Child's Play

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:11 pm

Along with the others, Juliet moves to grab her rapier out of the equipment chest, stepping up to the arena and taking a trained and practiced fighter's stance. She's either been working hard on learning to use that thing, or had some experience with rapiers beforehand. As the group steps up to the platform, DA's grin grows wider and wider. As the last Wunderkind steps up, beams of light erupt between the poles- Red and blue, giving the appearance of a fighting ring properly.

DA shifts her weight, and with an acrobatic move that even Kid, Max, or Emmy would have trouble executing, she backflips, throwing off the overcoat she wears over her suit, and landing gracefully on one of the half-pillars. She kicks the bottom of the staff out from under itself, and leans forward to allow herself the room to give the massive pole the room it needs to give it an adequate spin. She catches it, as a wicked green beam of light erupts from the top, in the shape of a sickle blade. That's not a staff-- That's a massive scythe! She points the head down at the collective group, as her one visible eye begins to glow and her face takes on a wicked look. "Come at me, bro!"

(As before, go ahead and post actions and I'll process them based on initiative rolls. This fight is extremely position dependent, so you will want to be sure you use your movement actions, and make sure you know where you're standing in relation to DA, and make sure I know.)

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:52 pm

Sam's quick to set himself in position, taking a spot at the furthest corner of the arena from DA and kneeling before (once he's sure no one's in his line of fire) letting off a quick burst of fire towards her.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:12 pm

Enzo moves beside Silvie, making sure he's always just to her right as he watches DA. While the others work, he makes sure they have an active display of where they all are and where DA is.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:23 am

Emily wasted no time in taking to the air, sword raised above her head in both hands and telegraphing a devastating downward chop... Which never landed. Instead, she remained hovering in the air, content to have distracted DA's attention from those on the ground and ready to descend the moment she looked distracted.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:43 pm

Silvie was ready to go. She had her game face on, she had her sword in her hands (well, more like a giant, mech-sized knife, but who was counting); as far as she was concerned she had everything she needed. Then, as soon as Enzo stepped beside her, her eyes widened as she felt a sudden burst of energy. She could almost feel the energy thrum through her frame as her mind and body shot up a notch. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, and she couldn't help but grin as her grip tightened around the hilt of her blade.

"All right!" she shouted, speaking faster than she realized, "Let's do this!"

And, without another word, she dashed not towards DA, but towards the ropes behind them. Her plan? To bounce off the ropes for momentum and leap up onto the giant hook in the center of the ring, so she could do an aerial slash towards their opponent. A sweet move like that would be hype as hell.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby BrainWalker » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:11 pm

A scythe? Really? Could she be more goth? Wait, is that goth, or emo? Well, whatever.

It's going to get pretty hectic and crowded in this bootleg ring. Plus, DA has an advantage in Melee combat with the giant reach of that crazy huge light-scythe thing. Max boosts up in the air with his rifle ready, planning to make a sniper perch on top of a mech or some of the beams and girders that cross the ceiling of the hangar, but as he flies over the "ropes" he feels a soft resistance as a roughly Max-sized glint of energy bounces him back. "What the... force field?" Turning around in midair to survey the ring, Max seems a little indignant as he holsters his rifle and releases a pair of magnums from his leg compartments. "That would have been good to know ahead of time."

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:50 pm

Those hitting DA directly find that their attacks are...less than effective. This isn't an ordinary Wunderkind- As both Sam and Enzo get a popup message on the internal UIs alerting them that they are free to speak on that particular subject now.

DA cackles, raising her massive scythe over her head, before leaning forward, sweeping it's huge blade over the arena- Thankfully, most of the group is too close to be effected. Max and Sam, though, aren't so lucky. With a massive sweep of the blade, both feel as if they've been hit with a small hurricane. There's a deep sting, as if both have received a deep cut, and a small mark appears on both- A glowing green gash across Sam's shoulder, and another going almost all the way around Max's left arm. Before they have a lot of time to contemplate the situation, DA vaults, grabbing the hook in the center of the room before flipping off of it, landing gracefully on the pillar on the opposite side of the ring. Already she's beginning to spin her scythe, preparing to strike again. Though one would assume it's a real pain to swing that thing without a ton of leverage and clearance...

