Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

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Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: *Fillers*

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Jun 23, 2002 2:17 pm

'Maybe if it was less easy to find noone would have.' Murmured Deinar. He was acutely aware of how the noise of his voice echoed along the corridors, and had decided not to speak at all if he could help it, and to speak quietly when he had to.



Unread postby Whelan2000us » Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:17 am

IM: I must be cursed or something. First I get stiffed by my employer after I busted my ass to kidnap a damn elf and not only to I get the usual ungratefulness for not killing anyone then and recently, but now I'm getting chased down for trying to renegotiate and help them.

Whelan leaned forward as he started to do one of those classic ninja looking like runs with his arms extended outwards.

IM: Could things suck any more today.

Just then Whelan recognized a face in the distance towards the entrance. It was Ash.

IM: And he has an elf with him......god @#%$ dammit!!

Edited by: [url=>Whelan2000us</A] at: 6/25/02 4:19:49 am

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Re: Running!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jun 25, 2002 8:17 am

Ash and Co. passed by the very same spot where Whelan had confronted Whelan. There was little to show that there had been a fight, so nothing seemed worthy of mentioning. Ash then remembered what he had asked Yarrie before, "So anything else we should know?" he asked.

Yarrie sighed and looked onward, "This seems to be connected to the kidnapping of an young elven girl almost a week ago. Her connection to this is still unknown as of yet." she informed. Ash looked confused as he looked back at the others for a moment, "How'd you figure that?" he asked.

"When it was investigated, it was discovered that she was in a direct bloodline with one of those who built this place, after the Chaos surrounding the Dark Summon. And something else... just doesn't seem to fit... but it might." she said as they walked on.

"Really? What's that?" asked Ash, but then Yarrie stopped, still looking onward, by then the others heard a noise coming towards them.

"What's that?" asked Yarrie as she pointed to something running towards them.


Ho hum

Unread postby Choark » Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:57 pm

Justine hadn't said much and was hanging around at the back of the group.

Musta changed back by now. Seems the only time I ever see Catch these days is in places he hates to be.

This place was a lot more borring then he thought it was going to be. He had hoped for action, bad guys swooping in and attacking them, or unearthly traps that call forth demons.

Hearing Yarrie call out "What's that?" Justine suddenly jumped forwad.

"Never fear! Justine Justice shall be the light in dark places such as this!"

He had already drawn his gun and fire a shot. For a brief second nothing seemed to happen, other then the sound of him firing rining around the temple

Then a huge Flash of light erupted from nowhere and the temple was lite up like it was a bright sumers day.

Justine looked at his fellow adventures and sudden gave off an embarrest laugh.

"Sorry. should have warned ya to look away first huh?"

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Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:54 pm

Ash came close to hitting Justine, "WAIT BEFORE YOU SHOOT!!! That could be someone who wishes to help. Next time wait till we have confirmation till you go blasting off your guns." Ash said as he looked towards the direction the person or thing had been.

IM: Who is that?


Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Wed Jun 26, 2002 2:18 am

IM:A flare I'll never sneak past Ash. I might as well take whatever lumps I got coming and try to end this.

Whelan yelled as loud as he could at the party Ash had assembled.

"Yo Ash! It's me Whelan! There's a bunch of uglies here with a evil dude named Trellayne and Dante! I could also use some help here too!"

IM:I know he's gonna kill me later, but at least I can get back at that old fart for not paying me. I just hope that elf with him doesn't rip me a new one cause I know the one I kidnapped probably will.

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Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 26, 2002 2:23 am

Ash walked foward, "Whelan? What the hell are you doing here?" he called out towards the fellow warrior, holding a hand up towards his fellow travellers.

IM: He must've been the one who destroyed the boats...

Then as Ash started towards the young warrior a new thought came into his mind...

IM: How'd he get here?

