Changeling - Season's Greeting

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:24 pm

Sorter's reaction doesn't change much either. As far as his mind's working right now, strange people just tried to burst in and harass them; thus, they must be Fey. Of course, the fact that the six of them also look strange doesn't quite register with him at the moment.

Doing nothing more than hoping against all hope not to be spotted, Sorter presses more deeply into the corner, squeezing his eyes closed, and thinking back to his time in the dark. The memory still helps to calm him, as much as he wishes it didn't.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:35 pm

Ellie, confronted with the situation in front of her, begins to scream. Not out of fear, mind you, but out of sheer confusion. This fact was compounded by the fact that these "humans" definitely were not human, which meant probably Fae, and the fact that that the big guy was in the process of punching Harry. She backed away quickly, trying to stay out of the fray, wishing that nobody had found their little shed. Everything had been going so well up until then.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:18 pm

Mac made her way to the rest, pulling herself up to her rather unimpressive full height. She turned her body sideways to the assailants, and raised a hand.

Snapping her fingers, she summoned a burst of flames! It was gone quickly, though. "You know what they say 'bout playin' with fire."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:57 am

Harry, despite the long time since last he got into a proper fisticuffs, managed to just barely weave out of the way for the man's punch, and landed his own fist square into the guts of the huge intruder and he could hear the whoosh as most of the man's air-supply went right out of him...

But surprisingly, the huge man was grinning as he gripped Harry's arms into his own and drew the ex-criminal close as his own knee went straight into Harry's stomach.

Luckily for the ogre, his skin was thick enough that the outer layers absorbed most of the damage, but he still felt it. It hurt.

Everything seemed to stop for a second, then Ellie screamed, which made the woman outside take another step back, she probably hadn't spotted her until now, but now her eyes, wide in shock and suspicion, focused on her. Then a flicker of fire, and her head swiveled to Mac. Then, without flinching, she'd pulled a gun, aiming it at the young girl (Mac).

"Look..." her voice took on a cold and controlled tone. "Step back... all of you." she glanced at her comrade, who hadn't noticed much more than Harry, "Art, get off him. You know what we have to do..." the last sentence almost came out as a plead... but Art didn't seem to hear her, his attention on Harry.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:39 am

Harry had forgotten what pain felt like. He had memories of being hurt, both before and during his abduction, but they were muddied by time and the nature of his prison. He stifled a laugh as he realised he was glad to experience something so real. Then the woman pulled a gun. She pointed it at his crew. He didn't have time to wonder when he'd started thinking of them as such; the broad had pulled a goddamn piece.

He tore himself away from the giant of a man and went straight for the woman while she was distracted. Hitting a lady wasn't quite right, but she wasn't leaving him much choice.

(Putting everything on getting the gun out of the woman's hands. This most likely means pummelling her. Concerns for the big man are currently suspended. If Harry is about to get shot then he'll use Obdurate Skin.)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:23 pm

Ellie was at a loos as to what to do. She had never been in a fight in her life, except once in grade school. When Harry got hit, Ellie winced, sympathy coursing through her. When a gun was pointed at Mac, however, she really lost it. She'd never seen a gun in person. A very small part of her thought Is that what guns really look like? It looks fake. That part of her, though, was overridden by the other part of her brain that was scrambling to figure out what she could do to help. She ran through her list of options in her head and realized none of them were good ideas.

So she did the next worst thing.

She charged at the big guy and jumped on him, beating any part of him she could with her bare fists.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:41 am

Sorter freezes up entirely at the sight of the gun, his mind racing nearly as much as his heart. This makes things entirely different, he should do something...but what if it's the Fey? But would they use a gun? But even if it isn't, what could he do? But if it's not the Fey, what are they? Why are they here, why are they attacking them? And what's Harry doing, he's going to get them all shot! But she said 'what they have to do', that can't mean anything good...They must be from the Fey, the gun was just a trick to make them question it! That's the only possible answer!

