Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:09 am

Gunner and Mithras lagged behind as the former struggled into his flak vest, the other four acolytes dashing to the flights of stairs that would lead them down to the main hall. Masha stuck close to Mikolas, lacking any form of augmented vision. The mansion was still immersed in darkness, with no servants to be found other than the one who had provided the acolytes with illumination.

Cryvus was the first to descend, taking the first staircase he came across. It was the shortest route to their hosts, but a tap on the shoulder from Crisis halted him before he rounded the corner and onto the first floor, the glow-lamp in his hand having given away his position to anyone who may be lurking in wait.

Your powers come less easily to you now, your mind distracted. You can sense a little less than ten people in the entrance hall and on the stairs leading up to your position.

Mikolas ran on to the next stairwell, one that would bring him down on the other side of the walkway that ran above and between the entrance hall and the ballroom. He paused at his own corner, Masha still in tow. He didn't see anything ahead of him though he heard some scuffling coming from the left hand side of the intersection.

(Here's a map of your positions. Darker flooring indicates an the first floor (which you're currently standing on). Lighter grey floors indicate a level below you; the entrance hall and the ballroom respectively. Blue lines indicate a railing as opposed to a wall, orange lines indicate doors on your level and red lines represent lines on the level beneath you. You'll notice that the immediate area surrounding Cryvus is illuminated while the rest is shrouded in darkness. Anyone shooting at a target in darkness will take penalties to hit unless they've got a means of seeing in the dark. Whatever enemies lurk in it will remain hidden until someone pokes their head out to take a look or their location is pinpointed in some other fashion. Finally, Gunner and Mithras will arrive in 2 turns time should they follow Cryvus down or 3 turns time should they follow Mikolas. They may also run to the East Wing and head down to either the first or ground floor via that means, both of which will take around 6 turns.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:30 am

Cryvus took a moment to catch his breath before checking on the locations of all the people swarming through the building. Crisis's point was well taken; any element of surprise would be lost if they were revealed by the lamp glow. What he wouldn't give for some grenades right about now...

(Sense presence. Also, Cryvus is carrying the naval pistol.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:29 pm

Mik rounded the corner, scanning about cautiously with his glowin' red eye, and holding his spiffy laspistol up, in case anything unseemly appeared. So long as nothing did, he'd give the signal for Masha to follow him.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:44 am

Cryvus dimmed his lamp, leaving just enough to see the wall beside him, and stretched out with his mind once again.

You sense six life signs rising to your level, four more lagging behind and below. That would be whoever is intruding reaching the top of the stairs then.

Mikolas stepped around the corner and saw three black-clad men, armoured and festooned with gadgetry moving towards him with guns held ready. Their faces were darkened with paint and bulbous goggles were slipped over their eyes. Given their reaction to his appearance it was a fair assumption that they could see in the dark as well.

He was quicker on the draw. His pistol came up and the sharp crack of lasfire filled the air. The man staggered as the first three shots broke on his armour. The forth struck a shoulder, spinning the man around as the last caught him in the neck. Flesh and bone were blown apart by an explosive discharge of energy and the giant was rewarded with the sight of a flaming, decapitated head.

"Contact!" the man behind him bellowed. Mikolas staggered as the first shots hit him, the muffled gunfire of their weapons little more than a whisper. He took several rounds in the chest, the impacts knocking him back a step as the rest struck the wall of the stairwell. The carapace breastplate he'd picked out did it's job; the fine blue finish would be scratched and dented but the man behind it was unharmed. "How many are there?" Masha asked sharply, either unconcerned about Mik's safety or aware that no harm had been done.

Crisis edged out around the corner and Cryvus only to come under fire himself. He dropped to one knee quickly, snapping off a shot with his rifle that took the man in the thigh before moved back into cover.

(Map updated. Mikolas steps out of cover to see what Cryvus sensed and fires a full auto burst at M8, hitting him 5 times and mulching him. The flaming, decapitated head lands next to him, providing another source of illumination. Mikolas, in turn, is hit by a grand total of 8 shots which either strike cover or his armoured body for no damage. Crisis steps out, takes a shot and wounds M2 before dodging the return fire. M6, Crisis and Cryvus are currently illuminated well enough to be shot at without penalty.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:18 pm

"All hands to the escape pods!" Cryvus bellowed, sowing confusion and anarchy amongst the foes before him.

