Changeling - Season's Greeting

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:19 pm

Once the decision was made, Sorter made no complaints towards it, said no further misgivings. He would have no hope of dissuading them anyway, almost certainly. But he still wasn't happy about it. The woods...he doesn't like the woods. Not anywhere, but especially not here. If he could only remember why...but he can't.

And so, when they set out, he went with them, keeping near Harry, almost using him as protection against what surrounds them even if that would be nothing at all. It helps ever so slightly to calm him. But then he feels it.

Glancing about rabidly from side to side, his breath quickens as he watches for any signs of them. His arm begins to ache, the distant memory of the past echoing back to him. His pulse quickens and he stumbles as he does his best to follow along with the others, though he quickly scrambles back to his feet. He sticks even closer to Harry now, as he continues to watch for the beings lurking in the trees.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:43 am

Harry's mood had picked up once they set out. They were moving forward now. Progressing. Leaving things behind them. He'd have lost himself to that thought if it hadn't been for Sorter skulking about in his shadow. Harry looked at little man, his brow furrowed in annoyance.

"Quit messin' about, yous givin' me the creeps. What's the matter with yous?"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:51 am

Sorter jumps a bit at Harry's bark, cringing but still keeping close. His eyes don't break from the woods, he doesn't even glance towards his companion as the move on. Still, in a very quiet voice that Harry has to strain to even make out, Sorter speaks up. "...Wolves. All around...everywhere, wolves. Can't see them...but they're here."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:02 am

Max walked through the forest as if in a dream. Save for a few strangely clear moments the last few days, he had spent the entire time since his return to the world walking through a dream. The line between where the his nightmares ended and the real world began had blurred beyond all recognition. Even before he was taken Max was prone to an active imagination and a loose grip on the real world. Now he spent most of his time far from his companions, wandering dark paths in his head. Harry's world was a distant echo to him, lost deep in a haze he could penetrate for only brief moments. What he did see was colored through the lens of his books, the secrets and stories that were the legacy of his time in Arcadia. So much of what he had learned was nonsensical now- the profoundest truths in Arcadia were mere strings of garbled nonsense in the here and now. The skills and facts he needed- those he desperately sought in his torn mind- surfaced from the rest only long enough to taunt him before being swept away by a tide of incoherent datum and imagined facts.

As they walked through the trees, Max tried to remember what had happened. His time with the gentry was like a fever dream from long ago- formless, undetailed, full of vague looming terror and inconsistency. The memories hurt his head, and Max reached up to rub his temples- a ward against head pains he had learned somewhere. He continued on his way, becoming more and more lost in the world between his ears. Suddenly, and without warning, a ray of the real world pierced the fog around him, lancing through into his consciousness. It spread, dispelling the mists around him and jerking his attention into reality once again.

Fear. Sorter spoke quietly of wolves, and Max stopped in his tracks. He looked slowly around. Of course he wouldn't see them. You can never see them. He had to get into the light. but if he moved, they would surely find him. Terror coursed through Max's veins and made him shiver. Sorter said they were everywhere. There was nowhere to run, no where to go but..... up. Max looked at the trees around him. He would never, ever, not in a million years be able to climb them, forget climb them with speed. He looked at the companions a pace ahead. Maybe if they stayed together he had a chance. When he asked his legs to move they we sluggish, as if made from concrete. He took one hesitant step forward, then another. He wasn't sure if he had the will to keep up with the others, but whatever else he did he had to stay with them. So he kept walking- he hardly dared to breath.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:06 pm

Sorter's warning quiets the company down, and for several moments they all hold their breaths, thoughts flowing through their mind at incredible speed... adrenaline does that to you. There is not a sound, not even bird song, until... as if a bubble burst, the sounds of the forest returns, overwhelmingly loud to their perked ears, the rustling of leaves, the creaking of branches, the singing of birds. It's all back, the only thing missing the sound of wolves approaching. Had Sorter been wrong? It's the middle of the day, and fairly close to the city, but this is further north than any of them have been before...