So much to think about, but it leads Sorter to the same conclusion; these people are from the Fey. But with the gun, Harry might not be enough to fight them off. Even so, Sorter...can't leave. He doesn't want to get caught, he can't get caught, not again. He has to stay hidden, and...and everything'll work out. They'll stop them.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:06 pm

Mac goes silent looking at the gun pointed in her face...That had definitely never happened to her before. "Oh." She said softly, before pretty much collapsing.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:52 am

Things seemed to slow down to a crawl for many of the people present. Art, the man the woman had spoken too, hadn't expected Harry to just step back, and found himself grappling air while the Ogre stomped off towards the woman, and before he could turn Ellie, in all her furious panic, had fallen upon him in a torrent of inefficient kicks, slaps and yelling. Art, befuddled and confused, thought he was assailed by someone far worse than the frail pianist and began to, rather inefficiently, wave back and forth in an attempt to shake her off.

Harry, meanwhile, had closed the distance to the woman in a second, and he saw her eyes widen and he could almost feel the air around her finger being squeezed aside as she began to, out of pure reflex, pull down the trigger.

Harry, however, was much, much faster and slapped the gun straight out of her hand and it fell, harmless, upon the ground next to the two of them.

The woman gave a half-choked yelp and tried to step back, but Harry's slap-punch had been forceful enough that it'd sent her spinning, and she toppled over to the ground, falling so badly that a muted crunch came from her wrist as her entire body's weight fell upon it.

"Arthur, Bianca, step down." Another woman's voice spoke with a timbre and resonance that made it equally audible even to Sorter, who was busy hugging the backside of the wall. The woman stepped into view outside the building, spottable by most inside who looked out, as she almost effortlessly hoisted the now sobbing Bianca up from the ground, the gun-toter now cradling her broken wrist in her other hand.

"Who are you all? Identify yourselves." She had a fierce appearance, slender, but muscular, with not an ounce of fat on her body. Her short-cropped hair was gray-speckled black and her eyes seemed to give off an almost yellow glow as she stared at Harry, Mac, Max, TJ, Ellie... but Sorter, it seemed, she'd missed. "Why are you hiding out in this school's equipment shed?"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:19 am

Harry observed the new woman, brow furrowed and muscles bunched. He was taking in the details now. These people weren't normal. He'd broken that woman's wrist. The new arrival hadn't pulled a gun on them. He cast a glance back at the bruiser, another at the dropped gun and spoke.

"Whaddya think? We ain't got no place else. Yous got a problem with that?" He squared his shoulders at the new woman. Part of him wanted to smack her and be done with it. Another part felt bad enough about hurting one lady already. A third, much smaller part was thinking that the newcomer might have bite to go with her bark. Harry didn't like that notion and promptly ignored it.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:32 pm

Ellie didn't know what to do, whether to continue trying to beat on the ridiculously large person or not, and while she attempted to figure this out, she slid off of his back. She landed on the floor, and quickly got up, her senses catching up with her. She backed away from the large man, then tried very hard to be unnoticable, hoping that Harry could sort out the situation.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:33 pm

"First you point a gun at us, now you're bossing us around!?" Mac sobbed...Fakely.

She was hoping to get just enough time to ignite the cuffs of the new woman's pants. That should be a pretty good distraction.

Tick, tick, boom.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:18 am

Bianca glared at Harry while clutching her broken wrist, but this new woman showed no more emotions than she had when she first arrived; her face was a mask of calm, controlled lethality. She merely gave a quick nod of confirmation, not even giving Mac a glance despite the girl's sobs. The large man, presumably Arthur, was about to deliver some manner of retribution upon Ellie, but a quick glance to the other woman made him stop, and he stepped back a bit, keeping his eyes on the others... He was still inside though, so he went up to the nearest corner, not presenting his back to anyone.

"We do have a problem with that." The woman said in the same steely way. She was dressed in a dark-gray tanktop and a pair of rather worn jeans... Jeans that were, at the moment, catching on fire. The woman didn't initially seem to notice, before she raised her leg slightly and tore off the lower end of her left leg with surprising ease, dropping the burning cloth onto the walkway.

