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Unread postby Taiar » Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:33 pm

Taiar sat, staring at his hands in his lap for awhile with a straight face, gathering his twisted mazoku thoughts in his head. Grumbling slight about his uncomfortable position, he tried to shift slightly but failed, still feeling the effects of the hold spell. The weight of his wings was still present though, which he was glad for. Whether or not they could do anything was a doifferent story.

Hmmm...Knowing Ara, She would tell the truth and say she didn't do it. Course she has to be the truthful Ryuuzoku...But I'm a Mazoku. I can tell lies for my own benefit. It's practically my job...and she can break her way outta jail with her magic. Hmmm...Unless Shaburanigdo comes down and tells me other wise...

"...So who's my lawyer gonna be for this trial?"

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Quite a dillemma...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:40 pm

"The two billion gil man Hakaril has agreed to be your lawyer. The trial starts at 1:00, the defense will go first. Confess at the stand if you so choose, the prosecution presents it's case tommarow, with a confession we don't have to bother with that part."


Re: Quite a dillemma...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:56 pm

Hakaril glared angrily at the page. "What is this bullshit!? I can't see my friends because they're murder suspects!?" He sighed, frustration escaping from his lungs in the shape of a burst of air.

Seething, he pounded his fist against the nearest solid, inanimate object and growled. "Those idiots!"

"Take me to those under detainment for assualt, then," he shrugged. "I want to talk to them."

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Re: Quite a dillemma...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Jun 25, 2002 2:34 pm

The page nodded, "Follow me Sir Hakaril!" and dashed off in the direction of the barn where Ash and Vince were still held incapacitated.

Ghastly Knight

yes... Quite

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Tue Jun 25, 2002 3:20 pm

Meanwhile, Reuben sat atop the roof of a nearby building. From his perch he could see much of the town... including the barn.


Thoughts were going through his mind, like whether or not they could even win this trial, and what he would do if they didn't...

"heh... most likely we won't... these people feel they must blame someone, so who better than the ones who just came into town..." he said to himself.

The knight drew his sword, and studying the blade he said...

"... Well then, I must be prepared... to get them out myself, if need be..."


Re: yes... Quite

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:12 pm

At this point, Vince severely regretted his previous actions. Maybe knocking out that old lady wasn't a very good idea after all. Either way, this is gonna be one crazy predicament he will be in for a while. Being muted, unable to move, and damaged by holy spells was most defenitely uncomfortable. Not to mention the barn they were being held in. He just hoped for his sake Hakaril will let him off easy, knowing they were not the best of friends....

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Re: yes... Quite

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:49 pm

Ash was angrily pacing back and forth along his "cell". Why he had been muted was still a mystery to him.

IM: Shitload of luck that will do... I'm no mage. Hak better be good at trials. I never truelly assaulted anyone... just pulled them off Ara.

He slumped down in his "cell". He was more pissed at the person who had clubbed him on the back of the neck. He hated been attacked from behind.

It had also given him one major headache....


Re: yes... Quite

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jun 27, 2002 11:41 am

The door to Ash and Vince's holding cell sprung open, the wind rushing in in a sudden dramatic gust. Standing in the column of light pouring in, making for a rather impressive silhoutte, was the man who was to represent them in a matter of time. His robes flapped about him in the breeze, which existed, yet seemed only a trick of special effects. The cloth whipped in the air current, just as the man reached up to adjust his hat, turning it to one side and flashing a bishounen smile into the gloom of the prison. Who was this not-so-mysterious guest? He was...

Hakaril Silvar, Improvisational Lawyer!

He glared at the two, slamming the door behind him and stepping in as he held up his hand to produce a controlled ball of flame, toning it down and using it as a light source. The shadows danced on the walls as the glow flickered, illuminating his face. He leaned forward, grinning.



Re: yes... Quite

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Thu Jun 27, 2002 11:57 am

Smartz looked up to Hak, knowing he still can't talk since he is supposedly muted.

"Because it was necessary, you pompous idiot!!" screamed Vince. Unfortunately for Smartz, the mute was only temporary. Now he's in deep @#%$. "Er...I meant, my fellow comrade here *eyes to Ash* was in trouble, as was Taiar and Ara. It seemed like a good idea at the time. And I don't need you to lecture me about my actions. I know what I did tonight was irrational, especially that elderly woman...but I felt quite suspicious about these townfolk. Something is defenitely not right about this town..."

