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Re: Not checking? Burn him!

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:32 am

"I honestly don't know. According to father, he's always had it. And we only have its' word for it that it's a weapon of the gods... It's a sentient weapon that alters form based on the wielder. It's also very powerful, and very cranky." Justin seemed to consider this for a moment.

Joe took his chance to get a word in edgewise from his spot on the ground, "It doesn't seem so bad to me..."

"Joe, I love you like a brother, but you really have no idea the kind of sarcasm that thing uses, do you?"

"Sarcasm..." Joe's face contorted in thought, "That's like a regular chasm, only in the land of Sar, right? Jeff explained it to me."

There was another moment of silence as Justin visibly forced himself back to the subject at hand, "Nobody except Joe's been able to put up with it for very long, but for that kind of power to fall into the wrong hands..."


Re: Not checking? Burn him!

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:44 pm

"So, we should try to get it back then..."

Although catching up with the thieves may not be possible now

Uncle Pervy

Re: Not checking? Burn him!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Feb 17, 2003 7:42 pm

Enlil says nothing.

Instead, she takes to the air, flying in the direction that the thieves had gone, holding she knew enough of the streets to guess where they had fled.

I have to get it back, she tells herself, I can't let it hurt anyone. It's not for Mortals, no more than Seraph's Touch was for Father...

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Yay for posting!

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:52 am

Hmm...A weapon of the gods? I wonder how #32..Joe got it in the first place...If it is that important, then we should get it back before someone misuses it.....
Kyle noted Enlil taking off and turned to Justin.
"You would'nt happen to know about anyone who would specifically be after it, would you?"

I doubt some random muggers would know that this shovel is so special...

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Woah, dere!

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:58 am


End noted Enlil taking off and pondered if he should follow her.. he looked over to the others, then down to 32, who apparently suffered most from a slightly smushed face, and the loss of a Smothering Doom, or whatever.

"Keep a good eye on him, guys!" With that, his wings went into a flapping motion, and he took off after Enlil. "Hey! Wait up!"

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Rabid druid on the loose!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:29 pm

~Enlil has the right polite as those muggers were, I doubt it'd be a good idea for anyone to have a weapon of the Gods. I know this from experience.~

"Kyle, think you can look after Joe for a bit? I think it'd be a good idea for some of us to look for the muggers, and get that shovel back."

With that, Sorune ran in the direction the muggers went, using every bit of tracking knowledge he had.

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Rabid Druid encounters...

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:16 am

"I honestly don't know," Justin said, "It's not like we've even been in town that long. As for the shovel... I would have sworn that hardly anyone outside the family knew about it." He seemed at a loss to think of any enemies.

Joe, meanwhile, was making another attempt to get up, this time successfully. "So we're going after the shovel?" he asked hopefully.


Meanwhile, through luck or good judgement, Enlil had spotted the pair of muggers going into a bar several streets over. They seemed quite pleased with themselves. As for the tavern itself... Well, whoever the owner was, they'd apparently heard about seedy taverns somewhere and gone out of their way to design one.

Peeling paint, windows boarded up after being shattered one too many times during fights, and rust showing on the few metal fittings visible, the place was surmounted by a mildewed sign proclaiming it to be the 'Dog's Breath'.

End encountered the sight of the tavern shortly after catching up to Enlil, though he missed the entry of the muggers.


Sorune, not used to tracking in a city environment, had a bit more difficulty. After tracking them through a couple of alleys, he was forced to conclude that he'd lost them at a cobbled thoroughfare. The street were largely deserted, the major exception being a tall figure bundled in a coat making his way along in a great hurry.

Sorune paused, watching the figure. Something about it had struck a chord in his subconscious. A moment later, a gust of wind pushed the figure's hood aside, revealing a polished silvery mask set upon his face.

Sorune had heard enough discussion of him to recognise the mask as belonging to the one Enlil and Astrynax had called Ch'amel. Could it be a coincidence that the man possessed by the mask of a war god would be found so close to the site of the theft of a god's weapon?

Uncle Pervy

Re: Rabid Druid encounters...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 19, 2003 11:51 am

Seeing End behind her, she banks over to meet him, and says, "They went into that bar. With luck, we can meet them there and find out why they took the weapon."

