Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:48 pm

Rodica gave an exclamation of surprised joy at the weather-change, and she twirled and slid out of the cab with a bounce-jump, landing on the pavement in a little pirouette, turning to the two gentlemen she had gone with.

"He is close here, I can... how you say, feel it in my stomach?" she gave a chuckle and looked around at the far more american milieu they had entered. "Perhaps papa is right, no? We have powers... I could always find my agent when he is lost, or somewhere else." she gave a grin and lit up a cigar, inhaling the thick smoke with a satisfied look on her face, "Honest to a fault, no? Lazy, much so though."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:47 am

(OOC: Does no one have anything to say here?)

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:19 pm

[[OOC: Guys?]]

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:35 pm

Don nodded. "You can find people. A useful power. I have...several of my own, which I hope not to have to use." He flexed his hands in their brown gloves and fished the slide rule/spear out of his bag again. "If you would have told me ten years ago that the most important skills I had had nothing to do with my engineering degrees, I would have thought you were an idiot. Let's find a monkey king scion and stop a serial killer."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:45 am

(ooc: YAY, my computerator is back! Now to get back into the swing of things!)

Tepiltzin licked his lips as they exited the cab. During the ride over, he had decided to put together another spell, one he had never tried before. The basis of it he had found chiseled into a wall at the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque during one of his many visits to the Yucatan. It had been dismissed as religious iconography, but to Tepiltzin's divine eyes, it was a spell of enormous import. Later, he found references and repetitions of it throughout the mesoamerican world, and spent months cobbling together the entirety of the inscription and its evolution. The next few months were spent putting the elements together and forming a coherent spell, which required some creativeness on Tepiltzin's part. His work had yielded interesting but mystifying results.

When they had arrived, Tepiltzin's body had tensed, ready for whatever. His instincts began to take over as his energies became tightly wound, ready to pounce. He nodded to his companions, and listened down the alley way for anything that seemed out of place.

"We've all got talents, but I think the Greek might have the right talent if these guys are as strong as whats-his-name says,"
Tepiltzin said quietly, looking Don over, "Why don't you head down first? I'll head down with Rodica after a minute or two and try to stick to the shadows. Then, if things go poorly, we can jump out and support you, taking the bad guys by surprise. I've got a few tricks that'll work better if they don't know I'm there, and I'm sure Rodica's got more talent then just finding someone."

What he didn't say was that keeping Rodica teamed with himself built trust between them, which played directly into his goals for her. And more importantly, if this was a trap, he wanted Don to get hit with it first.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:12 pm

(OOC: Finally! It begins again!)

As the three scions walked down the alley, Rodica silently directed Don down a few different alleyways with a few hand gestures. After the third left they made, Don rounded the corner to find an Asian man standing in the alley. His white t-shirt was ripped a little bit and his jeans were . His hair was completely wet, and spiky, as if it had been gelled. Water was still dripping down his face. In his hand he held a gun, a highly stylized Desert Eagle that was red with a gold trim. As Don turned the corner, a loud bang went up and a curl of smoke was left coming up from the barrel, and a faintly humanoid figure slumped to the ground, then dissolved into a green goop. His chest was heaving heavily, and on the next breath that Don drew in, the man's head snapped up, and the barrel of the gun snapped up to point at Don. On Don's third breath, a wail came from above them, and the man brought his gun up to bear, squeezed off another loud shot, and he was splattered with the same green goop as before. On Don's fourth breath, the gun was back on Don.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:18 pm

Don raised his hands nonthreateningly, still holding the slide rule in one of them. "Jimmy Long?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:15 am

Throughout the trip down the alleyway, Tepiltzin maintained a healthy buffer between him and Don. At each turn he carefully glanced down the alley after Don went in, and tried to stay in the shadows as much as possible. Xiuhcoatl played the role of Tepiltzin's claw, held blade down in his right hand. At the third left, Don stopped short to the sound of a gun blast, and Tepiltzin crouched, back to the alley wall, waiting for the Greek to move or fall. The first sound was immediately followed by another, and after a stunned moment, Don raised his hand. "Jimmy long?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:22 am

Rodica nodded at the two, standing huddled against the wall close to Tepiltzin as Don headed into the alley. An actually serious look on her face as she began to realize what they'd been sent out to do, the punctuation of the loud gunshots making her eyes widen, but through sheer force of will she kept herself from letting out a sound. She'd grown pale, wondering if Don was all right, but she hadn't heard the man give off any sound, and she thought... yes, she heard his voice in the alley...

