A new threat (Semi-serious freestyle RP)

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:51 am

Meanwhile, outside, Herzad looked at the old man expectantly. "Well, what are ye waitin' for?" He raised his hammer to a ready position at his shoulder, uncharacteristically waiting for the old man to make the first move, as he was still unsure about seriously fighting him.

He is serious! Well, ah'll jes keep me guard up to start, an' see what happens.

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:41 pm

Serie walked sleepily threw the corridors, peeking into the a random room. She was wondering where everyone was, she wanted to know what had happened. She decided to walk back towards the room where she started.

Serie sighed and sat down on the floor, because now she was lost in the strange place.

Serie yawned again and stood up and eventually made her way back to the room. She laid back down in the bed and went back to sleep.


"Why would I lie?" will said sternly. "You know the real me Illia." HE said taking her hand in his. "You know that I would never lie to you."

Illia drew her hand away quickly.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked.

"Try to find father," Will said. "I have to find out more. And I can't let the other elders see her just yet. If they knew that the garden was a failure. . .they'd see to it that she would be sealed until she was older. I don't want her to go threw that Illia. Shes been threw so much and . . . and I just want her to be a child for a while."

"Your funny." Illa said. "Still so honor bound. Your the only one of your brothers that ever stayed hear to learn, and. . .your the only one who. .. "

Will stopped towards her as she stared at him. He cleared his throughout and smiled.

"Uh. . .I should go and. . "

"Check, on Serie." Illia said sounding embarrassed.

"Yes," Will left quickly, a smile on his face.

Tigers part

Sher Khans pride brother stopped and yawned. He had decide to wait behind the in, to keep from being found by that brat that had him. He wondered how he had come to be in such a place, and how his mind had been altered.

He laid down and rolled onto his back.

"It doesn't matter now." He said with a warm smile. "I'm free now."

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:44 pm

"Serie is a sorceress. But more than that, she is someone whom needs to be protected, and loved. A young person, who has a destiny to uphold. I see that now that I've let off some stress. I shall help her to her father, if at all possible. Thank you. Now, let me see her. I fathom that I've spent a long while down here already."
~Concentrate. His breathing shows he is in stance zeta. Easily knocked down by a switch and bait~ He yelled an uncharacteristic battlecry, raised his axe, and looked like he was going to go for an overhead strike. Instead, when he came to less than an inch of Herzad, he kicked him square in the gut, almost knocking the dwarf over. ~Forgot how sturdy dwarves are. This'll be a bit more difficult now~

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:52 pm

Serie sighed, it was hard to fall back to sleep. Espishily when her stomach was growling. She sighed and looked around, she was starting to get a littel board. Serie sudenly gasped and began to look around the room frantickly.

Her jesters hat was gone. She jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. She had to find it.


Re: Waking up

Unread postby BloodStar » Wed Aug 28, 2002 12:58 am

"Urgh!" Herzad grunted with the blow, his estimation of the old man swiftly changing. Seeing as how he was already bent low, Herzad suddenly changed direction, and charged forward headfirst, his hammer held against the old man's arm to halt any incoming blows. His legs pushed at the ground in a quick charge meant to shove the old man back and down, but he still restrained himself somewhat, just to make sure he didn't knock the old man down too hard, or stomp over him like he would with a normal opponent.

Not bad at all fer one 'is age! Not bad at all!