Secretly, she hoped that her months in the slums, helping the people there irregardless of their background, and defeating those who tried to make a living by bullying the other unfortunates, would serve her well there.

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Rabid Druid needs food badly....

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Feb 19, 2003 4:14 pm

~Okay Sorune. Before making an ass of yourself, check a few things. Does he seem to be waiting for someone? Does he have a shovel?~

~....Alright. I suppose I can try talking with him.~

"Sir! I need a word with you." Sorune was attempting to be as civil as he could, although he was worried that a war God would smash him like a bug.

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Mmmm, food..

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:55 pm

Hmm.. what's Enlil heading back here for? Did they go in there?..

His thoughts interrupted for the time being, he looked over to Enlil and nodded. "All right. I'm hopin' I don't have to beat the crap out of anyone I don't need to, t'night.. and if you were able to affect them so much there, then maybe this'll go easier then we thought it would."

His wings flapped earnestly through the night's wind as the tavern came closer..

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Alas, poor rabid druid. I knew him well...

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:55 pm

The man stopped, turning towards Sorune. The mask now came into clear view, red flames gleaming in the seemingly-empty eye sockets.

"Yes?" Ch'amel asked, managing to convey a world of menace in that single word. While there was no sign of a shovel, he did have a large sword at his waist, which his hand never seemed to move far from.


There was a fair bit of noise coming from the tavern, but the moment End and Enlil stepped in, it seemed to trail off. The inside matched the outside completely. Dingy, smoky, and filled with unsavoury characters.

The looks they got weren't exactly hostile, more... considering. A moogle and an angel weren't exactly the usual clientelle.

A quick perusal of the room revealed no sign of the muggers, but given the gloom, that didn't necessarily mean anything. There also seemed to be a couple of rooms in back. Their quarry might be in there.

Conversation gradually resumed as the patrons apparently decided to ask no questions. The bartender, a scarred old orc, kept an eye on them whilst polishing glasses. How much good this did was debatable, as both glasses and rag were fairly dirty.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Alas, poor rabid druid. I knew him well...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:06 am

Enlil walks up to the barkeeper, and looks at him.

"Sir, there are two men whom I seek," she says. "And it would serve the good of many if you would kindly tell me where to find them."

She produces a ten gil coin from her pockets, knowing how effective it can be, and hands it to the orc. Then she gives him a quick description of both. "They both just entered recently. Could you tell me where they are?"

(OOC: Prays that Cha 4 does its magic)

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Unread postby Endesu » Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:10 am

While Enlil went to talk to the bartender, End became a bit curious about his surroundings. Despite all of the trouble involving a seemingly innocent shovel, this new area, a potential site for more thievery, had piqued his interest.

Forgetting about the goal for a moment, he went to looking around for valuables amidst the random scum..

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Re: Alas, poor rabid druid. I knew him well...

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Feb 22, 2003 2:30 am

The coin disappeared quickly, in a reflex action honed over years. "Yer friends're in back," the orc said, pointing towards a doorway to the right of the bar, "Better hurry if y' want to catch the meeting."

End's perusal of the joint had spotted him a few potential targets. One man had a carefully wrapped bundle at his feet which looked interesting, while another had carelessly propped his sword against a wall. There was also a poker game going on in a corner, but it was unlikely that he could nab the stakes without being noticed.

As for the tavern itself, everything except the cutlery and the stocks behind the bar seemed to be bolted down. Not that any of it looked interesting anyway...

Uncle Pervy

Re: Alas, poor rabid druid. I knew him well...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 22, 2003 3:34 am

"Thank you, Sir," Enlil says with an respectful nod.

Then she looks to End and says, "They went this way." The indicates the direction by walking toward the door, intent on entering.



Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Sat Feb 22, 2003 7:10 am

I wonder what happened to Kelne, he just vanished... I doubt he'd start his Journey in the middle of a Crisis...

"Hey Kyle, Justin, would it not be better to continue this talk in the JD? Enlil and End have gone off in search of the muggers, so there is not much else we can do I guess..."