(So, two battle maps for you. First, this is how that last turned looked- The green area is the radius of attack on what DA hit. As such, it's very important to keep track of where you are on the grid- If you're moving, I need you to bluntly state so, along with your action. As a note, due to the mechanics of the fight, DA will always, ALWAYS be the last to act.

So, initial battle map:

And with that out of the way, here is the battle map for round 2:

So far everyone's at full, other than Sam and Max, who hit the road and in doing so got clipped by Scythe Sweep and took 2 damage each.)

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:44 pm

Well, the distraction idea hadn't worked. Time to get stuck in. If DA needed room to swing that scythe of hers in, getting in close seemed to be the order of the day. With that in mind, Emily boosted towards DA, sword extended...

And, once again, tried to fake her out. Instead of swinging her sword, she flipped over in mid-air, aiming to kick DA squarely in the chest with both feet, knocking her off her perch and out of the ring. Well, it was a plan anyway.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:35 am

Putting some more distance between himself and DA - but not too much after that last attack - Sam lets another attack fly, trying to focus his fire on her upper body and head. With any luck, he might get a lucky arm or shoulder shot and hurt that attack for next time! And if not, it might still be more effective than just a spray of fire, at least!

Moving to I9 and attacking!

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:28 pm

Enzo maintains his focus on bolstering Sam and Silvie, while he kept close to the latter. He watched her for now, looking for a weakness in her fighting style. So far it looked like she was doing her best to maintain distance from everyone, but he wanted to watch her a little longer before saying anything to anyone.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby BrainWalker » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:45 am

Max looks up at the mech service hook suspended above the ring. Well, if he can't find a perch outside the ring, why not take one above it? He flies up quickly and lands gently to test its stability... balance is a little tricky, but nothing he can't manage. He then takes a moment to just watch DA, sizing her up and taking aim. She's going to be a difficult target to hit with all those acrobatics.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:56 am

And her sweet attack did...nothing! Not even a scratch! Just who the heck was she?! Well, so much for that plan.

...though...closer was better. And as super-strong as she was, swinging that scythe around couldn't be easy! Without a moment's hesitation, Silvie turned on her heel and dashed back into the fray, her attention focused not just on DA, but on her weapon. As soon as she was close enough, she would swing her sword...dagger...whatever! at the scythe's handle.

[Moving to L 12]
Last edited by NebulaQueen on Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:47 am

Sylvie moves in, dashing and swinging her swordknife into the massive scythe. The momentum of her own blade against the handle of DA's staff is enough to cancel both out, and with a yelp, DA reverses polarity, spinning in the other direction. With a deft twist of her blade (Just like in her Chinzein Anime), Sylvie cancels that one, too. Growling, DA rotates again, spinning her scythe vertically, and Sylvie quickly spins her blade so that the haft of DA's scythe smacks firmly into the blunt of her blade.

DA's eye glows red for a moment, as she sneers at Sylvie, trying to overpower the Hot Dog colored girl. "You're joking. You're joking! You can't possibly overpower ME! Don't you know who I am!? I'm the friggin' REAPER! No Wunderkind is stronger than I am!"

She continues to put pressure on Sylvie's sword...Before her scythe begins to bend and slip.

And then, everything goes nuts.

There's a loud "SHING" as metal grinds against metal, and the scythe slips off Sylvie's sword, smashing into the corner platform that DA was on, sending her tumbling to the floor. She pulls herself onto all fours, shaking her head out and snapping her scythe up. She slams it against the arena floor, jumping onto the Southwest platform. "That was just luck!" She shouts.

It's a good thing she's got metal underpants on, or that butthurt would be even worse.

((Sylvie CRITS and gets a super cinematic attack! Southeast pillar is DESTROYED, and DA is ANGRY.))

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:04 pm

Enzo had been watching DA for a few moments, when he picked up on a pattern. He ran a quick calculation to double check his hypothesis before messaging the others.

She needs to be on a raised surface to swing her scythe. Knock her down, keep her on the ground and she can't attack.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:04 am

Or just smash the pillars! Silvie suggested, her mental voice giddy and excited over her recent victory. Dang, it felt good to smash her sword against that scythe! Sure, she didn't destroy it or nothing, but man! Just take a look at DA's face-oh, whups, she was getting distracted. Back to business! Smashing business.