You can still hear them... they're there... in the bushes... sniffing, paws brushing against strands of grass... a low rumbling growl... someone is watching you, someone knows you're here... the wolves know you. They recognize you. They remember your smell. They want you

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:53 pm

Panting harder, Sorter freezes, collapsing to the ground and squeezing his eyes closed. Without even Max's level of will, he can't do anything but shake in terror, hoping they won't find him if he keeps still. He mutters to himself in the same low voice, saying nothing truly intelligible, just snatches of words and noises. Whimpering about the wolves that surround them on all sides and that, if he is to be believed, are only moments away from striking.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:32 am

Harry looked around, searching for the wolves that the smaller man spoke of. He didn't know whether Sorter had some sort of weird magic that told him they were out there or if he was just jumping at shadows. He decided to make a show of glowering at the woods, both in case there were wolves there and to shut his small friend up.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:02 pm

(OOC: I WAS TOTALLY HERE THE WHOLE TIME! Sorry guys for sort of bailing on you all, but the last couple of months have been a killer. But, I'm back and ready, so we'll just pretend like Ellie was there the whole time, just cowering in fear like everyone else.)

Ellie was way out of her element. She was used to being inside, where there were people to talk to and schmooze with, but out here, there was nothing, and the fear of being attacked by wolves made that reality even clearer. The forest closed in around her, and she was suddenly very acutely aware of the fact that she did not have any way to defend herself. She looked about on the floor and found a stick, and even though it was a very small thing, maybe the size of a ruler, the mere fact that it was in her hand, the bark rough against her palms, reassured her just a little bit.

She didn't dare speak, but she desperately wanted to ask Sorter where they were coming from. She wanted to be able to orient herself towards the wolves, face them head-on, or at the very least know in which direction to run when it came time to do so. She saw Sorter hit the ground, clearly trembling in terror, and Ellie slowly bent over next to him and but a hand on his shoulder. She whispered, "It's alright, we'll be fine. You've gotta stay calm."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:11 pm

(Welcome back to the game, DarkKnight :D Glad to have you with us)

The forest remained as it were, calm, serene, peaceful in any possible way for the others in the group...

And stayed as such. Perhaps it was the jumpiness of Sorter, or perhaps these wolves were... quite capable of hiding themselves... but either way nothing happened.

Nothing happened for a very long time. In fact, irregardless of how long the troupe tried to look for these wolves, they did not appear, but some movement in a nearby shrubbery indicated that a lazy rabbit had suddenly realized four human-sized creatures were standing about five feet from it. Other than that, there wasn't a stirring in any of the leaves, not a movement.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:47 pm

Starting as Ellie puts a hand on his shoulder, Sorter pulls back with a strangled cry, crawling away from her. The sudden shock seems to pull him back to some measure of calm, though; looking around the area, he slowly gets his breathing back under control, clamboring back to his feet and jamming his hands in his jacket's pockets, glaring at the shaking shrub.

"...gone. Wolves are gone...aren't felt now."

Though he still shakes a bit, he's much quieter now, and no more nervous than always. Falling back into line, he spares Ellie little more than a glance as he once more continues onwards, trying to act as if nothing with the wolves had even happened. Those paying close attention to him, though, might notice him continuing to keep a close eye on the bushes.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:29 pm

"Dumb animals." Harry muttered, giving the woods one last glare before he started walking again, not bothering to check if the frail ones were following him.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:24 am

Whatever will Max had, it failed him when the other stopped. He knew the invisible fear that Sorter suffered from. Simply because there was absolutely no evidence of the wolves he claimed did not mean they weren't there. In fact, in Max's experience, lack of evidence was proof positive that they were all doomed.He stopped and stood stock still. The halt in the groups momentum shredded the last vestiges of order in his mind, and a chaotic tumble assaulted him. For a single panic stricken moment, the world seemed to spin, lights danced and Max felt dizzy.