(Touch of madness, unfettered for 3 dice.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:49 pm

"There's somethin' like five of 'em! Night goggles an' all. I got this though..."

Mik began rummaging through his bag o' guns for a frag grenade.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:15 pm

Mikolas swivelled back into cover, slamming his back against the wall and dropping his kit bag onto the ground. Masha nodded grimly and checked her weapon, a compact bolt weapon of some sort, as Mikolas rummaged around for the familiar feel of a frag grenade. He heard the call for to fall back; not from any of his allies but from one of their foes.

Then Cryvus gathered his power about him and the world went mad.

To those far enough away it was just the whispering of the wind. An oddity within the walls of a hive to be sure, but only mildly disconcerting. Gunner and Mithras, equipped for combat, continued to dash towards the nearest stairwell. Mikolas and Masha crouched in the darkness, listening in confusion as the screaming began. Cryvus had overstretched his powers and the warp had been all too willing to give him just what he'd asked for. Madness gripped the minds of the men assaulting House Strophes, those nearest to the psyker fling themselves over the railing and landing with a sickening crunch on the floor below. Another tore off his mask, clawing at his face with gloved hands in a desperate attempt to rip out his own eyes. Another fell to his knees, slamming his head into the floor and bellowing benedictions in vain. Those only caught on the edges of the plague of insanity swore and fled away from their enraged and maddened comrades. The only sane man left on the walkway above the entrance hall bellowed a curse and let loose with a barrage of fire. Masha shrank away from the corner as bullets impacted all around them, muttering a prayer under her breath. Mikolas finally located what he was after and held it aloft, ignoring the suppressing fire as he checked it was the right one.

Cryvus, meanwhile, was hissing like an enraged feline and clawing at Crisis' mask. The assassin had lunged at him, dropping his treasured rifle without a thought, spindly hands trying to find purchase around his fellow acolyte's neck.

(Map updated. Cryvus rolls a 9, a 9 and a 10 on his manifestation roll. He overbleeds twice, affecting three targets and triggers two warp phenomena which, when combined, result in a haunting wind that drive men mad. Three throw themselves over the railings, either snapping their necks or breaking their bones, two incapacitate themselves as their minds are shattered by warp whispers and the rest of the attackers generally freak out and panic. Masha is pinned, Mikolas is unconcerned and has a grenade. The madness over Cryvus (and hopefully Crisis) will fade on their next turn, but for now they're grappling each other. Gunner and Mithras may enter this round at squares ZC 14 and ZC 15 or continue running so they can descend the stairs that Mikolas took the round afterwards.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:45 pm

Moments prior to the essence of chaos seeping through into the hallway, Mik's plan was merely to lob a grenade at a group of men. A tangible, knowable foe. One quick glimpse at that horrifying cacophony in action, that unknowable force; and yet he knew it capable of being worse than just deadly. He saw no reason to change his tactic.

[Rolling that grenade down the hall, aiming for Mr. M6]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:45 pm

Gunner descended the stairs, fully intending to dispense hell upon the invaders in this house tonight, when- oh by all that was holy fucking Crisis. That was just what they needed. Gunner couldn't chance shooting him. A hair's breath to the left of where he needed to aim and he'd hit Cryvus instead. He ran at Crisis intending to tackle him, heedless of what was about to happen in the hall and how quickly it could kill him: He couldn't know about the frag grenade that was about to be hurled down the hall, and the small amount of gunfire that could still be heard was less important to him than keeping their sniper from ending the old man's life.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:12 am

Mithras had split with Gunner as they'd reached the first set of stairs, and when the hissing and wailing from Cryvus and Crisis came, it was already too late to turn back. He yelled over the vox as he dashed towards where Mikolas and Masha was:

"Biggs, report, what is happening to my cousin!? Dulov, what is your status, over!"

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:01 am

Cryvus wasn't much good to anybody at the moment, being wholly focused on tearing Crisis's mask loose, not quite comprehending that the enemy lay elsewhere.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:10 am

Gunner barrelled into Crisis, the second time he'd had to bowl someone over to save a fellow acolyte from the assassin. They both went sprawling, Crisis skidding along his his back while Gunner landed face-down. The senior acolyte pushed himself up onto one knee in time to see Crisis crawling backwards, an open palm held out emphatically. Cryvus watched the two go past, a feral mind determining that both of the man-things would have to die before the rest of his intellect reasserted itself, forcing out such animalistic compulsions. He slumped back into the wall just before the grenade went off.

