A new threat (Semi-serious freestyle RP)

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Re: Goodbye :o

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Aug 05, 2002 12:32 pm

(I'm going to miss you Ajil. . .sorry that you feel that way. Maybe we'll Rp together again.)

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Goodbye :o

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Aug 05, 2002 8:52 pm

(You shall be missed. And sorry I misinterpreted your character so badly.)

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Re: Goodbye :o

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Aug 06, 2002 7:44 pm

(just bumpin us up, I wanted to wait untill someone else posted befor I did.)

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Dragon Sage007
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A Lost friend, and a new ally

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Aug 06, 2002 10:07 pm

(Had a bit of a cold yesterday.)
Suddenly, Sorune's eyes slam open, and start glowing. He starts floating three feet over the ground, and utters a single sentance, each word being almost visible.
"Wake, child, and see your new ally." And then he looks like himself, and physics welcome him back to Gaera. With a vengeance. Serie woke up, and suddenly looked behind them.
"Who's that angry looking dwarf heading this way? Sorune? William? I passed out again, didn't I?"
"Where's tha' mage? a'll kill him and take me money fro' his dead copse!" The angry looking dwarf stopped in his tracks, and took one look at the motley crew in front of him. "How did the bunch of ye get in here? And what are you doing, putting a wee lass like her on a lion?" As one, the group drew breath, certain that Serie would go berserk again.
"Don't call me that again." She said tiredly. "I don't like it. What are you doing in an evil mage's place anyway?"

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Re: A Lost friend, and a new ally

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Aug 06, 2002 11:11 pm

(Dragon I was hoping to contact you on I'm but I wanted to let you know that Blood asked me if it was ok to call Serie a Lass and I said it was ok. She just doesn't want to be called a little girl. Oh and as always you did another great post. Ps I don't mind if you write for Serie or Will. . just wanted to let you know that. And that is because I know you know their personalities.)

Serie slid off of Sher' Khan and stared at the short man holding a large ax. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. He looked very kind, well at least she thought so.

She was about to greet him when Will grabbed her and shoved her behind him. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he squared his shoulders.

"Who are you?" He demanded. Serie peeked from around Will and smiled.

"My name is Serie," she said cheerfully. "Sourne," she said jumping from around her brother. "Hes the one with the pointy ears. He beat that wizard and he saved us." She said excitedly. Behind her will frowned slightly and crossed his arms in front of him.

"Sounre is really strong." She said with a big smile. She tilted her head to the side and stared at the Dwarfs ax.

"Um. . .is that heavy?"

"Serie." Will said and pulled her back.

"Hay your being rude." Serie said.

"You don't know him so stay back untill we can find out more about him!" Will said sternly. Serie crossed her arms infront of her and scuoled.

"If he was willing to fight the mage he isn't bad. I can tell."


Re: A Lost friend, and a new ally

Unread postby BloodStar » Tue Aug 06, 2002 11:52 pm

"What?!" yelled the dwarf. "Ye're meanin' ta tell me that ye killed the pointy-hatted fool? I helped build this here place, an' ah'm not fer leavin' it without me pay! I though you was him, with yer magic... "light" thingy."
The dwarf heaves a long sigh, placing the head of his large warhammer on the ground, while resting his leathery hands atop the pommel. "Ah knew he would nae pay me. Tryin' ta cheat me all the time... an' now! Looks like he got what he deserved."
At this the tough-looking dwarf began to chuckle. "An ye... ye all..." Then, inexplicably, the dwarf begins to laugh upraoriously, leaning against a cave wall for support. "A...a lion, and a lass, a silly-lookin' mage, an' an elf, of all things! Ye killed 'im!" At this point, the dwarf can barely stand. "An... yer' meanin' ta leave now? Ye'd best, or 'is golems and guards'll come and get ye. Lissen here... I'm not fer stayin'. This place is... it's jes wrong, somehow." The dwarf, over his laughing fit, spits on the ground and hefts his warhammer over his shoulder. "I was in charge o' them buildin' this here place. I'll help ye get out. An' if we find any o' them durn golems on the way out, I figure the wizard, he owed me somethin'," muses the dwarf, stroking his long, rust-colored beard, "...and if'n I can't take it outta 'is hide, I'll take it outta 'is golems! An' 'is guards! An' whatever else gets in me way!"
With that, the determined-looking dwarf begins to stalk down the center of the rock-hewn corridor, only pausing to turn back and ask impatiently, "Well? Ye comin'?"

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Re: A Lost friend, and a new ally

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Aug 07, 2002 12:06 am

"I think he seems nice." Serie said turning to Sher' Khan. "Lets follow him."

