Beyond Time and Space

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:40 pm

Jeridan had been on missions... not precisely like this, but similar to this before. They had all the stuff they needed for their cover story: The essentials for a study expedition that a local town couldn't provide. It wasn't actually important for Jeridan to understand what all that was, so long as no one asked him about it without Spob there to back him up. What this kind of expedition WOULD require were the essentials of a trip that they could buy here, cutting down on their initial travel weight and hauling ability: Food and water. Therefore, since Kelne and Deeum were otherwise engaged, that would be up to them. So long as everyone stayed in character, it should all be fine.

"Ken's got the kids and is showing them around, so let's find a warehouse or wholesaler and stock up on supplies. The arrangements, hauling and organizing should take most of the day, though."

Jeridan hoped that Spob wasn't going to have trouble with this mission. It was all probably new to him, and that could make for some awkward situations... Still, if it can to that Spob was a telepath; all he'd have to do is privately ask for a helping hand. Actually, he sort of hoped that Spob would at some point, as that would make coordinating things much simpler.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:23 pm

"That's fine," he said. "C'mon, lets get going."

He walked forward quietly, but that didn't mean he had nothing else to say. So, "Jerry", he telepathed, is that all you had in mind?

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:29 pm

After a quick tour, Kelne stops at the Canteen, the only restaurant in town from the sound of it. The three of them order lunch, and as Kelne eats, he keeps his eyes open. Sure enough, just as Kelne's finishing up his food, the door opens. In comes Kasden in a somewhat rumpled-looking beige suit jacket and slacks, adjusting his cuffs as the door swings shut behind him. He nods to the other customers with the same smirk they saw in the file photo as he heads to the counter. Taking a seat, he gestures for the waitress's attention. "Chicken salad on rye and a black coffee, same as always, beautiful." Coffee soon in hand, he settles in with a newspaper while another waiter comes up to their table. "Well, can I get you three anything else? Will you be wanting dessert today?"

Meanwhile, Jeridan and Spob start out, heading for the local general store while their plane is unloaded and taken to their hotel rooms. It's not far, just off the airstrip, and is well-stocked for expeditions of any sort into the Wastes. It's a smaller shop, more the sort they might be used to back home if not for the ceiling-mounted mirrors and cameras. There's only a single person working here right now, a pale fellow with blond hair behind the register, wearing in a button-up light-blue dress shirt. He grins to the two as they enter, giving them a friendly wave. "Well, a couple of new faces here. Pleasure to meet you, you can call me Dominik. Just got off the plane, I take it. So, how can I help you?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:55 pm

Jeridan's mental reply was prompt: I figured that we could search for the target while we kept up appearances. Unfortunately, that strands us here for a while. Hopefully this won't take as long as I just said, but... Well, anyway, between the lot of us I'm sure someone will find Kasden this way. I hope you know what a reasonable price for goods is?

Jeridan kept a watchful eye out and tried to look casual while letting the "professor" initiate trade. He waited to see if Kasden would enter, or if Spob would mentally reply to him in some way.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:48 pm

Don't worry, I've got it covered, he replied. But let's keep talk like this to a minimum, all right? I don't want to look fishy.

With that said, he approached the clerk with a broad smile on his face. "Hi Dominik, I'm Robert and this is my assistant, Jerry. We need to pick up some foodstuffs and hiking supplies - do you think you can help us?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:21 pm

Nodding, Dominik comes out from behind the counter, leading the two across the store. "Hiking supplies are this way, let's take care of those first. So what sort of work are you doing here, Robert? Planning on being here long?" With a smile and a chuckle, he continues while helping Jerry collect equipment, "I always love seeing new faces around here, it always makes things a little more interesting." The bell at the front door rings, and Dominik calls back, "I'll be with you in just a second."

"No problem", she says. A woman that looks to be about in her 40s with strawberry-blonde hair, she's dressed in a fairly simple white blouse and jeans. She smiles to Spob and Jeridan, nodding to them in greeting before browsing about the aisles herself. Normally she wouldn't especially stand out to them - there's nothing especially extraordinary about the way she looks, after all - but a plastic card dangles from a tether around her belt that draws their eyes. Emblazoned on the card, just above what looks to be her name and a small ID picture, is a stylized S in the shape of a blue lightning bolt in front of a square field of yellow, a logo they both remember well from their briefing.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:37 pm

Spob smiled back and gave the woman a quick wave, before he feigned interest in the supplies.