She didn't seem to want to make any more remarks, so Arthur spoke up, a slight growl in his voice. "You are trespassing on grounds claimed by the Haven of Winter Never-ending, and used glamour on some kids without a thought to the consequences. Are you stupid, or plain ignorant?" He gave something of a sigh as he continued, though it sounded more like a deep rumble, "we're obligated to take you to the Tribunal, but not to hurt you. So if you'd just follow along, we can skip the unpleasantries..."

The woman, stared past Harry and Bianca, her yellow eyes leveling on Mac for the first time. She didn't say anything, but her glare was about as cold and hard as it could get. One might've gotten the impression that any further shenanigans would ensure that whatever this tribunal was, it would be skipped as well.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:52 am

"Haven of what now? Glamour? That's a buncha fruity talk, broad." Harry watched the burning bit of cloth for a moment, wondering just how that had happened before filing it away under 'more wield shit.' Then something else the woman had said caught up with him.

"Wait, tribunal?" The cogs of his mind started to churn, trying to piece together just what was going on here.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:02 am

After diving out of the way, Max watched the ensuing chaos with academic detachment. It seemed as though he was looking at it through a sheet of ice now; the participants were present, but beyond reach. He stood slowly in the dark interior of the shed, amidst discarded equipment and door splinters. He stood and watched the last threads of freedom slip away. Even when the gun was produced and Ellie began to scream, it seemed fake, somehow staged.

What could they do now? There hadn't been time to properly prepare. They'd only just found clothes! They didn't have the strength or knowledge or power to defend themselves from anything more than rowdy teenagers, much less the Fey. Fey these newcomers were, if Max was any judge. What they needed was more time, and Max knew there would be plenty of it if he were captured again. Better now to pick his moment, wait and see. So, as he watched, he stepped back, quietly, with only passive concern for staying hidden, but no attempt at drawing attention to himself. He waited.

It wasn't long. The chaos dissipated within moments, as yet another invader appeared. The first two were far to ineffective for true Gentry, but this last was another matter. She mentioned the Haven of Winter Never-Ending, and the Tribunal. Max's mind tripped over itself, searching for any reference anywhere that might indicated what that was. Maybe these things weren't so Fey after all, since when did the Gentry establish societies in the world?

(ooc: Encyclopedic Knowledge on the two things mentioned- The Haven of Winter Never-Ending and the Tribunal. Might get lucky.)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:24 pm

"The tribunal. The hearing." Bianca hissed between her teeth, narrowing her eyes at the pain in her wrist. "You've risked exposure, you haven't attempted to make contact with the courts and you've left a trail of glamour."

She shook her head and Arthur filled in, a softness growing in his voice as people seemed to calm down a bit, "We're not here to hurt you, we're here to make sure you don't hurt us. Just come along with us and we'll fill you in..."

The third, the steel-eyed woman, walked up to Harry, her lips pursed tightly.

"You reek of them," she said as she eyed the strays, "We need a reason not to put your skins on the hedge as a warning."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:48 pm

Harry wasn't backing down. He rolled his shoulders and looked the woman straight in the eye.

"Lady. I don't have one fuckin' clue what yous talking about. I don't have a fuckin' clue who the hell yous all are. I certainly don't have a fuckin' clue about why yous up here talkin' shit and waving a fuckin' gun at us!" He jabbed his hand at her emphatically, one finger extended, his voice rising in volume "We's just tryin' to eat, sleep and figure out what the fuck is goin' on and all yous doing is spouting a buncha fuckin' nonsense and making out that we....fuck, I don't even know what we did wrong!"

He cocked his head to one side, never taking his eyes off hers, and dropped his voice back down. "So would yous kindly tell us what this is all about, because we sure as fuck don't know."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:06 pm

"Yeah, really." Mac agreed. "You think if I was on top of things, I would've tried to set your pants on fire?"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:38 am

"You're changelings!" Arthur expressed with some... surprise in his voice, "we need to find out if you're working for... for them!"

There was a distinct silence from Bianca, and the other woman turned her eyes on Arthur, but said nothing.