Will frowned and crossed his arms in front of him.

"IF it will get us out of hear then fine." Will said. "No doubt that the Golums will reactivate soon. Vash will see to it." Will put his hands on his hips and stared at Sourne.

"I have no doubt that you took care of him." Will said. "Nor any doubt that you helped to protect Serie. But I want you to understand something right now," Will said angrily. "Once we are out of hear I am taking her with me."

Serie gasped.

"No you will not!" She shouted. "Sourne and the others need my help. And besides they might be abel to help me find Papa."

Will took on a hurt look. He only wanted to protect her, and he still didn't trust the others yet. Serie started to follow the dwarf.

(weeeee Sibling rivalry)

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: A Lost friend, and a new ally

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Aug 07, 2002 3:00 am

(I'm not feeling very well, and I'll be staying off AIM until I'm a bit better.)
Sorune lagged behind a bit to talk to William.
"Will, I understand your concern for your sister, but I found out who the mistress is. She is Daethe, goddess of decay. Do you think you can protect her from a goddess?"

"Why would that goddess come after her, though? Besides, she is my sister, and I can't let her down again"

"Will, the only way you would let her down is by keeping her safe for a short time instead of for her life. And haven't you thought it odd that she could cast magic without any study, and has a crystal that enhances those powers? That, dear friend, is why Daethe will try to usurp her powers."

"Alright, but how can we stop that even if we help? I mean, we can't go up a goddess together, can we?"

"To destroy, no. But to contain, yes. I can contain her, but I will need help. Some to distract Daethe, and others to put power into the enchantment. Serie is much more powerful than either you or I know. But we must go quickly."

"I still don't trust you all that much, but either you've got one hell of an imagination, or you're telling the truth. I'll go, and so will Serie, if she wants." William finally gave in.


Trouble Incarnate

Unread postby BloodStar » Wed Aug 07, 2002 3:50 am

The dwarf pauses at a fork in the path, then, murmuring to himself, choses a direction and begins down it. Suddenly, he turns, and, gripping his warhammer tightly, swings it into the nearby wall, pulverizing some of the rock and leaving a noticable mark. "Durned fool wizard! Died before he could pay me! Build me tunnels he says! And fer what! Stupid golems! Can't even make a cave right..."
The dwarf continues to complain to himself as he continues, stomping along the middle of the passage, punctuating his complaints periodically by swinging his warhammer into an adjacent wall, appearantly for no other reason than to take out his frustration on something. He makes an awful lot of noise as he proceeds through the tunnels, but he seems not to notice this.
"So!" He turns his head over his shoulder to look at the group following him as he continues down the passage. "Why in the nine hells were ye in this durn place? An' what's with yer cat? An'... an'..." the dwarf shakes his head, obvoiusly confused. He continues to tromp down the passage, oblivious to any commotion me might make.
"After I get ye outta here, ye know how ta reach the city, right? Ah'm fer goin' that way to, I s'pose. Ye can tag along with me ta there, an' then ah'm... well, never ye mind what I'm ta do!"
After saying this, the dwarf pounds another gash in the rock wall with his warhammer, which seems to give off a slight blue light in the darkness between torch brackets. "Bah. Hope I get ta smash a few o' them golems before I go. Be a shame not to..."

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Re: Trouble Incarnate

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Aug 07, 2002 10:06 am

(Sorry your not feeling well Dragon.)

Serie yawned and rubbed her eyes. The city sounded like fun, but she was getting very tired. She looked over her shoulder at Will who was talking to Sourne. Serie hoped he wasn't being rude to Sourne. She knew that he wanted her to go with him, but she wasn't about to. She had to follow Sourne, she didn't know why, but she was sure he could use her help, and the others help to.

"If you want to smash golums," Sher' Khan said as he walked by Serie. "Then why didn't you smash the one that was back there, it wasn't moving much."

Thalin seemed insulted by Sher' Khans words.

Serie looked over to the old man. (I'm sorry I don't know his name forgive me if you already posted it.) He was quite, and had been for a long time. She walked up to him and sighed.

"Um," she started. "Will seems to know you to." She said shyly. She wasn't sure how to act around the man, and to be honest it made her nervous. She was used to watching what she said around people but never what she thought.

He kept walking, not really answering her. He seemed to be thinking. Serie put her hands behind her back and sighed again.

"Do you think any of my brothers are still hear?" She asked.

Behind the small group Will lingered with Sourne. He was debating inside his mind weather he should tell Sounre about his father or not, or about the things that Vash had put Serie threw. Vash had been cruel to Serie. Serie had sought out help after their father had sent her from the garden he had created. Serie didn't know Vash but trusted him.