Did you see that? he asked Jeridan.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Deeum » Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:56 pm

As Kasden came up to their table, Deeum made sure to keep her head down when he spoke. All the while keeping a sharp ear on the conversation.
While she hasn't exactly been a 'kid' in a long while, she does remember how some of them acted in Doma. Hopefully her observations pay off.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:24 pm

"A slice of carrot cake for me," Kelne said, after a moment's perusing the dessert menu, "You two want anything?"

Meanwhile, he reached out to Kasden's mind, taking care the man wasn't eating or drinking anything, Try not to react, Kasden, he sent in mild tones, The recognition code is 'thread the needle', and you're speaking with Ken Phillips.

I'm on it, he informed Deeum and Pandemic, just on the off-chance one of them might decide to take action. No sense subjecting Kasden to multiple voices in his head, after all.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:47 pm

I saw it, yes.

Synergy. Well, this is an oppourtunity, but he wasn't sure how to approach it. He knew literally next to nothing about Synergy, and less than that about this world. So now what?

I'm going to try talking to her, if you don't have a problem with that.

He'd give Spob a chance to reply before going over and trying to learn anything. If Spob had something more subtle in mind, he was definitely ready to hear it.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:03 am

In the restaurant, the waitress looks expectantly to Deeum and Pandemic, order-pad in hand. Over at the counter, Kasden seems to start a bit, before taking a sip of his coffee as before. Well, this is new. You know, I'm not sure how happy I am with someone bumping around in my head, Ken. Especially someone I've never even heard of. So what's the Deck want? If they're getting me direct like this, something big must be up.

The nameless customer waves back to Spob, heading down into the aisle next to the two with a handheld basket, while Dominik helps Spob out with the supplies, making friendly small talk as he does. "So, how long are you going to be out? You wouldn't want to get caught out of food in the wilds here, especially not at night. No one's exactly sure yet what all there is to worry about out there, after all."

Meanwhile, Jeridan breaks off, heading off to speak with their possible lead. She looks up as he heads over, in the middle of her browsing through a shelf with a small variety of magazines and books from the distant mainland. Nodding to him, she turns back to her shopping, poking through what's available. "I don't think I've seen you two here before. You new?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:25 pm

Jeridan glances at the magazine rack himself, absently wondering who the hell bought these gaudy looking paper tracts, and what exactly a soap opera might be. He reminded himself to focus and answered the lady:

"We are, yes. Jumping onto the scientific bandwagon, you know? Jerry Dawnson, by the way, and you are?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:21 pm

"Kristen Baum. So, you're a scientist, eh? No shortage of those around here. So, what're you researching?" Glancing back and forth between Jeridan and the shelf, she grabs a copy of something called 'Shutterbug' and slipping it into her basket.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:23 pm

Go for it, he said, while feigning interest in the supplied. If you get stuck, I'll hop in - oh, and we're studying life on the island.

The shopkeeper spoke before he could say anything, and Spob turned back to him. "Oh, only a few days," he said. "We shouldn't need too much - as long as we don't get lost, that is."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:02 pm

Your call whether you want to do this face to face, Kelne sent, I figured this would be the least obtrusive means of making contact, though. As to the plan, well, we've been asked to shut down the Isle of Marke base. Apparently they're holding some rather dangerous things there and trying to adapt them to their own purposes. And that's just the stuff D-52 knows about. No doubt there's even worse being cooked up. His tone conveyed a good degree of cynicism about the odds of this being in any way simple or straightforward.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:20 am

As the others do their thing, Pandemic seems to be spacing out. After a moment, she slowly turns her gaze to Deeum, staring with peircing green eyes, before whispering:

"My esophagus is made of bees."

After that, she turned back to the conversation, though it seemed to be going over her head like a jetliner over low-rent housing.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:50 pm

Well, he had her interest now. What the hell was shutterbug? He'd ask Spob later, and try not to pay attention to it just now: Wouldn't want her to start up a conversation about it and have the totally normal and completely human Jerry Dawnson slip up on some common slang term.

"We're having a look at the local wild life, studying and recording, the like. Yourself?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:45 am

10 silent seconds pass with the waitress staring at Pandemic, before she finally speaks up. "...I think I'll give you two another minute to think things over." She heads off to another table, giving the disguised elemental more than a few glances back along the way. Meanwhile, Kasden replies to Ken, a feeling of surprise and amusement still tainting his thoughts. It certainly is unobstrusive, yes. But if they're going to be doing this sort of thing regularly, I hope they'll consider putting a ringer on it or something. Who knows what I might be thinking about when someone pops in? With a short mental laugh, Kasden gets his order, starting in on it with a friendly nod to his server. Anyway, then I take it you're going to be needing some help getting over to the island without perking the ears of security? I might be able to help you out with that, but we'll have to be careful; don't want to end up dangling from my ankles and inside out in the middle of the forest, after all.