"What? It's what they are?" he shrugged slightly, shoulders sinking. "What's the point in keeping things secret... Besides trying to please O'Lantern, and you know that ain't happening. "

"It's true..." Bianca muttered, looking up, "you escaped from th... Fae, didn't you? We can tell..."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:53 am

Harry cast a look over one shoulder at the others with him. They were a pack of freaks. He was too, now that he thought about it. How did he know them anyway? He tried to think back to when they'd first met, when he'd escaped. His memories were blurred, muddled and painful enough to convince him that he didn't want to remember.

"I dunno." he growled, angered at being forced to recall what had happened to them. "I dunno!" He turned and stormed off towards the back of the shack, visibly shaken.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:17 am

This was an.... interesting turn of events. He rolled the unfamiliar term around in his head, feeling its weight. Changeling. Of course he'd seen the term before, in old stories and nursery rhymes. But, he'd never thought of himself as one. Hadn't really thought of himself as anything, really. Changeling. There was a strange sort of power in the term, an unusual gravity of naming. It was nice to know. Max thought it was nice to know that there was a place for him, even if he wasn't yet entirely sure what that place was.

Of course, it wasn't yet proven that these newcomers were not Fae or their servants. Yet, Max began to relax as he learned. Secrets had always enticed him, and this new society was sure to be full of them.

"Changelings. Yes, changelings," he said aloud, looking around at the others he had spent the last few days with, his protectors and unlikely allies, "Servants? No. Not anymore. And never again."

The last part was directed to the world as much as to the newcomers.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:41 pm

As Harry moves closer to Sorter, his breath quickens and his heart starts to beat a little harder. They wanted to know if they were working for the fae...but...but couldn't that just be another trick? Everything here, it could all be some giant plot to keep them from growing suspicious...

...them. He trusts them, the others in the shack...but why? He doesn't...he escaped, they all escaped, didn't they? He knows they did, he's sure of it. But they...what happened? How did they escape? How did he escape? He never thought of it before...he remembers being there, and then he remembers being here. There was running, and...and panic, and...

A wave of sudden, vaguely familiar fear hits him as he tries to remember; he was terrified of something, and the memory of that emotion hits him in force. Cringing from Harry, the man's presence more bane than comfort right now, he lets out a small whimper and squeezes himself even tighter in his fetal position, for the moment forgetting he needs to be quiet.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:57 am

For a few moments, there was just... silence, pregnant and overwhelming, as one of their attackers revealed who... what they were. Then, as time began to flow again, everyone reacted in their own way, ranging from distrust to relief or anger.

And as Harry moved closer to where Sorter was hiding, he could hear the man whimper quietly, but he couldn't see him, the shadows falling almost peculiarily thick in this part of the shed.

Max, however, could see that at least Art and Bianca showed some relief as he made his exclamation, but the steely-eyed woman didn't reveal any emotions, her expression still the same. Patient, calculating and suspicious.

Arthur was the first to speak again.

"Look," he said, scratching the back of his head, "we're sorry that things... kind of spiralled out of control... we're the Nightwatch, we make sure the borders are safe and that the Hedge isn't creeping through into the... the real world." he glanced at Bianca, "we're also supposed to spot any... new arrivals, and report about them to O'Lantern before we approach. We... didn't really follow protocol on this one."

"Not that we had much of a choice..." Bianca muttered through clenched teeth, and almost as one the two of them glanced back at the third, "we're supposed to bring you to the commons... it's where we meet most of the time, and where O'Lantern makes home..." she chewed her lip slightly before continuing, "but I don't blame you if you don't trust us. How about we give you the adress, and you show up in... within a week? Come sundown, there's always something going on there, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Yeah, and... well, once the whole thing with the tribunal blows over,"

"IF it blows over." Bianca corrected Art.

"Right, that, well, once it's over, and you're going to settle down, there's a guy that can help you guys get situated and working... if you want. Name's of Jack Dandy, that one, he can get you a home, a job, just about anything you want."

"We're leaving." The woman said suddenly, and both Art and Bianca gave a little jump. "You have three days until we hunt you down."

The two gave her another glance and then nodded, frowning. Bianca added, "Ah... three days then... You can invoke the Law of Safe Haven if you want, but it's revoked if you're found... guilty."

