Queen of Swords

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Queen of Swords

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:22 pm

(Yay for the new forum! Anyways, here's my last GMy post and GK's)

"We'll see you tommarow then Hakaril..." Ara stated almost flippantly before moving to the enterance, "You'll take good care of him right?"

The priest nodded quickly, "Anything for the 2 billion gil man...oh please do stop at the inn, it has the finest rooms and a very nice massage service from what I've been told."

"A massage? I've never had one before...except from....er...nevermind..." she trailed off blushing a little before turning away, heading out of the temple. "Okay guy's..." she said to the remaining members, "Tommarow once Hak's all better we'll keep on moving so get a good night's rest, who knows where we're going to stay the next day. Oh yeah, y'all might want to see someone about those burns..."

The inn, or hotel rather, mentioned by the priest was also very familiar to Vince, being that same establishment where Hakaril had made a 2 billion gil tip. Word seemed to have travelled fast in that town, the workers of the place were very warm and hospitable to any of the party members that happened to come in. After being greeted and shown to her room, Ara had but one thing on her mind.

"Take me to your bar."

(GK posted: )

*the knight stepped into the room, looking around*

"A decent room, I suppose"

Although i could do without the fancy crap all over this place he thought

"get rid of that bedding and those things on the windows... i can't stand useless indulgences"

The Bell hop spoke, "do you mean the curtians?"

*the knight glared over his shoulder*

"I care not what they are called, just get rid of them!"

*the bell hop, slightly frightened by the man's demanor, scurried around getting rid of anything "flowery" or fancy*

"Hmmm... better, thank you... and make sure no one bothers me."

*he waved away the small man, who still stood there, waiting for his tip*

*he cast a small ball of dark enegy at the little man's feet, and with a 'YIPE', the Bell hop ran out of the room tripping down the stairs in his haste*
<img src = " http://www.greatdave.org:7777//ldc/Aya_victory.gif"> Subliminal mEssasges? please eXplain...</p>

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Re: Queen of Swords

Unread postby Taiar » Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:40 pm

And so Tai sat, on the roof of some inn, looking down upon the nightlife of the town, Which, for this town full of goodness and holy magic, was QUITE boring.

"No fights, No Thefts, Nothing! Gah...What I supposed to do to all night..."

Tai had already decided upon not sleeping tonight, as his distrust of the people, and constant uncomfortable holy feeling bugged his senses to no end. His shield of mazoku energy only aided him in staying camouflaged, as the darkness also wrapped itself around him. He could have been comfortable the whole night just sitting there on the roof if...

*Jingle Jingle*

"...Guess I should do something then...Sitting here might get to me..."

He hopped off the Inn and landed on the road, his aura disappearing into the air as he stood up and strode down the street.

"....What to do, what to do..."


Re: Queen of Swords

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Tue Apr 23, 2002 10:21 pm

A bellhop took Smartz to one one the rooms. As the bellhop opened the door, the light flashed in, revealing the various foods, comfortable pillows and bed all covered in silk. Vince could do nothing but grin.

"Uh...you sure this is free for me to use?"

The bellhop replied, "Well, you are friends with the 2 billion gil man, aren't you? Nothing better then well deserved treatment for friends of such a generous man."

Generous man?? Vince thought. More like a drunk off his rocker spending 2 BILLION gil of the government's money!!! Then Smartz couldn't help but notice the bellhop stare at him as Smartz was making facial expressions corresponding to his thoughts.

"Er...nevermind me! Just run along now, ok!?" Smartz said as he pushed the bellhop out the door, then slammed it shut.

"*Phew* I hope I don't do that again...oh well! I should rest up, since it's all thanks to the 2 billion gil idiot..." He chuckled at his own words.

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Re: Queen of Swords

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Apr 28, 2002 8:29 pm

Soon the others caught up to Ash.

"Well?" he asked them, and they filled him in on the current events surrounding Hak and his paralysis.