Vash had tricked her, and had ended up beating her and locking her away. Will knew, because the twisted bastard had told him while Will was under the spell. Serie did escape, how, Will didn't know.

"The city will be a good place to rest," Sher' khan said threw a large yawn.

"I think you will all like it there." Will said trying to lighten the mood. "Its a large city and there are always a lot of great sights to see, and if I am not wrong, there is a large festival being held there now."

Series eyes grew wide and she pointed to the wall.

"Wow, lets go. . how about smashing that one to?" She said excitedly. Will smiled as he wondered if he should tell Serie about Daethe.


Re: Trouble Incarnate

Unread postby BloodStar » Thu Aug 08, 2002 5:42 am

"Ye never answered me questions," said the dwarf as he led the odd party down a long, winding corridor in the rocky tunnel. "What're ye doin' in this rat's nest?" However, before a response could be given, he interjected, "Me name's Herzad Boulderstock, o' Clan Boulderstock, in Sanguinia. That wizard," he pauses for a moment to spit on the ground, then continues. "He hired me ta oversee construction o' this here place. Ah've had a lotta experience mining, and I know... well, I know a whole damn lot about it! Gotta make a livin' somehow... but I didn't like that slimy wizard fro' the moment ah laid me eyes on 'im." He snorted. "Last time I go against my gut feelin'. So," Herzad says, looking over his shoulder as he continues through the tunnels, "what's yer story?"

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Re: Trouble Incarnate

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Aug 08, 2002 10:42 am

(I'm sorry if I used any wrong names. I'm not sure if I did. . .but I am sorry if I did.)

Serie jumped forward she cleared her thought and smiled.

"My name is Serie Starright," she said. "At first I was trying to find my father, that mage attatcked us while we were in our garden. Witch is odd because papa said that no one with any magic should be able to get it."

Will stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"I am Will Starright." He said. "Humble member of the order of the cleric and a member of the magic guild of Sira." Will smiled and crossed his arms in front of him satisfied with the introduction.

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Trouble Incarnate

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Aug 09, 2002 7:17 pm

(I'm feeling better, just a touch of pnuemonia)
"I am Sorune, Sage of the highest order on the planet Y'tuin, and keeper of peace. I'm trying to stop the goddess Daethe from destroying all of reality as we know it, and this is Sher'Khan, my traveling companion and lover of books." Bloodstar raised an eyebrow at Sorune's words, but was hushed by the Old Man's words.
"I am a nameless blind old man, with a moon whirling around my head. I've had amnesia for the last three years, and discovered latent psychic capabilities. I'm trying to make sense of the whole mess that's going on, but not having much luck. And, well, where did that bard get to? I hope he's not lost in there."
(If you're reading this Rook, that is the best way I could write you out.)

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Hero worship

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Aug 09, 2002 9:11 pm

"Daethe," Serie said slowly to herself. "Is that the one who was that evil mage's mistress?" Serie asked. "She's a goddess?" Serie said slowly. Will bit his lower lip and frowned, he had hoped that Sourne would no tell Serie.

Serie stared at Sourne and then smiled.

"Well I'm not afraid!" She said bravely and attempted to stand as Sourne was.

Sher' Khan chuckled as she did this.

(get well soon Dragoon)
http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/bunny_gir ... %26.view=l


Re: Hero worship

Unread postby BloodStar » Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:31 pm

Herzad scowled. "Silly bard. Well, ah'm not fer goin' back fer 'im. If he won't come with us, then he can find 'is own way out!" Without missing a beat, he then broke into a broad grin at Serie. "Aye, ye've got a stout heart lass. Good fer ye!." Noticing something in the tunnel, Herzad changes the topic of conversation again, and motions to the fork ahead. "See how the walls are all crooked here? Those durn golems did that! All thumbs, an' they can't do nuthin' right. I'd love ta get one o' them under me hammer, and show them how a dwarf breaks rocks!" Whistling loudly to himself, he clomps down the center of the tunnel. "The way out's jes' ahead o' here. If there be any guards waitin' fer us, they'll be up there. Ah hope so, anyway!" With a broad grin on his face, Herzad picks up the pace slightly, appearantly in expectation of a fight.

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Re: Hero worship

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 12:17 am

Serie stared at the wall, she could see some of the crude carvings. Hazard looked happy, and seemed to hope to find a fight.

They soon came to the exit he had been talking about, and found something that made Serie gasp. There standing still, and staring out at them, was a golum. It did not move, nor seemed to have any life with in it.

Will sighed with relief.

"Perhaps when You beat that Mage, the magic was taken from them. That's what usually happens."

