Long Arm of the Law

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Re: *Posties*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Apr 14, 2003 7:13 pm

Contemplating events that had taken place on a recently finished adventure was always something that Jak did. However, in this case, such thoughts could wait. The mage lay asleep, snoring loudly in a nice, warm bath. Romping through the sewers and hunting down royals was a tiring affair, and he'd drifted off to sleep swearing that he'd never, ever visit Therney.

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Re: Long Arm of the Law

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:50 am

The morning sunlight shone across the Inn room, casting bright light over the blue mage's face. Midoku blinked a few times, his bright green eyes squinting as he brought an arm to his face to block the light a moment. He yawned, stretching his free arm as his body started to wake, feeling next to him to give Stephan a good morning squeeze.

...only the bed next to him was empty.

Midoku turned to his side, seeing that the side of the bed opposite of him was undisturbed. He closed his eyes, holding his sheet close.

...he has still not come back... where is he? Midoku worried, as he got himself up out of bed, putting on his undergarments. After his robes and hat were on securely, he left his room, still thinking to himself.

...maybe I should go locate Daniel... he may be able to help me... he thought, starting down the stairs to the bar/restaurant area, I do hope Stephan is Ok...

If they were to find him, however, Midoku would need all the strength he could get. To that end, he decided to have a quick bite to eat before leaving the Inn. He approached the bar, to find Kotoki there wiping it down for the morning.

"...ah, good morning Ms. Kotoki." Midoku smiled to her, trying to hide his nagging worry in the back of his mind, "I take it Mr. Snide and Mr. Brandon are well?"



Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Apr 16, 2003 2:03 pm

Kotoki gave him a cheerful, energy-filled smile. She always felt refreshed in the morning. "Very well," she said. "They're both still asleep, but the mage said they'll be fine. Can I get you something to eat?"

She looked towards the stairs. "What about Stephan? Did he come back yet?"

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:00 pm

"A light meal would be good, yes... perhaps some of those flat pastries made by tossing them in the air?" Midoku said, referring of course to pancakes. When the inn-keeper mentioned the Dark Knight however, he could not help sighing a bit.

"...he did not come back last night." he told Kotoki, looking distraught a moment, before attempting to keep a cheerful smile on his face.

"...but I am sure it is nothing. He likely got detained for the evening again for a disturbance or the like. I will be sure to ask Daniel for help in finding him."

As he waited for the meal though, he couldn't help but think the worst to himself a few times.

...w..what if he pushed someone too far a...and they...

He shook his head, tossing about the long red strands of hair on his shoulders.

...no, I cannot think like that. I will locate Daniel and we will find out where he departed to...

...I know we will...


....I hope...

"...I must say, this has certainly been quite the adventure." Midoku told Kotoki, trying to keep his mind occupied with something other than worry.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80  Image at: 4/17/03 1:01:05 pm


Re: *posties*

Unread postby Kotoki » Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:08 pm

Kotoki nodded, tossing the wet cloth onto a shelf and getting out a frying pan. After a moment in the kitchen, she returned to the bar and smiled. "There we go. I just started those for you."

Deciding that commenting on Stephan's dissapearance wouldn't be very tactful and would probably only depress the blue mage, she moved on to his last comment.

"It really has been, hasn't it? Therney sure seems like a weird place." She dashed into the kitchen for a moment, then returned. "But I wonder who Brandon's looking for. It must be someone very important to him, if he left home like that."

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Re: *posties*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Apr 19, 2003 10:42 am

...more important that you may realize... Midoku thought to himself as he waited, recalling a rather personal conversation the pair had before.

"Indeed... I do hope that he shall find what he is searching for." he nodded to the inn-keeper, "At least now he does not have to worry about his homeland getting in the way... for now anyway."



Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:22 pm

Kotoki, after spending some time in the kitchen, returned with a large plate of pancakes and dropped them in front of Midoku. "Hopefully never," she responded thoughtfully, "If Alissa can find someone to marry. I can't think of anyone to introduce her to."


Meanwhile, in a small room on the third floor of the inn, Brandon found himself with a pair of bright green eyes staring him in the face.

"Get up," said Alissa firmly, shaking him again. "I'm leaving soon."

The bard rubbed his eyes and yawned blearily. "What?" he asked.

"I'm leaving soon," repeated Alissa. "I made a deal with mother. I'm going to find myself a husband and be queen and then you won't have to go home." She tossed him clothes from the foot of the bed. "You went berserk and then passed out. Do you remember?"

Brandon thought for a moment. "No," he said finally, looking rather worried. "Um... I didn't kill anyone, did I?"

"Only a minotaur," replied his sister.

He gave a weak laugh and forced himself out of bed. "Oh. That's okay, then... Wait." He stopped short. "You're getting married?"

"As soon as I can find a husband."

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Re: ...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:34 am

"I truly wish there was a way I could be of more help... sadly a majority of the people I am familiar with are already spoken for." Midoku told Kotoki, as he quickly took a few bites of the pancakes, "But in a city as large as this, there certainly must be someone whom Miss Alissa could, at the very least, begin courting."


Re: ...