She gave Tepiltzin a worried look, top-hat in her hand, her fingers gripping the rim nervously.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:49 pm

Jimmy Long sighted down the pistol, determination on his face. Although his face was set into a stern set, there was still a twinkle to his eyes that made it look like despite all the fighting, he was still enjoying himself. Then he pulled the gun back, clicking the hammer back and setting the safety. His serious face instantly transformed into a warm and whimsical smile, full of straight pearly white teeth. The gun then dematerialized with a shimmer, turning into something that Don couldn't quite see that Jimmy stuffed in his pocket. Jimmy ran a hand through his short-ish wet hair, making the wet plastered hair on his forehead stand up and making the top of his head look like a hedgehog.

Jimmy stepped up to Don, hands extended in a greeting. "Hey there. You must be the Scion of Hephaestus." If Don accepted the handshake, he'd find that Jimmy's handshake was one that belonged to somebody of considerably more strength than a mortal would have. He'd also notice a little bit of blood trickling down his muscled arm. "Where are the other two? Or did you guys split up?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:07 pm

"That's right." Don's handshake was not as strong - he'd learned long ago the difference between "firm handshake" and "hospital visit" - but squeezing his appendage put one in mind of squeezing a bronze sculpture of a hand anyway, so Long was probably impressed as it was. "Don Tonious, Scion of Hephaestus. The other two are waiting outside the alley. Is that your blood, or Titanspawn?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:31 pm

Jimmy was quite impressed with the handshake, but he was not surprised by it. The scion of the Greek god of the forge had better have a strong handshake. When Don mentioned the blood, Jimmy noticed it for what seemed like the first time. "Huh..." The scion lifted up his sleeve and sure enough, there was a fair cut on his right bicep. He flexed it and winced a little, then covered it back up with his sleeve. "Eh, it's just a scratch. It'll clot up in a second." He put his hand on the red spot on his sleeve and applied pressure. "Well, come on out, you two. I don't bite, often."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:00 pm

Rodica glanced at Tepiltzin... then she slowly took a step forward into the alley, her silhouette against the streetlights outside the alley, her top-hat still in her hands.

"I am Rodica Dragomir, we spoke on phone, yes? You said there were... guys here, where are they?" she looked around, chewing on her lower lip. "We were told to come and help you..."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:05 pm

As Jimmy and Don greeted each other, Tepiltzin put the dagger away out of sight. Rodica glanced at him and he nodded slightly, standing from his crouched position, then stepped into sight after her.

"..But it looks like you didn't need it," Tepiltzin finished Rodica's sentence, "My name's Tepiltzin. Why don't we find a good place to talk and compare notes, before more company shows up. Unless you're hot on a lead here?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:21 am

Jimmy looked back at the alley where he'd been fighting. "Oh, no, those were just the scouts. Heck, they weren't even Titanspawn, really. At least not in terms of strength. They were quite easy. No, there'll be more, and soon. But yes, let's move away from here and confer." Jimmy motioned to the three, and walked off down the alley.

The water dripped down from a nearby fire escape as the four children of gods walked through the alleys. The waning moon hung overhead, and the sky was extremely clear. Had it not been for the lights that the city gave off, the stars would have been very beautiful. Jimmy walked along, still nursing his arm. "So, you guys want to know what you're up against, huh?" Jimmy smirked, "Well, let me tell you."