Serie stared at the large metal creature and began to feel odd, as if something were pressing down on her, making her fell as if she were in danger. She closed her eyes and opened them quickly.

"Vash is near by," she said softly.

"Right you are my dear littel sister." Said a voice from no where. Series hands clenched and she lifted her head to see the golum begin to move.

"William," Vashs voice said coldly. "You should have been more careful, now you'll die just like the dwarf and that old man."

Series eyes narrowed as Vash appeared from behind the golum. He turned to Sourne and laughed.

"I must thank you for getting rid of that idiot. I was getting tired of dealing with him, and so was the mistress."

Serie slid her foot forward and held her small fists up.

"All I need is you and that brat." Vash said as he walked forward, his long crimson cape billowed behind him. "It can be easy for you, witch would not be fun for me. Just sarender, and give up that brat to us." Vash smiled as his eyes narrowed.

"But if you want it the hard way, I don't mind at all. My littel metal friend behind me can deal with you." He turned to the Golum and laughed."It will follow my orders, and mine alone. And to make things interesting." Vash said stearing at the Golum.

"I'll give it a target that will end up killing you all. Golum!" Vash shouted. "KILL THE CHILD!" Vash shouted and laughed as the Golum moved slowly towards Serie.

Serie took out her Chokra and threw it as hard as she could. Of course all it did was bounce off of the Golum and land on the ground with a small clink.

Will grabbed Serie and shoved her behind him.

"Damn you!" He shouted.

"Come now littel brother, your pathetic water magic will do you no good. Besides, you know that the mistress wants her alive. Her and Sourne, but accidents do happen now don't they." Vash said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Will, with no weapon raised his fists, intending to fight bare fisted. There was no water about, and there for, he found his blue magic unless.



Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 12:32 am

Suddenly, but not altogether unexpectedly, Will heard a bloodcurdling war cry from behind him, and Herzad flew past, hammer in hand, screaming joyously at the top of his lungs. Aiming straight for the golem, his stubby little legs pumping as fast as he could move, he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I telled ye I'd smash one o' them things! Yer mine now!" And with that, Herzad made a beeline for the golem's side, keeping it between himself and the mage, intending to make a powerful blow and crush the golem's knee. He kept an eye on the golem's arms, and the mage too. Anything tricky and he might have to smash the mage first. The golem's knee was his first priority though.

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Re: Hooray

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 12:37 am

Serie jumped to the side as Hazard slamed into the Golums leg. Will moved away quickly as the Golums legs caved in causing it to fall forward.

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Dragon Sage007
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Another stand.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 1:27 am

Sorune was more than a tad bit shocked. He had never seen a golem be destroyed, especially not a metal one, without magic.
"William, take your sword." Sorune said, handing it over, taking advantage of Vash's shock.
"Woo, tha' felt great! Got anymore layen around, magey?" Herzad said with what seemed a bit more cheer than was needed. "Or shall ye be the next?" Sorune stepped beside him.
"Serie will not go with you." Sorune looked haggard, but his words seemed more like a forecast than a proclamation. "I shall die first." Sher'Khan roared, but was actually saying, "As will I."
"I won't let her down again, brother!" William declared.

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Re: Another stand.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 1:40 am

"Cute," Vash said and stepped back. "But I was sent nearly to test you. We shall meet again." Vash said and smiled at Serie.

"Keep in mind," he said. "Its by her will that I leave you." Vash said and disappeared.

Serie frowned and picked up her small weapon. She threw it to the ground and clenched her fists.

Will walked over to her and sighed.
"Hes gone now," he said.

"Hes making fun of us." She said. "He knew that Sourne was tired from the fight with the mage," she turned and looked at Will. "Hes worse than that mage, hes so cruel."

Serie looked at Sourne and lowered her head.

"Hes horrible," she said. "And strong to, but I don't know how strong."

Will turned to Sourne and the others.

"Shes right," He said. "Hes playing a game with us, but I don't intend to play. Vash is type who craves a challenge. He never intended to fight us now. If I am right. . then he wants to fight with you Sourne." Will said. "He knows your strong."

