The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

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The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Apr 27, 2002 12:03 am

(OOC: As it says, this is an RP using Phil's System. I will be the GM of this RP, which makes this my first PhilSys GMing experience. Some things to cover first:
-There are only 5 slots open for this RP. Any more will have to sit out. If I get only 3 or 4, I will move ahead after a while.
-You cannot put a character in this RP that's already in another one on THIS board. However, if you were in "Prophet" or "Coronation Day", I'll give you clearance to enter this RP.
-I ask that the stat sheets either be e-mailed to me or linked to - preferrably the latter of the two. I don't want to be searching half the internet to find them.
-For the most part, try to practice self-control with OOC comments. This is a serious RP.
-Bear with me on this intro - I'm not that good with intros.)

In the southern portion of Doma, near the Forbidden Plains, there is a little village, known by its residents as Smiildale. There is a thriving merchant community here, which is enough to bring several visitors to the town each month. But the most part, the one thing that brings most people to the town is the inn there, called the Broken Casque Hall. The inn serves as a place for weary travelers to stop and purchase supplies, and, if they have to cross the Forbidden Plains, the inn allows them to be well-rested for their journeys.

Nearly a week ago, two strangers came to the inn, and claimed to be looking for mercenaries. They asked the merchants to spread the word to other villages, and meanwhile asked to stay at the inn for a week. They hoped that they would be able to get their mercenaries.

On the second-to-last day that they were to stay, one of them, a middle-aged man with black hair, looked out the window of his room. His hazel eyes focused on the most common entrance to the town... when the merchants had come back, with more people than usual.

He went over to the other stranger, still sleeping at the time, and shook him slightly.

"Steime..." No response. "Steime, wake up!"

It took a while, but the sleeping man did wake up. He turned his head toward the man that asked him to wake up, his blue eyes opening sluggishly.

"Yes, Ivliw?"
"I think we have our mercenaries."

Edited by: [url=>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/28/02 12:04:38 am



Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sat Apr 27, 2002 1:13 am

{OOC: I've been waiting for an RP to open up. You can find my sheet HERE}

Darkwolf looked around within the bar, quietly scanning the patrons. He really wished he didn't need the money, but Mercanary work was better than what some people would have him do, which mostly required him being six or less feet under.

Darkie looked at the other members of his 'troop', which consisted of...

[Insert characters here]

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Huzzah(?)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu May 02, 2002 3:02 pm


Blaze's stats can be found and some extra info can be found [url=]here. Bear in mind that Blaze as a character has developed a lot since the writing of both.


Blaze Schwarzsturm stared cooly back at Darkwolf, and fingered the trigger of his rifle idly. He had no problems with travelling with the man and his cronies, but he wanted to make sure that he remembered that he was in no position to give Blaze any orders. He had joined up with them a few towns back as they were all travelling in the same direction, to this very town.

He looked up at the Inn's windows and saw two men looking down upon them and talking excitedly. They would no doubt be the employers. There was something odd...

...well. Money was money. Just so long if it was above board. Or, at the very least, not completely immoral.

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit&nbsp; Image at: 5/3/02 10:48:05 am


Re: Huzzah(?)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu May 02, 2002 10:44 pm

(OOC: I'm going to advance the story anyway, even though I'm still waiting for one more person to join. No one specific, just waiting to fill one more slot.

And a quick note, Blaze. The other character currently is Darkwolf. Darkblade is someone else altogether.)

As the mercenaries made their way to the inn, Steime got out of his bed, wearing his grey robes at the time. Ivliw, meanwhile, had gotten his leather armor on, and the two proceeded down the stairs to the main floor of the inn, waiting for the mercenaries to come in.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Huzzah(?)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri May 03, 2002 6:52 am

(eeh. I'm not sure WHERE I got Darkblade from. -.-)

Blaze stepped up to inn's door and pushed it open, stepping inside. He let it swing shut behind him - another little message to Darkwolf, were he intelligent enough to read it. Looking across the room, he saw the men who had been watching them out the window and who he had surmised to be their prospective employees. He strode over to them where they stood by the stairs and sat down at a nearby table. He gave them a little look which clearly meant that he was expecting them to speak first.



Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Fri May 03, 2002 3:33 pm

Darkwolf watched as the old iron and wood door made a hollow thud within the frame, and its unsaid statement echoed within his brain.
It was agrivating, being with these people, but he geussed that it wouldn't be as hard as some other times in his life.

He continued to the table, where his 'associate' Blaze was already sitting. Of what little he knew of this person, he geussed that his main issue was authority, and Darkie could handle that.