Mikolas looked as his handiwork. He'd placed the explosive well. The man whose feet it had come to a stop at barely had time to react, though it had proven to have been enough. He'd flung himself over the railing, landing badly but in an all together better state than his maddened comrades. The detonation missed him, blasting apart both banisters and the nearby corpse and sent shrapnel scything through the air. Down below the remaining attackers fell back further, one man ordering them past the reception rooms and towards a passageway that would lead them into the East wing of House Strophes. The two men left on the walkway continued to brutalise themselves, the man slamming his head into the floor destroying his goggles and moving on to his own skull.

"Is it clear?" Masha asked quietly, glancing around as she heard Mithras come down the stairs. The ex-guardsman could just about make out her and Mikolas in the darkness, his eyes starting to adapt and the outline of the being easily recognisable.

(Map updated. Gunner knocks Crisis away from Cryvus and the madness over both of the void-born subsides. The afflicted invaders who still live are less fortunate and still appear to be quite mad. Mikolas places the grenade carefully but his target is quick to react, making his dodge check and hopping over the railing, only to fail an agility test that leaves him prone. Mithras enters at the end of this round/beginning of the next round, Masha recovers from pinning and both Crisis and Gunner are prone.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:32 am

Mithras nodded to Masha and Mikolas, stepped up next to the corner and hunched low, peering around it with his weapon ready, hopefully not presenting much of a target. What they were facing was, at least to him, still unknown, and the devastating effects of the warp and a well-placed grenade likewise.

"Biggs, come in... what is the status of my cousin and Wedge?" he sent over the encoded vox-channel... which he had all reason to suspect was being listened into. They really needed to develop some kind of code-language between themselves.

He turned to the giant and sister and spoke quietly, "That sound... a grenade?" he peered around the corner again, lasgun at the ready.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:46 am

"Keep rollin' on." Mik said by way of encouragement, as he stepped into the hall and made towards the center staircase.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:43 am

"Hold," Cryvus whispered, then again in a voice somewhat louder if still strained, "Hold. It wasn't his fault."

Cryvus wanted very much to bury his face in his hands and devote the next several minutes to running through some calming mantras. Alas, circumstances did not allow. Still, with the best will in the world, he needed some time to get himself firmly under control. He had just received a dreadful lesson. One which could easily have been far worse. Call upon the warp and the warp would answer. It would give you all you desired, and in doing so it would destroy you. A moment's inattention, a moment's weakness and lurking damnation would pounce.

It was a lesson drilled into every aspirant psyker and one constantly reinforced. Those who failed to learn it perished. And yet even so, so many of the sanctioned came to bad ends. Through the grace of the Emperor, he had survived this moment of folly. He might not survive another.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:19 pm

Gunner looked away from Crisis at Cryvus' words. He didn't know what had just happened, and he didn't particularly trust Crisis lately, but he did trust Cryvus. That said, he had every intention of asking for an explanation later. He stood the rest of the way, and went to meet Mik in the middle of the hall, looking for any further hostiles on his way.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:05 am

Mits turned off his vox with a frown, so much for keeping in contact with each other. Gunner hadn't responded to any of the sends, either he hadn't heard him, or he'd ignored the question...

But that wasn't really important right now. Motioning for sister Masha to remain where she was, he followed Mikolas, straining his eyes to see in the darkness, furrowing his brow at the stench of fear and death that surrounded him. A slight tinge of something in the air made him even more careful. It was familiar, but he couldn't place where he'd felt it before.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:24 am

Mithras jogged up to the corner and peeked out as Mikolas strode round it and immediately came under fire from one of the surviving attackers. Mikolas continued to ignore the possibility that a bullet might catch him in the neck and sprinted towards the top of the staircase, shots trailing behind him. He stopped just short of the two mad men, the sight of the maiming each of them was giving themselves finally instilling some degree of caution in him.

Gunner rose to his feet and moved towards Mikolas only to come under suppressing fire himself. A shot caught him in the chest and pitched him off his feet, PDF issued flak saving his life once again. He was not as foolhardy a man as Mikolas, however, and stayed down while trying to make the most of the cover that the walkway's banister provided. He saw more flashes in the darkness as more shots were fired, Mik staying low as stonework chipped away under bullet impacts, as Cryvus and Crisis composed themselves, still reeling from the madness that had seized them.

