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Unread postby Nakibe » Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:49 pm

Hatsumi really wasn't taking this whole losing thing well, was she? Ah, well. "I'd definitely say that Pacing-Gusts-of-Wind is the victor. And a rather interesting riddle at that, I'd say." It really WAS a rather clever riddle at that, or so Alex thought, "Trees, although also our charge, aren't supporting us currently. Nope, not bad at all" He muttered to himself. The best ones always did make you think a bit.

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Unread postby darthapples » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:52 pm

Sammy took a quick second to think of the pictures of strip mining and all of the other ways that people were always trying to destroy the earth, or the ways people were always trying to protect it, and smirked. She thought of ribbing Hatsumi but decided that the shame of loosing was bad enough. She did however get into a more defensive stance, placing something solid at her back and giving herself plenty of room to move if Hatsumi decided to show herself even less worthy to lead...
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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:56 am

I won.

...Oh, shit.

Adolph hadn't wanted leadership of the pack. He'd never intended to have it. He'd expected to go into this challenge, for Hatsumi to best him and show her worth in front of the pack, and for there to be no--or at least less--room to suspect she might be unfit, and they'd all go about their days.

It wasn't supposed to have come out like this. But there were rules--he challenged, and he succeeded. He couldn't just concede that point; that would be insulting to the whole pack, and maybe more. His mind raced.

"A....well. Are there any other challenges for leadership?" he asked of the group.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Christian » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:45 pm

Sammy gave Greene a long, hard stare before she stood up and shook her head a bit. Mentally she was torn between storming off, which was the perfect teenager thing to do when you were cornered and had no real reason to act like the world just handed you a bunch of grapes, and remaining there to see what their newly appointed alpha would do.

She blinked as she heard the strangely uncomposed remark from Adolph and wondered silently whether he hadn't expected this result. She felt a small bit of relief realizing that she was out of the game, but only a little.

She didn't seem inclined to follow Greene's advice either, as she remained in Crinos. Perhaps she felt that any such change would be giving in to the fact that she lost, or perhaps she'd simply not picked up the small hint.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:55 pm

Oh shit.

Doc wasn't worried about Adolph's new role, but she sure as hell was worried about the results. Her eyes widened as she saw Greene prepare himself, and she knew he had the same worries and thoughts running through his head that she did. The problem was Hatsumi; the girl who had once been a meek, if somewhat large and furry newcomer was now bristling with anger. If the smartmouth little brat was what started the fire, then the loss was that fed it. And the Crinos form? From what Gram told her (not to mention personal experience), Crinos form was just a jug of gasoline teetering near the counter, threatening to spill over and make the whole house explode.

Hatsumi didn't seem to take the hint, and Doc doubted that anything short of a strict order (or beatdown) would make her change back. And Gusts aka Adolph aka Man You are Fucking Huge for a Wolf, current head honcho, didn't seem to notice anything was the matter. There wasn't any way she could bring it up, what was she supposed to do, wave her arms and go 'ooh ooh, I think Hatsumi's gone batshit!' They might be able to wait for her to cool off, and everything would be dandy, but if she snapped...

Doc didn't want to think about it. She did, however, know one thing: she might have to take matters into her own hands.

The teen cleared her throat, and raised her hand in the air. "Yo." The simple greeting was followed by a small, confident, but friendly grin, and she put one hand on her hip as she lowed her raised hand down to point at Adolph. "I, Doc Martins of the Local Municipal Junk Heap, challenge you, Adolph Pacing-on-Gusts-Winds, for leadership. Same judge as before. Choose how you wanna do this."

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:17 pm

Doc's no-nonsense approach was appreciated, given the circumstances, though it may not be precisely according to traditions. Adolph's tail and ears perked up a bit at the challenge, and he nodded at her proposition of terms.

"A race, then. To that lone tree over there, and back," he declared, indicating a, well, lone tree over there. "Greene, when we are ready, please throw this twig into the air. When it lands, we shall begin."