He could smell the deep loamy scent of the forest floor- soil mixed with dead leaves and water. How he found his face planted in the ground was beyond Max, but the smell somehow brought back a small measure of self. The roar in his head receded as Max recalled where he was and what he could do. Truth was, he had very little defense. He would need to change that. But he had.... something. Some power. He had felt it when he dined on the teen's fear.... how long ago? Hours? Days? Hard to tell. He had extracted something then, and he felt it now. He pushed himself up from the ground and shook his head. He glanced at the others in mild confusion. What had they been doing before they were beset? They were obviously going somewhere... A court of some kind. The memories came back slowly, dredged up from the riverbed of Max's fear. As the group began to move once again, Max followed, sorting his mind back into place and examining his abilities. Next time, he wouldn't feel so helpless.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:35 am

Whether Harry's gaze had scared the critters off, or if there had never been any to begin with, the rest of the walk through the forest went... smoothly. Before they knew it, they'd entered a rather overgrown clearing, the grass reaching the waist of most of them. There were a few gnarled trees, some shrubberies turned wild and even the occasional schoolyard playground structure; rusty, old and of undiscernable reliability.

It was clear that this area had once been cleared out specifically for the building in the middle of it. Easily three floors high, and quite the size per floor too, the schoolbuilding seemed to be of late 19th century origin, the wooden facade at places almost gone, revealing large holes that let you see into the dank darkness inside. There was a door, but it was resting on the railings of the stairwell leading up to it. A stairwell of wood, musky old wood. There was an earth-cellar as well, closed with a sturdy lock, and 'round the corner there was an entrance into what looked like a small apartment, more or less in the same state as the rest of the school.

The sun might not have reached inside the building itself, but the clearing was still well-lit by the noon-sun, occasionally a butterfly sailed past, and the crickets chirped in the tall grass.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:11 am

Ellie walked cautiously out into the clearing, wary of anything in the area. Before stepping out she looked around for signs of life, but didn't find anything. She looked back at her companions and to give them a bit of hope, she smiled.

"Those folks didn't seem so terrible, you know, minus the bashing down our front door part. Maybe they'll be able to help us, or at least make some stuff clearer," she said, "Come on, let's go." With that she stepped out into the clearing, heading towards the abandoned school, still on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, but striding confidently in order to help her friends along.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:21 am

Harry strode after Ellie, irritated that she'd spoken before he did. He was supposed to be in charge here. He let it slide. He was still feeling a bit guilty about the last woman he'd manhandled.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:41 am

Sorter follows not too far behind Ellie, the open field doing much to ease his nervousness. The threat of the wolves feels quite distant now; for some reason, he just knows they wouldn't attack here. He's still worried of some kind of danger, of course, but the usual formless, unspecified danger, nothing so specific as the threat he feared along the trail.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:47 pm

The short walk up to the staircase-porch was relatively eventless... to all but Sorter of course, who coulda sworn he saw something looking at them from the tall grass... and then the swing-set gave a low creak...

The door leading into the school-building was half-way open, moving a little back and forth in the draft. For all sense and purpose, the place was abandoned, but of course that wasn't entirely confirmable on the front porch.

Is that a dog tail sticking out of the grass?

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:59 pm

Staring into the tall grass, Sorter picks up his pace, heading quickly for that door without breaking eye contact. As such, he doesn't notice his path veering towards Ellie until it's too late, stumbling into her from behind. Just catching himself from sending the two of them sprawling, he holds steady at her side, shoving his hands deep into his jacket pockets and deciding it'd be best to keep up alongside her rather than behind.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:52 pm

Max entered the clearing cautiously. The fact that he had thus far seen and heard nothing was, to his somewhat warped logic, proof positive that they were about to all die. The school building looked almost inviting- its run-down presence a welcome relief from the somewhat gloomy and open forest. The school building was- at least once- human. The forest was of something... darker, even a forest as forgiving and tamed as this one. Perhaps there was the remains of a library inside?

