Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

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Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:14 am

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Mighty warships ply the stars, bringing death to the myriad enemies of mankind. Vast armies, made up of men from a billion worlds struggle to hold back the legions of the alien the traitor and the daemon. Yet for every world engulfed by war, there are many which are at peace. The Imperium of Man spans the galaxy, encompassing worlds of sprawling cities, steaming jungles of death, blasted wastelands, scattered illiterate savages and a thousand more besides. The common man neither expects nor desires to travel among the stars, unless as a conscript in the Emperor's armies. To journey beyond the Imperium is unthinkable, for who knows what horrors lie within the endless void?

But you are not common men. You possess a powerful starship, wealth beyond the dreams of most, and freedom practically unheard of among the Emperor's subjects. You are charged with expanding the Imperium's borders, returning lost worlds to the fold, and granted the authority to wage or negotiate treaties with the authority of the Emperor himself. And if you can amass even greater wealth in the doing, so much the better.

Rogue Trader is the follow-on from Dark Heresy. Set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, it charts the exploits of a rogue trader and his crew as they explore the uncharted reaches of space, amass profit and engage in battle with their enemies. In contrast to Dark Heresy, characters begin at the top of the pecking order, answerable only to themselves (and maybe their creditors).

The campaign will be run on the board, owing to my usual scheduling difficulties. I'm looking for 4-6 dedicated players to run the game with, and anybody interested should drop me a line for a link to the rulebook. Setting details and such to come.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Capntastic » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:08 am

Yes! Yes!

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:55 pm

I feel strangely compelled to take part in this and I haven't the foggiest idea why.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:10 pm

Ha ha, you know me, I'd love to join up... Warhammer's that... that game with lead figures right? Where grown men play war?

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:26 am

Uuuuum, I am interested, but I am only marginally knowledgable about the Warhammer 40k universe. And by marginally I mean I watched two friends play once, and they spewed words at me about the Warhammer 40k world and I heard maybe 40% of it but wanted to learn more.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:19 am

The core rulebook contains enough background information to get you started. The origin path you plot out during character creation will give you an idea of your character's place in the Imperium, so you won't feel like you've been dropped in the deep end when you start playing. I'd recommend browsing The Lexicanum if you have the time and inclination. It's fan maintained and generally of good quality, though some of the older fluff is present. Such lore can be of questionable quality, contradictory or outright redundant, though this is by no means true for all of it. If you want to track down a novel or two at some point then Kelne, Christian and myself should be able to steer you away from the bad ones.

As for the game itself, Zero's prompted me to consider taking on the roll of the Rogue Trader and, after about a half-minute's contemplation, I've got a strong inclination to do so.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:22 am

Okay, so, the basics of the 40K universe.

It is the distant future. Humanity has spread to the farthest corners of the galaxy, but has fallen from the lofty heights attained during the Dark Age of Technology. These days, technology is the sole province of the priesthood known as the Adeptus Mechanicus who regard it with reverence and take a dim view of innovation. Humanity exists on uncounted worlds, in states ranging from savagery to feudalism to enlightenment (for a given value of enlightenment) and all points between. Only their mutual allegience to the Imperium and worship of the Emperor unites many of these worlds, and beyond Imperial space even these common factors fall away.

Key concepts:

The Warp - A realm of pure energy given form by the minds of sentient races, the warp is a source of limitless power and the medium by which starships traverse the vast gulfs between the stars. It is not a friendly place. Countless entities, large and small, inhabit the warp, all hungering for the souls of mortals. Most terrible of all are the four Chaos Gods, who endlessly scheme to remake the galaxy to their own whims. In some areas, the warp spills over into real space, resulting in realms where men and worlds become twisted, and the laws of physics collapse.