"Ok." replied Ash as he got a room. He turned to Ara. "If anyone happens in the night, don't hesitate to call us for assistance. ok?" he asked as he got his number and turned towards the stairs, ignoring the bellhop. <p>>For Her I can be... a hero.<</p>

Ghastly Knight

Re: Queen of Swords

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Mon Apr 29, 2002 8:32 pm

(OOC: i take this time to...)
(Bump!) <p>-Quoth the Magus..."The Black Wind begins to blow... Okay... Give me your best shot... If Your Prepared For The VOID!""Fool... Nothing lasts forever"</p>

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Moving along...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri May 10, 2002 1:45 pm

(OOC: Sorry for the delay again, I've been in somewhat of a creative morass lately.... anywho, as FFFan once put it "Wee! Super happy plot advancement!" A bit of character control here, though not much)

Night fell quickly in the village, Varrock was deathly silent. Hakaril remained in the temple, the head priests insisted that he stay overnight.
"In order to be sure that you're completely rid of the evil energy you should rest here tonight."
And so Hakaril was left in the temple, given a pillow and a blanket, but told to stay on the stone altar in front of the statue.

Later that night, Hakaril awoke to a faint red glow coming from the center of the room. The light pulsated for a moment, radiating a strange energy signature that to Hakaril, would have a slight sensation of shadow magic. Before he could move to investigate, a numbing feeling washed over him, sending him back to sleep immediately.

The normally tranquil morning calm was interrupted harshly by a loud, shill, scream awakening everyone in the village.

"The heck?" Ara ran out of the inn quickly, the receptionist was gone so no one was there to stop her as she practically skipped out on the bill.

A large crowd had gathered in the center of town, right outside the temple whispering and peering over each others shoulders, paniced looks on their faces.

"I can't believe something like this would happen here!" one person muttered.

"He had a wife...and a child, though thank Ishtar she's not home!" another white mage whispered to another.

"Hey hey what happened?" Ara pulled on one of the white mage's robes.

"It's awful...just awful...someone..someone was murdered!"

"WHAT?!" Ara pushed the mage aside, shoving her way through the crowd. "C'mon, out of my way, ryuuzoku coming through....whoah..."

Ara stopped dead in her tracks as she beheld the grisly site. Upon the temple steps, a man, obviously a white mage, layed splayed out, his throat had been slit. His robes had been stained a bright red from his own blood where empty bloody sockets were where his eyes once were. His chest was ripped open, ribs pried to the side, his heart missing, a lake of blood in it's place. A woman in white mage robes knelt next to the man, sobbing.

(OOC: AM, Hak can move now and it's most likely everyone in the group will notice the crowd gathered.)

Ghastly Knight

Re: Moving along...

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Sat May 11, 2002 3:20 pm

He had always been a light sleeper...

"Wha- What the hell?!... dammit what is it now..." the knight said, swiping up his sword with a growl.

"I'd better go see..."

With that he made a few motions with his hands and dissappeared in a black haze.

Reuben materialized on a roof-top next to the inn.

"Hmmmm... I wonder-" He then saw the large crowed that had gathered, though he could not see what was bringing such an audience.

Reuben jumped, jumped from roof to roof and finally dropped right by the group of spectators.

he grabbed a mans shoulder, spinning him around to face the knight, "what happened...?" he asked in a rough tone.

The startled man looked up at him, "a-a man wa-wa-was murdered!"

"I see." He let go of the persons shoulder, as he now shoved his way through the crowd.

the knight looked down...

"Horrible... a defenceless mage? The killer had no honor, none at all," he muttered to himself

Reuben knelt next to the body and asked the young mage next to the body if they knew who had killed the man.

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Unread postby Taiar » Sat May 11, 2002 10:32 pm

Taiar stepped up behind a man in the crowd, looking down at the body and some of the other people. He had the Dragon's Bane summoned and over his shoulder. shining in the morning sun, just being shined the night before. It was cleaned with care, as if it had been covered in blood the night before...