"Thiry years ago, the god Loki was on Earth. Nobody's exactly sure where on Earth he was, but all the stories agree that he appeared in a small backwater village and fell in love with a beautiful lady that sired a child to him. The child grew up in poverty and knew nothing of his heritage. When he came of age, his mother died, and at that time, Loki decided to let the child know his presence. He became a Scion and Loki himself brought him up after that. Loki attempted to be the best father he could for the child, teaching him all that he would need to survive in the world.

"Then, twenty years ago, the scion of Loki did something horrible. Although unknowingly, he wound up killing a scion of Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess of the sun. Amaterasu sought retribution and confronted Loki about the killing, but Loki denied it, in essence disowning the scion. Although Loki had no choice in the matter, it hurt the scion deeply, and he became vengeful.

"It is said that for five years he wandered the earth, in search of Loki. Instead of Loki, however, he found a power. He used this power to begin systematically killing any scions that he heard about, and taking their power into his own. Of course, he never bothered the gods, only killing their still mortal progeny instead. And, since he is an unclaimed scion with no patron, the gods have no power and are bound by the laws set forth in the Accords."

By the time Jimmy ended his story, they found themselves emerging from an alley on to a fairly busy sidewalk. Jimmy stood there, looking at the three others.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:14 pm

Rodice almost slipped into the shadows as Tepiltzin introduced himself and Jimmy started talking, nervous, big eyes watching the alley they'd come out from, the vague, vague shades of darker shadows where the... things had been, and then Jimmy, who seemed... unconcerned. Even Don and Tepiltzin didn't seem to find the whole thing... disturbing.

She hugged herself unconsciously, listening to the story being told. Loki... the Norse trickster god? ...And he abandoned his child... was that any different to her father? Anger boiled up in her. She was slowing the group she'd been thrust into down, she didn't know anything, and it was... it was all her father's fault. Even Loki had taught his son some things before...

She covered her mouth as Jimmy spoke of what the scion did to the others, feeling a strange chill.

Was he going to kill them too? As they left the alley behind, she felt as if... she'd gone through a rougher wakening than anything that had happened before. The smell of... of gunfire, and something rotten, or milk gone bad. Really bad.

"Why not call the police, if we know who he is? Why must we stop him?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:55 pm

"The police?" Jimmy asked, looking at Rodica, "Oh dear, you haven't been on this scene for very long, have you? Alright, there are a number of things the children of gods are able to do, the least of which is, I dunno, shooting lightning and stuff. Can you imagine the police being able to deal with a guy who can fire lightning? Or who can throw a car with his bare hands? Or that can call up an entire army of zombies and skeletons. No no, mortals are unable to handle such things."

Jimmy thought about this some more, then continued, "Besides, this guy is no normal scion. He's got power that even the gods are afraid of. No, this guy would take any police officers that come at them and do horrible, nasty things to them. Things you can't even begin to imagine."

(OOC: Please check the OOC thread for some important info.)

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:07 am

Tepiltzin listened to the description of his enemy with only mild interest. What was being said was nothing particularly new, he already knew that his enemy was a scion-killer, of what line made little difference to the Jaguar's son. None of this revealed where he was, why he was in LA or what forces they were going to face. Nor did it explain why Titanspawn seemed to be helping him. But listening to the description of the prey awoke a dark voice in Tepiltzin. It was quiet, oh so quiet and subtle, so that even he was only dimly aware of it in deep corners of his sub-conscious mind. A half formed thought began to take shape, in which the other Gods bowed before a Blood-god's might and fields of human bone were tended by a terrified populace.

He turned to Rodica and quietly explained, "Mortals can't possibly stand up to the divine. They need us to direct and shepherd them. That usually means taking matters into our own hands and ignoring the laws, even doing things they consider immoral, for their own good. Without our guidance and protection, this world would be lost several times over," then louder, to Jimmy,"Well, that's great and all, but it is pretty much what we've been told already. What does any of that have to do with the guys you were facing? What were they scouts for? Where did they come from?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:55 pm

Rodica nodded at Jimmy's response. She'd suspected as much, from their past conversations and how Jimmy had described the Scion-killer... but... this wasn't normal. You didn't just... deal with this shit yourself, you called 911 for Pete's sake!

Well, normal people did...

