Transit (Offworlders RP)

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Sep 25, 2002 4:33 pm

(OOC: Yep, I'm ready for the ship to sail.)

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Sep 27, 2002 6:27 pm

The captain jumped onto the deck and shouted to his sailors. "Get ready to set sail, men! You know where we're going, now get us there!"
Almost in unison, they shouted back, "Aye, Captain!"
Jex leaned back on the rail and watched as the sailors unfurled the sails and other stuff that he didn't understand. "Travelling halfway across the entire planet on something that moves on wind..." He shook his head.

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Sep 27, 2002 7:04 pm

"Halfway across the planet, hmm? Sounds like plenty of opportunity for intersting events. So, how did you find out about this temple?"

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Sep 29, 2002 2:41 pm

"Some old dude in an inn had a book...and the book was talking about this island in the freakin' middle of nowhere that's supposed to be able to take me home..." Jex got a sad, faraway look in his eyes when he thought of Infar. He hadn't seen any of his teammates in over three years, and that was too long for anyone...


Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Sep 29, 2002 10:25 pm

This was information that left Kanariel somewhat confused. She had had no idea that she'd have to travel THIS far just to get to the intended destination. Then she figured that she'd have a lot to speak of when this was over. Her friends back home would probably love to hear of such places they'd never seen.

Of course, she'd resorted to what her peers would have seen as perhaps the worst way possible. Still, working on a ship couldn't be THAT bad. At least that was what she hoped.

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Oct 01, 2002 3:15 pm

(OOC: Note that they aren't WORKING on the ship, as Jex paid for work-free transit. This goes for all other characters EXCEPT THE THEIF, as Rathi [as I remember the theif's name to be...correct?] is not part of Jex's "group".)

Jex turned to Kanariel. "You look like you have an interesting story, and we've pretty got months. So where are you from?"

(OOC: Don't worry. Stuff will happen soon.)

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Tue Oct 01, 2002 4:34 pm

(OOC-Its about time this rp came back to life Rathi has been in waiting for like a week now and its not even dark and im really wanting to take that gem thing)

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Oct 01, 2002 4:39 pm

(OOC: Gem? What gem?)

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Oct 06, 2002 12:04 am

(OOC: Bump. I would make a filler post for Idran, but he'd just be waiting with Jex for Kanariel to respond.)


Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Oct 06, 2002 12:15 am

(OOC: Well, Kanariel offered to help out, so I assumed she was working somewhere on the ship.)

Kanariel wasn't sure what to say. Her history was indeed long, but complicated. And she didn't know if she'd get some sort of retribution if she told a supposed mortal this information.

"Well, it's a long story. I come from another plane of existence... a plane where nothing ever stays as it is. Not even structures will stay for long if left unattended.

"...anyway, I was sent to find someone. I knew the person well, and the journey originally went fine as well. However, I was given the wrong location. I can't tell whether some idiot messed up or whether someone else sabotaged the job. So that's how I ended up here on Gaera. It seems no one wants me to do anything for them. Typical of the races I've seen, somehow..."

Oz 200

Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sun Oct 06, 2002 2:10 am

Sensam was sitting looking out over the sea playing on a rather strange flute. He removed it from his lips and spoke a single word. “I wonder where you are?”

((OOC: just letting you know im still there))

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Oct 06, 2002 9:46 pm

Jex nodded. "I see. Other planes of existance...I'll have to look into that sometime. Maybe when I get back home, that is if this lead checks out. You see, I'm not from Gaera either...I'm from Infar, which is a faraway planet. Not as faraway as your home, but distant enough that I'm having a beeotch of a time getting back. See, a bunch of my friends and I were on a journey to rid Infar of the workings of a great evil. At least that was the main goal...oh, we each had our own reasons. Mikar Rax, our unofficial leader, was trying to discover his origins. I was trying to find my mother. Maximus was trying to be the "greatest swordsman ever" and whatnot. Ziraz was searching for this one particular magical staff that was supposed to be the most powerful in the world. Zeke was banished from his clan of ninja and was working to regain his honor. King was holding a MAJOR grudge with one of the generals of a dark army. Arkeen was avenging the lost of the forest. Alzar was...well, no one knew what the hell was up with Alzar. He was a former soldier in the dark army. Anyway, after we defeated the Hell Dragon, Ziraz used the Staff of Ancient Power to translate the Apocalypse Disk which told us where we could find the source of all the evils on Infar. Space, of course. Using my amazing skills, and with judicious help from my mother, I created a makeshift rocket. Zir made us all magical bubbles so we wouldn't die on the asteroid we were fighting on. Anyway, we won by a small margin but the asteroid was destroyed. Everyone else wound up back on Infar, safe in their bubbles, but I was thrown in the wrong direction, and now in a coma no less. I wound up 6 months later in a hospital in Riga and started my journey to find my way back home.