Breaking the silence, he spoke in a low voice, under the normal din of inn conversation.
"What is the issue you want cleared up, brah?"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Dear, dear.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri May 03, 2002 3:55 pm

Blaze glanced over at Darkwolf and grimaced. The fool had played into their hands. He knew very well that if you held out longer than the "opposition" and they broke the silence first, that you held the bargaining chip. It got them in the mindset that they were talking to someone better than them.

Oh well, it couldn't be helped now. He would have to make an attempt at salvaging some of that power later himself.


Here, dear.

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sat May 04, 2002 1:54 am

Even if Darkwolf had not seen the face of his associate out of the corner of his eye, the empathetic waves of disgust and indignaty that came at him would have given him more than enough of a hint. He didn't know why this was so, but he would later have a conversation on proper not-pissing-him-off technieques.

Filing these thoughts into his memory, he continued to stare into the pupils of the larger man. He hoped his 'employer' would get past the two intimidating eyes in front of him and get beyond the slight quivering lip he was showing to an actual sentance.

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Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Tue May 07, 2002 11:00 pm

At a table in a corner, a figure in a generic evil uniform sat poring over a map.
Anyone who got close enough would have noticed a nametag reading, "32".
A shovel was propped against a nearby wall.

According to the map, minion #32 was somewhere in the middle of The Graveyard.
This didn't seem right. Somehow, he doubted that zombies were found in pubs drinking beer.
Maybe he'd brought the wrong map.

Still, there was bound to be someone around here who could give him directions to - Where was he going, anyway?
#32 shrugged. Find out where he was first, then work out where he wanted to go.


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue May 07, 2002 11:25 pm

Now that the mercenaries had come in, Ivliw, the smaller of the two men, decided to skip the small talk and go straight to what they were after.

"Nice to see we've got who we were looking for at last. We've been trying to recover an artifact for the innkeeper here."

Steime, with a less convincing tone, followed up this statement with the other part of their dilemma: "But every time we go to get it, there's something that prevents us from getting the artifact."

Darkwolf, almost immediately, was able to interpret that hostile monsters were the source of the trouble that Steime had brought up. The artifact's nature, however, eluded his mind, as it had never been brought up during this part of the conversation.

It took Blaze a while, but he eventually was able to figure this out, too. And Minion #32 overheard this, as well. Perhaps this would get him to where he wanted to be.



Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Wed May 08, 2002 8:50 pm

Darkwolf nodded with the small one's words. He geussed that his little group could handle a few creatures, and if all else failed, well, he could always run faster than the others.

His eyes were seemingly bouncing with joy as he slowly started to speak, enjoying the pause of conversation he was creating.

"And about the pay," he breathed in dramaticly to add emphasis, "I think we need a little more."
Looking into the payman's eyes, he started to inforce his will upon the other man.

[MP 80/85]


Re: Goodies..(baddies?)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed May 08, 2002 9:04 pm

(OOC: For those that don't know, Darkie is using Compel there.)

Darkwolf made an honest attempt to try to force Steime mentally into more pay for the supposed job. However, Steime's mind wouldn't tolerate this kind of control, and Darkwolf was unable to get a mental grip on Steime's mind.

(Steime resists the spell, surprisingly.)

Steime, despite the failed attempt to force being convinced, took the hint, out of fear of being forced into more than what he had hoped to give.

"Your pay, eh? Let's see here..."

Steime thought about this for a few moments. Finally, he had what he hoped to be a sufficient price.

"If you help us retrieve this artifact... hmmm... How would 1500 gold pieces sound?"

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Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Thu May 09, 2002 10:28 pm

Folding his map away, #32 wandered over to join the smal group.

"Did I hear something about a journey to retreive an ancient artifact?"


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Fri May 10, 2002 12:07 am

At first, Darkwolf silently cursed, but then his eyes glinted as he did quick calculation of his cut.

Then to his side, he heard a dull voice; "Did I hear something about a journey to retreive an ancient artifact?"
Turning slightly, he looked over to the average man to his side. His nametag read '#32', and he guessed that personality wasn't ingrained into their training.
Darkwolf had a friendly smile as he spoke. "Yes, I did belive this was said. Are you interested?"

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Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Fri May 10, 2002 1:20 am

"Sounds fun," #32 said.
It wasn't like he had anything else to do.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri May 10, 2002 12:46 pm

Blaze looked over at the newcomer and rolled his eyes.

Great. I'm gonna be working with these two? But still, there's the money...

'I'm in', he said, turning to their prospective employers. 'But first, there are a lot of things you aren't' telling us. I want to hear all of it. Now.'