Psykers - Psykers are individuals able to channel the power of the warp, allowing them to bend reality to their will. Such power comes at a price, however. The mind of a psyker is a shining beacon to the daemons of the warp, and only the strongest willed, or those protected by the Emperor's might can hope to survive long without becoming the vessel of damnation. Nevertheless, psykers are vital to the survival of the Imperium. Astropaths allow interstellar communication, while navigators can navigate the shifting currents of the warp in something resembling safety. Psykers are therefore a necessary but reviled group.

The Major Players:

The Imperium - Aguably the largest, most united power in the galaxy, the Imperium of Man stretches across the galaxy, though it by no means encompasses every star. With the Emperor confined to his golden throne these past 10,000 years, it falls to others to rule in his name. Imperial citizens are subjected to the whims of vast and faceless organisations, and those of all-too-immediate planetary governors, nobles and military commanders. Each world is expected to contribute a tithe towards their common defence, and the High Lords of Terra do not tolerate secession.

The Orks - Live to fight, fight to live. Such is the motto of the ork. A race of hulking green-skinned savages found thoughout the galaxy, the average ork has little room in its head for anything beyond violence. And yet, they somehow maintain advanced technology (for a given definition of 'advanced'). Each ork has a multitude of complex information encoded into its very DNA by a vanished creator race, sufficient to propel them from the stone age to the stars in a frighteningly short interval. Orks are always at war with somebody, and failing other enemies, they will happily fight amongst themselves.

The Traitor Legions - 10,000 years ago, the Emperor's favoured son rose up against him, plunging the fledgling Imperium into civil war. Today, the survivors of that war brood upon their defeat and plot revenge. Granted immortality at the cost of their souls, the Chaos Space Marines are driven by their hatred to wage eternal war against the Imperium. Insane and depraved from millennia of worshipping dark gods, the traitor legions may make use of mortal pawns or summon daemons to do their bidding.

The Eldar - Once the rulers of the stars, the Eldar are now a dying race, refugees from a terrible cataclysm known as the Fall. Possessed of mighty but alien intellects, the Eldar are famed for their intricate and incomprehensible scheming. Although few in number, they still possess all the fearsome technologies and witchcraft of their glory days, and can seldom be brought to battle save when they so choose.

The Tyranids - Invaders from beyond the galaxy, the tyranids have brought bioengineering to its ultimate extreme, with every organism in the hive fleets bred for a specific purpose. Where they pass, the tyranids leave entire worlds stripped to the bedrock in their wake, their biomass incorporated into the ever-moving fleets. Utterly implacable, the tyranids can be halted only at great cost, and even the world-destroying fires of Exterminatus are but a last, desperate gambit against them.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:40 am

All this talk of fluff prompts a question; will the game be taking place in the Koronus Expanse and the neighbouring Calixis Sector or another area of the Imperium?

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:57 am

If I may be so bold as to mention that much of the 'fluff' (general warhammer term for the non-essential story around the wargame) is mostly unknown to your typical Imperial. Sure, he may have heard of orks, they're some of the most well-known of aliens, but the tyranid threat is still being covered up in some parts of the Imperium to prevent mass-panic, and to know anything about chaos... well, travels narrows the mind wonderfully, and you can be sure you'll be making a quick visit to the local arbites office if you can name any of the chaos gods.

Well, it all really depends on where you're from, as a rogue trader (or one of his allies), you're sure to have met a little more of the freaky stuff that inhabits the void.

:kirteach: I'm being useful!

Also, regarding roles to play and such, I wouldn't say no to playing an Explorator or a Missionary!

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:17 am

Gentlemen, I submit the Rogue Trader Hakon for your review and evaluation.