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Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Oct 08, 2002 12:00 am

"Well, my story isn't nearly as interesting as your two. I've always had an interest in the magicks of space and time. I've never heard of this temple, and I thought that it might be interesting to study. I guess my goals aren't as important as yours, but I'm willing to help in any way I can."

Oz 200

Re: Transit (Offworlders RP)

Unread postby Oz 200 » Tue Oct 08, 2002 12:09 am

“ And my story i will make it short, A pesky elf stool my real body and 2 of the guardian marks i had gained and ran of now im looking for him, my body and the remaining marks, the marks are the thing that grants you the power of the Guardians we are set on in the different worlds to protect items or persons i my self is protecting a piece of paper an and before my body was stolen a ring and a sword.”

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Peice of Paper?!

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 09, 2002 5:44 pm

"A peice of paper, eh?" Jex said, raising an eyebrow. "Is this some sort of...magical paper? Is there anything written on it?"

Oz 200

Re: Peice of Paper?!

Unread postby Oz 200 » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:55 am

”It has words alright….” he picked up the paper” Its in the guardian lang and it say, FRO CLOUD AND SKY STARS AND HEAVEN THE WALLS A FAITH OPEN UP DOOR OF ETERNITY” what happened now was that what looked like a portal opened” This thing comes every time i read the paper only thing is it wont work you only walk strait fro it look” he rammed his hand into the red light and it reappeared on the other side ”Se….”

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Re: Peice of Paper?!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Oct 10, 2002 4:17 am

"Hmm...Now that's interesting. I know some portals require some key item to let you pass, or are keyed to let only certain people through. I wonder if this is one of them. Does it have to be read from the paper, or can you do that any time? And has anyone been able to use it as a normal portal?"

Oz 200

Re: Peice of Paper?!

Unread postby Oz 200 » Thu Oct 10, 2002 10:04 am

” Only thing i know for shore is that it only works if you hold the paper and that it wont work if you don’t have something more….” He started to think and got an idea ”Maybe some other guardian has the key or what ever it is”

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Re: Peice of Paper?!

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Oct 11, 2002 6:59 am

Jex nodded. "I suppose it's possible. So do you expect to find Guardians on this trip? The island's pretty damn ancient and magical...if I was a Guardian that's exactly where I'd go."

Oz 200

We can be every were

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sun Oct 13, 2002 2:30 am

"Well we guardians can be any were , and we can be any thing i got my second mark from a rabbit ho apparently was the guardian of animals, and the one of fire from a knight that tried to kill me sins he wanted my marks. and i heard one was suppose to live here out at sea, then there is my body that also is on another ship (that pesky little elf will get hiss.......when i get my hands on him)

Edited by: Oz 200 at: 10/14/02 1:57:10 pm

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Re: We can be every were

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Oct 14, 2002 10:37 am

"Yes, you said something about that before. How did that happen, your body getting stolen?"

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Re: We can be every were

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Oct 14, 2002 11:47 am

"Yeah, that's gotta suck. You got your body stolen?"

Oz 200

Re: We can be every were

Unread postby Oz 200 » Mon Oct 14, 2002 2:43 pm

"Yepp some pesky elf used a body swoop spell and stole 2 marks and my nekojin body hehe guess if hes going to suffer when i get my body back. but most important right now is that we get al of you world hoppers home if im lucky i will met him on the way."

Edited by: Oz 200 at: 10/14/02 6:45:19 pm

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: We can be every were

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Mon Oct 14, 2002 4:28 pm

(Not to gripe but i want to finish this rpg but it needs to be night sometime!)

Rathi had fallen asleep waiting for the right time to strike. He awoke and heard the story told by one of the men. "Very interesting", he said to himself.

