Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:38 pm

helvorn wrote:
Kara will step up into PB range with a half action and fire at the statue if she can. If not she will fire at the Cherubim that Leveticus tried to shoot.

The statue is on the other side of the desk, so line of sight is blocked. Basically the situation is this:

statue and stuff

DESK with cherubim and body on it
Chani, Jim
Kara, Leveticus

Kara steps forward and fires at the Cherubim with her overcharged compact laspistol.

Ballistic Skill 29 + 30 (Point Blank range) = 59 - 10 (Scrawny target) = 49. The roll is 86. Sigh.

The lasbolt shoots over the Cherubim's head.

There are 7 shots left in the gun.

CHERUBIM 2 (the one you just shot at) GOES.

Sitting on the table, next to Jim, it also decides it likes the idea of an Arbitrator sandwich and chomps at Jim.

Jim is now in close combat with four (4) Cherubim.

Weapon Skill 10 + 10 (Half Aim Action) + 20 (Target Outnumbered 3 to 1) = 40. The roll is 43. So very very close.

Jim is being pelted on all sides by saber-toothed Cherubim, but none of them have managed to land a hit.

CHERUBIM 5 (behind the desk) GOES

Adding its own screech to the cacophony, considering that there is basically no space left around Jim from which it could attack (two airborn Cherubim are attacking him in front, and one from either side on the desk), it launches itself through the air at Chani, teeth snapping.

Weapon Skill 10 + 10 (it's in the air) = 20. The roll is 11... uh-oh. That's a hit to the right arm.

Chani I assume will Parry rather than Dodge, since her Parry is better. Unfortunately she's suffering from Fear.

Weapon Skill 41 + 10 (Balanced weapon) = 51 - 10 (Fear) = 41. The roll is 65.

The Cherubim bites Chani in the right arm and does 1d10 + 1 damage (it has the Natural Weapons Trait). The roll is 7 + 1 = 8.

Chani takes 8 - 3 (Toughness Bonus) = 5 Wounds, bringing her down to 1 Wound. Chani is hurting. She has not led a charmed life in these tunnels.

The Cherubim sinks its big teeth into the meat of Chani's upper right arm and tears away a big chunk. It swallows.

(Chani might want to look at that Guarded Attack maneuver and maybe her dose of Stimm.)


"DO NOT DOUBT!!!" The head shrieks. "LOOK AT ME! I WILL PROVE IT!

The severed body parts on the desk move and shift, clambering over each other, merging with each other. Flesh joins whatever flesh is nearest and is made whole.

The whole mess lurches upward, standing on the desk.


Jenkin's severed parts have merged with whatever other parts were closest at the time. The torso is arranged horizontally, back downward, supported akimbo by the hands, now serving as feet, that have attached to the bottom of the arms, which are serving as legs. The actual legs protrude from the torso at opposite ends and wave about wildly. Brother Jenkin's head is protruding from the back of the chest at an angle.

This is, as you might have guessed, a Fear test, this time a Combat one, at a Fear Rating of 2 (and the reason why I talked about the effects of cumulative fear a few posts above).

Ambrose has a Willpower of 48 - 10 (Fatigue) - 10 (Fear Rating 2) = 28. The roll is 77, failure with 4 Degrees of Failure, He has Unshakeable Faith, so he gets a reroll, which is 72, still the same effect.

He rolls on the Shock Table with a +40. 05 + 40 = 45. "Reeling with shock, Ambrose backs away from the thing that confronts them, etc. etc."

Jim has a Willpower of 33 - 10 (Fear Rating 2) = 23. The roll is 46, failure with 2 Degrees of Failure.

He rolls on the Shock table with a +20. The roll is 14 + 20 = 34: "Fear grips the character and he begins to shake and tremble. He is at a -10 penalty to all Tests for the rest of the encounter until he can recover his wits (i.e., snap out of it)."

Kara has a Willpower of 40, unmodified because of Little Left to Fear, The roll is 79, failure with 3 Degrees of Failure.

She rolls on the Shock Table with a +20. The roll is 45 + 30 = 75: "The character is frozen by terror. The character may take no actions until she snaps out of it. After snapping out of it, the character will make all Tests with a -10 Penalty for the rest of the encounter. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points." She gains 1 Insanity Point, bringing her up to 10, This requires her to take a Mental Trauma Test (with the -10 mentioned above) and she has an Unsettled sanity level.

