Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:35 am

Dauphin smirked from behind his wire-meshed visor.

"You should know nearly as well as I that our reality, at its deepest levels, defies analysis like that. Not even time can withstand the doom of entropy forever. Or was that the other way around? We both know that even the mere act of observation can alter the outcome of an event. I just hope yours adjusts fate to our favor."

He turned from the redcloak, and saluted the Lord-Captain. And then he walked towards the blue field.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:09 pm

Rajender's expression, that of an indulgent uncle enjoying the antics of his nephew, were hidden within his own helmet. Vipsanius was correct, of course, but Dauphin had extricated himself from trouble easily enough.

He nodded at Dauphin as the man saluted, conveying respect and consent, and watched him go to work.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:19 pm

Race took charge of the armsmen, ordering them into cover and firmly gesturing to his lord and master to join them. Race himself took a position close to the action, checking over his bolt pistol before leveling it at the sphere, "I want short, disciplined volleys," he told the armsmen, "Anyone who lights up their lordships answers to me. Heggs, you're in reserve. No plasma fire unless it goes badly." The lone plasma gunner, still fussing over and tweaking the aged relic he carried, nodded acknowledgement, and the men settled in to wait.

Dauphin stepped jauntily into the blue glow, Vipsanius paying out the line as he went. It was an odd sensation. There was no resistance, but the world around him seemed to move in jerks and starts as the field did strange things to light. Working his way past the two orks, Dauphin came at last to the mechanism. Sabotaging it was simplicity in itself. He simply wrapped two wire-enmeshed hands around a likely-looking cable and yanked.

There was an abrupt change in the chamber. The blue glow winked out and the orks, lit now by handlamps and moving as if they'd never stopped, turned to regard whoever had interrupted their argument. They were met by a torrent of las-fire. Puffs of atmosphere erupted from their suits as they were penetrated by las-bolts, yet beyond that there seemed little impact, bolts which would drop a man simply absorbed without so much as a flinch. One shooter had some luck, punching a searing hole in the larger ork's leg, but it was Race who had by far the greatest impact. Rather than aiming for the centre of mass, he put a single bolt round through the big one's helmet. Atmosphere washed out and froze in a sparkling cloud and the ork's mouth opened in a pained bellow as fragments of the round penetrated its left eye. Yet even this failed to bring it down.

((Surprise round is over, though Rajender may take a shot if he chooses. Vipsanius and Dauphin, no longer having their hands full, may join the fight, though as it stands, they're uncomfortably close to the orks. Declare your actions and I'll work them into the initiative order.))

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:39 pm

There was radio silence from Dauphin as he did his work within the bubble. The moment the field was torn asunder, a burst of unintellible static heralded his pent up comms transmissions being freed from within and rushing to catch up to the present.

"kssssshtandthensimplyonethuslyjusthahahaHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Dauphin had spun around to watch the sphere of entropy denied be lovingly reintroduced to the flow of time.

(Full action dodging)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:27 pm

Vipsanius moved rather quickly for a man of his status and, more importantly, stature. As soon as the field disappeared, he dashed for cover behind one of the pieces of rubble, his cloak moving in a strange fashion as things unseen bounced and whirred, clacked and clattered.

"Shoot them! Shoot them before they wreck any more damage to this sacred machinery!" He cackled, in a way reflecting the weirdness of the Dauphin, but, surprisingly, more restrained.

(Full dodge too)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:58 am

Rajender smiled as he watched the stasis field collapse. It was arcane and complicated technology, even if this particular device had been modified by orks, and seeing Dauphin's plan bear fruit sent a thrill through him. Then the orks started to move.

He put one foot forward, raising his pistol and assuming a classic duellist's stance. He took careful aim at the nearest of the two orks and fired. That the withering hail of lasbolts failed to fell either of the two creatures was mildly disconcerting, but he didn't let that discourage him.

(Half-aim and fire for both rounds with the laspistol. This will surely put those greenskins down.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:58 am

Rajender directed his own shots at the smaller ork, though 'small', he was coming to realise, was a relative term. Though he opened up another rent in the beast's void suit there was, he now saw, armour beneath, as well as the distressingly thick green hide. Only massed fire, heavier weapons or perhaps cumulative exposure to the void would bring them down.

