The Strange Psychic Visitor

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Reako Somner
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The Strange Psychic Visitor

Unread postby Reako Somner » Wed Apr 24, 2002 7:09 pm

(Hello, Reako here, some of you may recognize me as one of the 3 mods over ADV!'s RP forums. Well, I didn't want to intrude on any of your own RPs, so decided to start my own. Do what you will, and correct me when I'm wrong. I'm still learning your style and whatnot. My character will usually be Reako, and he's about 18 here, during the time he was training in differant dimensions, worlds, and timelines *making sure not to screw up history too much* to fight a rather strong foe. ... ... it's a long story, so I guess I could get to that later. I'll start with me suddenly appearing out of nowhere, you guys can take it from there.)

Reako had been resting at the End of Time the past week, having only recently discovered the place by accident. It appeared to allow the quickest dimensional travel as well as time travel. Plus, you didn't seem to age there... so it was a perfect place to kill time while thinking up some big thing to do next. Meditating, Reako caught glimpse of the next place he felt he should visit, and kept it in his mind. Reako got up, and focused.

Reako: well, it seems rather far away. I'll have to try a greater Gate to get to Ferelia... hmmm, well here goes!

Reako concentrated and waved his hands in front of him, and a large pulsating dimensional gate appeared in front of him. Reako prayed for his success, and jumped in. Halfway on his way there, however, the gate became unstable and ruptured, sending Reako into some in between location. Reako fell to the ground with a rather painful thud.

Reako: owww... I didn't expect that to happen... I wonder what caused it?

Reako looked around to see where he was.

hmmm, a grassy open feild and... is that a castle over there?

Spotting a random passerby, Reako caught his/her attention

Reako: excuse me, can you tell me where I am? I'm kinda lost... in a big way.

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*is mute*

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Apr 24, 2002 7:22 pm

As it turned out, the random passerby Reako spotted happened to be a tall, dark haired elf in a purple kimono. She looked towards the psionicist and shook her head. In a wuick motion, she had grabbed his wrist, and drug him over a small grassy knoll, to a sign, which read, "Doma City". She let go of his wrist, and pointed at the sign, then stood off to the side to how he acknowledged it.

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Re: *is mute*

Unread postby Reako Somner » Wed Apr 24, 2002 7:43 pm

Reako: Doma City? Man, I must have gone way off course... I've never heard of this place. I'm sorry, but can you help me get to someplace to stay? Like an inn or a bar...

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Re: *is mute*

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Apr 24, 2002 7:51 pm

The elf drooped her head slightly and sighed. How can someone get so off course that they wind up in a country where they don't even recognize the bloody CAPITAL?! thought she. She looked back up at Reako, motioned for him to follow, and began walking down the road into the city, hoping to find some hapless passerby on which she could deposite this fool... <p><center><table border=2><tr><td>Image</td><td><center>My site!
We should all spread the joy...'s like cream cheese!</center></td></tr></table></center>

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Apr 24, 2002 8:40 pm

Aya sat in a chair beside her bed, Elle, the young princess of Doma held in her arms, making funny faces at her child.

^_< "Ugaa!"

Elle giggled, waving her arms about happily, "Ughaaahaba..."

She grinned in response only to freeze moments later as a strange feeling washed over her, a familiar feeling. "It's like...when I first came here...." she mumured a little, "Or...when Ara comes to visit..." she frowned, moving to the window, glancing out, "No doubt, that was definetly some sort of dimensional gate...." a look of worry fell over her face, "And that certainly wasn't Ara coming out of it either...."

<img src = ""> Subliminal mEssasges? please eXplain...</p>


Re: Elsewhere

Unread postby JediAl11 » Thu Apr 25, 2002 1:25 am

((OOC:Since Pyral seems to be dead, I'll just bring my characters over here)