The 9th child of Rogue Trader Aradshir Julen Hakon, Rajender grew up on the hive world of Malfi, navigating the machiavellian culture of the nobility under the tutorship and indulgence of his mother. Hardly expecting to inherit his father's Warrant of Trade, he instead set out on the grand endeavour of indulging himself and playing at the petty politics that the privileged youths occupied themselves with. He earned more than one enemy during this time, but this was of little concern to him, simply being another part of life in the spire. This was not to last. Rajender will not speak of what drove him to it, but he abandoned his former life and sought refuge within the dogma of the Imperial Creed. It consumed his life for a time, though it was no without benefit. The skills ingrained in him during his upbringing served him well, earning him many powerful allies who he keeps to this day and, more importantly, it gave him a purpose beyond serving his own whims. His faith demanded that he make a pilgrimage to Sentinel, the shrine world of Saint Drusus himself, and he obeyed. He never arrived. The ship he travelled on was attacked en-route, crippled and boarded by pirates hired by his sister who were intent on claiming his head. While he had cut himself off from his heritage his extended family had not forgotten him. His father had been proclaimed dead and a vicious power struggle had begun amongst his siblings, all intent on claiming the Warrant. He rallied the remaining crew to him and repelled his assailants, but it was all for naught. The ship had been reduced to little more than a hulk, most of its crew killed when the plasma drives had been breached. It was years before the wreck was discovered and the handful of crew left were rescued, Rajender amongst them. He had survived, uniting the crew in purpose and coming to realise that he could not run from his bloodline. His siblings had been busy murdering each other while he had been ship-lorn, their resources expended. Calling upon old friends and favours he put those that remained to the sword and took the Warrant of Trade for himself, vowing to bring greatness to his line and not squander his Emperor given powers.

Rajender is a harrowed man, though he rarely allows anyone to see this side of him. He is polite and respectful in his dealings, observing etiquette and dressing for the situation while evaluating everything with a sharp mind and ever present suspicion. He has a natural talent for command, something he attributes to his bloodline, and he is committed to the prosperity of his line. Since he is, to the best of his knowledge, the only remaining member of it, failure on his part could very well lead to it being extinguished.

Character Sheet

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:22 am

Right then, more information. The campaign will indeed be set in the Calixis Sector and neighbouring Koronus Expanse. Don't worry too much if you're not fully immersed in the backgrounds for these regions. Suffice to say that the Calixis Sector is civilised Imperial space, while the Koronus Expanse is the wild frontier, full of peril and opportunity.

Character-wise, it's worth drawing attention to the origin path system. Very handy for sketching out a quick character background, especially if you're not fully familiar with the setting. Do remember that you get one free choice along the path regardless of whether it's adjacent to one of your other choices. Remember also that in addition to your character's starting gear, you also get to make a free acquisition check against the group's profit rating. So that's potentially an extra piece of gear for everyone.

Now, on to the group stuff. The group will be beginning with a profit rating of 30 and 60 ship points to spend. So that's not so much purchasing power, but potentially quite a solid ship. The ship points could either be used to purchase a tricked-out frigate or a bare-bones light cruiser. Any unused ship points are converted into profit rating.

So far as characters go, we've got a rogue trader and a seneschal so far. I think we'll stick with one rogue trader, but otherwise everything's fair game. Your characters will have been together for a little while at least; these aren't chance acquaintances met in a tavern or thrown together by the Inquisition. Any intersections on the origin path present opportunities for shared background, and conspiring with one another in this regard is positively encouraged.

Let the discussion commence!

Edit: Oh, yes. I'll be starting us off with the adventure in the back of the rulebook, so no reading it.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:48 am

Made a little roll last night (after being authorised to do so by Kelne, of course) and it came up a 9. Thus we have a starting Profit Factor of 30 and 60 Ship Points to spend. Any SP we don't spend on outfitting out vessel are converted into PF, so we can potentially sacrifice some to boost our wealth and influence up beyond the level of an Outcast Rogue Trader. That said, I think we've got two broad options when it comes to choosing a hull and outfitting it.

1) A well outfitted Raider (very fast and nimble, fragile) or a Frigate (a little less fast and nimble, can stand up in a fight), potentially with a Crack Crew. We can cut back a little bit here to start with extra Profit Factor.
2) A Dauntless-class Light Cruiser with a bare bones outfit. We'll start with less extra or better components than we would with the other option, but there's room to grow, so to speak, and the Dauntless is reasonably fast and agile ship while also being tough like a cruiser.