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*Hijacks his friends PC for posting purposes*

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Feb 22, 2003 1:00 pm

Kyle turned to James.

"Well...I doubt we would be able to catch up to them now...So I suppose that would be okay, if its alright with you, Justin."

Im sure they will be alright...I just hope they are able to get that shovel back...

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What to do..

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 22, 2003 4:42 pm

End's scanning was broken by the sudden voice of Enlil, and he nodded, as if on reflex, to her statement. "Uh.. okay. Just a second."

He turned back to the denizens in general. The poker game was right out, too many of them there. The bundle.. hmm. The sword? Swords were difficult to carry, were they not? And also very noticeable.. but the bundle looked small enough to at least be stored in the DracoMoogle's pack of stuff.

Waiting for Enlil to begin making her way down the hall, End dropped to the floor, and creeped as closely as he could to this package of sorts that was at a random tavern dweller's feet.

He began to lay his paws on it..
This is too easy.

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*Hacks up a lung* Sickness does not a fast post make....

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Feb 22, 2003 8:18 pm

"I just wanted to know, sir, if you had seen two suspicious characters about, probably carrying a shovel."

~Enlil likely went after the muggers...and since she isn't here, or the muggers, it's a safe bet that he isn't the mastermind behind this. Too bad End isn't here, though. His telepathy would be a great help right about now.~

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Third time lucky...

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:18 am

"You accosted me for this?" the irate Ch'amel asked, eyes blazing, "Count yourself lucky I have more important matters to attend to than teaching people not to waste my time."

With that, he turned on his heel and continued on his way, muttering to himself. A thought, however, occurred to Sorune. Justin had said that the Grumbling Doom would change shape based on its wielder.

And something about Ch'amel's statement smacked to Sorune as an avoidance of the question.


Brushing through a somewhat ragged curtain, Enlil came upon a group of five men seated around a table. Two of them were the ones she sought. The group was engaged in conversation.

"Well, that's your stake covered, then," one of the unfamiliar men was saying, "Which just leaves - Who the heck are you?" It had taken the speaker a few seconds to notice the new arrival, but his eyes were now fixed on her.


It was in End's moment of triumph that everything came apart. Even as he grasped the bundle, a hand seized the back of his neck.

It was difficult to say who was more surprised, the owner having chosen that inopportune moment to try and pick the object up. Still, it was likely that there would be trouble just as soon as the man stopped spluttering with shock.


"That sounds like a good idea," Justin said, leading the way. Another surprise awaited them back at the Jade Dragon. Some weeks ago, the inn had been closed for extensive renovations. Somehow, in their brief absense, all that work had been undone.

Not only were the tables back in their old spots, but the skylight was gone entirely. Only Kyle's table stood unchanged, and that had never been touched by the renovations in the first place.

Strangely, the patrons didn't seem to have noticed, although one was staring suspiciously at his drink, as if wondering what had been put in it.

"The others will know to meet us here, won't they?" Justin asked, also seemingly unaware of any change.

((OOC: I'll be off until thursday, but feel free to post and I'll do any necessary GMing when I get back.))

Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/24/03 4:23:18 am

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Oh, dear..

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:03 pm

"Awk.. o_O;;" End murmured as he was picked up.

Damn, I thought he wasn't paying attention? Fuck all, what'm I gonna do now? I don't wanna have to fight here.. too many people around..

"... Kupo? ^_^" End muttered, trying his best to look adorable despite his, er, tail and armor.

(Also, Kelne, whenever you check this, edited PS Sheet just a bit, to show two things that End obviously has, but forgot to note before. >_>; Please don't kill me.)

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki&nbsp; Image at: 2/24/03 10:04:27 pm

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Re: Oh, dear..

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:48 am

The man seemed torn. While the creature in front of him seemed to radiate cuteness, it was also wearing armour, and trying to steal his stuff.

His mind soon found an acceptable compromise.

End was unceremoniously pitched out into the street, minus the mysterious package. "Damn rats get bigger every year," the man muttered, returning to his seat.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Third time lucky...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:33 am

As Enlil walked into the room, it seemed to brighten around her. The Shadows retreated away from her, as the air became lighter and free of odor. Unconsciously, she manipulated the environment around her.