The invader who'd avoided the grenade blast picked himself up and stumbled towards his remaining comrades, the two who'd laid down suppressing fire retreating towards a passageway leading into the East wing of the mansion. Masha popped out around the corner and fired, missing the man completely and blasting a chunk out of the carpeted floor of the entrance hall. Then the lights came back on.

Mikolas' bionic eye adjusted quickly, the world now visible to him in more than shades of red. The attackers weren't so fortunate, their own goggles lacking the complex failsafes against sudden spikes in lighting conditions. Each man tore the devices off his face, more than one of them cursing as they did. Their black fatigues and armour which had afforded them near-invisibility in the darkness now left them painfully visible against the stonework of House Strophes.

(Map updated. Mikolas miraculously passes a second -20 WP test to avoid pinning and runs towards the central staircase. Gunner isn't so brave or so fortunate, taking 2 damage (putting him on 11/13) and becoming Pinned. He can only take a 1/2 action next turn and must pass a WP test at the end of it (difficulty depending on whether he's still under fire or not) to recover. Mithras skulks back at a corner, Masha pops out to take a shot and misses and the two void born reorient themselves. The lights have come back on, leaving the invaders momentarily blinded and making everyone perfectly visible to everyone else.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:06 pm

Mik kneeled by the railing, and began the solemn task of finishing off the writhing ones. It was unsportsmanlike, but it was better than letting them agonize mindlessly, he felt. Perhaps getting the others to focus on the fight at hand would help.

"Take those shooters out, huh?"

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:16 am

Mithras sighed at the chaos around him and calmly turned around the corner, lasgun ready to fire at one of the men on the bottom floor. He whispered a silent prayer to the God-Emperor as he pulled the trigger on the weapon. It wasn't a Mars Pattern, and it felt somewhat different to handle, but in the end, it was the same kind of weapon, and it would do the same deed. Squinting just slightly, he aimed at one of the assassins.

[Peering 'round the corner and firing full-auto on M6. For the Emprah]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:19 am

While still not fully recovered, Cryvus did feel capable of contributing. Retrieving his pistol, he peered around the corner and began sighting in on one of the retreating intruders. They were certainly falling back in some disarray, but they weren't out of the fight yet.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:33 am

Mikolas made short work of ranting men near him; a single shot to the head for each one, both of them dead before their bodies toppled over. Mithras stepped around the corner and snapped of a trio of shots at the man who'd narrowly escaped the grenade blast. He ducked and stumbled as marble tiling exploding around him, one shot taking him in the back but failing to punch through the flak. The invader covering the others as they fell back responded with a spray of bullets, directed at the East side of the walkway. The man didn't have a hope of hitting anything, half-blind as he was, but that didn't prevent the ex-guardsmen going ground as the banister soaked up more damage, chips of stone flying through the air. Masha was right beside him, keeping her head well down. Even Mikolas couldn't ignore the voice in the back of his head screaming at him to stick to cover. The attackers continued to fall back, two disappearing into the hallway leading into the East Wing as the one Mithras had shot at ran after them.

On the other side of the walkway Cryvus had snuck up to where Gunner crouched and took careful aim at the fleeing man, the muffled bark of Crisis' rifle sounding next to him. He missed, lacking the time to aim that he usually took. There was a roar from across the way and Mithras watched the decapitated corpse of the man who'd been suppressing them topple over. Masha peeked over the top at the result of her blind shot with a look of mild astonishment on her face.

(Map updated. Mithras moves and semi-autos, his lasgun lacking full auto fire but using those lovely new move-and-shoot mechanics from Rogue Trader, and scores a single wounding hit against the half-blinded M6 target while Mikolas executes/mercy kills/cleans up the two insane ones. Both of them and Masha come under Suppressing Fire, fail their WP tests and become Pinned. Masha, despite taking a -20 BS penalty from said pinning, lucks out and scores a direct headshot with her bolt pistol on M7. Crisis moves, shoots and misses, Gunner recovers from pinning now that he isn't under fire and Cryvus lines up a shot on M6, gaining +10 to hit with his next attack. The man is running though, so a -20 penalty will apply to hit him.

For those pinned: 1/2 actions only next turn, -20 to BS checks. Becoming engaged in melee combat instantly ends pinning and you make a WP test at the end of your turn to recover from it (with a healthy bonus if you're no longer under fire).)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:24 pm

(I know he's recovered from being pinned, but I'm not sure if he still only gets the half action or not. If so, just stop this turn at the half aim he's about to make. Half aim and fire at M6.)