As he awaited Doc's preparations, Adolph himself shifted into his more natural wolf form; a shape more well-suited for fleetness of foot.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:35 pm

Well, there was no way she could beat him like this. ...then again, she wasn't sure she could beat him in any other form. Her natural shape was too slow, but a true wolf form was too clumsy; even with all her practice, she was still a klutz on four legs, especially compared to someone who lived his entire life like this.

She sighed, before she started to shift into Crinos. The small girl began to grow and stretch, muscles bulging out and fur sprouting where neither existed. Her mouth elongated into a wolf's snout full of fangs as sharp as a knife's edge, and clothing ripped as her frame bulked up. The human known as Doc let out a low howl, and stood as a tall, mottle furred powerhouse of speed and strength. She didn't like this shape - heck, it downright scared her - but it was the best one for the job. It could move a helluva faster than a mere human, while still lumbering around on two legs. Perfect.

Doc picked off the last shreds of cloth, while thinking idly that damnit, she liked that shirt. She then positioned herself, readying for a sprint, and turned her head towards Greene. With a short nod, she said, in a gruff, almost unfamiliar voice, "Ready."

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:49 pm

Green took the stick, and then nodded.

"Alright then. Get ready, folks."

Without further to-do or silliness one might expect from a homid, Greene tossed the stick into the air. Adolph and Doc both readied themselves... The stick hit the ground. They dashed!

It was clear after only a few yards that Adolph was well in the lead. Both he and Doc were giving it their best, but Adolph was simply much faster. He reached the tree in what felt like a few heartbeats, and Doc lumbered up not longer after.

"Two times a winner, Pacing-on-gusts-of-wind!"

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:33 pm

Adolph was starting to get used to the idea of leading. I mean, if it was going to be so easy to win, it was only right that the fittest guide them. Was this the spirits' plan? To put these poor souls in his charge? Maybe not--and Adolph hoped not. It was hard to remain humble, though, with the track record he was starting on.

"Any other challenges, before I speak with the elders?" he asked, less tentatively than before.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby darthapples » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:53 pm

Sammy looked thoughtfully at the ground, moving a small stone about with her toe. She didn't think that she had started all this, but surely she hadn't helped the situation any. She couldn't help but think that ... well, anyone would have to do a better job leading than the hot headed Hatsumi, and respect was something that had to be earned, not handed out merely by accident of the moon you were born under. Her soul thrilled watching the two very different types of wolves running full out. The beauty of it nearly bringing her to tears. She looked at Adolpf with a strange sort of pride when he won. She decided that he was a good doggie, and she would keep him safe, no matter what. She decided that she liked all of these people, and would do her very best to help them through the trials to come. She had a sinking suspicion that they would need all the help they could get. If the rest of the world didn't get them they would get themselves...
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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:17 am

Alex looked over at Adolph. The wolf seemed somehow... unused to being in charge. Part of him wondered if, just maybe, he should let Adolph lead. Its said after all that the people who are most suited to leading are the ones that don't want the job. Ah, well. If the wolf (somehow he SEEMED young, though Alex was no expert on wolven ages) could manage just once more, perhaps...

"I, Alexander, challenge you for the right to lead this pack." He smiles, just a little. Either way this went he figured he would be amused with the outcome.

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Unread postby Christian » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:09 am

Hatsumi had observed the short and informal challenge between Doc and Adolph in silence, and she had remained standing while doing so, arms folded in front of her and a nigh-visible cloud of grumpy hovering over her head. She didn't seem at the brink of exploding just yet though, or if she was she gave no signs but the occasional twitch of a tail or the flick of an ear.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:00 am

Adolph nodded to Alex. "Let the whole of the pack be the judge, then, for our competition is to be that of lore. Let he who tells the best story of his tribe be the victor. Is this acceptable?"

((Since our backstories are somewhat meager, I am down with this being dierolled instead of roleplayed out, if that is preferred.))
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:04 pm

"That's just fine with me," said Alex without hesitation. It was a smart choice for a challenge, really, considering how little they knew about each other. That just meant that now he would have to come up with a decent story....