Dominik nods to Spob, pointing him down the shelf. "There's plenty of canned goods, freeze-dried stuff, things like that here. Shouldn't be hard to get plenty for a short excursion like that. Make sure you bring water with you too, though; the stuff out there's still contaminated. Even the rainwater's not especially safe to drink. Probably won't kill you, but it can make you pretty sick. How are you for shelter?"

Across the store, Kristen continues her chat. "Oh...requisitions, goods import. I work for an outfit that's got a branch not far from here. Gets so cooped up there that I've got to get into town every so often, and...well, this is the closest thing to 'town' around this area." She laughs. "Not exactly what I would have chosen, but it's where they put me. This continent's always given me the creeps, honestly. Of course, it's given most everyone the creeps, especially after all that stuff a couple years ago; I still can't believe people actually live here long term. You settling in for the long haul here?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:37 am

That would be the general idea, Kelne sent, Any ideas on layout, security and suchlike would be greatly appreciated, though I wouldn't want you doing anything that puts you at risk. Well, more risk. Gods knew the man was in for a seriously large amount of peril if he was ever exposed as a spy.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:27 am

"Right, right..."

Spob nodded along with the clerk until he mentioned the topic of shelter. He smiled sheepishly, and said, "Well, we have something...but can we take a look at your tents? You might have something better."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:35 pm

The continent was supposedly an oddity, filled with all manner of creatures that were considered strange and maybe frightening, or so he'd come to understand. Best to agree with her about it.

"I know what you mean. Anyway, I'm not sure actually; We're here as long as Rob, our brave leader on this expedition, says. It might not be fun, but it's for science. But enough about me; What outfit are you with?"

Something felt subtly wrong about what he'd just said, but he was having trouble picking it out. Or maybe it was in his imagination. Either way, he tried not to look nervous. He'd gotten rusty since transferring out of the under cover group...

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:01 am

Well, I don't know how much I can communicate to you like this. If we can arrange a more proper meeting later tonight, though, I think I can give you plenty to sink your teeth into. Halfway through his meal already, Kasden glances down and takes a small device out of his pocket, studying it carefully. How many of you are there, anyway? They send another solo agent, or do we have a whole team waiting in the wings to strike?

"Oh, of course! You might be surprised to know out here in the boondocks, but we've got the latest in weatherproofing and climate-controlled tent technology here." He points Spob towards a series of boxes stacked along the wall, letting him look them over and read the listed features. "Light enough to tote easily, but guaranteed 100% sealed against the elements. Keep out the rain, and holds heat nicely; the nights can get pretty chilly here, after all. We've got pup tents, two-man, and four-man models, which ones would you be looking at?"

Over by the reading material, Kristen chuckles; whatever Jeridan thinks came out wrong, she doesn't seem to have picked up on it any. "I'm with Synergy, Incorporated. We're a research and development firm. Electronics, mostly. Not exactly prestigious, I know."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:21 am

A meeting sounds good. You pick the spot; I'm new in town. There's seven of us in all, but a couple will be sitting out the actual mission. Idran wasn't in any condition to be storming an outpost, and would certainly admit as much. Annie would most likely stay with him, but somehow he doubted he was lucky enough to be so easily rid of Pandemic. It probably said something bad about him that he hadn't even batted an eye at the oesophagus full of bees until he'd noted the waittress's reaction.

Once again, he waited until Kasden wasn't eating or drinking anything before going on, Incidentally, I'm the one in blue, at the table with the two kids.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:40 am

"Oh, that's great!" Spob's enthusiasm was genuine, and he said, "I think two of the four-man tents should be enough."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:41 pm

Kasden makes a quick glance around the room, and his eyes meet Kelne's for just an instant before he goes back to his business. There's a shallow cave about five miles dead west just inside the woods, I scouted it out when I arrived. The rock's thick enough that it's comm- and scan-blind, and I've been keeping the wildlife away from it. Get there at 11 tonight, I'll be waiting. You bring the drinks, I'll bring the snacks.

"Excellent!" Grinning, Dominik pulls two boxes from the rack, adding them to the growing pile of supplies in the small pushcart. "Will this be all? All told, you've got about...250 credits-worth of goods here, I'm not sure what sort of price range you're looking at. I wouldn't want you to go over your budget, get you some ill words from the guys back home."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby NebulaQueen » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:07 am

350 credits? That wasn't bad at all, considering how much they were given.

