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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:35 pm

"Wait wait!" Kyra yelped frantically, "I can dress myself!" a bright red blush spread accross her cheeks as she skittered backwards. "Just...just give me the armor and I'll put it on, it's no bother for me really! Um...call me Kyra by the way..." >.>;



Unread postby sinistrass » Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:16 am

(OOC: GAH!~ accidentally posted under jamison's name!!!!! ooooooooooooops! this is jinx. o____o;;;;;;;;; )

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usinistrass.showPublicProfile?language=EN>sinistrass</A] at: 8/11/02 5:18:31 am

Vampire Jester Jinx

.........blugah blugah blugaga! >:D!!!!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:22 am

Jaede bounced to her feet after being dragged over to the grouping of three.

Her eyes travelled from Pig, to Stephan, to finally Midoku.

The girl beamed an innocent yet fanged smile at the blue mage that was approaching her.

"Hallo!" Her long ears perking up instantly.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 4:30 pm


The Blue Wizard blinked a few times at the elven girl, before returning an equally fangy grin back.

^.^; "Um... hello Miss?" he said to the young woman, running a hand through his hair, then grabbing at the front of his robes nervously.

o_o;; I hope that she was not the one responsible...*gulp*... Midoku thought, waiting for the woman to speak...


Had this been earlier in his life, Stephan would have immediately went over to Cho with his sword drawn, as he staggered back to his feet from the 'friendly backslap'. He'd have assumed that Choark was responsible for all of it and taken his anger out with his weapon, itching to hurt something. However, the former Dark Knight had been though a lot with the slow, but good natured barbarian. In fact, he still owed the barbarian greatly. Choark had essentially helped to save his soul nearly a year ago, something that was never far from Stephan's mind when dealing with Choark. So now, as Stephan walked over...

...he did his best to resist the urge stab the barbarian.

-\/-;;; "...Ok, back up a @#$@#ing second there..." Stephan growled, holding his sore forehead, "...you're telling me that raging pink fuzzball, the thing casting about as much #@$@ing magic as Hakaril when he's wasted, is your PET?!"


Oh NOOO!!! THE EBIL INK WILL CONSUME US BOTH!!!! XD Dante cackled, Dan letting out another audible sigh at the lack of leads. Out of options in the current room, he made his way out of the room, back toward the guard he sent off earlier...


9.9 The young 'pup' looked up as Pig 'spoke' to him, taking in every bark and boink.

6.6 He looked down at his fuzzy hands/paws for a moment, as if in thought over the wolf-pig's words. After a moment, he finally looked back up, ready to give Pig a response.

o.o? "...arf?"

Sadly, there's only so much a one year old can speak, let alone understand.

(OOC: FFFan <--- Ebil >XD)

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 8/11/02 8:30:59 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

*does a little monkey dance* ooh ooh!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Aug 12, 2002 3:31 pm

Jaede wasn't quite sure what to do next, but the man was still looking at her as if he expected something.

So the small rather rusty gears in her mind began to crank......
blue skin......blue skin......... Jaede quickly began patting her pockets trying to guess at their contents. With a small disappointed look she addressed Midoku again.

n_n "Sorry Mister, but i don't have any spoons!"

(>.> lame i know, but this joke called ot me......)


*Does the GM thang!*

Unread postby Choark » Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:27 am

**Kyra and Pia**

The girl blinked at Kyra and for a moment almost looked a little upset, as if she was going to enjoy stripping he woman, however he seemed to shrug this off.

"Oh right'O, Mrs Kyra! Be sure ya ta hurry though!" The gir gave the stll rather shocked woman her armour and picked up the other bundle.

Kyra grabbed the armour and found a suitable spot were it was least likely to be seen by anyone.

Returning to the rafters, Pia was seemily engaging in a conversation wit the priest. Not hearing a lot of it or seeing it, Kyra continued to stare at her armour. It seemed it was make out of some broken boxes, and tied together with some tape.

Suddenly something landed on her head. It felt soft, though a little heavy. Lifting it off her head a little, she saw what it was. The priests robes.

OOC : sorry for character control : and if it ain't clear... Pia's stripped the priest and putting the armour on him up on the rafters


Choark blinked at Stephan then gave out a laugh. After recovering from what ever was so funny he finally answered Stephan.

"Pet? *giggles* No!" Choark turned and stretched out his arm so it pointed to the Wolf-Pig, who was laying on the pavement, paying attetion to something. "Stephan, I'd like you to meet... My Father! " He beemed another one of his goofy smiles at him.


Coming up to the Weapons room Daniel spotted the guard, who had plastered himself across the wall, loooking down at something in abosolute terror.