A second volley ripped out, marred by one armsmen who was frantically trying to clear his jammed weapon. Two shots cracked open the smaller ork's helmet, burning furrows across its skull without much apparent effect. Again, the volley failed to drop even one of the orks, and they were in motion now, the element of surprise lost. Race loosed another shot, tearing a chunk from his target's leg, before pulling his power sword to meet the ork's charge. And charge it did, more atmosphere streaming from its punctured helmet and hatred suffusing its remaining eye. Energy crackled about the ork's hammer as it swung the oversized weapon with unstoppable force. Race's arm simply disintegrated, lost in a flare of light. The impact itself was enough to send him flying through the air, rebounding from a wall to lie in an unmoving heap. The big ork, seeming oh so much larger and more terrifying than it had when safely frozen in time, looked about for a new target, far too consumed by anger to bother about minor details like its dwindling oxygen supply.

Ignoring the nearby pair of humans dodging for cover, the smaller ork leveled its wrench at the holo-tank. For a brief instant, Rajender saw a red light gleaming at the implement's end. Then a bone-jarring KRUMP nearly knocked him from his feet. The side of the holo-tank had literally exploded outwards, debris from the blast scything through three of the armsmen sheltering nearby. Its dastardly booby-trap triggered, the greenskin unlimbered its massive gun, the toothy grin splitting its face hinting at the carnage it would soon unleash.

Having clearly decided things had gone horribly wrong, Heggs loosed two bolts of incandescent plasma at the hammer-wielding ork. Both struck centre-mass, leaving charred ruin in their wake. Large chunks of its torso were missing, yet the ork stood, sorely wounded but still capable of wreaking terrible destruction even in its death throes. That vacuum and the chill of the void must soon claim it would be of little comfort to any its rampage claimed before that time.

(Check your PMs, people.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:00 am

Rajender's heart sank was he watched Race sail across the room, the man's life the price of Dauphin's folly. The knowledge that he could be next petrified him, the terror of mortal peril eclipsing any concerns he might have for the future of the dynasty. He struggled with himself, mouthing prayers to give him strength as he grasped for the hilt of his sword.

(Will spend a Fate Point to recover if needed. If he has any ability to do so he'll draw his Power Sword and prepare to defend himself.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:28 am

Dauphin's laughter continued unrestrained, his breath exhausting itself.

Decisive actions needed to be taken to equalize the situation as fast as possible. Too much too quick would cause the pendulum to swing too far, and seriously derange his rhythm. He ignored his hellgun, choosing to draw his cherished toy. He levelled the inferno pistol at the ork and let muscle memory take control.

(Draw and shoot. Fate point to reroll, if it fails.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:00 am

"While normally not one to throw accusations..." Vipsanius spoke breathily behind cover, fumbling with his laspistol and sending a shot towards the ork that had suffered two plasma shots just recently. "You do realize, Dauphin that this is entirely your fault?"

He chittered away in binary to one of his servants, ordering them to recover Race's body and do what they could for the man. If he was still alive, every measure was to be taken to ensure his continued survival.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:27 am

The volley of las-fire was distinctly slacker now, but it was still taking a toll on the towering ork. Even as it began to lumber in Rajender's direction, a series of bolts brought it to a halt, rocking it back on its heels. The ork seemed to be having trouble remaining upright now, yet still its eye remained fixed on Rajender, and its meaty fingers remained locked in a death grip about the hammer. Heggs' plasma bolts, intended to finish the stubborn monstrosity, flew past, his aim spoiled by the halt in the ork's forward motion. Rajender, sword in hand, had a reprieve. Or possibly an opportunity to step in and finish the creature.

The gun-wielding ork, meanwhile, was largely unharmed, those shots which struck having little impact. Dauphin, however, made up for that, his inferno pistol tearing straight though the ork's armour and inflicting a deep, searing wound in its back. Unfortunately, this did not prevent it from cutting loose with its gun. Thankfully, the ork promptly demonstrated that other legendary characteristic of the species - their abysmal aim. Several shots spanged harmlessly off machinery or deck plating before the weapon seized up entirely, causing the ork to stare at it in almost comical disbelief.

Unnoticed by most in the mayhem of the fight, Vipsanius' latest protege (brought along for some practical experience and to learn from his example) slipped out of her cover and slapped a patch over what was left of Race's arm. If he was still alive, this would at least seal his suit and stop the void from killing him. Of course, the void was by no means the only threat to his life, merely the most urgent.