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Re: yes... Quite

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 27, 2002 12:23 pm

Ash looked pissed, "I didn't hurt anyone! I merely pulled them off Ara. THEY clubbed ME with whatever the hell that was.... felt like a flail. I was merely trying to get to Ara and hopefully be able to calm things down. Smartz is right... something's definately not right in this town. Might wanna ask Reuben to investigate while the rest of us are all in court." suggested Ash as he held his aching head.


Hakaril Silvar, Improvisational Lawyer!

Unread postby Archmage144 » Fri Jun 28, 2002 11:47 pm

Hakaril blinked at Smartz. "Riiight, I'm a pompous idiot. And you assault old ladies. Who's worse off here? Oh, did I forget to mention...you're in jail, and I'm not! Hmm...hmm...yeeeep, that covers it."

He snickered under his breath at the two, giving them both a hard glance. "OK. No lecturing." The archmage smirked, grinning slightly. "But one thing. How can you say something ISN'T RIGHT with a town of WHITE MAGES!? That's like accusing a home for the elderly of being a hideout for a gang of thieves!"

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A semi-Comical Moment with Ash...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 29, 2002 3:57 am

Ash was getting a bit irritated, "Oh let's see... what's wrong? What's wrong?.. Oh I know... THERE'S A @#%$ MONSTER GOING AROUND KILLING PEOPLE AND WE'RE BEING BLAMED!!! I think that does fall into the category of Something's Wrong. Don't you Hak?" asked Ash towards the mage.


Re: A semi-Comical Moment with Ash...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat Jun 29, 2002 4:58 pm

Hakaril shook his head and gave Ash the "I'm going to talk to you in very simple terms, because you're an idiot" look.

"Yes, there IS something wrong here, Ash, but the suggested thought was that the people of this town had something behind it. How many WHITE MAGES go out of their way to FRAME MURDERS and ARREST TRAVELERS? These people are a bunch of @#%$ CLERICS!"

He hung his head, disgusted by the behavior and thought processes of his traveling companions.

"If you're accusing a bunch of healers of murdering someone and jailing you as a scapegoat, you really ought to have your head examined. Twice."

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Re: A semi-Comical Moment with Ash...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 29, 2002 5:25 pm

Ash slumped back down, trying to calm down. "Well they were awfully quick to accuse us and even JAIL us without a single bit of proof or a second of true investigation. So Hakaril, any good news if any?" asked Ash as he looked at the Mage.


Ok then...

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Sat Jun 29, 2002 10:43 pm

Vince had a look on his face like he was ready to burst.

"Hakaril, before you tell us any 'good' news, let's discuss our predicament, shall we? First, considering there clerics attacked us, doesn't that seem the least bit odd? I mean, these people assualted us without a sure reason, AND jailed the 4 of us. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, some of the people blame YOU for what's happening here. Last time we were here, similar events occured like this one, only not as gory. Plus, what kind of old lady attacks people?! She knocked out Ash for goodness sake! You have to give me some credit for helping our party out. And you are supposed to be our lawyer, so don't insult us. It's not professional."

And so, after ranting, Vince layed down against the barn wall.


Re: Ok then...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat Jun 29, 2002 11:18 pm

"Not professional?" Hakaril queried, a tone of disbelief in his voice. "You should be a bit nicer to the man who's representing you in court, unless, of course, you want to get however many years they'll give you here..."

He shook his head. "I don't understand how you can suspect or blame these people of anything. Yes, they're white mages. No, they're not entirely defenseless. And they wouldn't have assaulted you if you hadn't attacked an old lady," Hakaril stated irritably, giving Vince a look. "Instead, you two wade into a crowd and start messing with people--which only makes you look more guilty. The innocent have nothing to hide. I MIGHT have been able to bail you all out of this mess, if you hadn't made it worse by resisting..."

The archmage sighed. "Forget it. I just hope our little court session goes well."

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Re: Ok then...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 30, 2002 2:48 am

Ash chuckled a bit, "If it's like what they did a few minutes ago Hak... you're in for the trial of your life." he said as he crossed his arms as he sat there.