Gunner hardly has time to berate himself now. His position was no longer under fire, but it easily could have been and he could easily be dead right now. Rather than standing, he would pitch himself around to face the correct direction, and aim through the banister rungs with the weapon he'd had out and been carrying since he descended the stairs: The mauler. As soon as he felt he had a shot, he would take it.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:53 am

Cryvus adjusted his aim slightly and let fly at his target. They really ought to take at least one captive, but there were enough people still shooting that taking care over it wasn't a priority just now.

(Another half-aim and fire.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:29 pm

Mithras cursed for himself at his inability to bring the man down, and set to work aiming at the fleeing figure's left leg, shifting the lasgun over to rest on his left leg as he knelt, right knee in the ground and his head aligned with the scope of the lasgun. This time, there would be no room for failure. He whispered the litany of true aim as he brought the man's leg into view and fired off another shot.

[Single shot this time]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:30 pm

Mik was content to slowly and cautiously slink towards the stairs.

{Half move]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:25 pm

The fleeing man didn't make it far. The Emperor favoured Mithras as much as he did Masha; his shot strike the man in the back of the head. Both Gunner and Cryvus' shots struck him a moment later, the combined force pitching the corpse forward before the mass-reactive bolt detonated and sprayed the marble floor with blood and entrails. Crisis scanned the scene below, sweeping his sights back and forth over dead men. A number of Strophes' servants lay dead in the entrance hall, both armed and defenceless, cut down by the invaders under the cover of darkness.

"Two of them fled into the East wing." Masha announced, peeking up over the ruined banister.

(Combat over, for now at least. Mithras, Gunner and Cryvus all hit the fleeing man in spite of the odds and rendered his soul up to the Emperor for judgement. The corpses of 8 of the attackers are strewn about and the two survivors have retreated further into House Strophes. Here's an update of the floorplan to show where they went; red arrow is their movement, red cross is the location of the acolytes. Needless to say, those who were Pinned recover and may act normally once again.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:08 pm

Mik was torn between giving chase and defending the blown open main entryway. Surely some enforcers, or similar, were on their way? Surely some sort of servitor had been dispatched to nail some planks over the gaping hole? These thoughts were trivial to Mik, because he saw danger escaping, and no danger here. Not danger for him or his comrades, necessarily, but a deadly force, cowardly fleeing down to where more innocents would be. He did not let this mental balancing of morality slow his momentum.

"After 'em!"

[Giving chase]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:10 am

Mithras cursed as the man exploded from the combined fire of the las- and boltgun, but merely hoisted the weapon close to his chest and descended to continue his own chase-giving, pausing only in his strides to activate the vox-bead for a quick burst-transmission.

"We need to capture them, any information as to why they attempted an attack upon my or my uncle's person needs to be squeezed out of them... I hope I do not need to explain why."

Hopefully the remaining fight wouldn't be quite so bloody... but with this group being what it is, one could never know. He did know one thing though, the sect they were after had something to do with this.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:16 am

"Let us not go to Cadia. It is a silly place," Cryvus remarked as he collected his thoughts, "I want to be sure nobody slips in quietly for an attempt on Lord Strophes while our backs are turned," he continued. He thought all the attackers at the main entrance were accounted for, but there were other entrances to the complex, and he wasn't about to relax his guard. "Crisis, with me if you would. We'll vox if trouble finds us." With that, he headed for the family quarters.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:03 pm

(Sorry for lack of posting; Quick one before I sleep.)

Gunner wasted no time following Mik, switching out his bolter for a las pistol as he went. With any luck, they'd find and pick off the remaining intruders quickly.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:10 pm

1st Floor - West Wing

Crisis didn't raise any complaints, smoothly reloading his rifle before following in Cryvus' wake as the old man headed towards the quarters of the Strophes. They'd barely made it into the gallery, the walls lined with portraits and the occasional taxidermy of old family members, when they came across a pair of armed men. These ones were wearing the livery of House Strophes however and carried ornate laspistols instead of the brutal looking autoguns used by the invaders. They were also accompanied by another man, garbed in little more than a dressing gown and a carapace breastplate that had hastily been thrown over the top.

"Report! How many are there? " Laurent barked, once again moving and speaking like the captain of one of the Battlefleet's warships.