So it breaks down to short term gain vs long term profit. After that we'll have to see what the Machine Spirit Oddity and Past History of the hull are. As for specific components, the Lord-Captain will want to have a dedicated Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor onboard but, given that the ship has been inherited recently, he might have to make do with what he's been handed.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:22 am

Catch you on AIM for my dice-rolls, bro!

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Fitz » Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:01 pm

Hi folks. Kelne has kindly allowed me to join the game... you don't bite newbies, right?

I'm not currently equipped to contribute much to the discussion, but I plan to buy, borrow or beg a copy of the rulebook by this weekend; at that point I'll be more than happy to banter about characters, the ship and shared histories with you guys.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:57 pm

Welcome aboard, Fitz. If we were playing Dark Heresy we'd have you subjected to a series of increasingly harrowing faith-trials, but since we're playing Rogue Trader you just get this complimentary power sword.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:04 pm

Yeah, and if you want power armor... chances are you'll get it.

Welcome aboard new fish! We don't bite.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Fitz » Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:29 pm

Thanks for the welcome, guys.

How's everyone doing with character creation? We have our Rogue Trader and a Seneschal, but I'm keen to hear what anyone else is planning to play; I have half-fleshed out ideas for a Navigator and an Arch-Militant and basic concepts for for a Void-Master and an Astropath, but I don't want to start running with any of them just yet in case I collide sharply with someone else's plans.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:28 pm

I will be playing Father Mumblemumble, the ship's resident Missionary. :D

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:25 pm

I took it upon myself to stat up a Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser for review. It's not got much in the way of extras and certainly has an interesting pairing of Machine Spirit Oddity and Past History. Take a look.

The Unnamed Vessel

How does that look? Any ideas for names should we decide to go with it?

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:24 am

Vessel looks good, extra room, lots of dakka and a decent crew, I like.

As it is twenty past 7 am, I will only post the sheet of my, eh, Explorator. Yeah, I know I said I was going as a Missionary, but they had this sweet deal on Tech-priest costumes. So yeah.

Mind you, I can't upload .txt files to my err, host, so you'll have to make due with a .rar (disguised as a .zip)

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:46 am

Jeez, almost forgot about this. You guys still okay with me joining up?

If I can, does somebody mind shooting me an IM with the sourcebook? Thanks!

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:09 pm

Yes, no problem. Check your PMs.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:33 am

Awesome! Now that I am all sourcebook-ified, I should try and get in touch with you to roll up some stats, or something.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:32 am

Meet the Dauphin

Rising from an obscured background, Dauphin has become a figure of some note. Those in the know mark him as a key player in many lucrative dealings. Those who keep an eye on him too long tend to note a trail of unsavoury actions coinciding-- high profile assassinations, widespread underhive unrest, and even a few cargo cults. Those who've met him face to face discover him to be more than just a name with whispers attached: A sharp mind, a certain grace, and a peculiar assortments of habits envelop a truly capable fellow. Alternatingly casual and restless, Dauphin meanders through his duties skilfully, drawing eyes all along the way. A seemingly limitless appetite for experience and knowledge seem to have granted him insight into many facets of the workings of the Human world, allowing him to calmly drop almost clairvoyant musings precisely where they are needed. Claiming full allegiance to no one but himself, he is a powerful tool treasured by the dynasty- when his whims fall in line with their own.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:21 pm

Vipsanius Rook. Amongst the tech-adepts of Turanshush his name is whispered in secret, at times in reverence, often in dread-mingled relief that he is no longer one of their order. Considered a dangerous radical, even by his own students, Vipsanius Rook had a humble start; he was the child of two workers not even initiated into the Cult Mechanicus. His proficiency with revered technology was, however, discovered early on and he was taken in by the order to be taught the strange and secret ways of the Machine. The boy, however, desired more than that. He excelled in his studies whenever it interested him, and did abysmally at anything that he found uninteresting. It wasn't long before the young Tech-priest began to lose whatever friends he had earned in the Order, as few would willingly remain in the company of a man skipping along the line of tech-heresy as if it wasn't there.