OOC : In case ya need to know for ya next post, its the small golden-furred nekojin (as LDC put it) thats scarring him >:D )


Pig sighed deeply. It had been years since he had to deal with a small child, Choark not includedof course, and espically one that came out of nowhere.

Normally it would be no trouble working out who this child belonged to, but the city had robbed him of his sences and so he was mostly blind.

He looked around, and noticed Choark, the boy, had his backed turned for the moment and was engaging in a talk with some people that had come out of no where.

Knowing that he couldn't let a small pup wonder around alone in a city, though he was tempted to he told himself, he knew he had to get its convedence somehow.

Leaning near the pup, he closed his eyes.

'I swear, if the boy laughs at me I'll rip his leg off and beat him to death with the soggy end!' He thought to himself as he licked the top of the childs head, cleaning the pup and little, and trying his best to show some affection.

'If Krone saw me now!' e_e;;;;;


OOC : Okay, : D WHEEEE Small posts of doom, and making Pig suffer! eheheheheheheh

Sorry if not to good o.o but this was best i could think of at the mo, and it should keep ya oing : D I'll let Mid and Jaede speak though >:D Just gota hear his responce to that!

And the boy Pig's refurring to about beating is Choark, in case ya though he was going to beat a young puppy, cause he won't yo! *tired and waits*

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Oh dear lord... XD *cracking up*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Aug 13, 2002 3:51 am


The Blue Wizard raised an eyebrow at the comment, eyeing the elven woman with a stunned looked before he responded.

"I... don't have spoons, Miss..." Midoku stammered, still looking at the woman with a semi-confused look. He continued toward her a bit, deciding to try and continue speaking with her.

"Do you happen to know what caused all of this?" He asked her.

Odd... what would cause her to think I am carrying kitchen utensils...? <.>?


What Choark just told Stephan literally floored the knight, as he found himself sitting on his rear and staring back and forth from Pig to Choark, then back again.

...I don't f*&king believe it... Stephan said to himself. He thought back once more to the Barbarian's part behavior, sighing as he also though:

...guess that explains a lot, though...

"...so... that's... your dad... huh...?" Stephan stammered out.


>.o The small 'pup' found himself being groomed by the large furry creature. The only one who did that to him, however, was his daddy. He sniffed at the creature once more, and since the smell was mildly familiar, there was only one conclusion the small boy could make.

^.^ "Arf!" the little wolf-boy yelped, starting to nuzzle and lick at his 'father's' leg.

(OOC: Mwahaha!)


o.o? "...what's going on here?" Dan asked the guard, as he jogged over to him and the small, fuzzy person.

(OOC: Sorry for all the short posts @.@; )

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Re: Oh dear lord... XD *cracking up*

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Aug 13, 2002 5:33 pm

"Day off, day off, whoo, this is so boring!" Molo shouted, looking up at the sky. Kotoki's Inn had been rather slow lately, so Koto-chan had let the kid have a day out on the town for once. It was nice, except for the fact that Molo really had no friends to spend his time with. That, and he had already scoured all the stores of their fish by 10 AM.

"Blah. . .I've been around the town three times already. This is so boring! I should have stayed at the inn. . ." he said, as the sun hit its peak. "And it's sooo hot. . ." he looked up to the sky, something he did a bit too often, which also often resulted in what happened next:


"OW!" Molo shouted, as his chin hit what he believed to be solid stone. He fell backwards onto the ground, landing on his butt. "What the --" he looked up, and realized that what he had bumped into wasn't stone at all, but someone's body!

"Gaah. . .it's an OGRE!!" he screamed, crawling backwards. "With. . .blue hair?!" he scratched his head. "wait a second. . .what the. . .WHAT ARE YOU!!?"

Molo had failed to acknowledge the other colorful characters who were surrounding the ogre, aka Choark. Had he noticed a very puzzled Stephan, he would have realized that this was not an ogre at all. By seeing Midoku he would have been reminded of them always sitting at the same table in the bar, upon which he would have felt so lonely that he would have run crying back to the bar, and possibly prevented some of the chaos of the catastrophe ahead from ever happening, ultimately resulting in the destruction of Doma, Choark, and Pig.

In other words, we should feel thankful that Molokidan is an complete and utter idiot.

Vampire Jester Jinx

that's right confuse the elf......siren......thing!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:31 am

Jaede's ear's drooped a bit, and her faze took on a more puzzled look.

"Caused what? Mr. Cho's pet to get all cranky.....or something else?" o.o???


confusion tastes best with tea!