For those who had spent their time in Fae reading or, in one case, being a book, the Law of Safe Haven was a familiar thing. It worked, in a way, like Parley, in that the invoker was allowed a full day's stay without any harm being done upon himself or persons with him, lest he would give permission for such. And indeed, should there be a reason to suspect them of a crime, the law would be revoked, but they would still be given an hour or so before any official hunt of their persons would be conducted.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:55 am

Harry didn't pay attention to Sorter's whimpering. He'd ceased his pacing to listen to all the crap these people had to say. They were starting to make sense at least. He could draw parallels to his old, distantly remembered, life. Not perfect ones, but good enough to let him get his head straight. They were fobs, had caused some trouble and now the area boss wanted to have a little conversation. One taskmaster traded for another. He managed to keep his temper in check. However this turned out it'd be an improvement.

"Give us the address."

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:05 pm

"Wait, O'Lantern?" Mac's face lit up. "Of the Boston O'Lanterns?!"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:55 am

Ellie sat on the floor, not entirely sure what was going on. As the strangers started explaining things, suddenly things started clicking into place. Law of Safe Haven? She knew what it was, but she didn't know much about it, especially what the laws were that couldn't be broken.

"So, we just need to stay out of trouble for three days?" she asked, getting up from the floor and smoothing out her skirt. She smiled a bit, "How hard can that be?"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:45 am

"No." the woman replied to Mac's question before turning to Harry, giving him another glare. "Find the playground at the border between the town and the forest. Head east for an hour until you find the twins. From there you proceed north for fifteen minutes."

Arthur and Bianca looked at each other before they nodded. "That's one way to get there, I guess..." Art said with a creased brow, but didn't say anything more. Instead, the two backed off and joined the third.

"G... good luck..." Bianca said with a slight frown, as if she wasn't sure whether she liked the group or not, but feeling that she should make an effort none the less.

And with that, they were gone.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:33 am

Harry waited for a few moments until he was sure that they were gone. Then he checked where that gun was.

"So." he said in a deliberate fashion. "Did any of yous lot make sense of that?"

(If the gun's about then Harry will be retrieving it and, more importantly, unloading it to avoid any mishaps.)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:39 pm

As the outsiders withdraw from the shack, Sorter relaxes, and the heightened darkness fades. Though the encounter's still left him shaken, and he's still keeping himself pulled tight, at least they're gone now. It's just them here now.

And yet he doesn't know what to do. He can't decide...he doesn't want to decide. The others...they can decide for him. That's best. He doesn't need to think. He...whatever they decide, that's what should be done. That's the best option, without question. Even if he doesn't remember...why doesn't he remember?...he still knows he can trust them.

Lying in the corner, he stays wrapped up in himself, arms squeezed around him, as he waits for someone to decide. Hoping that they do. Because if they don't, he'll have to decide for himself...and that idea, the thought of choosing to believe or not, to trust or stay could he ever decide that? How could he ever know which is truth?

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:12 am

The gun was indeed there! With a nostalgically familiar motion, Harry emptied the gun of its magazine, and pulled back the top to get the last round out. He hadn't done this in years, but the act was as familiar as breathing air.

[Alright, I'll leave a slot here for some CI to go on and for you all to decide what to do next. You have WITHIN three days to do what's been asked of you, so how you choose to approach this is up to you guys. Of course, you can just ignore it, or stage some kind of attack. It's all your decision.]

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:27 am

Ellie sat on the floor, not entirely sure what had happened. She thought through what she saw, trying to make sense of what was going on, but couldn't. "Guys," she said, "What the heck was that? I mean, what happened there?"

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:20 am

"We just got told to pay our respects." Harry rumbled, leaving any doubt he had unvoiced. "Think we should go. I am." He didn't exactly sound pleased about it.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:33 am

The night passes without anymore interruptions, although with the door of the shed in shambles it is decided that someone should remain on watch during the night, to prevent the group being spotted. Shifts are given, and soon enough peace falls upon the shed as the exiled servants drifts into an uneasy sleep.

Then, the sun rises once more, the summer nights being short, and whether they like it or not, the changelings wake up, one after another, a new day ahead of them.