(Rajender has spent a fate point overcoming his terror, while Dauphin has spent one ensuring a hit. The big ork looks to be on its last legs, while the smaller one is hurt, with a jammed weapon, but is likely still dangerous.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:42 am

Had Rajender taken the time to think he may have stayed his hand, relying on his men to put down the massive ork. That hadn't happened, of course. Anger had replaced fear now, fuelled by Dauphin's foolishness and Race's demise at the hands of the detestable brute. He activated his sword, the blade crackling as a field of blue energy materialised along its length, and leapt towards the ork with a sneer on his face.

(Charge Action against the big one. Will spend a fate point to reroll Dodge or Parry checks in order to avoid being hit.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:19 pm

Vipsanius gave his protege an appraising look as she patched up Race's void-suit. On the one hand, her courage and willingness to obey orders were admirable, on the other this was the Machine Cult, not the Adeptus Astartes. If she was to put her life on the line, she could do that without carrying the sanctified and most valuable vestments and tools she'd been lent as part of her initiation period.

Tsk tsk.

Returning his attention to the orks, Vips aimed at the less wounded one's head, staying well out of sight and mind before letting off another shot with his sacred flashlight.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:20 am

Dauphin continued his blasting away, hoping to take control of his muscles in this time of chaos and leave instinct out of it.

(Half action aim, half action shoot.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:46 am

Rajender followed behind the latest volley of las-fire, swinging his sword directly at the massive ork's head. Alas, the head turned out to be barely within his reach, the blade's tip barely slashing across the ork's forehead. Blinded, sorely wounded and surely unable to breathe with its helmet now falling away, the ork still took a swing at Rajender, the trader's momentum carrying him well clear of the hammer's arc before it could have connected.

Dauphin's melta shot went wide as the gun-toting ork spun around, murder in its eyes. Another volley took it in the back, along with a plasma bolt from Heggs. The creature's wrench spun away as a massive chunk of its arm disappeared, air spewing from both helmet and the gaping hole in its sleeve. Vipsanius' shot punched through the thing's helmet, grazing its head. Still refusing to quit, the ork slammed its gun against the wall, perhaps in an effort to fix the mechanism. A final volley brought it down at last, all weapons brought to bear now that they couldn't shoot the other without fear of hitting their captain. Rocked by las-fire and with its insides cooked by melta-weapon and plasma alike, the ork crumpled in on itself and lay still.

Rajender's own thrust into his opponent's unprotected back brought him similar success, the power blade slipping between the xenos' ribs and piercing its heart. The ork stared ahead for long moments, fists clenching and unclenching as if in a last effort to catch and rend something, before it toppled like a felled tree.

The chamber was still once more, heated metal still glowing from the aftermath of stray shots and atmosphere still spurting erratically from the orks' air tanks. Somebody, Vipsanius noted, seemed to have put a plasma bolt squarely in the middle of the stasis generator. Nor was the holo-tank still functioning after the blast which had ripped out of it. They were left with two dead xenos, some mangled equipment, and dead and wounded on their own side.

(I've skimmed past the last round, since that was largely a matter of inflicting enough critical damage to finally bring the orks down. combat is over, and while things are pretty thoroughly wrecked, there may yet be clues to track down and crew members to salvage.)

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:19 am

Dauphin mentally cursed that his muscles would not properly obey the mind that willed them. The soiree over, he dry-fired his spent weapon repeatedly, uselessly, at the hulking corpses. He let the weapon drift down limply to his side, his finger working the trigger nervously.

"Their teeth, Vispanius. Have them collected and sealed in a clear plastic."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:48 am

Rajender tried to compose himself, but all he could do was stare at the sword in his hand. The beast was dead, and by his hand too. He'd had help, of course, but he'd dealt the final blow. Exhilaration and pride surged through him, drowning whatever ire he felt for Dauphin and his indiscretion.

"Take it's head." he commanded, gesturing towards the fallen greenskin. "It shall serve as a reminder of this day."

His own words tore the rush of victory from him. This day. This day a good many things had gone wrong, and one of them was currently crumpled up next to a wall. He moved over to Race, praying that the man still lived.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:14 pm

Vipsanius promptly ignored Dauphin's haughty demand. The man had made a mistake, and perhaps this was sufficient to show him the... obvious lack of understanding in all things sacred that was his sin. Instead, he nodded calmly to Rajender and ordered one of his cronies to separate the head of the ork from its body, musing for himself.