That thought was enough to pull max from the shadows of the trees onto the stairs and up onto the porch. Max peered inside the old building, watching the path of small dust motes enter and exit the gloom. He glanced at his companions, then knocked sharply on the door, despite the fact that it was now clearly useless- unattached to the structure as it was.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:46 am

Harry thought of barging past Max, shoving the door open and walking inside. He decided to wait a few seconds before doing so. They were here to pay their respects. Best to see if someone responded first.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:30 am

Ellie disn't notice Sorter almost slamming into her, as her gaze became preoccupied by something. In the brush was what seemed to be a tail, poking out over the top. Ellie stared it for a good minute, attempting to get the signals going from her eyes to her brain to parse the image, since it seemed so out of place. After a minute she still couldn't get the image in her head to make sense to her.

"Hey guys, does that look like a dog's tail over there?" she asked, pointing straight at the object. She didn't dare take her eyes off of it in case it disappeared, or moved, thus confirming her suspicions.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:34 am

At the mention of a dog's tail, Sorter turns to look in the direction Ellie points out, scanning his eyes over the bush. Hoping dearly not to see what Ellie sees, his terror already begins to once more rise; perhaps they were here after all.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:06 pm

As soon as Ellie pointed out the presence of some manner of thing hiding in the grass, it made its presence known, the others clearly spotting how it slid into the grass with a soft rustle, disappearing into the tall, unkept lawn of the school.

For a little while they could hear the rustle of moving, then no more, as if the thing had stopped, or disappeared.

"You've come." A familiar voice then suddenly said from over at the swings. It was the sharp-eyed woman from last night, sitting in one of the swings, giving them the say mean eye as before. Today she was dressed in a top, a jeans jacket and a pair of worn chinos, her military boots trailing paths in the sand.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:30 am

A small yelp escaped Ellie's mouth as the woman spoke up. Her head swiveled to face the woman, ready for any sort of trouble that might have appeared. She relaxed a bit, though, once she recognized the woman, though not by much.

"Are you responsible for that dog out there?" she asked.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:22 am

Startled just as Ellie, perhaps even more so, Sorter watches the woman quietly, ducking low. Once he sees she seems to mean no threat, though, he slowly stands, his faceless visage still gazing out at her. He has nothing to say, his only question already asked by Ellie, but the mere presence of someone new helps to banish the last fears of the wolves from his mind; somehow, having someone here he barely knows lets him imagine himself safe from them, whether or not he truly is.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:46 pm

"What dog?" was the woman's only response, and indeed there was no sound from wherever the tail had disappeared.

"I watched you enter the forest, you found your way well." she gave the three a look-over, "are you from around here? You don't talk like the natives..." she frowned even more, as if she'd confirmed them as intruders in her mind.

"Get inside."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:48 am

Harry lumbered towards the door. He'd extract an explanation once they were all inside.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:28 am

Max didn't have time to descend into terror at the mention of a mysterious dog in the grass before everyone fell back into calm. His hand hung in mid-air, still raised from the knock. He looked at the woman, puzzled by her sudden- but not entirely unexpected- appearance. Not that he expected her to appear of course- rather, he had expected something unusual to happen. That was how these things worked. So, in a sense, Max mused to himself, this was entirely usual, rather than its un-version kin. Perhaps then, he had expected something completely mundane, which would then be the unusual- which he had expected. Yes, of course that must be it. He had expected nothing to happen. Or- maybe something, since, usually something did happen.

He let his mind wander like that as he stepped aside, allowing the others to enter before him. He thought he should probably warn them that "get inside" was not exactly an invitation from the occupier, considering that it was pronounced from outside the building. And an invitation from the occupier was often necessary- else they risked dire consequences. Besides "get inside" was no where near polite enough, and was easily misconstrued. A proper pronouncement of welcome and invitation to the hearth was needed- especially when entering a sanctuary like those they had met told them this place was. So, Max waited for an invitation that he could respond to. The thought of telling his companions this flirted with being spoken for a moment, then sunk back down as Max's mind wandered away.
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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:40 am

Ellie peered back over her shoulder to where she had seen that dog's tail, still unsure of whether her eyes were deceiving her. Ever since her time in Faerie, she was never quite sure of what her eyes were telling her. Her ears, however, had never deceived her, and she had not heard any rustling of grass or the soft pad of paws on the ground when the tail disappeared. She felt a bit more comfortable, then, remembering that she could always rely on her ears to keep her informed.

