A new threat (Semi-serious freestyle RP)

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Re: Restful Time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Sep 07, 2002 10:44 pm

Series Part

Serie skipped down the hall, happy that her stomach was almost full. The tiger had found his way to them and this made her happy.

She turned the corner to see the tiger arguing with Sher Khan.

"And do you remember the time you told me that the fish was poison. . .just so you could eat it!" He roared.

Serie smiled and ran up to him. She hugged him around his neck, witch surprised him. He jumped knocking her to the floor.

"Ow," Serie said rubbing her backside. "Why'd you do that for?"

"Uh. . .I am sorry." He said sadly. "Please don't be mad."

Serie smiled and hugged him again. "Oh thats ok your so nice. I hope your not hurt."

Behind them Sher grumbled a bit. Serie smiled warmly at the tiger.

"So whats your name. I'm Serie."

"My name is Glass," The tiger said bowing. "And I am the elder brother. . .by at least a second."

Illias Part

Illia smiled and turned into the pantry. Everything was going to be perfect. She would make a great dinner for Will, and she supposed she could feed the others. She laughed and steped into the pantry. . .

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed looking around that the complete deviation. Her eyes narrowed and she turned around and stormed down the hall.

Wills Part

"Wooo. . .I just got a chill." Will said as Herzad walked up to him.


Re: Restful Time

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Sep 07, 2002 11:54 pm

Herzad shook his head as he walked out of the kitchen.

Silly elf! What's 'a matter with 'im?

Herzad grinned. Sourne's face had turned red after he mentioned Illia.

Maybe he's got a likin' for her?

Herzad chuckled to himself as he walked down the hall, then stopped short at the sound of a shrill scream behind him. He almost turned to go help, then realized it was a scream of rage, and wisely took off in a dead run towards the others.

Like they say, safety in numbers... ah hope!

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Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Sep 08, 2002 12:30 am

Illia stormed down the hall until she ran into the group. .minus Serie.

"Ok!" She said angrily. "I want to know witch one of you destroyed the pantry and ate nearly all the food!"

Will blushed and laughed.

"I. . I'll clean it up for you."

"Oh no you will not!" Illia said. "The ones who made the mess will clean it."

Serie peeked from around the corner, the two large cats peeking from behind her. Serie stepped out and walked forward.

"Um . . .I did." She said softly.

Illia frowned at Serie and shook her head.

"How could you eat that much food."

Serie smiled.

"I was hungry. . .and I still kinda am." She said blushing.

Will laughed.

"Looks like your developing a magic users apatite." He said. "Come on Illia, don't get mad."

Illia pointed her finger at will.

"Now you listen hear, I am well aware of how hungry you mages can get. . .but that is no excuse for destroying the pantry. Now you need to stop coddling her Will!"

"I. . I'm sorry." Serie said. "I'll clean it up." She said softy.

"Damn right you will." Illia said with a smile. "Now behave yourself little girl."

Series eyes narrowed and she slid her foot forward. Her eyes flashed red.

"DON'T CALL ME LITTLE GIRL!" Seire shouted as a near by vase shattered. Serie blinked and then ran from the room.

"Seire wait." Will said. He sighed. "You know she didn't mean it Illia."

"You can't let her walk all over you will. You have to make her understand that she has to. . ."

"QUITE!" Sher said angrily. "Serie isn't some brat! She is a good child who has been threw so much hell. Now I demand you go and apologize."

Illia looked at the roaring lion.

"Whats his problem?" She said with confusion. "Why is he roaring so much?"


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Sun Sep 08, 2002 7:40 pm

Meanwhile, Herzad, standing in the corner, stood with his mouth open, ready to say something. Suddenly, he shut it and plopped down into a nearby chair.

This is jes crazy. Plain crazy. An' ah'll be durned if ah help someone who yells like that at a lass. That, an' ah jes don't wanna get in the way!

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Sep 08, 2002 8:22 pm

Serie ran outside and climbed the first tree she found. She stopped at a large branch and sat down.

Something had scared her, something she hadn't ever felt before. Something dark, she had wanted to hurt Illia. And for a brief moment, she liked the feeling.

"Whats happening to me?" She said sadly. "I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to." She said.

Wills Par

"Illia," Will said shortly. "You shouldn't have yelled at her like that? She hates to be called little."

Illia frowned. "Why?" She said sternly.

"Because she thinks difrently than all of us!" Will shouted. He sighed and looked at them all.