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 15, 2002 2:00 am

**Choark, Stephan and Molo**

After being bumbed into, Choark looked down upon the stunned boy, who was seemily paniking over something. At first Choark too didn't reconise who it was, though the results of this wouldn't end in the end of civilasation as we all knew it.

After a few shocked seconds, Choark suddenly ducked down and scooped the surprisde 15 year old into his arms and headlocked him, giving him the "noogie" treatment as well.


It was then Choark remembered he had been talking to stephan and as such, while still having Molo in a headlock, turned to face him.

"Yeah, that's my Father! Would ya like to meet him?"


The guard whimpered a little, then gave a sigh.

-_-;; Sir Hyral woud have to come when this... girl... frightened me half to death...

"Nothing, Nothing's happening sir!" Said the guard, straighening up and saluting. "I have just, been unable to check the room as of yet, as mattes rhave detained me!"

He then gave a quick glaze downwards to the small furry girl, in case Daniel had missed her.


e_e;; IM : Just a child, just a child, just a child..

The Wolf-Pig sighed and controlled himself, at least the small one was comftable around him, which would make taking him to his parents easier.

IM : They better still be alive! i'm not dragging this child around with me the rest of my life Thought the Wolf-Pig, who would drag the child around with him if he did indeed not have any family left alive.

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Re: confusion tastes best with tea!

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:28 am

"UGGAAAAAH!" Molo shouted as Cho gave him yet another noogie. "Cho, what are you doing here!? I can't see anything in this gigantic crowd.. .what's going on!? Your dad?" @_@ Molo looked around, flustered.


*quick bump post*

Unread postby Choark » Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:23 pm

Choark grabbed Molo's head and turned it so he faced Pig directly. His view was filled with the huge frame of the horse sized pink Wolf-like-creature.

"Pig! My Father!"

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*More posting fun*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Aug 18, 2002 4:54 pm


O_O;;; ^.^;;; "Oh! Not you, Miss..." Midoku quickly apologised to the elven-looking woman, glancing in Cho and Pig's direction with his bright green eyes, "I was referring to Mr. Choark and the rather large pink creature. I only assumed you may know something about..."

It was then that he heard Cho boasting about the large creature being his father.

0__o "....eh?" was all Midoku could manage for words, temporarily forgetting about the conversation with Jaede.


The former Dark Knight probably would have sighed in annoyance at Molokidan, were he not still shocked at this little 'revelation' from Choark. He took a few steps closer toward 'Pig', looking at him for a good while before turning back to Choark.

I *KNOW* I'm gonna regret asking this but... gods damned... it'll drive me f*&king NUTS if I don't... Stephan thought, letting out a massive sigh before he asked the dreaded question.

-\/-; "...how the HELL is that your father?!"


The little wolf-boy felt much more safe and secure now, finally around something familiar (or so he though). As a result, though, he started to feel the effects of fatigue, having wandered about for an hour or two alone. Letting out a big yawn, he curled up next to Pig like a small pup, snuggling against his leg as he drifted off to sleep. -.-

(OOC: I'm gonna wait in case LDC wants to do anything with the 'gold furred nekojin' Image And once things get settle with Cho, I'll reveal what Chris' family is up to Image:"> D)

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 8/18/02 8:54:57 pm

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Re: *More posting fun*

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Aug 19, 2002 3:15 pm

"That. . .wolf. . .is your father?!" Molo shouted, flabbergasted. "Err. . .how is that possible!? I'm confused. . ." he scratched his head uneasily.


Just going to do Cho at he moment.. let LDC post her stuff

Unread postby Choark » Tue Aug 20, 2002 9:10 am

Choark let go of Molo's head and backed off so he stood next to the laying down huge frame of a Wolf-Pig. The Wolf-pig looked up at his "son" and gave off some strange noises. Choark seemed to look puzzeled for a second and looked by the animals foot.

Leaning down the barbarian picked up a small dog-child thing. "Ummm but Pig.. I mean.. he's not ours..." Pig growled and "spoke" to Choark again, who shrugged and put the small boy on Pig's back, who kept the boy steady on him.

Choark then turned to his friends again. "This here is Pig!" The Wolf-pig nodded his head as his name was said, and the two felt the gaze of the creature look over them.

"The two of us are ummmm.... " Choark suddenly got lost in thought, and Molo and Stephan were sure they saw the Wolf-Pig give off a sigh. The creature "barked" at Choark again and Choark's face seemed to beam as he nodded his head. "Yeah thats right! The two of us are linked together! Our thoughts are like... one, or something." The barbarian explained, giving off a laugh.