There were heavy bags under his eyes from staying up all night, and the Mazoku glow had come back at somepoint to keep him awake, for he had to work slightly in order to keep it around. Among all the white mage robes and the such, Tai's dark colored clothing looked rather suspicious.

"...Well, I can already guess what happened here. I won't even bother to ask."


Re: .....Yup.

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Sat May 11, 2002 10:56 pm

Vince was happily sleeping when the screaming of villagers came to his attention. He then trudged over the window, half-asleep, and peeked his head out to find out what was going on.


A woman replied. "Uh...sir? Someone was just brutally killed. I think you should see for yourself."

"Killed? Well that sucks. Fine, fine...I'll go check it out...."

So he went outside, in his night clothes to see what happend. He slowly approached the body.

"Yeesh, what a mess. Pretty sloppy too. That's a pretty nice slit across the throat, though. I bet after slicing his throat, the culprit took his eyes out, ate them, then ripped his chest open to feast on his heart. It probably tore at his chest like a crazed lunatic, tearing away at his flesh like paper, and broke his bones like twigs, craving for this young man's heart..."

The sound of vomiting filled the air.

"Or...maybe took them for keeping instead. But why would the person...or thing, keep them? Maybe I'm totally wrong altogether...this is very interesting indeed..."

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Re: .....Yup.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun May 12, 2002 1:46 am

Ash awoke with the sound of a scream which immediately caused him to pull out his blade by pure instinct. Took him a while to realize he was just in bed and the scream was from outside.

He got up, in his night attire, which consisted of no shirt or arm guards, and he trudged outside to see what the hell was the matter.

He noticed the large crowd in the middle of town.

"Great... can't be in one town without something like this happening." he growled as he walked towards the scene of the murder.

When he got there he saw the body of the mage.

"Hmph... original way of attacking someone." he said as he inspected the dead body.

He saw the rip marks and the slash across the throat and all the marks on the body indicating a basic attack from behind.

"These marks... aren't made by a sword. Well maybe the slash on the neck, but the marks on the chest and just about everywhere else is not of a sword's blade." he said after he finished his inspection.

IM: The attacker must've slit the throat with a blade, cause if it had attacked with it's claws, there'd be too much noise. Slitting the throat would be quicker. Only the gods know what the hell this thing was looking for when it attacked this mage.

Ash looked at the others, "Well seems like we might be here for awhile eh?" he said as he stood over the dead body.

Ghastly Knight

Re: .....Yup.

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Sun May 12, 2002 4:30 pm

"Hmmmm... I think you are correct Sir Ash, we will definately be here for awile longer..." Reuben said as he stood, never facing Ash, just staring at the body.

Reuben was used to death, slaughter, some of it he had even taken part in, he had no feelings for anyone, or if he did he never showed it on the outside.
But the only thing that bothered him was that the person was an innocent white mage, they couldn't have defended themself. They couldn't fight back...
Even though he embraced combat and killing, he did not, in any way, find any honor, nor pride, in the killing of innocent people.

That was going to far...

"Hmph. what good would it do anyone to kill a white mage anyway... What a waste of time too..." He said to himself.

"Sloppy work too," he said, to further hide any sense of compassion, for he did have a certain image to uphold.


Great way to wake up...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed May 15, 2002 9:33 am

Hakaril, mildly disturbed by all the noise, grumbled softly and rolled off the pallet he had spent the night on. Flexing his legs and arms, he came to the conclusion that his wounds had been healed--the devastating shadow energies had been purged from his form. Blinking blearily, he stumbled outside, and upon seeing the gathering crowd, he snapped fully awake.

The sounds of dialogue and hushed screams, all laced with a permeating terror, filled the air around the streets. Scratching his head quickly and adjusting his hat to better cover his disheveled head of long, bluish hair, the mage stepped out and observed the murder scene.