Steepling her hands, she bows to the five men within, then begins to speak. "Sirs, I am Enlil. One of you has recently taken a weapon of immense power, a weapon of the elder gods.

"I fear for you," she says sincerely, "such things, they can indeliby harm those who come in contact with them. I would ask you to tell me why it is that you would risk your souls for such a thing. Perhaps, I can help you."

As she speaks, she scans the room astrally for the Grumbling Doom, as well as any other magicks the people within may be carrying. Secretly, she hopes to be able to delve into the weapon's aura as well, revealing whatever potential it may have.

(Using Aura, I should note.)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 2/25/03 2:43:43 am


Hey... what's going on here! Dia might get mad

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:21 pm

"They should Justin... Why don't you get something to eat or drink? We'll be along in a minute..."

James turns to face Kyle, who was already heading towards his table, and whispers "Kyle, does'nt this seem strange to you?"


#^@&*^ Double post! Begone!

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:22 pm

(This message was left blank)

Edited by: [url=>CronoLuminaire</A] at: 2/26/03 6:46:31 pm

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Cocoa first, then figuring out what happened.

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:52 pm

Kyle turned to James. "You know, I was just going to say something...Any idea of what this might mean?"
Usually, things like this mean something is wrong...I just hope it isnt dangerous...

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Re: Third time lucky...

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:38 am

"What are you talking about?" the spokesman said, before being interrupted by the one who had been referred to as Myle.

"We got our stake by stealin' an item to order. I wouldn' call a shovel a weapon o' the gods, but... Anyhow, it's been sold."

Enlil's perusal of the room seemed to reinforce the man's statement. Aside from a variety of protective charms spread about one man (some potent, others not), the group seemed to have nothing in the way of magical items.


"Something wrong?" Justin asked, turning to regard James and Kyle as they conversed.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Third time lucky...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:05 am

The angel nods.

"Would you be so kind as to tell me the buyer?" Enlil asks.

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Re: Third time lucky...

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:43 am

"He didn' give his name, an' I didn' ask. Big guy, he was, wearin' this silvery mask. Wouldn' want ter cross him..." Myle shuddered slightly in recollection, "Kill yer as soon as look at yer, that one. Paid well, mind."

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:47 am

End smashed into the ground, less one possible reward of thieving. He growled angrily, shaking his fist at the Inn.

"Bastard! Throw me out on the street, will he? I'm gonna tear him a new asshole!" With that, End charged back into the Tavern, screaming and cursing and shaking his lance all around. "Damn it! Give me that @!#$ing package or I'll bite your damned eyes out, Mr. 'Rats-get-bigger-every-year'! !@!#!&@!!!"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Acck!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:14 am

She knew who they were talking about, unless Ch'amel had an impersonator.

Enlil always suspected that this day would come.

"Could you tell me which way he went?" She asks politely.

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En Guarde, Sir!

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:09 am

"So, rat! You would spurn my mercy?" The man cried, spinning about to face End. "Know, rodent, that you face Vincenti Soleni, treasure hunter extraodinaire." So saying, he cast aside his coat, revealing a chain mail tunic and a rapier belted at his waist.

Around the room, various eyes focused on the scene. Unlike the Jade Dragon, there was no sign prohibiting fighting. Indeed, betting soon began as to the outcome of the imminent fight.

"It seems only fair, varlet, that you should look upon that which you are about to die for. Behold, the jewelled Phoenix crown, sought since by many across the continent these past fifty years." The package, unwrapped, proved to be a crown in the shape of a bird, wings making up the circlet. It was heavy with precious gems which glittered in the lantern lights.

Placing the crown on the ground between them, Vincenti drew out his rapier, and saluted End mockingly, apparently content to let him make the first move.


Myle hesitated for a moment, "Miss, I hope yer don't have nothin' foolish in mind. Th' man's dangerous, like I said. I c'n tell ye where ter find him, but I don' want yer death on me conscience."

There seemed to be something of a commotion going on in the common room, though none of the men seated around the table paid it any mind.