Willpower 40 - 10 (see above) = 30. The roll is 86, failure with 5 Degrees of Failure. She rolls on the Mental Trauma table with a +50 + 10 (Unsettled sanity level) = +60. The roll is 98 + 60 = 158. Oh geeze."The character refuses to eat or drink and looks in a terrible state. The character takes a -10 penalty to all Charactristics for the next 1d5 days." Which will be rolled by me secretly.

Chani has a Willpower of 32 - 10 (Fear Rating 2) = 22. The roll is 89. Oh man. That's failure with 6 Degrees of Failure.

The Shock Table roll is 80 + 60 = 140. Hmm this might actually not be that bad. "The character laughs hysterically and randomly attacks anything near her in a manic frenzy. This effect lasts until the character snaps out of it or is knocked unconscious. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points." Chani gets 2 Insanity Points, bringing her to 6.

Finally, Leveticus has a Willpower of 48 - 10 (Fear Rating 2) = 38. The roll is 20.

I'll be damned. Leveticus is fine.

So, Brother Ambrose is refusing to go near the thing, Leveticus is unphased, Jim is gripped by fear but can still act normally, Kara is frozen with terror, and Chani is in a manic frenzy (and has been wounded again).


Jim goes first and has a chance to snap out of it, rolling a 64 and failing.


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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:59 am

<ooc> I'd suggest we just run but certainly Kara can't. Since we can't run I'd say we're basically dead. I always wanted to roll up an assassin in these rules. Let me know when the combat is over or we're dead since I'm out of it. </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:27 am

<ooc>Yeah, I guess this is it. I hope Chani kills something before she, and I, go</ooc>

Chani burbled something incomprehensible and set at whaching whatever came her way. The proud assassin was losing her mind in this cave of mysteries, and she wanted to kill.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:21 am

Jim gritted his teeth, trying to quiet the horrified voice screaming in his head. Doors were locked, he was surrounded and if there was one thing he and his instructors had seen eye to eye on is that arbitrators don't turn and run. He lashed out at the abomination.

(All Out Attack on Mr Life Eternal.)

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:40 am

Guys, you have 1) Fate Points to burn and 2) he hasn't actually attacked you.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:45 am

Jak Snide wrote:Jim gritted his teeth, trying to quiet the horrified voice screaming in his head. Doors were locked, he was surrounded and if there was one thing he and his instructors had seen eye to eye on is that arbitrators don't turn and run. He lashed out at the abomination.

(All Out Attack on Mr Life Eternal.)

Jim lashes out past the bodies of the swarming Cherubim at the thing on the desk.

Weapon Skill 26 + 20 (All-Out Attack) = 46 -10 (affect from Shock) = 36. The roll is 48.

Jim's flailing blow fails to connect.


First, I roll for her to snap out of it.

Rolling against her Willpower of 32. The roll is 32 exactly.

After an instant of madness, Chani returns to her senses.

OK, what does Chani do?

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:50 am

Chani snapped out of her mad attempts to kill the cherubim, frowned, and then merely ran for it. They were not equipped to deal with this Grotshit. Better to just go down here with flamers and burn this fucking crypt.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:03 am

ChristianC wrote:Chani snapped out of her mad attempts to kill the cherubim, frowned, and then merely ran for it. They were not equipped to deal with this Grotshit. Better to just go down here with flamers and burn this fucking crypt.

If you do that, the Cherubim you're fighting is going to get a Free Attack on you. You sure you want to do that? (There are alternate ways to disengage from combat.)

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:06 am

I'm cool with that. If they land an attack, use a FP.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:54 am

I'm waiting for the larger OOC issue to be resolved until I move on.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:16 pm

Sorry guys, give me a day here.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:32 pm


(I was kind of hampered here because my email access has gone haywire and I can't open any dice roller pages. And I have no physical dice. So until I get this fixed I will have to do without. So I will end the combat in the following fashion.)

Chani, on her turn, lashes out with her sword. She slashes the cherubim attacking her, leaving a big slash. The Cherubim all have the Bestial trait and, given their low Willpower, squak in terror and fly off to the rear of the room.

So, what do you do?