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Whelan, being connected to Darkblade, should be "dark,&

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jun 26, 2002 9:15 pm

Kehlan didn't know who this Whelan person was, but something told the giant man that things were not right here. Even he knew that people didn't appear out of nowhere. And despite his generally trusting nature, there was something about this one that unnerved him.

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Re: Whelan, being connected to Darkblade, should be "da

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 27, 2002 10:52 pm

*Bump* (hate having to do that)


Don't say things to incriminate till after the main battle.

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Fri Jun 28, 2002 4:53 am

IM: What am I doing here? I came here to get payback from these people for not paying me to kidnap an elf for whatever reason that I now know is to summon up Espylocopa in order to take over or even destroy the world.

"Oh nothing."


hanging back

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:49 am

Justine saw that they weren't in a battle yet and so hung back a little. Sure he might of shot off a little early but he had a feeling they might not of spotted this new comer if he hadn't done that.

' This Ash knows a lot of people it seems. . . '

Magdin hung in the background watching the conversation between Ash and Whelan with intrest. (that's about as much character control as I'm comfortable with)

Justine walked behind Yarrie.

"Hey toots? You know this guy as well?"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: hanging back

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jun 28, 2002 11:36 am

'Toots?' Deinar smirked. 'Toots?'

He kept his gaze on Whelan, sharing Kehlan's feelings of mistrust torwards the man.

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Re: hanging back

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jun 28, 2002 1:43 pm

Ash walked up to Whelan, and looked him over. "Nothing? Why are you wearing that armor?" he asked as he recognized the design.

IM: Looks like something DarkBlade would wear... could there be a connection between the two?

Yarrie turned towards Justine, "No I don't know who this person is." She answered, as she turned back to Whelan and Ash.

Back with the Other Group...

Trellayne and his group, minus Jaggie, were still walking down the long corridor. "This is a pretty long temple... they must've not wanted ANYONE to get to this spell of yours Trellayne." said Slophyl as they continued down the long corridor.

"Well if something was THIS powerful... don't you think they'd take extra measures to protect it?" replied/asked Trellayne.

Slophyl looked confused, "But then why didn't they put up any traps?" she asked.

Trellayne chuckled, "The fools must've wanted to rid themselves of it very quickly... so they just put it in somewhere deep and set up that door at the entrance." replied Trellayne. "I also don't think that they thought that anyone *points to self* would discover how to unlock that door. *smirks* That assumption will ultimately be their worst mistake." said Trellayne.

"Trellayne... you mentioned a Dungeon Guardian of some sort... Well... where is it?" asked an impatient Dante.

"I thought there would be... but then I thought... How could something survive for that long? Unless it's a Golem of some sort... I don't see any other creature surviving." replied Trellayne.

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The grave cannot hold me!! Um, neither can dial-up...

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Jun 28, 2002 2:19 pm

Magdin glared at the stranger. He didn't like the looks of this wide-eyed youth. The boy reminded him of his brother, and that was not good for appeasing Magdin's feisty spirit.

He looked over at Justine. The two had hung near the back of the group, with Deinar and Kehlan in the middle and Ash taking up the lead with Yarrie. Now Whelan joined them.

"Justine, are you all set? I was caught offguard by that boy... who knows how suddenly we could be attacked next time... by someone who's not on our side!"


Telling the truth while leaving things out

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Fri Jun 28, 2002 5:58 pm

IM:OK I better not screw this up.

"You're right Ash. I came here to stop the guy who is trying to summon Espylocopa who I mentioned was named Trellayne. Dante is backing him up on this one because Trellayne took him in after you defeated him awhile back. I am no where near good enough yet to take on both of them at once and their men. So we can either sit here and play twenty questions or we can stop that mad man. Oh and this armor belonged to my father Torranbane. He gave it to me along with my sword. Oh yeah I forgot again, you people call him Darkblade."


i'm a riding Cowboy!

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 28, 2002 8:06 pm

Justine smiled to Magdin and done the thumbs up, also lifting the tip of his hat.