"Experience creates growth, the eldest of all can be a child, and the youngest child can be elder." He said. "Father told us that long ago, all of us. We were raised by the teachings of the guild. And Serie, she must have been to. That is why she is so angry when anyone calls her a child, or a little girl. In her eyes she has grown up. She has been threw so much and to her it means that she is grown."

Will walked out of the room, he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Illia, don't take your anger over what I did out on her. She can't help but need me right now, if I spoil her. . it is because she needs me to."

He left quickly.

Illia stood there and then frowned, then it broke into a small smile.

"Same old Will," she said. "No wonder I love him so much."

Sourne looked grave as he stared at the shattered vase.

Moon sighed and shook his head.


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:47 pm

"So," Herzad began abruptly. "What're we gonna do now? Ain't like ah'm goin' anywhere on me own... ah'd jes get lost. So where to?" He raised a bushy eyebrow expectantly at Sourne. "Ye're the one in charge, so let's hear it."

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:51 pm

"Herzad, first WE are going to talk with Illia, as well as a few apologies on both our parts. Then, we are going to talk with Serie. Then, I'm going to help Serie find her parents. You may come along if you wish." Sorune practically dragged the dwarf down to his doom of apologies. Grandpa Moon chuckled, gave a sly smile to Sher'Khan, and stepped out the door, journal in hand.
(OOC:Yes, Grandpa Moon is going to step out of this story, and go on to others.)


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Wed Sep 11, 2002 10:36 am

After a mumbled apology and a severe tongue-lashing, Herzad managed to make it to the door. He stepped outside, and, looking around, called out, "Where ye at, Serie?"

Ah hope she hasn't run off or somethin' an' got herself lost! An' what am I gonna do now? Go with 'em? Not like ah got anything to stay for, an' ah'm fer goin' somewhere... might as well be with them, 'til ah find somewhere to stop.

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:38 pm

Serie looked up and then down to see Herzad calling her name.

"Up hear," Serie said looking down at him. "You didn't get in any trubel did you. Illia is so mean."

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Sep 12, 2002 6:15 pm

Sorune had stayed awhile to talk to Illia.
"Illia, you really don't realize what Serie has been through. Let me finish before you speak. She has been tortured by all of her brothers, including William while he was under spell control. After that, she had to live alone for Goddess knows how long. Then, she is attacked by a mage repeatedly, rescues me from her brothers, whom she fights again, has seen her friends nearly get killed several times, gets controlled by the goddess of Decay and Destruction, Daethe, we find that there is still a piece of Daethe in her afterwards, and then forgets it all. And I, I of all people, let it slip that Vash killed her brother. Then you happen. After the rest of us have tried to help her, and protect her, you come and call her the name she despises most. Little Girl. And you even act snide about it, after all she has done, all she has been through, and even after what has happened to her mind. Do you know what it's like to have a piece of pure hatred and disease inside your mind? Neither do I. That is why I shall never call her a little girl. She has probably experienced more in her short lifetime than you or I will ever accomplish in our lives. Now, that you have a near full view of what has happened, what do you think?

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 12, 2002 7:11 pm

Illa took on a sad look that shifted into a smile quickly.

"I'm sorry, and I'll tell her that." Illia said looking apogetic. "If I had known that sooner." She said looking angry. "You can bet I wouldn't have yelled at her like that."

She sighed and brushed a strand of hair from her face.


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Sep 12, 2002 9:46 pm

Herzad started, then looked up. "Get yerself down from there!" he called to Serie. "Yer gonna fall an' break yer head open! Didn't ah tell ye that before?" Then, feeling a little guilty at raising his voice to her after Illia's outburst, Herzad smiled in what he hoped was an apologetic manner. "Ah jes don't want ye gettin' hurt, that's all. Now, let's go in an' see what we're doin' next."

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 12, 2002 10:04 pm

Serie smiled and jumped from branch to branch untill she landed safely on the ground with a small flip. She smiled warmly up at Herzad.

"I like to climb." She said.

"Well arn't you a regular littel tree rat," said a harsh voice. Serie jumped as someone jumped from the bushes. He stood tall and his face was dark as he stared at them.

"Ok had over all your money." He said smiling. "And I mean now!"


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Fri Sep 13, 2002 10:30 am

"Yer about as dumb as a rock, ain't ye? Herzad strode out, bringing his hammer down into his hand with a meaty "Twack!" An' suren I'm gonna smash ye like one if ye don't drop yer knife an' start runnin'!" He grinned darkly at the man, then, after a second, leaned forward a little to mock-whisper, "This is the part where ye run away. Fast."

