may have bitten off more than I can chew... eep... Layne sighed, picked up his staff, and followed Damon out...</span>


Re: And our entourage is ready.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Feb 18, 2003 2:57 pm

George hops up and walks out the door.

Hmm... wonder what this is gonna be like. Ohh well me and Arukimas can do this. George was thinking about his quarterstaff though no one knew it.

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Re: And our entourage is ready.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:45 pm

Ah, here we go. Pity. I'd just spotted a good dish to add some spices to... Oh well, next time, perhaps.

Jeff hopped up and made his way out after the others.


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