Kara finally reached her destination. The structure that she has seen from afar was actually clearly manmade. It looked like the ruins of a small castle. Kara landed carefully in the frontyard. Judging by the cover of dust on everything, nobody had visited the castle for a long time. Front doors were open and Kara quitely steped in. Much to her surprise the front doors did not lead to main hall, but instead to the castle library. Librar was mostly burried in ashes, showing that it had been thoroughly destroyed. Only a few far shelves remained untouched. Kara walked over to one of the shelvs and her eyes sparkled with happiness. On shelves were just the items that would save her scaly hide from trashing the Fett would give her for wandering off alone. Shelves contained maps, and maps contained symbols for teleport markers. And Doma figured prominently on them.
(The castle I assume is actually Ishida's abandoned domain, so the maps were specifically designed so teleport would go unnoticed)
Kara grabbed a couple of the maps and hurried out of the castle. Outside she took flight and within moments she was next to Fett. Happily showing him her finds.
Fett was about to sternly rebuke her for wanderring off but the happy look on Kara's face softened his intentions. He settled with an stern glare and proceeded with a spell for teleport.

The next place they emerged was on a grassy hill next to a babbling brook. Racing they run to the brook, each getting their fill of wonderfull cold water. When they finally looked around they noticed that there was a sign on the hill. "Doma 3 miles"
Their destination was close, very close. <p>The new face of fantasy....Image

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Re: Elsewhere

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Apr 25, 2002 5:03 am

Meanwhile, the elven woman continued in attempting to find someone she caould pass Reako off to, while proceeding to the Ivory Horn inn, just in case she was stuck with him until the very least, she decided, if she was to have to lead him any signifigant distance, she would have a little "fun" with him... <p><center><table border=2><tr><td>Image</td><td><center>My site!
We should all spread the joy...'s like cream cheese!</center></td></tr></table></center>

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Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Apr 25, 2002 3:09 pm

Enill Uosi was meditating in his pocket dimension. He was practicing expanding his senses to reach beyond the local vicinity. Riboru wasn't helping much with his sarcastic comments.

Why are you doing this? You don't duel with someone from several light-years away! Riboru interjected. (Riboru is Enill's sword.)
You never know what skills you will need. Enill replied. Suddenly, he started.

Enill was finally able to do it, and he was stunned by the magnitude of his feat. Slowly, he turned his attention to various parts of space; an unstable star here, a black hole there. He finally turned to an unassuming star system, and recognized something strange. The second planet was cloaked in dimensional interference.

That's not normal. Enill thought.
So of course you're going to investigate it. Wonderful. Riboru knew from years of experience that when Enill wanted to do something, there was no stopping him.

Enill dropped from the pocket dimension, and into normal space. He then set up a gravitational field around himself of the kind often known as a warp field, and flew for the star at approximately 800 times the speed of light. He arrived in about an hour and set down in one of the area's ubiquitous grassy fields.

Now, to search for clues. Enill thought to himself.
Great. Should I turn into a magnifying glass, Sherlock? Riboru said. Enill did not understand the reference, so he ignored it and went to the closest inhabited area. <p>-----
Zemyla "Do not attempt to traverse a chasm in two leaps."</p>


Re: Meanwhile...

Unread postby JediAl11 » Tue Apr 30, 2002 5:27 pm

((OOC: Not gonna let this die!!!))

Fett and Kara stood on a hill overlooking a city of Doma. Well Fett was actually sitting and the swirls of magical aura were visible around him. Kara in her human form stood next to him, looking extremely purposeful. Fett was searching for powers. So far he detected several, but none on the magnitude that he was hoping for. If this was indeed the single most powerful collection in this world, than his search was in vain. They were powerfully mages for a secluded little world, but they stood no chance on dealing with outworldly forces. <p>The new face of fantasy....Image

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Reako Somner
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Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Tue Apr 30, 2002 8:36 pm

Reako walked on with the mute illusionist, looking around for a nearby inn. He could sense the frustration within his escort, and knew he wasn't making things too much easier on her. At last, he found what he was looking for.

Reako: hmmm, the Ivory Horn... sorry to trouble you. I think I'll be fine now.

It was obvious the woman was happy to get rid of him. Sighing, Reako stepped in and found an open table in the main room, and sat down. Something's not right. It's as though my presance alone disrupted something here. I'll see if I can meet the leader of this realm later to get some more clear answers

Even in a place like this, Reako stood out like a sore thumb in his white monk-like robes and purple bandana. No one else seemed to be wearing clothes like his, although thiers seemed strange to him too. While lost in thought, someone approached him at his solitary table.