A quick look in the library had revealed the address they'd been given by the three visitors was located in a somewhat remote part of the village, in fact an old school-building accessible only either straight through the nearby forest, or on an old road winding its way thruogh the older parts. While the forest-path would save them at least an hour of walking... no one in the gruop was familiar with the region... 'though of course there were orientation-maps available in the library.

(I'm just going to bleep away the other characters, since I really can't think of a reason for why over half the group would suddenly disappear, sorry)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:44 am

Max woke and rubbed the grit from his weary eyes. What sleep he had gotten was fitful, despite the soothing dreams he lent himself. He stood from his small nest of books, thinking about the events of last night. He was still shaken and scared, but a new emotion had begun to develop over the last few days, one sharpened by the visitors. A sort of determination had found its way into Max's chest, a confidence that filled him with certainty. For now, the feeling remained small, almost unrecognizable. But it was there.

He looked at the pile of books around him. His mind was elsewhere though. The address they had been given floated into his consciousness and he realized that they had no idea where they needed to go. His gaze passed over the books again and he smiled. A short time later, Max had visited the school library and stolen yet another volume- this of local maps and addresses.

He returned to the shed with a smile of triumph and spread the maps on the floor. He had marked the location in red crayon, along with their current location in blue. He looked at the others expectantly.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:17 pm

With the rest of his group fairly intent on traveling out to meet these others, Sorter finds his troubles eased. He needn't decide after all, since he's certainly not staying here alone. The only question now is which of the paths to take. And for Sorter, it's hardly even a choice.

Quietly, he speaks up, still reluctant to draw attention to himself. "...the town path. The forest path...too dark. And forests...they aren't liked." He barely represses a shudder; he's not sure why he so hates the idea of going into the forest, but the why doesn't matter so much to him.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:41 am

Harry furrowed his brow as he looked at the map. To Sorter he spoke matter-of-factly.

"We's gonna be heading there, forests or no forests, so yous better quit whinin'.

He'd got direction now. Go to this place, speak to these people, find out what the hell was going on. Maybe give the dame her gun back as a way of saying sorry for messing her up. Whatever happened it was better than staying here.

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:15 pm

(So, town, or forest? :D)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:35 pm

(Harry is a direct and foolish man. He'll go for the forest path unless convinced otherwise.)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ElComodoro » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:36 pm

Max looked at the assembled group and at the map. He hadn't really considered going through the forest at all. He wasn't sure why the though hadn't occurred to him, but now that it had been brought up, Max hesitated. The forestwas a giant unknown. At least civilization had rules, streets and pre-carved paths. Then again...

If Max was uncomfortable about anything, it was attention. They would likely be alone traveling through the forest. Farther from curious eyes. Besides, what danger was really there? If the Fae wanted him, they could as easily find him in the dreams of a passerby in town as they could find him by randomly stumbling across him in the forest. Max looked at Harry and nodded, produced a green crayon from his pocket and plotted the shortest route that took them as far from eyes as possible. He looked at the others again.

(ooc: in case it wasn't obvious, forest for max.)

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Re: Changeling - Season's Greeting

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:17 am

(Sorry, huge load off my shoulders now, but I can't honestly blame anything besides my own laziness not to have GMed this. >:( Sorry)

Despite Sorter's dislike for the forest-path, this was the way the group decided to go. The forests weren't bad, pine-trees mostly this far north, with a few daring leaf-bearing trees occasionally dotting the landscape. The ground was relatively clear this time of the year, and with a multitude of small forest paths snaking through the shrubbery, moss, old trees the occasional berry-bushes finding their way wasn't so difficult. Bird song occasionally rang through the air, and once at least the ever-attentive Max and Sorter spotted an animal peering at them from behind a bush, or from a tree branch.

Indeed, this was the old wilderness, vastly different from the relatively urbanized town they had come from. Nowhere within sight was a field of grass, or a building (although Harry had once almost fallen through an old well-cover), not even the overgrown emptiness of an old farming plot.

Then, suddenly, Sorter felt it. A presence he would never forget.

Wolves. You can feel them. It's the same as before. The memory bubbles up to the surface in flashes of images, emotions, smells... pain. It's there, somewhere nearby. Watching, waiting...


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