Hakaril swallowed sharply, his fist clenching slightly as he scanned the area. A badly mutilated corpse. A hysterical crowd. His traveling companions. Slowly, his face twisted into an expression of utter frustration and rage, his eyebrows slanting downwards and nestling themselves in a slightly less than cozy V between his narrowed reddish-brown eyes.

"Who is responsible for this!?" he cried out angrily...

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Re: Great way to wake up...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed May 15, 2002 5:10 pm

Ash turned to the sound of an enraged Hakaril.

"Oh... Hak. I see you are awake and no longer paralyzed. We have no idea what caused this, but it's pretty obvious what happened. Got any ideas?" he asked as he looked back down at the mutilated corpse.


Re: Great way to wake up...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed May 15, 2002 7:56 pm

"As blank as you are, Ash," Hakaril sighed. "Do we have any suspects? A motive? Anything???"

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Decision Time...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu May 16, 2002 10:23 pm

Ash looked to the villagers and then to his fellow travelling companions... "No motive found so far. No suspects either. Think we should stick around to try and figure this out?" he asked the others in his group.

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Re: Decision Time...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat May 25, 2002 6:23 pm


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Lazy GM rears her head!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu May 30, 2002 9:47 pm

The woman kneeling next to the fallen man, appearing to be in her mid-fourties, looked up at Ruben through her tear filled eyes, "This...this...this is my husband..." she sobbed, covering her face, "Why him...why, he never did anything...."

"This is awful...has anything like this ever happened before...?" Ara questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No..." the woman sobbed, "Never in our town...never...."


"Someone was murdered!" a nearby priest told Hakaril, "This is an ill omen! There's evil afoot in our town!"
The nearby villagers overheard this and whispers began to spread throughout the crowd.

"There's evil in our town!"

"This hasn't happened for months! The last time it happened was when the 2 billion gil man came!"

"It's his friends! One of his friends did it!"
A few of the villagers began to eye Taiar, who's mazoku aura had cleared a five foot "no people zone" around the halfling.
"It's him!" One of them pointed at Taiar, "His aura is ridden with darkness! He's the one that brought this murder upon our town!"

"HEY HEY WAIT!" Ara yelled, "No way it could be him, Taiar would never do that!!" she glared at Tai, giving him the damned-well-you-better-not-have-done-it look.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uladydragonclawsedw.showPublicProfile?language=EN>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/31/02 2:21:09 am

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Re: Lazy GM rears her head!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu May 30, 2002 9:56 pm

Ash got into a defensive position, "None of us would do such a thing! Not even Taiar... he's with us. Tell em' Ara!" he said as he looked into the Queen's sister's eyes. The look seemed to say, Please tell me I'm not lying to these people.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 5/31/02 2:24:07 am

Ghastly Knight

Ghastly Says...

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Fri May 31, 2002 6:58 pm

"Hmmmmm... I think not, no it could not have been sir Taiar..."

The knightturned to Tai, Looking him right in the eyes, his own narrowing. They practically dug into his very soul. Reuben looked at him almost threatening that if he had done this, he would not feel good in the morning.

He looked back at the young woman, breaking the stare between he and the Mazoku.

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Keh...Ya never know with me.

Unread postby Taiar » Fri May 31, 2002 9:34 pm

Taiar blinked, his eyes showing his lack of sleep last night clearly, and stabbed his sword into part of the No-People-Zone. A dark energy surrounded it, and slowly shrunk into the form of a pendent. He slipped it over his head and glared at the Townspeople who accused him of murder. But, in the normal mazoku fashion, he lightened up and grinned, rubbing his eyes awake.

"I am the evil one am I? So I guess I HAD to be the one that did it...Guess you'll just have to sit and wonder then."

He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his back to the scene, stalking off towards a now less populated part of town, considering the people were gathering at the carcass. All the time is a good time to play with people's heads.

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I will do this damnit!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Jun 19, 2002 1:59 pm

"Yeah! Tai doesn't kill people! Leave him alo--OW!" Ara growled as one of the mages took a small shot at her with a bit of white energy. "Hey what was that for?!"