Suren I'm gonna smash him if he ain't gone in... oh, let's be generous. 5... 4...

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Sep 13, 2002 11:01 am

The man stared at Herzard and sneered. He shook his hand and laughed.

"YOur going to pay for that." He said eviily and picked up his knife.

Serei smiled and jumped around.

"No one can beat Herzad." She sang. "Hes the strongest person in the world and you better do as he says."

The man glared at Serie and then smiled. "Once I beat you I'm going to drown that littel rat of yours. Now for the last time hand over all your money!"

Serie grined and took out her ball of string. She began to feed it threw her hadns as Herzard smiled back at the man.

"CATSCRADEL!" Serei shouted as the string shot out around the man tieing him up.


Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby BloodStar » Fri Sep 13, 2002 6:04 pm

Herzad stopped in the middle of his step, and lowered the hammer that he had raised above his head. Befuddled, he stared at the entangled brigand, then at Serie, then back at the brigand.

"What - but I was - Bah!" Herzad spit on the ground near the robber. "Ye make one funny move, an' I'll smash ye, tangled up or not, ye hear?" He raised his hammer threateningly and narrowed his eyes. "Serie, go tell Sourne what we got here. He'll know what to do with 'im."

Course, if it were up to me, ah'd smash him for wavin' that little pig-sticker in my direction... but suren Serie an' Sourne wouldn't be likin' that.

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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Sep 13, 2002 10:56 pm

Serie smiled and skiped off to find Sourne. She ran threw the untill she came to them.

"Um Sourne?" Serie said tuging on his robes. "I tangeled up this guy and Herzard said to come and get you . .Oh and I think Herzard is about to smach the robber. So you might want to hurry."

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Restful Time. . .yeah right

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:34 pm

"That sounds like Herzad alright. Serie, could you go have a chat with Illia while I see to the robber? I hope Herzad hasn't hurt him yet. Oh, and listen to Illia please. I've had a few words with her myself." Sorune stepped lightly to where Herzad had the robber on his knees pleading for mercy. Sorune sighed, told Herzad to stand down, disarmed the robber, and asked what possessed him to try to rob a dwarf.

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Girl talk

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:15 pm

Illia stared down at Serie who stared back.

Illia leaned down.

Serie tiltied her head and smiled.

"Sorry about breaking your vase."

"Thats ok," Illia said.

They contiuened to stare.

"Do you like Will? Did you two kiss?"

Illia blushed and then frowned.

"Hay now thats none of your. . ." Illia said firmly but was surprised when Serie reached up and pushed her nose.]

"Beep!" Serie said with a giggel.


Re: Girl talk

Unread postby BloodStar » Mon Sep 16, 2002 4:04 am

Herzad scowled at the robber, drawing his bushy eyebrows close together. "All right, all right. Ye got off lucky this time. If it weren't fer him," Herzad jerked a thumb at Sourne, "ye'd be missin' yer brains right now. That is, if ye aren't already!" With that, Herzad grinned and stepped back a few paces, but he stayed ready, just in case the robber tried to attack Sourne.

Maybe Serie uses her magic good, but ah still ain't fer trustin' it... That magic rope could break, an' if it does...

Herzad simply chuckled to himself.

Prob'ly not. But ah can hope.

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Re: Girl talk

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 1:17 pm

The robber stared at Sourne and then laughed.

"Oh how pathetic." he said. "That brats string is prety tuff my knife wont work on it."

Sourne stared at the Robber.

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Re: Girl talk

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 5:47 pm

"Looks like it's the hard way then." Sorune smiled and looked at the robber. Then, blades of grass rose up from under him, and wedged in under the rope, making it even tighter. "Just a moment, young thief." Suddenly, the grass grew even more, bursting the string. However, the vines held him steady still.
"Now then, why on Y'tu...Gaera would you want to attack a dwarf with this little pinsticker? It seems to have no poison, no enchantment of any help, and extremely little skill behind it, as this little escapade has shown. You are either extremely stupid, extremely bold, and sometimes those two are so close it's hard to tell which is which, or you're extremely desperate. Now tell me which of the three it is." Sorune stared him straight in the eye, giving him 'the look' so that the would-be-robber felt as if his eyes themselves were boring through his skull, into his mind.