She wondered why she'd not followed her manager's advice and gotten a gun for herself. She'd abhorred the idea, she'd never even seen a handgun before in her life, let alone held or fired one... but consider what Jimmy had shot those things with... well, even though she got nervous just looking at that big boom-gun, it was... she just felt... exposed. She wasn't a fighter and...

"I understand... but I am not good at fighting, I think. Perhaps you are, since you are from this country, but back in Romania, guns are not normal. And I don't know karate, kung fu. Nothing of that." she looked between the men around her, "I can punch them perhaps, yes? Anyway, T...Tepil...Tepiltser is right? How can he control these... whatever they are, is this a power he has stolen? Like that guy from Heroes, Sylar?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:19 am

Jimmy heard what Rodica said and laughed. "That was a good reference. Zach's actually a pretty cool guy, in real life. Anyways, no, he's nothing like Sylar. For one thing, he doesn't cut our heads open. Our powers come to us through items that were given to us by our parents. I was given this," and with this he held up his right hand, where a gold band hung limply around his wrist, "It was actually stolen by my dad from Ne Zha, who is still fairly indignant about it. Ne Zha runs around on these golden wheels, which lets him fly. Until he made a new one, he was flying around sideways for a while. Absolutely hilarious. Anywho, these divine items are where we get our supernatural abilities from, like the one you used to come find me. Did you notice a slight pull towards my location? This killer, let's call him Sylar for S's and G's, takes these gifts from our lifeless corpses. No brain matter required."

Jimmy jaywalked across the street, keeping his eyes not left and right on the oncoming cars, but up. He was hurrying along, as if he could tell that something was coming. "As far as who those guys were the advance scouts for, who knows. They were Jabberwocks, you know the snicker-snack kind, and normally I'd expect more little buggers from celtic mythology. That's where Lewis Carol got most of his ideas. Maybe Jubjub birds or frumious bandersnatches. But it seems like this guy has just a random smattering of titanspawn at his disposal. They might be centaurs, or even spartoi for all we know. Makes my degree in ancient mythology a little upset, if you ask me." Jimmy walked up to the door of an old warehouse, looked around again, then opened the door and stepped inside, holding the door open for the others.

Jimmy then looked pensive for a second, then brightened up, "Oh, wait, sorry, I answered the wrong questions. Yeah, those titanspawn are controlled by Sylar. He's probably in the area. I've been tracking those jabberwocks all across town since Ole Daddy Dearest told me about them. The idea is that if they're here, he'll be here, though I'm afraid me killing them might have spooked him. Or made him angrier. Either way it'll either make him come to us, or go away from us, both of which are good. For two different reasons."

Jimmy looked around the warehouse, then brought out a chair and put it in the center of the room, next to three others, and sat down. "We should be safe here for a little bit. After a bit we'll go out and try and find him. Please, throw some more questions at me. It's fun."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:39 pm

Tepiltzin's smile twitched when Rodica mispronounced his name, his demeanor cracking for a moment. "Tepiltzin," he corrected her, "I don't really know how he controls these things. That is part of what I am trying to find out."

He ignored what seemed to him to be Jimmy’s irrelevant drivel about Jabberwocks and Lewis Carol, until they reached his hideout. The coincidence made Tepiltzin smile. Clearly fate was at work in all of this. The warehouse Jimmy had led them too was the very same one he had scouted out for his “rituals.” Admittedly, his research on the place had been superficial at best so far. He had looked for an abandoned, out of the way space, which this was, and had never realized it had already been occupied by Jimmy. Perhaps there was something special about the location, or maybe it was just a means to an end…. either way, fate seemed to have designs for it.

“Ok, I have a few. First…. Why are the titans helping him? Are they? If so, which ones? Or is the power to control titanspawn the province of some God which I do not know about? Next… Where did you track them from? What were they after or looking for?”

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:25 pm

Rodica glanced at Tepiltzin, giving him a curious look before nodding to Jimmy again, feeling like she was getting a grip on the situation. All you had to do was just accept that everything you'd always known about mythology and children's stories to be true, in a sense, and then, Bam, you understood. Or went crazy, whatever.