Unread postby Kotoki » Sun Apr 27, 2003 11:01 pm

Brandon gave his sister a look. "Why?" he asked quietly. "For me? Alissa, you don't have to. I know you don't want to get married."

"I'll be able to deal with it far better than you can," replied the blonde girl. "Now put on your clothes. I'm going to start early."

"Where are you going?" asked Brandon, doing as she told him.

Alissa shrugged her shoulders. "Up north, I think. Wherever I can go. I'll visit you when I can."

"Okay," replied the bard. "And..." He looked at the floor. "If you find him..."

Alissa grinned, showing off her teeth. "I'll kill him savagely, then eat every muscle in his body," she said simply. "...But I'll tell you first."

Brandon gave her a weak smile. "Thank you."

As they walked downstairs and into the bar area, Kotoki turned to look at them and waved. "Good morning!" she said cheerfully. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, thanks," replied Brandon. "May I have some breakfast?" He looked at Midoku's plate. "Um...Are those good?"

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*filler, wee*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun May 11, 2003 7:03 pm

...how can he act so casual about her threat to hurt... 'him'...? Midoku thought to himself, though the answer came to him rather quickly.

...they ARE family. It seems I was right earlier, they do care for one another deeply, even when they disagree. Just like Stephan and Da...

His thoughts turned back to the Dark Knight again, the mage letting out a brief sigh as worry began to come over him again. So much so he nearly missed Brandon's question about the meal.

"...OH! The pancakes um... they are quite good. Ms Kotoki is quite the chef." he said with a nod to Brandon.



Unread postby Kotoki » Fri May 16, 2003 12:33 pm

Brandon turned to Kotoki and gave her a smile. "Okay, then," he said quietly, "can I have some?"

"Yeah, sure," replied the innkeeper cheerfully. She walked back into the kitchen and was soon hard at work flipping pancakes.

Alissa thought for a moment, then started to head out the inn door. Brandon looked at her. "Don't you want some too? You'll get hungry on the road if you don't eat breakfast."

"I'll be fine," she replied dismissively. "I don't need anything."

Brandon looked slightly worried, but nodded anyway. "Alright..."

The princess nodded curtly to the room, then began walking out the door. She stopped suddenly,turned around, ran back and gave her brother a hug. "I'll definately come back and visit," she promised, biting her lip hard.

"Okay," replied Brandon quietly. "Take care of yourself out there, alright?"

Alissa nodded, and before she could say anything else walked out the door of the inn.

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*wrapping up post*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri May 16, 2003 9:12 pm


Midoku turned toward the shout, catching a glimps of a blue and tan armored blur falling out of Alyssa's way as she departed. It quickly jumped up and bowed to the departing princess.

"I'm so sorry Miss, I didn't see you there or I'd have moved out of the way, I swear. Please don't be upset." the man said, standing back up from the bow. He revealed a headful of short, wavy brown hair, and a face which seemed guilt-ridden over some kind of great wrong against another person. Even if it were VERY far from the truth.

"...Daniel?" Midoku said, causing the man's blue eyes to turn in his direction. The brown-haired man blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Oh uh... hehe, hey Midoku." Daniel said with an embarrased smile, as he approached the mage.

"...guess that was kinda klutsy of me... again..." the pseudo-paladin added with a sigh, the mage attempting a comforting smile back.

"I am certain the young lady will hold no ill will toward you Daniel. You did apologise profusely, after all."

...albeit a tad bit more than is called for... oh well. Midoku shrugged to himself mentally.

"...I suppose..." Daniel shrugged. He glanced around the bar for a moment, then turned back to the mage.

"So... where's the ray of sunshine this morning?" Daniel asked, referring to his less than cheery sibling, "Sleeping and saving the world from his attitude for a few hours?"

Midoku stared back at Daniel a moment, before his eyes closed, his head slumping a bit toward the floor.

"...w..wait a sec, I was just kidding, you know that. I mean, he can be a pain and al..." Daniel started to apologise, before he found the mage's fuzzy blue hand on his shoulder.

"...I do not know where he is. I have not seen him for neary half a day." Midoku told him. Daniel blinked a few times at this, knowing the Dark Knight dislike being away from Midoku for long periods.

"...well, it's probably nothing. Maybe he's just more upset than usual and doesn't wanna blow up at you, you know?" Daniel said with a weak smile, trying to reassure Midoku.

"...I do not think so." the mage responded, Daniel raising an eyebrow at the comment.

"Why's that? Did he say or do something weird?" he asked, the mage looking out a nearby window to the city streets.

"...something is not right with him... beyond the given quirks in his personality. Lately, he has kept pushing me further and further away, but I don't know why. He has always told me I am the only person, other than you Daniel, he feels he can confide in, yet he will not anymore."

Daniel wasn't sure what to say. The mage was right, this just screamed 'something is bloody strange' to the Pseudo-Paladin.

"...maybe something's happened, and he just doesn't want you to get hurt?" Daniel said, the mage quickly turning to look in his direction.

"It is too late for that... he should know by now I would rather know of all the horrors in his life, than not know and live in fear of them." Midoku said, sighing and looking down at the floor again. Daniel grimaced a bit, his eyebrows slanting into a slight v as he took hold of the mages shoulders.