"You're like him...." one of them muttered, "You're not from our world...."

"...how the hell do you know that?!"

As Tai walked from the group, the energy field surrounding him began to crackle, small wells of chaos energy forming in the astral plane around him, disappating quickly as bits of holy energy reacted with his field, dissolving it. A group of elder priests ran after him, quickly surrounding Tai in a ring.

"You...you demon, you did this...you will not escape so easily, you who are not of this world..." one of the called out to him, anger in his voice.

"We'll bring you to justice!" another shouted.

"Ow! Hey stop that!!" Ara turned, searching for a way to back out of the crowd, whom had taken to blasting her with more bits of white energy. Though each shot didn't hurt that much in itself, the combined effort of the group was starting to get to her. Annoyed, Ara raised her hands and began to chant in ryuuzoku to summon forth a simple barrier spell "Visadea horfreno---.....?????"

Ara frowned for a moment, then opened her mouth to continue but no sound came out, "....??????"

A few priests kept a keen eye on the other members of the group, "Don't try to interfere lest you wish to join them in confinement..."

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Re: I will do this damnit!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:17 pm

Ash rushed forward, "Leave them alone! They did not do anything. We must investigate before we start pointing fingers!!" he said as he tried to come to Ara's aid. He pulled some of the mages out of the group surrounding Ara.

"You have no evidence!" hollered Ash as he tried to reach Ara...

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Yeee...Take it out on me why duncha...

Unread postby Taiar » Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:36 pm

Taiar stopped short and stood in the center of the ring, glancing around at the four mages surrounding him. Angered, he narrowed his eyes at the one blocking his path, raising another aura against the holy magic.

"...You should act sooner if you plan on stopping me."

Taiar wasn't in the mood to be arrested or killed as of the moment, so he had no plans on making the first move. But in the same interests, he held his hand out and drew the Dragon's Bane from the pendent again, swinging it around him in hopes of making the mages keep their distance.

"If I killed that man, I wouldn't be hesitating to kill the four of you now...but if you wish to continuing believing, go for it."


Re: I will do this damnit!

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:39 pm

Hakaril shook his head, putting his face in his hands. "The warrior didn't state it very eloquently or anything, but he does have a point. Let's just wait a second before things get out of hand. It's useless to blame Taiar unless you have any proof!"

"Besides," Hakaril spat, "are you all ignorant of your basic magical principles? If Taiar had killed this man, there would be, most likely, residual aura traces! It isn't a catchall, but for crying out loud...you people..."

My two billion gil would have been better spent on the construction of a foundation for the preservation of cheese architecture...

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Fear the white mages

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Jun 19, 2002 3:05 pm

Ash seemed to be doing pretty good making his way through the crowd, in fact he was practically there in front of Ara. Well that is until some sort of large blunt object smashed into the back of his head, sending him flat on his face to the ground. One of the crowd members stood over Ash, holding a small flail.

Ara of course, was enraged by this sight and immediately lunged forwards at the mage, her lips curled into a silent growl, arms outstreched, hands reaching to grab his throat. Mere inches away Ara felt her muscles lock up on her completely, a whitish sort of energy enveloping her. Unable to move to catch herself, Ara promptly fell to the ground face-first much like Ash.

The head priest of the temple sneered at Hakaril, "Nothing like this has ever happened here before! Not until they came! Not until you came! And the aura, have you beheld the corpse itself? It's mottled with specks of dark energy, no doubt from that...THING!" he pointed a finger at Taiar. Had Hakaril given the corpse a look, he indeed would have found traces of a dark energy on the corpse that would at a glance almost resemble the energy of Taiar's astral signature. However, to Hakaril, being the experienced mage that he is was bound to notice a slight difference, not to mention a passing familiarity. "Of course, we will give your companions a trial if this bothers you so much..." he added gruffly, "Now please urge your friends to come quietly so we can resolve this in a civil manner."