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Aug 28, 2002 10:10 pm

The Old Man matched Herzad blow for blow, but didn't seem able to be knocked down. If it wasn't for the fact that he was slowly being pushed back, his feet would've seemed glued to the ground.
~Concentrate. Do I continue fighting against hammer, or do I drop mine, and make him drop his? He seems a master of the weapon, seeming unpolished, but really just catching you off-gaurd. I need to focus on catching him off gaurd. Stance Omega should do the trick.~ He feinted an offensive blow to Herzad's knee, but as soon as he tried to block it, a long shaft of wood came down on Herzad's foot. Distracted by pain, the old man dropped his axe, put a grip on Herzad's knee, and made him fall down.
"I'm not THAT old!" Grandpa Moon wheezed, obviously exhausted. "And I don't just fight with the axe. I have a few tricks up my old sleeve, and I don't know where they came from. Some people even say I blur when I fight." He smiled, offering his hand to Herzad. "But don't think you didn't give me a good fight! You almost had me several times, and I know you were hanging back. but you certainly showed me a thing or two!"
Sorune was trying to find his way back to Serie's room, when he almost collided with Serie in her nightdress.
"Sorune! I lost my jester hat! Please, we have to find it!" She seemed almost frantic, so Sorune just nodded. "Where could it be? I don't remember much, and I don't know why we are here and why I'm in this dress and why my hat is gone!" she was frantic. Sorune quietly kneeled down, and tried to tell her what happened, leaving out as much as he could.
"You were put under spell control by that goddess I had to fight. But we freed you, while putting a binding curse on her. But that wasn't enough. The spell control was so strong that we had to go inside of your mind. If it wasn't for your brother, you wouldnt've survived. But your alright now. And I will help you find your...hat." He almost said Father. That would have to wait until she calmed down some.
~Why does my brother make me suffer so?~ The white tiger said as he was jeered at by some small children.

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Re: Waking up

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Aug 28, 2002 11:08 pm

Serie tilted her head and thought for a moment. If all that had happened. . .then why couldn't she remember it. Sourne looked so serous, like always. He hardly ever laughed. Serie smiled and gently poked his nose.

"Beep." She said and laughed. "Sorry but you were frowning. You should smile." She sighed.

"I don't know what happened to my hat." Serie said looking down. "Papa told me never ever to lose it. So I never take it off." She looked up at SOurne and smiled.

"So where is everyone? And are they ok?

Will part

Will stopped at the door to Series room and gasped. She wasn't there.

Illia walked up behind him.

"Will. . .I"

"Serie is gone." He said turning and walking off quickly.

"Really?" Illia said. "My that girl recovers fast. . .maybe you weren't being dishonest.


Re: Waking up

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:49 am

Herzad, now on his feet, was quite surprised. "Aye, yer not too ber yerself. Suren ye fooled me!" Herzad eyed the old man suspiciously. Ye know how to fight, an' good, but ye need to watch fer some things."

"Ah learned how to fight from me father's brother., when we was in the town guard. Learned with all sorta weapons against all sorta foes, fer years, an' don't think you've learned all ah got to teach in one fight!"

With this, Herzad launched into a lesson about fighting at close range with enemies who liked to charge, and how best to defeat these attacks. From there, he skipped haphazardly from topic to topic, all about fighting in some way, shape, or form. He would probably go on like this all day.

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Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:03 pm

"Everyone is here, Serie. But we'd better get some of the others to help find the hat. I'll check outside for Sher'Khan, you see if anyone else is inside. Meet back here in ten minutes." Sorune was a bit curious as to why she needed her hat so badly, but wrote it off as one of her secrets. He walked outside in time to save Grandpa Moon from death by boredom. "Have either of you seen Sher'Khan? Serie seems to have lost her hat, and he'd be the best one to help her find it."
~That's what I forgot!~ Sher'Khan thought as he tracked down a rabbit about ten minutes walk from the temple. ~I forgot to tell everyone where I was going! And how much I love fried rabbit! Oh well, I guess I'd better share this one. He's kind of big anyway.~ He thought as he chased a five foot long bunny to it's hole.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:35 pm

Serie walked down the hall, and shivered as her bare feet touched the floor. She wondered where everyone was, but somehow knew they were ok. She felt odd, because she didn't really know why she wanted that hat back so bad. It was just something she had never been without. Her father had given it to her, but never explained it.

Serie sighed and looked up at the very large door that stood in front of her. She reached out and the door opened slowly. She stepped inside and shivered as a cool breeze blew at her.

"Wow, a lake."Serie said and walked forward. She stopped short when she heard a deep voice.

*I see that your awake.* Said the large Blue dragon.

Serie smiled up at him.

"Hi my name is Serie, who and what are you?" She said kindly.

The dragon climbed out of the lake and stared down at her. He smiled and lowered his head.

*I don't remember my name.* He said. *Its been to long. And I know you. But your name has changed so many times. And I am a dragoon."