"I wish to bring the bodies with me for personal research... I have only seen the sacred rite of internal autopsy performed once on these beasts, I would want to form my own opinion on this matter..."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:09 am

Rajender waved his hand dismissively, undoubtedly a clear a sign of consent, as he made his way towards Race.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:35 pm

The armsmen set about picking up the pieces, seeing to the dead and wounded and roping up the orks for transportation. Race's power sword was pressed into service to sever the warlord's head, but nobody seemed inclined to collect teeth. Or the three wounded, two were unquestionably dead, limbs and bodies mangled and explosed to the void from the blast and shrapnel. The third seemed to have escaped with flesh wounds and a torn suit. With the suit now patched, it was two be hoped she would be able to move under her own steam. Hauling the rest back along the extensive lift shaft which had brought them here would be hard enough. Of all the armsmen, only Heggs wasn't contributing as yet. Rather, he was systematically checking over his plasma gun, periodically making fine adjustments.

The former scrap-tinker had tightened a cord around Race's arm, Rajender saw upon approaching, and was now trying to ascertain whether he was still bleeding beneath the patch she'd hurriedly slapped in place. Seen through his faceplate, Race's face was pasty from bloodloss, but he still seemed to be breathing, given the faint mist upon the faceplate which formed and faded with each breath. It was hard to see what else they could to for Race until they were able to get his suit off.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:43 am

Race's survival brought a smile to Rajender's face, the rogue trader's mood soaring up once again. The other armsmen, while fine men and women, were ultimately expendable. Mister Loken, however, was a cut above the rest. Perhaps not unique, but close enough to make his survival seem like a small blessing. That the man had interposed himself between the monstrous greenskin and Rajender himself was a lesser consideration.

"See that this man receives your finest cybernetics, Tech-Priest!" He declared, already having decided that Race was going to survive his injuries. "As for you, Dauphin-" he turned on the man who had caused this entire mess, "-see if you can salvage anything of use."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:16 pm

"I will commence to looting, Lord Captain." He saluted, and began directing the armsmen to scrabble for bits of tech.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:13 pm

Vipsanius did the motion to his assistant to see to Race according to the captain's wishes, biting off some quick passages of techno-lingua to her, the binary grinding on the others' ears.

"Well, my dear captain, ahaha... shall we return to our ship...? Or should we continue our exploration? I am sure... there are other pockets of secrets in this ship, most not as... aha, well-preserved... aged, if you will, as this."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:32 pm

Dauphin craned his neck towards Vispanius, as he hunched over some shattered piece of ork machinery.

"Keep time in mind, my friends."

He raised his wrist up, indicating the chrono on it.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:51 am

As the armsmen finalised their preparations to move out, Dauphin scoured the room for technology. Aside from the orks themselves and their wargear, there wasn't much left intact. The stasis generator was a wreck, and while individual components could be salvaged, closer inspection revealed them to be ork-tech, both inferior to proper Imperial components and notoriously incomprehensible to non-orks. The generator had no doubt been more than the sum of its parts, and it was unlikely anybody could make that maths add the way the orks had. Likewise, the holo-tank was a write-off. A brief inspection revealed that the explosion which had emanated from the mechanism had thoroughly ruined the cogitator core within.

Which left the command chair. It looked as if this had been stripped for parts, as evidenced by the empty sockets and gaping holes which marred the already ugly piece of furniture. Nevertheless, Dauphin tried a few recessed levers and soon hit upon success. One such lever popped something loose from an armrest, and Dauphin's tugging soon netted him a bulky dataslate, sized for the massive hands of the warlord. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have power, but they ought to be able to rig up a battery back on the ship.

There was also that wrench the smaller ork had been waving, still lying where it had fallen. The implement seemed to have some kind of inlaid circuitry, though what a wrench might need circuitry for was an open question.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:33 am

"There's nothing left for us here." The captain announced, a wave of melancholy falling over him as doubt began to knaw at his mind. "Dauphin will pick up the pieces."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:32 am

Progress was slower exiting the wreck than it had been entering it, but not by a hugely significant amount. Once the dead and wounded had been hauled back up to the elevator shaft, hand trolleys were assembled from amongst the armsmens' gear. They'd been intended to haul any bulky equipment salvaged. Instead, they were being used to haul trophies, the dead and one badly wounded arch-militant. No further threats emerged from the dead ship to trouble them, though some of the men looked a bit jumpy. There was nothing like a pitched battle with orks to concentrate one's mind on what might yet lurk within the shadows.