She took off her hat for a moment and looked at it. True, she'd experienced a lot of... weird stuff during her tour through the US... and admittedly it had all started happening after she'd gotten the hat from her father... not to mention when she'd opened the cigar-box and there'd been freshly rolled cuban rolls in it, despite the fact that it weighted and felt as if it was completely empty... and...

She felt really stupid for never having questioned this before, but instead of asking about it she simply nodded, putting on her hat again. She'd need to find out exactly what it was the hat did, and what about the cigars? Huh...

"'So we wait for him and hope we're strong enough to beat him?" she seemed a little... uncertain in this plan, "Maybe we can make trap, no? Like, something that can fall on him when he comes inside..." She absentmindedly slapped the underside of her chest, a deck of cards springing up from between her cleavage and she caught it, pouring out the cards into one of her hands and spreading them out in a fan as she did so, shifting them around in her hand. "I may not be a good fighter, but I might be able to distract him, I dunno, could try."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:16 am

Jimmy looked at Tepiltzin, then shook his head. "Oh no, this isn't the titans' work. If it were the titans doing something, then our parents would be able to step in. No, by virtue of them sending us and telling us to take care of it, it's not them. He might be getting some sort of oblique help form some titan, but that may just be because he's causing mayhem. That's sort of the titans' thing. No, this isn't some big divine being helping him."

Jimmy paced a little bit, then said, "There are a few items that are said to allow one to control the Spawn, but they're all accounted for. Or at least I think they are. The only one I'm not too sure about is Pandora's box. The last time anyone heard about it, it was in the hands of the Dalai Lama. Then again, nobody's seen him in a few years. I'll have to look into that when I can. But yes, there are a few relics and items that allow someone to control the Spawn.

"As for tracking them, I have a few friends that are better connected to the movements of the less-than-human that have been tracking the movements of the titanspawn. More importantly, they've been tracking groups of titanspawn that shouldn't be moving together. Very peculiar. As for a trap, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Problem is that for a trap we'd have to know his abilities, or even know if he's still humanoid. We don't have anywhere near enough information about the guy."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:38 pm

(OOC: What the hell? I totally wrote up a post to this like a week ago, and I thought I posted it. Goddammit!)

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:22 pm

Tepiltzin tore his eyes away from Rodica's cleavage, where they had rested since the appearance of her deck of cards. "Well, I have ways of getting information about the guy, but it will require some.... preparation. Also, it would help to know the best questions to ask. All the information we can get would help. A place to start searching would be perfect. Is there any way of finding where these things were holed up? And what they were looking for exactly? If it was just other scions, then I suggest we find them first, let him come to us. Unless he comes to us anyway now that we've tipped him off."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:08 pm

"Pandora's Box?" Don echoed. "You think he's got that kind of power on his side? Oh, hell. Last I heard, the mistletoe spear that killed Baldr is floating around, too, and if he's got the Box he's probably made a play for that, too. I hope we'll be strong enough with just us four..."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:51 am

"No," Jimmy said, "I don't think the mistletoe spear is in play. That one works more off of intimidation, and if the wielder isn't there himself to force the titanspawn into action, they'll quickly run away. The things I fought were almost fanatical. Plus, the Pope's got that one, and he's got some serious power defending him."

Jimmy looked at Tepiltzin, "What sort of preparations do you need to make for you to do your work? Any extra information we can get will be helpful." Just then a small mote of light flew up to Jimmy's ear and hung there for a second, as Jimmy nodded, then flew off. "Looks like he's getting much closer than I thought he would. What we want to do is gonna have to hurry." He looked back at Tepiltzin expectantly.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:40 am

"Well, we will need to head back to my apartment so I can gather a few things. I'll need help transporting one piece in particular. Plus, we will need a secluded space. Here would do perfectly, if it will remain secure for a few hours. Once again, however, it will be far less effective if we are going into it blind."

