Beach Party! (silly freestyle rp)

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Beach Party! (silly freestyle rp)

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun May 26, 2002 1:45 pm

(ooc: I'm doing this for two reasons. 1- to celebrate the arrival of summer vacation. 2- I just drank like 5 or 6 cans of caffeinated beverages in about two hours, so I'm feeling rather silly)
Greywolf strolled casually down the beach, a rare smile on his face, albeit a small one. The weather was perfect out. Not too hot, gentle breezes, fluffy white clouds passing by slowly, waves gently lapping at the pale sands while trees rustled in the wind. It was a perfect spot.
Setting down his backpack and cooler, the elf cast off his cloak, showing that in favor of his usual grey clothes designed for stealth, he was wearing a pair of silver-colored swim trunks and has his long hair tied back in two places.
He opened up the cooler to reveal an abundance of alcoholic beverages. Finally, Greywolf lay down a towl on the sand under the shade of a tree and put on a pair of dark reflective sunglasses.
The elf lay down with his hands behind his head and sighed in peace. He rarely got a day off like this, but he knew deep down that his solitude would be short-lived. Wherever he went, it seemed, people were already bound to show up.


Re: Beach Party! (silly freestyle rp)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun May 26, 2002 2:02 pm

(Ooc: Good to see you feeling better greywolf. I'll join ya, but your friend bowie ain't.)

Scyla had been swimming moments before greywolf had shown up. She got out the water, fliging her hair over her sholders and walked up the beach.
'Oh, somebodys sunbathing over there. I wounder who it could be?' Scyla thought as she made here way up the coast.

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Re: Beach Party! (silly freestyle rp)

Unread postby Spleen » Sun May 26, 2002 3:06 pm

(OOC: Can't pass up a chance to use Jex on his TechBoard! I'll post when I'm done uploading Elemaer to my friend's server...)


Beach Party!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun May 26, 2002 10:11 pm

Greywolf soon picked up Scyla's scent over the salt water. "I was wondering how long it would be before somebody showed up. I used ot think I was a loner, but wherever I go, people show up."
He sat up chuckling at his situation and took off his sunglasses, revealing his soft violet eyes. "Pull up a towel and have a beer. I give it another five minutes before others show up."


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon May 27, 2002 2:39 pm

Scyla looked at greywolf a little gone out. O_o "Um, ok then." She sat down on a towle next to him and looked throught his cooler. "Arh wow! Hobgoblin! I love that beer (Chocolate flavoured goodness :P )." She took the bottle and drank it down, the sunlight shimmering on her wet skin as she did so.


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Mon May 27, 2002 5:05 pm

Greywolf laid back in the shade, a soft smile playing on his lips. "It's not often I get days off. I wonder if there is ever a period of more than two days where nothing eventful, dangerous, and potentially life-threatening happens in these lands."
The elf stretched out lazily with a yawn. He replaced his sunglasses and tucked his hands under his head. Lazy summer days brought back pleasant memories of his days as a young elf. Though he had stopped gratuitously blaming himself for his parents' deaths, the past still haunted him in both good and bad ways.
Greywolf could remember his father teaching him to swim at the ocean and the day he made necklace of seashells for his mother. He couldn't help but smile fondly at bygone days when he was still an innocent youth.
Oh well, the past is meant to be remembered, not obsessed over. Right now, he had his day off at the beach, and abundance of beer, and someone to talk to.
His ears twitched slightly and he sat up, once again annoyed at being diturbed. "Do you hear something," he asked Scyla. As if he never even noticed the sounds in the distance, he grabbed a beer, not evern caring what kind and bit the cap off, spitting out beside the cooler. Taking a long swig he called out into the woods behind them, "Who's there?! It's Greywolf!"


Introducing... ALYS!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon May 27, 2002 6:43 pm

A small girl bounced out of the woods. She couldn't have been more than thirteen, and was wearing a bright purple and black two-piece swimsuit. She had a tanned, athletic body, and mid-length black hair, which she had tied into pigtails.

"Hiiii!" she chirped.

In a moment, she literally did that, turning into a small, bright purple canary.

"Aw nuts," she muttered. "I keep doing that on accident."


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Mon May 27, 2002 7:32 pm

"Well," Greywolf said in quiet surprise. "That was unusual." He stood up, looking curiously at the little girl/canary. "Who are you?"


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon May 27, 2002 7:36 pm

"I'm Alys! Pronounced 'Alice', but with 20% less letters! Dimensional traveller extraordinare, even if I do it by accident! Also random shapeshifter, at your service!" She bowed while fluttering in midair.


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby infinityjunction » Tue May 28, 2002 2:52 am

A dark figure walked along the beach. He was wearing mostly black, and held a trenchcoat under one arm. His trousers were rolled up to the knees and he carried his shoes in the other hand.
He was looking at the ground but then looked up to see a group of figures further along the beach. May as well check it out, he thought.
There was a loud crack and he landed in front of them.
He looked about 16, with rather messy black hair that he constantly had to push back.

"Hi," he said tentatively.


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Tue May 28, 2002 4:14 am

(Ooc: well I'd better describe Scyla then. She's 17. Wearing a two pice swimsuit, has long brown hair, blye eyes and has a wam smile.)