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 2:11 am

"Powerful, yes, but weakened. I have weaknesses, just like anyone else. But right now, that is not important. We need to get out. And get some rest. It's probably morning by now, too. Herzad, how much farther to the outside?" Sorune said, and looked even more tired than before, like a delicate card castle that could collapse at any moment.
"I'd say about three minutes. But what in the bloody moons is going on?" Herzad asked. "I mean, smashin' is fun an' all, but this sounds pretty serious!"
"Let's just say that Serie is in trouble, and we want to help. I'm sure that" Instantly, Sorune felt as if he had been knocked in the face by something that smelled and felt like yellow. It was indescribable, but he knew it was another message from the gods. "I'm sure that you need to help us in some way. I'll explain on the way out."
~I still hate those premonitions~


Re: Hope

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 2:59 am

Herzad simply shrugged at the party, and pointed ahead. "Ye can see light fro' outside ahead. Not far now." Just for good measure, he swung his hammer in a powerful arc right at the golem's head. To the querulous expressions on the faces of the party (including, for some strange reason, the tiger) he simply said, "What? I was jes' makin' sure!"
Grinning to himself, Herzad turned and tromped down the corridor, completely happy at having smashed a golem. His heavy bootsteps echoed down the hall as he travelled onward, leaving behind the crumpled ruins of the golem. Turning his head slightly, he spoke to the others, "So, yer sayin' that I'm ta be helpin' ye? An' I'm fer thinkin' by yer tone ye mean after ah get ye outta here, ye need more help. Ye'd best be out with it, an' I'll see what ah can do fer ye."
Ah could swear I saw the cat lookin' at me funny. They're even talkin' to it like it can think or somethin'. Maybe they've got a magic cat, or... bah! As long as it don't try to eat me, I won't have ta hurt it. An them silly wizards... suren they're an odd group. Seem like good folk, though. If I did help em, I wouldn't go wrong. Seems like they're in trouble of a sort... oh well. Ah'll hear 'em out... not like I got any plans fer goin' anywhere now. Herzad breathed an inward sigh. I must be crazy, too.

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Re: Hope

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:27 am

"Herzad, you remeber how I said I was a sage, protector of Y'tuin? Y'tuin is a balancing planet for all the death and destruction that was caused on others. Now, several gods used up alot of their power to make that planet, so they need protectors. I'm that protector, and they gave me some extraordinary powers. Like a mage's, but focused on nature. They also gave me this power of slight premonition, which is hard to describe. But I was just hit hard with it, and you need to help us. I'm not exactly sure why, but Sher' seems to agree as well." Sorune stepped out into the sunlight, and it seemed to do him a lot of good. He suddenly stood up straight, walked more quickly, and just seemed better. "But I'm certain that it all has to do with Serie somehow. Her and that little jewel."


Confusion + Dwarf = Something

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:44 am

"Eh? Balance? Sher? Jewel?" Herzad, utterly and completely confused, took some time as the party travelled to work things out in his head.
So, the lass has a magic jewel, an' it's important. Seems like that mage... her brother? He wanted it, an' I'll be damned if he gets it while I'm here. Not like I owe 'em nothin', but... Bah! I'm jes' bein' sentimental! Still... awful strange. The cat, too. Sher' Kahn... an' I was right. It thinks. Great, that's jes what I need. An' either this Sourne is jes half-crazy, or he's tellin' the truth... strange, but I'm fer believin' him too. Bah! I must jes be loony like the rest of 'em. Still, wouldn't hurt to go with em fer a while. Seems like they're fer havin' me come with 'em. Suren I won't be gettin' a job stayin' in that town, an' maybe I'll run across somethin' with them.
"Okay," said Herzad slowly. "Ah'll go with ye. But!" He interjected before anyone could speak, "Only till ah find me a job. I do metalwork too, ye see, an' there's always a call fer a good blacksmith. I figure I won't be gettin' a job in this town, anyway. An', as long as ah don't know where ah'm fer goin', ah may as well go with ye. Don't git me wrong! I don't owe ye nothin', and I'm fer keepin' it that way. It's jes... prudent." With that, Herzad continues down the path, walking slightly closer to the others now, instead of leading them by a fair distance. As an afterthought, he mentions, "An don't let yer cat be eatin' me or nothin'! I don't wanna wake up without me arm! An' if he...she... if it tries anythin' funny, ah'm a light sleeper!"
Gods, ah hope the cat don't try ta eat me. Good thing it looks... friendly? Durn people are makin' me crazy as they are! Talkin' about jewels, an' cats, an'... Bah. Not my problem!

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Confusion + Dwarf = Something

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 4:44 am

~Getting help from sane people is getting harder and harder~

"If Sher'Khan wanted to eat you, trust me, you would be a few limbs lighter right now. That's not a threat, just a fact. Anyway, you're a blacksmith? Is that as rare here as it is on Y'tuin, or is it fairly common?"

"Er..it's common, but a good blacksmith needs to know 'is work! Too many bad blacksmiths give the good un's a bad name too often." Herzad started.

"I'm sure that to even take that view, you have to be a good blacksmith yourself."

"You bet I'm a good bloody blacksmith! Trained under, and tought, some o' the best smithies in all o' Gaera! I showed some of them idiots somethin!"