"...then let's go find him and found out what in Ishtar's name he's up to." Daniel nodded to Midoku, "He's probably still in the city somewhere, if we're lucky the worst is that he had to spend a night in one of the jails. And someone's BOUND to have seen him, he doesn't exactly hide his presence anywhere."

The mage looked up at the Pseudo-Paladin, who once again tried to smile reassuringly.

"...I suppose so..." Midoku conceeded. He moved forward, wrapping his arms around the pseudo-paladin for a tight hug.

"Thank you Daniel, this is most kind of you." he said, as the pseudo-paladin began to blush heavily.

"...er.... welcome I guess...." he stammered, feeling a bit ackward with his brother's lover hugging him. Midoku picked up on it after a moment, pulling back and blushing himself.

"We should not waste a moment then. Let us hurry." Midoku said, Daniel nodding back as the pair started to make their way out of the Inn. Just as they reached the door, Midoku stopped, turning his head slightly toward the bar.

"...Daniel, may I meet you outside in a moment? I almost forgot something." Midoku told him, the armored man nodding back.

"Sure, I'll just start asking around in the meantime. See ya in a bit Mid." Daniel said, nodding and then heading out to the city streets. Midoku turned around, heading back to the bar and nodding to Brandon.

"...sorry for abrubtly cutting our conversation short... but I must be off to find Stephan..." Midoku said, a slight smirk appearing on his face as he added, "I am certain you understand."

He gave the bard a gentle hug, pulling back and smiling.

"Be well Mr. Brandon, I look forward to taking Stephan to another performance. And stay safe."

As Midoku left the bar, approaching Daniel as he spoke with a strange dark skinned man with orange eyes, he began to wonder again what they could be in store for. An old enemy from Stephan past? An affliction he had no hope of getting treatment for? A former love...?

...neither of them would have any idea what ordeal they were in store for...

(OOC: The end for me ^_^; Sorry for taking so long to wrap up @_@; )



Unread postby Kotoki » Sat May 17, 2003 2:19 am

Brandon waved goodbye as Midoku went with Daniel out of the inn.

Kotoki, after a few moments, returned from the kitchen with a pile of steaming hot pancakes. She blinked at the door several times as she set them down on the bar. "Where did everyone go?"

"Alissa's left already. She didn't want breakfast," replied Brandon with a weak grin. "Midoku went to go look for Stephan." He sat down, looking at the pancakes. "Um... how do I eat these?"

The innkeeper gave him a look, then smiled and handed him the fork. "Try cutting it into pieces first," she said.

Brandon nodded and shoved a small piece into his mouth. "It's really good," he said, swallowing.

"Thank you," replied Kotoki. She started back into the kitchen to do dishes, then stopped and turned back to look at Brandon. "Hey... I forgot something," she said. "When you first got here, you told me you wanted to ask me a question?"

Brandon stopped chewing another bite and swallowed it quickly. "That's right," he said, sounding faintly shocked. "I don't believe I forgot about it. Um..."

"Yes?" she asked. "I'll answer it the best I can."

The bard played with the food on his pate for a few moments before speaking. "Um..." he started. "Miss Kotoki, do you know anything about daywalkers?"

Kotoki raised an eyebrow, then thought for a moment. It wasn't much use- besides the basics, nothing stood out in her mind. She shook her head with a laugh. "Not much. You'd think I would, but I guess I'm a little bit sheltered."

"Oh," said Brandon slowly, his face noticeably falling. "Alright." He pushed away his half finished plate.

Kotoki pushed it back. "Go ahead and keep eating, it's a waste if you don't. Why did you ask?"

"Well..." Brandon picked up his fork again and started picking at his food half heartedly. He didn't really have an appetite anymore. He'd come a long way since leaving home, and he had hoped that meeting Kotoki would at least provide some clues. Now he was back where he started. "The person I'm looking for is a vampire. And I thought knowing something might help me."

Wincing a little, Kotoki ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "You must want to find him very much," she said.

Brandon nodded. "I do."

"It's hard when you're seperated from the ones you love," Kotoki said absently, thinking about her family. "But at least you have people that can help you."

The bard took another forkful of pancake and nodded again. "It is."


In a place that may have been very close or very far away, that might have been anywhere at all, a man sat at a plain desk with his mind deep in a memory.

"Boss," called a voice from outside the room, "are ya asleep yet?"

The man snapped out of his reverie and turned to the door. "Yes," he yelled back.

"C'mon, boss. You haven't slept in weeks."

He sighed. "Yes, I know. I'll sleep at some point. I'm just thinking about someone."

"Well, it'd better be soon. If yer not asleep by this time tomorrow I'm knockin' you out with cloroform or somethin'."

"Fine," yelled the man.

Hearing nothing else from outside the room, the man closed his eyes once again and returned to the relative solutude of his thoughts. "Bran-" he muttered at one point, then cut himself off sharply. "Goddammit."

He reached for the bottle on his desk. These days, he didn't even have to open his eyes to know where it was.




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