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Re: Girl talk

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:05 pm

Serie ran back to Herzd who held out a hand to stop her from geting to close to Surne. Illia walked out lazily and seemed midly amused.

"I. . .I. . ca. . .can't . . .breath." The robber said.

"Then maybe you should tell him why you are hear." Illia said shortly. "I doput he will show you any pitty."

"I. . .I . .he. . .heard of a tempel fill. . .filled wiht riches. . .I thought I c. .c. . .could take the . . treasure. . ahh."

"What?!" Illia said walking up to the Robber. She began to slap him again and again.


Serie blinked and then stared at Sourne.

"Um . .don't you think you should stop her. . .I mean . .I think hes leanred his lesson."

Serie didn't want the robber to get away but there was something. . .something he was hiding.

Illia stoped her asult and glared at the Robber.

"Now explain yourself!"

"I. . beg forgivness. .. I needed the money. .to save. . .save. . my daughter."

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Re: Girl talk

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:15 pm

Sorune quickly uttered a few syllables that loosened the vines.
"Tell me about it. As quickly as possible. Illia, go fetch William and Sher'Khan. And maybe that other tiger as well. Now that you've explained it, I think you were acting on the latter of the two choices. Bravery, and desperation. And maybe some stupidity. But, what is it that ails your daughter? Some sort of sickness?" Sorune's mind flickered back to how Daethe had so easily come into Serie's mind. "Is she in financial trouble from loan-sharks? Is she being held hostage?" Sorune almost rambled on until he realized he was babbling. "Anyway, tell us."

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:32 pm

The man rubed his throat.

"She is bein held hostage. . .along with many of the grils from our vilage. . ." The man said looking down.

"Where is your vilage?" William asked walking towards them folowed by the two cats.

"A few miles away," he said sadly. "We all woke up one morning to find them gone. . .it was five days ago. We found out that they were all taken into custidy, orders from the black magic guild holders."

Will jumped.

"I thought that if I could get some money. . .that I could buy her freedom. . .She is my only child. . ." the man said.

Serie tilted her head.

"Black magic guild. . ." She said thinking. . .her eyes grew wide and distant and she grew very pale. She looked at Will who looked very much the same.

"Take us to your vilage." Will said sternly. He looked at SOurne.

"Vash is behind this." He said sternly. "He is apart of the black magic guild. The guild is located in the city of Tresto. As is my fathers guild. . ."

Illia steped forward.

"But it dosn't make any sence." She said. "The Light Guild would have never alowed this to go on. Something must be going on there."

Serie walked past them to the robber. . who was now cring on his knees. She smiled at him and held out a small flower.

"Don't cry," she said. "Sourne is realy smart, and he can help. If you just told us that befor I wouldn't have tied you up."

The man looked up and stared at the flower. He smiled at Serie and took it.

"My daughter is alot older than you, but I remmber when she was your age. She was kind like you."

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Re: linked

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:15 pm

"We need a plan. For that we need more info. Sher, sir, come with me. We'd be the best choices to investigate the town unnoticed. Now." Sorune waited for the theif to lead the way.

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Re: linked

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:51 pm

Serie steped forward.

"Um," she said slowly. "Sourne, everyone. I think I should be disguised."

Will nodded.

"Yes if you go in as a girl then you may be taken to."

Will thought and then looked at Illia.

"What?" Illia asked.

"I need you to make Serie look like a boy."

Serie frowned as Illia sighed.

(one hour latter)

Illia steped out of the tempel and smiled. The other stared at her as she cleared her thought.

"Now introducing. . Serie. . I mean Sam." Illia turned to see Serie standing behind her glaring down at the ground.

"I don't like this." She said angrily.

Serie looked very dirent. Her hair had been pulled back and she was wearing a pair of shorts and an old tuinck that was still to big for her. She stormed passed will and grumbeled.


Re: linked

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:10 pm

Grumbling as usual, Herzad paced around the clearing not far from the others, hammer slung over his shoulder.

Why me? Always, this stuff happens ta me. An' now ah'm gonna have ta go see about some kidnapped children... Argh! I'm not fer trustin' him, that's fer sure. Not after what he done. But if he ain't lyin', then ah can't jes leave a bunch o' kids to rot in some dungeon. Crazy, durned fool wizards! What the heck do they want kids for anyway? I can't ever figure them out!

As he paced, he caught a sight of the Illia leading a small boy out of the temple, even though Herzad hadn't been aware of any other guests. Suddenly, he did a double take.