"Then you wouldn't mind doing a job for me? For pay, of course." Herzad had a look signifying he was thinking, 'I can't believe I fell for the oldest trick in the book'

"What lad, what?"

"Very simple. I need a sword to trap Daethe in. But, it has to be covered in several mystic sigils, and I need you to put those in. No problem for a master blacksmith like yourself to do eh? All we need to find is a forge."


Now yer talkin' me language!

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 5:07 am

Herzad shot a bemused look at Sourne. "Well, aye lad. I can do somethin' like that. But ye'll need a lot of magic components fer that... an' for a goddess, no less? Ah'll need about a dozen o' the strongest mages in Gaera!" After studying Sourne for a moment, Herzad continued. "Yer serious, ain't ye? Well, the metalwork, I can do that with me eyes closed! As fer the runes, ye jes' need to show me what they look like. Then, ye need yer wizards to tell ye what components ye need when ye enchant it. Fer instance, take this here hammer," he hefted his mighty warhammer. "This here was forged by me great-great-great grandaddy! See, here, on the side, it's got runes and whatnot." Indeed, many arcane writings covered the side of the weapon's head. "They used diamond dust in 'em, and some other stuff. Now, sometimes, ye can do the enchantment with a scroll that has instructions. But, fer somethin' like what yer talkin' about..."
Herzad shook his head. "I'm not fer fightin' a goddess! I may be crazy, but not stupid! An' unless you got a whole bunch of wizards hidin' in yer robes that know about this kinda thing, ye won't have a goddess-catching sword either!" Herzad breathed a heavy sigh. "But aye, I can make a basic sword and put in yer glyphs. Likely ye'll need some kinda dust or powder when I put in the runes, so they hold magic better. But, ye'll need some heavy enchantments after it's done to trap a goddess!" Herzad sighed, then shook his head.
They're gonna try an' kill a goddess? Oh, I'm hopin' I'm far away when they try that! Ah jes' hope they don't take that poor lass with 'em when they try! Well... her brother has a good head on 'is shoulders, by the looks o' him. He'll take care o' her... I'm sure. Not quite convincing himself, but determined to save his own neck all the same, Herzad managed an uneasy truce with his conscience.

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Dragon Sage007
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More seriousness.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 5:36 am

"Trust me on this one. All you need to make is the sword with runes, and I'll supply the magic. I still have several gods helping me, and they don't want Daethe to win either. But even they don't have the power to completely destroy a goddess, unfortunately. I really wish that I didn't have to bring all of you into this." Sorune immediately looked depressed. "Nor did I want Serie and Will to fight their brothers. But Herzad, perhaps all that's needed of you is to make the sword. I'll pay you fifty gold pieces, and perhaps you won't have to take part in the fights." Sorune noticed they were on familiar ground. They were less than a mile from the city, and he could've sworn a balloon just flew over his head. "But do me a favor, and make sure that nothing happens to Serie while you are here, alright? Something about the girl tells me she has a much bigger destiny than mine or yours. She has some sort of quality that suggests that she is more powerful than gods, but less apt to use any power. Even that catscradel, which you haven't seen, is pure magic. It's like she is magic, but living. Do you know what I'm saying? It's imperative she doesn't get hurt."


Re: More seriousness.

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 6:05 am

"Right then. Ye got yerself a deal." Herzad considered haggling over the price, but he knew it was more than fair, and Sourne could probably afford no more in any case. Beside that, Herzad thought, ah've no intentions o' cheatin' 'im outta every last coin. "But, ah... as fer the fightin', lad... don't get me wrong! I've no problem with crackin' some skulls with ye... I jes don't wanna go up against a goddess! But as far as everythin' else goes... they're fair game!" Herzad grinned, and the expression suggested that he hoped he'd get to crush plenty of things before the journey was over.

"An' don't ye worry about the lass," Herzad reassured Sourne. "If anyone tries to even touch 'er, I'll bust 'em good!" From the expression on his face, there could be no doubt that Herzad told the truth, and the stout dwarf would be a fierce protector if necessry.

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Re: More seriousness.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 10:30 am

Will looked at Sourne. He pulled him to the side while Serie and the others spoke to Hezard.

"I have a bad feeling that its not the Crystal she wants." He said. "I remember her voice, that goddess, but I can't remember what she ordered me to do. Her voice was soft as silk but as distant as a star. But it filled me with such fear. I do remember one Command, one that stood strong above all rest. "Bring me your sister."

Will lowered his head.

"The crystal was my fathers. It is the symbol of the Magic guild. And it is used mainly to focus powers."

"Can you put this crystal into a staff for me?" Serie asked. Will looked up to see her holding out the crystal to Hezard..