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:41 pm

Leveticus would be of a mind to put poor Brother Jenkins into the arms of the Emperor with a mercy round. He will do so while offering up a prayer for the man's soul.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:20 pm

<ooc> Is Kara still frozen in fear? </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:21 pm

<ooc> I'm gonna throw in a few dice in the package of RP books I have for you Chris! </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:20 pm

helvorn wrote:<ooc> Is Kara still frozen in fear? </ooc>

This really depends greatly on whether combat proceeds, which is going to be heavily dependent on what Jim does.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:41 pm

InquisitorChris wrote:
helvorn wrote:<ooc> Is Kara still frozen in fear? </ooc>

This really depends greatly on whether combat proceeds, which is going to be heavily dependent on what Jim does.

<ooc> Leveticus already blazed away with his gun. </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:28 pm

I know; that's not the critical thing. Anyway I'll wait to get some kind of comment from Jim before I a) continue the combat or b) swicth to noncombat narrative.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:39 pm

Jim watched the cherubim flee with a certain degree of satisfaction. With any luck he had the good sense to notice Leveticus and avoid a friendly fire incident. Otherwise he was going to smash the infernal head in and ends its blasphemous ranting.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:19 pm

Leveticus will take care to insure Jim does NOT get shot. He'll take a step or two to one side to ensure a clean shot on the babbling head of Brother Jenkins.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:40 am

gsteelwraith wrote:Leveticus will take care to insure Jim does NOT get shot. He'll take a step or two to one side to ensure a clean shot on the babbling head of Brother Jenkins.

(Per RAW this can only be done if you go up and move into melee range. I am assuming that this is what Leveticus does.)

OK, I found a dice roller I can actually access online. So since you are still in combat I will play it out rather than improvising without dice rolls.

Taking into account some comments in the OOC thread, I will provide all the technical rules stuff and roll results at the bottom of the post in a separate spoiler, which is not really a spoiler since you can look at it, instead of breaking up the "narrative."

The Priest of the God-Emperor steps up to the grisly table and takes his place by Clagget. He fires a shot on the fleshy monstrosity that was Brother Jenkin. In all the commotion he is unable to get off a good shot and the bullet flies past.

Kara is still stunned by the cumulative horrors of the past events, standing open-mouthed by the entry to the chamber.

The hodgepodge of human body parts on the desk waves its leg-arms about in a parody of triumph.

He shouts in an insane voice, "YOU SEE?!?!? Life Forever in Ulha! Listen -- I have been here for 300 years!!!"

Clagget hefts his maul and swings it around, smashing Jenkin in the side of the head solidly with a huge "CRACK!" as the latter tries unsuccessfully to duck. Jenkin's head spins backward and bloody teeth fly out of his mouth in a shower.


Leveticus' Ballistic Skill is 32. This is unmodified by range because he has moved into melee range, and his roll is 51, leaving 11 bullets in the clip.

Kara's chance to Snap Out is a roll against her Willpower of 40, which is reduced to 30 because of the Mental Trauma. She rolls 53 and is still frozen.

Jenkins didn't take any actions on his move other than make his little speech.

Then, Round 2 ended and Round 3 started, which led to Jim's making his attack.

This was I assumed a Standard Attack with a Half Action Aim, with Jim's Weapon Skill of 26 + 10 (Half-Action Aim) + 10 (Jenkins is outnumbered 2-1) = 46 and the roll is 01 (!), which was a hit to the head. Jenkins tried to Dodge and rolled a 29, which was a failure. Damage was 1d10 + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11. I'm not going to give you the results because I want to keep Jenkin's stats somewhat secret.

OK, next up is Leveticus.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:23 pm

<ooc> What is 'RAW'? </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:37 pm

helvorn wrote:<ooc> What is 'RAW'? </ooc>

Rules As Written

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:46 pm

In an effort to save precious ammunition (and the fact he can't seem to hit a bull in the butt with a base fiddle), Leveticus will switch out weapons in favour of his hammer, and take a swing at Jenkins if possible.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:30 pm

gsteelwraith wrote:In an effort to save precious ammunition (and the fact he can't seem to hit a bull in the butt with a base fiddle), Leveticus will switch out weapons in favour of his hammer, and take a swing at Jenkins if possible.

Leveticus, who had dropped his glowlamp into a pocket of his robe previously (I assume -- you can still see due to the light of the floating statue), lets his autopistol (safety turned on) fall and pulls out his hammer. He swings and connects with the side of Jenkin's head. There is a loud crack.

Kara regains control of herself and regains her wits.


Weapon Skill 28 + 10 from ganging up = 38. The roll is 20. Damage is 1d10 + 1 + 2 = 6 + 3 = 9.

Kara's roll to recover was 29.