Serie tilted her head not sure what the Dragon was talking about.

"Uh. . .have you seen my hat?" She asked.


Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby BloodStar » Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:50 am

Herzad stomped around the perimeter of the building, grumbling under his breath. He searched the ground slowly swinging his head back and forth, his beard flying wildly from side to side.

Of all things, a jester's cap? She prob'ly lost it back in that city or somethin'...

Still, he continued to scour the ground, looking for the elusive cap.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:53 pm

The dragon smiled kindly down at Serie and dipped his tale into the water.

*Why do you value it so?*

Serie scratched her head.

"I don't know." She said. "I just always have had it."

*Come hear and look into the water.* the dragon said. *Maybe I can help you find the answer to a question you have yet to ask.*

"What?" Serie said walking up to the water. She looked in and watched as it swirled to show a beautiful woman dancing. Her long auburn hair, so much like Series, was wiping around her. There were other people there to, and Serie was surprised to see that they all wore the same hat that she had lost. Serie felt something pinch at her heart as she stared at the woman. It felt like an ache, an ache for something she lost.

"Whose that?" Serie asked pointing at the woman. "She kinda looks familiar."

*That woman is your mother.*

Series eyes got huge and she backed up away from the dragon.

"My mother?" Serie said looking suddenly sad. "Is it her hat?"

*It is the symbol of her gypsy trop. And if you were ever to come across them, they would know you.* The dragon said.

"How do you know all this?" Serie asked. The dragon just smiled and leaned forward.

*You will find that out another day.*

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:11 am

"Hey guysh!" Sher'Khan bounded up to Herzad and Grandpa Moon, five foot long rabbit in his mouth. "Look a' wha' I hun'ned 'own!" He laid the rabbit down. "Uh, Herzad, what are you doing in those bushes?"
"A cruel prank I played on him Lad. I tripped him, and am having trouble pulling him out. Help an old man, will you?" Grandpa Moon grabbed one of Herzad's boots, while Sher'Khan grabbed the hem of his shirt. Suddenly, they pulled out Herzad, beard full of leaves and all.
"Old Man, aye think I may 'ave already forgiven ye! Look!" Herzad held out a gold nugget as big as his fist, which he held up for comparison. "Aye wonder where it came from?"
~My brother is going to suffer slowly, painfully, creatively. Yes, definately creatively. And painfully.~ he thought as the children got it into their minds to play 'dress up the kitty'. ~But so long as I'm not found by that brat, I'm safe.~

EDIT:for 'rabbit' instead of 'Robot'

Edited by: Dragon Sage007 at: 8/31/02 6:43:29 pm

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:12 am

Will sighed and shook his head as he stared at Sher Khan and Moon helping up Herzard. Behind him Illia hid a giggle.

"Ok," he said smiling. "I'm not sure I want to know what happened."

"Oh my now that is something you don't see every day." Illia said cracking up. "A dwarf bested by an old man. . .my now that is something to talk about."

Will sighed and shook his head.

"Illia you never change," he said.

"Well what do you expect?" She said. "How many times have I had the chance to see this."
Series Part

The dragon lowered its head.

*What is wrong?*

"I don't know." Serie said sadly. "ALot. .I think. I don't really know what is going on. Sourne told me some. . but I don't remember it. Why?"

*I can not tell you.*


*I can't tell you.*

Serie frowned and sighed. It was obvious the dragon wasn't going to tell her anything.

Trigger part

It wasn't until a little girl tired to put a dress on him till he decided he had had plenty. He roared loudly sending the kids running. He shook off the frilly pink dress and growled.

*Ok. ..* he said. *I am going to find him and make sure he is dressed up like a doll. I am sure that that girl would do it.

He ran off to attempt to find his brother.


Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:19 am

Herzad scowled at those surrounding him, then turned to the side and spit out several large green leaves form his mouth.
"Oh, ye think it's funny, do ye?" He spit another leaf out of his mouth, and brushed a handful of them out his beard.

What's goin' on here? What happened? An' where the hell'd this gold come from? An' is there more?

With that, Herzad dove back into the bush, headfirst.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:37 am

Illia nodded.