(Perfectly fine with me, honestly. It also saves me hours of trying to hammer a story together. >:P )

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:02 pm

Adolph and Alex both share rousing tales of their tribal history and their foundings. They are so good, in fact, that the first contest is declared a draw, and they must each tell another story. Adolph relates what would have been a very interesting tale about a very courageous garou amongst the Silent Striders... But he can't seem to recall the garou's name, or just when it happened.

Alex goes on to talk about a metis named Crazed-Under-Luna's-Full-Face, who is famous amongst the Children of Gaia for safeguarding one of the tribe's sacred Caerns. While most of the rest of the tribe was away, investigating a false lead on a most heinous and powerful Wyrm Bringer, two Fomori attacked. The others left to defend the Caern were slaim, but Crazed-Under-Luna's-Full-Face managed to singlehandedly fighting off both fomori! Mortally wounded in his epic battle, he died before his sept mates returned and discovered what had happened. If not for the aid of the spirits, who told the story to the clan elders that same night, Crazed-Under-Luna's-Full-Face's story would have gone unsung. He was honored for three days and three nights in song and dance without break or pause.

The contest went to Alex.

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Unread postby darthapples » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:27 pm

Sammy sat "Indian style" on the ground while the stories were being told. She was entranced the entire time and cheered when Alex finished his story.
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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:58 pm

Adolph was conflicted, again. He was disappointed in his loss, but happy that someone else had bested him for the name of leader. It was perhaps fitting, too, that the new leader be the judge for all the previous competitions. Still, his pride was somewhat injured. He caught himself in his arrogance, and lowered his head slightly to Alex. "Well done," he lauded simply.

Seeing that there was no challenge from Sammy, the only one present who hadn't issued a challenge, Pacing-on-gusts-of-wind figured the matter was probably finished, and stepped in a way to remove himself from between Alex and the sept Elders, tail tucked only slightly between his legs.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Christian » Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:42 pm

Hatsumi seemed to squeeze her arms tighter for a second, then relaxed and broke into a small smile towards Alex.

"Congratulations." she said calmly, seemingly a lot more in control of herself.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:41 am

"Eh?" Alex was certainly expecting to give Adolph a run for his money, but not to win the contest. "Er, Thanks." I think Somehow challenging Adolph seemed like a much better idea before he actually contemplated the thought of winning the challenge. Still, he was in charge now, however strange it seemed to him, and he should act like it. Staff meetings with drab suits at least taught him how to put on a decent face for some of this...

"Well, are there any more challenges to take care of before I go to receive our mission from the Elders?"

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Unread postby darthapples » Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:33 pm

"Ummm... This doesn't seem quite right...." Sammy stared at the ground as she said the words. "You only had to beat Adolph, where as Adolph had to beat everyone else. Shouldn't you have to go against Hatsumi and Alex as well?? I mean if they still want to be leader??"
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Unread postby Christian » Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:21 pm

Hatsumi waved a hand impatiently, as if forcing away smoke or a bad smell, "I lost, so I consider myself out of the game for now. Adolph beat me, Alex beat Adolph, so Alex bested me..." She gave a shrug, "Of course I'd like to be leader, but I'd also like for us to get whatever mission, quest... thing our Elders have in plan for us without any more delays."

She leaned her back against the tree, "perhaps I'll try to challenge Alex later on, but for now it would just look bad, I think..."

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Unread postby darthapples » Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:31 pm

"I would think if you were going to do it, now would be the time. However your other thinking makes sense. Thank you for explaining and not just waving me off."
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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:56 pm

Barring intervention from Doc or Green, it looked like speaking to the Elders was Alex's duty this day.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:55 pm

Greene held his silence.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:42 am

"Well, if no one else wishes to challenge me for now, then I shall head over to the elders to ask them what our mission will be." said Alex, and headed off to go do just that...