What does Kara do now?

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:33 pm

InquisitorChris wrote:
Kara regains control of herself and regains her wits.

What does Kara do now?

Kara shudders as she surveys the situation; a freakish monstrosity of bits and pieces, a ghostly ritual to perhaps the pre-Imperial religion in the other room and a glowing statue of perhaps the same blasphemous cult.

Deciding that her combat skills would avail them little she addresses Jenkins; "Ulha was banished by the Saint! How can you be alive for 300 years?"

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:06 pm

Leveticus, who had dropped his glowlamp into a pocket of his robe previously (I assume -- you can still see due to the light of the floating statue), lets his autopistol (safety turned on) fall and pulls out his hammer. He swings and connects with the side of Jenkin's head. There is a loud crack.

OOC:I was assuming he could see via glowing statue, and the gun would be hanging off a dummy cord around his wrist.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:47 pm

helvorn wrote:
InquisitorChris wrote:

Deciding that her combat skills would avail them little she addresses Jenkins; "Ulha was banished by the Saint! How can you be alive for 300 years?"

(It's Jenkin's move. Ambrose won't approach any closer to the fear and his Delaying an Action just in case,)

The heap of flesh on the desk ignores Jim and Leveticus' blows. It grins, it's head now missing most of its teeth after having been smashed in with the maul and hammer.

"It is the gift of life! I am forever in Ulha in me! The everlasting gift of flesh! " He grins ecstatically, licking blood off his face.

Behind him the cherubim screech and leap about like terrified, enraged birds.

Next turn is now and Jim can do something if he so decides.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:20 am

Jim continued to grimace and try to cave the thing's head in, his thoughts locked into a cycle of hatred and revulsion.

(Full out attack)

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:50 pm

(I know things seem to have slowed to a halt, but I am going to make a concerted effort to get them moving again.)

Jim swings his maul and slams Jenkin in his left "leg" -- that is, the arm that is serving as his left leg. There is a heavy "thunk" as of a hammer hitting a side of beef, but the contorted mass of flesh does not go down.

"ENOUGH!" shouts Jenkin. He reaches out and Grapples Chani with one of his leg-arms, which twists with sickening flexibility. With huge strength he pins her arms to her sides, her sword dropping to the ground.

"Are you blind, faithless? You cannot hurt me! I am deathless!"

Game mechanics:

Jim's attack: WS 26 + 20 (All-Out Attack) + 20 (Ganging Up Three to One) = 56. Jenkins gets a 38 to Dodge and fails. Damage is 1d10 + 3 = 5 + 3 = 8.

Jenkin's move a result of his Delayed Action from the previous turn and pure GM fiat since Chani is NPC'd and it has no game mechanical effects.

We can continue with the combat, in which case Kara and Leveticus can do something, or drop into noncombat time.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:49 pm

InquisitorChris wrote:"ENOUGH!" shouts Jenkin. He reaches out and Grapples Chani with one of his leg-arms, which twists with sickening flexibility. With huge strength he pins her arms to her sides, her sword dropping to the ground.

[b]"Are you blind, faithless? You cannot hurt me! I am deathless!"

Kara moves forward and around the side of the table out of range of the abomination. She continues to speak to the creature to distract it as she works around toward the glowing statue. "Faithless, we are the servants of the God-Emperor. You are an abomination of a twisted cult. You do not serve the Emperor."

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:37 pm

Jim swings his maul and slams Jenkin in his left "leg" -- that is, the arm that is serving as his left leg. There is a heavy "thunk" as of a hammer hitting a side of beef, but the contorted mass of flesh does not go down.

"ENOUGH!" shouts Jenkin. He reaches out and Grapples Chani with one of his leg-arms, which twists with sickening flexibility. With huge strength he pins her arms to her sides, her sword dropping to the ground.

"Are you blind, faithless? You cannot hurt me! I am deathless!"

Kara moves forward and around the side of the table out of range of the abomination. She continues to speak to the creature to distract it as she works around toward the glowing statue. "Faithless, we are the servants of the God-Emperor. You are an abomination of a twisted cult. You do not serve the Emperor."

Leveticus sees what Kara is doing, and decides to aid her in keeping 'Jenkins' occupied. "I see well enough to know the truth of what you are, foul spawn of Chaos," declares the priest with cold fury. "How dare you claim to have the power of eternal life, when only the Immortal Emperor himself may do so. It is only in your repentence and death shall you gain His absolution! In the name of the Immortal Emperor of Mankind, repent, Chaos-spawn!"