The mages surrounding Tai held their ground, unfazed by Taiar's threats and oblivious to his appeals to his innocence. Most of the crowd had migrated over to Tai now, some mages switched out and some moved in closer to the mazoku half, eliminating the "no people zone". At once, the inner ring of priests began to chant, strain seen on their faces. Tai's aura flared about him, trying to block the magic out, but whispy streams of white energy could be seen snaking through the barrier as it was overwhelmed by the sheer strength in numbers. Tai felt an odd feeling deep within his throat, as if a hand had reached down and grabbed ahold of his voicebox, freezing it in place.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uladydragonclawsedw.showPublicProfile?language=EN>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/19/02 7:11:15 pm

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Re: Fear the white mages

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 19, 2002 3:16 pm

Ash was knocked down. The pain in his head hurt. He heard Ara try to fight back but then when he heard a thump, he knew it was in vain. He noticed the number of feet around him dwindled, they were obviously going over to Tai.

Ash slowly rose up onto his knees. He felt the back of his head and there was blood. This enraged him further.

He stood up, still a bit wobbly, "You bastards... you have no proof!! This... is maddness." he said as he walked backwards holding his head. His vision was getting blurry. He shook his head and it went back to normal but he didn't know for how long.

"So now you're accusing me?" Ash asked in a harsh contempuous tone.

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Unread postby Taiar » Wed Jun 19, 2002 3:34 pm

It was evident Taiar was going to be losing this one, but he'd still do his best to try and fight. He ignored his inability to talk, it was useless to try and reason with these people anyways.

Taiar knelt down to clear his mind and focus upon one simple thought, his own anger. He couldn't absorb the negative feelings of those around him because he was only a halfling, but he could still use his own, and it was more than enough. The sword flared outwards with Mazoku energy as the shapes of four angelic wings were carved out of the Black aura, eating the morning sun. Color slowly filled into them, stemming from his back and crawling towards the end of each and every feather, as though he had taken them from an eagle. He slammed a fist into the ground, flames of black erupting up and surrounding his area, actually touching his skin.

Taiar was now producing an enormous amount of un-holiness. It could probably make the white mages standing next to him sick and disgusted that anyone could be such a foul being. It was all indifferent to him though. He focused his mind, and awaited another onslaught of white...

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Jun 19, 2002 4:16 pm

The sudden blast of dark energy had certainly caught the crowd by surprise, the ring of mages surrounding Tai toppled over, groaning in disgust.

"Don't...let him....get away...." one of them panted, struggling to his feet.

Much like in Ara's case, the crowd began to barrage the mazoku with blasts of holy energy, most of them too weak to do any serious damage against the mazoku, however, these things can add up.

The head priest had left Hakaril now, joining the crowd surrounding Tai, "Focus your energy! Negate his! Hold him!" he shouted, "We can stop this demon if we work together!"

Had Ara been able to move she would have certainly rolled her eyes at him Man he sounds like such a dork...

The crowd regrouped around Tai once again, though not as close as a few minutes ago, the mazoku-half's aura was serving it's purpose well. An eerie hush fell over the crowd, dozens of eyes focused upon the mazoku, staring him down. Collectively the mob began to glow with a soft white light, a multitude of voices rising within the ranks, chanting together. Under any other circumstances, the chanting would almost seem beautiful.

"Negate......and HOLD!" the head priest called out, followed by the cries of the remaining townsfolk. Beams of holy energy lanced at the mazoku, first hitting the aura and flames, smothering the energy in it's purity. Tai's body was racked with pain as the light washed over him, his muscles locking up, freezing to move. Even in the astral plane, thick ropes had entwined his presence, rendering him completely immoble.

Ara winced as she looked on, as much as someone who was muted and held could wince. That must hurt like hell for him...

Ash had seemed to have gone ignored by the entire crowd, that is, except for one small old lady that had hung back from the masses, and was glaring at Ash. "You hold your tongue young man!" She scolded him, swinging her purse at his face which smacked him clean accross, sending him spiraling into unconsciousness from the combined head trauma.