Re: More seriousness.

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 2:01 pm

Herzad looked puzzled. "A staff? Well, it'd have ta be a wee staff. Metal ain't generally used in that sorta thing, ye know. But I can take a small rod, an' put it on the end... aye. Won't take more than a half hour. Won't charge ye nothin' fer it, long as Sourne's payin' me fer the sword." Herzad pondered, stroking his beard, apparantly working out the blueprints for both items in his head. Murmuring to himself, he continues down the path, oblivious to the world.

(Sorry guys, gonna be away from now until 5:00 PST. Family reunion.)

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Re: More seriousness.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 3:35 pm

Serie smiled and looked at Sher' Khan.

"It will be easier to use in a staff. At least I think so." She hugged Sher' Khan and laughed.

"Where are going to be outside soon." She said. "So cheer up. Now we can read more stories." She said and ran after Herzard.

Will sighed and shook his head.

"One minuet shes so serious and the next, the next she's a carefree child again. Well if we don't hurry She'll leave us behind. Do you need any help Sourne?" Will said. "You have my shoulder if you need it."


Shop talk.

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 9:54 pm

"Alright!" Herzad said suddenly. Turning his head to look at the others, he first questioned Sourne. "How would ye like a scimitar? I heared that druids used them, and ye seem like a druid ta me." Then, he turned to Serie. "I can take part o' an old wagon axle and use it as a rod. A metal staff'd be a bit much for ye ta carry, but a rod! Then, ah can put prongs on th' tip ta hold yer stone." Finally, he looked at Will. "And with what's left from the axle, I'll make ye a short metal club. Ye'll be needin' it ta take care o' yerself and yer sister, methinks. So, what do ye think?" Herzad raised a bushy eyebrow inquiringly, waiting for a response.

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 10:05 pm

"Actually, I prefer my staff to a sword. And a scimitar would be too thin to put the sigils on." Sorune turned to Will. "Just look after your sister William. Make sure that she comes to no harm. As to the voice, I'll keep that in consideration. But make certain that she comes to no harm." Will nodded uncertainly. But Sorune was having some doubts. ~As soon as we need more help, it arrives. Herzad arrived just when we needed a guide, Rook came when I needed help with Serie, and even Sher'Khan gave me protection and shelter when I needed it. Can I really trust any of them?~
Meanwhile, Sher'Khan was having some doubts of his own. "Serie, can you tell Herzad that I will probably need a weapon when the time comes? Maybe something like steel platings for my claws? Or even capping my teeth?" Serie nodded, and proceeded to tell Herzad about Sher's desire. Herzad looked to like he was just going to pat her on the head and say, 'silly little lass' but Sher interrupted with a low growl.
"Alright, I'll make him some steel claws. But I need a bit o' money for the materials." Sher got an idea from that, and pulled on the bag that was hidden in his mane again. This time he came out with a book labelled, 'greatest weapons of all time' and proceeded to page seventy three. Herzad was extremely curious to this, and tried to read over his shoulder. It read, '...The power of the claws of a lion is almost nothing, compared to it's teeth. However, that's how we came up with the design for this weapon. The claws are retractable if you flex correctly, and increase your fighting ability exponententially. See diagram 73-a for instructions.' And Sher'Khan pointed his claw right at the illistration for Herzad.
"Well I'll be da-durned. I've seen claws like them, but only on the best martial artist of the year. Those is what you want?" Sher nodded. "Well, the design looks simple, but genius all the same. Tell you what, payment for it will be that book." Sher cocked his head. "I mean, if it has that, who knows what other weapons are in it?" Sher nodded, picked the book up in his teeth, and handed it over to Herzad.
Old Man was the most worried of the bunch. He saw Sorune's mistrust, and also saw that everyone was trustworthy. But how could he convince Sorune? Even his powers wouldn't make him trust the others much, with that kernal of doubt. And Serie...he didn't know what to think of Serie, but it was important to the fate of Gaera in some way. How, he didn't know. But he did know that he would also have to protect her. He held up his axe lovingly, but knew that the major contender in the fight would be Sorune. If he went out, then they would have no chance. But how could he be nuetralized in the fight, when even he saw no way besides beating him to a bloody pulp? No, they would win, and hopefully everyone would be safe. For a while at least.

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Re: Reply

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:25 pm

Serie smiled and looked at Sher' Khan.

"Do you really want a mouth full of metal? Just don't bite your tong."

Sher' Khan seemed to smile and he sat down.

"Anyway," Serie said putting her hands on her hips. "I don't need anyone to protect me. I was alone for a long time before I found Sourne. I promis I won't get hurt, and I promis that if a fight comes along I'll do my very best to help," she smiled.