He look up at the barn ceiling, "Wonder what "evidence" they'll pull to use against us... probably our weapons that are still at the inn... and say that because we were with Ara and Taiar, that we're evil too. You'd best be careful 2 Billion Gil Man... they might start pointing fingers at you as well, and that Rueben guy too." forwarned Ash as he sat there staring at the ceiling.


Re: Ok then...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:41 am

Hakaril shrugged. "They're not likely to arrest me. I haven't done anything wrong." He winked at Ash, further illustrating his point.

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Trial and Error

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Jul 01, 2002 1:56 pm

"Hakaril Silvar..." the page ran into the barn, "The trial is beginning..." four white knights, or squires as a few of them appeared to be, followed the page in, moving to Vince and Ash. Taking ahold of their shoulders, the "knights" lifted Ash and Vince, dragging them out of the barn.

"It's being held in the temple..." the page said solemly, almost emotionlessly, "The two who stand accused of murder are already there...."

Moderate work had been put into rearranging the interior of the temple to resemble the courtroom. The statue in the back had not been moved, but the altars had been rearranged, one directly in front of the statue, one to the left of the first altar, and the third sat somewhat in front of a row of pews. Two additional sets of pews had been set along the left wall, both filled with townspeople that had been chosen to serve on the "jury". The elder priest stood at the altar in front of the statue, standing as Hakaril entered right after Ash and Vince had been dragged through. The entire town occupied the church, turning their heads to gaze at Hakaril as he walked down the isle, looks of contempt on their face.

"Hakaril Silvar..." the elder priest gestured to the altar closest to the crowd-filled pews where Taiar, Ara, Ash, and Vince sat. "You may take your seat..."

The priest cleared his throat, "Fellow followers of Ishtar, we have gathered here today to determine the innocence or guilt..." he glanced at the group, "Of these travellers in the case of the murder of Kyle Ryujin. Hakaril Silvar..." he cleared his throat again for the mere use of the sound, "The two billion gil man, has agreed to represent the two charged. Today we shall begin as Sir Hakaril presents his case in defense of the two...otherworlders...whereas the prosecution shall begin tommarow. Sir Hakaril, do you wish to make any opening statments or would you rather proceed to call a witness to the stand?"


Re: Trial and Error

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Jul 02, 2002 11:59 am

Hakaril's eyes widened visibly, a single thought running through his mind as he heard the name of the victim at last. KYLE RYUJIN!? I bet he's related to Kyra!

The archmage's face paled, all color rapidly draining from his flesh as though it had been filtered with a strainer. Slowly, he swallowed, choking down a lump the size of a peach pit in his throat, and attempted to compose himself.

"I...I think I shall make an opening statement."

He rose, swallowing again, and stared at the priest who had been speaking, his eyes locking with that of his current adversary.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Varrock, and that of the jury, I am here today because of utmost faith and trust in the word of my clients. I have known both Ara du Mythril and Taiar Valcrist for a significant duration of time, and I stand before you all with my absolute assurance that, if these two claim that they are not the perpetraitors of a crime such as this, then they are speaking the truth. Both of them are beings of integrity, regardless of any misgivings you may have or however you may have misinterpreted their personas and morals. I come before you to announce this, and to defend my clients to the bitter end, to the last word, and to the final remark. In all likelihood, they have been falsely accused...and I wish to prove that."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uarchmage144.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/2/02 4:16:22 pm

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Re: Trial and Error

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 02, 2002 12:56 pm

Ash recognized the name... but couldn't quite remember where.

IM: Ryujin... Ryujin... who do I know who has the last name of Ryujin?

It was a name that he had heard in Doma... then he remembered... it was when he was introduced to the girl Kyra. They had said her name was Kyra Ryujin.

IM: Holy @#%$... that beast killed one of Kyra's family members.

Ash tried not to think of how this would hit Kyra if he told her.

Ghastly Knight

</random backstory-type thing> the voices told me to d

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:44 am

Reuben had found himself a nice place in the rafters from which to watch the trial.

hmmm... nice speech Sir Hakaril... the knight thought to himself, leaning on an angled beam.