Re: Ouchu

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Thu Jun 20, 2002 8:59 pm

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Smartz was left behind. Luckily for him, they forgot that he existed. But he knew his group was in trouble, and he had to help out one way or another.

First was Ara and Tai. They seemed to be in the most trouble at the moment. So stealthily, he went behind the crowd, chanting a spell of some sort. Then, finally he said out loud the name of the spell.


The tremoring ground knocked over the angry mob, giving Ara and Tai a way out of the crowd. Then there was the lady who knocked Ash out. Smartz just puched her hard enough to knock her out. Simple enough. Now he can only hope Hak and the others were okay on their own.


Re: Ouchu

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jun 20, 2002 9:30 pm

"Damnit, you idiots!" growled Hakaril. "What the hell are you doing fighting with civilians! This doesn't help our case, or Tai's, whatsoever..."

The mage facepalmed, sighing loudly. "I'm never traveling with these people again..."

Well, not for a while, he mused. Assuming these overzealous fools don't get us killed...

"Everyone relax!" he barked, trying to make sense of and still the raging sea of chaos around him. "If you don't, we're not going to be able to logically negotiate things here at all..."

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Hitting on old ladies Vince?

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Jun 21, 2002 4:35 pm

The old lady, being just an old lady, dropped to the ground, moaning in pain. Sad to say, this and his minature earthquake did NOT earn Vince the favor of the crowd. Much like Tai and Ara, Vince quickly found himself under the fire of several small holy spells, a mute spell, and a hold spell.

The elder priest turned back to Hakaril, "I'm glad to see that at least one among you is intelligent enough to try to reason this. Do you wish to appoint yourself as their lawyer during their trial?"

At least we get a trial... Ara thought.


Re: Hitting on old ladies Vince?

Unread postby Archmage144 » Fri Jun 21, 2002 5:26 pm

Hakaril growled under his breath. "Chancellor, of all people, I thought you had some brains. But no, you have to go about attacking old women." He sighed aloud, disgusted with his companion's behavior, and turned to the elder priest.

"Buddy, I don't know if I can represent these people, but I'll do it anyway. They ARE my friends, after all, regardless of how stupid they are..."

He shook his head and shrugged silently. "To hell with it. I'll be their lawyer. You guys had better appreciate this..."

Hakaril shot the elder a glance. "I don't suppose you'd accept a bit of money in exchange for a positive verdict?"

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I need GK to post! >.<#

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Jun 21, 2002 6:40 pm

Now it was the elder priest's turn to look disgusted, "I'm sorry Sir Hakaril, but in a matter as grave as murder, to accept a bribe in the favor of those accused will be unjust by all means. Your previous donation was generous enough, we do not require any further donations...." he frowned at the archmage.

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: I need GK to post! >.<#

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jun 21, 2002 10:05 pm

Ash could not hear Hakaril's scolding, for he had been knocked out cold.


Re: I need GK to post! >.<#

Unread postby Archmage144 » Fri Jun 21, 2002 10:41 pm

"Hey, I wasn't serious. It was worth a shot, I thought," shrugged the archmage. "Look, I'll represent them. Fair trial, I hope? No cheating, no bribery, no paying off the local judges. If need be, I'll take them into custody myself--it's within my jurisdiction as General."

Ghastly Knight

This is me... posting...

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Mon Jun 24, 2002 8:59 pm

(OOC: GAH!!!!! Sorry... sorry sorry sorry... real life and all that jazz... doesnt help to have a comp that won't load web pages most of the time, either.... postage now...)

Throughout the whole spectacle, Reuben just stood there. Stood there without so much as a word nor action. He was practically out of sight at this point, hidden partly in the shadows with only the light of a small black flame in his palm showing that there was anyone even there. A flame which he quickly extinguished.

damn fools... he thought

the knight quietly smirked to himself and walked over to Ara, standing next to her in a relaxed, yet almost defensive position.