"Don't worry partner. It might not seem it but I'm the fastest shooter you ever seen, or won't see as it is."

Justine glanced back the way he came and let his vision linger there a little long before turning back. ' Wonder if Catch try to follow me in here? '

Justine then sighed again and turned to his new friend.

"Damn if that elvin girl is hard to keep the attention of. Normally a beaut like her wouldn't keep her eyes offa me." This was false conviction on Justines part, though he has had a few stray girls in his past, not in the numbers he so imagines.

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Re: i'm a riding Cowboy!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jun 28, 2002 8:11 pm

Ash almost did a double take, "You're DarkBlade's son? But... Whelan... how did you find out about this and more importantly, how did you get here?" Ash asked.

IM: Dante's back too... great... this will be just @#%$ lovely.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jun 28, 2002 8:21 pm


Kehlan had heard the name before, mostly in the form of rumours at the local pub. Some said he was a fallen angel, others said a maniacal mage out to destroy the world. Some even said he was a demon.

In any case, this Whelan person was probably quite powerful then. Kehlan smiled, glad that he was on their side.

Edited by: Jak Snide&nbsp; Image at: 6/29/02 12:22:09 am


Keep up the smooth talking.

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Sat Jun 29, 2002 3:10 am

"I have my own methods of knowing things and I knew that a elf maiden had been kidnapped recently. So I hitched a ride on Trellayne's boat with out him noticing and here I am ready to stop him, but as I've already told you I definitely need some help here Ash. So are we going or what?"

IM:Of course I know because I was the one who did the kidnapping and I did come here too stop Trellayne, but my reason was because he didn't pay me. I'll tell Ash that later, but not before I've dealt with that dead beat summoner jerk.

"Oh and if you want an explaination of my relation to Darkblade I'll be more than willing to tell you after we're finished here."

IM: Hopefully Ash's shock to this will help to detour his questioning of my being here till afterwords. I just hope we all come out of this alive. Especially that elf chick I took. If she dies than my ass is toast.

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Re: Keep up the smooth talking.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:48 pm

Ash sighed, he looked at the others for a moment, then turned back to Whelan, "When this is over... if we're alive... I want a full explanation... got it Whelan?" he asked.

He knew that for right now nothing mattered but stopping those people from using Espylocopa. He didn't want to know what it could do to Igala or any other part of Gaera.

He nodded to the others "Well then... let's go save the world." he said as he walked on.

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*cradles sword*

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:51 pm

"Hrmph. I'm gettin' bored. Why were we recruited, Ash? To walk long distances?"


On we go

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Sun Jun 30, 2002 9:44 pm

"No problem Ash. I just hope we get there in time to save the elf maiden and stop the summoning ceremony."

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Re: On we go

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:50 pm

"C'mon now... a little walk never hurt anyone." Ash replied as they continued down the hallways of the Temple.



Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:59 am

Yawning a bit, Justine carried on walking behind everyone, bringing up the rear so to speak.

He honestly did it for the chance to dramatically jump forward and save there lives, should they ever need saving.

Though he agreed with Ash that no walk ever hurt anyone, he was getting impatient with all of this. In honesty, he didn't actually know what was going on, or who exactly the "bad guys" were but that was mostly down to his disintrest.

He knew there was something called this "Escapony" or somesuch, that was dangerous and yadda yadda yadda and he knew that somewhere some elf girls were involved. Yes, Justine had made a very large mental note about that piece of information and circled around it a few times and written in bold capitals,

Then he lost instrest in this track of thought again, and looked round the temple. It was nice and . . . Big. That was about as much as he would say on it.

"Hey, old man? You think we'll find those Elf girls or the bad guys soon. My fingers are getting twitchy" The question was a general one, directed at either Magdin or Ash, which ever one chose to answer would suit him.

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Trying to be a more active poster again...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:26 am

Kehlan, silent as ever, frowned slightly. While he could understand the impatience of his companions, he also knew that complaining wouldn't make things better. After all, the walk wouldn't get any shorter by whining to a warrior, even a mighty one.