Tepiltzin decided to leave the prime ingredient a secret for now. A little god's blood would have to substitute for a mortal's lifeblood. It was a mostly equal trade-off.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:14 pm

Rodica gave Tepiltzin a faintly amused smile, she'd never figured him so easily distracted, but in a way it made him less creepy, which was definitely a plus. Don was cool, as far as old beardos go, and seemed to run his race slow and steady, whereas Jimmy was... well, he was like his father. She just couldn't figure out what kind of a guy he was. Suddenly a lot more serious than earlier...

But she had a feeling all three of them knew a lot more than they were letting on, and considering how seriously they took this... she wanted to know more than she was told. She wanted a gun.

"I can help Tepiltzin. I am useless in fight anyway, better we hurry."

She gave the aztek scion a grin and a tip of her hat.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:16 am

"Oh yeah, this place should still be secure for a little bit," Jimmy said, looking out of the few windows the place had, "We can bring your stuff back here and you can do your ritual thingy."

The four scions headed out the door, Jimmy going first, peeking out of the door and looking around to make sure nobody was watching. Then the four headed down the street. Jimmy made idle conversation with whoever would talk to him, talking about mundane every day things, making it seem like they were just four friends walking down the street and not four children of deities that had just met a half hour ago about to save the mortal world from an epic threat. Any attempts by the other three scions to talk about anything divine related was met with a quick shushing noise from Jimmy. The street was mostly deserted, and the four of them stuck out, but only as much as four tourists might while lost. They moved at a decent clip, trying not to attract attention.

Suddenly, just as they reached a corner, Jimmy held up his hand, the other quickly going to his pocket. "We've got trouble," he said. He looked to his left, and pointed down the road. At the end of the street could clearly be seen a much busier street, with people crossing the street without any heed to the traffic of the area. "Go that way," Jimmy said, "And you'll get to 57th. From there you should be able to find your way back to your apartment, Tepiltzin. Get what you need and hurry back to the warehouse. We'll meet you there." He then looked at Don. "Well, Don, I hope your dad gave you something useful." He pulled his hand out of his pocket, and a red and gold bo staff came out of his pocket lengthwise, obviously too long for his pocket.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:25 am

"Something like that," Don said, producing the slide rule and opening it up into the spear. "Sure it's not a late-night street fair?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:05 pm

"No, definitely not," Jimmy said. "Concentrate and listen." Anybody that bothered to think hard about what sounds were coming to their ears could tell, very faintly, that there was a slight song on the breeze, in the range of noises that the high pitched buzz of electronics, or the ringing sound one hears in their ear when they are in complete silence. It was a haunting melody that tugged at the heart strings and made you almost want to weep. The longer one thought about the sound, the louder it became until it became deafening. "Don't listen for too long, though," Jimmy said. "Harpies."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:13 pm

"Oh. Wonderful. I left my iPod in my hotel room."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:20 am

Rodica glanced at Tepiltzin. He'd been awfully quiet for a while, and she wondered if maybe she was making a mistake following him along... Jimmy and Don weren't coming, which meant they'd meet back at the warehouse and she could ask Tepiltzin some more about this whole... god-child business. She really wanted to learn more, and he sure seemed to sit on a lot of information and...


The song had snuck in almost unnoticed to her, but as Jimmy revealed their origin her eyes grew wide and she moved to plug her ears with her fingers, looking at the others.

"Are... are they dangerous?" She said a bit louder than necessary, "can't we get around them some other way?"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:46 am

"Dangerous?" Jimmy replied, "Oh, quite. They've got the whole sharp claws and hard skin thing going for them. As for getting around them, no. They can fly, so they'll probably follow us back to the apartment. Weird thing about cities, people are perfectly fine with weird things happening on the streets. It's none of their concern. Fighting in an apartment, though, will surely have the police on us. That's people's home in jeopardy. No, we'll hold them off here. Go! Get out of here! We'll see you in a bit."