"Serie? What're ye doin' dressed up like a boy?"

Suddenly, the rusty gears in Herzad's mind clicked.

"Oh, no ye don't! Ye're not comin' back into danger, not after all this. Don't ye worry, we'll handle everythin'. Besides, don't ye need to find yer father? Maybe that old man can-" Herzad paused briefly and looked around. "Where in blazes did that old man go to anyway?" Herzad shook his head. "It don't matter. Ye'll only-" Herzad considered saying that she would only get in the way, but that didn't seem like such a good idea. "Ye'll only get yerself hurt, an' it's not gonna be any fun where we're goin'. Ye can stay here with Illia while we're gone."

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Re: linked

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:42 pm

Befor Serie could answer Illia steped forward.

"Oh no you don't!" Illia shouted. "I am not a nurse maid. I am going with you. Or do you forget that my pantry is completly empty. I need suplies!"

Serie sighed as Will spoke up nervously.

"Uh Illia. . .Your going?"

Illia smiled at Will.

"Of course, I need suplies. Besides. . .you WANT me to go don't you." Illia said huging Will.

Will blusehd and smiled.

"Of course I do. .but. . but."

"But what," Illia said smothly.

"I give up. ." will said. "I can't win."

Serie looked up at Herzard and smiled.

"I can't stay alone." She said. "I promis to stay out of trubel and as long as I have my crystal . .um you still have it don't you? Oh did you put it in the staff yet?"

Serie said quickly, tring to keep herzard from worring.

Sher Khan frowned and shook his head as Glass steped forward.

"I vow to protect her with my life." He said with a smile. Sher Khan frowned and jumped forward.

"Hay thats my job."


Re: linked

Unread postby BloodStar » Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:18 pm

Herzad looked at Serie, then at Will. "He's get yer staff," Herzad said, pointing to Will. "An' ye need ta give me yer crystal so ah can put it in. Won't take more than a few minutes, an' ah won't even need a forge fer it." Herzad turned to look at Sourne. "An' I s'pose ah should ask ye fer me pay now, fer the sword an' all. Do ye got it on ye?" He raised a bushy eyebrow.

A deal's a deal! He owes me fer the sword... but durn it, why do ah feel kinda bad about takin' 'is money? Stupid sentimental dwarf! Get ahold o' yerself! Fair is fair, an' ye earned it!

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Re: linked

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Sep 18, 2002 6:49 pm

"Oh, yes I had quite forgotten. Here." As Herzad suspected, fifty gold pieces were all Sorune had. He tossed the bag to the dwarf who caught it expertly. Then he looked to Serie. "Now, where is the crystal? It would be a good time to put it on the staff, right before we go into danger. Sher shouldn't be back for another ten minutes or so, and that gives Herzad plenty of time to work."

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Re: linked

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Sep 18, 2002 8:05 pm

Serie stared at Herzard and then shrugd.

"Um. . .I don't know."

Will stepped forward and smiled.

"I have it," he said and tossed it to Herzard. "Serie I do not want you to do any magic. It could hurt you."

Illia sighed.

"You can be so clueless sometimes Will. Don't you get it. Haven't you figured it out?"

Will stared at Illia and then shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Illia rolled her eyes.

"You'll find out latter." She said sternly.


Re: linked

Unread postby BloodStar » Wed Sep 18, 2002 9:47 pm

"Thank ye, Sourne. Ah'll get right to work on this," Herzad put the bag in an inside pocket, trusting Sourne enough not to count it, then held up the rod and crystal and turned away, pacing as he worked.

Let's see what we got here... yep, jes' like ah thought... perfect fit. Now ah jes' slide it in...

A small click came from the tip of the staff as Herzad gently pushed the crystal in until it snapped in place.

An' the prongs on the outside ta hold it in... what ta bend 'em in with? Use yer head dummy!

Herzad's eyes opened a little wider as an idea occured to him, and he chuckled for a moment. Then, without hesitating, Herzad smacked the staff against his forehead, flattening one of the three prongs down to hold the gem in place. Without stopping, he bent the other two down in a similar fashion. When he turned around, smiling, only a few small red marks showed where he had violently smacked the small rod against his thick dwarven skull. The rod itself looked perfect, the prongs bent down expertly to secure the crystal in place. Herzad grinned at Serie and held the rod out to her. "Here ye go. Suren it'll do ye good, long as ye don't lose it!"