"Are you ok, lady Ara?" he asked in a rough tone, looking over at Taiar who didnt look so well himself.

hmmmmm... maybe these white mages aren't as defenceless as I had thought...

Edited by: Ghastly Knight at: 6/25/02 1:09:40 am

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'bout friggen time XP

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Jun 24, 2002 10:35 pm

Ara, muted still, responded to Reuben's question with her best Crono impression. "......!!!"

The other villagers eyed Reuben warily as the elder priest spoke up yet again, "Later today we will hold the first session of the trial for these four individuals..." he nodded at the four apprehended travellers, "Sir Hakaril here shall present his case in defense of these four...." he looked to Reuben, "Are you helping him, dark knight? If I recall these are your travelling companions also."

The hell I didn't do anything, what is with these guys.... [i/] Ara scowl

Ghastly Knight

yes... yes it is 'bout time....

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Mon Jun 24, 2002 11:17 pm

"hmmmm... well... I am no lawyer, but I will do what I can, I suppose, to prove their innocence" the knight answered back in a slightly angered tone.

Damn... these people have done it now... the only real voice of reason here, it seems, is Sir Hak's...

he then smirked and growled at the crowd

"What do you think you are looking at? What, now you think I killed this person?! Hmmmm, you people are too quick to place blame on others..." with that, he raised himself up into the air, setting down on some crates.

"So..." he whispered to Hakaril, "you think you can actually win their case?"

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: yes... yes it is 'bout time....

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:38 am

Ash was going in and out of unconsciousness...

IM: Stupid old lady...

He blinked out of consciousness again, very angry and very irrate at being blamed for trying to help a friend.

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Moving right along...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:39 pm

An hour later, the crowd had dispersed naturally, most people going back to their daily business. Ash, Vince, Taiar, and Ara had been removed by a group of young white knights and taken to a large barn, which was now doubling as a jail. The townsfolk had even gone to the length as to make seperate "cells" for each of them using bales of hay. These cells had no doors, but it didn't really matter since the four were kept still by holding spells and unable from saying much with mute spells.

Around noon, the elder priest accompanied by a few white knights entered the makeshift jail, gravitating towards Taiar's cell.

"Okay, we need to discuss some important matters with you before the trial, perhaps we can save some time." The elder smiled at the mazokuhalf serenly, nodding to a pair of white knights, who begrudgingly lifted Taiar up, dragging him out.

Taiar found himself taken to a small dimly-lit smokehouse beside the barn. Large sides of pig meat hung from the ceiling. In the center of the room there was a black grate set in the floor covering a small fire, hickory-scented smoke wafted upwards through the grate. Taiar was seated on a bucket, the elder priest sitting down directly accross from him, flanked by his white knight guards.

"Now..." the elder priest stared directly into the mazoku's eyes, "Law and trials are long and cumbersome matters that our small fine town would rather not bother with. I have a deal for you, and your otherworld friend as well. It's quite simple and if you chose right, we may be able to avoid the trial altogether. Confess you and your friend to murder and you'll receive only a year of imprisionment....that is if your friend refuses to confess. Of course, if your friend refuses as in the case I've described above, she shall receive ten years of imprisionment. However...the reverse also applies, if she confesses and you don't, you shall receive ten years of imprisionment and she shall receive only one...
Furthermore, if you both refuse to confess to your crimes, both of you shall receive five years, not to mention the ordeal of being publically humiliated in trial. Yet...if both of you confess, we shall settle on three years of imprisionment for the both of you; there will be no trial needed in such a case. Now my young friend, what is your decision?"

Meanwhile, Ara had been taken to another secluded location and presented the same dillema.

"Well..." the ryuuzoku mused, "A nice offer, but I don't think you're going to get me to confess to a crime I didn't commit...."

A page ran up to Hakaril, "Sir! The trial is scheduled to start at 1:00 in the afternoon, if you wish to meet with the prisoners charged with assault and battery you can find them in the cells in the barn. I'm afraid the ones charged with murder are currently unavailable."


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