He then looked at the group in question, he was too far up to see their faces and could only guess at what was running through their minds at that very moment... but he didn't care either... all that mattered was them getting away free... and if Hakaril couldn't do that... Reuben was prepared to do so himself, although he would rather not have to.

the "Ghastly Knight" then switched his gaze towards the jury. They looked like they had already made a decision on this matter...

"...I suppose that could change in the end though... you never know what could happen..." he whispered, and with a jerk of his hand, the knight vanished...

He stood upon the roof of the Church-turned-courthouse and stared at the horizon. His cape flapped in the wind, almost taking on a life of it's own...

"We have to find out what did that... it maybe their only other chance to get out of this soon enough so we can continue on with the quest..."

the quest...

That's all he really cared about it seemed... not the people... he didn't care about people anymore. No... people had taken so much from him he had no more compassion for others... no wait, not people... them, they did that, they took all that away from him... they took her away from him...

"God damn nobles... bastards..."

Reuben shook his head, wondering how he had brought himself to thinking of that again...

"humph... anyway..." he said to no one, still staring at the green land, colliding with the blue of the sky... and still thinking of her...

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Yay! Random backstory!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:53 pm

The jury rose to a dull mutter, members whispering quietly to each other. The head priest cleared his throat.

"Very well...the defense may call it's first witness to the stand."

(Bumpaga! And I think AM might do the questioning over AIM, we still need to talk)

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uladydragonclawsedw.showPublicProfile?language=EN>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/7/02 9:30:48 pm


*bumps thread with a baseball bat*

Unread postby viator22 » Thu Jul 18, 2002 1:33 am

(OCC: This is shaping up nicely. I ain't gonna let it die.)

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Jul 18, 2002 10:59 am

(This is was done over IM with the three of us)

With his opening statements finished, Hakaril turned to face the judge, ?Ok. I believe I am entitled to calling a witness now, correct??

The head priest/judge stand in nodded to the archmage, ?Yes, feel free to call up whom you see fit..?

?Right, thank you sir?? he turned away from the judge, facing the rest of the courtroom, ?I call to the stands?Taiar.?

Still under the hold spell, the mazoku half had to be dragged up to the stand by two guards. ?That was very unpleasant?? he grumbled, shooting a glare at the guards, ?Could have carried me or something??

The guards glared back at him, their gaze equally unfriendly.

Hakaril smirked, ?Taiar??

?Yep?? he chuckled.

?You know that they?re charging you with murder. Correct??

?Wooooooooow? Is THAT why I?m here?? he said sarcastically.

Ara sweatdropped, the jury emitted a multitude of low, unhappy grumbles.

??well, you are supposed to know about the charges placed before you?? the ?lawyer? continued, ?Anyways?Taiar Valcrist?.. under oath, where were you the night of the murder??

?Mmm?out around the town. This holy aura kept me awake all night?? Taiar grumbled.

The jury stirred once more, members glancing to each other nervously.

Hakaril nodded, ?Did you see anyone else while you were out? It was probably rather late??

?I saw one person. Didn?t know who he was though??

He nodded again, ?When you were out, were you armed??

??.In fact I was, I was shining my sword that night. Not a drop of blood on it, I assure you.?

The head priest stared quietly at Taiar, studying him intently.

?Do you still have the weapon??

?It?s hanging around my neck.?

Hakaril peered forwards, looking the mazoku-half over, noting the small sword-shaped pendant hanging around his neck, ?So it is.?

The guards that had been keeping watch over Taiar looked at each other terrified as they realize that this whole time, Taiar was still armed. The head priest shot a glare at the guards, appearing to be equally displeased and terrified.

Hakaril seemed surprised by the fact that Taiar still had his weapon in the courtroom as well.

As if sensing their panic, Taiar flashed a grin at the guards, who could do more than stare back at him in abject horror.

Smirking, Hakaril resumed questioning Taiar, ?May I see the weapon??

?I can?t exactly summon it, under this hold spell and all?But you can see the pendant.?

?Ah, I see.? Hakaril paused, thinking, ?Tai, when you unsummon your weapon, if it were marked or bloodied, would it still be so afterwards, if resummoned??

?Hmmm...I dunno. Never actually had to pay attention to something like that....?

?...sir High Priest. May Taiar Valcrist summon his weapon, as an item of evidence??