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri May 10, 2002 11:00 pm

Steime, upon seeing a third potential mercenary, turned to Ivliw, and whispered a few words.

Even Darkie was unable to catch what was said by them. But it soon became clear what they said once they turned back to the assembled 'group' in front of them.

Steime noticed what seemed to him to be Blaze's impatience. "Hold on a second. I'm getting to that."

Ivliw tapped Steime on the shoulder, saying something into his ear. The mercenaries heard what they were saying: "We never introduced ourselves..."

Steime ignored Ivliw at the moment as he turned to Blaze.

"Here's the problem, to the best of our knowledge. I have no idea exactly what the artifact is, though there is a rumor that it can bring back the very recently dead. This is why it's sought after so much. What I DO know is that another treasure, which I call the Ebony Skull, is required to get to the artifact. The skull is well guarded, but the artifact has more hostile creatures guarding it than the skull does."

Steime paused slightly in his speech, then continued on. "We do know where this artifact, as well as the skull, are, fortunately. It requires us to travel through what I know as the Forbidden Plains."

At this point, Steime appeared to shudder at the sound of the name, despite the fact that HE had used the name. "We have to head southward toward a cavern that I call 'Scaled Throat.' That is where the artifact lies. One difficulty is that the Ebony Skull, if in someone's possession, will not allow anyone to leave the cave. Once it is returned to where it's found in there, however, anyone can leave. The trick is finding out how to use the skull to get this artifact, then getting out."

Steime sighed after finishing his 'speech'. "Anything else I missed?"


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sat May 11, 2002 1:53 am

"No, not really, other than expenses." He cocked an eyebrow and looked into Steime's eyes, not again attempting to quash his self control, but just to intimidate the obvious McVenturer. Merchants and Entreprenures funding expaditions always had a problem of giving shares out.

Before the man could speak, he started himself.
"You know, the whole Death, Healing, Mass-Destruction, Dimentional Trap insurance. Considering the complications within the mission, and the multi-tiered methods required, I'd say you give us at [/u]least[/u] that."
Another look into the mans eyes is all that was needed, the implied use of psychic powers enough to enforce any veiled threat within.

Lady Tempest

Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Lady Tempest » Sat May 11, 2002 5:26 am

((OOC: I don't have a sheet, and I'm still working on my BG informtaion. :o Sorry. ^^; I wanted to come in here and write, is it nessesary to have them before I start RPing?))

A short red head, sluggishly stepped down the steps from her room, starring out into a semi-crowded pub of the inn. She adjusted her glassed, then scratched the top of her scarlet hair, and clutching her silver clerical staff with her available hand.

Legends and Stories drew her miles away from her village to seek out the "Ebony Skull". She eventually found her way here as a next point of her journey.

Now fully awake, she stopped at the last step and dusted off her off white robe. It used to be stunningly white, but time's test took care of that. She paused to eavesdrop on a small group talking about the Ebony Skull.

"What could these characters of sorts want to the Ebony Skull, I wonder. Are they fame seekers, or relic hunters of the likes?"

Tempest just shook her head, uninterested and sat down at a nearby table.

((OOC, Again - If you already have one to many characters in this RP, let me know. Ill look for another story ^__^ I dun want to be a crowd.))


Edited by: Lady Tempest&nbsp; Image at: 5/11/02 9:29:50 am


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 11, 2002 11:38 am

(OOC: I apologize, Lady Tempest, but if you're going to join this RP, you'll need a character sheet. Mainly because I need to know abilities and stuff like that. If you need to RP for background, you can try a freestyle RP - create one if you must.

Will get to the rest of the RP in a bit.)

Lady Tempest

Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Lady Tempest » Sat May 11, 2002 2:07 pm

Okie doke. I apologize ^^;; Ignore my previous post.


Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat May 11, 2002 7:41 pm

'Wait wait wait. You're telling me that if someone picks up this Ebony Skull, noone can leave the cave? Or do you mean noone else but the carrier can leave the cave?'

Blaze looked at his fingers and idly waved them in front of his face, before looking up at the men once again.

'I have to tell you, this venture isn't sounding all that promising to me at the moment. I think I'd have to agree with Darkwolf on the danger money front...


Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun May 12, 2002 3:23 am

"If someone picks up the skull, and doesn't return it to its proper place, no one is able to leave," Steime responded. "Though, if the skull is returned where it was found, then escape is allowed."

"As for a sort of insurance... Well..." Uncertainty was finding its way into Steime's voice. Finally, he reached into his robes and pulled out a handful of coins. "Let's see... that's 400 gold pieces up front for each of you, and that's not part of the reward I've already promised."