"Wow! People just seem to be coming out of nowhere today. Hiya aly's, and hi to you too, I'm Scyla.


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue May 28, 2002 7:01 am

Greywolf blinked and took off his sunglasses. "This is certainly an odd crew. A lot of new faces to me. Well I'll bite. Any of you have any particular reasons for coming to the beach, or are you just here by chance?"
He offered a beer to the dark-clad stranger as he took a swig of his own. "And what's your name?"


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue May 28, 2002 9:30 am

"I don't know, I just pop into places by accident all the time!" chirped Alys, flapping her wings as she hopped about. "Yumi says I'm cursed, and so whenever I'm in a little form like this, she always tried to freeze me or persuade Raizy to do her electric magic on me but Raizy won't do that because she's my friend even if she IS the Lazy Buddha but Yoshea also thinks I'm annoying because I keep calling him Yoshi instead of Yoshea and that's what he really IS y'know?!" Alys had to pause for breath.


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby infinityjunction » Wed May 29, 2002 2:50 am

The stranger scratched the back of his head, " name's Star, I travel a bit. I suppose I just turned up. I do that sometimes."
He saw the beer Greywolf was offering him.
" thanks, I don't drink."
He put down his trenchcoat and shoes, and stretched. He walked out to the water, and let it lap around his feet.


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed May 29, 2002 5:20 pm

Greywolf just shrugged and put the bottle back. He took a swig from his and laid back on his beach towel. Some new faces had shown up, though he couldn't help wondering where the familiar ones were.
"So what brings all of you to this little beach anyway?"


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Fri May 31, 2002 4:04 am

"I can down here to swim." Scyla replied. "I used to swim at County/state Level, but havn't swam in ages. So I came down here to see If I could get back to my old standard. How bout you. Why have you come down here?"


Re: Beach Party!

Unread postby infinityjunction » Fri May 31, 2002 4:53 pm

(ooc: sorry guys, but i'm afraid i'm going to pull out of this one, i need to work more on my char design. just imagine that Star never turned up. he did bugger all anyway, so it should be ok. happy rping!)



Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:47 pm

"There are more people of their way. I can hear htem coming. Don't know if they'll stop here or not, though."
Greywolf pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose. "So," he said after a brief pause, "who do you two think will arrive?"


Re: Bump!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:47 pm

"Knowing my luck, it will probably be Yumi or Raizy 'cuz Raizy's really a giant mouse and—" gushed Alys. Thankfully, she was cut off by the arrival of a small catwoman, one who already knew Greywolf.

"Hello, Greywolf," said Katyana, walking beside the hulking catman known as Sekor. Her companion nodded curtly, but his eyes widened as the little canary promptly turned into a tiny, one-tenth scale version of Katyana and pounced on his foot.

"He's so cute so cute so cute I want to pull that tail it's so cute and furry!"

"See? You finally got an admirer," teased Kat, reaching down to tickle Alys' side. The girl giggled, and Sekor moaned.


Re: Bump!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jun 08, 2002 5:10 am

"You people seem to know each other. I'm sorry, I'm always asking questions, but where'd y'all meet?


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:25 am

"Long story," Greywolf smirked. "Short version: we all met in a ruined city and nearly got killed. Repeatedly."
The elf offered Katyana and Sekor a beer. "Thirsty? Just don't drink too much. The last thing I need is you two getting drunk out here."


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:55 am

Scyla sat still for a while then she sundenly realised somthing.
"Wait a minuet, your names katyana. Kat, Is that you?"


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:57 am

Katyana nodded, grinning at Scyla as she politely declined the beer, explaining that the alcohol made her woozy. "Yep. Alternate timelines and futures... Nice to see you again."

Sekor, meanwhile, was staring at Alys the mini-Kat with horror.


Re: Beach Party

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Mon Jun 10, 2002 3:51 pm

"Well I suppose no introductions will be needed, then." Greywolf took another sip of beer and rolled his head on his shoulders, allowing the stiff joints of his neck to pop and crack.

Little One


Unread postby Little One » Fri Jun 14, 2002 6:22 am

*A little elven chick tears down to the water, stripping to a kawaii red tankini. She really is hard to miss thanks to vibrant short red hair. As she passes you she yells* I'm FREEE! I'm Freeeeeee freeeeee freeeeeeeeeeee! *and she promptly dives into the water*

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Lost druid

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Jun 14, 2002 9:36 pm

At this point, a young man in a green cloak comes by, mumbling to himself.
"At this rate, I'll never get home. Oh well, at least I'm in nature's embrace still. Oh, pardon me! I didn't realize anyone else was around!"

Dyceberg Beoulve

Re: Lost druid

Unread postby Dyceberg Beoulve » Fri Jun 14, 2002 10:51 pm

"Why did I have to buy the wrong map?" A young man of around 16 exclaimed as he walked around, looking for any kind of sign that could give some kind of indictation of where he is, until he spots a small group of people. Deciding to swallow his pride, Renmauza reluctantly walks over to the group to ask for directions.



Unread postby Unknown » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:52 pm

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