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ElComodoro » Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:08 am

Tepiltzin had remained quiet while the group walked. What spells he had prepared (which were several) had to be dismantled, and carefully. What was that in the back of his mind? Equally, his attention was on the streets around them. Perhaps the warehouse was secure, although Tepiltzin didn't really trust Jimmy's word on that, but here in the open, anything could happen. Something was wrong, some block which subtly warped the magic in his head. He scanned around them, looking at the few people who were wandering about. A force was rising in him, beautiful and dark, lovely and deadly. He licked his lips again. All these people were cattle, playthings for him. It flowed and guided him, the magic remained and the animal inside, the jaguar, awoke and stretched. Even the gods that walked alongside him were puppets in a cosmic comedy, not fit for the crowns they wore. The beast answered, the spells forgotten, now a will ruled by instinct and craving. His hand strayed to Xiuhcoatl and lingered. Skin was so easily broken, blood so easily flowed. It would only take a moment. Craving and hunger swelled. The beast wound its energies for the strike. It would only take a moment.

"Harpies" Jimmy said. Tepiltzin's mind returned, the beast retreated and waited for its time. That music. That is what it was! He controlled his breathing before he spoke. "Ok. Good luck you two. Rodica, lets go."

He turned down the street, leaving the haunting melody behind. In about a block, Tepiltzin broke into a run.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:04 pm

Rodica nodded and followed after Tepiltzin, giving the other two a quick wave. His sudden break into a run caught her by surprise, however, and it took her a few moments to catch up, although afterwards she probably managed to keep at pace, looking a bit uncomfortable with the cold around her... which wasn't no surprise, as she was just wearing a pair of jeans and a tanktop. One of her hands, nails painted eggplant purple, held on to her hat whilst the other gripped a piece of the strap of the shoulder bag she kept the cigar-case and a few other doodads in.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby darkknight61189 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:37 am


Jimmy watched as their two comrades ran off down the street, then turned to Don. "Alright, here they come."

From the sky there came a screech that chilled any mortals in the area to the bone. From the cloud, three dots appeared, getting larger fast. Soon, the dots resolved into winged beings. They had bright flaming hair and ample bosoms that were barely covered by the cloth of their blood spattered blouses They were absolutely beautiful, were it not for the tattered look of the angelic-like wings and the avian feet. They held in their hands blood stained spears , and were flying at Don and Jimmy at an incredible speed, with their spears pointed forward, making them living bullets.

"Watch out, they're dive bombing us," Jimmy said. He stood at the ready with his bo staff, ready to dodge out of the way.

The Harpies hit the ground with an earth shattering force. Jimmy jumped out of the way at the last moment, his jump seeming too far for a normal human to make. The harpies each stood up at their own pace from the small micro-crater they'd made.

(OOC: Spleen, you can make a reactionary action to the harpies dive-bombing, then please roll Wits+Awareness.)

Tepiltzin and Rodica

Tepiltzin and Rodica broke into a run, crossing the last few feet quickly before hitting the much denser street. Behind them, they could hear, as well as feel through their feet, the impact of the harpies. Once they made it to the busier street, they were forced to slow down his gait, but still hustling. Tepiltzin recognized the area, and knew which direction to go in order to get to the apartment, which was fairly close. At the speed they were moving, it would take about 15 minutes.

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby Spleen » Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:37 pm

Don backpedaled with his spear at the ready, not moving too far from the crater so he would be ready. "Come on, then!" he shouted, after the creatures hit the ground. "I am Donald Tonious, Scion of Hephaestus!"

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Re: Death to the Divine (Semi-Closed Scion RP)

Postby ChristianC » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:08 am

Rodica followed Tepiltzin, occasionally glancing back nervously. She wasn't sure leaving Don and their new friend... uh... Jim? Behind.... But she felt that at least with this handsome hispanic, she'd be all right. She really wished she could help the others out a bit more, but she'd never thought she'd need to fight for anything. Sure, she'd taken the occasional self-defense course, or attended a seminar... but she hadn't planned to stay in the "Lawless USA" more than necessary.

"Tepiltzin?" she asked as they rounded a corner, "Could... could you tell me more about what... what we are? I'm curious about it, and father did not seem, what is word, eager to talk?"


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