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Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun May 12, 2002 7:52 am

"So which way to the Forbidden Plains?" #32 asked, pocketing the money.
The concept of getting paid was a new one to him.
The Boss had never been big on paying them, something about "Bad enough that I have to put up with you lot, let alone pay you..."
And when #7 had tried to form a union, the Boss had fed him to the crocodiles.
It had taken him quite a while to track down some crocodiles, and in the end, he had settled for what might have been alligators.

It was difficult to tell, what with them being in handbag form. That had severely annoyed the Boss when he'd found out...

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: The Ebony Skull (PhilSys RP)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun May 12, 2002 10:42 am

Blaze raised an eyebrow, but pocketed the money. These were men of means, he could see. Even daring to carry so much money with them was quite amazing, in his view.

'That should do nicely. I'm in, though I reserve the right to back out if this venture proves to be folly. If I do so I will expect to take away no more money than what you have just given me, and I will only keep that if I feel that I have earned it.'


oooh no...

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sun May 12, 2002 11:14 pm

Darkwolf turned suddenly, and his chair scooted backwards to account for this. He looked right into the ex-soldier's eyes, then looked him up and down as if he was ascessing his worth like a horse racer. When he was finished, he then locked his full stare into the younger man's face.

The bar was silent as the other patrons could feel a fight coming on, and instinct much like the wolves that they impersonated. An almost mental circle was formed, where no man would enter, lest they wanted to interfere.

Even though the mercenary's cool masquerade seemed inpenetrable, Darkwolf could neigh smell the feelings that he had within him.

"What kind of soldier are you," he said, with an almost mocking emphasis, "to leave a man behind? Is that why you are here, prostituting your skills to the highest bidder?"

He could tell that these words were hurting the man's upstart pride.

"Did you leave the feild of battle, afraid of what the Specter of Death would make of you?"

He slowly arrected himself and met the man eye for eye.
"Because my life has taught me one thing, that Death will think of you highly if he finds you in the front."

"Now," he said again, "What will you say if I told you that if I see your back and hear your footsteps behind me, I will crush your skull."

He clenched his fist in front of Blaze to prove his willingness to do so. The accusation of the man being a coward obvious, Darkwolf waited for his 'partners' response.

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Can't we all just get along?

Unread postby Kelne » Tue May 14, 2002 8:05 am

"It's OK, Mr. Wolf," 32 said helpfully, attempting to defuse the tension, "I'm sure he'd only do it to safeguard any valuable treasure we come across."

Very much a team player, 32 saw nothing at all sarcastic about what he'd just said.


Aye, we should get along. And going.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu May 16, 2002 10:11 pm

Ivliw's thoughts agreed unexpectedly with #32's. He turned to the group in front of him, and, walking closer to the wall, knocked on it a few times with his fist, trying to get the attention of those he was hiring.

"Can't we worry about this later?" Ivliw felt they were wasting time there.

Steime, on the other hand, went ahead and gave four of the remaining coins in his hand to Darkwolf and the other four to #32. These coins, when inspected carefully, were worth 100 gold pieces each, as the etchings on them revealed. "If the three of you need supplies, they're over there," he said, pointing to a lady behind what appeared to be a counter. "Ask the lady over there. I'll give you all some time. Just don't dawdle. We'll be at the door."

(OOC: Darkie, I'm more than a little confused there. Were you talking to Ivliw or to Blaze?)



Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Fri May 17, 2002 2:17 am

[OOC:that was to blaze (saying that he'd cut and run on him is an insult). I'm waiting for his response to this, or not...)

Darkwolf took the coins and put them into a traveler's pack he carried with most of his essentals. He wondered what essentials would be required for this trip.
Looking over to Blaze, he knew that a watchful eye would definately be needed.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Oops...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat May 18, 2002 1:48 pm

Blaze chuckled.

'In all that you just said, only ONE thing was right. And that was the "prostituting your skills" comment. Well, DUH. ANYONE who gets paid for doing a task is prostituting their skills, and that includes you.'

He paused.

'And anyway, I only meant that I would leave if the task was proved to be a fool's errand. And I DID say that I wouldn't take any of their money if they did so. I'm pretty sure these gentleman will agree that this is a perfectly fair stipulation, wouldn't you?'

He turned his gaze on their employers, and dared them to contradict him with his eyes...


Re: Oops

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sat May 18, 2002 4:57 pm

Off-handedly, before the other men could respond, Darkwolf returned the remark.