"Yes I do think its funny."

"Illia!" Will said shortly. "Show some respect!"

Illia reached up and pulled off her hood. She ran hands threw her long blond hair, revealing a set of long ears.

"An Elf. . ." Sourne said.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Sep 01, 2002 10:23 am

~Alright, so there are Elves on this planet. But it's been nearly ten minutes already, so I'd better go get Serie. I wonder if she found her hat inside.~ Sorune wondered this as he walked into the small shrine.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:55 pm

Serie steped out from the door. She didn't know what to think, and didn't understand what was going on. She walked slowly threw the coridors looking down at her feet and wondering.


Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby BloodStar » Mon Sep 02, 2002 1:51 pm

Giving up his fruitless search for more gold, Herzad glared around angrily, then tromped off along the path. He continued to look for the missing hat, albeit with much less effort.

What're they tryin' ta pull? An' where the blazes is that durned hat?

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 02, 2002 5:51 pm

Illia frowned at Will.

"What?" Will said as he looked threw the bushes.

"What are you looking for?" She said, upset that he had left her out of the loop.

Will stood up and laughed.

"Well Serie lost her jester hat, its kind of important to her. But I don't know why. Its really just a ratty old hat."

Illia smiled.

"Oh is that all?" She said. "I washed it with her robes." willing said. "That girl must be important to you if your willing to look threw poison bush for her."

Wills face went white.

"Great I will be inching for days. YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME!" Will said angrily. Illia smiled and put her hands behind her back.

"Yes, but that is what you get when you don't introduce me properly."

Will sighed. Illia had always been big on the proper way of doing things.

Series part

Serie sat down under one of the windows and hugged her knees to her chest. She stared down at her bare feet, her eyes began to water.

"Why isn't she with me now?" She said and wiped her eyes. "And why didn't papa didn't tell me?"

She looked up and stared a painting of eight people, each dressed in long white robes. Behind them was the blue dragon. Serie stared at it and allowed her mind to wander.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Sep 02, 2002 11:16 pm

"So this is where you are!" Sorune said softly as he approached Serie. "I was starting to get worried."
"Sorune, can you answer a question for me please?" Serie was at the point of tears. "Why would my papa keep momma's death a secret from me?"
"Well, I would guess that it would be to keep you safe. I mean, if you found out that your Mother had died, you would want to find out who did it, and if you found out it was your brother when you were so young, you would probably want revenge on him, and end up getting killed. Does that make sense to you Serie? And did you find your hat?"

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Sep 02, 2002 11:21 pm

Serie stared at Sourne with a look of horor and shock.

"M. . .my Brother . .. killed her?" She said going pale.She lowered her head. "Why?" She said sadly.

"Why. .who?" She said turning her head away from Sourne.


Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Sep 03, 2002 1:05 am

Herzad scowled at the ground. He still hadn't come any closer to finding the hat, and he was getting quite irritated. "Durned fool's errand! Prob'ly got the hat in 'er room still!"

With that, Herzad turned and walked back to Illia's... home? Temple? Refuge?

Well, whatever. Long as there's somethin' ta eat! Ah'm hungry from all this stuff we been doin'!

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 9:09 pm

~I did not just say that!~
"Serie...I'm sorry...it slipped...Vash killed your mother, and I don't know why. It's something of a mystery. But I swear to you that I will help you find your father, no matter what the cost. And no matter what, I will protect you."

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 9:24 pm

"I hate Vash." Serie said so coldly and with such venom that it made Sournes blood run cold.

She wiped her eyes and stood up.

"Um. . .I still haven't find the hat. This big blue uh. . .Dragon. It told me that the hat belonged to my Mothers Gypsy trope. And I saw her Sourne." Serie said happily. "She was so prety. And she was dancing. And that hat, it is a way the gypsy showed what trope they were."

"We have to find it." Serie said sadly. "And. . .oneday when I get older, I want to find them. And tell them what happened to her.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 9:31 pm

"I'll help you Serie, in any way I can. But come on, let's see if any of the others found it yet." Sorune was a bit shocked at how quickly Serie had gone from menacing to happy, but still was glad she wasn't still in menacing.
~Vash will pay, as will the rest of her brothers. It's the only way Serie can be safe.~

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 9:34 pm

Illia left will to, who went off to find Hezard.