"And so I understand everything he says to me. Well not everything as he uses some really big words and all, but I suppose he could as he's like 400 years old or something. So anyway, he's been with me ever since I was hatched and all and has sort of raised me as his cub, even though he really shouldn't have as he already was linked once and he's really old and all but he is and so we are and thats about it!"

Stephan almost automatically facepalming at Choark's explanation, saw the strangest thing. He caught a glimps of the Wolf-Pig, who on hearing Choark, pulled a very similar expression Stephan did in times when Choark was around... and Face-pawed.

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Re: Just going to do Cho at he moment.. let LDC post her stu

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Aug 20, 2002 12:49 pm

"Er, okay." Molo shrugged, accepting it. "Well, Choark. . .if that wolf is your dad. . .then. . .where is your mommy?!"

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Just going to do Cho at he moment.. let LDC post her stu

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Aug 20, 2002 11:53 pm

Jaede blinked a few times at her friend's outburst. But by far, she was the least shocked. She considered the fey her family, so the idea of a wolf pig being a daddy was not mind bending.

Her face lit up wiht a brilliant smile, "I like your daddy Cho. He's nice and fuzzy and pink." ^_^

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Aug 29, 2002 3:10 am


All of this information at once was nearly too much for Stephan to take, holding his forehead from the mild headache all this thinking was doing to him. He happened to glance over at the wolf-like creature again, and noticed it doing something similar with its paw.

...and that guy had to f*&king RAISE him? Stephan wondered, glancing back and forth once more between the two, I dunno if I should be pissed at that thing for raising this walking disaster...

[i] ...

...or hug the poor bastard out of sympathy v.v;

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind for the time being, as there was something more important that needed to be addressed.

o\/o "...I hate to interrupt the 'happy' reunion..." Stephan asked, while casting another brief glance at the pink creature, "...but maybe you'd like to tell us why the hell your 'father' just tried to LEVEL half of the capital?"


The Blue Wizard turned toward the elven-looking woman as Stephan spoke, noting the familiarity she seemed to have with the Barbarian Ninja.

o.o? "Excuse me Miss... but are you a friend of Mr. Choark's?" Midoku asked Jaede.


-.- The little 'pup' seemed even more relaxed now, snuggling down into the large wolf-pig's fur and getting comfy as he continued to sleep...


Daniel blinked a few times at the guard, then sighed in mild annoyance.

-_-;;; "...it was probably just a cat, or something else..." he huffed out, turning away from the guard and back toward the main hall, "Now... Instead of screaming like a bloody idiot, Let's try to find the theif before they get away..."

Without waiting for an answer, Daniel started back, while a familiar voice chuckled in his mind.

XP Gee Dan... that wasn't very nice of you, was it? Shouldn't you apologise to the 'old chap'? Dante taunted, once again poking fun at Dan's Baronian accent slipping out. Daniel refused to respond as he walked, the sound of his feet echoing in the halls as they slammed into the floor...


Reply's... an stuff

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 29, 2002 5:25 am


Choark slapped Molo and the back and laughed a little.

"My mamma died years ago and Pig doesn't really talk about what his side of the family does or did."

Giving a quick spin he then addressed Stephan.

"Actually, Pig didn't really mean to attack anything really" Pig looked up and growled a little. "Well, he meant to attack, but ya see he really didn't know what he was attacking cause the city and erm... He's really sorry..."

The face on Pig was not sorry at all.


The Guard sweatdropped and followed Daniel, avoiding where any small creature might pop out fom.

( OOC : Rooms still to check
1) Another door further down that was once bared down but had recently been broken
2) The room Kyra and the Priest was in.
3) A storage room in the barracks, with a broken door.
4) The weapons room. )

**Pia and the Company of "Guards"**

Pia finsihed off the priest and jumped down with him in her hands. His suit of armour was in very bad conidtion indeed, with the paper being a litle torn from the struggle to put it on.

He held a small guarden rack with the word "spear" written on it, and he seemed totally embarrest.

Pia waited for Kyra to finish before they set off, though she wasn't standing still but hoping from foot to fott and laughing now and then.

**moving the plot along a little**

Pig suddenly looked up again. Even with his sences all mangled up, there was one thing he couldn't mistake and that was "she" was here.

'We've stood around long enough! We must find her!' Pig growled and headed off down the street suddenly, towards Doma castle. He was balanced enough however, not to fling Chris onto the floor while running.

"Hey Pig!? Stop running off!" Choark followed his "Father" as soon as he noticed he had gone. Not waving goodbye or anything...