"No, no, that's fine. Do you take credit?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:37 am

Done, Kelne sent, ending the conversation, "Well, that's that sorted," he said quietly, "You two want desert, or shall we be on our way?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:16 pm

"Of course!" Dominik grins, leading Spob back to the front. He can spot Jeridan down the aisle, still chatting up the Synergy employee. No one's been shot yet, so things must be going pretty well. His attention's soon brought back to the register, however, as the store owner rings him up and points out a small console on the edge of the counter. "Just swipe it there and sign."

Deeum nods her head at Kelne, grinning. "Pudding, please!"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:30 pm

Pandemic thrusts a fork into the air, proudly proclaiming "I like pudding!"

In a much quieter voice, she leans over to Deeum and asks, "What the hell is pudding?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:41 am

Kelne shook his heaad and waved over the waitress to take their orders. With the meeting set up and the tour of town already done, there was little remaining but to meet up with the others again.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:15 am

Well, that confirmed some of what he already knew. And she didn't seem to think he'd said anything strange. Maybe he could relax a little. Now to get her to expand on things a bit, without being suspicious. Well, be vague and hope for the best.

"Synergy? I've heard they're pretty big. What could they want in this God forsaken place?"

Maybe not the most subtle, but the common man wasn't particularly subtle, was he?

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:15 am

Kristen shrugs. "Solitude, I guess? A place away from the Empire and the Alliance, or something? I'm not exactly high up enough to know these sorts of things. I talk to people and buy supplies, that's pretty much the limit of my duties." Grabbing one last item from the shelf, she gives Jeridan a smile. "I should be heading off. I wouldn't mind talking some more tonight, though. If you're not going to be running off into the woods before that, at least. What would you say to dinner?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:10 pm

On the one hand, he could use this time to regroup with Spob and the others, and figure out better what he was going to talk to her about; What to ask to learn more. On the other hand, this sounded a whole lot like a date. Jeridan was a married man. Jerry Dawson was a widower, but she didn't know that. She didn't seem like she knew much more about her employer, either. Well, that was pretty simple then. He had no idea when he was leaving, but he had an idea that might work just as well.

"Nah, I'm gonna have to beg off. At least in the early evening. I promised my girls I'd read to them tonight."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:55 pm

The comment gives Kristen a slight shock, but after a moment's silence she quickly recovers. "Oh, you have kids? Are you married, then?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:21 pm

"I was, yes. Sophia passed on when our girls were both still just infants. They're off getting lunch now with a friend of mine, or else they'd be all but attached to my coat tails."

This part, at least, was easy. He had a son back home now, and it was easy enough to think of him while talking to get the appropriate expressions. It might have been more difficult if his mind was constantly going back to the weird plague elemental thing that was tagging along with Deeum and Kelne right now.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:18 am

"Oh, I'm sorry." She looks on Jeridan sadly, suddenly feeling a great deal more awkward. "I didn't realize...not that I guess there's any way I could have. But still..." She shakes her head, forcing a smile. "Well, maybe I'll see you around, then. I'll be here until tomorrow. Have fun tonight." And with a wave, she starts off.

I'll jump to that evening some time tomorrow (if I can remember to this time around), before the meeting with Kasden, for everyone to reconvene and discuss plans. And once it looks like people are ready to move ahead from there, I'll jump to the meeting.

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:15 am

Later that day, as the sun begins to dip low in the sky, the Gaerans reunite outside down at their camp in the woods a couple miles outside town. The first to arrive sees Idran sitting down on the ground next to Annie, resting against a tree; though he seems eager to help the group set up camp, he relents to Annie's protests and mostly stays out of things as camp is made. Compared to the wilderness expeditions made in the past, it's almost too extravagant - weather-proofed bedrolls, canned food, insect repellent - but it's something few are likely to complain about.

After things are set up, it's just about dinner time, and cooking begins. Insistent at doing something besides watching clouds drift around, Idran heads to the fire and starts cooking for the party. "So, what happened in town? Have we gotten anywhere just yet?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Besyanteo » Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:53 pm

"I had a chance to talk to a Synergy employee. I didn't learn much, just that they're out here and apparently aren't working to hide it. She said she does requisitions and purchases, so I doubt she has much influence. If we have a reason to talk to her again, though, she seems friendly enough."

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:04 pm

Idran nods. "It might be better that she's not a major employee, even. Less reason for her to be suspicious. Any sort of connection to Synergy could be useful, but the less it might blow our cover, the better." He looks across the rest of the party. "How about the rest of you?"

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Re: Beyond Time and Space

Postby Kelne » Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:26 pm

"Well, we've made contact with Kasden," Kelne said, "We've set up a meeting for 11 tonight in a cave in the woods about five miles west of town. I daresay we ought to be able to get a decent amount of information on the base. Whether it's enough is of course another matter."


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