She soon picked up Series hat and headed out to look for her and Sourne. She sighed as she saw them walking down the coridor together.

"Oh there you are. Hear you go littel girl." She said and held out the hat.

Series small fists tightned and she frowned.

Sourne steped back and motioned for Illia to refrian from saying that.

"What?" Serie said angrily. "I am not a littel girl!" Serie said angrily.

Illia smiled.

"Sorry, Looks like your more like your brother than I thought. Well hear you go."


Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Sep 03, 2002 10:05 pm

A loud "thud" echoed from the front door. Heavy bootsteps followed the sound, and a resounding "wham!" signified the closing of the door. Herzad tromped into the building and looked over the group, Serie glaring daggers at Illia, Will standing by the door, appearantly to go outside, and Sourne taking cover from Serie's wrath. "Well? Where do ye keep yer food an' drink 'round here? Ah'd prefer an ale, but at this point, ah'd drink water!" With that, Herzad looked up expectantly at Illia. His grumbling stomach underscored the blustery dwarf's request.

Ah'm so hungry, I could eat a dragon!

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 10:21 pm

Serie smiled evily and narlwed her eyes at Illia.

"I don't like being called Littel." She said. Illia smirked.

"Look, you are littel. A littel girl. Just accept it."

Serie smiled and then smiled.

"Ok, since You were so nice to help us. . .I will let it slid. .for now." Serie took her hat and pulled it over her head, she skiped outside to look for Sher khan.

Will shook his head.

"You are realy going to get it now." He said looking at Illia. "How many times have I told you that your mouth would get you in trubel."

"What, she is littel. I mean look at her, she is small for a girl her age."

"Lets just say, that you realy shouldn't call her littel."

"I'll say what I like." Illia said stiflfy to Will. Will sighed.

"Great I have two stubern girls to deal with."

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:21 pm

Sher'Khan walked up to Herzad a tad angry, and dropped the five foot rabbit at Herzad's feet, giving him a wry look.
"Two indeed." Sorune said, laying a hand on Will's shoulder. "But at least they are good women. And I have a feeling you rather like Illia, do you not? I've seen that look before, ah it brings back memories. Just don't push her away, Okay?" Sorune smiled at Will, with a look a father would give a son.

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Re: Looking for a hat.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:19 pm

Will went red instantly and laughed nervously. He rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"Well, uh . . .yes. . .you see. . ." He said with embarsment. "Actually we have known eachother since we were Series age.. .and uh. . .yes. We have feelings. . .Oh look at that over there!" Will said loudly. The three turned.

"I don't see anything," Sher said and turned back around to see Will running down the hallway. "O ooo o k." Sher said siting down.


Tigers part. . .finally he gets someplace.

He had been walking for hours when he came to a small stream. An old famiur sent came to him and he ran, following it. He stopped short when he came to the temple and slowly peeked inside.

"What . . .?" He said as he saw Sher and the others. He growled and tackled Sher to the ground.

"Little brother why did you leave to to be tortured by throes wretched city children?"

(He he . . .I had to bring him in.)

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Looking for vengeance

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:38 pm

~I knew I forgot something!~
"Brother! I was on my way to fetch you, but I got a little caught up, and lost the trail. Come on, why don't we have a share of that rabbit?" Sher said, lying through his teeth. "Eat, drink, be merry! By the way, you have lipstick on your tooth." Sher said this last as he wriggled out from under him, and ran full speed in the other direction.
"That boy..." Sorune chuckled under his breath. "He acts like he is the only one in the world who know what love is. And thus, gets more embarresed than he should."

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Re: Looking for vengeance

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:48 pm

Wills part

Will ducked behind a door and sighed.

"Illia," he said softly. He loved her more than anyone could ever know. And he knew she knew, but times were to hard right now, acroding to her.

Series Part

"How dare she call me a littel girl." Serie said fuming. She shot an angry glance at Illia and crossed her arms infront of her. She didn't thinks she a littel girl, and this was because of her father.