Even given their slower pace, the explorers lifted from the wreck well ahead of the deadly 'sunrise', ascending to meet the Satisfaction in orbit. Race was handed directly into medicae care on arrival, the white-robed adepts firmly brushing aside any attempts to meddle in their duties. The man was still alive, which was a hopeful sign. However, he had not regained consciousness, and his soul yet hovered between this world and the Emperor's Judgement in the next. Vipsanius' subordinates met them in the landing bay and silently took charge of the group's orkish trophies, bearng the xenos corpses away to his laboratory where he might dissect them and learn their secrets at his leisure. The bodies of the dead were transferred to more proper stretchers and borne by their comrades to whatever funerary rites awaited them. No doubt they would be honoured, having fallen in battle against the Emperor's enemies.

Which left three men to make their way back to the bridge, the whisper of rumour running ahead of them and no doubt changing in the telling. Vipsanius and Dauphin separated briefly, the one checking on the work which had been done in his absense, the other running down a battery for the orkish dataslate, and then a translator for its contents. The three of them reconvened in a conference room off the bridge, joined by Orbest Dray, who was scrolling through the slate's contents with surprising speed, and by an augur officer, folder in hand, to report on his section's findings.

"There can be no doubt, sirs," the officer opened, placing a series of picts of seemingly identical starscapes on the table, "Guided by Magos Vipsanius' insights, the long-range scopes have isolated our mystery contact. Whatever she may be, she is under power." His finger pointed to a diffuse bluish glow, visible in a slightly different location in each pict. Clearly the plasma cone of a vessel making way. "We calculate her course to be a least-time passage from the second planet to the first. Unfortunately, at this range, we have few insights to offer as to her class or capabilities, but spectral emissions are consistent with a plasma drive of Imperial manufacture." The gist of his report delivered, the man stood ready for questions.
Last edited by Kelne on Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:42 am

Dauphin turned the looted wrench in his hands. He spoke to no one in particular.

"There are simply too many missing variables, Rajender. This is a matter in which you alone will have to decide the course of action."

He passed the surely third-hand wrench to Vispanius.

"Examine this, if you would."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:32 am

Vipsanius merely looked at the wrench that was being held to him before he motioned for a servitor to take it away.

"Your arrogance is overshadowed only by your childishness, Dauphin." There was almost a growl in the man's voice, "Although I certainly appreciate the gesture of letting properly inducted priests of the Machine God examine the orkish tech rather than your clumsy fingers making a mess of it. It would seem you have learned your lesson well..."

"And indeed, captain. I had intended to run some further scans, to ensure what had been found, but alas I was called down to witness potentially priceless stasis-technology be ruined by a layman."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:52 pm

Dauphin turned to face the redcloak dead on, his shades hiding all emotion as usual.

"I won't let your first two baseless insults sully my demeanor, but when you bring the precision and skill of my fingers into question, you are calling into question the taste of countless people who have found their abilities incomparable. Tread lightly."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:53 am

"Contrariwise, you are acting above your station, seneschal. Your jurisdiction gives you no power over any representative of the Adeptus Mechanicus, yet you give me and my subordinates orders like we were mere rankless hands. Let me remind you, and our dear captain, that the pact between him and I, and between the Rajender dynasty and the Adeptus Mechanicus, could easily be annulled should I decide that our most holy order is not given the proper respect we deserve. So if I were you, I would watch that squirming, disgusting little meaty thing in your mouth until you learn to control your disdain behind a layer of civility."

Vipsanius was speaking lucidly, "Tread. Lightly."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:11 am

Dauphin's smirk had widened a smidge, though it was not entirely clear when during Vipsanius's tirade this had happened.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:09 pm

Rajender tapped his cane, an affection he occasionally entertained, against the ground, thinking to the rhythmic sound as Vipsanius defended his rank and privilege. His gut told him that the contact was a thief, here to steal what rightfully belonged to the dynasty and, by extension, him. The logical part of his mind presented a dozen alternative explanations, but he could only see it as a threat. They were no longer alone in this system, and that simple fact compromised this endeavour on so many levels.