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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby Zemyla » Wed May 01, 2002 3:14 pm

Enill, meanwhile, was looking for an inn, as they seemed to be the places where strange things were discussed. Hopefully, there will be some clues there.
So your plan is just to walk around at random until you stumble on a clue? Riboru replied.
Will you stop it with the sarcastic comments? Enill said, irritated.
Nope, that's what I'm here for.

Enill knew that answering him would add fuel to the fire, so he just went toward the town. He would have teleported, but the dimensional "ground" here was too unstable to ensure a safe teleportation. As he entered the town, he saw an inn right away. It was the Ivory Horn. (What a coincidence!)

He walked in -- and saw someone he never expected.

Reako? What is he doing here?

He went over to Reako's table. <p>-----
Zemyla "Do not attempt to traverse a chasm in two leaps."</p>

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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed May 01, 2002 9:15 pm

(OOC: Just a quick note, Reako...I don't think she has yet let out anything about who she is, much less that she's an illusionist...)

The elven woman nodded to Reako and let him enter the inn. What she could not let him know was that she was a master illusionist, and a priestess of Falis. What she would not let him know was that she had a sadistic streak. After he had vanished into the inn, she looked in through the windowm to see what was happening...after all, he seemed confused, and confused people were the most amusing...

And what she saw, she vaguely githzerai? She was certain that she had encountered at least one or two of those in her various journeys...she continued watching, as he seemed to recognize Reako...

Squintz Altec
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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed May 01, 2002 10:55 pm

Mac looked up from polishing the bartop. He knew that there were lots of interdimensional travellers here, he had met many of them, being the bartender and all. He made sure that the booze was all arranged neatly on the shelves. He tried to keep a neat image.

(OOC: I just had to. Mac's the bartender of the Ivory Horn.)

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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri May 03, 2002 11:41 pm

(OOC: Me = idiot squared. Thanks again, FDeth. I'm gonna wait a while to join, I guess .-_-)

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/5/02 12:42:32 am

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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat May 04, 2002 12:39 am

(OOC: ...'Dan...that isn't Squintz. He has more than one character, you know.)

(EDIT: Gah...seeing as one of my characters owns this inn, I guess I better explain some stuff. First, it's been around a while. I'm certain that Kotoki knows about it. Second, unless there's a bard in there, there won't be any "twangy music". It's just a normal inn with an above average selection of alcohol. Only thing that's strange about it is the large tree in the middle...but that isn't my fault.)

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 5/5/02 12:28:29 am

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Re: Stop at a doman inn.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed May 15, 2002 8:26 pm

(OOC: *bumps RP, 'cause it looked promising and stuff*)



Unread postby TassiaEmiliaGalafeld » Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:03 pm

Tassia stumbled along the streets of the city, loosely clutching her stomach, it oozing blood all over her black robes's sleeves, darkening the color even more. The blood also discolors the pals skin of her hand, it twitching due to the pain she is enduring. She dazedly notices the inn, and bites her lip in order to try to stay concious long enough to get inside. She slowly staggers over to the inn, and bursts in, her eyes glazed over, and she then gasps, her bloody hand extended almost pleadingly, and then promptly collapses.

Squintz Altec
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Re: Inn...

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:34 pm

(No offense or anything, but the last post to this RP is going on a year now... I think it's dead.)


Meanwhile in a ruin not far away...

Unread postby Nornin » Wed Mar 19, 2003 9:59 am

(I think this RPG is good so I will join whit my knight-mage Nornin)

Meanwhile in a ruin not far away a magical portal opened and out came tall man in light armor and a big robe.
Nornin:This can't be right.
he looked disappointed at the ruin walls.
Nornin:The wizard must hawe left, wonder if he left a teleport scroll.
Nornin searched the bookshelf and fond what he was looking for.
Nornin:A teleport scroll but were?
he looked on it and said: Dogma city? I must most defenetly be in the wrong world, hmm... maybe I can get help there.
Nornin made a portal to Dogma city and entered.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Meanwhile in a ruin not far away...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:43 am

Dear Jak or Neko stop

The constant revivial of this very dead RP is becoming a nuisance stop

I request that it be locked stop

Yours Lord Elsington Purvistendendensmythe stop

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