"Serie," he had said one day long ago. "Expereince makes us grow, and hardships make us grow even more. Alot of hardships makes you older quiker."

Serie sighed and took on a sad look. She missed her father.

(Tiggers part His name is going to be. . .Glass.)

Glass got off of Sher khan and wiped his teeth.

"Yes . . .well ok then (yep he is a littel slow on the draw) at least you were going to."

"Of course." Sher said smiling.


Re: Looking for vengeance

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:31 am

Another cat? I'm so hungry, ah'm tempted ta see how good he tastes.

"Ahem!" Herzad cleared his throat. "If yer all done with all yer talkin', maybe ye can stop ignorin' me! Ah'm fer gettin' somethin' to eat, an' I don't know where the heck we are, so someone'd best get me some food, or tell me where ah can get some. Otherwise, I'm fer lookin' for food meself."

With that, the hungry dwarf leaned back against the hallway, a stern look on his face that left no doubt he was serious.

A hungry dwarf ransacking yer kitchen ain't a good thing... I'm fer thinkin' they're about to find out how bad it is!

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Re: Looking for vengeance

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 05, 2002 12:47 am

Serie had decided to explore somemore, and she was still hungry. She walked slowly down the halls until she heard someone coming. Her face broke into a large smile as she saw Herzad walking down teh hall.

"Herzad!" She said happily and ran to him. "I am so happy to see you. I am so hungry, but I don't know where the kitchen is. . .and I don't want to ask that mean woman." She said angrily. "She is so rude, she called me little!"

Serie turned and smiled, she entered one of the rooms.

"Oh wow talk about luck. . .look there is allot of food in hear. Come on lets eat."


Re: Looking for vengeance

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:01 am

Herzad grinned. "Well, ah warned her. C'mon Serie, time ta eat."

With that, Herzad dug into the food, tossing some to Serie, and cramming a good portion into his mouth. He said, muffled by a mouthful of food, "Ah telled 'em ah'd get food fer meself!"

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Restful Time

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:34 pm

Serie took a large bite of bread and smiled as she ate it. She had never been so hungry, and truth be told that if Sourne or one of the others were to come in at that time, they would have seen that Serie was eating almost the same about as Herzad.

"Yum," she said smiling. "Want a apple?" She said tossing it at Herzard.

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Restful Time

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Sep 07, 2002 8:54 pm

However, the throw went wide, and hit Sorune, who was investigating the odd eating noises from the kitchen.
"I should have expected this...*Sigh* Save some room for rabbit stew, you two, and hand me two loaves of bread, some pepper, and a healing potion. You have quite a throwing arm, Serie. And Herzad, you might want to either be quieter, or clean some of this up before Illia comes. Women can be rather upset about unclean kitchens, and elves twice as bad."
~ WHY must I mess up so many times today? At least they're small matters, and not llife threatining ones. Think fast, think fast, think fast...~
"So clean it up, eh?"
~crud on a stick.~


Re: Restful Time

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Sep 07, 2002 9:11 pm

Clean it up? What for? Not like it's too messy...

Herzad looked around, surveying the chaos that had once been a kitchen. Luckily, most of the crumbs had been caught in his beard, but a good deal of the mess was scattered haphazardly about the room, and dirty dishes littered the floor.

It ain't so bad! Still, maybe ah'll clean jes a little.

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Restful Time

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Sep 07, 2002 9:18 pm

~Whew, he didn't notice. I was worried for a second there.~
"Anyway, the rabbit will take about an hour to cook, and some good dwarven grog will be served, here's a bottle to get you started Herzad, along with some I make myself, for others. But, where is the bread?" Serie pointed to a red, small, pantry door, one of many. It had obviously been ransacked by the girl and dwarf. "Thanks. Um, and the white tiger was looking for you, but I don't think he's in the best of moods, and I think he's looking for vengeance on Sher'Khan. But, I'd better leave before I mess up any more." Sorune hurredly rushed out the door, loaves and seasoning in his arms, breathing a sigh of relief, hoping that Herzad would not put two and two together about Illia being an Elf.


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