Will sighed and looked at Sorune .

"Shes so stubborn. But don't worry, she won't be in any fights. I will see to that." He whispered so Serie wouldn't hear. "Lets just let her think that she can for now."

Serie looked at the old man and sighed.

"Can I call you Grandpa Moon?" She said. "It sounds allot better than Old man, besides I don't think you like that much."


Re: Reply

Unread postby BloodStar » Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:46 pm

"Lass, ye need ta listen better. Even I got the idea that yer ca- I mean, Sher' Khan wanted metal-shod claws."
I canna believe it. Ah'm actually talking to a cat. Crazy, crazy, crazy.
"An' I figure it won't be takin' more than a day's work ta make the stuff. Ye can run around the town while ah work me own kinda magic!" Smiling to himself, Herzad walked along the path with a longer stride, eager to get to the nearby city and appropriate a forge for the day to begin his work. With any luck, the local smith would be more than pleased to enjoy himself for the day with a few extra coins in his pocket.
An then, thought Herzad with anticipation, ah can start working some metal!

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Re: Reply

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 12:17 am

Serie laughed and skipped down the path. "Sorry Sher'," she said, and spun around a few times while looking up into the trees.

She loved being back outside, where the fresh air was a warm welcome to the dankness of the prison. She stopped, still looking up. She lowered her head and looked around.

She smiled and ran to a near by bush.

"Hi," she said and knelt down. "Come on out we won't hurt you. I know you think that we look scary. But its ok."

She stepped back as a small bird hoped from under the bush.

"Oh no," Serie said warmly. "Sher' Khan won't eat you."

The bird flew up and landed on Serie's out streached hand, causing her to laughed hapily.

"She says her name is Ra." Serie said. "And she's lived in the forest for a long time. She wants to tell us something." Serie said.

Will stared at Serie and frowned. "This is no time for games." He said.

Serie looked at the bird, her small green eyes focused, and unblinking. The small bird chirped and fluttered its wings.

Serie seemed worried and turned to them.

"She says that we shouldn't leave the path," there was more chirping. "Because their are humans who attack other humans down their. I think she means thief's."

Serie smiled at the small bird as it flew away.

"Thank you!" Serie called and skipped on down the path as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.


Thieves? You mean targets?

Unread postby BloodStar » Sun Aug 11, 2002 7:10 am

Herzad shook his head. "Lass, if there was any thieves about, they'd come up onto the path ta get money. I think ye need ta check yer ears." Grinning, Herzad turned back down the path. "But don't ye worry. Even if there were any, suren they won't want to take nothin' from us! An' woe to them if'n they did!" Saying this with an almost predatory smile, Herzad began to warily glance from side to side as they travelled down the path. Despite his misgivings about the bird's "warning," it was better to be safe than sorry. He stayed more alert to their surroundings as the group continued onward.

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Re: Thieves? You mean targets?

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 10:02 am

Serie crosed her arms angrily.

"I know what I heard." She said flatly.

"Well then I guess I feel sorry for the teifs if the run into you."

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Thieves? You mean targets?

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 2:14 pm

"Herzad, both Sorune and Serie are attuned to nature. They can both talk to the animals, in other words. And Sher'Khan seems able to understand common, is that right?" Sher nodded to Grandpa Moon, then growled at a bush. He dove in, and pulled out a man with a dagger.
"Help! Please let me go! I didn't do anything!" The man was panicked in Sher's grip. He had dropped the dagger, and was wide-eyed and scared. G. Moon looked at him for a minute, concentrating. He then took his axe, and held the theif in the other hand.
"Let him go Sher'Khan. Look at me, young man, or I'll split your head with this axe. You are to go home, tell your children what you were doing, get a job, and give up theiving. I suggest policework, seeing as how you know how the criminal mind works. Go." And he dropped the thief on the ground, gave him his dagger, and the thief ran the other way, faster than seemed possible.
"How did ye know he had kids? And why'd ye let him go?" Herzad asked, somewhat startled. Grandpa Moon smiled, and replied,
"Never underestimate the old bald smiling man, especially if he has a moon whirling about his head." The moon seemed to bob up and down in agreement.
~I know because I saw it in his mind. I also knew he would do exactly as I told him~ Herzad heard in his mind.

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Re: Thieves? You mean targets?

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 4:09 pm

"Wow Grandpa Moon," Serie said with a smile. "I'm glad you didn't hurt him."

Serie smiled and put her hands on her hips. "Ra was right." She said and laughed as she twirled around and looked up again. Will sighed and shook his head as Seire ran to a low tree branch and began to climb.


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