Ellie walked inside, believing that Max was holding the door for her, or something else, and did not register his hesitation to enter.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:39 pm

The three entered, leaving behind Max and the golden-eyed woman, who looked at him with passive disdain.

"Get inside." she finally growled, gripping the edge of the door. "Unless you want your right of Invocation made void."


What met the trio inside was nothing short of breath-takingly expected. The old school building was in the slow and steady rut of decay after years of negligence. The walls were all greying, colors fading from the wallpaper that seemed otherwise remarkably well-preserved, if a bit frayed where occasionally someone had painstakingly scraped off a rather large part of it to spraypaint a crude drawing of a schoolbuilding. The same building in fact.

There were no lockers, the school's age predating it, but there were shelves, most of them lopsides and half-eaten through by termites, with the occasional unidentifiable piece of cloth hanging from them. Some books were lying in a pile a bit away, molding away into nothingness, whatever words of wisdom contained within surely lost to most for now. A couple of chairs barred access to the stairs that lead upwards to the second, and potentially third floor, but it didn't look very sturdy anyway, and a layer of dust revealed its disuse.

All in all, the school-building gave off an aura of... peace. Surprisingly, it had little of the dreadful nature that many abandoned buildings had, but aside from the musty smell, there was light coming in from windows and the song of birds outside. At some places in the floorboards, small plants had taken root, and the whole scenario felt like a textbook example of nature reclaiming what man had lost interest in. There was even a faint buzzing coming from a part of the wall, hinting at a nest of possibly bees having taken up residence inside it.

"Go into the lunch hall." Came the stern voice outside, and once their attention had been brought to it, ipso facto they saw the relatively well-preserved brass-plate that said just that, with a helpful arrow pointing to the corridor.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:33 pm

Max looked at the woman with poorly concealed fear. She was intimidating... no doubt of that. Max was at the best times unaccustomed to confrontation. He weighed his fear of the woman and his fear of violating fey law against one another. Fey law came up wanting. He took a hesitant step towards the door, then looked back at the woman. His mouth opened and closed several times before he managed to stammer out:

"Are... you inviting us in? Is this.... do you live here? Are we welcome to enter?"

Before getting an answer- and in compliance with her wishes- Max backed into the building, his eyes wide and confused. He was uncomfortable with such violations.... but the woman posed a more immediate and physical threat.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:05 pm

While Max remained outside talking with the woman, Sorter stumbled inside alongside his companions, gaping at the surroundings. Something about it feels...familiar. Not in that he's been here before, but...the feel of where he stands itches at his mind. Even despite that, though, the environment of this feels calming. Like the yard outside, it feels safe to Sorter, a feeling he's been direly missing but well pleased to capture here.

As the woman calls inside, though, Sorter moves on without question, almost out of reflex. He passes the sign towards the lunch hall, hardly even glancing at the others before moving on to the next room.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:32 am

"Some dive they got here." Harry rumbled. "Better than a shed." He added afterwards, following behind Sorter. He wanted to meet with whoever the head honcho was. Plenty of stuff needed explaining.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:39 pm

Ellie walked inside and a rush of peace washed over her. Oddly enough, however, the peace reached deep inside her and made her realize something that she would not have noticed otherwise: she was at peace. Rather, for the longer than she could remember (though this turn of phrase only extended back a couple of "years") she felt a restlessness in her soul. She figured that the restlessness came from the influence of her former masters, and she had often drawn on this restlessness for her music and it indeed had been an unending wealth of inspiration. The feeling she felt in her chest, though, the emptiness devoid of that restlessness felt good, like finally scratching that spot on one's back that was unable to be scratched for the longest time. She let out a breath she had known that she had been holding, and the wash of warmth in her chest that spread out to her limbs made her relax. Her shoulders visibly sagged in relaxation and her eyelids drooped ever so slightly. She came to realize that the peacefulness of the school was what had led to her own inner peace. It had been so long since she had felt that she was not on the run, or that her life could end at any second.