The High Priest frowned, obviously considering this, ??.I suppose??

?Taiar, does your conjuration require somatic components??

Before Taiar could answer, the High Priest had ordered several guards to arrive and flank Taiar?s sides. The mazoku-half felt his muscles unlock as the hold spell on him was withdrawn.

?Or, you can just?remove it anyway.? Hakaril sweatdropped.

?Heh heh..? Taiar chuckled, a look of confusion crossing his face as he addressed Hakaril?s earlier question, ??Somatic components? Uhhh?.what??

??do you have to move.? Hakaril replied, sweatdropping.

?....Uhhh...I don't exactly want it stabbing my foot, but otherwise No.? he took the pendent off and held it forwards closing his eyes. A dark ray of magic poured out from between his knuckles, a cold blade exploding out from his hand, as a round nub appeared on the other side to signify the handle. ?...Should I have done that??

The courtroom emitted a startled gasp, one woman in the jury fainted. A slight twinge of familiar dark energy brushed Hakaril, though it was one that was not from the sword held in the mazoku?s hand.

??..? Taiar shot a maniacal grin at the guards for the soul purpose of freaking them out, and in a sense, it did work. All the guards were on edge, a few of them even had their weapons out.

Ara sweatdropped at her friend Baka, is he trying to get himself beat??

??well then.? Hakaril looked to Taiar ?Taiar, drop the weapon on the ground.?

(More to come when I'm not feeling as lazy XP)

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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jul 21, 2002 12:11 am

Ash folded his arms, he was impressed to say the least. But it didn't really amaze him. This sort of thing he's seen before. He was still awaiting HIS trial anyway. He sighed and sat there...

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And at long last, part 2!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jul 28, 2002 4:23 pm

And continued!

Nodding, Taiar stabbed the blade into the ground with the handle facing Hakaril.

Hakaril stepped forward and picked up the dragon?s bane, examining the ancient blade, ?Have you cleaned it since that night?? he questioned.

?Nope. I've been under a hold spell all day, How could I??

Hakaril nodded, tapping the blade on his palm for a moment, ?Now for a test. Taiar, is it possible for others to summon and unsummon your blade??

The mazoku shrugged, ?Why don't you tell me? Never had anyone else try.? He paused, ?...Although My mom has done it, along with another relative of mine. All Mazoku.?

The jury emitted another wave of nervous mutters, an annoyed look crossed Ara?s face.

?I can try I suppose..? Hakaril picked up the weapon, glancing down at the blade. He paused for a moment, before putting a finger on the blade, causing it to be marked with a bit of mud. Concentrating, Hakaril attempted to unsummon the blade, which emitted a dark purple glow in response as if it was fighting back the unsummoning. After a minute or so of trying, Hakaril ceased, as nothing had happened, the blade continued to remain. ??Tai, unsummon your blade.?

?Toss it back Hak..? the mazoku chided, holding out his hand.

All the guards now had their weapons out, shaking nervously as they watched the dark weapon being handled about in their temple.

Hakaril calmly handed the weapon to Tai, ?Unsommon it.?

Taking the sword, he held it ahead of himself, across his chest. The same Dark glow surrounded the sword, but accepts this time, shrinking into a small pendent, which Tai instinctively slipped around his neck.

?Bring it back.? Hakaril ordered.

Ara sweatdropped.

?Ahoi?? Tai took off the pendant and repeated the summoning process once again.

Frowning, Hakaril inspected the blade, noting that the mud dab was still there, or most of it as some had rubbed off onto Taiar?s shirt. He nodded and quickly brought this point to the jury?s attention, ?So if there WERE blood on the blade, it would still be there. Therefore, the sword in question is NOT the murder weapon.?

The jury rose into murmuring again while the high priest nodded.

?Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the wounds caused to that body were made with either teeth and claws or some sort of weapon more brutal than a sword. It then leads me to conclude that Taiar Valcrist is innocent of all charges.?

The mazoku chuckled lightly to himself, stretching himself out, glad to be out of the hold spell.

Ara grinned happily, ?WOO! You tell ?em Haky!? The entire court seemed to stare at Ara now.

Hakaril grinned, striking his best bishounen pose. Hakaril Silvar, Improvisational Lawyer?s first victory!