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:30 am

"Congratulations, Alex." While her loss stung her pride, Doc was in good spirits. This was one hell of a show. Her blood practically boiled with excitement and energy-

Okay wait no bad. This form was messing with her head - she was getting too excitable. Doc paused to slip into something a little more human, and smiled as she felt her form shrink, her body relax, and the cool air against her skin-

...which was when she realized she was missing something besides size and mass. She was also missing a pair of pants. Crap! Doc blushed, before she calmly walked to where she left her blanket-skirt-sarong thing. She wrapped it around herself, acting like it was the most natural thing in the world, and watched as Alex went to get the news. In all honest, Doc would've liked a top, but she could deal. Hey, boobs, whoop-de-doo. It wasn't anything worse than a Natural Geographic. She casually crossed her arms, and waited.

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Unread postby Christian » Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:05 am

Hatsumi gave a casual shrug, her huge form making it much more obvious than perhaps intended. It didn't really look as if she enjoyed the company of the small, annoying kid, but at least she wasn't planning murder any more. She tried to hold back a smile as Doc came to realize that she was missing something. Her eyes darted over to Greene, expecting some kind of reaction. She didn't know much about guys, but enough to know most usually got uncomfortable around naked girls. She'd had her incident as well, but that'd been with just a few of her tribal kin.

"And that's why I don't go homid, Greene." her tone came out a bit more sourly than she wanted.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:48 pm

Guess who isn't wearing clothes! If you guessed Adolph, you'd be right. Adolph, who perpetually found it odd that somehow, human females only had two nipples. He tried not to stare. So weird.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby darthapples » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:56 pm

"Ooh I got it!!" Sammy dug into her pockets and came out with a purple t-shirt. It was a medium, and had a sparkly picture if My Little Pony on it, but it was relatively clean. "Will this help?? I always try to keep extras for mishaps like this..." Sammy blushed slightly as she offered the shirt to Doc
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:17 pm

Greene smirked at Hatsumi.

"Ah, so you're insecure about your body. No worries. You'll get over it pretty quick. Probably the first time you have to visit a Children of Gaia controlled moot. You've never seen so much flesh all in one place."

Alex went to speak with the elders, who had waited patiently, and dealt with other matters while the various new packs developed a pecking order for themselves.

"Do you speak for your pack, young warrior?"

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:07 pm

Doc took the sparkly t shirt, not because she felt awkward or anything like that (she was completely 100% confident in her body, thankyouverymuchshutupGreene). It was because the kid had offered it, and was being polite for once. She couldn't just snub it when she was being helpful, could she? No, that'd be mean. Of course she couldn't.

Without further adieu, Doc tugged it over herself, and felt like she had taken a trip back in time to the early 90s. Or to one of those "ironic" shirt stores in the mall. "Thanks."

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Unread postby Christian » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:12 pm

Insecure about...

The anger that had simmered down suddenly exploded like a volcano inside her. What's with this guy? Had someone taped a note saying "Official Pack Punching bag" on her back?

"Where the hell do you get off?" she growled loudly at Greene, her claws digging into the pits of her arms. It took all her will not to move from where she stood. There were a hundred things she wanted to let him know, most of them involving how she wouldn't stand to be verbally abused like that. Angry as she was though, she could only manage to glare at him, her mouth half-open in case her mind connected to her vocal cords.

"You want me to streak around as well, like this was some kind of nudist community!? Well, too bad, I can't! I can't change into anything else, are you happy now!?" She gave a slight shiver as she confessed, this wasn't at all how she wanted to meet her new pack mates. She was angry, frustrated and confused, and it literally radiated from her. "Now could you please get off my back!"

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:34 pm

Greene had started a little when Hatsumi had shouted, and indeed a great many Garou at the moot had glanced over to see just what the hell was up. However, seeing no claws flying or blood on the ground, most quickly go back to their own business. Greene laughed nervously.

"What do you mean you can't change? Of course you can. It's not like..."

He stopped short, and looked up at the full moon, and from the moon back to Hatsumi. He honestly looked ashamed now.

"... Oh. Gaia, I'm sorry. I'll shut up now."