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Re: linked

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Sep 18, 2002 10:10 pm

Serie took it and felt a warm wave wash over her. Series eyes rolled back into her head and the crystla glowed. She rose into the air and stared at the others.

"Serie?" Will aked steping forward. Serie looked at him and then looked at Sourne.

"You need not quest." Said a voice. It was not Serie's. But someone elses. "Should you not seek us out, go back home? Let this world die." The voice said and disapeared. Serie landed on her feet and stared at the them all.

"What?" She asked. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

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Not on Sorune's life

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:43 pm

"I was afraid this would happen. Daethe was deeper inside her mind than I thought. Serie, you need bedrest. Now." Sorune practically picked her up, and dragged her to a bed. "Serie, you need to stay here. Daethe has...poisoned your mind. You probably feel a little more violent, don't you? A little more...chaotic? I was hoping this wouldn't happen, hoped you would be strong enough to resist...but you must rest now. I'll be back in a second, I need to tell the others what to do. I must stay here and help you battle this infection. Here, take this." Sorune produced a small medallion made of gold, with intricate symbols over it, and a small scale in the middle. "it is my symbol, my proof of being a Sage. Hold it close, it's powers may do you good." Sorune walked outside, and began telling what exactly had happened to Serie.
"The infection upon her mind was deeper than I thought. We need that dragon's strength again. I doubt that even Serie can fight a goddess' curse alone. I'll stay here and watch over Serie. Before you start William, remember your brothers. They controlled you once, what would stop them from doing it again? I need to watch over her, it is only the strength of my gods that will keep her in check. Rescue those girls, I'll do my best here."

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Huh? Series confustion

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 9:25 pm

Serie stared at the amulet and tilted her head. There was something. . .something so odd and famure. She laied back and stared at her own crystal.

"Thats funny," she said turning her staf over. "That marking is on teh back of my crystal."

She traced it with her fingers.

"Serie. . " said a voice. Serie fell back on to the pillow.

Serie woke up in her dream fild again. this time the stars shone bright and there was a woman dressed in silver standing over her.

"Sourne needs to give up." The woman said. "Tell him the Moon godess says he should. Befor he dies."

Serie shook her head.

"SOurne won't ever give up. He wants to see his wife and son again. DOn't ever say anything like that again."


Dwarf in charge!

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Sep 19, 2002 10:09 pm

"Aright then," Herzad told Sourne. "Ye'd best stay an' take care o' her. Ah don't know if ah'll be comin' back, so if ah don't, it's been good knowin' ye, Sourne. Maybe ah'll see ye again sometime, an' if ah don't, ah hope ye find yer home." Herzad clasped his hand in a firm grip. "An' tell Serie not ta miss me, an' ta quit climbin' them trees!" He turned to face the others. "Ah'm not fer long goodbyes, an ah'm not fer lettin' them children sit in no wizard's hole longer than need be, so whoever's comin' with me, let's get while the gettin's good!"

Durn it... got some dust in me eye, or somethin'...

He immediately turned and began to walk at a brisk pace away from Illia's home, blinking his eye rapidly to get the "dust" out. Something occured to him and he slowed, then came to a stop. Turning, he asked, "Er... which way to this town? An' who all's comin' with me?"

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

I shall go

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:37 pm

Will steped forward along with Illia.

"I have to deal with Vash." Will said. "Besides, my watter magic is strong against Vashs fire magic. And Illia. . .well lets just say she has some . .abilities to."

"Damn right!" Illia said sternly.


Re: I shall go

Unread postby BloodStar » Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:59 am

"I s'pose we can't jes leave that one here that tried ta rob us. Ah'm not fer trustin' ye, so hurry up an get in front, an' lead us to yer town." Herzad scowled at the robber as he said this, and motioned with his hammer.

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: I shall go

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 23, 2002 9:32 pm

Serie glared at the woman.

"Sourne is going to find his wife and son. They are going to be a family again!" She shouted.

"Quiet CILD!" Boombed a strong male voice. A tall man walked towards her dressed in armor and holding a glowing sowrd. He stared down at her angrily.

"Do not interfear," the woman in silver said to him.

"We've let this go on for long enuf. This child should be punished for her insolence."

Serie glared at him

"I'd like to see you try!" She shouted her body glowing brightly. The man steped back as the woman in silver sighed.

"Serie," she said flatly. "You must do as I say. You must tell him!"

"No!" Serie said again. "Now go AWAy!" The world swirled and Serie found herself siting in bed.

She fell back aginst the pillows fast to sleep.


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