?Will that be all Sir Hakaril?? the head priest asked.

?I think I?m done with Sir Valcrist.?

The guards wearily escorted Taiar back to his seat.

The mazoku flashed a smile at the guards, dragging his still summoned dragon?s bane sword along the ground.

?Put that away or we?re going to have to take it?? a guard threatened?not so threateningly.

Taiar sat down at this seat, grinning as he jabbed the sword into the ground, ?If you think you can handle the ''Daaark Aura...'' he taunted.

This did not make the guards very happy, but the most they did at this point was growl angrily.

?Ahem?? Hakaril cleared his throat to catch the court?s attention once again, ?I feel there is no need to call forth Ara du Mythril, because, after all, I do not know the exact charges against my client. Could you reiterate them for me, please??

Ara grinned hearing this.

?She's charged too, as you mentioned earlier, it could not have been a sword, but some sort of clawing, so the dragon is a suspect too...? the high priest responded.

?Oh that?s such bullshit?? Ara growled.

?Your honor, with all due respect?? Hakaril stated calmly, ?The aura on the corpse was an astral imprint of a shadow nature. Ms. Mythril is a ryuuzoku. A holy dragon. Therefore, she cannot possibly be the perpetraitor.?

?Yeah!? Ara added, scowling, ?This is racism!?

?Yeaaaah? Well said Ara?.? Taiar sweatdropped.

?Well it is! ?.can you take this hold spell off of me? I?m not going to eat anyone..? Ara rolled her eyes.

?Hehehe?? Taiar crossed his arms, flaunting his freedom from the hold spell, prompting an annoyed glare from Ara, which he responded to with an innocent smile.

The head priest seemed a bit unmoved by these events, ?So you aren?t going to call Ara to the stand??

??.because it happens to be unnecessary. Ara cannot possibly be guilty.? Hakaril stated firmly.

?Very well?? the head priest waved his hand dismissivly.

Hakaril sighed. I get the feeling that this trial is bogus?

?Of course I?m not guilty! I?m not a murderer?? Ara grumbled again.

Taiar shrugged, ?Neither am I. Didn?t stop THEM from doing this anyways??

?Well you?re half mazoku, it?s no surprise the got suspicious?? she smirked.

??no further questions, and I have no further interest in calling witnessess.? A look of disgust crossed the archmages?s face.

?I suppose this court is adjourned for the day, the prosecution will meet and present their case tommarow...? the head priest stood and everyone began to file out of the courtroom, chattering with each other.

?Thank you, High Priest.? Hakaril nodded.

Ara grumbled, ?I bet the prosecution?s got nothin? on us.?

Taiar ripped his sword from the ground, unsummoning the weapon back into it?s pendant form, ?....Do we get to roam the town or we go back to Hay Jail??

A guard sneered at Taiar, ?I?m afraid you will spend the night in jail..? his tone lacked any semblance of sympathy.

?Thats not too bad...? the mazoku grinned ferally, standing and patting another guard on the shoulder, ?...I get to spend the time with my friends.?

?High Priest?? Hakaril approached the man, an idea in mind, ?Are you familiar with the concept of ?bail???

?Hmm?? the high priest lifted an eyebrow.

?Where a prisoner pays a fee in order to avoid spending the night in jail?? Hakaril blinked.

?Damnit at least take the hold spell off of ME!? Ara spat.

?Hmm...so are you offering to pay bail for your friends? They'll still have to stand trial tommarow?? the high priest responded, ignoring Ara completely.

?Well of course..? Hakaril said flatly.

?Then their bails will be set at 2000 gil each, including those other to..? he nodded his head in the direction of Ash and Vince.

?Charge it to the Doman treasury. They'll have no qualms.? Hakaril smirked.

The head priest lifted an eyebrow, ?Okay.?

?Hey hold spell please?? Ara whined.

?The Queen will bail her sister out of jail.? Hakaril smirked again, ?It won?t be a problem.?

Saying nothing, the head priest finally released the hold spell on Ara.

?Yeah?? she glared at the head priest, ?Sis is gonna be pissed at the lot of you ya know??

?Ara?? Hakaril sighed, straining mentally to keep himself calm, ??not now.?