He looked down at Deinar beside him, thinking that changing the topic of conversation might stop the complaints.

"Ser, wha is this espylocomper thing anywoi?" he said, his voice a little louder than normal as he tried to attract the attention of the entire group, even though the question was for his friend.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Trying to be a more active poster again...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Jul 01, 2002 11:21 am

Deinar was silent for a minute before answering, gathering his thoughts.

'Espylocopa? It's a spell. One of the forbidden spells. From what I recall and what I have heard on this journey, it summons a powerful daemon. Unfortunately, this daemon cannot be controlled - the last time it was summoned much of Gaera was destroyed.'

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Ash, you be f00... haoooo!!!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Jul 01, 2002 11:32 am

Magdin clutched his shoulder. Using his wings had not been the best of ideas, he decided. Sometimes he wondered why he did things. Everything was becoming blurry. Justine said something to him, but he couldn't hear it, so he ignored it.

IM: I wonder... if all our travel will pay off in the end. Or perhaps we will go the way of the Goblin. Smashed beneath the wheels of a runaway carriage.

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Re: Ash, you be f00... haoooo!!!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:31 pm

Ash nodded, "You're very much correct Deinar. Espylocopa did lay waste to much of Gaera... or so the legends say." he replied. Then he turned around to talk to him more, but then he noticed Magdin.

"Hey... you ok?" he inquired. From the looks of it, Magdin was in great pain. Yarrie noticed it too.

Not too far away...

Jaggie had followed Whelan as ordered, and discovered that he had been right, there were others coming to the island to stop this. Jaggie decided to head back to Trellayne and report to him this information.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 7/1/02 5:12:28 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Ash, you be f00... haoooo!!!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:42 pm

(OOC: It was Deinar that said that, not Justine, Ash.)

Deinar also looked at Magdin with concern. He stood nearby, not wanting to corwd the man, but ready to help if needs be.

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Wasn't Deinar the one who said it?

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:43 pm

Magdin grimaced. "The effects of old age, my boy. Nothing I can't handle. I don't know why, but this temple... weakens me."


Just couldn't help but notice....

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Mon Jul 01, 2002 5:42 pm

Whelan put the his current thoughts on his misdeeds aside so as not to cloud his judgment or slow him down for the upcoming fight, but when he did so his attention switched after he took a quick look around the group Ash had brought with them.

"Say Ash I haven't seen Christydia anywhere. I assumed you usually bring her along on your adventures. Did she decide to stay at home this time or were you too concered about your lover to bring her along?"

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Re: Just couldn't help but notice....

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 01, 2002 6:13 pm

Ash stopped, "Yeah... she's at Doma. I had to leave immediately, this was alot more important than anything else. Making sure that this summon never gets unleashed upon the world." said Ash as he walked on.

Yarrie looked speechless as she stopped. Ash cursed under his breath as he stopped and turned towards her.

IM: Alotta things are stopping us.

"Ash... why... why... didn't you tell me?" she said sobbing. Ash glared at Whelan, the stare seemed to say "Thanks alot dipshit."

"I was overcome with joy upon seeing you. I didn't want to make you sad after all these years of being alone." he said trying to comfort her.

He tried to place his hand on her shoulder, but she looked away from him, tears still gathering in her eyes.

"I had met her after returning from death Yarrie. I had no idea where you were. But... I fell in love with ChristyDia. I'm... I'm sorry." he said as he turned back around facing the long hallway.

Ash felt like @#%$, his feelings for both Yarrie and ChristyDia were split. He loved them both dearly. One who was with him, helped him in a new unfamiliar age of the world he had left so long ago. The Other was one who had been with him in his earlier years... longer than the other. They had had more adventures and fought alongside each other.

Now the one who he thought he had lost due to death was again into his life once more... and now was crying.