He slammed the cane into the ground, glaring at his seneschal and the explorator.

"You will each afford the other the respect their rank and office grants them, and you will perform your duties without squabbling. If you cannot be reconciled so easily then we shall settle your grievances with a formal duel. Later. We are on the trail of a relic of the great crusade that forged the Calyx. The religious, economic and technologic importance of our success cannot be overstated." He turned to the officer who'd presented the Magos' findings. "Set an intercept course, and signal for the Glory to do so as well. Discovering the nature of this interloper is of paramount importance."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:24 pm

There was silence for a moment, then a dry, queasy chuckle emitted from the shaded face of the Magos.

"Oh... oh oh oh... oh ho ho oh ho hooo... The captain, I believe, must have, in his youthful impulsiveness, forgotten himself. Vipsanius Rook understands, and he can forgive..."

One of his mechanic fingers tutted at the captain, "If the Captain wishes a magos of the Cult of the Machine to take a certain mindset, the Captain politely asks, he does not, order. Do not make the mistake of your Seneschal, boy, I hold more sway and power over this ship than either of you... It's machine spirit will sputter and die before I kneel to any but my own authorities..."
Last edited by ChristianC on Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:52 pm

Rajender gritted his teeth in annoyance. He was reminded of his peers pouncing at the slightest provocation, seizing upon a breach of etiquette and using it to justify whatever agenda they had in mind. He wasn't angry with Vipsanius, however, but at himself. He was above making this sort of mistake. But he was also something else.

"Be that as it may, Magos, I advise that you remember to whom the ship you tend to belongs. If you wish to quibble over the matter of protocol and issue vague threats then I shall remind you who holds ultimate authority over this ship. We are beyond the bounds of the Imperium. I advise that you pay heed to the letter of the warrant I possess and the powers it affords me under such circumstances. I have granted you your own domain aboard the Satisfaction, as well as the discretion to act as you please. This was not done out of any obligation but as a favour to what I took for an ally and a friend. If you are implying that this is not the nature of our relationship, and this is merely a contract of mutual benefit, then I shall see that the privileges afforded to you are altered accordingly." He turned to Vipsanius, locking eyes with him.

"We are in pursuit of a prize greater than any of us. If you would rather accomplish something beyond pouting like an offended spire brat then I advise that you direct your energies towards this goal. Rogue Trader Hakon would be most appreciative if the esteemed Magos Rook chose to comply with this simple, modest and logical request."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:08 pm

"Now gentlemen, let us take a step back and breathe. That all of this should spring from simply delegating the task of examining a mere orkish bauble is indicative of how fast all of our blood is running at present time. As for who outranks who, and who should tend to what and keep their snout out of where, I shall simply say that we have all taken on roles aboard this vessel to do what we feel needs to be done. Be it the will of the Emperor, glory itself, the ascent of knowledge, or something less definable, we are all benefited from working together."

He turned to the Captain.

"Rajender, it is as close to certain as I am willing to say that the legendary ship we seek will be found, and it will contain uncountable relics. It is imperative that you use only your finest judgment from here on out, because obstacles and enemies will afford you no room for error. I won't go so far to say that the Hakon name will be defined forever as things unfold, but it takes but a single drop of pure gold to gild an entire tome of legacies."

And now to Vipsanius.

"You are frenzied by emotion. This is forgivable, because it is your duty, your training, your very programming to seek out relics such as this with unwavering fortitude. Do you think I've not seen it before? Let's not dance around it- the prized ship we all seek here might very well contain an STC. Whatever remains of your heart is surely pounding out forceful rhythms in your chest that you feel only you can properly dance to. But this is just not so- again, we are all here, directing our wills and minds towards this task. You are close to a thing that will make your very existence hailed all the way to that distant red world. You won't be letting base emotion drive you away from this chance- a chance that only your position upon The Satisfaction grants you. Use those dreadful hormones and erratic sparking in your brain to better your actions here today, not jeopardize them."

"Now shake hands."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:24 pm

It had been quite some time since Rajender had felt insulted. He'd received insults, of course, but they were as water off an anatidae's back. This, however, was different. Here was his seneschal, the man he'd selected for his intelligence and subtlety, speaking down to him like a half-witted child. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt a headache coming on.