At this point he begins to intone the Prayer of Banishment.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby gsteelwraith » Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:38 pm

OOC: FYI, Leveticus will step away out of melee contact while he performs the prayers.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:34 pm

"Chaos!" Jenkin laughs, blood spattering out through his shattered teeth. "They of the Warp are foul to Ulha. One of them who loves death rides with you, with the key, not with me. He cannot speak with her now." He grins exultantly. "Praise Ulha!"

He pulls the the struggling Chani closer. "Quiet little one, I will not hurt you. You are parishioners!"

One of the cherubim squawks by overhead. With his free leg, Jenkins gestures at it.

"You see how your God-Emperor is cruel? You know how those are made? They take a bit from a living thing, something of Ulha's -- a bird, a snake -- they harvest it. They put it in those metal bodies. Alive, mutilated. They do not eat! They cannot! They can chew the meat, but they cannot swallow! But evermerciful Ulha had remade these ones."

"I saw Abstinence try to eat Brother Marli. That is, they tried to eat each other. The fight was unfair."

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:51 am

InquisitorChris wrote:"You see how your God-Emperor is cruel? You know how those are made? They take a bit from a living thing, something of Ulha's -- a bird, a snake -- they harvest it. They put it in those metal bodies. Alive, mutilated. They do not eat! They cannot! They can chew the meat, but they cannot swallow! But evermerciful Ulha had remade these ones."

"I saw Abstinence try to eat Brother Marli. That is, they tried to eat each other. The fight was unfair."

Kara listens carefully and continues to edge to one side, her pistol in one hand. "Who is this Ulha? Is she a warp-creature or spirit of this planet?"

<ooc> crazy busy at work, sorry for the delay in posting </ooc>

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:38 am

Jim didn't listen. He swung again, relying on hatred and determination to guide his maul.

(Another All Out Attack. It's safe to assume that Jim will keep doing this until Jenkins is broken bone and pulped flesh.)

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:08 pm

helvorn wrote:
Kara listens carefully and continues to edge to one side, her pistol in one hand. "Who is this Ulha? Is she a warp-creature or spirit of this planet?"

Jenkins laughs again. "Your naviete astounds. Ulha is one and all and under. The warp creature is the one in you that Ulha has cut off, foul thing."

Jim's maul smings around again, hitting Jenkin in the chest.

For an instance, the thing's voice changes. He sounds calm, sane for a moment.

He looks at Jim.

"You're not hurting me, you know. I have lain on this table in pieces for centuries, feasting and feeding others and fed by Ulha. Waiting for you. You cannot kill me."

Then the crazed lilt returns. He brandishes Chani around like a rag doll.

"Enough! It is time to begin the feast!"

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:45 pm

Jim responded with with an bellow of rage and continued his futile assault, his mind not registering the abomination's words.

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby helvorn » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:14 pm

Kara will continue to edge around toward the floating statue. As she moves she will try to make a psyscience check on the condition of the Warp and any other local disturbances.

"So then why have you summoned up these spectres from long ago? Does Uhla require their sacrifice?"

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Re: Dark Heresy -- Purge the Xenos

Unread postby InquisitorChris » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:01 pm

helvorn wrote:Kara will continue to edge around toward the floating statue. As she moves she will try to make a psyscience check on the condition of the Warp and any other local disturbances.

"So then why have you summoned up these spectres from long ago? Does Uhla require their sacrifice?"

Spoiler for Kara:

You roll a grand 04, which is a lot of degrees of success. I assume you want to know the location of the disturbance, which is the floating, glowing statue. Warp energy is pouring out of it.

"Your doubt has made you blind, parishioners. I haven't summoned anything. Praise Ulha, it is her doing though she knows it not! They are the ghosts of past salvations and can partake of nothing."

"It is I who am the sacrifice! Eat of me and live forever!"

Jim's maul smashes into the leg that serves as Jenkin's arm with a loud thud.

"Please stop that," continues Jenkin. "You cannot hurt those who have fed on Ulha, glory! I have chewed the meat, and I have swallowed!"

"If you continue," who says in a sudden, almost sane-sounded voice again, "I will have to break the neck of this one, though Ulha is one of love."

He squeezes Chani's neck demonstratively.

Game mechanics:

Jim rolled a 08 to hit and did 6 + 3 = 9 damage.


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