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Ok! Night time! Happy now?

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Oct 14, 2002 6:12 pm

Jex nodded. "I damn well hope so." He caught a glimpse of the sky. It was dark, and he reminded himself with a yawn that he'd woken up early that day. "Anyway, whether we get back to our respective homes or not, it's going to take some time to get to the island. Besides, my intuition tells me that tomorrow's going to be important, and this is one offworlder who needs his rest. So good night, all. See you in the morning."


Re: Ok! Night time! Happy now?

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Oct 14, 2002 10:05 pm

Kanariel was feeling tired as well. She had had trouble sleeping the night before... which seemed to become a problem recently. She didn't know what was causing the trouble.

"Same here. I've got to try and get some sleep as well. Even though something's been troubling me lately.... Well, see you all tomorrow."

Oz 200

Re: Ok! Night time! Happy now?

Unread postby Oz 200 » Tue Oct 15, 2002 12:22 am

"hmmm sleeping that sounds like a good idea a well se you al tomorrow then" he went to his (wherever we sleep) and where so catching Z.

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Re: Ok! Night time! Happy now?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Oct 15, 2002 10:27 am

"I'm feeling a bit tired myself. I'll see the three of you in the morning."

Idran leaves for his cabin, and beds down for the night.

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Re: Ok! Night time! Happy now?

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Oct 15, 2002 5:17 pm


Oz 200


Unread postby Oz 200 » Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:56 am


Senasm was happily snoring


Re: Snoring

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Oct 26, 2002 10:08 pm

Kanariel once again couldn't seem to fall asleep. It was a typical thing for her, but the reason was not typical.

Every time she tried to close her eyes, she'd see it. A nightmarish illusion of her brethren torturing her... out to slay her. She could not understand why they would be after her so much... what had she done to provoke such a thing?

Eventually, she found herself sleeping rather strangely. What was strange is that she only had one eye closed. The other eye was open, and directed to the ground, staring at the floor. Her mind was wandering, for if she tried to focus on sleeping she'd have the nightmare again.

It was bothering her.

Oz 200

Re: Snoring

Unread postby Oz 200 » Tue Oct 29, 2002 2:38 am

((OOC: sorry for this OOC post but i think that we need to get to the morning sins nothing seems to happen at night))

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Oct 29, 2002 3:46 am

(OOC: After all the prodding Thalakos did to get us to this time, I'm hoping he'll actually post whatever it was he wanted to do at night.)

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Nov 06, 2002 7:25 am

(OOC: He isn't. He left the RP.)

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Jan 03, 2003 11:26 am

(OOC: Sorry about letting this die...SUPER RP REVIVAL BEEEEAM!!!!!!!!)

Jex woke up cursing (in Infarin Prime) at the ship's rocking movement. He stumbled out of the cabin and puked over the side, into the water. "Gonna get me some fuckin' breakfast up in here..."

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Jan 04, 2003 6:11 pm

(OOC: Yay, it's revived!)

"Don't worry; you get used to that. Of course, if this venture succeeds, I guess you won't have to."

Idran is standing near the edge of the ship, across from where Jex just threw up.

"Looks like we're making pretty good time, too."

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Jan 05, 2003 7:46 pm

"Good time," the Infarin said, "is relative. I guess for a ship like this, this speed is okay. My computer's estimate is that if we have favorable winds, perfect weather, and no difficulty the trip will take a month or two. If there was a teleportation matrix on this planet I would already be on the island or at least within 20 miles of it. Hell, if there was a teleportation matrix I would've blackjuiced it, popped a rogue, and vamped my way back to Infar months ago. Anyway, I'll try my best to add some speed with my tools...fortunately for us the mini-fab is working, so I can try and put together an engine. It probably won't be much but it will double our speed at least."

(OOC: I seriously doubt Idran will understand the lingo Jex is using..."teleportation matrix", "blackjuice", etc.)

Edited by: [url=>SpleenInfinity13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/5/03 10:02:37 pm

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Jan 06, 2003 2:03 am

"Double our speed? How's that work?"

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jan 07, 2003 7:48 am

"Well, do you know how an engine works?"

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Re: Snoring

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Jan 07, 2003 11:44 am

"Well, no. That's why I asked."


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