However, the head priest seemed to pointedly ignore this threat as he released the hold spells on Vince and Ash as well.

Ara stretched, then cracked her neck, ?Let?s get out of here Hakaril??

Hakaril shrugged, ?Okay..? and with that the group left the temple.

(Everyone?s now free to ?uh, do stuff, eventually gravitate yourselves to bed somewhere)


Hitoshi2002 kyoto,Japan QUEEN STORY

Unread postby Hitoshi2002 » Mon Jul 29, 2002 12:29 am

Hi for all of You!! I want to name myself for you Hitoshi !
I would much enjoy Playing with all of you.

How does Forum work??please Mail me hitoshisayama@japan.com and tell Me how to work in This Queen Story! :) Thank all of You.



Re: Hitoshi2002 kyoto,Japan QUEEN STORY

Unread postby Hitoshi2002 » Mon Jul 29, 2002 12:47 am

All of You Please mail Me soon about QUEEN STORY!!!!


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Re: Hitoshi2002 kyoto,Japan QUEEN STORY

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 29, 2002 1:33 am

Ash stood up and popped his neck, since it was getting stiff. He glared at the White Mages, "I still would like to find the bastard who clubbed me." he said through gritted teeth, rubbing the still sore neck and head injury. But he understood what they had to do.

"There's something running around killing innocent people... we got to find it." he said to the others. He sighed though, he looked skeptical, "But I honestly doubt it's still here... unless we find it in a cave or somewhere. But most likely it's already run off." he said as he walked towards the court room entrance.

IM: And we still gotta find that sword too after this...



Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Mon Jul 29, 2002 10:40 am

Vince, who was sitting right beside Ash, was also placed under a hold spell. At the moment he heard they were free, the spell wore off, and allowed to move. He followed behind Ash as they were being escorted out of the courtroom.

"Ummm, Ash? It was an old lady with her bag that clubbed you. I had a very bad judgement thinking there is no possible way she could have knocked you unconcious, so I hit her. Unfortunately for me, she IS an old lady. That is one of the charges I was faced today...I think. That, and I attacked a mob who were after Ara and Tai. But they have nothing against me in the murder. I'm not very good in the magic department, so I can't do any 'shadow attribute' attacks or whatever. And, if we are lucky, the same thing that killed that man last night will hopefully attack again, so that would leave us innocent since we will be nowhere near the accident."

And with that said, Vince looked foward to a nice comfortable bed in the hotel, and hopefully no more crazy animal attacks...

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uchancellorsmartz.showPublicProfile?language=EN>ChancellorSmartz</A] at: 7/29/02 7:22:03 pm


Re: Right...

Unread postby MayumiX » Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:36 am

I'm sorry to interrupt this RP. (Actually, this is probably a really bad idea. Sorry.) But, will you help this guy (Hitoshi)? I'm new here, so I wouldn't want to say the wrong thing.


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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Jul 30, 2002 10:46 am

(OOC: Okay, first of all, if you are interested in an RP whether it be this one or some other one, it's much much better to post something about it in the OOC forum or even the Immigration forum INSTEAD of the RP itself. Generally, that's very rude ya know.
Second of all, this RP has been going on for a while, so you can't just "jump in" suddenly, ya need to know what's going on, and a good portion of the RP isn't here either since it was carried on over from another board. Once again, if you make a post in the OOC forum asking a question about the RP, I as the GM or one of the other RPers in the thread will respond and hopefully bring you up to speed.
Finally. Stop, before you do ANYTHING else, go to www.greatdave.org:7777//rpgww/ And read EVERYTHING under the RP section and EVERYTHING under the FAQ section before busting out with any more questions because odds are, ALL YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED THERE. So PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY MORE QUESTIONS IN THIS THREAD. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as sounding harsh, I don't mean to, we always welcome new RPers here at RPGWW)

Ara did another stretch, "Yeah better than being stuck in that sorry excuse for a jail, not that I didn't mind not being thrown in a REAL one..."

The townspeople had all gone back to their normal business, but the members of the group couldn't help but feel the scornful, distrustful stares emitted by the locals every time the passed.



Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:10 am

Hakaril, through mysterious forces he could not quite understand, combined with the fact that he was already rather drained and exhausted from his run as an improvisational lawyer, had begun to feel remarkably sleepy. As a result, he had headed to the local inn and paid the innkeeper the standard fare for a room for the night--although once upon a time, he had attempted to buy this inn, which had not gone over well with the establishment. Failing this, he decided to tip the bellboy far in excess of what the services he had provided were actually worth, mostly because if he had a direct link to the Doman treasury, it would have been a shame not to make use of it.

"You'd think a town of white mages would be more hospitable, or something," he muttered, thinking about all the trouble he and his traveling companions had been through. At least, he thought, it had been possible to negotiate bail for everyone.

Only one thing worried Hakaril. If none of his friends were responsible for the murder of Kyle Ryujin, then who was? And if they were under arrest as a result of false accusations...whatever had actually committed the crime was still roaming free...

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Unread postby Taiar » Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:07 pm

The thought hadn't even occured to Tai to seek shelter after the trial, perhaps in the Inn or something of the sort, even though Hakaril had paid his bail. He had taken a seat beneath the shade of a tree, leaning his back up against it and a knee drawn up to his chest. His arms sat on the cap and his head upon, staring forward as people walked by the street ahead of him. Tai gave all of them evil glares, without really thinking about it. It just felt right.

(This is my bed. Heh...)

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Re: Hn....

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:23 pm

Ash then noticed again that he had no shirt on, having ran outside as soon as he had heard the scream earlier that day.

He walked back towards the inn that he had stayed at the night before, to pick up his gear and get a frikkin' shirt on.

But Ash was still more worried about what could have really killed that White Mage. As he trudged upstairs, he pondered on who or what the real murderer could be...

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A short one...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Aug 12, 2002 12:47 pm

Night approached all too quickly for the town of Varrock and it wasn't long before the village fell into the deathly silence of the night. However, this silence was not here to stay.

At what felt like the middle of the night, Hakaril was awakened by frantic knocking upon his door.


Re: A short one...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Aug 13, 2002 3:57 pm

The mysterious knocker banging on Hakaril's door was answered with the sound of rather loud, obnoxious snoring. In actuality, this was a minor cantrip the archmage had a tendency to use when sleeping in unfamiliar places--the mage's version of a "do not disturb" sign.

Frustrated, the knocker resumed knocking, slightly louder than before, ignoring the obvious message--"hey, buddy, I'm sleeping, leave me alone here." Of course, some mages have a tendency to take their privacy to greater extremes, lining their cooridors with pitfalls and puzzles, something Hakaril had obviously not had the time to do (considering that he had fallen asleep in a hotel room, and only the most zealous would bother erecting a devious hallway of disaster in a rented room).

After a minute, Hakaril stirred, irritated by both the sound of a loud snoring, alerting him that some pesky guest refused to leave, and the equally annoying sound of having his door pounded on by said unwanted visitor. Thinking for a moment, he determined that it would probably be less trouble to get up and tell the knocker to leave than to enchant his room to be soundproof, and thusly, he strode over to the door, brushing hair out of his face and wiping sleep out of his eyes, and pulled it open.


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A short one... 2x

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Aug 14, 2002 12:47 pm

The being that stood in front of Hakaril was certainly very familiar. Clothed in a light blue nightgown, her long greying hair hung losely behind her, a look of utter panic in her eyes. This was none other than the woman he had seen earlier, crying over the corpse, Mrs. Ryujin.

"Y-you have to help me! Please! They're after me! They're all after me!!"


Meanwhile, Taiar was awakened from his slumber by numerous soft scraping noises, as if someone were dragging their feet along the ground nearby...

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Laziness does not prevail!

Unread postby Taiar » Thu Aug 15, 2002 2:53 am

Taiar stood up slowly and tiredly, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes and waving away the fuzziness from his sight like annoying flies. His ears perked up to the sound of something scraping and he scowled, holding his palm towards the darkened canvas of a sky and mumbled a few words, a ball of flames coming alive in the air above his hand, disturbing the peaceful night air with its shining light.

"...I sleep outside for one freaking night in a while and something already wakes me up..."

The Mazoku swung his hand around slowly, perusing the area around his tree with intense tenacity, trying to find out what had been making those awful sounds that had awaken him.


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