"The nature of what we may discover has not escaped me, Dauphin, and I suspect that Magos Rook is intelligent enough to grasp the obvious as well." His dragged his hand down his face, the exasperated gesture only partly for show. "We are all aware of what is at stake. Let us not demean ourselves any further by continuing this debacle. Magos, proper protocol will be observed in the future. Dauphin...get back to whatever it is I actually pay you to do."

He didn't wait to see if anyone acknowledged or objected to what he'd said. He hardly needed another serving of stress after that nasty business with the orks. Only the glory of the Emperor's house could soothe his agitated spirit now, and so he went to meditate on the day's events and pray.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:25 pm

"My lord?" Dray spoke up urgently, anxious to get a word in before the meeting broke up entirely, "We have a lead on the Righteous Path." Having rather abruptly become the focus of attention, he continued, "This slate contains the orkish captain's journal. They apparently came to the Magoros system in search of a xenos artifact referred to as the All-seeing Eye. The captain later laments that it is too big to loot. But the point is that the Eye supposedly observes and records everything that happens within the system. There's even a reference here to the last ship in the Eye's records: 'A big zoggin' humie cruiser wot smashed into one of the roks in the belt. Might be worth a look.' He doesn't provide coordinates, unfortunately, and they'd be out of date by now anyway, but if the Eye is still intact, it should have a current location."

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:50 pm

Those few words transformed Rajender. He turned back to face the servant, beaming as if the last few minutes had never transpired.

"Most excellent!" He shouted, genuinely overjoyed at the news. "Does the log make mention of the location of this Eye?" Dray revealed that it did indeed; according to the ork's records it was located on the second planet of the system, near one of its poles. This new revelation brought about another abrupt change in Rajender. His eyes narrowed as his grin disappeared, his hand clutching the skull-topped cane all the more tightly now.

"All ahead full!" he commanded, expecting his orders to somehow be conveyed to those who would carry them out. "And prepare for battle." His mind was hard at work imagining the worst scenarios it could conceive; the Eye destroyed, the Righteous Path lost to them and, worst of all, someone else claiming what was rightfully his! And the dynasty's, of course.

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Re: Rogue Trader - Greed is Eternal

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:36 pm

(In other news, I am somewhat belatedly doling out XP for exploits to date and for the latest clash with the orks. You now have 750 XP to spend as you see fit. Let me know what advances you'll be taking.)

Rajender's orders brought immediate action, both ships breaking orbit at once and setting an intercept course with the mystery contact. It would be some seven days before they brought it within weapons range, giving it two days uninterrupted at the first planet to accomplish whatever had brought it there.

Word soon came back from the medicae that Race was out of immediate danger and conscious. The crude first aid applied had kept him alive long enough for them to bring their superior skills to bear, and although still weak from shock and bloodloss, he would soon recover enough to assume light duties. It would be perhaps a month before his stump was sufficiently healed and prepared to receive an augmetic implant.

Dray was able to provide a proper translation of the orkish log in reasonably short order. It seemed there had been a falling-out between the writer and a subordinate captain, which had left a second ship wrecked upon the surface of the second planet, now designated Magoros Prime for its importance. The surviving ship (the 'Smashgob') had proceeded to pound the wreck flat to 'teach those zoggers a lesson'. As to what had left the Smashgob wrecked on the third planet, it seemed the orks had gone to intercept some interloping ship the Eye had revealed to them, and presumably came off second best.

It was on the fifth day that the augurs picked up something that might have drawn attention to the first planet. A very faint transmission, probably a distress beacon of some kind, emanating from somewhere on the planet. On the sixth day, the signal cut off abruptly, a brief flare of light seen through the scopes marking a lance strike against the planetary surface. The contact broke orbit immediately afterwards, engines going to full burn at a tangent to the approaching ships' courses. It was a good bet they'd been spotted. After crunching the numbers, the bridge crew concluded that although they still had a good deal of momentum on their side to carry them to an intercept, the contact was a smaller, faster ship. Although they might bring her into extreme weapons range briefly, such an engagement was unlikely to be decisive. On the other hand, Glory was also small and fast. If she were to break formation, she could certainly catch and engage the enemy, and although such an engagement might be close to even, any damage Glory might inflict to slow the enemy would give Satisfaction a chance to close and bring her heavier guns to bear. It was a decision which would have to be made quickly.

(There we go. Feel free to list your activities during down-time.)


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