I mean, she can't do crap without any higher ground, right?! Oh, and somebody keep on that hook! Smack her away if she tries to jump on it!

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:50 am

Enzo hesitated. Destroying the pillars would be a whole lot easier than knocking DA down and pinning her. The pillars were also part of the building. D52's building. This was also a play fight. How could they begin to justify that later? For that matter they were probably going to get in trouble for the one that was already smashed.

I... don't think we should do that. I mean this stuff is expensive, right?

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:10 am

Letting the two of them debate for now, Sam focuses on doing his best to implement Enzo's first suggestion, aiming lower now and looking to force DA to leap down to evade his shots. While she's on a platform, it's the best he can manage, but he keeps his eyes open for anything else he could aim for that might make her move away from the corner pillars where she's more vulnerable.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:23 pm

(This post is horribly delayed because I am a huge, huge idiot.)

((No really, I am a huge idiot.))


Fueled by some level of rage, DA jumps again to the south-west pillar, spinning her scythe again...Though a little differently. This time, rather than winding up for a horizontal slash, she stretches her arms over her head, nearly standing on the toes of her Wunderkind boots, in order to deliver a massive blow down the center of the ring!

(Sorry for taking so long with the combat. I was literally waiting for something that happened about a month ago! Whoops. New turn, but the fight should probably be over soon.)

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:25 am

Darting out of the way, Sam moves towards the edge of the ring to his left before setting himself back up and taking a shot at DA's head, hoping to tip her over and out!

(Moving to M9 and firing!)

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:03 pm

Whoa, that can't be good! Silvie leaps to the side in order to avoid her blow, before she launches towards her, sword stretched out. She's not charging head-on, of course, and is instead approaching from DA's side. When she gets close enough, she's going to attempt to swing at her legs, in an attempt to knock her off-balance.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:34 pm

Enzo cringes a little as DA strikes the floor with her Scythe. Maybe it was worthwhile to take out the platforms after all. He held off on saying anything for the moment, instead focusing on an experiment he wanted to try. He waited for Sam and Silvie to complete their attacks, before switching his boost to Max and Emmy. He hoped to start jumping the boost between his Wunder-siblings as they attacked and moved around, but he wasn't sure if he could do it quickly enough yet.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:37 am

Emily opted for the direct approach this time, dropping down in front of DA and bringing her own blade up to block the descent of the other wunderkind's scythe. No sense in simply letting her land the blow, after all.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed May 01, 2013 11:46 pm

(Alright, you guys already figured out the fight and at this point I'm gonna just end it rather than continue to hold everything up.)

DA's scythe stretches a bit further, as her eyes begin to spark! "Nobody can beat me!" She shouts, as her scythe's energy blade suddenly doubles in size and intensity. "I'm friggin' Wunderkind Death!"

And then she snaps it down, like a mantis capturing it's prey. Dust fills the air as a momentary heat passes over the children, then subsides.

As the dust begins to settle, it's pretty clear that the fight has come to an end- Not because of a decisive victory, but because the arena's been completely bifurcated and blown slightly away form itself, leaving a perfectly smooth gap about a foot and a half wide down the middle. DA sits pouting on top of the same column she attacked from.

"Stupid D-52 couldn't even handle me."

And not far off, the maglock on DA's equipment cache clicks open.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu May 02, 2013 4:01 pm

Grinning, Sam hops out of the ring. "We won, guys!" The "click" draws his attention before he can cheer much more, and he heads over to the equipment cache, nudging it open to take a look at what's inside.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun May 19, 2013 6:08 pm

"Oh come on."

Silvie turns towards DA, hands on her hips, and stares the WunderPouter straight in the eyes.

"Don't be like that - we beat you, fair and square!"

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:26 am

"You didn't win nothin'!" DA shouts. "Just take th' junk an' get outta my face!"

Oddly enough, after she says that, she flourishes her cloak...And disappears.

What an odd kid.

Death's Advance: Complete!

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:42 am

Mission: 16- Lost and Found.
Deck City: Mech Hanger
May 18, 3757.