His superiors were naturally aware of Rook's radical thoughts and ideas, but had little means to stop him; the man never performed any actual heresy that they could see, he merely spouted opinions in debates. Over time, he became one of the brothers of the Order, taking on students of his own. He was a difficult master, and few had the patience for his needlessly complicated means of education, but those who had spoke not of classes or studies, but philosophical discussions and debates that seemed to stretch far beyond the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Most of those who studied under Vipsarius Rook did not attain priesthood. The man was incapable of teaching, it was judged, and in a final act of desperation the Magi of Turanshush made the man an Explorator, a great rank of renown and glory for those of ambition, but to Rook it was punishment and hopes that he would be out of the Mechanicus' hair for a while. Rook himself accepted it without question, stoically shouldering the burden of the Grail of the Mechanicus, the finding of an STC, but with secret plans of his own.


That's about all I can think of at the moment regarding this character...

EDIT: I also want to point out that I like the rest of the group's concepts very much. I think this is going to be a pretty cool campaign, all in all.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Fitz » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:19 am

My character sheet is up - nothing fancy, but hopefully not a complete let-down either. I'm open to changes if anyone wants to tie in at all - grab me on AIM if you want to chat.

I was thinking that he could have started working for Rajender during the family feud, but he could also be a newer addition to the crew if you'd prefer.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:24 pm

Voting our ship be called The Endeavourmancer and I can't decide if we should go with a figurehead that's a grinning skull or perhaps spice things up with a glistening aquila.

Regardless, it should inspire fear in our enemies and also be the lance battery in disguise.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:28 pm ... Yamato.jpg

Our ship should be a remodelled warship from WWII, and should be aptly named. The Oklahoma?

Nah, I can't think of anything. I either vote for Capn's suggestion, silly as it may be, or perhaps "The Grace of Arrogance"

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:18 am

If you're going to bring anime into this at least make sure it's thematically appropriate.

The Arcadia.



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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:05 am

You know, I was actually considering bringing that up, but thought that Space Battleship Yamato was marginally more well-known amongst you Amerikaners. Kudos for knowing about Harlock, Capn.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:17 am

We could always go to the other extreme of silliness and call it The Litany of Litany' Litany.

Or, for something slightly more serious and semi-randomly generated;

-Wandering Fame
-Goblet of Faith
-Eagle of Fortune
-Pommel of Confessions
-Glimmering Satisfaction
-Trident of Purification

Though I'm now inclined to simply go with The Satisfaction.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:23 pm

The Satisfaction works.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Fitz » Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:39 pm

I can get behind The Satisfaction, if we're not going for cod Latin or the excellent Litany of Litany' Litany.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:44 pm

The Satisfaction sounds like a cheesy 90s rom-com starring Julia Roberts.

Which is something I can totally get behind.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:28 pm

Okay, with no word from Darkknight recently, I'm inclined to get things started. I'll be starting up the thread tonight or tomorrow. Be ready.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:03 am

My fingers tingle with anticipation. That might just be the cold, though.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:07 am

Giving Dakknight a bit of extra time to get his sheet organised. Thread will definitely be up tomorrow.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:10 am

And the thread is up.

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:22 am

Just a quick note that we'll have Camaris joining in on the RP with a missionary character in the near future, bringing the number of participants back up to four (as we seem to have lost Fitz).

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Re: Rogue Trader - A Warhammer 40K RP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:28 am

I'm sure Rajender won't object to having another man of religious conviction aboard the Satisfaction. Welcome aboard, Camaris.


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