"Yes, I may be doing so, but I never was expected to have any high achievements by the people around me. I wonder how many of your comrades-in-arms would like to see your placement in life now..."

He left the sentance open, knowing that the information he had garnished from the other man's mind would fill in the blanks.

"But anyway, shall we go, or do you want to leave this 'fools errand' now? I mean, I wouldn't want to have a soldier like you be with the dregs such as I. So go, leave and crawl back to those that you didn't need such a short time ago."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Oops

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat May 18, 2002 8:32 pm

'You think to insult me by saying these things? You think high achievements were expected of me? You know nothing of me, fool. I was never meant to achieve great things, like the legendary heroes and diplomats of past ages. And I am content to be as I am. Your opinion of me matters nought.'

He leaned back and stared coolly at Darkwolf.

'So kindly think before you open your mouth.'


Re: Oops

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Sun May 19, 2002 2:07 am

"As you are..."

Looking at the other man, he chuckled deeply.

"As you are, as you were, soldier. Hope you are happy with it then."

"But of course it doesn't matter. Noone else matters to you. It's always going to be 'Let the shots land where they may' with someone like yeh."

Turning to #32, he walked over and picked up his pack from the chair.

"Shall we go, two fools to a fools errand?" He put his arm around the other man as he started walking to the door, part-dragging the Minion with him.

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Off on the road again

Unread postby Kelne » Sun May 19, 2002 7:56 am

#32 was happy that they were on their way.
Perhaps the tension would diminish as they got on with the job.

Then again, perhaps not.
Shrugging, 32 accompanied Darkwolf to the door.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Off on the road again

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun May 19, 2002 12:53 pm

'Idiot.' Blaze remarked offhand to those still with him. 'Not only does he twist my words, he hacks them apart and then tries to refit them in a way he finds most pleasing. And then, of course, no amount of arguing could persuade him that I never said anything of the kind.'


Re: Off on the road again

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed May 22, 2002 9:49 pm

(OOC: Sorry for the delay, everyone. I'm just waiting for Blaze to return. Rather than bother with that just yet, I'm putting in something that happens as they go ahead.

Auxillion, you'll have to get your character sheet to AM quickly, and in the right format. Once the heroes leave town, no one else may join. Sorry.... Unless I can have you come in much later... but you'd miss all the fun.)

As Darkwolf and #32 walked toward the door, they heard rumors being discussed between the other patrons, as the tension in the room cooled off somewhat.

Some of these rumors were unintelligible, even to Darkie. But one rumor, being discussed near the door by three patrons, caught the attention of the entire travelling group.

"So what have you heard about the Dark Serrators?"
"I've heard they're intent on coming back through here."
"They are?"
"Yep. And I hear they've some new recruits."

Ivliw and Steime refused to say anything to this rumor.

Edited by: [url=>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/25/02 5:04:33 am

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Dr subtlety rides again!

Unread postby Kelne » Sat May 25, 2002 8:51 am

"So who are the Dark Serrators?" #32 asked cheerfully, his voice cutting through the background conversation of the bar.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Dr subtlety rides again!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun May 26, 2002 4:44 pm

Having nothing to do but wait until the other two had bought supplies, Blaze went to the bar and ordered himself an ale, before sitting at a table nearer to all the activity, sitting back in his chair and listening attentively to the rumours and tales being told.

There was no such thing as too much information...


Re: Dr subtlety rides again!

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun May 26, 2002 4:51 pm

The three people near the door who had been discussing the rumor heard #32 ask them who the Dark Serrators were. They turned to him and took turns in revealing information to him.

"They're a cult that's been around here for quite some time."
"I've heard that their members are all lizardmen."
"You're telling me? They sometimes demand sacrifices from us."
"They come once in a while and try to enslave us."
"I hear they commit crimes and claim someone else did them."
"Just for the sacrifices."
"It's a real bad mess."

After this battery of answers, the three people returned to discussing their rumor by themselves.


Let'em play...

Unread postby lDarkwolfl » Mon May 27, 2002 1:34 am

Darkwolf left #32 off to talk to every person in the town. Must be something he learned from those four crazy guys who he saw in the last town over, who started ransacking every house they came to. Something about 'light warrior privlidges.
Whatever. Feeling the new coin pouch within his jacket, he started to use his Duct Tape +1 to make sure it was secure. He wondered what he'd need..

Making a list in his mind, he started to shop for the following:
1 Launtern, plus 6 hours worth of oil
3 bundles of 50ft of good rope
3 packs of 3 days' worth of Iron Rations
Healing potions/herbs (multiples of 3)

(OOC: Anything you think to add, just say so)


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