Ellie followed along in Sorter's wake, gazing about at the sights within the school.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:39 pm

The woman gave a slight huffed and stepped in behind him, walking into him forcibly if she made any pretense of standing still. "You are welcome to enter and stay until the Tribune says otherwise, or O'Lantern calls upon the right of Home." she slammed the door shut behind them, making it almost fall off its hinges, and followed the others towards the lunch hall.

The short walk to it brought them along a corridor going through the entire body of the school, which was a lot bigger than originally seen. About halfway through, the changelings and the woman walked past a section where two long windows went on for about 15 feet. On both sides there were small gardens with the faint light from the sun shining in from above. One garden was surprisingly well kept, looking like something from a late Victorian period, with several very small 'steps', or floors of flowers in different colors. All were local, or at least from around roughly the same territory, and a small fountain with a cherub on it was sprinkling water down into a silvery bowl. The water poured out from his hands that were stretched out and cupped as if he was offering the water to someone.

On the other side, it was almost the complete opposite. Life was thriving here at the expense of order, a mix of plants, weeds and even a slender tree with a small ring of mushrooms in the shade of the tree. It felt... like a small, small forest.

The woman, however, seemed to have no interest in the two opposites, instead continuing on into a large hall with an even higher roof (easily two of the building's floors in height) with several rows of tables and chairs. Age had taken its toll here too, of course, with several of the furniture overturned, broken, covered in dust or mold. A swing-door lead into the kitchen, and a large fireplace occupied the majority of a corner in the room.

Once they were all in, the woman closed the doors behind them, folding her arms and waiting for them to react.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:00 pm

As the landscape within the building comes into view, Sorter slows, taking in the natural beauty that fills this building; if his face were visible, he'd be gaping. He stops at one of the broad windows, staring through at the garden beyond, entirely forgetting about anything else. Something about it just...draws him. It's been so long since he's seen anything like it when he wasn't utterly terrified...

He just stays there in the hallway for now, looking out and letting the others flow around him.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:02 am

Harry's first instinct was to drag Sorter along. Give him a slap upside the head and yell at him for being such a spaced out whackjob, maybe. He exercised some restraint. Wasn't any need for that sort of behaviour, he told himself. He wrapped an arm around the changeling's shoulders and led him onwards.

"C'mon, let's find out what this is all about."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:53 am

With a start, Sorter is brought back to reality. Glancing up to Harry, he lets himself be nudged along, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his coat and staring at the floor in apparent embarassment. "Sorry..."

Once in the lunch hall, he finds a seat near the edge of the room that isn't crumbling to pieces and slumps down in it, out of the light and a good distance from the fireplace. Still with his hands in his pockets, he clutches his ball of yarn, watching the woman as he waits for her to speak.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:16 pm

Harry looked at the lady expectantly. "Yous going to tell us what's going on now? Or we supposed to get comfortable first?" He wondered if the chairs would support his weight. A moment later he wondered why he'd think that they wouldn't.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:37 pm

Ellie walked along, taking in the oldness of the school. Though the place was dilapidated, she could see the beauty in it. Once they reached the hallway with the gardens on either side, she immediately gravitated towards the one teeming with life. She felt a flutter in her heart, a reminder of the feeling that had left her only minutes before. In that garden she could feel the unfettered life that the gardener (if there was even one) had allowed to flourish. She did not give the garden on the other side even a glance, having been so taken in by the garden in front of her. She lagged behind the group as she looked out into that area of life and vitality. A sound to her left made her realize how far ahead the group had gotten, and she quickly ran to catch up, not ever having seen the other garden.

When she walked into the lunch hall, she looked about for any signs of life other than the ones that had just walked in. She was tired from the hike, though, so she looked for a place to sit away from the unknown woman.


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