(OOC: And with that, I'm off for the next two weeks. I'll be around over the weekend, so feel free to post in my ansense and I'll catch up with the GMing then. Oh, and I'd appreciate it if someone would prod Sage.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:22 am

End blinked briefly, not quite sure how to react to this sudden outburst. "Uh.. right. Whatever. I want the shiny, so I'll be happy to fight for it."

With that, he grinned viciously, having been bored without the immediate threat of a battle to entertain him at any given moment.

He tossed his lance back and threw his paws in together, quickly gathering together a dark burst of energy all around him, and into his two furry little paws. His tail began to shake violently as the energy built further, until his entire form seemed to bleed this very energy. His grin widened, and he thrusted his paws forward.

"Go to Hell."

(Dark Sacrifice, with included 4 HP Cost to End)


No no... not a thing... Umm... we're not crazy...

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:45 pm

I think it best to not tell him our concern... He does'nt seem to notice any change and would probably think we're crazy...
"Nothing really, we were just about to sit down and have some Cocoa..."
James gave a slight nod to Kyle, hopefully indicating to him to 'play along', and proceeded to take his seat at Kyle's table.
"Justin, why don't you continue telling us about the about the weapon?"

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Nope! Not crazy at all! Cocoa!!!!!1111oneoneaddict

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:07 pm

Kyle understood what James had hinted at, and sat down.

...I want to know what caused everything to go back to the way it was before the renovations...

Kyle ordered cocoa for himself, James, and Justin. His tail twitched a bit nervously, although he did his best to keep it swishing normally. Kyle then spoke to Justin.

"Hm..I would like to hear more about this weapon as well..It seems like quite an interesting tale..."

I wonder how they got a hold of it in the first place...

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:17 am

"Sir, is it not my choice whether or not that I take my life into my own hands?" asks the angel honestly. "Your concern warms my heart, but just as you cannot have your death on my conscious, I cannot have what this man may do on my own conscious. Please, tell me where he has gone, so that I may do what I must."

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Re: o_o

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:21 am

Justin shrugged and took a seat, sipping at his cocoa as he pondered where to begin. "Most of what we know about the Grumbling Doom comes from the weapon itself. It claims to be a weapon of the war god Khar, and it's certainly powerful enough for it."

"That said, it does have limitations. It will take the form its bearer regards as the perfect weapon. In Joe here's case, that is a shovel. Not that many people agree with him..."

"I can think of 500 or so people who would," Joe interjected.

"Yes, but aside from them. Anyway," Justin continued, before Joe could debate the point, "the Doom can take control of its wielder's body, raising their reflexes and strength considerably, not to mention their skill. We're not quite sure how far that control extends. So far, it hasn't done anything other than fight its wielders' enemies, but whether it can't do more or doesn't want to do more is an open question."

Another sip of cocoa, "As to its history... Some of my ancestors have used it in dire circumstances, but Joe's been the only one who can tolerate its constant stream of gripes and acerbic comments. You'd have to ask him about its origins."

((OOC: Argh. Too late at night. I'll deal with the rest tomorrow.))

Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/7/03 6:27:26 am

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Re: o_o

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:14 pm

The bolt of dark energy lashed out at Vincenti... and dissipated scant inches from him. Not questioning his good fortune, the treasure hunter closed the distance, thrusting at End.

End's armour turned the strike aside from its course, leaving him with a minor scratch to his left arm.

(4 damage to End, none to Vincenti.)


"Alright, miss. Dasen here followed him home after we met him the last time. He's stayin' in an old building at 12 Marke Lane." Enlil recognised the street as being situated in the poor quarter. Finding the address should pose no difficulty.

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Re: o_o

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:42 am

Sorune was a bit skeptical of Cha'mel's manner in any case. Not answering, not attacking, just saying that he had to go somewhere.

Sorune took it into his mind to follow Cha'mel best he could, silently and without detection.

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Re: o_o

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:46 am

What the hell?! Damn it..

End quickly jumped back from Vincenti, silently cursing the failure of his last spell, and decided not to play around any longer. Taking as many steps as he could, he leapt into the air, and Jumped down onto his opponent.


Edited by: Crawling Reshiki&nbsp; Image at: 3/8/03 2:48:43 pm


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