Summer seems to be rearing its head early this year, as a later spring heatwave leads to sweltering conditions in Deck City. And although it's nice and cool within the Deck building, the peace of the midday lunch break is shattered by the shriek of a young girl.

"OoooowwwWWW! Geez, Casey!"

Down in the mech hanger, Kid squirms against the reinforced restraints of a contraption keeping her arms and legs in an X position, the entire plate making up her back removed and placed to the side as the team's resident mechanic digs around inside. "What're you doing in there, digging for treasure?" Kid demands, again squirming a bit against the device, which looks like it's been modified from one of the 'human gyros" rides from a carnival.

"Yer sayin' yer chest is makin' a tickin' noise, so I'm lookin' for th' tickin' noise in yer chest, y'idjit!" Casey snipes back, occasionally grabbing a tool from her nearby bench and making further adjustments. "Yer also way overdue fer a tuneup!"

"Yeah," Kid says flatly, "But why do I have to be IN the body while you do it!?"

Kid yelps again as there's a loud clanging from where Casey's working--As Casey very intentionally smacks a wrench into something. "This'll teach ya not t' skip yer maintenance no more, won't it? Ah, here's th' thing."

Casey wheels back a bit, grabbing a power drill and revving it menacingly before getting back to work.

"What makes YEH you qualiFIED to do THIS anyway?!" Kid shouts, yelping as Casey works.

"I made m'self inta a Wunderkind, y'know!" Casey shouts over the drill. "An' I already upgraded allayah a dozen times, so just shu'up and lemme work!"

For now, it seems the two are just going to continue bickering.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:02 am

Without much else to do yet today, and curious about the work he heard Casey was up to, Sam sits in the mech hangar watching the two from a nearby corner. For the most part he keeps quiet, not wanting to interrupt Casey's train of thought, but he can't help but have the occasional wince or gasp at parts of her upgrade. Still, he trusts Casey! She'd never do something like this if it wasn't the best way to go!

Still, all this arguing can't be helping things...maybe they need a change of subject? " you find anything yet, Casey?"

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:09 am

Emily looked up from her own project at the yelling. She'd decided to see if she could get a battered old mech working again as a way of developing her own skills as a mechanic. Thus far, this had involved a certain amount of disassembly in search of faulty components. She was fairly confident she could put everything back together again, but hadn't got to the point where she was putting it to the test just yet.

"On the plus side, you'll be able to tell right away if the problem's fixed, rather than having to book in another tune-up," she observed helpfully. Maintenance took on a whole new feel when there was somebody in the body in question.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:36 pm

Meanwhile, Silvie's just slacking off, doing some casual Wunderstretches as she listens to them bicker.

"Y'know," she says, as she cracks her metallic fingers, "If you pipe down, it might get done quicker."

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby BrainWalker » Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:30 am

Max had agreed to help Emily with her mech restoration project. Or more accurately, he had invited himself. He was currently sitting in the pilot's position, hands clasped behind his head and legs crossed, having put himself into sleep mode mostly to protest Emily's slow, studious pace. With all the shouting, Max lazily opens one eye, and lets out a very deliberate yawn.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:29 pm

"Easy for you to say!" Kid cries. "You're not the one she's digging through!"

At that moment, Hope stumbles off the elevator, dragging her heavy feet a bit. She holds her head, as if she's suffering from a pounding migraine. "O..Oh, there's...there's where you all...are."

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:55 pm

Sam looks over as the elevator opens, darting over with worry at the sight of Hope. He quickly checks her over, trying to see if there's any damage he can see or anything as he helps her sit down somewhere. "Hope? What...are you okay? What happened?"

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:39 pm

"You don't hear that?" Hope asks, confused. "The beeping? It's just...It won't stop..."

"That just means y'got a message." Casey says, poking at something that prompts another yelp from Kid.

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:17 am

Sitting next to her, he nods with Casey's comment. "Yeah, you just gotta kinda think about answering picking up a brain phone or something! It'll go away soon as you do that.

"Is everything else okay? I know you got a lotta stuff to get used to with being a Wunderkind now. Is everything else going good so far? Any other stuff happen like that?"

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Re: Child's Play

Unread postby BrainWalker » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:31 am

"Heh. Brain phone."


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