**Head of this troop of guards**

He was angry, very angry. He finally, after so many long years of hard work, been made captain of a troop of guards. So many pain staking extra hours, from the guarding of the princess as a baby, Dungeon Block duty (including THAT dungeon block), not sleeping for 48 hours at a time cause of all his shifts to pealing potatoes. He even always made sure it was him that cleaned and stored the weapons.

After all that he had become Captain... but now.. now some.. some.. GIRL was making a fool of him. He would not allow this! It was an outrage! All his suffering will not be in vain!

OOC: << >> I hope you get used to this guy 8P Cause this at the last you'll see of him XP
And sorry if posting quality sucks ^^;;

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*Catch up posties*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Sep 04, 2002 1:02 am


Before Stephan had a chance to open his mouth (and likely put his foot right into it XP), the furry creature and the carefree barbarian were off down the road.


(OOC: If this is a prob, Cho, just let me know ^.^;; )


Midoku stood there watching them run off, blinking a few times before he turned to the elven girl.

"...I suppose we should persue them, huh? ^_^;;;" Midoku smiled nervously.


Looking around the hallway, the tired and irate Hyral spotted the entrance into the barrack's chapel. He saw the image on the door, signifying that it was specifically for worshippers to Ishtar.

...have you forsaken me, goddess...? Daniel thought for a moment, then his eyes went wide as he realized what he'd just said.

...with an attitude like *THAT* toward me, I'd forsake ya too Danny >Image Dante cackled in his mind, refusing to let up on this golden opportunity to rub salt into Dan's mental wounds, ...or could be all those NASTY fantasies you have up here for that wife of yours. Really Dan, a swimsuit made out of whip cream...? >XD

Unable to stop himself from growling, Dan continued to do so as he entered the chapel..

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 9/4/02 5:02:42 am

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Re: *Catch up posties*

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Sep 04, 2002 10:24 am

". . .cho?!" Molo said, scratching his head as Choark began into a full-blown blast after Pig. "Wait, wait for me!" he said, and began following his ninja friend.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Sep 25, 2002 6:45 pm

"Er..." Kyra turned a bright red, readjusting her "armour".
"Yes, um...let's go..." ^^;


The little brown furred fuzzball looked away from the guard and over to Daniel. "Herro Daniel!" she smiled, glomping his leg, "You're looking grouchy! Don't look all grouchy silly!" An eerie ominous aura radiated from the little nekojin's body.

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<----Lazy Bum >_>;;;;

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Sep 28, 2002 5:39 pm

(OOC: Uh, Dan was entering the chapel ^_^;;; )

Perhaps a few months before, the Pseudo Paladin would have noticed this strange aura. However, given the ever increasing presence of a 'certain' individual, he barely gave it a thought as he looked down at his leg.

-_-;;; "Oh...h..hello Ayra..." Daniel stammered, his voice sounding a bit strained, "Sorry... I've been having a rough week and..."

You'd better get away before I KICK YOU INTO THE WALL!! >:D a loud voice called out in his mind. He blinked a few times, unsure if he had only heard it, or actually said it.

"...a..and... things are a bit busy right now..." he tried to explain to her, ruffling some of her hair as he spoke, "A bad person is in the castle and we're trying to find them."


The swordsman huffed and puffed, growling to himself as he tried to keep up with Cho and the strange Pig-Wolf thing. For a second, he could've sworn he saw a little kid on its back, but it was way to fuzzy to be a human child. Regardless, the pair were starting to pull away from him, not to mentioned the bundle of energy known as Molokidan. He glanced around, trying to find some means of catching up to them.

Then he spotted it. A dark blue Chocobo, kneeling over a water trough for a drink. Without wasting a stride, he changed direction toward it, hopping up and onto the saddle.

>\/> "MOVE!" Stephan shouted, giving the bird a brief kick to send it running. A man ran out of the nearby building shouting, as the swordsman sped off on the bird. As he started to gain speed on the pair, he came up alongside the running 'Sushi Ninja' as he panted and sprinted down the street. Sighing, he leaned to the side, offering him a hand.

-\/-;;; "...need a lift, Molo?" he asked.


The Blue Wizard started down the street after the group, worried about leaving Stephan and Choark together without supervision (as the last time had set the pair back quite a number of gil, repairing a destroyed room at the Jade Dragon).

He cast a quick glance back at the strange girl, nodding quickly.

"I apologise for cutting our introduction short, but I must make certain they are alright. It was nice meeting you. ^_^;;;"

Nodding again, Midoku started down the street, hoping he'd manage to catch up to them somehow...

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 9/28/02 9:40:53 pm


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