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Unread postby Christian » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:40 pm

Hatsumi said nothing but her eyes dropped down to look at the ground. It wasn't really a big deal... he'd probably heard it from someone from her tribe, and it wasn't as if she was keeping it secret...

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:40 am

"I do, honored Elder," replies Alex. For as long as they'll have me, anyway. Not sure how well any of this is going to work out, but... I'll see in a bit, I suppose.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:41 pm

The elder nods gravely to Alex.

"You bear a heavy responsibility. Weigh your decisions as heavily, and all will be well.

"Your pack is still untested, as are each of those freshly joined this night. You can not be sent into the fray before your claws are sharpened and your senses honed... You must gain experience to join the months of training and tutelage you have received.

"A week and a half's travel north of this place, you will find an abandoned manor. Humans will not go near it, because it is plagued with mischievous spirits... It is nothing for Garou to fear, but it will offer some challenge in achieving your objective:

"Inside the manor there is a small fetish, a single playing card. The spirits will try to keep it from you; Return to this place by the next moot, thirty days from now, with or without the card. Go in the forms opposite your breed: Lupus for Homid, Homid for Lupus. Return as you wish. You needn't have concern for human interference; This place is still of no interest to them.

"Go tell your pack, and leave when you are all ready."

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:45 pm

Taking in all that the elder had said, he thanked him and set about finding the rest of the pack (HIS pack, his mind supplied), hopefully in one piece and not all broken and bruised on the lawn...

Seeing that they hadn't all gone and done something terrible was a good sign, at least. We'll see if that holds up, though. he thought before settling in to tell them what was about to happen.

"Well, I've now been told our mission. We're supposed to get a fetish in the form of a playing card from a mansion about a week-and-a-half north from here. The mansion is abandoned because its full of spirits. Oh, and we were told to go in the forms opposite our breed, and that we must return by the next moot."

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Unread postby Christian » Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:34 am

Hatsumi looked up as Alex returned and listened silently to his explanation. Trying her best to put recent events behind her she gave a nod and stretched a bit, suppressing a yawn. She had no idea what time it was, but she'd learnt to trust her body when it said "Bedtime."

"Forms opposite of our breed?" she repeated as Alex finished, "well, that's going to be interesting..." she realized to her embarrassment that since coming here, she'd spent very little time in the wolf form she was capable of assuming. She'd only just managed to walk on all four, and had decided to train with it more later on... which she of course hadn't.

And a haunted cabin... she hadn't believed in ghosts in a long time, but werewolves, vampires... what next, mummies? She was sceptical, but she guessed she had to see it for herself.

"When are we going? Right away?" she didn't doubt this was a very likely directive given to them, up and away with your youthful spirit.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:37 am

"We're going when everyone is ready to do so. Hopefully after I'm sure I won't fall on my face again." So far Alex had spent only enough time in Lupus form to get used to the idea of having four paws rather than two hands and two feet. Probably he should get used to it again, at least, although Alex DID find himself wondering just what the elder had in mind when this was suggested.

A little late, he wondered if it was a good idea to let the others know that he wasn't so used to being in wolf form, but the words wouldn't return to his throat now.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:22 pm

Adolph himself was not so used to being Adolph and not Pacing-on-Gusts-of-Wind. He'd spent some time getting used to this 'clothes' business and learning enough of the regional language ("English," wasn't it? A silly name, when they weren't in England at all), and his natural balance had served him very well, though he hated the cold chill of hairlessness and the dullness of the human senses. And he couldn't clean himself.

But the elders' word was the elders' word, and without another mention, he shifted slowly and deliberately through the forms into Man. Standing tall, he was 6' 2", fit but not necessarily muscular, with the sort of slender, long face and blonde hair that might lead some to believe he was Scandinavian. His eyes showed a sort of skepticism or scrutiny, though whether this was affectation or merely his facial construction was not readily discernible.

"When it is that you are ready," he said, deliberately, clearly faking confidence.

((Hey. I want detailed descriptions of lupine appearances, too. Equality, bitches!))
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru


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