But then Ash straigthened up, "We have to go on." he said as he walked onward. A single drop had landed next to his feet. It was a tear.

Yarrie knew what he had meant, and remembered what they were there for. She wiped off the tears and continued on.


Re: Just couldn't help but notice....

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Mon Jul 01, 2002 6:22 pm

IM: Ash is going to kill me for sure now when he learns of my fully explained involvment in this whole ordeal. Stupid stupid stupid!! How the hell was I supposed to know! I just hope I'm not around when Christydia finds out about Yarrie. What a short life I had.

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Headline: Old man finds love amusing!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Jul 02, 2002 12:15 am

Magdin chuckled to himself. "Ahh... torn lovers."

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Jul 02, 2002 9:16 am

Kehlan had watched Ash and Yarrie move on. The entire encounter had left him confused. Coming back to life? CristyDia? What was going on between Ash and Yarrie? Couldn't someone have more than one friend? While Kehlan had "the birds and the bees" explained to him, he'd never quite understood romance, seeing as a guy of his looks didn't get women, period.

So he continued on, deciding to ask Deinar about it later.

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Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:37 pm

Magdin tried to ease the biting of his harness into his shoulder. He finally settled to holding his sword with his hands. He had to admit, the structure of this labrinyth was amazing, but it didn't do much to comfort the looming feeling he had. He knew what he had gotten into. Eventually, there'd be a fight.


Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 03, 2002 1:14 pm

Justine watched Yarrie and Ash and grinned. He didn't find it particullary humourous or anything but something had been confirmed to him at least.

And that was just nuts.

Ash was THE Ash. Who was dead and buried. Very much so. So why the hell was he walking about now? How?

Then he shrugged and watched Yarrie. Though this would be a good time to move in he didn't. There were more important things to be done, like fighting and fun. Women can wait.

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Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jul 04, 2002 10:16 am

The party walked on, trying to gain lost ground. Ash still felt like @#%$, he would have to discuss this later with Yarrie. But he was no romanticist, so he had no idea how he was going to make this work out.

Yarrie was still pretty crushed, she would occasionally wipe back a tear. But she knew her life would have to wait... for thousands of other lives were at stake if they failed.

IM: He's alive after 2 centuries... but he has no clue what happened after his death...

Ash noticed for a brief moment a shadow up in front, he blinked and it was gone.

IM: Obviously Whelan was followed.

Ash then decided to break the silence, "So Whelan... can you tell us what to expect out of our enemies?" he asked the young warrior, trying to get back to the business at hand.


Re: Espylocopa!!! The Dark Summon!!!!

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Fri Jul 05, 2002 2:05 am

"Well let me think. There's a good ol' large barbarian type named Diego among them. A whip weilding girl that is very skilled in the art of lashing. A drow that I think is pretty good, but I dropped him in a heart beat. Even though it was a foul play kind of drop. Trellayne appears to be a really damn powerful magic user. He canceled out one of my strongest attacks, but I wouldn't give him to much credit. Just don't under-estimate him. And then there's Dante. I don't think I need to remind you of what he's capable of and he most likely is stronger since the last time we faced him. That sums it up as far as I saw it."

Whelan drew his sword out to be ready in advance.

"I'm still wondering what happened to the one that was following me though. I imagine that whoever it was that they've informed Trellayne about our prescense. In any case I'm open to suggestions on any kind of battle stragedy you might have Ash. Dante and Trellayne are my main concern."

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Ayyyyyyye.... Eye! I! Aye!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sat Jul 06, 2002 7:32 pm

Magdin sighed. "You know, I'm not sure if I was even meant to be a bounty hunter. I mean, you know how we all have destinies, Justine? I dunno... mebbe I should give up."

"I've... I've been following my shadow for two yeas now... ever since I awoke from my eternal slumber. I've grown so old... but he hasn't. I can feel him in my bones. I suppose you could call him my brother. But I suppose you could also call him... myself."


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