Ground Floor - East Wing

The three warriors were in hot pursuit of the fleeing attackers. Masha had remained behind, concealing herself near the entrance to House Strophes in case any more of them came that way. She'd adjusted her comm-bead to link her to those of the other acolytes and encouraged them to wake the spirits of their tiny devices. "Our foes are in communication with each other," she'd stated, "make sure we are too."

They caught sight of the retreating men a half-minute later. They were trying to force their way into a larder, one man kicking down the door while the other covered the rear. He caught sight of them just as they rounded the corner and as the door gave way to his comrade's boot.

(Positions updated. Cryvus, Crisis, Laurent and two house guards are at the red X. Gunner, Mikolas and Mithras are at the green X and the two retreating invaders are at the blue X 40m or so away. The latter two groups are in combat now; the man covering the corridor is clearly about to fire.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:19 pm

Mik, breathing a little ragged, leveled his laspistol at the foes and shouted into his vox. Albeit without depressing the rune required to send.

"Yeah! We got 'em sighted right outside your position; hold them stairs and we got 'em surrounded."

He then directed his attention at the mercs three-fold; his mortal eye, his glowing red bionic, and his laspistol.

"Drop your shit or you're in for a shitstorm of the Emp's wrath."

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:11 am

The Martian-Pattern Lasgun had a potential range of infinity... well, potentially in the void you could fire the gun into infinity, but on the ground things like moisture in the air, molecules and particles obscuring the las-shot and natural obstructions and planetary rotation all did their part in limiting your firing range.

None the less, 40 meters were hardly outside of its reach, and without a word Mithras put his lasgun against his shoulders, aiming for the kicker's side. He did not want to kill anymore, although with Mikolas' bellowing they might not have to either.

"We have found the remaining two hostiles, we shall proceed with cleaning up the trash." he spoke into his vox-com as he fired a single shot at the unfortunate target of his cool, calm wrath.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:57 am

"Two survivors being hunted down now, sir," Cryvus said, all business, "I believe all the attackers at the main entrance are accounted for, but I'd need to check the other entrances before I could declare us secure. Eight casualties on their side, several on ours."

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:11 am

Gunner was with Mithras on this one: There was a time and a place for Mik's attempt at letting an enemy surrender... but this wasn't it. People had died, their host's home and personnel grossly violated. These men could die now to las fire, or die later by execution. They probably already knew that themselves, if they weren't cracked out of their minds on some horrendous mind altering substance or xenotech. He fired.

(Half aim, fire. Separate target from Mits.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:01 pm

Ground Floor - East Wing

Mikolas' warning went unheeded. Thankfully for him Mithras shot first, the bolt of energy taking the invader covering the rear in the leg as intended. The flak protecting the limb took the brunt of the attack but the force of it still knocked him to the ground. Gunner matched his subordinate's performance, wounding the man who had just kicked in the door. His target limped through the door as the fallen man sprayed bullets as he fell, taking chips out of the stone ceiling and shattering an ornate glow-lamp. Mikolas snapped off a shot, too late to hit the man Gunner had winged.

(Mithras and Gunner hit. One of the enemy attacks is injured and prone at the blue X, the other has fled into the store room marked 3 right above it.)


1st Floor - West Wing

Laurent acknowledged Cryvus' report. "The other entrances are all through the service level. If the front gate is secure then we need to take and hold the staircases. Then we can fight downwards and repel these honourless scum."

Cryvus could see several more figures approaching from behind Laurent; a frightened young lady under a significantly stronger guard than Laurent was.

"There is a secret escape route in the servant's quarters on the third floor." Laurent spoke more softly now, glancing at his daughter over one shoulder. "Julia will make her way there once we secure the stairs in the West wing." He gestured down the corridor, back the way the two acolytes had just come.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:53 pm

Gunner would attempt to finish the man still in sight with another shot. With a bit of luck, this would be finished tidily in a few seconds and they could check in with their comrades.

(Half aim and fire)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:06 pm

Mik was displeased that his attempt at a flimflam failed to work. Certainly extracting some information from these mercs would've been possible? Oh well, they had a chance.

[Mik will give chase!]

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:35 am

Mithras narrowed his eyes as he saw Gunner raise his weapon and barked into the vox (quite unnecessary, the man was nearby):

"Stand down, we can't guarantee we can catch the other man. Do not fire to kill!"

With that said, he hurried towards the downed assassin, partly to make sure he was properly incapacitated, partly to indicate, with action, what he thought their course of action should be.


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